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15716290 No.15716290 [Reply] [Original]

Why do many people want to be YouTubers or influencers these days? Back in my day as a kid, we romanticized being astronauts, scientists, doctors, and engineers. What happened?

>> No.15716297

they are lazy and stupid. getting paid to just be lazy and stupid is very appealing to people who are lazy and stupid

>> No.15716302

Over socialization leads to a neurotic constant need for external validation. Instead of trying to master your environment through physical manipulation, the perceived safe path is to control your environment by controlling how others perceive you.

>> No.15716305

kids worship what the people around them worship. pretty much everyone of all ages spends a huge amount of their time worshipping screens, so of course kids are gonna think that's important.

>> No.15716317

>What happened?
Cold War ended

>> No.15716456

Why would anyone want to be an astronaut? Astronauts don't explore anything or learn anything, they literally follow directions given to them over communication devices, and at their behest throw themselves into a void that is by it's very definition absolute nothingness. Peak baby boomer psychology when you think about it.

>> No.15716478
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>we romanticized being astronauts, scientists, doctors, and engineers
astronauts stopped exploring space because we prefer to babysit people who can't build a functioning civilization on their own
scientists are paid like shit and won't ever be able to afford basic things they should be able to have in their lives, like stable homes of their own since they spend half their time begging for money from people stupider than them
doctors are overworked and perpetually so tired their eyes are about to fall out of their skulls, and the ones who survive are the ones who just don't give a shit and want you to get out of the room asap on whatever bullshit medication they get kickbacks to prescribe to you to make your symptoms go away regardless of whether they treated the fundamental cause
engineers barely even exist in the west anymore, an entire generation of kids grew up wanting to make cool stuff only to realize those opportunities are long gone since we shipped all our manufacturing overseas to a nation that hates us and now those kids who wanted to make robots and build electrical equipment are stuck being codemonkeys and probably doing bullshit jobs where nobody would really notice if the job no longer existed at all

>> No.15716480
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>Why do many people want to be YouTubers or influencers these days?
>Back in my day as a kid, we romanticized being astronauts, scientists, doctors, and engineers.
The people who want to be YouTubers or influencers are NOT the kids who wanted to be astronauts, scientists, doctors, and engineers in your day.

The people who want to be YouTubers and influencers now are equivalent of the people who wanted to be models and actors and VJ's/radio DJ's/whatever in your day.
They're easy jobs.

No education required.
No sacrifice.
No effort.
You don't even have leave your comfort zone: you just talk or not even that, just take video or pics of yourself or things, somewhere.

Zero value, but this kind of person doesn't think about value.

>> No.15716542
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You do realize that you can be a Youtuber and an scientist / doctor / engineer and at some point an astronaut at the same time right OP

>> No.15716674

>Peak baby boomer psychology when you think about it.
You are so retarded, kill yourself.
People precisely belief astronauts do the FIRST part of what you stated, i.e. they are explorers. They aren't trying to become astronauts just so they can follow headset orders.
And then you retarded little brain makes a statement this somehow indicates anything about people's psychology? According to the psychology, they WANT to be explorers.

>> No.15716721
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I dunno, but somebody better send me some donos

>> No.15716733

Absent a very specific context, when a kid says, "I want to be a YouTuber!" it is extremely unlikely they mean, "I want to be a Youtuber and an scientist / doctor / engineer and at some point an astronaut at the same time!"

>> No.15716737

Yes, it's much more likely they want to be a vanlife, travel vlogger or shill makeup on their channel than be a science or engineering communicator.

>> No.15716740
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>Peak baby boomer psychology when you think about it.
Pretty amusing you can be so incorrect in your assesment of "boomer psychology" AND totally incorrect in your description of what an astronaut does.
Don't want to assume, but it seems as if you get your ideas about these things from Hollywood movies.

>> No.15716771
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odds, of course, are thatthey most likely want to do the same as the most popular influencers and YouTubers.
Take a look and be amazed at how many of these people are "scientists / doctors / engineers / astronauts":



>> No.15716778

This. It's not that hard to understand.

>> No.15716795 [DELETED] 

nobody ever wanted to be a scientist or engineer except for the train driving kind, nerd jobs are fallback ideas for people who fail to convert on their true desires, such as being a chad professional athlete.

>> No.15716809

Probably a lack of mentors and support structures.