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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15713642 No.15713642 [Reply] [Original]

Telescope edition

previous: >>15711215

>> No.15713651


>> No.15713655

Second for cubic kilometer SeX station

>> No.15713672

good content, terrible commentary.
Bring back matter-of-fact flat affect explanations.

>> No.15713699
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>> No.15713705

If starship was hydrologgs it would lift 500 tons

>> No.15713719


Will it fly now?

>> No.15713730
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Clear Live

>> No.15713734

People on mars will go crazy within half a year and kill themselves

>> No.15713737
File: 860 KB, 320x568, ssstwitter.com_1693664318657.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>India propaganda video features US Atlas V
it's over

>> No.15713738
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I'm gonna do that here.

>> No.15713743

more like features the entire parker solar probe mission

>> No.15713744

Good, more empty Mars for me. The Red Planet is reserved for like 5000 crazed antisocial loners with wide claims and lots of distance between one another. Normies get off.

>> No.15713747

It would also cost ten times as much and wouldn't work.

>> No.15713752


>> No.15713755

I couldn’t see shit because of the clouds

>> No.15713756

Remove atmosphere

>> No.15713765

Ok, the boom shook my whole building lmao

>> No.15713766

No one can even begin to compete. This is what you call a workhorse

>> No.15713770
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>> No.15713772


>> No.15713773


>> No.15713777

Oh boy, someone made a tiny shower head

>> No.15713778

The novelty will wear off quickly and you will realize that you have to slave away the rest of your life on a freezing empty hellhole with high radiation and thin atmosphere

>> No.15713783

Still better than this shit hole planet.

>> No.15713785

Speak for yourself bozo, I’m going to be living on the moon with my JAXA waifu Ayu Yoneda

>> No.15713786

cool as fuck
finally someone doing non cucked amateur rocketry
hope he upgrades to htp eventually

>> No.15713787

>Vulcan vs. New Glenn payloads to GTO and beyond tell a different story.

And those are?

>> No.15713788


>> No.15713793

>astronaut :/
>astronaut, japan :O

>> No.15713795

The audio only view focused only on the first stage this time. Really shows that they aerodynamically fly that first stage back to the pad.


>> No.15713803
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>5000 crazed antisocial loners with wide claims and lots of distance between one another
Based and Solaria pilled

>> No.15713804

Merlins are amazing. All work no fuss

>> No.15713805

Good, so long as you're not there to bug me

>> No.15713812


>> No.15713817

Consider moving to the outback and living in a hole

>> No.15713818

Too hot, too much O2, spiders and abbos too

>> No.15713820

Great, I slaved away on Earth with the rest of you to get there so I better be allowed to have my own place to work. If you hate it so much then dont come with, Mars is full fuck off.

>> No.15713824

Good, I hope I die too, at least it will have surmounted to something, unlike here where I have to slave away regardless with people all around me that couldn't give a fuck about anything

>> No.15713826

0 tons and 0 tons, respectively

>> No.15713831

A good 90% of you fucks arent even serious about getting off this planet. No faustian spirit in so many of you, just rot here while the rest of us carve a path upwards.

>> No.15713832

That's why I will live in the Tunnels

>> No.15713836

Speak for yourself faggot
I will get off this rock once martian colonization commences

>> No.15713842 [DELETED] 

Just of out of curiosuty what your qualifications? Do you have a degree?

>> No.15713845 [DELETED] 

>implying the Jews will allow goyim on the planet of milk and honey

>> No.15713846
File: 364 KB, 2000x1125, 221110143049-01-bermuda-triangle-challenger-discovery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue collar worker with technical hobbies

>> No.15713847

Are you staying in shape and have an actual job that would be needed in the spaceflight sector? If you dont live long you cant buy that ticket there, and you cant go early if you're not healthy enough and have a SpaceX job.

>> No.15713851

Shouldve just stayed on /pol/, enjoy your vacation.

>> No.15713853

what qualifications do you need to go to an arctic/antarctic research station? I imagine mars would be stricter versions of mostly the same qualifications

>> No.15713855

Youre fucked, if youre 35+ you will never leave this rock.

>> No.15713860

nta but why are most astronauts old ugly and wrinkly then?

>> No.15713863

Mars will be colonized be hikiNEETs.

>> No.15713877
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>> No.15713881

Breaking Taps is one of the best /sci/tubers, and he's getting ito rockets now

>> No.15713888

reminds me of US navy putting chinese ships as their own. the people who make these types of videos probably dont know and dont care if its wrong.

>> No.15713891

>UN logo
what retard made this?

>> No.15713895

These guys judging by the logo in the bottom left.

>> No.15713898

lots of scififags love the idea of humanity being united under a single globohomo government

>> No.15713899
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It looks stupid, Starship is at its most beautiful when it looks like a child's drawing bolted and welded together out of scrapyard parts (always).

>> No.15713903

Yeah but the final factory design for the crew variant window is either going to make it break it in terms of aesthetics

>> No.15713904

you dont need a spaceflight job to colonize mars
you really think that to build humanity 2.0 everyone involved needs to be an aerospace engineer specifically?

>> No.15713906

Someone on Mars needs to wash the dishes and push a broom

>> No.15713910

I hate to break it to you, but the guy washing dishes and pushing a broom is going to have a masters in aerospace engineering

>> No.15713912
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seethe & cope

>> No.15713913

You expect a master aerospace engineer to wash dishes? YOU don't even want to wash dishes, why would he? I'll do it for $12 an hour plus bar tickets

>> No.15713914

Yeah theyd rather have people that can actually do things and occasionally assign them to dish duty as part of their service. They dont need cheap slave labor there unlike on Earth, some of you who are deluded enough to think you can get there without some serious education in a useful field need to come to terms with the fact that you will NEVER get off this rock. Enjoy the fine arts degree!

>> No.15713921

just like the job market, entry level positions require a bachelors or some cases a graduate degree because its so competitive to get a job

>> No.15713926

lol. lmao even. he actually thinks they will pay some retard to go to mars and push a broom. you should be paying them if you have no worth whatsoever to the colony, and in fact you will be because tickets are gonna cost a whole shit load for TOURISTS like you.
entry level positions would be something like 'starship mechanic' and 'hab builder', so youre not wrong on that front. mars will be basically entirely a meritocracy so if you have nothing to offer like blue collar room temp iq up there then you are just a detriment to the colony, like allot of people are in society. and since its mars, jobs that people would do for cheap some will literally probably go in to indentured servitude to spacex for, remember how most people came to america? i know i would do that shit for free if i was some worthless manlet who has no skills (thankfully im not). aspiring wagies need to get this shit through their thick skulls.

>> No.15713960

Post disregarded on grounds of being boring and gay

>> No.15713976

dont say anon didnt warn you, wagie.

>> No.15713978
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>> No.15713987
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You just assured me that I could launch

>> No.15713993

Ahhh yes, I see you know your ESG well

>> No.15714003

We live in a topia

>> No.15714008
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>> No.15714012



>> No.15714013

maybe, but you would be making history and will most likely see the colony evolve first hand

>> No.15714018
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things are progressing


>> No.15714021

it's happening, they're going to do it without FAA approval.

>> No.15714025

the FAA already approved them but isn't going to release the info publicly until T-2 minutes

>> No.15714033
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>> No.15714035

We are so back

>> No.15714038
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>> No.15714039


>> No.15714041
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>> No.15714042
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>> No.15714045
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Ship 25 mods


>> No.15714048

just replace cold with hot lol.
oh no
fucking defeatist demoralizing faggot, kys NOW

>> No.15714050
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>> No.15714051

happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening happening

>> No.15714052

2 weeks bros… it’s over

>> No.15714053
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>> No.15714055


SpaceX is speed

>> No.15714057
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>> No.15714059
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Today i will remind them.

>> No.15714061

lmao cuckvan

>> No.15714065
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Chink lander has a lunar rover now, watch out if you’re on the lunar highway

>> No.15714067

Does this exist in real life?

>> No.15714070

Holy shit they just epoxied the cracked tiles lmao, this shit is gonna blow up in the upper atmosphere one way or another

>> No.15714074
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>> No.15714078

wish other companies were hardware rich instead of being cheap bastards

>> No.15714079
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>> No.15714081

No one else cares, it feels like. They get the sweet sweet taste of that gooberment money before even having launched and they realize they can just run a business model off of that while moving at a turtle’s pace

>> No.15714086
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we will find out if starliner ever gets a crewed mission.

>> No.15714090

Source for the epoxy/clay TPS fill

>> No.15714093

turns out it is that easy in rocketry

>> No.15714097

Companies like spaceX are a fluke, take amazon's blue origin for example.
Bezos put people in power at that company who made their carreer by screwing over it's own employees and cutting cost on everything while getting fat paychecks.
You cant to that in a rocket company.

>> No.15714099

>post yfw it survives reentry intact anyways

>> No.15714100
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stream on now


>> No.15714102

>The novelty will wear off quickly and you will realize that you have to slave away the rest of your life on a freezing empty hellhole with high radiation and thin atmosphere
But enough about alaska

>> No.15714103

Half a month
A fortnight
Fourteen days
Two weeks

>> No.15714104
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>> No.15714106

lmao yet more Astra layoffs happening, I'm getting "fug I got axed" messages on stinkedin

>> No.15714108

everyone, literally everyone: tiles are a mistake
elon: add tiles

>> No.15714110
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>> No.15714111
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>> No.15714113

what do you suggest? tiles are probably the simplest thing you could do
and not really on the critical path for getting into orbit now

>> No.15714114
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>> No.15714118

can't you get those at Home Depot for your faucet?

>> No.15714119

I was just lurking a shitty soi website I will not call out by name, and everyone was complaining that Bob Smith just started the classic “you need to be physically in the office even if your job is remote” thing that corpos do when they need to trim fat
Not that I disagree but it’s still funny seeing the cope from zoomers with zero work ethic, who are all trying to quietly suggest everyone go on strike

>> No.15714121
File: 2.95 MB, 1000x1778, 0815ac8e9b0bab61e432ee454c96a2c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remove the bow ailerons already

>> No.15714124

They could probably be reduced in size but what the fuck is your autism against them? This is like the eight time you’ve posted this

>> No.15714126
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This is a youtube comment tier post.

>> No.15714131

nobody, absolutely nobody for 1 trillion miles:

anon: this is a youtube comment tier post

>> No.15714137

Now THIS is a 4chan tier post.

>> No.15714138

You can see where the housing joins the hull they've had to use bespoke tiles. This is the first time I've posted, so there's at least one other autist who agrees

>> No.15714139
File: 52 KB, 657x542, hovercraft icbm launcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*runs over a tardigrade, doesn't stop to see if its injured*

>> No.15714142

That's awesome

>> No.15714144

>This is the first time I've posted
Damn hahah it must be an industrial autism thing I guess

>> No.15714147

gas van

>> No.15714148

they gotta figure out a fix for this shit and I'm not talking about the tiles

>> No.15714151

it unironically is. also this is how they make carbon composite, they take the carbon strands and glue them together with epoxy

>> No.15714152
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Its a Tom Clancy idea

>> No.15714153

It could be a good opportunity for some materials science fags to create a flexible composite that can survive reentry, it's probably not possible atm though

>> No.15714156

I think that's for the nanotech guys to come up with carbon-carbon aerogels.

>> No.15714157

what about the inflatable heatshield.

>> No.15714159

>flexible composite that can survive reentry
explain why you'd want that. I guess it would make it somewhat easier to apply but once it's on wouldn't you want it to be rigid?

>> No.15714161

We are in desperate need of some memetech breakthrough that gets us high-temperature metallic TPS that doesn’t way a bajillion pounds across the whole ship. Yes it will still eat into the mass margins even if they are “light weight” (relatively speaking, it is metal after all) but right now it’s looking like the tiles are going to be a long term headache even after they get things like orbit and propellant refill working

>> No.15714162

the problem with tiles is they're almost too rigid and crack

>> No.15714163

I would only have to worry about that stuff if i go outside

>> No.15714165

>explain why you'd want that
You could have a contiguous surface over pivoting joints like the wings

>> No.15714169

Must be some Freudian shit of them imagining being penetrated by it.

>> No.15714172
File: 122 KB, 571x831, War in 2080 Andrew Farmer Space colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could put 3 Midgetman missiles on a standard LCAC. They only weigh 14 tons

>> No.15714173

ULA is doing something like that but I think its just for the engines
reusing a inflatable starship sized heatshield sounds very difficult

>> No.15714184

I mean they can just put the fabric on the starship.

>> No.15714191

Suborbital (and even LEO )TPS is way different than interplanetary TPS. You gotta be beefed up to come back from the Moon or Mars

>> No.15714194

you just have to be willing to slow down to LEO speeds before reentering.

>> No.15714201

I figured that was from a large telescope or at least a space based one. Really impressive he is able to get that with his set up

>> No.15714203

So did >we not care about the sun probe launch?

>> No.15714206

That’s retarded, aerobreaking is free compared to bringing extra propellant

>> No.15714212

I just checked the background of the new lunar mission team and they all either have engineering degrees or are military pilots. I'm sorry dude but you're not going to mars

>> No.15714214

Go check the last thread

>> No.15714224

And retards here thought that Booster is going back to the production site

>> No.15714228

That's going to be a tesla bot's job

>> No.15714233

The colonies will be nu dixie land with robot slaves let’s goooooo

>> No.15714235

Eventually everyone with space assets needs to have a solar observatory for warnings about space weather

The US runs something like five or six concurrent heliophysics missions that provide that info and have plans for more

>> No.15714239

>Mason-Dixon Line
>Dixie Land
>Karman Line

>> No.15714244

The launch must be really close if they didn't have time to replace tiles.

>> No.15714261

Wish they'd stop dragging out the misery and go bankrupt already. It's just pathetic at this point.

>> No.15714277

Fuck off KSR, you lack the Faustian spirit.

>> No.15714279

I swear it's just Kemp keeping the company going so he can use the AWS bill on his personal mastercard (yes really the original cloud infra is in that account) for reward points.

>> No.15714287

Ok faggot, I'm already lonely, bored, and without purpose here, at least on Mars I will know I'm part of the first human expansion into the galaxy.

>> No.15714301

what is Chris Kemp like in private?

>> No.15714306

Practicing Satanism

>> No.15714307

Why are seething so hard. It's not like you're going there

>> No.15714309

because your demoralization tactics won't work here cocksucker

>> No.15714310

I don't want to be the first guy on mars. I don't even want to be first 1000. but around 10,000th would be pretty good I think

>> No.15714312


>> No.15714314

fuck you. i am going to mars. i AM going to mars. i AM going to mars SOON. not only that, but i AM going to a BEAUTIFUL TERAFORMED MARS

>> No.15714315

1000 or less is perfect. i would fugg so many qt martianas

>> No.15714316

Kind of a tweaker. I'm pretty sure he was on uppers more often than not at work and I don't mean the espresso machine.

>> No.15714320

I would be fine with going to the moon, but not Mars. Too far, too deadly. Moon tourism would be so kino, take a week off from work to go there for a day and come back.

>> No.15714324
File: 3.42 MB, 4096x4079, F5Co-eOWEAEOUK5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original Starbase is disappearing

>> No.15714328


>Aiming for 10 Falcon flights in a month by end of this year, then 12 per month next year

>> No.15714330

it's over

>> No.15714334

It accomplished it's goal. It was never made to last.

>> No.15714336

as expected, the goal was to figure out how to build it, which they did, so now they're building the actual factory for starship

>> No.15714338


>> No.15714341

Yeah, no one is going to mistake a space anchorite for an actual colonist.

>> No.15714343

So according to CSI nigga, SpaceX is making additional Booster stands (at suborbital pad and Massey's) for static fires.
That makes sense for me, because currently they have to do it on the OLM and that causes delays in work since the whole launch site has to be closed.

>> No.15714344


>> No.15714346
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>> No.15714356

What precautions will there be to protect women from aggressive sexually starved men in the colony?

>> No.15714361

Castration. Fertilization from the seed vault only.

>> No.15714363

Mandatory marriage

>> No.15714364

Elon will provide dedicated rape chambers to keep the birthrate up.

>> No.15714366

I do pipes

>> No.15714369

Genetically engineered vagina dentata

>> No.15714371

lol retard
>college degree
unlike you, I have useful skills

>> No.15714373
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Sorry anon, but this is a couples only colony.

>> No.15714382

nice one, again, your shit wont work in this thread
I know Im not going, but I can see past my nose unlike you

>> No.15714383

Robert, my friend! Please just let me passed this one for old times sake? I don't want to be thrown into the lunar manlet pit!

>> No.15714384

looks good


>> No.15714385

Moon is a harsh mistress society

>> No.15714388
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>5000 antisocial loners
>when you will need to live like sardines and work for like 16 hours a day in highly cooperative dependent tasks

>> No.15714390

A police officer will be stationed at the colony

>> No.15714398

birthing barns

>> No.15714399

You won't need a masters degree in aerospace engineering, but you're going to need a degree in a useful engineering field, or a lot of experience in a useful trade, like a Master level electrician or welder.

>> No.15714403

women will not be coming to mars

>> No.15714406

Or just some better adhesive. These things would be fine if they didn't keep falling off.

>> No.15714411

Ideally you probably want everyone you send there to be useful in some vital role for the colony's survival. You want spares, shipping replacement parts is expensive and time consuming.

>> No.15714413

I see we've left the derision stage and have entered the bargaining stage on Lunar/Martian colonization.

>> No.15714418

We'll need artificial wombs then.

>> No.15714420

>doesnt even name them
Any retard can weld a pipe together you are not special.

>> No.15714423

Mars is a great long term goal, but we need actual infrastructure on and around the moon first. I've been watching the original Gundam shows, they focus mostly around cislunar space and earth, and that seems the most plausible for the foreseeable future. I don't want osteoporosis either, so spinning cylinders are a must.

>> No.15714425

an anon suggested that as someone with only legal experience, I could draft the Martian Constitution. I might get started just for shits

>> No.15714430
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Neuralink controlled Pon Farr. For a few of you, this will mean much less sex. For most, much much more.

>> No.15714431

in artifical bodies
what do you think optimus is for?

>> No.15714434

cant get less than 0

>> No.15714436

Astronomy is spiritually equivalent to the manned flyby: looking (passively, read: gayly) instead of doing

>> No.15714440

Try not to tempt fate, friend.

>> No.15714441
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>> No.15714442
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ISRO just did it again, they shamed every other agency by conquering the Sun just a few days after conquering the Moon.

>> No.15714444

This post: useless and gay

>> No.15714445

robots are for loving

>> No.15714448

Good! They're just increasing the demand for labor on Mars. There will be more bodies to recycle and fewer people to sludgify them. Plus they'll subsidize the costs of colonization for the rest of us by helping to recover the development and infrastructure costs of Starship, the Mars transporter version of Starship and the colony itself.

It just means it will cost me less to go to Mars, go crazy and then kill myself.

>> No.15714455
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>> No.15714456

No one tell him about life on Earth.

>> No.15714459

Don't forget to vote on SN9 launch date


>> No.15714464

The beauty and grandeur of space, and being able to say you were the first human in all history to accomplish something or go somewhere--all entirely within your own imagination.

>> No.15714465
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You mean Space Marshal

>> No.15714466
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US went from no manned spaceflight capability to man on the moon in 8 years.
Assuming Gaganyaan first carries crew in 2025, can india land a man on the moon in 2033?

>> No.15714471

By that argument there would be unskilled workers doing cleaning and routine maintenance on the ISS.
>Isn't it already full of foreigns?

>> No.15714475

They're going to send people with qualifications in two or more essential fields and experience in space, then pad out the rest with engineers and doctors.

>> No.15714478

Its not launching. Ever. Mark my words, CSS and ESGHound will take it out with an ATGM if they have to.

>> No.15714482

I understand why they built the van, but is it really necessary to keep the crew in the van 24/7 until Starliner is ready for their flight?

>> No.15714483
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>> No.15714484

Thanks for reminding me I need to watch this

>> No.15714490

Transpiration sounds great, so it's probably garbage in practice

>> No.15714493

Nope. The entire operation is going to be run by SpaceX which means its a corporation. This is like having the East India Company colonizing an undiscovered area, they are unlikely to draft a constitution.

>> No.15714497

*runs over a tardigrade*
*mission now has surplus food*

>> No.15714502

The wrinkles in the material near joints will surely hold up fine during launch and reentry

>> No.15714507
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Don't let any autism about Io's radiation level get in the way of enjoyment

>> No.15714510

Probably not. Apollo had the kind of funding ISRO can only dream of. India has clearly said that they want to but it's going to have to wait at least until after they have larger launch vehicles. They'll get their crew capsule working first, then manage crew on a small station for a few years, and THEN probably start thinking about the moon. But they are thinking about it. It'll just be late 2030s, at the earliest, if they go with a completely domestic program.

>> No.15714511

they still need rules

>> No.15714517

Now go back

>> No.15714519

remember, a lot of people were saying right after the launch spacex wouldnt launch again until mid-late 2024

>> No.15714526

They underestimated SpaceX's drive

>> No.15714528
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>> No.15714529

What is the ideal sex ratio for Martian colonization?

So long as Mars has sperm banks, men won't be needed for human reproduction proper. On the other hand it may be difficult to find enough skilled workers in some fields without employing men.

Assuming the problem was solved for first generation Martians, would it be necessary to select the sex of embryos for the second generation, or could the ideal ratio be maintained by allowing only female immigrants from Earth in the second and subsequent generations?

Anecdotal evidence suggests that a sufficiently high percentage of females will lead to social problems, but is this true, and if so will it be possible to mitigate?

>> No.15714533

At least ill actually be useful since im studying for an engineering degree and not an economics or philosophy degree like you probably got, faggot

>> No.15714535

50 : 1 female to male ratio
you can't rape the willing

>> No.15714539

Lewd Optimus will be make women obsolete.

>> No.15714538

Also, no blacks

>> No.15714540

the original highbay is coming down next. they need the space for another mega bay

>> No.15714542

Do it!

>> No.15714545
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We'll be eating good soon bros.

>> No.15714548

Do NOT stick your wiener in a Michael Bay transformer. Meat grinders have few spinning metal blades.

>> No.15714553

Good. More megabays means more Starship production which means more launches.

>> No.15714554

Uhh based

>> No.15714561
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>> No.15714566
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>> No.15714568

So since we're probably getting 3 starship flights this year, how many do you think we will get in 2024?

>> No.15714569


>> No.15714571

February 2

>> No.15714574
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>> No.15714576
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New technology aims to put a whole new SPIN on space travel. Get it? Hahahaha

>> No.15714577
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>> No.15714578

Based, but also every bump to Falcon launch cadence is a sign of Starship lagging, since Falcon wasn't supposed to still be launching Starlink by now.

>> No.15714579

>we need to x before y!!!
>pearl clutching about health in space
spincels are so pathetic.

>> No.15714581
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>> No.15714582

I wonder if 2024 or 2025 will be the peak year of the Falcon 9/Falcon Heavy family in terms of launches. It'd be cool if they managed to get in 150-200 Falcon 9 launches in 2025 before starting to drastically reduce the number of Falcon 9 launches for good.
5-10, depending on how quickly they get the first Florida launch site ready

>> No.15714583
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>> No.15714584

Currently roughly 75% of those polled predict a launch in September of 2023, and 25% predict a launch in October of 2023.

>> No.15714586
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>> No.15714587


Kino find

>> No.15714591

Someone stop him?

>> No.15714594

In the past year they built... a fancy gate... wow
I thought we moved past this meme

>> No.15714596
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>> No.15714598

How big is the incoming cash flow for starlink now? Must be in the hundreds of millions by this point. How the fuck did people think it wasn't going to be lucrative?

>> No.15714601

Elon thought (or at least pretended to think) that it wasn't going to be lucrative without starship operational.

>> No.15714611

>MY rocket team

She has done nothing but deepthroat cock. God I fixing hate women.

>> No.15714624

Everybody knew that the potential market for starlink is huge and that it'd be raking in money if they could do it, but they thought it would need Starship first and that put more risk on it. Turns out F9 program just went into overdrive and they probably don't even need Starship.

>> No.15714627

>He's never heard of Alaska

>> No.15714630

I wish journalism would stop stealing so many geniuses from the hard sciences.

>> No.15714637

Mars has less axial tilt than Earth so unlike Alaska there's no sunless winter problem.

>> No.15714648

uh oh, stinky

>> No.15714651

On the job fatality rates will be much higher in Alaska

>> No.15714653

I’ll take my stand in karmie land

>> No.15714654

What if we just make Phobos and Deimos into giant mining colonies for materials to make more orbital stations around Mars. Have the colony literally dig through the entire asteroid.

>> No.15714655

To really maximize Starlink they'll still need Starship. Boosting Falcon 9's flight rate through the roof will help drop costs somewhat, but we're already well into the territory of diminishing returns.

>> No.15714660

If I recall correctly, current record for LC-39A turnaround is 4 days so if they keep it up for a whole year, you get 91 launches from that site alone. And then there is also SLC-40 and Vandenberg. If you apply the same turnaround rate to the rest, you get 273 launches. At least that's the theory, but the peak of their launch rate may soon be hit.
Now I wonder how it will look for Starship, because for now it has only 1 operational launch site (Starbase), 1 in construction (LC-39A) and 1 in planning stage, which is LC-49. Starbase for now has only one pad, can get another one in a few years, LC-39A is already maxed but LC-49 to accomodate at least 2 pads. However, that's very far away, considering that they haven't even finished LC-39A and there is not much progress there for now.
In case of Starbase, current launch rate is limited by ongoing modifications, construction works, static tests, but these are temporary. The current bottleneck is the tank capacity. Last time I read they have enough methane for 1.5 launches and you need a lot of trucks to refill the tank farm.

>> No.15714668

They really should go for it and name it 39C, then when SLS gets canned Starship can launch from 39A, B, and C

>> No.15714669

>not even mentioning regulatory constraints
hi elon.

>> No.15714674

they've already dealt with the regulatory constraints required for lc-49 and lc-39a (for the most part).
getting the ability to do more launches from starbase will be the hard part, but i'm confident they can eventually get the cap raised to something like 50 or higher. it might require an EIS and take until around 2028-2030 though.

>> No.15714675

Wouldn't you try to flee too if you were assigned to a Starliner mission?

>> No.15714680

They cannot find enough payloads to launch 273 times in one year

>> No.15714682

How about Starlink?

>> No.15714683

>if your team pushes ahead of schedule, all of you get a blowjob from Jessie
Seems like she's doing essential work to motivate the teams.

>> No.15714687

Transporter cancelled. Each payload gets a dedicated mission.

>> No.15714688

By the time Falcon 9 could launch 273 times in a year (2026 at this rate), Starship will have entirely taken over starlink launches

>> No.15714689

They’re currently building what, 60-70 launches worth of starlink sats a year? I assume they aren’t sitting on a 3 year stockpile, and I doubt they can quadruple production in the next few years.

>> No.15714693

kuiper and DoD constellation.

>> No.15714694

what is safer:
>manned starliner mission
>manned starlink mission

>> No.15714695

I want to be the guy who frisbees the starlinks out of the slot in starship

>> No.15714702

I take the 200/200 success or whatever rocket.
seriously it's sort of insane, SpaceX has landed more stages successfully consecutively than the best success streak of launches in general of any other rocket

>> No.15714708

based space disc golfer

>> No.15714710

If they try to push for more than something like 75 launches per year the limiting factors are going to be drone ship travel times and number of launch days that aren't fouled by inclement weather.

>> No.15714717

they could probably start pushing limits with weather 2bh

>> No.15714721

Unless it's a hurricane or a storm, weather is a nothingberger.

>> No.15714722

>and I doubt they can quadruple production in the next few years.
see that's where you're wrong

>> No.15714723

I thinbk they did on last starlink launch cause they wanted it outof the way to start tower installation on slc49

>> No.15714724

Phobos mass is ~10 000 billion tons. That would make quite a lot of stations.
But yeah, I can't imagine people not wanting to mine it once it's feasible
Imagine if we had a moon like that in Earth orbit.

>> No.15714727
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>> No.15714733
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I can't wait until they launch Starships during a storm

>> No.15714737

I imagine they've revisited putting a pipeline out there multiple times but because the launch rate out of Boca Chica is not a priority they've never proposed it

Out at KSC however they're tied into the local natural gas pipelines and can eventually refine the methane locally

>> No.15714739
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Incoming blogpost: I think at my stage in life and work xp, the best way for me to get into the space industry would be becoming a patent attorney. I gotta do something
too stupid for math and not good enough with building shit for engineering, but I can read, write, and research fairly well. Im gonna do it.

>> No.15714746

Oh yeah and I found this while I was looking up KSC's pipeline hookups

KSC ground support staff do not like having to work with liquid hydrogen lol. Bonus for SpaceX though, since they currently refine hydrogen from methane already, they just have to skip that step for Starship

>> No.15714754


>> No.15714756

ty anon

>> No.15714768


>> No.15714783

Have you considered joining Elon's ruthless lawyer squad he was tweeting about?

>> No.15714792

No, lawyers are scum.

>> No.15714808

yeah, just need experience in anything other than family law. I hate it so much but it's all I have.
not all. My bosses are just regular guys that happen to also be attorneys. Just like any profession.

>> No.15714811

5 days before launch...

>> No.15714825

1:1, as The Lord intended

>> No.15714828
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>Per @Astro_Woody's video on the @Space_Station exercise bicycle, here is my vibration remedy. My sock modification got approval from @NASA engineering and became a permanent part of the bicycle structure
>In 2008, as STS-126 crew, I took this photo of my well traveled socks.

>> No.15714834

imagine the fucking smell

>> No.15714916

yeah but it's going to take months to train your retard, while I already know how to do this shit

>> No.15714917
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>> No.15714919


>> No.15714926
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Propellant is stored in the balls.
Also two weeks HAHAHAHA

>> No.15714932
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>suspicious white van again

>> No.15714934

They've got mystery mold on the station

I've heard reports the station smells. I hope future ones fix the mold growth problem

>> No.15714938

We're whalers on the moon

>> No.15714951

We're Jews in space
Protecting the Hebrew race

>> No.15714961
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>> No.15714962
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>> No.15714963

And on Mars since the gender imbalance will be so bad there that you'll get a complementary pleasure Tesla bot.

>> No.15714967

It'll probably end up like this but worse

>> No.15714972

Let me play among the stars

>> No.15714977

Is there a better recording of it than that one on youtube?

>> No.15714978

I don't want that. I'm not one to embrace hedonism.

>> No.15714985

would /sfg/ volunteer to go to an antarctic research base or long term deep subterranean outpost, or is it just mars?

>> No.15714988

bro I did like 5 interviews to work at the South Pole last month. got to the final round. Wasn't selected :(

>> No.15714991

Aw man, I remember you posting about that

>> No.15714992
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>> No.15714993

I keep trying to do this, it's super exclusive. Basically unless you've already published on the exact thing you're trying to do you have no chance.

>> No.15715001

As a tourist or worker?

>> No.15715005

Just Mars. I hate this rock.

>> No.15715007

Just air it out every now and then

>> No.15715010

What job were you going for?

>> No.15715013

Even for a fork lift driver?

>> No.15715016
File: 2.06 MB, 922x1244, Screen Shot 2023-09-02 at 2.14.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic SpaceX welder at Boca Chica fired for stealing from other employees wants his job back. Has some pretty compelling proof that he's legit. (reverse image searched, and he's the only source of this image)


>> No.15715021

froyo thief redemption arc when

>> No.15715025

>multiple per motions

>> No.15715031

Stepped out of line when he had something great going. I have no empathy for him, I would kill to work at Starbase and he just throws it all away over some fucking glasses.

>> No.15715034

Manlets with dense bones will be the ubermensch, and Gundam is kino, nigger.

>> No.15715040

Go back to >>>/a/, or >>>/pol/. I dont care which just stop shitting up this board.

>> No.15715050

10 sounds doable with some process refinements (I've pegged the max with current infrastructure at ~100/a, i.e. 8, for a while, but that's somewhat conservative so I could see 10), but 12 seems tough without more droneships or RTLS, dunno how long a recovery cycle takes for the fleet but I'm pretty sure it's a couple days in either direction, it'd have to be a week max to work. Also Vandy and 39A need to step it up for 12 or even 10 to be possible, 40 is pretty much at its max allowance unless that changed.

>> No.15715054
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Found his facebook. seems like a good guy. Really dumb move stealing the glasses though, there must have been some prior reason

>> No.15715061

Hey, I'm only saying we shouldn't run before we learn how to walk. You're the one who sounds like the midwit here.

>> No.15715063

i wonder what NASA is thinking right now

>> No.15715064

Unfortunately, 80-90% of the wagies are getting let go one day once everything gets more automated

>> No.15715069
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u jelly?

>> No.15715073

I'm not feeling the flame trenches he believes they'll build for these because either water table or endless soil surcharge autism (leaving aside possible regulatory issues), so I'm not so sure about that but he seems pretty confident and I think he has a pretty good track record. We'll see.

>> No.15715074

>being down here sucks, this inspires me to design the space shuttle

>> No.15715077

>which also sucks and has stubby penguin wings

>> No.15715080

What if paleontology ever ends up being an important job for space research?

>> No.15715083
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some people were saying that even before OFT-1...

>> No.15715084

hahaha that bit about him finding "Elon Tusk" from Rick and Morty funny so he's using it as the name of the Twitter account he created to ask for his job at SpaceX back just gets me IDK why

>> No.15715087
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>> No.15715094


>> No.15715097

>Right now NASA schedules put launch of Artemis IV no earlier than September 2028.


>> No.15715098

They kind of need the entirety of Starship launched, refueled and in lunar orbit before they can start

>> No.15715101

Bitch this is about EUS and ML-2 which are 1000% gonna be delayed and NASA knows it

>> No.15715103

And the suits, can't forget about those

>> No.15715107

it fits the current "every two years" cadence
and will still be delayed further

>> No.15715108

>Someone at NASA is seriously considering digging the Apollo suits out of storage

>> No.15715109
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>I should’ve just spoke up I needed a pair I just didn’t wanna be the guy to make them drive back to slow work down

>> No.15715120

spinlaunch is the most baffling shit ever, I seriously can't imagine any sane engineer doing even the simplest napkin math for it and concluding 'yea seems reasonable.' 10,000G shock loads? Worlds largest vacuum chamber suffering a rupture BY DESIGN? counterweights being released at mach 7 and crashing into some crumple structure inside the chamber, and then not destroying everything? fucking 2-stage pressure fed micro rocket autism, only being able to put a few tiny cubesats into orbit, in a world where rocketlab exists, let alone falcon 9, let alone the looming threat of starship rideshares for the price of a used economy car???

cash flow before expenses or tax is likely already $1bn+ yearly, they've already got over 1.5 million users paying an average of something like $80/mo when you factor in lower prices for 3rd worlders.
>>15714624 V2 minis were supposed to be a no-starship cope, but they ended up being insanely OP. Like >>15714655 says, Starship is still going to be the real lynchpin of starlink dominance. Aren't full fat V2s supposed to be something like 8-10x the bandwidth?

>mystery mold is now vacuum resistant and has colonized the outside of the station as well
>next step: the cowboy bebop episode where sentient refridgerator mold terrorizes everyone on the ship

>he doesn't even know /m/ exists
I hope you're the type who only comes to 4chan to post in /sfg/ and doesn't cross board at all (that's by no means a bad thing btw); otherwise you're woefully ignorant of board culture and have no right to criticize on-topic posts that uphold the original reason for this site even existing. But who am I kidding, you come im here and complain about other anons without contributing anything meaningful, you're clearly the anti-anime schizo.

>> No.15715121

Current cap for each pad is ~50/a I think
Are they even still working on 49? I never got any news that they even moved beyond preliminary scoping and that was what, a year ago?

>> No.15715123

How the fuck do you get fired over some glasses?

>> No.15715126

oops I meant B9

>> No.15715131

On Mars petty thieves will just get their hands cut off. After the first time nobody will step out of line ever again.

>> No.15715136
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>> No.15715142

You and what internet connection?

>> No.15715158

>V2 minis were supposed to be a no-starship cope, but they ended up being insanely OP
In what way? V2 mini launches only get about 1.5x as much bandwidth capacity to orbit as V1-based ones. Full V2s are supposed to be about 10x the bandwidth of V1, but they're also 4-5x the mass, so bandwidth per kg is only 2x. Of course much more capacity per satellite is good for the throughput of the system to the end user (more bandwidth per cell), but in terms of what you get per launch it's not actually that much more.

>> No.15715159

I guarantee that the glasses were just the straw that broke the camels back, fucking NOBODY gets fired over such petty shit in ANY industry.
They were already looking for an excuse to fire this spergs ass and he finally gave them one.

>> No.15715168

Too bland. I want a more exotic robo waifu.

>> No.15715173

The hands get staked to the fence surrounding the colony perimeter.

>> No.15715174

just stick your dick in a toaster

>> No.15715189

I remember reading something about a british colony in a random tiny island that had a lot of child abuse

>> No.15715190

tesla bots are being developed for a reason

>> No.15715193
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I'm sure you can get your Optimus in a variety of different models

>> No.15715196


>> No.15715200
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I'm more of a blue bird guy than a blue fox guy.

>> No.15715233

V2 minis have inter-sat laser comms, which drastically reduces the load on ground stations; V1s could only do starlink dish > sat > ground station and back, but they couldn't go sat-to-sat. less bouncing to ground stations means more of the ground station bandwidth can be used for actual traffic, instead of as glorified repeaters
the laser link is by far the most important part, v2 minis could effectively be the entire starlink backbone and they'd just need to launch ~5x as many, but v1 was actual dog-ass

>> No.15715251

There wouldn't be any thieves because it will only be whites up there

>> No.15715257

You've never lived around white-trash, eh? I have, they're thieving bastards.

>> No.15715261

i see you've never been around morally bankrupt normies

>> No.15715262

V1.5 already had ISLL though, it's not new for V2.

>> No.15715277
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Bros I just rewatched IFT-1 with the same music I had then, it was Hans Zimmer's Interstellar - Mountains piece synced up perfectly for when it launched just like I tried to do then (thanks countdown halts). It was emotional to say the least and yes I know I sound like a total gaywad but I dont give two fucks. Im so hyped for IFT-2, I really hope its a clean launch and we make it to stage separation.
Btw if you want to experience what I did, https://youtu.be/o_Ay_iDRAbc?si=YEq7VcF5xykM_6Fx start this track at 43:00 of the official SpaceX livestream https://www.youtube.com/live/-1wcilQ58hI?si=PsgilOzlayXeRStw here. Trust me if you havent rewatched it since this is a good experience.

>> No.15715279

they did?
>started testing ~11mo ago
wtf, they did. I had no idea.

>> No.15715291

So probably wont hit 100, but anywhere between 90-96 excluding Starship flights

>> No.15715296

it'll probably break the current record though. who has that
>oh, it's falcon from last year

>> No.15715302

The majority of Starlinks up in orbit are V1.5 btw

Which record? I think single version or something specific was broken by F9 last year, so yeah, but IIRC single rocket or family is 84 or so (will probably be broken this year) and single entity is also still the Ruskies somewhat over 100

>> No.15715303

what records hasn't f9 broken? although I was talking about most launches of the same model of rocket in 1 year

>> No.15715314

Yes, that's what I meant. Single model in a year was broken by F9, but single rocket family is still Baseduz/R-7 at I think 84 and just most launches by a single entity somewhere above 100 I think. Falcon's definitely coming for those quickly as well, though.

>> No.15715318

the real shame is that FH contributes nothing to the "most launches by a family/entity" stats because it only launches at a rate that would be reasonable for any other rocket family

>> No.15715335
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every fucking time

>> No.15715336

Speaking of, could you fellas give me some songs to use for IFT-2? Something like Mountains that has a build up to something just hair raisingly tremendous that would feel at home with the launch.

>> No.15715341

I always go for the Apollo 13 one

>> No.15715343

The good Lord put man on Earth, but Elon will put man (women?) on Mars. Elon has employed artificial insemination several times to get high offspring count from multiple women.

Imagine you're a billionaire building a colony on a new planet. You wouldn't want the place to be a total sausagefest, right?

>> No.15715348

They're transplanting modules from ISS to new space stations to protect and proliferate these precious molds and bacteria.

>> No.15715350


>> No.15715353

What are they? Death Guard chaos marines?

>> No.15715354

Personally dont like it, but I somehow completely forgot about the docking scene from Interstellar (dont ask me how) so I think I'm actually gonna go with that since I just saw it in that exact post lol. Many thanks anon, found my song.

>> No.15715356

here play this with rougly 40 seconds left on the countdown
by my calculations it should explode during the guitar solo

>> No.15715357

>What precautions will there be to protect women from aggressive sexually starved men in the colony?
there will be plenty of femtype guys going too

>> No.15715359

and how do you stop them from getting raped?

>> No.15715360

very little, they wont be psychologically fit for long term space travel

>> No.15715361

how good of a university is embry-riddle for aerospace?

>> No.15715362


>> No.15715363
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>> No.15715364

No problem.
I'm thinking about using some music from Star Wars or Star Trek I like, but there is always the option of saying screw it and sync it to Free Bird

>> No.15715365

there will be plenty for marriage and plenty for sex

>> No.15715367

stop them?

>> No.15715371


>> No.15715372

mars is gonna be space rome it seems

>> No.15715373

i thought that was greece

>> No.15715375

Anon, you just gave me music to kill myself to.

>> No.15715376

I like the piece though, just doesnt fit a triumphant launch with build up to a pivotal moment that I'm looking for. I will use this if the pad gets blown to smithereens though.

>> No.15715377

I hope Musk makes Mars a no gay zone just so you disgusting faggots aren't there

>> No.15715378
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>> No.15715379

Numbers of truth. All fags will get the airlock on Mars. Fags can go to Venus

>> No.15715384
File: 20 KB, 650x366, 7e0c4ac917a5627466e8c79963f97ffb-944616300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elon, why'd you bring me to a gay mars colony?

>> No.15715386

For Martian criminals, I propose Phobos be made in to a penal colony for the earlier recommended mining operations, and it will be men only. Deimos will be the same but women only, and anyone who calls them anything other than those two gets the airlock.

>> No.15715396


>> No.15715397

I still don't know why "civilized" societies don't execute all criminals above the age of 14 or so, excepting some crimes of passion.
There's never any legitimate excuse for, say, theft. Even if someone is poor enough to need to steal in order to survive then (1) it's their own fault for being a failure, and (2) society loses nothing from them being executed. A proper death penalty scheme hasn't ever been implemented. Even in 18th century Britain when stealing could get you executed they almost always commuted the sentence (i.e. clemency in exchange for naval service), which the thieves obviously knew.

>> No.15715398

Recidivism isn't 100% my dude

Killing jaywalkers isn't going to solve crime

>> No.15715405

exactly, see now the batman stuff gets it right
>can't jaywalk if both your legs are shattered

>> No.15715410

The reason it wont be possible on Mars is because SpaceX would face serious legal repurcusions on Earth if not worse consequences. Its not a full remake of society you still very much so need constant shipping of supplies out to Mars so even if SpaceX were to completely leave Earth, the sanctions Mars would face could cause the total collapse of the colony. As such they still need to follow Earth ideals in things like law and order, so you will have to put up with penal colonies. Criminals certainly cant be kept in the colony as they would simply be even more of a detriment and hazard than they are to Earth societies so I think penal colonies will be a good inbetween, sending them back to Earth would not look good for an administration either because then sovereignty of SpaceX comes in to question as they just detained a person even though theyre not a legal entity, but it was in legal high seas due to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty... its a legal nightmare basically.

>> No.15715413

Politics and law are both such messes since every country on the planet has collectively agreed to not open the can of worms. This is even more reason for why they wont let random wagie schmucks in the colony, they would ruin everything.

>> No.15715421

this doesn't really have the long and slow build up that you're looking for, but I feel like it fits perfectly with the ethos of IFT-1
Every time I think of superheavy down several engines while on fire with shit exploding and whole chunks falling off but still doggedly ascending, this pops into my head; it's got just the perfect amount of drive and superlative amounts of hype
a trigger warning to all you ultra sensitive special snowflake turbo weenies: this is anime, and it has japanese people singing. If you cannot tolerate that, then [spoiler]you do not belong on 4chan[/spoiler(I know they don't work)] don't watch it.

>> No.15715429

>2016 was 7 years ago
what the fuck

>> No.15715437

eventually there will be colonies on mars that rely on pre-existing colonies for trade and resources that won't be so reliant on earth based rules.

>> No.15715459

remember even though spacex is the fastest, doesnt mean they are the only ones eyeing mars. if you cut off communications/trade with the us, nasa will still eventually be able to get there and may try to take control of the colony. china will 100% just kill the leaders and enslave all others, its better to just have friendly if not a vassal state to the us just for the security that comes with it, as much as i hate to say it.

>> No.15715461



>> No.15715467

shhhh don't even try to break the dreams of mars fags here
they won't stop whinning

>> No.15715472

im just saying that eventually once larger colonies have been set up, there will be smaller colonies set up by organizations outside of large space agencies or extremely powerful private corporations like spacex. its going to happen eventually, even if it doesnt happen til the latter part of this century.

>> No.15715493

i literally am a marsfag im just not a retarded and deluded one. trying to take a realistic approach to space colonization seems to not be commonplace here, ironic considering how much more realistic it is to spaceflight companies.

>> No.15715501

Spacex will end up doing it, like everything else. The Polaris Dawn EVA suit already puts them halfway there.

>> No.15715510

Could only think of 1 song that has a long buildup. Name kind of fits as well.
And time the launch so that it occurs around 3:50.

>> No.15715523
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>> No.15715528

there is nothing happening

>> No.15715530

Nothing ever happens

>> No.15715531

It’s the middle of the night in america. who do you expect to be posting, russians?

>> No.15715550


>> No.15715552

We had a SA thirdie here for the last ISRO launch and some jeetsirs, I would think there would atleast be a few yuropeons online god damn it.

>> No.15715558

I'm still here (the SAnon)

>> No.15715561

There is a correlation between low IQ and petty crime, low IQ whites and asians compared make up a significantly smaller % of their populations than other demographics.

>> No.15715603

There's two other jeets here other than me

The glowies can work weekend shifts on rotation. The private sector has been doing it for centuries. This is basic stuff. The american taxpayer is being defrauded with these slackers

>> No.15715613

It's still early morning on a Sunday in yurop.

>> No.15715648



>> No.15715769

On Mars, criminals will face the ultimate punishment. They will be exiled and forcibly returned to Earth.

>> No.15715785


>> No.15715882

Cant be as bad as MIR.