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1571199 No.1571199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>150 years after the publishing of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, and there are still people arguing whether it is fact or not.

The Homo sapien species is too stupid and ignorant to survive.

>> No.1571204

(a geuss)

>> No.1571209

So what should we do to rectify this unfortunate situation?

>> No.1571210

Darwin's theory of evolution is not a fact it is a well supported theory. Science takes the definition of these terms seriously.

>> No.1571224


What does it have to do to achieve fact status?

>> No.1571226

>stupid and ignorant to survive

>implying intelligence is needed for procreation

>> No.1571232

No. Evolution is a fact.

The mechanism(s) by which evolution works is a theory.

Much like gravity. It is a fact that gravity exists. The exact mechanisms are theories.

Evolution is as much a fact as "the Earth revolves around the Sun."

>> No.1571239

the general theory of relativity is not a fact it is a well supported theory. Science takes the definition of these terms seriously.

>> No.1571243

Don't worry frog-man, things are going to be a-okay.

>> No.1571245

In science a fact is an empirical observation. We have empirical observations of evolution; but these only tell us that animals do change over time, not how.

A theory is an explanation for facts. Darwin's theory of evolution is a theory which explains the fossil record and much more. It will never be a fact, but a theory isn't a derogatory term for scientists.

>> No.1571251

no it doesn't

>> No.1571268

>The Homo sapien species is too stupid and ignorant to survive.
Compare humanity to every other species on Earth, OP, and then reevaluate that statement.

We may not, as a species, accept the truth of evolution as readily as we might, but at least we consider the issue. Millions of other species go through their entire lives without so much as a thought towards the sciences, and many of them have survived far longer than Man has.

>> No.1571278

The daily life of most species is "eat, shit, fuck, sleep". Unfortunately, most humans also live that way.

>> No.1571291


My point is that, while this is the all they do, they still survive and thrive quite well. OP seems to be suggesting that just because humans don't accept one little piece of science, that they are so stupid as to deserve death.

I would argue that if base animals can survive well enough without this knowledge, then so can people.

>> No.1571300

This is why I moved out of the US and into Europe (where evolution is not debated if it's a fact or not).

>> No.1571302

Is there something wrong with that?

>> No.1571312
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>> No.1571320

Well actualy, we have no real idea how gravity works.
we only have mahtimatical models that is described by the theory..

And the theory of evoluion is observed, there by it is as close to a "fact" as we can come.

>> No.1571323

Yes. Those people just blindly go with the system. They never stop to think. They never question anything. If they'd actually use their brains, examine the evidence and think a little, religion and the associated ilk (antievolutionists, creationists, etc.) would disappear almost entirely.

>> No.1571326

>move out of country that is leader in quite many scientific fields just cuz a bunch of uneducated assholes somewhere in the south think that we were created

you are stupid. I'm European and I'd go to US university any time if I was offered or could afford it.

>> No.1571335

No no no, you don't get it.

Gravity is a fact. The way gravity works, however, is a theory.

It does not go geuss > hypothesis > theory > fact.

Fact and scientific theory are separate. Evolution is both.

Although, to be pedantic, no facts really exist objectively, but that's a whole different can of worms.

>> No.1571336

The problem is that this is learnd to there children and thus making them have a wive of the world which is untrue.

it is on the same level as peopel beliving the the earth residen on the back of a turtle swiming in a sea of milk.
or thet peopel still belive that the earth is only 6 000 years old.

>> No.1571337

>or could afford it.
i'd rather go to a slightly worse, but free, university in europe.

>> No.1571341

Trust me, the universities here in the US are not any better whatsoever. Even the shittiest ones in my town charge $900/hr. for one class. The community colleges here just about $300/hr.

>> No.1571344

Have you ever thought they would be just as ignorant and uncaring despite their seeing the evolutionary light?

The vast majority of those people are 'Sunday Theists' or whatever other holy time theists, if that. I bet there are plenty who say they are a member of a faith-based religion but don't do anything remotely related.

Changing how people think about evolution (or some people anyway) isn't going to change anything. The world is full of mostly stupid people. That will probably be true for as long as the homo sapiens survives.

>> No.1571347

>obvious americunt detected

Sweden is currently the leader in science. Hell, even Russia is more ahead than the US, and they're overzealous/superstitious idiots.

>> No.1571351

ah yes, thank you, I thought that is looked worng when i typed it. (/me baning head agest floor)

cus it goes:
observed fact -> hypothesis -> testing hypothesis -> peer reviwe -> theory

>> No.1571352

Charles Darwin, durring his composition of facts on the Origin of Species, and after publishing his novel ORIGIN OF SPECIES, never made any emphasis that such is in conflict with God.

Figure it out, lamefags. Publis schools created the debate of evolution to support the State to isolate from churches as a ploy to fabrice a false distinction in the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights to the Constitutions of the Several States-united and the United States.

As far as we know, God "uses" evolution. No test of faith from the religious'tard debaters that didn't know any better but entertain the possibility that Creationism and Evolution are opposed to one another.

>> No.1571354

>country that is leader in quite many scientific fields
maybe in the past, but not anymore...

>> No.1571357

Blame the bible.

>> No.1571359

jag måste hålla med: (I must agree with:)

>> No.1571363
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Haha... GTFO of my science you christfag

>> No.1571365

Catholic church accepts evolution.

Protestants don't accept it because they have to do everything differently from catholics.

>> No.1571366

No. I've never said that amurica is leading IN EVERYTHING. Only that there are areas where their schools are the best.

But I've never been there, this is only the stuff I heard so you may just be right. And that would be kinda sad, because I'm not america-hating faggot and their science surely was one of the best few years ago

>> No.1571367

Its funny how the book is called the origin of species yet it doesnt explain the actual origin of life

>> No.1571373

>Only that there are areas where their schools are the best.
You can use Google to find out that's not true even in the slightest. In fact, statistically, we have one of the worst public schooling in the 1st world.

Captcha: 267-68 penditon

>> No.1571374

evoluion is not the same as abiogenesis.

>> No.1571375

what america is best at, is providing the funding. other countries provide the brains.

>> No.1571378

No, but it explains the origin of the species on this planet and how they evolved to what they are now.

>> No.1571380


Then call the book The evolution of Species

>> No.1571384

What a terrible and blunt title.

>> No.1571394

I don't think you know what the word species means. Its not the same thing as life.

>> No.1571401

Darwin died an Agnostic, but that was due to more theological issues like the problem of pain and the problem of hell, coupled with how The discovery of the theory of Evolution changed his view of the world.

>> No.1571403

The origin of what makes one animal different from another IS evolution. Evolution is how the difference came to be.

>> No.1571411

Agnostic theist, or agnostic atheist?

>> No.1571428
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So if Darwin is correct, and homosexuals reproduce MUCH less than heterosexuals, why do homosexuals persist, and even grow in numbers in society?