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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15712989 No.15712989 [Reply] [Original]

How did /sci/ as a board come to have a sudden influx of schizophrenic namefags and obvious, not even thinly-veiled, /pol/ threads after the year 2020, which the "mods" do not care to moderate in the slightest?
Scientifically speaking.

>> No.15712992

schizophrenic namefags date back well before 2020
the rest is just because this board has never had any mods so when the diarrhea flood came there was nothing to stop it

>> No.15712996

Interesting how these mods spring into existence when anyone dares question the state of the board, and deletes these threads within hours.

>> No.15713009

I'm betting your intentions aren't genuine

>> No.15713034

>schizophrenic namefags date back well before 2020
You mean Tooker? He's based, always has been. Not like the nu namefaggots we have now.

>> No.15713066

Are you the shit eating schizo bodhi is always dunking on?

>> No.15713068

N-no, you are!

>> No.15713094

well aside the obvious trolls
freaks like you came at 2019 and began to preach on political issues, it signaled /pol/ to come and present their own position, making this board a fighting stance for the irritated trannies mob and /pol/tards each making spam threads and bumping them all in the name of their neurotic ideology and the ownership of science.

>> No.15713102

You weren't here in 2019, and you're outing yourself as an (ESL) /pol/ack. You should go back.

>> No.15713116

/pol/ is one of the most active boards on the site, often sitting at #1.
The users are human beings like you and may visit other boards that pertain their interests.
Don't fight it. If you don't like the environment you are free to browse other websites.

>> No.15713118

Are those /pol/tards in the room with you right now?

>> No.15713119

>You weren't here in 2019
yeh i was before.
before anyone care about english grammar more than actual math/science knowledge

>> No.15713123
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>> No.15713124

>oh no, people are discussing controversial and popular topics like climate change and covid ... on a science board???
>must be le evil /pol/ bogeyman

>> No.15713127
File: 1.17 MB, 1715x783, 1673106090292550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it seems

>> No.15713132

>/mg/ is /pol/ now
You are delirious.

>> No.15713136

Picking the one good egg out of a basket of (obvious) rotten ones, curious.

>> No.15713147

All of those are legitimate /sci/ threads. If you don't like it, go back to that r-site.

>> No.15713151

No, they aren't. Nothing science related is being discussed within those threads. You can smell the stench from the OP pic and subject title alone without even looking in sometimes.
You seem upset to have been called out.

>> No.15713153

>No, they aren't. Nothing science related is being discussed within those threads
welp nothing for gigabrains like you here then. Off to pleebit you go now. :(

>> No.15713154

>climate change
>FTL travel
>space flight

Too lazy to do the rest, but consider yourself debunked, redditor.

>> No.15713156

Cry moar newfag.

>> No.15713157
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it was always like this
you're a new faggot who doesn't even bother to look up the math generals because you're too fucking stupid and don't know any science related topics so you complain about retarded meaningless shit

>> No.15713162
File: 651 KB, 1024x1216, 1680355776132432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks this is equivalent to the current catalog
you tourists are so disingenuous holy shit lol

>> No.15713163

>cries about it
>pretends others are the tourists

>> No.15713165

Crying about what? This thread is about the obvious discrepancy between the state this shithole is currently in vs. the state it was in previously (your pic).
If anything, you've proven my point.

>> No.15713166

U born one day

>> No.15713169

>Crying about what?
Crying about how you don't like the state of the board, as if you're not used to it, which is a very clear indicator that you're a migrant not just on /sci/ but on 4chan as a whole.

>> No.15713171
File: 110 KB, 1563x296, 16543632464334743553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back newfag if you don't like this place you don't have to torture yourself

>> No.15713176
File: 54 KB, 683x561, 1693641765408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here. /sci/ has always been like that.

>> No.15713177

I suggest you work on reading comprehension as you seem to not understand my point. The board in its current state is unusable outside of /mg/. /sfg/ and /med/, it wasn't always like this.
Your attempt at somehow equating the current catalog filled with /pol/ diarrhea to the catalog of 2014 is more telling of you than me.

>not a new IP

>> No.15713182

I suggest you work on your reading comprehension as you seem to not understand my point. If you're still complaining, you're a reddit tourist. Anyone who might've had reason to complain is either long gone, or got over it ages ago.

>> No.15713184

I suggest reading more than one sentence per post. :)

>> No.15713186

I don't know what an IP is but google says it has to do with hacking. If you try to hack me I swear I'm gonna call the police.

>> No.15713189

I suggest contemplating the fact that you are precisely the cancer destroying 4chan. You are indistinguishable from a literal bot. You are incapable of any conversation on any subject.

>> No.15713194

Your definition of a 'discussion' is complaining about niggers, vaccines, and US politics for the nth time in a science imageboard I presume.
Not to worry, your ilk has already destroyed most of it, as you perceive 4chan as the designated shitting ground outside of your normal social media routine.

>> No.15713199
File: 116 KB, 669x233, 16754462642246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what's funny, you can't find a single anon that praise the medical industry before 2019

>> No.15713200

Thanks for illustrating my point so perfectly. You're indistinguishable from a mindless drone. Your preprogrammed lashouts are 95% independent from the contents of the psots you reply to.

>> No.15713203

>complaining about niggers, vaccines, and US politics
So being based? kys cringelord

>> No.15713213
File: 65 KB, 503x689, 1683023444217941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to hyperfocus on vaccines now that I mentioned it I guess lol

We're having an argument, I wouldn't call that lashing out. If you cannot tell the difference or the problem with the catalog today then it's an issue on your end.
The threads on here were always retarded with some gems here and there, but it wasn't a literal /pol/ colony with designated "soience" threads reflecting the current political topic that's in circulation.
If this board had any semblance of moderation like other boards, even as shit as /g/, /lit/, /a/, /v/, /tv/, etc. 80% of the catalog would be nuked off the board.
If you disagree, then you are just arguing in defense of your position as a /pol/ migrant.

>> No.15713215

Gee I wonder why some of the most serious problems of the current age are constantly brought up.

>> No.15713217

>I wouldn't call that lashing out.
Anyone else would. You're sperging out about your preprogrammd boogeyman. Let me ask you again: if you're not a tourist, why are you still crying and whinging? Anyone who's been here long enough to earn the right to complain is either gone or done complaining long ago.

>> No.15713219

I see you're still having trouble reading more than a few lines, I'll wait, I'm patient.

>> No.15713222

Fummy how you're forced to deflect and always go back to your preprogrammed script. You are either a literal bot, or such a profoundly golemized subhuman that you border on a nonsentient piece of meat that runs a simplistic program.

>> No.15713223
File: 1.87 MB, 2870x2870, 1662271582449934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not deflecting, you are. I've presented my side of the argument, you are here lashing out.
Post another screencap off the archive, maybe it'll drive your point home this time.

>> No.15713225

I didn't post any screencap of any archive. I'm just asking you a simple question: if you're not a tourist, why are you still crying and whinging? Anyone who's been here long enough to earn the right to complain is either gone or done complaining long ago.

>> No.15713226

>Let me ask you again: if you're not a tourist, why are you still crying and whinging?
Because we are not going to let you forget about the things we complain about. We want to spread the awareness to the largest possible number of minds. We want 4chan users to bring this awareness to other platforms they visit, as well as their real-life social circles.
Is this working? To a degree. 4chan lingo and topics such as NPC theory and the distrust towards high-level institutions are definitely becoming more mainstream. There is no reason for us to stop.
What can you do if you don't like it? Use filters, leave the board or shut up and accept that this discussion is far from over.

>> No.15713230

>Anyone who's been here long enough to earn the right to complain is either gone or done complaining long ago.
That would be the case if the current state of the board was the norm, it isn't. It's proven as such even in this screencap here: >>15713157
Hence why I pointed at your reading comprehension, evidently with no progress.

>> No.15713232
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 2342532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are trying to heckin' spread awareness
Still didn't answer my question, but I guess your deflection says it all.

>> No.15713234

Not my post, mine is here: >>15713230
Oh dear, we're having trouble with distinguishing posters as well it seems.
Fitting as you are a frogposter lol

>> No.15713235

>That would be the case if the current state of the board was the norm
The board has been in this state at the very least since COVID, that's if I'm being very charitable to you. Anyone who's been here even that long is either gone already or done complaining. How new are you?

>> No.15713240
File: 140 KB, 1026x290, 16543436674376423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15713241

>since COVID
And that's very recent.
Either try to fully comprehend what I am trying to convey, or concede.
It's also very telling how much you are opposed to this kind of 'meta' thread calling out these off-topic threads, rather than the threads in question themselves.


>> No.15713244

>And that's very recent.
Not as recent as your arrival, given how anyone who's been here that long is either gone or done complaining.

>It's also very telling how much you are opposed to this kind of 'meta' thread
See, this is the thing about cretinous newfags. You're so fucking fresh you don't even realize there's around 10 of these threads here per week and they are all identical. You actually believe you're contributing something by shitting out the same reddit complaint for literally the thousandth time.

>> No.15713247

>Not as recent as your arrival, given how anyone who's been here that long is either gone or done complaining.
That doesn't follow.

>See, this is the thing about cretinous newfags. You're so fucking fresh you don't even realize there's around 10 of these threads here per week and they are all identical. You actually believe you're contributing something by shitting out the same reddit complaint for literally the thousandth time.
I make most of them, thanks. And I find it humorous how each one of them get deleted, every time, while the off-topic threads are kept up.
You are very oblivious to my argument here. I again remind you to read more than one line per post.

>> No.15713248

I'll let you in on a secret, since you're a literal child: no online community likes these "meta threads". They are universally reviled.

>> No.15713250
File: 198 KB, 1869x360, 16574343467534327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are such an obnoxious sack of shit and everybody see you're wrong.
why is it so hard to go back?

>> No.15713257

To what community? If it upsets /pol/ migrants such as you, vehemently defending their presence, then it's fine in my book.
I want to point out that you called COVID 'long ago', I don't think you understand what that implies.

>why is it so hard to go back?
Is that rhetorical?

>> No.15713262

And you want to know why every online community hates these "meta threads"? It's because they are always started by butthurt newfags who offer no insights, no solutions, not even entertainment. It's always started by butthurt newfags with heads so far up their asses that they either fail to consider what I'm saying entirely, or feel entitled to complain to the people who have been putting up with the situation for way longer.

(Just to make it clear, I am no longer reading a single word from your recycled drivel)

>> No.15713263

why you don't manage your filters? why you don't post in the generals? why are you complaining about things that have always been here?

>> No.15713265

I've offered a solution, moderation. I have not attempted a slightest bit of provocation to any actual homeboarders. It has clearly upset you somehow, however.
>(Just to make it clear, I am no longer reading a single word from your recycled drivel)
>implying you were reading anything in the first place
Reading comprehension is lost on newfags.

There isn't a clear template to filter out all /pol/ adjacent threads. I mostly browse /g/ now, coming to /sci/ occasionally for /mg/ threads before glancing at the putrid stench of the current catalog.

>> No.15713266

>I've offered a solution, moderation
Then go sign up to be a janny, you worthless retard. The reason this board gets so little moderation is that even those who used to care enough to moderate it have long since left. But you won't. You're a homosexual cockmonger with zero impulse control. You're here to cry and I want you to cry moar.

>> No.15713267

Your last post was a lie then, shame.

>> No.15713268

>/pol/ adjacent threads
here you go retard now will you finally shut the fuck up?

>> No.15713270

>implying the issue is with vaccine threads only

>> No.15713274

Are you signing up to be a janny?

>> No.15713275

you obviously never set a filter

>> No.15713281

>I've offered a solution, moderation.
Why is there a thread about someone demanding authoritarianism every single week? If you love reddit so much, why not just post there?

>> No.15713284

>Open catalog
>ctrl + shift + click
Ta-dah, you can now safely browse without seeing whatever it is that offended you.

>> No.15713285

The scary thing is that he doesn't even want to be the one inflicting the moderation, since he keeps crying but won't sign up for the job. This guy wants others to inflict moderation upon him. lol.

>> No.15713286

I'd never do it for free, and jannies themselves cannot ban people.

I only set up filters when they work, such as phone filenames.

Contrary to you faggots' beliefs, 4chan isn't the designated shithole for off-topic garbage.

>> No.15713287

>I'd never do it for free
You see? This is why everyone thinks you're a piece of filth.

>> No.15713292

>I only set up filters when they work
what is not working for you retard?
is it so hard to specify every single word that you don't like and hide these threads?

>> No.15713302

>complaining about n-words
Racism is not allowed outside of /b/. Those posters usually get banned and their posts deleted.
Vaccines and their adverse effects are a topic of science.
>and US politics
If said politics is relevant to science, e.g. by restricting the freedom of scientific research, then it is legitimate to talk about it on a science board.

>> No.15713305
File: 576 KB, 1344x1979, glowops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glownigger ops. they think you are so stupid they just blatantly state the opposite of reality

>save democracy by voting less
>NOOOOOO! dont do your own research
>free speech is bad for democracy (the irony coming from a reporter)
>the only way for you to be free is to give us absolute control over every aspect of your life!

It is literally the 1984 meme "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength"

>> No.15713307

they dont have the power to enslave you so they spend all their time trying to get you to give them power by demanding to to be enslaved. I mean that is literally all communist propaganda is, trying to convince you of how nice it will be to be a slave because you dont have to think anymore, they will tell you what to think and what to do. This is appealing to stupid people, because they hate thinking

>> No.15713314

>can't manage his filters
>too stupid to find and post in the generals
>he didn't even know that 4chan exist till 2019
>larping as an oldfag
>suggest draconian moderation to fit his worldview
you are worse than /pol/ you are the real tumor that destroying this board

>> No.15713320

Just make registered accounts with your real name mandatory and automatically link everyone's 4chan account to their CBDC social credit wallet.

>> No.15713331
File: 51 KB, 800x600, CHEKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it appeals to stupid people
it also appeals to psychopaths btw because they see it as an opportunity to get into one of those potions of power over people.

Think back to when someone in your life did you really dirty, really fucked you over unjustly. Think of the revenge fantasies you have had of getting even with them. Well that is how psychopaths feel about the world and everyone in it. They love the idea of a system where they can be able to terrorize, torment and torture people with fear of reprisal by a justice system or mob

>> No.15713332

*without* fear of reprisal by a justice system or mob

>> No.15713333

>can't manage his filters
I can, it just simply isn't possible to filter each shit thread your ilk posts as they don't adhere to a certain pool of keywords.
>too stupid to find and post in the generals
Problems with reading comprehension, seems to be the pattern today
>he didn't know that 4chan exist till 2019
I've been here since late 2012, still a newfag, but might seem ancient to you, ESL-kun.
>larping as an oldfag
Calling the quarantine and its subsequent surge of /pol/ migrants isn't "larping as an oldfag".
>suggest draconian moderation to fit his worldview
Off-topic garbage is off the table, it's a rule, it's merely not being enforced here unlike other boards.

You are retarded, a surprise to no one.

>> No.15713334

There is literally nothing wrong with having borders. There is literally nothing wrong with controlling immigration. There is literally nothing wrong with banning retards.

>> No.15713335

I agree and we should start with you

>> No.15713337

>I've been here since 2022
No one is impressed.

>> No.15713338

>I agree
Good. Then why are you complaining about the prospect of /sci/ having borders? Perhaps it's because you do not belong here? :^)

>> No.15713340

Check up on your doctor for dyslexia, might save you from embarrassment later.

>> No.15713343

You literally just said, and I quote:
>I've been here since 2022
Why do you think this is impressive, newfag?

>> No.15713347

I didnt, I agreed and thin k all youy reddit faggots should be perma banned. My values only extend to those who share them, not my enemies. I dont care about your free speech or freedom of association because you would take mine the second you got the chance. I want you gone the sooner the better

>> No.15713349

>I agreed
Then why did you get so profoundly upset over someone saying:
>I've offered a solution, moderation.

>> No.15713351
File: 31 KB, 763x242, 1667832053616735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.15713352

Why did you screencap your own post and highlight "I've been here since 2022"? What is that supposed to accomplish?

>> No.15713355
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>> No.15713360 [DELETED] 

he also said that the earth is flat and man made climate change is real this fellow is a nut case

>> No.15713363

Stop lying, newfaf. 4chan didn't exist in 2012.

>> No.15713374

wtf is this shit? retard schizo

>> No.15713382

You think I don't know it's you retarded shit eating schizo coward. I always know when it's you, because you schyzo fucks are very predictable. You'll be in for a rude awakening when the end of the world comes again

>> No.15713389

dont you ever get tired of being a psycopath you schizo nigger? Everyone in this life hates you and wished you were dead

>> No.15713405

lock your doors and prepare your anus, i'm coming for your schyzo ass tonight

>> No.15713423
File: 209 KB, 982x793, ITS COMING SCHYZO THE END IS COMING FOR YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your eventual demise will be the greatest prize for me, schyzo shit retard
mark. my. words.

>> No.15713460
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>it just simply isn't possible
it is achievable with one regular expression sequence you are just a new faggot retard go back

>> No.15713463

>it is achievable with one regular expression sequence
Here's the regular expression for you:

>> No.15713470

>can't into regex
btw neither your OP is science related.
why don't you talk with mods via IRC and suggest your moronic shit instead of making this pointless thread?
nobody agree with you and everyone want you to fuck off

>> No.15713479

What are you on about, OP?
I absolutely LOVE having multiple anons scream at me that space isn't real and that we never landed on the moon when I try talking about anything space related outside of the spaceflight general.
It's so much fun seeing all those threads about possible applications of CRISPR immediately turn to a shitfest with several anons holding an autistic pro vs anti vaccine argument.
And don't even try to post the name or image of a female scientist, after all, isn't it sad how promiscious women have become? They should all become mindless sex slaves! And black women should be deported!

Seriously, /sci/ is (just like most boards) fucked due to shitty moderation.
I couldn't tell you if this is due to a lack of manpower, plain carelessness or if this just fits their ideology, but if nothing changes this place is going to be literally /pol/ 2.0 in a few years.
Hell, already the only places where you can hold normal conversations and actually discuss things is in the generals.

>> No.15713480
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>> No.15713484

Weird, this never happened to me. My experience on /sci/ was mostly positive. The overwhelming majority of threads are polite, civilized on-topic discussions. Are you sure you didn't intentionally exaggerate and add some fantasies of yours to make /sci/ look worse than it is?

>> No.15713501
File: 162 KB, 505x505, kikiki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember your grandmother voted for this so she could murder babies

>> No.15713513


>> No.15713516

I just took a fat steaming shit and am gonna take a nice scoop out of the toilet bowl for your lunch

>> No.15713519

It thought it was a /pol/tard comment I was cynical

>> No.15713525

Is the end of the world still coming at September or is there a new date set?

>> No.15713529

2 more weeks

>> No.15713546

how is my recycled lunch fresh out of the toilet bowl? enjoy it shit eater?

>> No.15713661

/pol/ is rather boring and low energy now so all these low IQ subhumans spread to other boards.

>> No.15713753

Namefags should be shot on sight.
Go to reddit if you want a name next to your shitposts.

>> No.15713757

there you are shit eater. did you enjoy the massive scoops of shit I prepared for your lunch?

>> No.15713800

I am more concern about "people" who are triggered by namefags and bother to make a thread about them that waste the board space while complaining about the board quality

>> No.15713811
File: 319 KB, 1170x965, 1693666317705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure /pol/ garbage spills unannounced and unsolicited because it's literary this way in basically any hobby board. Not a few threads can go by without some chud incelite rage posting about latest [buzzworrd] of the week to be triggered about.

The avergae /pol/ drone is little kore than a reactionary NPC.

>> No.15713849

gnomes and dwarves have no business together

>> No.15714608

learn english

>> No.15714614

>117 posts
>18 IPs

>> No.15714631

>shit eating schizo relentlessly samefags and impersonates other people
tell us something we dont know. you are probably him too schizo faggot

>> No.15714905

>schyzo thinks not everybody knows it's him
hows the shit tasting, retard schyzo turd burglar. open wide becuse there's plenty more a-coming, faggot

>> No.15714929


>> No.15715668

usually the case for most threads desu

>> No.15715674
File: 2.19 MB, 3536x3368, miningthechans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know

>> No.15715891

/Pol/ was always meant to be a containment board. This simple fact was forgotten by glowniggers, jannies paid by glowniggers, bot mongers, etc. Now the digital barbarians will spread out everywhere.

>> No.15715931
File: 6 KB, 1084x1000, take your meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le pol le pol le pol le pol le pol le pol le pol le pol le pol le pol

>> No.15715940

Added to the ADL database. Go back to the pol sub.

>> No.15716144

Fahgot shit eater schizo jew, you'll time will come too

>> No.15716152

someone need to make a browser extension that interface with this site it can detect and hide the low iq shillposts