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15712935 No.15712935 [Reply] [Original]

why did humans sexually select for neoteny?

>> No.15712942

Humans don't selection shit
Since child rearing was hard and takes years, and humans had to chase animals for kilometers to hunt them down back in the day, evolutionary pressures selected for a society where males are specialized to hunt while womens get pregnant, give birth and raise a child within the comfort of their home away from all the hunting drama.

>> No.15712991

Let's think through this:
>younger humans have had less time to accumulate disease and genetic damage, hence producing healthier offspring, on average
>therefore humans that have a preference for younger looking mates will produce healthier offspring, on average, who are themselves more likely to successfully reproduce
>therefore selection favors humans who have a preference for younger looking mates
And then the second part, as to why humans are relatively neotenous:
>humans who look younger for longer will tend to continue to be sexually desirable for longer, therefore neotenous features will tend to be selected for in older and older people

>> No.15713571

I remember remembering 8 track tapes

>> No.15713583
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I believe this selection is not sexual but rather a feature of a less aggressive domesticated animal.

>> No.15713585

You deserve to be stoned to death you Muslim whore.

>> No.15713588

>and humans had to chase animals for kilometers to hunt them down back in the day,
Maybe some more ancient homo lineage but its quite certain that homo sapiens had more advanced hunting techniques when they spread out of africa.

>> No.15713589

I'm going to do that to you

>> No.15713590

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.15713593


>> No.15713600

Have you told your mother about this condition of yours? Your family can help you get professional help.

>> No.15713616

I have been trying to remember this word for months.

>> No.15713650
File: 35 KB, 480x358, axolotl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human neoteny is entirely reasonable: >>15712991

But why did Axolotls do it? Their neoteny is way more extreme.

>> No.15713657

>But why did Axolotls do it?
A less developed form was able to live better in water instead of land like the more developed form.

>> No.15713666

Agreed. We should select against it.

>> No.15713683

Why? You like more aggressive men?

>> No.15713763


>> No.15713882

it's hot

>> No.15713902

We are violent enough as it is, might as well look cute while genociding

>> No.15714006

Simple as

>> No.15714040
File: 34 KB, 715x449, 2-children-looking-at-camera[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are some populations more neotenous than others?

>> No.15714049

No one else listens to you. You seem to think because I'm forced to listen, what your saying is just. Right. You will serve the max sentence.

>> No.15714056

That's my first post in this thread, dumb schizo.

>> No.15714095

We selected for vulnerability in females since empowered women don't have kids.

That's why they're smaller and weaker, with fragile bones, why they freeze under threat instead of fighting or fleeing, get wet when they're afraid and have rape and submissive fantasies.

Men being neotenous is an unwanted inheritance of their mothers' neoteny.

>> No.15714135

homo sapiens are an invasive species and the local fauna was just too retarded to deal with humans. It's also harder to run in a forest than in the savanna

>> No.15714544

>invasive species

Bullshit term made up as an excuse to kill animals or plants you don't like. Every animal that travels can be considered an invasive species.

>> No.15714902
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>> No.15714906
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Eternal youth = good
Early ageing = bad

>> No.15715076
File: 92 KB, 445x209, feminine masculine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think that’s a good strategy at all. Ideally you want to pick a female around 18 years old or older. Testosterone levels peak around that age and the female is less likely to become more masculine. If you pick a younger girl you can’t be sure that she won’t morph into something more masculine in the future.

>> No.15715078
File: 45 KB, 800x800, women testosterone by age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15715110
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>> No.15715166


We self domesticated by removing the most anti-social .01% from the gene pool for 500,000 years, and neoteny was the by-product

>> No.15715211

Nah, that makes no sense at all. More like cute kids were eaten last and fed first. Nobody wanted to lose their sex toys.

>> No.15715275

i honestly believe he really is a human/chimp hybrid