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15699289 No.15699289 [Reply] [Original]

of 79 people to be exact

Without science setting fire, people won't be aware of climate change, and that's a danger to Democracy!

>> No.15699422

They are setting fire to the forests with drones.

>> No.15699427 [DELETED] 
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Punch all nazis.

>> No.15699458

You seem like you're posting this more as an attempt to convince yourself that it's arson

>> No.15699461

What a legit schizophrenic take. Maybe he's posting it so that more people could rub it in your face next time you try that talking point.

>> No.15699710

Why do environmental activists hate nature so much? What did those trees do to them? Were they raped by a tree?

>> No.15699712

Greentards don't like it when living things breathe. It releases CO2.

>> No.15699854

>this wildfire smoke will make those chuds take global warming seriously!

>> No.15700349

>MSM says it's arson.
>No, it's not arson. You're just delusional.

>> No.15700463

The arsonist narrative was successfully tested by Rupert Murdoch during the 2020 Australian wildfires.

>> No.15700470
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As always commies doing nothing but evil. Either all of them are exterminated in the most brutal way or civilization will collapse.

>> No.15700495

>dude I’ll pretend that climate scientists say that the heat spontaneously combusts forests instead of how excessive head and drought makes fires worse

>> No.15700505

go take a survey of 1000 people and ask how many think the fires came about by themselves/global warming. you'll get a reflection of what they are fed through the media.

>> No.15700510

imagine how much less wildfires there would have been this year without arsonist-activists setting most of the fires
and then realize that even with the large scale campaign of eco-terrorism, its still a weak year for wildfires
just goes to show how much nicer a place this planet would be without environmentalists trying to ruin it

>> No.15700516

PREACH. Because humans starting fires to cook or whatever hasn't been a thing until, well literally this summer.
Humans starting fires is totally new. So all the forests in the northern hemisphere are going to burn, even the ones where there are no humans.
It's not climate change related at all. Climate change is a hoax.

I fucking despise you.

>> No.15700523

Why are you and denier right wing grifters making a deliberately stupid assumption of hypothetical laymen’s beliefs and passing it as scientific conclusions?
There’s a logical fallacy by that name

>> No.15700524

Dishonest shill

>> No.15700528
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it's literally retarded fucking nigmigrants destroying civilization because their apes and think its funny
we already knew about this years ago, they're cutting down and burning centuries old olive trees because they're fucking 73 IQ actual literal genetically verifiable fully speciated subhumans
why not just genocide and call it a day, who fucking cares anymore seriously

>> No.15700564

>laymen's beliefs
>t. i am the high priest of SOIENCE!!! and everyone else is merely an ignorant uneducated retard

>> No.15700595

makes perfect sense

otherwise you have to cope with the fact that 99.9% of Greece's forests arent burning despite climate change affecting them equally

>> No.15700601
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>> No.15700606

In other news: Is climate change making animals racists towards POCs?

>> No.15700613

Will PoC ever push leftists into hating them with their blatant disregard for and often hostility to the environmental causes they champion so much? Or will they continute to just ignore it and pretend it isn't happening like with everything else they do?

>> No.15700627
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leftists hate the environment, thats why they all live in cities, thats why they go through life hoping for environmental disasters they can capitalize on on and use as a means of justifying more tax gibes for themselves.
people who like nature don't live in cities, people live in cities because they hate and fear nature and want to escape it

>> No.15700644

If it isn't arson, then why did they arrest 79 people for arson?

>> No.15701298

Thank god the Sacred Democracy was saved by Science this summer. Thanks, Science!

>> No.15701359

Wow, I go on r9k and yet this place is more pathetic thanks to posts like yours.

>> No.15701362

You sure are seething. You don't like it when people have the information needed to shit on your narrative.

>> No.15701365

"Caused by" is a really hard concept.

Do you think anyone believes that "global warming being responsible for forest fires" means that it got so warm that wood spontaneously combusted?

>> No.15701368

>uhhh but sweaty
>if it wasn't for le global warming, these government operatives couldn't have set fire to the forests so easily
Your belief system is self-parodying.

>> No.15701369

If it wasn't hot and dry, how could arsonists cause such big fires?

>> No.15701373

>these government operatives
What in the schizophrenia makes you think that government operatives caused the fires?

>> No.15701376

1. Dozens of arsonists
2. It's in Greece
3. The history of Gladio B terrorism

>> No.15701394

It's hot and dry every summer. Why are you apologizing for arsonists and trying to shift the blame? Why do greentards hate nature so much?

>> No.15701414

So if it's dozens it means they're employed by the government?
What do Nazi staybehind groups murdering alleged "commies" have to do with forest fires?

>> No.15701419

>So if it's dozens it means they're employed by the government?
They're not employed by the government. They're most likely hired by Arab crime organizations whose heads answer to NATO/CIA handlers.

>> No.15701425


Fundamentally, this is normal. This is how everything "happens". Nothing "happens" by itself, "out there".

>> No.15701426

>It's hot and dry every summer.
It's getting hotter though.
>trying to shift the blame?
The person throwing away a cigarette is ultimately to blame, but denying that our forests become more and more like kindling is retarded.

Let me guess, when you read the word "arson" you're thinking of a hooded guy with a canister of gasoline? I don't know about this particular case, but most forest fires are started due to negligence or ignorance. It's arson to throw away your cigarette or have a barbecue that gets out of control. Yes, every forest fire is started by arson or lightning, but that doesn't say anything about global warming being real or not (it is though)

>> No.15701429

Why does NATO hate Greece forests so much that they form an international conspiracy to light them on fire?

>> No.15701430

I can see that you are mentally ill. Go get your climate anxiety in check.

>> No.15701432

>why do my handlers keep burning forests
So they could screech "climate change". They already have a terrorism network in place and they figured they might as well use it to further their central agenda.

>> No.15701452
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>> No.15701454

When has NATO ever talked about global warming?

>> No.15701459
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I didn't say NATO talks about global warming. Are you having a psychotic episode? Now that you mention it, though, it turns out that they do, so good job shooting yourself in the foot. This is what happens when you recruite dumb, impulsive niggers to spread your propaganda. lol

>> No.15701480

Are NATO eco-leftists?

>> No.15701486

Your pathetic deflection tactics aren't gonna work here. The bottom line is that these arsons, which are clearly organized, are probably perpetrated by thugs who are paid by Arab crime organizations whose heds answer to NATO/CIA handlers. Why NATO? Because NATO already runs a terrorism network in Europe that is perfectly suited for such tasks, and the people who run NATO are the same people pouring billions into climate propaganda.

>> No.15701609

I'm not deflecting anything, I'm trying to make sense out of your conspiracy theory. So, in your head, the literal fascists, armed by the CIA and NATO, are the same as the leftists who want to make you eat tofu? I thought the latter were communists or cultural Marxists or whatever?! And what fucking Arab crime organisations are you talking about? Like ISIS?

>> No.15701620

>muh leftists
>muh fascists
>muh marxists
I don't care about your fuckwit red-blue politics or any other bottom level deflection tactics. I'm talking to you about the connections between coordinated arson, organized crime, CIA+NATO terrorism in Europe and AGW propaganda.

>> No.15701746

Those are colours used by the two capitalist centre-right parties in the USA. If you wanna bring up gladio, you should understand politics outside of your very limited spectrum in the USA.

>> No.15701752

Irrelevant low-IQ post. I'm not American. I'm pretty sure here is (you are?), hence red-blue. I don't care what labels Euros use for their X vs. Y politics.

>> No.15701759

russia lost.

>> No.15701820

>I'm not American.
Yet you use their braindead "red-blue" shit.
>I don't care what labels Euros use for their X vs. Y politics.
Then you should probably not talk about European politics.

>> No.15701857

Notice how your incoherent seething bears no relevance to the facts I've pointed out, nor to the reasonable conjecture based on those facts.

>> No.15701872

>the facts I've pointed out
The facts you pointed out were a mix of different unconnected historic factoids from the past century. I don't know why you want to talk shit gladio when the topic is wildfires.

>> No.15701882

>I don't know why you want to talk shit gladio when the topic is wildfires.
Because this is obviously organized arson and it's obvious who benefits from such a thing. You could screech that your heckin' masters would never/could never do such a thing, but we know they're in control of a decades-old terrorist network operating in Europe, so they could and they would.

>> No.15702126


>> No.15702158

>this is obviously organized
That's where the schozo conspiracy theory begins. No, it's not obviously organised. Maybe it is. I don't know. Claiming that it obviously is is ridiculous.

>> No.15702629

Absolutely retarded schizo. Take your meds asap

>> No.15702633

Corporate Executives

“Climate change is in! How do we monetise this?”

Cue wildfires?…

>> No.15702646

A swan will tear your nuts off for looking at it wrong.

Jesus, what compels these people to do this.

>> No.15703413

>what compels these people to do this.
animal instinct

>> No.15704495

>be a "green"
>burn down forests

>> No.15704497

It's obvious to those of us who are human, not to PFC-lacking golems who spew buzzwords like "conspiracy theory" and "schizo". :^)

>> No.15704500

Go ahead and show me one thing I'm wrong about.

>> No.15704502
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so who dunnit???


>> No.15705512

>be anti-racist
>attempt to genocidally exterminate all whites
starting to pick up the pattern yet?
atheists don't bother communicating except to lie

>> No.15705518

Hotter air holds more water, not less. Why do you keep insisting that hotter air is dryer?

>> No.15705548

No one said it's significantly dryer because it is a few degrees warmer. Both the temperature and the drought are effects of that larger-scale change. I could tell you more about it, but your lie that anyone "keeps insisting that hotter air is dryer" shows your bad faith, so I'll tell you to kys instead.

>> No.15705595

Did NATO use its hurricane gun against Florida as well?

>> No.15705803

Whether intentional or not, most wildfires are caused by humans. IIRC in the Mediterranean area more than 95% of wildfires are caused by humans, so it's not exactly surprising that this year's wildfires didn't arise naturally. Climate change creates conditions that make ignitions by any cause more likely and said conditions make it easier for those fires to spread. Please educate yourselves /pol/tards.

>> No.15705812

>Climate change creates conditions that make ignitions by any cause more likely
Why did your handlers have to hire truckloads of arsonists, then?

>> No.15705817

Politicians are greedy fucks and state controlled wildfires could be a means to gain more control over the population. Intentionally caused wildfires could also be a nice way to weaken enemy nations by deriving them of natural resources and possbily destroying infrastructure. The possibilities are endless really.

>> No.15705818

>state controlled wildfires could be a means to gain more control over the population
Glad we have it settled that the only connection with AGW is that it's marketing for the climate panic police state agenda.

>> No.15705891

>Retard climate schizos now can't discern the difference between what starts a fire and what causes it to keep going
You realise fires start all the time right? Yet the world doesn't burn down? It's almost like climate has something to do with it

>> No.15705893

Yeah fires aren't easier to start and spread in hot dry weather, and they certainly don't spread by wind....
Kill yourself, clown

>> No.15705919

Greek officials said that the fires where caused by arson. Do you need more convincing?

>> No.15705921

There's hot and dry weather every year. There isn't organized mass arson every year.

>> No.15705925

>There's hot and dry weather every year.
Yeah and there's fires every year. But sometimes the fires are worse because...
Figure it out, shillbot

>> No.15705951

>But sometimes the fires are worse because...
Because your handlers send truckloads of arsonists to pull off a marketing gimmick for """global warming"""?

>> No.15706119

You son of a bitch, I'm in.

>> No.15706169

Climate change will never be responsible for a wildfire, or a hurricane, or any natural disaster or weather event. What Climate change WILL do is make it hotter and drier so that such events are more likely to occur.

I know this is high IQ stuff for you, but try and use those 65 points of IQ God gave you.l Okay?

>> No.15706178
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>climate change caused 79 people to get caught committing forest arson
>I know this is high IQ stuff for you
Scienceism, not even once

>> No.15706205

>What Climate change WILL do is make it hotter and drier so that such events are more likely to occur.
So much this. It was climate anxiety. That's what made organized arson like this possible.

>> No.15706210

In the mediterraneum we already know this shit, you will never see locals blaming climate change for that. It’s either the forest services that prevent people from burning dry leaves and grass that causes the fire or some incompetent shepherd doing it by himself causes the fire.

>> No.15706241

>didn't understand my post
Can't help some people.

>> No.15706283
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Greekanon here.
Fires are set by "official" firefighting volunteers who get paid by the Greek govt. so they can buy land cheap and construct wind turbines and hotels.
Fires are also set by the bulgarian crime ring so they can boost lumber exports to greece.

>> No.15706284

>Fires are set by "official" firefighting volunteers who get paid by the Greek govt.
If it was so, they wouldn't get arrested.

>> No.15706307

Why not? There's no way to trace anything back to the payers (proven in interrogations) and who cares if the random hillbilly they paid goes to prison? There's always more.
There's also talk of their release anyways.

>> No.15706310

>Why not?
Because arresting your own operatives is dangerous. Because you may have to try them for their crimes. And then they may say something in court that you don't want to be made public.

>> No.15706319

I already said that they supposedly have no useful info.
These volunteers are nobodies who get official clearance to help with the fires. The way they're paid can be done in a way that doesn't reveal information about their payer to them.
However, others are saying that the police is in on it too, but I wouldn't go so far.

>> No.15706329

>I already said that they supposedly have no useful info.
No one cares what you already said. I'm just pointing out the obvious: you don't arrest your own operatives if you can avoid it.

> The way they're paid can be done in a way that doesn't reveal information
The fact that they're paid already reveals a lot of information. Who they are and who they're connected to does as well.

>> No.15706401

>because their apes and think its funny

>> No.15706485

the recent fires were arson, not the big ones during the summer you retard

>> No.15706489

>not the big ones during the summer
Proof that they weren't arsons as well?

>> No.15706517

>prove a negative
How about you prove why you shouldn't kys?