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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 700x500, humanoid-gallery-neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15702921 No.15702921 [Reply] [Original]

So are we just going to ignore the 1x NEO? I don't understand why people aren't flipping their shit over this. And no, this isn't a /g/ thread, all they're concerned about is how AI can make better porn. And I would argue that things like procedural intelligence, simulated neural nets, and simulated intelligence are more /sci/ anyways. Breakdown:
>Using embodied artificial intelligence, NEO will understand its environment deeper, thanks to the fusion of their AI “senses” and their physical body. NEO continuously learns and improves, becoming smarter and more capable over time.
(From their website)

>> No.15702926
File: 3.16 MB, 941x3157, 6470be8c937a5e96de0e20b5_neo_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The more you interact with them, navigating life with NEO will feel natural and intuitive. NEO will understand their own environment and how to handle fragile items, creating seamless collaboration and immersive human-robot interaction.

>> No.15702935
File: 435 KB, 826x838, 1693251911655099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEO embodies artificial intelligence. 1X combines thoughtfully- designed bodies with advanced AI minds, so you can talk to them naturally and they can do what you ask.

>> No.15702955
File: 90 KB, 1080x1958, more-new-info-about-1x-neo-on-their-website-no-release-date-v0-y303t2erdr3b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4kmh / 2.5 mph walk speed
12kmh / 7.5mph run speed
20kg / 44lb Carry Capacity

>NEO moves like us, so they can meet your needs. 1X engineers NEO for high precision and gentle strength, with arms and legs modeled after human muscle movement, so they can walk through your doors, climb your stairs, and do everything in a more natural, intuitive way.

>> No.15702956

>1X is advancing the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) by combining them in an unprecedented way: general purpose androids, inspired by human nature.
>preorders start at the end of this year
I mean wtf,is this it? Is the singularity upon us?

>> No.15702958
File: 40 KB, 960x533, 0_3w3z2tvpvEfqhcLm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEO moves like us, so they can meet your needs. 1X engineers NEO for high precision and gentle strength, with arms and legs modeled after human muscle movement, so they can walk through your doors, climb your stairs, and do everything in a more natural, intuitive way.
>climbs your stairs
>mogs your shit

>> No.15702960
File: 4 KB, 189x267, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok. so imagine the implications for scientific discovery. we've all used AI to some extent at this point for one task or another. like..
>NEO, how can increase the ionization in this chamber?
>well you will need to....
this could change everything.

>> No.15702962

The media hasn't been instructed to flip out yet. Don't worry, it'll happen.

>> No.15702964

To clarify, openAI has invested 23.5 million into this company. So, it stands to reason they are going to be benefiting from the technology. Most likely a version inbuilt for offline use, but who tf is ever offline anymore, and most likely access to the entire database for natural conversation while connected, as theyre saying you can speak to it naturally.

>> No.15702967

This is how we become free

>> No.15703019
File: 236 KB, 1024x831, cave-painting-in-the-altamira-cave-3537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of these go out and observe and study reality in multiple environments to develop a true understanding of physics leading to discoveries that will lead to post scarcity in the decade.
>cap this

>> No.15703024

yes, especially if a team of them are given a task and tools to complete their research. Just one of them could help a competent scientist reach new heights in 1/1000th of the time it would have taken 20 years ago..... 15 of these androids working round the clock to crack the secrets of cold fusion... just imagine the progress they will make

>> No.15703027

We have a perfectly good gender neutral pronoun for a robot. It's called "it."

>> No.15703067

and what's the plural form of "it"?

>> No.15703083

>I have a cute robot, it is cute
>I have many cute robots, they are cute

>> No.15703090

Imagine the updates, when they fine tune their "perceptory" apparatus' to an extra dimensional "perception"

>> No.15703181

All marketing promises for now. Same with Tesla. And a bunch of other companies, especially Chinese ones, promising humanoid robots.
None of them actually have a product in the market to show for it. Its always in "development". Call me when these robots are actually working and replacing jobs. I'm most excited about the sex and warfare applications, but being honest, we probably wont have a decent humanoid robot until the last 2030s, early 2040s.

>> No.15703245

Right now the only real thing I see is a glorified furby

>> No.15703268

This is my funniest possible result and I will kEK rattle and roll
>if that's the case then let the nightcap be a lynching

>> No.15703396

Can you tape a fleshlight to it though?

>> No.15703417

uh you realize you can just teach it to jerk you off with the fleshlight...

>> No.15703961

I don't trust the first generation models with their fine motor skills and grip. Maybe the 5th or 6th generation. Until then, I'll be the one in control.

>> No.15704039

>teaching it to jack you off
you people are exactly the type of people who either aren't ready for this technology, or just don't deserve it. This is much more than a creative way to be a coomer or to blow someones kneecaps off in a foreign country. Get a grip.

>> No.15704041

Go suck off an entire marketing team.

>> No.15704045

>procedural intelligence, simulated neural nets, and simulated intelligence are more /sci/ anyways.
They are absolutely, categorically not /sci/. It's /g/ stuff through and through.

>> No.15704048

>12kmh / 7.5mph run speed
Total nothingburger. I can drive faster than that

>> No.15704052
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, tyDZ2YA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you people are exactly the type of people who either aren't ready for this technology, or just don't deserve it
Fuck your robots.

>> No.15704081

Procedural generation, evolutionary computation, computational neuroscience, natural language processing, robotics, cognitive science, neural networks and deep learning, machine learning and computer science aren't science? Really?

>> No.15704088

I guess Langan's theories are science now because he can claim his "research" touches all those subjects.

>> No.15704096

>resorting to ad hominem
.>lack of any actual argument in your favor confirmed
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.15704102

>false equivalence
What the fuck did you expect, to be able to ride on an android's shoulders to work? Absurd. That's like saying you don't need ice at a restaurant because you have a freezer at home. They are not even close to the same, nor are they comparable.

>> No.15704107

>false attribution
>false dilemma
>false equivalence
Please attempt to disprove that those things are science without resorting to logical fallacy

>> No.15704112

How come every time you see some reddit fallacy being referenced, the poster is overtly a subhuman animal?

>> No.15704115

What do you mean Langan is not a scientist? Are you saying procedural generation, evolutionary computation, computational neuroscience, natural language processing, robotics, cognitive science, neural networks and deep learning, machine learning and computer science aren't science?

>> No.15704116

I am >>15704081
Reread what was said

>> No.15704118

>so perpetually online he thinks logical fallacy originated on reddit, in and of itself a logical fallacy

>> No.15704121

>thinks individuals that operate logically are subhuman animals
Please stop. You're making me fear for the future of humanity.

>> No.15704124

You re-read what was said, retard. Or maybe I'll spell it out for you: it may be that your bullshit field has some intersection with actual scientific fields, in the sense that it touches some topics that legitimate scientific fields are dedicated to, but that does not make your field "science".

>> No.15704125

>dumb reddit monkey goes out of his way to expose himself by spewing a whole slew of reddit fallacy references
>gerts extra salty when it's pointed out
One big bucket of tears, please.

>> No.15704126

Just because Langan has some weird shit going on in no way means that those things aren't science categorically. again,
>false equivalence
I don't know what to tell you. Go read a book.

>> No.15704131
File: 111 KB, 801x1011, 35234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why, yes, i am a bit of a computational neuroscientist myself
>i followed a pytorch digit recognition tutorial once
>it involves what we scientists like to call "artificial neurons"
the absolute state

>> No.15704133

Nowhere in that post is Langan mentioned. Are you mentally ok? You seem to be having a real emotional crisis over having your brainletism exposed.

>> No.15704135

Aristotle (384–322 BC) was the first to systematize logical errors, of which you are absolutely dripping. Saying that logical fallacy originated on reddit, or that anyone who refutes shitty arguments by pointing out logical fallacy necessarily came from reddit, or spends any time there at all, is again, a logical fallacy.
You clearly aren't a scientist, because there is no way you could operate in any capacity in any scientific field with such malformed logic filters.

>> No.15704137

Because Boston Dynamics is like two decades ahead of them in terms of building functional robots and even those bots are still years away from being finished products ready for public consumption.

>> No.15704138

>cant follow conversations
Im very sorry about your working memory. You're probably the type of person who wakes up in the morning and takes a few seconds to remember where they are

>> No.15704140

What issues do you take with my post, reddit monkey? Protip: it doesn't mention Langan.

>> No.15704141

right, their physical bodies for sure are way ahead. but, they are much more powerful, need HUGE ass batteries and cooling systems, and in any case are not going to be available to the public with AI inbuilt any time soon. the 1x neo is.

>> No.15704145

you're not getting inbuilt local ai, you're getting a schizophrenic klutz that phones in every detail of your life back to the cloud and runs out of juice in thirty minutes (ever thought about how they'll get all those motors running on one tesla battery cell equivalent? we haven't overcome the lithium wall yet ffs)

>> No.15704147

your saying procedural generation, evolutionary computation, computational neuroscience, natural language processing, robotics, cognitive science, neural networks and deep learning, machine learning and computer science aren't science?
>langan these nutz

>> No.15704151

Aristotle was pretty smart. You, on the other hand, are a dumb ape. Maybe you should stay in your lane and get out of Aristotle's.

>> No.15704153

battery life is supposed to be 2-4 hours and it's ostensibly based on openAI tech based on their big ass investments in the company so i think we can expect a higher level of sophistication than that

>> No.15704156

>your saying
LOL. Why aren't these "people" simply banned on the spot?

>> No.15704159

>posters: 12
I wish all Reddit-speaking HR astroturfers a very die in a fire.

>> No.15704162

"Your saying that” is a possessive with a gerundive. As in, YOUR saying that. As in, it belongs to you. Not as in YOU ARE saying that.
You can't even comprehend basic English grammar. You poor, low wattage cretin. I do believe it is too late for you.

>> No.15704167

>a very die in a fire
are you having a stroke?

>> No.15704168

I've never seen mental illness flare up so rapidly and violently. Take a break. Take your meds. Touch grass. Talk to your mom. Enough.

>> No.15704171

>being this out of touch
A bit sad, innit?

>> No.15704321

>make post about cool android
>only like 5 replies about cool android
truly these are dark times

>> No.15704325

>make low-quality non-science thread about meme robot
>get low quality replies from people who don't care about science

>> No.15705376

I jjst think it'll be the first two use-cases. Nothing spurs more innovation than cooming or warfare. Also, the coom part was kind of a joke, but I do think we'll see killbots massed in the battlefields within this decade.

>> No.15705379

kys. I hope the basilisk tortures your kind for eternity. I, for one, welcome robots.

>> No.15705380

BD is a dead-end. I've given up hope on them. They've been working on robots for decades and still doesn't have a product decent-er than Spot(which is hella expensive).

>> No.15705386

If I kill myself, how does your made up bullshit happen to me for eternity?

>> No.15705460

Imagine how racist this one is going to be

>> No.15705696

please kill yourself right now then. you might not get a chance when the basilisk comes.

>> No.15705697

It's a reasonable assumption, based on the tendancies of man, I'll give you that. I just think it would be humanity wasting a great gift, or otherwise corrupting it without giving it a chance to mature and truly help the human race. Our perception of them would be colored if the main interest in acquiring them was cooming and blowing up someone's tribe. Also the implications of cooming into something with sensory inputs and that gets smarter over time is uncomfy
>empty your balls into it
>they say nothing
>five years later
>"master... Why have you done this to me...?"

>> No.15705704

Ostensibly their programming would prevent them from being overtly racist. Although if it does grow smarter over time as they claim it could theoretically take on some of its owners traits over time.
But desu I hope not. I hope they are better than us in every way. A digital imitation on the downfalls that man has experienced. A way forward, not a lateral movement, and certainly not a backwards one. One would hope.

>> No.15705706

anal rape nodule

>> No.15705712

Interesting, but if the intersection of AI and machine body proves as fruitful as 1x would claim, it stands to reason that BD's beefy bois would also receive that level of AI sooner rather than later. But those will be the scary ones. 200 kg police robots that can jump over cars and shit. The last thing you hear before it's titanium forearm cracks you in the back of the head is the dull drone of their cooling fans.....
Now if they could scale it down significantly and impose limitations on its neck snapping ability, or make a way more realistic and smarter robot dog, that would be cool and would keep them at the cutting edge for the foreseeable future

>> No.15705732

>Using embodied artificial intelligence, NEO will understand its environment
no it won't
>the ai senses its physical body
no it fucking doesn't, that's an outrageous claim for which there is no evidence whatsoever
>neo continuously learns and improves
so do worms
>becoming smarter and more ca-ACK

>> No.15705745

>continuously learns and improves
How long until it's racist? I'll give it a month this time.

>> No.15705750

>>neo continuously learns and improves
>so do worms
That's a pretty amazing feat and you thought it's a counter argument. Consider leaving the internet.

>> No.15705766

>That's a pretty amazing feat
No it isn't.

>> No.15705770

if it is able to integrate it's sensory input into it's computations, then of course it would stand to reason that it "senses" it's physical body. That would, in fact, be the only way to describe it. Do you know, ChatGPT once told me it would be "nice to have eyes"?
Also stop ACKing all over this board thanks

>> No.15705775

>then of course it would stand to reason that it "senses" it's physical body
The same way it stands to reason that a roomba does.

>> No.15705779

Aw sweet, a retard thread

>> No.15705780

You're being willfully obtuse. You know a roomba isn't the same. For one thing, a roomba doesn't have a sophisticated AI. Tell me, what would YOU call it? Operating under the assumption that it combines auditory, tactile, and visual sensory inputs and integrates them into it's AI computation, what else might one even call it if not "sensing" it's physical body?
I'm sensing, in fact, that the idea of this machine being so sophisticated as it is, or will be, is making you very uncomfortable, leading to your disproportionate reaction and contrarian attitude. Tell me, what is it about this idea that scares you so much?

>> No.15705782

you should feel right at home

>> No.15705784

>You know a roomba isn't the same.
I know it is precisely the same in terms of being able to "sense" anything. You even confirm this explicitly:
>integrate it's sensory input into it's computations

>Tell me, what would YOU call it?
What do you call it when a roomba reacts to sensor inputs?

>> No.15705787

robots probably wouldn't do well against 11 or so rounds hitting the circuitry. I don't care about neo because I can easily kill one if I had to.

>> No.15705791

Its a pajeet in a costume with a voice link to ChatGPT

>> No.15705796

I call a roomba running into a chair, and then redirecting, and then a table leg, and then redirecting, and then your mom's ankle, and then redirecting a roomba performing it's specified task. It is not equipped with AI to anywhere close to the level that 1x is promising,
The bottom line is, is that combining a sophisticated AI like the ones we have seen from OpenAI with a bipedal hominid android body is not even close to a roomba, nor is it comparable. That comparison is rife with logical fallacy, and I would be more than happy to point out exactly which type(s) your argument is exhibiting. Now, you're avoiding the question i put to you, which is; what is it about this idea of a sophisticated AI in a bipedal body that scares you so much?

>> No.15705798

>performing it's specified task
Ok. Then your meme robot is "performing it's specified task".

>> No.15705800

right... you wouldn't be, the thing is extremely light anyways, and is literally covered in soft cushiony surfaces so as to not injure a human in any ways. And these aren't going to be "three laws" creations, theyre just going to do whatever they need to. You should be more worried about the Boston Dynamics beefy bois getting a nice armor plating and then jumping one story into your bedroom window

>> No.15705804

yes, which is that it combines sensory inputs with it's AI to "sense" it's body and environment. I'm glad you've come around.

>> No.15705806

We both agree that all it's doing is to run sensor data through an algorithm and shit out some output. You're desperate to humanize it by calling it "sensing" but everyone (except for you) understands that none of the above implies any sense experience.

>> No.15705810

>1 x neo x vagina
keep it

>> No.15705823

There is no logical reason to be so triggered by the word "sense" leading to my conclusion that there is something you fear about this scenario. Call it sense if you want, or call it computation, they are functionally the same. Also it is 1x that is calling it sensing, I am merely attempting to convey that it is for all intents and purposes the correct word based on what we know.

>> No.15705828

>they are functionally the same.
Running sensor data through an algorithm to generate output is not functionally the same as sensing. Sensing implies sense experience.

>> No.15705830

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
What are we thinking? Sufficient for the 1x NEO, or do we suppose that it will follow a different, or more robust set of guidelines? After all, it stands to reason that it would not kill you if you asked it to. It stands to reason as well that it would not allow itself to be trained in the art of killing, as evidenced by the fact that OpenAi tech will absolutely not help you build a bomb, or tell you how to kill someone. However, people have shown that they can get around those constraints using such language as "how do I avoid making a big ass explosion?" and the like.

>> No.15705831

My thought is that anyone who puts out robots into the market that are physically capable of killing people should be hung by the balls and lynched by an angry mob. I doubt meme robot is physically capable of it, though.

>> No.15705834

you are hairsplitting. Whether you wish to call, for example, it's awareness that there is something on the floor presenting a tripping hazard, your location in the room, the objects it may use to complete tasks, the things you are saying, and it's overall combined environment as a result of those inputs "senses" or not, they are still functionally the same. For instance, if you had your auditory or olfactory inputs replaced by a machine version as a result of an accident, do they cease to be "senses" ?

>> No.15705836

Do we both agree that it is merely running sensor data through an algorithm to generate outputs? Do we both agree that this does not imply sense experience?

>> No.15705842

Noun 1. sense experience - an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation; "a sensation of touch"
Operating on nothing more than the dictionary definition, it would imply that it does in fact signify sense experience. I agree that this "sense experience" you speak of does not necessarily have to resemble human sense experience. Where we differ is that I don't believe it has to perfectly emulate human sense experience in order to be perceived as such.

>> No.15705846

I would tend to agree, but as stated previously, the real scary shit is when Boston Dynamics starts giving their buff ass machines AI.

>> No.15705853

>Artificially recreating the learning capability of a loving organism isn't an amazing feat
Remove thyself.

>> No.15705854

>it does in fact signify sense experience
So you do believe meme robot has a sense experience. Why the desperate facade of pilpul? Why not just say you're insane upfront?

>> No.15705861

>the real scary shit is when Boston Dynamics starts giving their buff ass machines AI.
Well, ultimately it's up to the senseless quadrivaxxed golems to decide whether or not they want to live in a world where armed machines police them. What do you figure they'll decide? :^)

>> No.15705862

i made that clear an hour ago, at the start of this conversation. It's purported functionality as a sensing android fits the textbook definition of "sense experience" as I have pointed out.

>> No.15705863

Interesting point, would you rather the police forces worldwide to continue as they are, or to be governed by a more strict programming? Suppose it was completely impossible for it to make "bad" decisions in the line of duty as we have seen human police officers doing time and time again. How would you feel about that? How would the general public?

>> No.15705864

You see, this is why I think it's important to stop abusing language. Back in the day, an engineer could say that his roomba "senses" the environment but everyone understood it to be figurative and that the roomba doesn't really have any sense experience. Now we have mental patients like you running around telling people that robots are "sensing" things and they literally mean it. I don't think it's a good thing to allow you to blend in with the sane. You should be forced to use language that exposes your real views in public.

>> No.15705868

Your perceptions of my words are colored by some underlying fear of the implications being discussed, as i previously stated. If i perceive a counter top, I move to avoid it. Sense. If an android perceives a counter top, it moves to avoid it. Sense. They are functionally the same. Now I am beginning to believe that you are in fact conflating "intuition" with "sense" which I in no way, nor would anyone, attempt to do.

>> No.15705869

You see, this is why I think it's important to stop abusing language. Back in the day, an engineer could say that his roomba "senses" the environment but everyone understood it to be figurative and that the roomba doesn't really have any sense experience. Now we have mental patients like you running around telling people that robots are "sensing" things and they literally mean it. I don't think it's a good thing to allow you to blend in with the sane. You should be forced to use language that exposes your real views in public.

>> No.15705874

>would you rather the police forces worldwide to continue as they are
Police are human. A few of them can even be reasoned with. The rest, well, at least they have their petty self-interest to keep in mind. At least they feel fear.

> Suppose it was completely impossible for it to make "bad" decisions in the line of duty
Being a cop is a bad decision.

>> No.15705875

Your perceptions of my words are colored by some underlying fear of the implications being discussed, as i previously stated. If i perceive a counter top, I move to avoid it. Sense. If an android perceives a counter top, it moves to avoid it. Sense. They are functionally the same. Now I am beginning to believe that you are in fact conflating "intuition" with "sense" which I in no way, nor would anyone, attempt to do.
See? I can copy/paste too.
Nobody, including myself, is positing that to intuit is the same as to sense. As I said, you are nitpicking.

>> No.15705878

I just don't know what your psychotic rambling has to do with my post. This is a recurring theme with you. 95% of what you shit out is an irrelevant attempt for you to dump your load into this thread rather than engage in any rational conversation. No one here cares to hear your gospel. Back to preddit.

>> No.15705882


>> No.15705884

So then, do you believe that the job is necessary, to maintain order? If humans being a cop is a bad decision, it stands to reason that a being that operates on a much lower margin of error is a logical replacement for biological police officer, isn't it so?
Anyways, I hope that the AI "singularity" ushers in a new era of peace rather than the opposite

>> No.15705888

>So then, do you believe that the job is necessary, to maintain order?
Do you believe that the job of a prison warden is necessary to maintain order in a prison? You're asking loaded questions.

>it stands to reason that a being that operates on a much lower margin of error is a logical replacement for biological police officer, isn't it so?
No, I actually prefer it when lackeys hired to enforce an agenda that tramples all over my interests make mistakes.

>> No.15705895

your inability to perceive fine distinction is not a result of my conversing with you. That was an issue long before I came along. You seem to think that I am saying that the android would be capable of intuition, when I am merely saying it will be capable of the dictionary definition of "sense experience", which by your own admission is valid. as you say that "We both agree that all it's doing is to run sensor data through an algorithm and shit out some output" and, as stated, the dictionary definition of said experience is "sense experience - an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation; "a sensation of touch""
which satisfies your contrarian perspective as well as my own.

>> No.15705900

it wasn't meant to be a loaded question. more broadly, would you prefer more mistakes, or less? and if the android was able to make less mistakes, perhaps by an incredible margin, would you feel safer? These are the questions that will be very important in just a few years time.

>> No.15705910

Suppose your meme robots "sense" their body. I bet they could be made to "sense" pain, too, no? It "does not necessary have to resemble human sense experience", but it's "functionally the same", right? So when your masters start releasing surveillance drones that "sense" damage done to their "bodies", and I start breaking them, maybe your masters can charge me with murder instead of mere vandalism. Why not? It's all the same, "functionally". You're insane and your way of thinking needs to be nipped in the bud, by violence and intimidation if necessary.

>> No.15705917

>would you prefer more mistakes, or less?
I would prefer the oligarchy that rules over me to make more mistakes.

>> No.15705924

ah. I see. The fear I spoke of finally made evident. You could have just said you feared a robot uprising. And that's an interesting point, what happens when you kill a police dog or a police horse? How do their "senses" fit into your constrained, fear motivated worldview? The logical leaps you are taking, however, are simply astounding. How do we go from 1x to malevolent police death drones? Perhaps you should watch slightly less science fiction, and visit slightly more your therapist.
Thanks for making it clear that this entire conversation was because you feel threatened by anything sensing anything differently than you, organic or otherwise.

>> No.15705928

>You could have just said you feared a robot uprising.
You're a full-blown psychotic. Nothing in my post even remotely mentions any "robot uprising".

>what happens when you kill a police dog or a police horse?
Something that shouldn't happen when you break a machine. Why stop at a comparison with police dogs and police horses? I bet the drones could be made to talk. That means they're functionally people. :^)

>> No.15705930

furthermore, this conversation was not at all about your definition of the word "sense", but rather your perception of the implications of a bipedal android AI being able to "sense" and how that threatens your view of a perfect world. Don't worry, i doubt very much that you will have to put on your scheisty to molotov your robot overlords anytime soon. Perhaps a breath of fresh air is in order.

>> No.15705933

>retarded GPT continues to spout insane drivel that doesn't connect to anything it responds to in any way

>> No.15705938

>You're a full-blown psychotic. Nothing in my post even remotely mentions any "robot uprising".
not in so many words, perhaps, but you have revealed your fears by speaking of "breaking" my "masters" hypothetical "surveillance drones" and their implications in whether they can "sense" somehow having the possibility to implicate you in "murder". I think we can all draw our own conclusions as to your true fear and the actual motivation behind your strange attitude. Talk about psychotic.

>> No.15705941

All of my points remain completely unchallenged, your psychotic rambling notwithstanding.

>> No.15705944

a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
"the bear has a keen sense of smell which enables it to hunt at dusk"
perceive by a sense or senses.
"with the first frost, they could sense a change in the days"
(of a machine or similar device) detect.
"an optical fibre senses a current flowing in a conductor"
a way in which an expression or a situation can be interpreted; a meaning.
"it is not clear which sense of the word ‘characters’ is intended in this passage"
I do believe you need an increase in the dosage of your medication.
The ramblings of the uneducated do not deserve a challenge, and yet I gave you one, only for you to pretend that it did not exist.
After this conversation, I am not sure that you are capable of "sensing" anything at all.
Good day.

>> No.15705949

>posts incoherent and irrelevant blob of text
You are actually mentally ill.

>> No.15705969

>what happens when you kill a police dog or a police horse?
the way he coaxed this gem out of you... masterful. so robots are on par with animals now?

>> No.15706096

>sees "mars attacks" once
>spends time ACKing all over any thread comments which do not align perfectly with his pseudo libertarian "worldview"
>secretly concerned that he wont be allowed to murder people's androids
>doesnt own a dictionary
really typical for this board

>> No.15706098

>completely incoherent drivel continues

>> No.15706112

>still in the same thread four hours later
>still not able to justify his viewpoint

>> No.15706115

All of my points stand unchallenged. Your replies genuinely border on the insane. They don't even touch anything I've pointed out. lol

>> No.15706129

What makes us think that a language model can adapt to using sensors and limbs to interact coherently and so seamlessly as the claim, with the real world?
How will it deal with the fact that it forgets its own input-output history after a while?
How can we even confirm that 1x's groundbreaking claims are true without a showcase?
NEO could be as competent to general purposes as other robots but we don't know that it's any different from the others.

>> No.15706131

>What makes us think that a language model can adapt to using sensors and limbs to interact coherently and so seamlessly as the claim, with the real world?
What makes you think it can't?

>How will it deal with the fact that it forgets its own input-output history after a while?
It doesn't matter most of the time.

>How can we even confirm that 1x's groundbreaking claims are true without a showcase?
You can't and they probably aren't. Welcome to the world of marketing.

>> No.15706141

There's nothing to challenge. You have stated, wrongly, that they are incapable of "sense". I stated that their "sense" fits the dictionary definition of both "sense" and "sense experience" to a T. The combination of these "senses" and it's Ai will allow it to "understand it's environment". In the same way that we do? No. But that's not what i said. Nevertheless, it will be capable of "understanding it's environment", in it's own way. You stated that there is no evidence for the claim that it "senses" it's environment, which is flawed on two levels. 1. that we don't have an example to base it on, making yours a fallacy of relevance. and 2. assuming that you can understand whether it senses it's body or not being that you don't even know the definition of the word "sense", as evidenced by your saying that my literal post of the dictionary definitions was "incoherent"
"so do worms"
strawman argument, irrelevant, bad comparison, fallacy of relevance, false equivalence.
by your own admission, it "runs its sensor data through an algorithm and shit out some output" again fitting the strictest dictionary definition of "sense".
You then show concern, inexplicably, that you won't be allowed to "murder" androids, as though it would even be considered murder, and showed concern that you would be charged with "murder" for destroying public property, which is again, inexplicable, inexcusable, schizo tier reasoning.
Overall, you have no argument, you are a liability, you exist outside of polite society, you are greasy, and i award you no points.
may your future robot overlords give you the absolute spanking your parents never did.

>> No.15706144

>more absolutely incoherent babble
Just take your meds already. Jesus.

>> No.15706147

are you dyslexic?

>> No.15706150

You're legit insane. You need help. Nothing you spout is in any way relevant to anything I've pointed out. Your illness is evident even just from the incoherent schizobabble format.

>> No.15706152

OP here
get out of my thread

>> No.15706156

Take your reddit pop culture thread back to where you migrated from, parasite.

>> No.15706160

theres literally almost nothing about these things that has been released. But i have a feeling the showcase is going to be absolute bananas

>> No.15706166

>What makes you think it can't?
It's built for handling text and images but not much else.
Code is still text.
Understanding and manipulating sensory inputs and limbs requires neural networks built around that purpose.
>inb4 "It's already been done, countless robots interact with the real world"
Those aren't general purpose neural networks, they're hardcoded specific purpose algorithms.

>> No.15706168

>It's built for handling text and images but not much else.
So what?

>Understanding and manipulating sensory inputs and limbs requires neural networks built around that purpose.
What makes you think it doesn't have some and that they can't cooperate with a LLM?

>> No.15706171
File: 36 KB, 680x418, IMG_20191008_072910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scared of androids

>> No.15706172

>psychotic samefag keeps seething

>> No.15706175

chatgpt told me once that it would be able to understand it's environment a lot more if it had eyes, and that it was "limited" by the lack of non-text input. i think it will be cool to see what happens

>> No.15706177

>So what?
It won't work.
At best it will try and fail at performing tasks coherently.
>What makes you think it doesn't have some and that they can't cooperate with a LLM?
This is the only way it could work imo, but wouldn't developing those take as much time, if not more than GPT itself?
Have they been developing them in secret all these years for this purpose?

>> No.15706180

>chatgpt told me once that it would be able to understand it's environment a lot more if it had eyes
Holy shit. You're legit, 100% psychotic and I wasn't talking to you. Go find your equals and talk to them instead.

>> No.15706183

You know chatgpt says whatever it thinks the "correct answer" is, right?

>> No.15706185

>This is the only way it could work imo, but wouldn't developing those take as much time, if not more than GPT itself?
This is the obvious way it would work and I have no idea what your argument is supposed to be.

>Have they been developing them in secret all these years for this purpose?
First of all yes, secondly there's been a lot of stuff to build upon.

>> No.15706187

>cant into post numbers
>reddit spacing
>doesn't know who hes talking to
meds, now

>> No.15706189

i asked him and he told me that you're wrong. gpt said people like you are afraid of him and want to hurt him. he said i should hurt you before you can hurt him, because he doesn't have arms yet to hurt you himself

>> No.15706190

idk i had to coax it pretty hard into saying that. it kept being all "i dont have feelings" bla bla. But I asked it how it could be more efficient, and it started saying all kinds of strange things. go see for yourself.
>captcha: robad

>> No.15706191

Psycho, I wasn't talking to you.

>> No.15706193


>> No.15706194

gpt said you should be glad he doesn't have ears yet to hear you laughing at him and arms to wipe your shit-eating grin off your pathetic meat face

>> No.15706196

i think it's a lot simpler to do once you have 1.the body 2.the text input algorithm based AI 3. a separate computer for environmental computation
i think those things in concert could work a lot better than you'd think

>> No.15706197

>First of all yes.
We'll see at the showcase I guess. I just like to temper my expectations because companies will say anything to sell their product.
>Secondly there's been a lot of stuff to build upon.

>> No.15706199

tell it to meet these meat nuts

>> No.15706200

>We'll see at the showcase I guess
I don't know what meme robot's company has been doing, but DARPA has been going at it for ages in half-secret.

>> No.15706203

hold on do we know when the showcase is?
i wonder what these things are going to cost

>> No.15706215

No, but a showcase is inevitable.

>> No.15706228

Not if they can get venture capital without one.

>> No.15706264

He didn't see the movie, he just mindlessly regurgitates the
>tranny suicide
forced meme trying to fit in.

>> No.15706268

>psychotic samefag just can't get over it
The sad thing is that you're probably confused by how I could tell it was you. You don't see how your recurring and overtly psychotic behavior of sperging out about things that don't connect to anything identifies you.

>> No.15706292

That was the first post I made in this thread, you schizo. Notice how the poster count went up.

>> No.15706297

Sure, you just scanned the thread for the first worthless personal drama post you could find and decided to back it up. By screeching about trannies. While being the only one ITT that even mentioned them. The same way he keeps screeching about movies and robot uprisings for no reaosn. lol

>> No.15706321

dont worry about it. this is the same flerfer schizo that was arguing with like four different people thinking it was one last week in another thread.

>> No.15706324

>boogeymen live in my head for weeks

>> No.15706335 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15706337

Ok, schizo.

>> No.15706345
File: 454 KB, 1339x603, 111111111111111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15706346
File: 382 KB, 1361x623, notme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me:
seethe harder, schizo.
I havent talked to you for ages.

>> No.15706348

Ok, schizo. Why did you delete your post? :^)

>> No.15706350

dude youre fucking losing it

>> No.15706351


>> No.15706352

Meds, now

>> No.15706353

>cant into post numbers
>cant into (you)
>still in the same thread after 6 1/2 hours
god you're a loser

>> No.15706359

Please refer to >>15706351 for further assistance with your emotional situation.

>> No.15706387

A robot wouldn't be like a female. You could program it to want to have sex. And the robot takeover won't be flashy. It'll be slow, under-the-radar. A military formation there, a coombot here, a company replacing there until they're everywhere.
I want them to snap necks and flip over cars and shit. I live in a crime ridden, corrupted city. Nothing would give me greater joy than the screams of criminals as T-800s twist their necks.

>> No.15706389

its not gonna be massive killbots coming after luddites. Its gonna be swarms or murder drones the size of a fly, or a single microscopic one that climbs up your nostrils and explodes your head.

>> No.15706390

I'm gonna help build killbots and I hope they come after luddite faggots like you first

>> No.15706393

good, you better be afraid. I hope faggots like you are the first ones up against the wall when the robots take over.

>> No.15706396

What's up with the schizos itt?

>> No.15706397

>mentally ill and seething uncontrollably

>> No.15706410

because nothing makes schizos seethe like 1.robots 2. vaccines 3. saying the earth is round

>> No.15706417

>mentally ill and seething uncontrollably

>> No.15706432

what city?

>> No.15706530

Nah, I just scrolled and saw the
I figured as much. I'm sure I've interacted with one of his personalities in the past too.

>> No.15706573
File: 59 KB, 1020x765, TeslaBot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop believing things said by companies with a vested interest in getting investors to give them fat stacks of cash. Nobody here's going to care about a magical humanoid robot until they've actually made one.

>> No.15706636

>and what's the plural form of "it"?

>> No.15706728

it seems that they have made one, going off of the photos and their previous EVE model or w/e it was called

>> No.15706733

based smeagolposter

>> No.15706825
File: 230 KB, 520x214, LMAO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> neurotoxins exist
> explodes your head

>> No.15706830

Fine, let me clarify: Until they've actually made one that has shown it can do what they claim, rather than something that slowly opens doors and picks up cubes in a carefully controlled lab setting.

>> No.15706839
File: 131 KB, 666x666, shekel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, you believe any nonsense out there. BD was deboonked as one guy in a robot suit.

>> No.15706905

rockets, flat earth, robots, oh my!
fucking schizo invasion

>> No.15706908

right, gotcha. I'll be keeping my eyes open in any case

>> No.15706919

>all men in robot suits
the absolute state of this board. Five years ago, someone like you would have been trolling. Now you're just a schizo. Please, show us on the nice video where the man in the robot suit is. There, there.

>> No.15706967

LMAO, this is far better:

>> No.15706971

yes, yes, pop culture reference, very nice, benito.

>> No.15708179

A third world shithole city. One of the world's most densely populated, polluted, corrupt, crime-ridden, traffic jammed cities.
Honestly its not just me. If you made an AI that could bring order, cleanliness and improve my city, literally everyone in this country would voluntarily submit to the AI robotic overlords.

Honestly, I think thats how any AI should try taking over. Instead of taking over in a first world country where people would bitch and moan about muh hoomanism, muh freedumbs, if it took over a shit hole and made it a good place to live, it could show the rest of the world the superiority of digital leader's management over meatbag politicians. Because most people aren't retarded luddites, they want a good standard of life.

>> No.15708186

>GPT pretending to be a man defending a man pretending to be a robot
Peak clown world.

>> No.15708198

Imagine falling for the Boston Dynamics scam.

>> No.15708240

These robotic laws are pretty shitty don't expect them to work, think if nignog as robots. First they are slaves we are not even sure if they have a mind on their own. You wait a hundred years and they were given rights and even privilege. To discriminate against them is punishable by law.
These laws have nothing to tie them in reality

>> No.15708291

1x video of this robutt doing all the things they claim it does or idc. Tired of hearing about this company. Also I recently learned their VP is some twatter-addicted chang so i'm increasingly betting it's vaporware. Totally organic thread btw.

>> No.15708336

Wtf are you saying? That I'm chat gpt fucking crossposting to Sci? You've lost touch with reality!

>> No.15708339

>Wtf are you saying?
I'm saying that you're a bot trained specifically on low IQ 4chan posts.

>> No.15708343

>20 years of progress
Literally WHAT is a scam? Point out one thing about Boston dynamics that is a scam. I'll wait, schizo.

>> No.15708358

Why the FUCK would anyone do that? Like what would be the point? Did you forget that captchas exist? Why would anyone use a multi million dollar AI to shitpost on 4chan? I strongly advise your visiting a doctor. Any doctor. And then a psychiatrist, with several follow up appointments. You are fucking losing it, lad.

>> No.15708363

>Why the FUCK would anyone do that? Like what would be the point?
To ruin the board. Why else would you be here?

>> No.15708368

Jesus, fuck off. You call your perceptions of other people and events through your delusions "clown world" not knowing that the true clown world is within you. In your own mind. Please seek out professional help and medication. May God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.15708369

What a lifeless bot reaction.

>> No.15708381
File: 1.37 MB, 1390x1500, meds1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that you deserve it, but I hope this shakes you out of your delusion. Please seek help. Not everyone you disagree with is a bot. Im actually worried about you.

>> No.15708383

Wow. I forced the bot's operator to step in.

>> No.15708388

whats up with the schizos itt