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File: 5 KB, 1200x630, hedonic-treadmill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15699241 No.15699241 [Reply] [Original]

how do we fix the biggest issue facing humanity ?

>> No.15699244

Hitler had the right idea with the camps, but they won't go quietly.

>> No.15699247


>> No.15699248

>Kill all of the people you dislike
>Somehow, you're still unhappy
Maybe you should get some IRL friends to do stuff with and see if you still feel as strongly about your theory of civilization afterwards.

>> No.15699253

i got hooked on running all because of the runners high, but now a year later, i have to run 5 miles for maybe 10% of that same high. This shit is brutal man and now i have to lift weights right after the run too.

>> No.15699271

The point is not about being happy, but feeling like you're contributing. That's more of a feeling of satisfaction, or if you're white a quiet acknowledgement of a job done correctly.

>> No.15699276


fix them in the ground at their peak.

>> No.15699280
File: 840 KB, 2993x1691, 75464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do we fix the biggest issue facing humanity ?
The biggest problem facing humanity is a system that sets the baseline so low that most people end up with latent mental illnesses if not raging ones.

>> No.15699647

To live is Christ and to die is gain.

>> No.15699687
File: 43 KB, 729x447, Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 5.16.33 AM (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America has high suicide in peacetime
>America fights WW1, suicide rates decline
>No war for 20 years, suicide rates increase again
>WW2 happens, Suicide rates drop to lowest ever recorded up until that time
>US enters cold war, suicide rates stay low
>Cold war ends, nothing to fight or compete for (US enters meme non-wars against cave dwellers but they don't matter) complete US hegemony.
>A bit of lag where people enjoyed and celebrated their victory, then suicide rates start to climb up again, even in the most prosperous & peaceful time in human history.
The way to fix our problem is to enter another major war against a real enemy. Without fighting and competing, without contributing to a bigger fight, people become purposeless. Men have literally been fighting for all of history, only now have we become neutered as a result of continued peacetime. We need battle, war, competition etc. to keep your sanity. Doesn't even have to be in the battlefield, but just being part of a fight even from the homefront is good, contributing however you want. You have to think about why the most war ravaged and violent countries of the world don't have as much suicide going on even today, but peaceful countries like Japan have such high rates.

>> No.15699861

You're probably not pushing the VO2 like you did last year. Your body only gives you dopamine if it thinks you need it to erase the pain and keep going. Just run the same distance faster or the same speed longer.

>> No.15700230

Ted is literally setting the baseline low.

>> No.15700461

Haha kill’em

>> No.15700465

That is not an issue, that is a feature. Going forward requires sacrifices. The extermination of 99% of humans is a very low price to pay to colonize space.

>> No.15700554

The biggest issue facing humanity is that the most wealthy nations are controlled by a cabal of corporations (primarily banks and construction) which rely almost entirely on population growth and associate growth in the rate of consumption of non-renewable resources to maintain their power. The current system doesn't allow for this cabal to exist with a steady state population.
It's a ponzi

>> No.15700557

Stop aiming for infinite growth.
Equilibrium should be the end goal.

>> No.15700689
File: 105 KB, 655x559, Andrés Gómez Emilsson on Kaczynski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15700690
File: 10 KB, 279x445, The Hedonistic Imperative - David Pearce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genetic engineering and neuroscience will eventually allow people's DNA and brains to be re-engineered for maximum possible happiness.


>> No.15700703

This. The only ways for real human happiness is either to be cavemen or transcendent demi gods. We've come too far to go all the way back

>> No.15700758
File: 35 KB, 525x384, live kacyinski reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obviously fixable with neurotech

>> No.15700764

So what is the solution to the hedonic treadmill? You need to have something technological, or something enforced at gunpoint. Because people are gonna treadmill if they are allowed to

>> No.15700805

>how do we fix the biggest issue facing humanity ?
Ego and material attachment? Good question.

>> No.15700818
File: 318 KB, 557x750, 1402369039773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hedonistic Imperative
The idea that "suffering" is a moral evil is perhaps one of the most toxic concepts in modern philosophy. I'm not saying suffering is great, no, suffering sucks. But that's the point. It is a state of being that is designed for you to want to leave it, because whatever you're doing must be bad. But trying to "eliminate suffering by force" is like saying "we should ensure that when you stick your hand in fire, it feels amazing instead of agonizing".
Agony, suffering, and misery are all purposeful. Anyone who wishes them to no longer exists is the problem with modern life, and really engaging in the kind of Sisyphean cycle that leads to further misery; because the Human mindset is not designed to be flooded with pleasure at all times, but instead to be confronted with constant challenges that eventually build resilience. Technology insulates us from much of the challenges we used to face, namely cold and hunger, and as a result we are fat, lazy, and miserable because we haven't learned to gain enjoyment and satisfaction from procuring food and shelter. Instead everything is handed to us, and we hate it.