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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 180 KB, 800x622, technology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15694782 No.15694782 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15694823

How exactly do yo lose such big computers ? It just doesn't add up, they are lying

>> No.15694879

there's a reason why the US government spends trillions to make "useless" state of the art fighter jets and other bullshit.
there's a reason why the US animation industry went from top of the world to non-existant.
many things require a complex chain of specific talents, skills, tools, parts, and processes. These were built over decades with a lot of money, time, and trial. Once you let them go, if none of it was preserved or passed on to the next generation, it vanishes into thin air.
If something as simple as a classic walk cycle from 1930s cartoons is now a lost technique, imagine why the fucking Apollo Program is lost.

>> No.15694932

>some bullshit cartoons
>the moon landing

>> No.15694935

>but I did eat breakfast

>> No.15694949

we even have detailed simulators where people can practice skills

>> No.15696310
File: 240 KB, 90x102, 1669097701642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to build a 1960's computer when all of the specialized manufacteurs have stopped making the specific parts for decades.
that's what they mean by "lost the tech", they basically have to do everything from scratch because the vast majority of the tech is obsolete.
and they're not on a infinite budget like in the space race anymore, and most of the nazis that were actually building the rockets are long gone.

>> No.15696333

>Once you let them go, if none of it was preserved or passed on to the next generation, it vanishes into thin air.
Indeed, this is one of the reasons I started coming to this board warning about the woke invasion/takeover of academia. Once "they" start burning books and censoring people, most people have no idea you can literally go from a space faring civilization to the stone age in 2 generations. If you have a single University or library (like the library of Alexandria) and it burns down, you have literally lost 100's to 1000's of years of knowledge in an instant. It is really wild and frightening to think about. When Rome fell we lost the knowledge of how to make concrete for 100's of years.

>> No.15696334

>try to build a 1960's computer
>implying you can't emulate all of it

>> No.15696359

The USA has send multiple rockets to mars and some as far as Pluto, fairly recently. Many rovers were able to land on Mars, clearly the technology for space travel still exists

>> No.15696369

You mean the technology for 3D graphics to feed the normies exists.

>> No.15696485

It's pretty bad how far one gnarly solar flare would set the semiconductor industry back.

You think they keep paper backups of microarchitecture, with billions/trillions of atomic level transistors, with explicitly mapped out interconnects?
Hahahahahaha, fuck no.

>> No.15696487

emulate a fucking rocket engine, dipshit.

>> No.15696490

"the technology" is also a gigantic rocket ship and all the factories that you needed to make specialty parts for it which were shipped to CHYNA

>> No.15696597
File: 2.35 MB, 498x498, hc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, so much copium.

>> No.15696609

you have to go back.

>> No.15696640
File: 79 KB, 1440x679, IMG_2548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a waste of fucking trips, dude.

the loss of inherited knowledge, expertise, and craftsmanship isn’t the result of the “woke”, it’s the result of the hyper capitalist obsession with maximal efficiency. I’ve worked for private and government organizations for over a decade now and I’m literally always the ONLY person there who sits with the old timers and ask them detailed questions about their methods, where they learned them, what the work was like when they started, etc. and apply that shit to the way I work and live. literally no one gives a shit about doing this because western society is predicated on humiliating and degrading the old and the dead. all the bosses and new hires that I’ve worked with don’t hesitate to ridicule and demean the longest-working people there, giving them shit jobs so they “stay out of the way” and let people who got hired a year ago lead the company-approved “training”. even if you’re some seething incel trad larper, everything you do e.g. shitposting on shitter and 4chan about other people, jacking off to pictures of muh trad gf innawoods etc. is trampling on the sense that history is anything other than an aesthetic cloak for you to fetishize.

history isn’t lost when people try to kill it or bury it, it’s not some wartime enemy. history is lost when it’s forgotten because nobody bothered to remember.

>> No.15696664

wtf does this rambling nonsense have to do with anything in my post you seething schizo?

>history isn’t lost when people try to kill it or bury it, it’s not some wartime enemy. history is lost when it’s forgotten because nobody bothered to remember.

>I am too retarded to understand two things can be true at the same time
yes, in fact knowledge is lost when it is purposefully destroyed. I have no idea what level of retard you have to be on to deny this but it is obviously a very high level. wtf is wrong you retarded faggot? take your meds fuckwit

>> No.15696667

America is doing a manned moon mission next year, faggot.

>> No.15696714
File: 318 KB, 1280x1635, par196080-teaser-story-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We "don't go back to the moon" for the same reason we didn't talk about nuclear, back during the war. We have a secret Moonhattan Project.

>> No.15696804

I dont care, a lie good enough to fool you forever is indistinguishable from reality

>> No.15696820

>1930s walk cycle
>lost technique
Literally just trace it, what could possibly be so special about it compared to any other walk cycle

>> No.15696924

It is not so much about the tech as it is about the people. To get to the moon, you need the calm, the quiet, and the competent. And that is no longer a sought after skillset.

>> No.15696939

Its not that they "can't" its just that the amount of money and time to re-engineer dated tech to work with modern standards and manufacturing practices is fucking hard. I recently finished a 3 year effort to redesign a piece of industrial plywood equipment built in the 40s and the manufacturing practices, availability of materials, design standards, etc, made it one of the most challenging projects I've worked on.

Every single level of design you'll be running into the question of "how do we rework this to work with modern components" and that requires a full bottom up analysis of the entire subsection you're working on to ensure you don't reintroduce new problems that didn't exist with the existing designs.

Its 100% possible but "cant" just means they don't have the budget to do this. You also have to consider knowledge loss and unfamiliarity with quirks of the designs that only the old engineers may have known about. NASA has excellent documentation but reviewing and compiling all the relevant information from decades of paper printouts is not an easy task either.

>> No.15696957

>that's what they mean by "lost the tech", they basically have to do everything from scratch because the vast majority of the tech is obsolete.
In defence and aerospace there are enormous requirements for archive keeping, the knowledge, designs and blueprints cannot be lost without breaking a lot of laws.

>> No.15697029

>cannot be lost without breaking a lot of laws
Anon, the original rockets were made by Nazi officers
You think they cared about laws?

>> No.15697077

They mean building the actual rockets and stuff, not computers

>> No.15697082

filtered in the greatest sense of the word

>> No.15697111

>to the stone age
good. How long do you think feminism would last in the stone age? If we had a massive planet-wide EMP wipe out all of our computers and electronics, feminism would be dead within a week.

>> No.15697158

Anon, they were German. Have you not heard of "Ordnung muss sein"?? While Saturn 5 was made in the US and subject to US laws and regulations, the very presence of Germans would ensure that the paper would be carefully selected to have uniform quality.

>> No.15697200
File: 44 KB, 633x730, IMG_2659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

denying your (You) because
1) you’re a colossal attention whore midwit cock slurping faggot who jacks off to scat porn and licks the cum off his hands imagining the taste of shit
2) you’re literally fucking wrong. for one easy example, countless empires have tried to genocide the jewish people and destroy their history and culture and yet they, their knowledge, and their culture remain. such is the case with assyrians, kurds, khoisan, palestinians, bantu, I could go on and on. but you wouldn’t know anything about the preservation of history you cum-skinned shit licking mutt larping as a buddhist sage like a Alan Watts dickriding cum-sump fuckbag

Fuck you, kill yourself, curse you entire family for 5000 generations for being such an arrogant, self-important, pseudo-intellectual cocksucking faggot on a this already miserable digital backwater. I promise your history will not be forgotten by me so when we meet in the next life I’ll fucking choke you to death with my bare hands and catch your soul in my gaping maw so I can permanently shatter it with a primal scream strong enough to cause an earthquake in hell

>> No.15697652

1. You are so fucking stupid that number is to your post not mine

2. you apparently have some kind of mental illness since you are seething into spasms and unable to have coherent thoughts.

3. "tried to do something" and "did do something" are not the same thing

Curse me? I shit on your family for all eternity and hope you and they are all gassed in the coming uprising schizophrenic filthy hebe

>> No.15697799

no theyre not.

>> No.15697976

Pal, the nerds who built the rocket engines are all dead. The blueprints exist but the perks and twists that the mechanics made in the engines are all lost on their notebooks that nobody knows where to find. The thing is, we know how to do it, but we need funding to redesign the engines to modern standards.

>> No.15697978

NPD alert

>> No.15698165

check their houses dumbass

>> No.15698410
File: 2 KB, 125x92, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Biden as POTUS?
That will be fake AF.

>> No.15698422

You literally cant. All that shit from the 60s has incredibly low failure rates. Turns out that it's practically impossible for soldered wires to fail. The bottleneck isnt the software, it's the hardware, modern computers experience part failure way way too much and emulating everything wont change that.

>> No.15698459

First and foremost, you need people with brains. There are really no "lost techniques" if you have brains. Germany valued brains, while the jews only value education. That's why America couldn't evenrfly Saturn V that the Germans desogned and built.

>> No.15698462

So you're telling me they can't send people to the moon anymore because we don't have reliable computers? I guess that's some progress from the hilarious lie that we can't do it because we can't build those exact 60's computers.

>> No.15698471

>yet they, their knowledge, and their culture remain.
We dont know what we dont know. Do you really think everything we know about those empires is all there was. What a silly little ilovescience pseudo intellectual you are

>> No.15698485

>I dont care, a lie good enough to fool you forever is indistinguishable from reality
You mean you and other cattle?

>> No.15698494

Now this is what I cal schizo babble. You usually have to go to /x/ to get this level of schizo posting

>> No.15698528

All the space station flight stuff is hardened Becuase random radiation waves can come by in space and reverse all your ones and zeros into ones or something, correct?
They do bring up regular laptops and shit but not for the flight engines.

>> No.15698529

>random radiation waves can come by in space
And you're trying to tell me they can't shield it from radiation?

>> No.15698723

>solar flare
You fell for a meme. Solar flare are not to be confused with EMP.

>> No.15698731

To be fair the library of Alexandria was greatly dramatized, by the time of it's famous burning in the 1st century BC it wasn't particularly important on an academic or intellectual level in the ancient world

>> No.15698735

The loss of knowledge is primarily a jewish problem. Jews are obsessed with preserving knowledge, nobody else gives so much shit about muh knowledge.
The reason why jews are so obsessed with knowledge is that they can't create any, they can only try to preserve (and ultimately corrupt) the knowledge that they stole from goyim. The reason for so much decay of today is that the jews got the stupid idea to pose as teacher, and teach goyim the knowledge they stole from them in the first place, only rehashed into something unrecognizable, incomprehensible, and often totally wrong. In the end, the goyim are banned from thinking, jewish knowledge is useless, and you get cancelled in one of various ways if you refuse to pretend that the otherwise is the case.

>> No.15698740
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>> No.15698743
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>> No.15698744
File: 838 KB, 2216x1152, orion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend a single day in a modern US aerospace factory and you'll understand. Things are done differently now.
>emulate it
Orion is essentially a 21st century Apollo command and service module

>> No.15698748

Did they fabricate Athens to make it seem that their bizarre ideas are greek?

>> No.15698754
File: 73 KB, 600x928, saturn V launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the technology
You missed part of it, OP

>> No.15699365

It is planned to be a diversity team. No, I am not joking. I am trying to imagine the fallout if this results in the loss of the entire crew. Let's say they have a launch failure from the moon and they face one week before running out of oxygen. Will be have an Apollo 13 style all out effort to bring them home, or will there be a mindful mass meditation effort to keep the spirit alive?

>> No.15699382

And yet some random plans to take people to mars

I wonder how long the world can go on, so obviously retarded.

>> No.15699884

It's different because Elon is a nazi like the Apollo engineers so he has a real chance

>> No.15700102

>Elon is a nazi

>> No.15700150

>try to build a 1960's computer.
OK just need the bare minimum lithographic process, should be fun.
You do realize the state of the art today is that same stuff, just far more precise?
why would this be difficult at all?
Call up a fab and negotiate some 1um process if you want

>> No.15700165

The 6502 was made on a 3 um node and could be clocked to 2 MHz in the 70s. Larger nodes mean more radiation resistance.

>> No.15700175

>white south african = nazi = chud = rightoid = fit white male
get with the program comrade

>> No.15700202

To put it simple old computers weren't so miniaturized a single cosmic was enough to disrupt calculations. Designing and manufacturing hardware for such niche usage is expensive AF.

>> No.15700219
File: 45 KB, 320x256, python logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, if they have a clueless moron like you in charge they are fucked. With all the woke trash in the government only Elon can save the US space program.

>> No.15700225

What will you do on a lifeless pile of stones w/o atmosphere and temperates between -100. + 180 deg C ?
It's never made sense, pure madness.

>> No.15700305
File: 182 KB, 1600x1067, 1693176112101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does old tech have so much soul?

>> No.15700308

Be comfy, and beam racist rhetoric back to earth with a very large radio transmitter

>> No.15700335

Because everything new comes from the same slabs of boring rock. Everything looks the same. Old tech was like mcguyvering things and you could see its complexity without an electron scanning microscope.

>> No.15700347

>piles of stones
there are massive deposits of helium3

>> No.15700352

nazi = not communist, communists are infantile retards they can only hold one idea in their head at a time. If thing isnt everything they are and giving them everything they want then output = nazi

>> No.15700368

>in the year 2500
>”why does old tech have so much soul?”

>> No.15700374

>I am trying to imagine the fallout if this results in the loss of the entire crew
The fallout will be you'll be fired from your job if you point it out

>> No.15700412

checking those quints in that other thread

>> No.15700426

This is the true great filter. It's not all about WMDs. Civilization decay is very real. Most normalfags think the people of past civilizations were a bunch of miserable morons, having no interest in learning from their mistakes or considering that societal collapse is happening to them. Somehow soulless capitalists took over literally everything and made everyone obsessed with getting rich, thinking about everything in the short term. Most people aren't capable of thinking about problems beyond their children's generation anymore. They simply don't care. (Yet when they actually do they only care about the future and ignore glaring issues with the present). Which is part of why everything seems to be going to shit so fast.

Of course, the internet and smartphones had their effects on global society too. If you don't adopt the new popular thing everyone else is doing you get put at a disadvantage due to societal shame or "inefficiencies" or because one of a hundred competitors will be chosen in your place. Something game changing happens every few years now (this year is AI) which makes some previous important skills or knowledge deemed no longer necessary. Repeat until the people who built the foundations of this world retire while corps who now maintain those operations through automation or remote outsourcing suddenly don't know how to fix huge issues because instead the company chose to hire people who only know how to run their automation or supervise their outsource team. They eventually find a cheat but the system starts failing piece by piece which is when media outlets start scapegoating the problem on non related issues. In the end some useful service that has existed for at least a hundred years gets retired and then replaced with something inferior simply because it cannot be done anymore due to lost knowledge/skills leading to too many inefficiencies.

>> No.15700611

You can read the same by the old Greeks. Take a look around, high tech everywhere cars are way less stinky, the new one have collusion avoidance, rivers are clean all at least over here. Everyone can take courses you need a university 20 years ago and I know a lot of young man making careers in tech trade aso. Sure this a wrong place for that words, but if I go outside everything works at least.

>> No.15700636

Sure. Until another 50 or 100 year event happens that creates a food shortage. Except this time we will have billions of people who will need to figure out how to acquire food while competing with everyone else. We go right back to military states.

>> No.15700918

i have old projects that i leave notes on and i still have to relearn some shit to be back on track

>> No.15700950

>t. doomer coomer zoomer

>> No.15700957

is Elon the same Wernher von Braun mentioned in, Project Mars?

>> No.15700958

agreed it doesn't rlly count as lost if it's so similar it doesn't even matter
it's like how ppl say greek fire is a lost recipe when napalm does the exact same thing so who cares if it's not the exact mixture or whatever

>> No.15700971
File: 587 KB, 1280x848, artemis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't seem that terrible desu
they'll prob be fine

>> No.15701009

It's not that they can't, it's that they don't have it. It was specialized tools and logistics that are gone and/or decaying. It would need to be rebuilt for it. Is there any reason that any of you want America to return to the moon other than to "prove/disprove" conspiracy theorists, or have another dick comparing contests with 2nd worlders?

>> No.15701035

Artemis program, lunar flyby scheduled 2024
Supposedly planning a landing by 2025

>> No.15701091

That's the thing, you'd have to hand solder thousands of wires together into a computer for it to work. Like this fag >>15696359 said we have sent rockets into space, but the central problem is that with manned missions we have to be absolutely certain the rocket wont fail and the trajectories are all correct. Even Spacex and NASA both experience regular launch failures, loses satellites, etc. With these calculations even floating point error matters, you can't just fire up kerbal space program on win 10 and think everything's going to work.

The 60s computers we used for all this got trashed a while ago, we literally don't have the technology for it now.

>> No.15701112

>buut we sent people to the ISS
Not the same. Again the problem is floating point error. The leap even from the ISS to the moon is massive from a precision perspective.
Read all the mission failures (which still happened to the US regularly even into the 2000s) and consider if there were 4 specially trained astronauts on all of them. Thankfully NASA started limiting themselves to flybys which have a lower bar for "success".

>> No.15701156

>trajectories are all correct.
Afaik the astronauts shoots same stars and earth horizon with sextants for course correction. So do probes.
But methink what will you do on moon or mars? Lifeless rock piles, deadly in every aspect. Mining raw materials? Which and how? And how to get them back at reasonable costs?

>> No.15701163

>you'd have to hand solder thousands of wires together into a computer for it to work.
Why? Can America not make reliable modern computers? And if it can't what's stopping NASA from cramming a thousand backups all running an emulation?

>> No.15701168

>To put it simple old computers weren't so miniaturized a single cosmic was enough to disrupt calculations
Old computers also weren't the size of your thumbnail and couldn't be placed in a little lead box. It's like the American public loves being lied to. Craves being lied to. Will die on the hill for the most ridiculous lies.

>> No.15701260

its the same entity/country that produce all these stuff, its not like the fall of the roman empire.
everything is at the same place people just became incompetent

>> No.15701334

Nah, national socialism is still just commie collectivist nonsense by another name.

>> No.15701491

>you'd have to hand solder thousands of wires together into a computer for it to work.
Maybe in the 1900s, gramps, but now we have solder paste printing machines, PCB roller coater machines, automated PCB feeder / stacker, and a while host of machines to automate that process.

>> No.15701673

>natsocs r just commies
*gets 500k medical bill insurance won't cover
amerimutts everyone

>> No.15701678

The problem is that we can't have good solder anymore, because the jew banned heavy metals, and there is no good solder without lead.

>> No.15701711

Retard you can use lead in space electronics, but you often use instead gold based solder

>> No.15701921

Doomers end up being right almost every time. When given enough decades

>> No.15702153

you're retarded my dude.
>Nooo you see le RTL magical computer cannot possibly be remade
Just fucking make it you brainless retard, you godforsaken son of a syphilitic whore.

>> No.15702157

retard, lead solder is mandatory in aerospace/military stuff.
leadfree is for pleb consumer bullshit

>> No.15702162

That makes it even easier then, cool.

>> No.15702165

>implying we'll make it to 2500.
good one

>> No.15702208

The real answer is that the government decided that giving trillions of dollars to niggers was more important.

>> No.15702261

I once tried to use my mobile phone as a vehicle, but when I sat on it, it did not move an inch.

>> No.15702383

There is little western made consumer anything.

>> No.15702394

I see genuine flat earthers are now posting in /sci/
God I hate this website

>> No.15702435


>> No.15702487

> a fbi agent jumps in with his noticing a conspiracy is believing that the earth is flat psy-op
Leave this site and find yourself a decent job for a change.

>> No.15702717
File: 213 KB, 850x850, watc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are glowies and their favorite shit is flat earth, virus don't exist, IQ is fake, meat is bad, global warming, and other stupid nonsense.

>> No.15702726
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, Ω.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are nothing but vermin, you and all your spawn must be exterminated for the good of mankind.

>> No.15702748

nothing has been lost about american animation, it’s just cheaper to get gooks to do it

>> No.15702821

oh it's you again you subhuman fuck.
>noooo I can't manufacture le magic computer it must be le impossible
>Le extermination will happen
says the guy who can't put together an RTL design.
yeah no.
you and your fellow subhuman niggercattle are going to die horribly and painfully, and I'm going to laugh.
then I'm going to use your bones for pavement and you and your syphilitic whore of a mother will finally accomplish something when I burn your fats for fuel.

>> No.15702988

Trevor was a good lad. RIP sweet prince

>> No.15703120

Where does the statement in the OP pic come from? I see a lot of arguments that computers are better now but I think that is an ill informed argument when you account for how the machinery and contemporary electrical equipment worked with it. Is our math even the same? Did they use the metric system and calculators that rounded to certain decimals? Could we even make computes if we didn’t already know how? Could we make a pressure carburettor and get it to run right, let alone put men on the moon? Everyone is a lazy fuck anymore. It could all be a hoax but I think many people get confused because some of the well watched footage was from re-enactments and people understood that at the time. Ain’t like the government doesn’t lie about everything else though so idk.

>> No.15703626

This is all about the difference between building a new rocket based on tried and tested tech from existing blueprints, vs having to make all new designs because the blueprints are gone.

>> No.15703727

Lowest IQ poster on this board lately.

>> No.15703734

are you seething because I am coming after your title?