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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 251 KB, 2048x1638, IMG_5713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15696729 No.15696729 [Reply] [Original]

Commercial Low Earth Orbit Destinations edition
Previous >>15694388

>> No.15696736

Please stop staging with renders. Especially the day after major events. Thanks

>> No.15696737
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This is the Kármán line. Only space discussion below this post.

>> No.15696740

What are your jobs? Is it space related?

>> No.15696748

careful anons, this thread was hot staged

>> No.15696758
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This is now a Starfield thread

>> No.15696764

How about no anime OR furry spam in this one?

>> No.15696766

>spaceflight is so normalized that nobody cared about crew-7

>> No.15696772

I kind of did, and I watched the launch, but it really does seem like space janitors going to the workplace at this point.

>> No.15696788 [DELETED] 
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>Blue Streak-Gemini
>Nuclear flyback blue streak

>> No.15696791
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>Blue Streak-Mercury
>Nuclear flyback blue streak

>> No.15696805
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nationalize spaceX

>> No.15696810

I would have watched the vod in the morning if Clear hadn't streamed it.
Starlink launches have really made things routine. If SpaceX was only doing tradition payloads and transporter missions, things might still be interesting.
On second thought, it's not launches I'm tired of, it's Falcon 9. This current stretch of night launches has made it worse with the similar looking dark views at launch and booster landings. I hope for more launches on more rockets and soon.

>> No.15696814
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HAVOC air balloon fleet to Venus to study skyquakes and infrasound surface seismometry

>> No.15696822

The Bell Island Boom. Ball lightning-induced skyquake

>> No.15696829
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Didn't know until now that Space Forge sent an orbital semiconductor factory on the Virgin Orbit rocket that blew up.

Everyone talks about Varda, give me a QRD on these guys

>> No.15696830

Hard when it's at 3AM.

>> No.15696839
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>> No.15696857
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>> No.15696880
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>On Sunday, April 2, 1978, a huge bang was heard at Bell Island just before noon. The bang was so loud that people reported hearing it as far as 100 km away.[232][233] The blast sent a shock wave that shook buildings on the island and killed some animals.[234] The energy release was so powerful that the Vela satellites (which the US government used to detect nuclear tests by other powers) noticed the phenomenon, now known as the Bell Island Boom

>> No.15696885
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I could get used to this

>> No.15696897
File: 244 KB, 1125x662, 8F8309DE-AE4A-44AF-9B12-92385E782814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bridenstine says that SpaceX is becoming a “private monopoly.” What a fucking cunt lmao

>> No.15696900

Oh really? RocketLab and NASA are launching just fine with New Glenn in 2025 for medium lift, no SpaceX is not a monopoly, in fact a good portion of their launches are for their own satellites and not others.

>> No.15696910

Yeah it’s cool. If you’re looking for a serious explanation the answer is most likely a lightning superbolt, but it could also be a meteor. Other hypotheses include a sudden release of subsurface volatile gasses, coronal mass ejections (it is believed these can theoretically create sonic booms), underwater cave collapse, atmospheric ducting, etc. I need to research if lightning is currently generated on Venus but right now I’m busy researching how the fuck an RTG actually works. I get the basic concept but I’m struggling to understand how exactly a thermocouple works, and how it converts the heat energy from plutonium to electricity >:(

>> No.15696947

Even if that's the case, what is the solution? It's not like other launch companies are being held by something. Everyone is being judged based on their merits, and SpaceX just happens to mog the ever-loving shit out of its competitors in almost every regard. The only exceptions are when you need to launch something very small, something very big, or be absolutely 300% sure that it reaches orbit.

>> No.15696954

I was thinking about this last night; how much merit does ULA’s “le precise injection” argument hold? I assume they can pinpoint a little better than SX only because they run the later part of their missions with cryogenic centaur whereas SX use a gas generator kerolox stage or something? Does this ability even fucking matter in the grand scheme of things, like SX will still get your payload to where it needs to be

>> No.15696956
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It's completely made up

>> No.15696958

Also going to add: it’s still cost-effective to launch small shit on F9. You can go FH if you need something really big—and soon Starship (hopefully) if you need something REALLY big. And you want to be 300% sure it will reach orbit? I trust SpaceX reliability over pretty much anyone else at this point

>> No.15696960


>> No.15696965

If you want it 300% in your orbit then just launch on starship with 3+ tugs daisy chained

>> No.15696976

SpaceX is not at fault no one is trying to compete

>> No.15696978
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She's a monstergirl not a furry, newfag

>> No.15696980

You aren't the boss

>> No.15696984
File: 1.41 MB, 2048x1415, 47318314412_883ff8e93b_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someone high up at redwire told me theyd give me a cash bonus for mouthing off at spacex, i'd do it in a heartbeat. hell, i already do it for free here. fact is, bridenstine is and always will be big and based

>> No.15696987

Not really sure why redwire is trying to fuck themselves over.

>> No.15696995

you can actually sue spacex and still get good prices on rockets, see viasat. big jim is also on their board of directors. you havent learned how to play the game

>> No.15696997

They’ve aligned themselves with Blue Origin, that’s why

>> No.15697014

more like natural monopoloy. space is too expensive and difficult to compete in.

>> No.15697025

Orbit precision is about pointing and throttle control so they must have better control systems. I wouldn't doubt it, they've been doing this for a long time

>> No.15697036

they should put their eggs in the starliner basket. see how that works out for them

>> No.15697035

>bridenstine is and always will be big and based
>a guy who joined viasat

>> No.15697039

this is why you'll always be poor

>> No.15697064

did spacex announce when they're going to attempt another orbital flight?

>> No.15697070

Yup, two weeks

>> No.15697074

source or kys

>> No.15697075

I will provide one in two weeks

>> No.15697079

It’s common knowledge, you’ll see in a fortnight

>> No.15697080
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>> No.15697083

That's correct though if you just look at the market share growth. It doesn't even feel like opinion, even if it's a prediction.

Now "there is only one thing worse than a government monopoly" is pretty cringe. I think the cart was before the horse in either case. Pretending the government was in control of boeing/lockheed and made or broke them is a complete joke. All that's happened is one monopoly has been switched for another. The former was overpriced and gave us nothing to show for it. The new king will dominate space but we actually get new capabilities and technology. As long as elon has to remained aligned with the united states it doesn't seem too dangerous. If he gets richer than he deserves that was already going on before spacex existed.

>> No.15697097
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someone brought up brilliant pebbles in a thread outside /sfg/ and I haven't seen people talk about them here much. Michael Griffin was friends with elon musk and he gave life to spacex when they hadn't proven themselves.. And their interests in a low altitude megaconstellation are aligned. Starlink military satellites exist, but do we know if they are just for communication? Elon doesn't seem to want to increase tensions with russia and china but if it meant the end of MAD I wonder if he would do it.

Of course none of this theory is required to be true. Spacex will make a ton of money on starlink.

>> No.15697109
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Why was this vatnik allowed to fly on an American rocket?
What are NASA and US gov doing?

>> No.15697118
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>> No.15697126

I'm sure PR people buff and polish the self introductions for them, but his was interesting. Dude's a free diver for fun and profit.

>> No.15697135

What a coward.
He should be in Bakhmut gaining centimeters of land for his country.

>> No.15697139
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>take hypergolic LM ascent engine out of storage after 40 years
>fire it with methalox
Altair was so based

>> No.15697160

China has the launch capability to build its own brillant pebble so it's kinda useless

>> No.15697162

Funny you mention redwire, I just saw a dude in a redwire shirt

>> No.15697166

In a world where ASAT exists brilliant pebbles is dead
NGI has multiple payloads so I like to think it's a quick response brilliant pebbles equivalent

>> No.15697168

I’m an analyst in tech but not space tech. I would have loved to work at spacex, but I have kids now and couldn’t do the super demanding hours anymore. Maybe blue origin (they have much better work-life balance) but it might be disheartening to work at such an glum place because I fundamentally disagree with their oldspace management on how to get to space. I’ve worked at Boeing and it was the most soul crushing place because it felt like uninspired bureaucracy at every corner and no one was excited to do anything. Everyone was just collecting a paycheck and doing the bare minimum, with tons of diversity hires and no hiring based on competency. This essay more or less summarizes my feelings about ‘mid’ companies: https://www.palladiummag.com/2023/06/01/complex-systems-wont-survive-the-competence-crisis/

>> No.15697169

ok chud

>> No.15697170
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>> No.15697172

we need to bring down SpaceX (through lawsuits, smear campaigns or any other means) and bring back the 2010 status quo

>> No.15697178

I thought the issue was cost effectiveness though, and it's not even viable as of today because icbms are cheaper than the pebbles. I was wonder if starship changed that. Also everyone having brilliant pebbles is a good thing, it means nobody can nuke each other because the non-nuclear defense against nukes is better than nukes.

Yeah you could always shoot them down. But if the adversary is also a space nation or they have space nation allies, the idea of them causing kessler syndrome and bringing the world back to MAD may not look like a good deal. If I was going to use pebbles it would be against north korea first. I don't think russia and china would see space ruined to allow that shithole to persist, but I could be wrong.

>> No.15697179
File: 2.31 MB, 4800x3226, MartinsDynaSoar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's the 1958 Martins Dyna Soar

>> No.15697181

I like when systems aren’t shitty, fuck me, right? I want reliable, cheap electricity or functional infrastructure or a government that can competently respond to crises.

Technological progress is responsible for rapidly lifting billions of people out of subsistence farming into prosperity. If we want to keep raising standards of living, we need innovation and the market-based solutions are going to be the way we get there.

>> No.15697195
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it really fucking does not despite what the chyna numba wan bots told you

russia is a big nothingburger and nobody gives a fuck what they think. Anybody with knowledge is seriously doubting what fraction of their claimed nooks are even usable. All their nuclear tests, both for carries and bombs, have failed miserably during the war. And with the staggering amounts of corruption on display nooks unmaintained for 30-40 years are just dirty bomb duds they keep on paper to make themselves look bigger then they really are.

chyna wants to play tough guy but clearly in the ukraine mold. that is conventional war in limited scenarios without strikes against the host bodies. they are too trade minded for the nook ooking mindset as the cave men up north and just in recent years has set out to expand their nook ook arsenal to anything barely above mid range power numbers. like france and UK have.

ironically the biggest resistance to Brilliant Pebbles type prototyping will come from within the us gov. Solely from political motivation as musky boy is king chud and democrats are hounding from him. This includes politicizing all sorts of governmental bodies like the military or fed agencies like faa

>> No.15697224


>> No.15697227

God thats got a lewd nose

>> No.15697231
File: 503 KB, 1920x1080, Colony Ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked at NASA at one point as an engineer. It's not the agency it once was. Tons of bureaucracy, DEI bullshit, and hardly actual science and engineering being done. All the meaty shit is done by contractors.

If you guys want to do cutting edge shit, go work at Lockheed, Northrop, or Boeing, in that order.

>> No.15697238
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[220_15_24_38], take=[2023-08-26 14.17.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being the nerd using the scissor lift when everyone else gets boom lifts.

>> No.15697239

Fuck that I'm gonna work in India's space agency

>> No.15697240

>Next closure 8/28 8am - 8pm
starship rollout?

>> No.15697242
File: 299 KB, 768x1024, thrust provoking image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irrelevant propellant wasting question

>> No.15697243
File: 223 KB, 258x339, Screenshot 2023-08-26 at 14-22-12 _sci_ - _sfg_ - Space Flight General - Science & Math - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill me

>> No.15697249

yes, kerolox is good for rockets

>> No.15697251

whats that white truck doing there parked suspiciously blocking the view

>> No.15697252

Oh gosh idk. I haven’t baked a new bread in a long time, but I used to do it all the time. I would always alternate the style. I think both are valid, personally

>> No.15697259
File: 149 KB, 1200x793, d7hftxdivxxvmcloudfron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I looking at

>> No.15697264

...here me out

>> No.15697265
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>> No.15697272
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>> No.15697278

>Bridenstine says that SpaceX is becoming a “private monopoly.”

Bridenstine literally works for a Starlink competitor now.

>> No.15697284

>it really fucking does not despite what the chyna numba wan bots told you

Phase I Brillant Pebble was 4,000 Interceptors of 40kg, so 160tons,
China sent 188 tons to orbit between Q3 2022 and Q2 2023 (SpaceX sent 802t)
They absolutely can do it. They also have the launch responsiveness to replace them.
Even Russia could *launch* them, with ~70 tons in the past year, just take more time.

>> No.15697285

>how much merit does ULA’s “le precise injection” argument hold?

It is literally just marketing buzzwords to cope for the fact that their rockets are optimized for higher orbit launches but are getting priced out by Falcon 9.

>> No.15697291

Same thing, actual newfag

>> No.15697294


The pushback against this frivolous DOJ suit is incredible

>> No.15697295

Wow not at all you clueless newfag, someone post the pic

>> No.15697299

If they go all in China likely has the launch capacity to build a brilliant pebbles but without reuse they will be really eating it.

>> No.15697302
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>> No.15697310

Possibly. I've always had doubts about the quality and longevity of Chinese space-rated electronics. One of the major reasons why the Russo-Chinese negotiations for the RD-180 fell through was because the satellite components Russia was going to be receiving were trash that failed almost as soon as they got to orbit. Terrible hardware longevity would mandate a high launch rate for China just like it did for the Soviets back in the day, and if your interceptor constellation is losing components fast replacing them could easily exceed the available launch capacity.

>> No.15697314
File: 445 KB, 1080x1364, realfurrychart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.15697317

Could be that, could be that they're rapidly iterating on whatever it is they're trying to get ahead in (top of the list is hyperspectral, I guess). They don't seem to be having any serious issues on their space station either

A ton of their launches go direct to SSO, do not pass go

>> No.15697319

lmao wut

>> No.15697331

The reaction tells me that SpaceX wasn't wrong how it approached hiring compared to everyone else, even if it might be wrong with the letter of the law.

Everyone knows the DOJ is singling out SpaceX.

>> No.15697333

nah there was another one that compared monstergirls to furry but w/e

>> No.15697336

>a bunch of literal who alt right twitter tranny hacks all rushing to elon musks defense, having their opinions boosted forcefully by musk himself
wow yes so incredible!

>> No.15697337

Even I was at first cringing at this cry of "weaponizing the justice system" but now after seeing this shit I'm starting to believe it

>> No.15697338
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>> No.15697340

did not even bother to wake up for it

>> No.15697342

>How SpaceX Reinvented The Rocket!

new vid, looks good

>> No.15697343

holy shit you really are a newfag

>> No.15697346

it's just a redstone that runs on methane. effectively no new technology in it, it's so easy

>> No.15697347

They're not having any problems on their station that they can't keep quiet by just not talking about them. They are in the habit of doing completely unannounced spacewalks which could be cover for maintenance or replacement of systems.

It's probably not as much of an issue as I'm making it out to be. Just because the Russians descried their gear as being "of expected Chinese quality" back in 2015 doesn't mean they haven't improved in the last decade. Chinese propulsion science has gone from wanting to buy Russian to being comfortable building it themselves in the same time frame.

>> No.15697350
File: 170 KB, 1718x673, ULA smart reuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMART reuse is coming

>> No.15697351
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Blessed shuttle evolution

>> No.15697354

Did people care about every Shuttle and Soyuz launch to the ISS back in the day?

>> No.15697356

Why cant vulcan just land? doesnt seem hard

>> No.15697357

50+ years of LEO
4 years of Lunar

>> No.15697359
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>> No.15697360

tryhard font

>> No.15697361

>every Shuttle
Absolutely lol, Shuttle had a huge following, ridiculous even.
Eh less

>> No.15697364

The Vulcan has two large engines. Even minimum thrust is too much for a safe and accurate landing.

>> No.15697366
File: 1.19 MB, 480x262, sounds-good-doesnt-work.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant pebbles is a meme; the attacker has an enormous force concentration advantage because the defender has to defend the ENTIRE SKY.
You need thousands of satellites just to be able to intercept 1 (one) ICBM.

>> No.15697368

Vulcan is optimized for high orbits meaning the core goes too fast and would require significant shielding to protect itself from heat upon reentry.

>> No.15697369

Centaur V is fairly low thrust stage so the Vulcan booster has to pick up a lot more speed before MECO. That means that it has to have a lot stronger TPS than the Falcon 9 does to deal with shedding the heat from that extra velocity. Propulsive landing also has some pretty strong throttling requirements that are a lot easier to meet with a cluster of small engines than a pair of big ones.

>> No.15697376

I am a satellite operator

>> No.15697379

Blessed shuttle evolution would be it getting killed in the cradle the second its design deviated from rapid reusability. Shuttle was so fucking gay and irredeemable it’s unreal

>> No.15697383

That was my first thought too kek. Many such cases!

>> No.15697386

2 weeks see >>15697070
im not kidding

>> No.15697389

ULA buys third party engines and makes tanks. SMART is a financial optimum for them.

>> No.15697392

That's because they have the only game in town, you retard. If you think for two seconds Elon thought that telling Viasat to go fuck themselves wouldn't put an arrow in the quiver of a potential anti-trust case he absolutely would cockblock them to wait on BO and Ariane, lmao. They would crash and burn almost overnight if literally anyone else was in the market capable of launching the payloads Viasat needs up in space.

>> No.15697395

the DOJ should focus on prosecuting Scientology not Gotsent SpaceX

>> No.15697396
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, Energia II (Uragan) Fully Reusable Soviet Rocket Concept.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he calls that a shuttle
here's a real shuttle proposal from people on a diet of vodka and potatoes

>> No.15697397

Insane Slavic phenotype. Looks like a fucking vampire spawn.

>> No.15697399

looks like an opossum

>> No.15697401
File: 2.40 MB, 1630x1223, IMG_6401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah

>> No.15697403

How can I tell which YouTube account isn't click bait or not? I always thought the one in vid was not sincere going by the thumb nail.

>> No.15697407

Most spaceflight-related youtube vids are soi as hell no matter what so it’s a sort of pick-your-poison scenario

>> No.15697408

Even disregarding the economics, the construction of an ABM constellation is impossible to hide and it will cause an arms race with all the other parties adopting a hair-trigger launch-on-warning stance to counter not having a credible second-strike capability.

>> No.15697411

stop it

>> No.15697414

that's my beef with primal space. I went months seeing their videos in my feed and not clicking them on principle.

would you click this? turns out it's a pretty informative video on a bunker under the launch pad at ksc, but fuck me if the title makes me not want to watch it.

>> No.15697416

this one actually puts in effort for interesting original videos, surprised me too

>> No.15697423

Unless you disguise it as an ISP like Starlink.

>> No.15697425


>> No.15697432

Over more than a decade of youtubing I've developed a keen sense for it. also >>15697407

>> No.15697433
File: 118 KB, 599x823, Space Force.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How powerful is the Space Force, is there literally anything they don't monitor?

>> No.15697436

Usually the ones that aren't just commenting on current events are worth watching.

>> No.15697444

You need to play the youtube game if you want to survive there, at this point I just accepted that clickbait titles don't make the content bad.

>> No.15697456

Ok, you have your ABM constellation and can nuke/invade 1 party at-will before your hand is revealed and >>15697408 happens with the remaining parties. Now what?

>> No.15697466

Nuke both Russia and China in the same strike and the problem goes away forever. North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, India, Israel can be dealt with piecemeal once the big threats are gone.

>> No.15697476

It's literally their job dude, if it's in orbit, they want to know about it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Fence

>> No.15697478

We would have world peace right now if MacAurthur got to drop ze bomb on china and McCarthy got to round up all commies. Imagine von Braun getting an unlimited budget because the MIC simply didn’t need to exist ugh

>> No.15697488


>> No.15697497

>Uses Azure
Elon really did stop paying Google for cloud services lmao

>> No.15697499

On his way to Alpha Centauri

>> No.15697517

good lookin cake

>> No.15697525

It's probably made of vegan compliant nutritive styrofoam and frosted with stevia-based spackle.

>> No.15697536



>> No.15697553

not that easy in patchery

>> No.15697563

It’s over for NASA wagies

>> No.15697564

This is like SpaceX spitting on veterans

>> No.15697569

Oh no... not the critically important patches...

>> No.15697571

I officially have zero faith in artemis. People are going to get challenger’d

>> No.15697574

SpaceX's first failure in years

>> No.15697579
File: 202 KB, 608x512, hunted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one gives a fuck about patches except for crusty old boomers.

>> No.15697580

It should be a bigger concern that they didn't actually install or test the life support systems on Artemis I.

>> No.15697581

what would the effect be on SpaceX?

>> No.15697582

You’re a huge fag, I dunno if anyone has ever revealed this to you

>> No.15697584

hahahaha that's great

>> No.15697590


>> No.15697591

>page is down
>page cannot be found
>page cannot be found
>page is down

Twitter has actually gone to shit since Elon took over, links don't even load half the fucking time. BUILD THE FUCKING ROCKETS.

>> No.15697596

works fine

>> No.15697598

Might gain funding for a Falcon Heavy/Crew Dragon replacement for SLS while losing out on launching the outer planets missions that the now available SLS could facilitate.

it loads fine for me. Prob a skill issue

>> No.15697651

who had the responsability to do this?

>> No.15697667

Either JSC or KSC employees

>> No.15697671
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% likelihood it was supposed to be a Johnson thing in Houston. They do most of the fabrication work/food prep for cargo that goes up to the station

>> No.15697684

why do they have such a retarded cluttered desk?

>> No.15697693
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, all the processing rooms have that engineering major “organized chaos” vibe

>> No.15697697

that desk's not even that bad though

>> No.15697700

>The complex technical demands of a Van Halen flight ultimately had a notable side-effect on modern spaceflight, especially via the provider's technical contract-rider. The band used contract-riders to verify the launch table's power availability, security, structural and weight distribution details. Their now-infamous riders specified that a bowl of mission patches was to be placed in their dressing room and, separately, in a different area of the contract, that all of the brown mission patches were to be removed.[124] According to both manager Noel Monk and Roth, this was listed in the technical portion of the contract not because the band wanted to make capricious demands of the launch provider, but rather as a test to see if the electrical, structural, security, and safety requirements in the rider had been thoroughly observed.[125] If the bowl, without brown mission patches was present, then the band, management and crew could safely assume the other, more legitimate concerns in the technical rider were fulfilled; conversely, if the bowl was missing, or brown mission patches were present, then Van Halen management would be within their rights to have their crew or the launch provider inspect the work, redo it or even cancel the night's launch at the provider's expense.


>> No.15697718


what the fuck are you quoting

>> No.15697725

That one brief moment when they managed to land and everyone was cheering for India despite all the racism from 4Chan, that's what I live for.

>> No.15697726

It's scary dude. You click one piece of shit and even if you close the video in a few seconds your feed is poisoned with garbage forever

>> No.15697728

>what is watch history

>> No.15697733


>> No.15697735

Zoomers don't know about band contract riders

What's even more hilarious is searching for playlists, which is not SafeSearch filtered or algorithmically adjusted
Scroll down a bit and you'll get explicit porn and people who spam SEO garbage in their video info

>> No.15697772

no it isnt you retard, just click on the video and say not interested
the feed will adjust if you do that enough (probably depends on how many shitty videos you have clicked on)

>> No.15697775
File: 32 KB, 437x440, 951b3c8c4138b364aa7443ff561bc2ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15697787
File: 614 KB, 2048x1365, 1579461383156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things I'm excited for in upcoming spaceflight

>Dragonfly Titan drone
>PSYCHE Mission (yeah popsci mush I think its cool)
>Pangea Aerospace Aerospike, GRCop42 implementation
>Dual Mode Nuclear Propulsion, combo Nuclear Thermal Rocket and Reactor-Powered Ion Drive
>SLS/Artemis Cancelation

>> No.15697806
File: 513 KB, 1580x2048, IMG_2379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did none of you fags post this? Either way it is now less than two weeks.

>> No.15697811


>> No.15697813

Yes I know its not FAA.

>> No.15697814

It was posted at least twice already you double faggot

>> No.15697822
File: 437 KB, 1179x1136, IMG_2380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might wanna kill yourself now.

>> No.15697826

take your own advice

>> No.15697828
File: 31 KB, 772x250, 006032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

previous thread you brainlet

>> No.15697832

>Dragonfly Titan drone

Literally what is there to be excited about this garbage. 2030 something and it's not even going to the lakes THE MAIN FUCKING THING WE WANT TO SEE. Behead NASA roundhouse kick NASA babies into trash compactors push NASA slowly across a table saw crucify NASA boil NASA in a vat of acid feed NASA its ground up babies pull NASA apart limb by limb with horses

>> No.15697836

It was already posted twice :)

>> No.15697839

Calm down, it will inevitably survive past its main mission and get extended (literally ever NASA mission does this) and they will take it to the lakes. Flying on titan is so fucking easy, it will quite literally take a minuscule amount of power to traverse the whole moon if they wanted to

>> No.15697843

Okay well if this is the case, why not design it to explore the whole planet in the first place. Throw a submersible rideshare along with the mission. Something. ANYTHING other than
>this will launch in two decades after delays, take fifty bajillion years to get there, and only explore one area :^]

>> No.15697846

if people want to compete with space x
why don't they launch rockets?

>> No.15697853

Space is hard, Elon man evil

>> No.15697854
File: 272 KB, 900x900, IMG_1273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canoo van a cute

>> No.15697855

Because SpaceX has a pretty substantial lead and trying to get out ahead of that is both hard and expensive and everyone who is in a position to try is used to getting extra government money for less effort.

T-25:00 to the next boring standard starlink launch, if anyone cares

>> No.15697856

gradatim ferociter

>> No.15697860

>blue origin founded in 2020
>still hasn't launched


>> No.15697865

It's actually insane how mindfucked normies are that

>Lol Elon man is scammer all of his companies are flops and losing money
>Model X most sold car on the planet last quarter
>SpaceX too successful need daddy government to step in and stop scammer man

All coexist inside the same head

>> No.15697866

blue origin was founded 8th september 2000
spacex was founded 14th march 2002

>> No.15697869

Model Y, X is the 100k premium big car with falcon wings

>> No.15697879

>To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.

1984 wasn't supposed to be a guidebook.

>> No.15697889
File: 5 KB, 310x122, 1673045013743006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RARE 4ASS captcha

>> No.15697896


>> No.15697898


Starlink launch video live

>> No.15697900

yt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEClIbWr3m0

>> No.15697906


>> No.15697907


>> No.15697909

>4000km/h just from burning some gas out of a pipe
lmao people really believe this?

>> No.15697911

So true sister

>> No.15697912

nice s1 view

>> No.15697915

>Clear speaking cute English

>> No.15697917

it's suss that they like never show starlink deployment any more right?

>> No.15697918

>no commentary
Finally, FINALLY

Welcome for Starlink launches holy fuck

>> No.15697919

It would be an excellent way to covert deploy glowsats yeah

>> No.15697921

>just pure rocket audio ambience and mission control callouts


>> No.15697922

So cute... I need Elon to notice her...

It's comfy listening to the throttle down for MaxQ

>> No.15697923

>Clear becomes the official SpaceX host and Elon tweets out her stream on X

>> No.15697924

omg they landed an orbital-class booster

>> No.15697926

the nro is a joint organization between the space force and the cia. space force is more like an intelligence agency than a fighting force. so they're not very powerful but they watch you masturbate.

>> No.15697929

omg omg omg! this surely means i won't be a loser anymore and will be leaving on mars with my asari/twilek waifu in 10~ years
yasss elon!

>> No.15697931

Jeff did it first. Cope

>> No.15697934

When you squeeze the tip of a garden hose thats on full blast, what happens?

>> No.15697935

because the market isnt there!!! HELLO???

>> No.15697939

>1984 wasn't supposed to be a guidebook.
If I have to hear that reddit line one more time I might make a really fucking awful post (worse than this one). please spare me anon

>> No.15697943

does starlink work on cloudy days

>> No.15697944

This is my hope :)

>> No.15697946

Did the technical webcasts have the rocket audio? I forgot if they were like these new Starlink webcasts or if it was only mission control like the current mission control audiocasts plus the video. Never understood why they stopped doing them with that handy video feed switcher thing although the mission audio that starts before and goes for longer is very much appreciated.

>> No.15697949

t. starlink

>> No.15697951

>bro just poor gasoline into a sodacan and watch it fly into the atmosphere!

>> No.15697953

Torricelli was a fraud, atmosphere doesn't exist and vacuums are Italian lies

>> No.15697955

i cant go anywhere online except spaceflight forums without seeing someone talk about "apartheid elon" and nobody should have enough money to create a space program better than nasa.

>> No.15697958

you should have learned how ignore idiots in Internet 101, which you needed an 80% or better to pass in order to get your Browser Permit. Go re-take the test, you clearly cheated

>> No.15697962
File: 109 KB, 1007x900, chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15697963


>> No.15697964

he burned my patch

>> No.15697965

>poor gasoline

Liquid cryogenic Kerosene (RP-1) frozen to

>> No.15697966

yeah, it uses a different frequency compared to GEOsats so it penetrates clouds better

>> No.15697967

10ghz ish to be exact

>> No.15697968
File: 58 KB, 1235x327, F4d6kMnaYAAtf7X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LMAO. DOJ will sue DOJ

>> No.15697970

Spamming stupid twitter shit ≠ interesting /sfg/ content worth sharing with the general

>> No.15697975

As it turns out, the government is immune to this particular law. (As it turns out, the AG has the power to make anyone immune to it.)

>> No.15697977

don't do this it makes mustard gas

>> No.15697982

>nobody should have enough money to create a space program better than nasa.
this is correct, but not because people shouldn't have a lot of money

>> No.15697984

The seismograph will at least allow measurement of wave dynamics and mapping of Titan's planetary layers, but other than that, yeah, it seems like a pretty shit mission from a planning standpoint. I swear they slow-roll this shit specifically to avoid answering questions about whether or not there's life out there.

>> No.15697986

twitter? what's that?

>> No.15697987

I wonder how they'd pull off a lake mission

Subs are out, you need to be in positive control at all times. Boats would be interesting but you can't land one unless it's skycrane style. Driving along the beach would be hazardous in the extreme. NASA would additionally go insane trying to sterilize whatever they send, because muh life

>> No.15697989
File: 1.91 MB, 1599x908, 2342343234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hasnt spacex done more to help these women that look like men in their space suits. The white front pattern of the suit has a taper to it and they called it a day.

>> No.15697990

>Boats would be interesting but you can't land one unless it's skycrane style

Ok, what if, wild concept here, a boat with wheels.

>> No.15697994

>mass autism
NASA would spend a billion dollars trying to land on the lake than add redundant propulsion modes

>> No.15697995 [DELETED] 
File: 1.90 MB, 1599x945, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they literally gave her an hourglass figure. what more do you want? tit plates?

>> No.15697996

>tit plates?
NTA, but yes.

>> No.15697997

You could potentially get one of those wheels with huge treads that are also paddlewheels I suppose

>> No.15697998

Some more changes to the suits so they don't get felt up when somebody thought they were opening a refridgerator

>> No.15697999
File: 896 KB, 2016x1512, Ft6uvZPX0AAKv9p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boats would be interesting but you can't land one unless it's skycrane style.
ULA seems to be quite confident in using an inflatable heatshield as flotation device for SMART recovery purposes.

>> No.15698000

Landing on titan is so fucking easy, you don’t need a skycrane bro

>> No.15698001

If it's so reddit, then how come it's true?
Checkmate, Mastodon.

>> No.15698003

>dragon 2 can carry 7 people
are we ever going to see this?

>> No.15698007

missed the stream ;_;
Clear was very Max-Qute today!

>> No.15698008

just find a different, unique way to say the same thing

>> No.15698012

Maybe when Dream Chaser and HTV-X are both operating and NASA doesn't need all the cargo space they can cram and can add more seats

>> No.15698014
File: 2.21 MB, 9625x5425, 206409main_jsc2007e113283_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a Constellation phase as a child. I played Moonbase Alpha unironically. In hindsight Constellation was shit but I wish people talked about it more.

>> No.15698016


>> No.15698018
File: 240 KB, 1024x886, 1024px-Altair-Lander_(latest).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should have gotten Altair, it was so cool, but now with Starship HLS, it just feels like too little for such a long awaited return

>> No.15698020

It would have been a better bet than starship, but only if they kept development going. Starship is based but it was chosen so fucking late (through no fault of SX. I’m complaining about NASA here. Who tf thought it would be a good idea to BEGIN a lander competition right before they wanted a landing, with commercial partners, when nobody has landed something that big on the Moon in like 50 years)

>> No.15698023

Yeah just absolutely fucked timing and priorities its sad but whatever, Starship is now, the era of crappy plucky landers is done

>> No.15698028

Could SLS as it is now even fit Altair?

>> No.15698029

What height can you fall from the moon and still be ok?

How could you resist doing a jumping flag plant right there. Who can punish you? No one is going to the moon twice in the foreseeable future, and that moment in your career can't be topped. You would be the hero of the people. Also imagine if there is historical footage of the mission commander spilling his coffee and turning red as ed harris.

>> No.15698030

I am accumulating a wide range of specialty skills that would make me a reasonable candidate for the phase of lunar exploration where the goal is beginning to build out infrastructure. Currently working on learning to fly helicopters, machining, and electrical engineering.

>> No.15698031

Why was the landing stage so fuckhueg compared to the ascent stage?

>> No.15698032

no. now give me 60 billion dollars to develop block 2

>> No.15698033

americans got fatter

>> No.15698036


>> No.15698039

Has anyone posted this yet? Seems promising for Starship, even if FAA verification is the one which really matters.

>> No.15698042


>> No.15698045

Why is there porn of a cartoon fox

Why am I seeing it

>> No.15698046

from what anons have told me months ago, it can't get to the poles due to communication issues

>> No.15698048

this means they want to try to launch, FCC is super easy to get because they don't give a shit about this sort of thing

>> No.15698050

>fly helicopters
You might be better served learning how to handle quad- or hex- copters. Any kind of moon-hopper will probably resemble one of them.

>> No.15698057

Nope! Couldn’t even fit in a Block 1b cargo, and it would be too heavy. It could only fly on a Block 2 cargo, and even still it would literally be maxing out the capabilities

>> No.15698064

That's so fucked, it was overdesigned so Ares V could only lift it I bet

>> No.15698074

Well I guess but you’re thinking about it a bit wrong. Remember, the original plan was to have both Ares I and Ares V. So I don’t blame them for designing it to fit comfortably in an Ares V (60-70 T to TLI)
Altair is about 46T, which is coincidentally exactly what Space Launch System Block 2 is maxxed out at for TLI

>> No.15698084

I believe the danger is more in how you could fuck up the EVA suit rather than your body itself.

>> No.15698088

Privatize the US government

>> No.15698090

Being a pilot is more of an all-round bonus. It requires on-the-spot decision making and control input with the lives of others and yourself on the line. It demonstrates that you're able to go through many hours of training and then execute on that training. And specifically with helicopters, it shows that you're the right balance of mentally stable and unstable to be willing to climb into an ungainly beast of a machine that wants to destroy itself and you, then successfully command it to not do that while also doing productive work.
I would like to build some kind of vectored-thrust testbed vehicle as an engineering and control exercise, but certainly not at a man-carrying size right out the gate.

>> No.15698092

>Mom, I posted it again

>> No.15698094

Dangerously based

>> No.15698096

Use lasers instead.

>> No.15698098

The time to hop has ended. The time to throw skyscrapers into space is 14 days away.

>> No.15698100
File: 545 KB, 1536x2048, F4gBieoWAAA7d9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15698101

Ukraine just isn't as important as you think it is

>> No.15698106

>not a single one of those people give a shit about space
Let that sink in

>> No.15698109


>> No.15698110

The patches are like brown m&ms. If they forgot the patches how do we know they remembered the important stuff, like propellant or life support systems or the right number of astronauts?

Deeply concerning!

>> No.15698112

kek, I thought the same thing

>> No.15698114

Not me. It is not enough that Space X succeeds. Others must fail.

>> No.15698117

Sorry, sweaty. Elon is anti-trans agenda

>> No.15698120

I just tried this and it worked fine. Potential skill issue on your end.

>> No.15698121
File: 740 KB, 582x851, 12313213123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He brazenly hand signaled white power on national tv. Why can he get away with it?

>> No.15698123
File: 142 KB, 736x738, IMG_6717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God

>> No.15698135

Vid of rocket launch and race

>> No.15698141

E = m g_e h_e = m g_m h_m

h_m = h_e g_e / g_m

About six times the height you could fall from on Earth. You'd have the same kinetic energy and hit at the same speed, so it should be pretty similar, except that your weight would be less.

>> No.15698152

You can be "that guy that ripped his spacesuit on the moon", or even "the first guy that died on the moon".

>> No.15698153

why do americans have all the most boring sports imaginable

>> No.15698155

The rest of the world watches soccer, it doesn’t get more boring than that

>> No.15698156

we'll if you're such a hot shot driver why don't you try turning left

thought so

>> No.15698157 [DELETED] 


>> No.15698160


>> No.15698162

NASCAR is objectively gay. They banned the confederate flag and they have an affirmative action no talent negro driver

>> No.15698191

>fall face first and break your helmet
>become popcorn

>> No.15698195

see >>15698120

>> No.15698215

That was the best part of For All Mankind, especially because of how he died

>> No.15698239


>> No.15698243

Metallic hydrogen linear aerospike SSTO spaceplane

>> No.15698250
File: 132 KB, 1199x908, 1679856234750352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get a RUD on the drone ship just for shits and giggles?

>> No.15698251

That's literally the only reason I watch the streams. It's bound to happen eventually and I want to be there.

>> No.15698253

For New Glenn? Gosh I hope so

>> No.15698263

High speed traffic… woah

>> No.15698267

25 year anniversary! Maiden launch with a satellite aboard kek

>> No.15698272
File: 247 KB, 810x1033, IMG_7156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Total Launches: 3
>Success(es): 0

>> No.15698278



>> No.15698281


>> No.15698287

literally how is vulcan centaur not ready yet lmfao

>> No.15698288
File: 163 KB, 620x349, 1690673256783815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age of the tentshed is over, the age of the gigganigga bay is here!

>> No.15698289
File: 375 KB, 600x800, 1673686704430772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here pretty much
Everytime I miss one, the first thing on my mind is "damn did I miss it blowing up?"
Apparently, Crew-7 had a little excitement with the entry burn being short but that was probably planned.

That too, if anything to shut the retards up. Hope they don't try a payload first go

>> No.15698299

kek even Astra was better than this

>> No.15698325
File: 926 KB, 1x1, Metal encapsulated ceramic tile thermal insulation.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New BO patent just dropped. Will sue if you try to copy it :^)

>> No.15698343

Yeah I was like this is it when the entry burn was like 2 seconds long but it was a big nothingburger

>> No.15698346

bureaucracy and incompetence

>> No.15698349

>exposed ceramic tiles can absorb water and therefore must be waterproofed before every launch, an undesirable effect that can add unwanted mass to a booster
>so uhhh… let’s shroud each tile in metal
6D thinking there Jeff

>> No.15698361

With vapor deposition it doesn't have to be that much metal

>> No.15698365

Didn't ULA solve metallic TPS for Venturestar?

>> No.15698375

They call out inconel sheets by name
Yes but those were different and they were low temperature tiles only

>> No.15698399

Why doesn't this show up on archived.moe? Usually I can find deleted posts but not this one

>> No.15698418

Archive.moe is trash, use warosu.

>> No.15698421

This was already posted dear nigger poster

>> No.15698426

It was krystal porn so hot I'm on a round of fluids in the emergency room

No it was just some anon who replied about the women's spacesuit that deleted his post really fast

>> No.15698452
File: 604 KB, 1024x768, okuu explains nuclear thermal rocketry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies don't systematize knowledge. They see the world as a set of unconnected ideas that rattle around in their heads like a bag of marbles. Current year politics makes the problem worse than it already would be, by punishing the most obvious and basic uses of pattern recognition as an "-ism" or "-phobia".

>> No.15698454

Hitting dislike might also help, as will reporting the video for spam or misinformation.
I haven't seen even one of those for months now.

>> No.15698464

You know, its interesting how no matter the background or ideology anything space related seems to pull anyone from anywhere. I think that /sfg/ is a testament to that. Gn bros, whoever you are. Oh and gm to jeetsirs.

>> No.15698465

that's it im gonna print the sloth discussion from the last thread

>> No.15698470

And do what? Put it in your scrapbook?

>> No.15698474

My dad started getting swarmed with shit like "X celebrity has just died, like and subscribe to pay respects" until I showed him how to report shit and click "not interested". Seems ok now.

>> No.15698476

post it on r/4chan to farm reddit karma

>> No.15698481

What about the "what is or isn't a furry" discussion?

>> No.15698482

literal cancer

>> No.15698484

What about the "what is or isn't a spaceplane" discussion?

>> No.15698490 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 779x1600, Screenshot_20230827_180554_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very pleased with my results desu

>> No.15698500

REALLY looking forward to when we get out own reddit cadres baiting bullshit in these threads for epic 4chan screenshot karma

>> No.15698504

or xwitter likes

>> No.15698514
File: 68 KB, 250x348, get off my moon you damn monkey kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Krystal posting and disdain for niggers keeps most of them away.

>> No.15698517


Good morning sir

>> No.15698576


Ahh music to my ears.

>> No.15698613
File: 330 KB, 960x792, d35a108bc02952c7e4413ec798695341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy 4th anniversary, Starhopper

>> No.15698672
File: 197 KB, 594x509, 1693130798168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning Sir

>> No.15698674

Sayonara, mid-bay

>> No.15698680
File: 639 KB, 2560x1280, Cricket-India-1-2560x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesn’t get more boring than that

>> No.15698695

i want her stick thar lolipop in her tootsie

>> No.15698708
File: 31 KB, 350x370, 1590104619274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15698714
File: 76 KB, 554x554, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four years....

>> No.15698716


>> No.15698742
File: 499 KB, 1351x4258, slothtalk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna make it prettier but not right now

>> No.15698741

>download gunner heat pc
>tank sim
>some dude hiding in the bushes kills me with atgm from 2km away
Absolute garbage game. fuck /k/. fuck missiles

>> No.15698763
File: 395 KB, 1262x1402, sfg_metaphor meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call this a screencap?

>> No.15698767

Seems bretty realistic, wrong thread btw kys gameslop consoomer

>> No.15698770

it seems you can't read words

>> No.15698805
File: 206 KB, 1106x829, how hard is going to space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Tory Bruno explaining ULA's edge?

>> No.15698820

Sundays is offtopic day because of low traffic
Everybody knows this.

>> No.15698821

Falcon Chubby has done direct to GEO insertions for commercial customers so basically his whole chart is invalid.

>> No.15698869

>phoneposting nigger
you should take your advice and shove it up your fat retarded ass

>> No.15698876

I thought that /sfg/ hates it because it's not Cybertruck

>> No.15698881

I hate it because it's fucking hideous and for no other reason.

>> No.15698921

>Smart Recovery methods
>doesn't just land right back where you want it to

Makes you think

>> No.15698922

Jews did nothing wrong

>> No.15698924

LEO is 99% of the difficulty
after LEO you are just shrinking payload to get to your desired orbit

>> No.15698928

You don't know what "normies" think because you don't go outside.

>> No.15698940


>> No.15698996
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They docked

>> No.15699020
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$75m for this project.
How much would an Indian Falcon 9 or Starship cost?

>> No.15699045

ULA doesn't want you to know Falcon Heavy has more throw than Delta IV Heavy or any Atlas V configuration.

>> No.15699073

Seek help

>> No.15699085

Falcon 9 costs ~$30M to build out. Refurb launch costs is ~$10M. Customers pay ~$50M on bulk order and ~$70M on one off order

>> No.15699111
File: 1.28 MB, 1290x2082, IMG_8035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian space station

>> No.15699115
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>> No.15699116
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Superpower by 2035

>> No.15699122

Do you have a source for this?

>> No.15699125
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>> No.15699126

2035? lol we’re all going to be living on Vast™ 100-meter spinning stick stations™ by then.

>> No.15699134


>> No.15699137
File: 166 KB, 1088x806, IMG_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks dumpy

>> No.15699139


>> No.15699142


>> No.15699147

Are those sparks from the metal, or did they leave the electricity on?

>> No.15699148

>showers of sparks from the bolts shearing

>> No.15699159

the beige module that is barely visible is a toilet area

>> No.15699172

What is the likelihood that Jonny Kim and/or Zena Cardman are sent straight to the moon for their first spaceflight without doing an ISS mission first? Would NASA assign one of their astronauts to a lunar landing mission before they even go to LEO for the first time?

>> No.15699177

Salyut architecture is never going to die, is it?

>> No.15699180
File: 3.87 MB, 1280x720, LabPadre-1695798326912786860-20230827 090002-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX already gone

>> No.15699185

What's that big module at the bottom, an inflatable?

>> No.15699195

Yeah, the FCC? Read the fucking letterhead.

>> No.15699214

I don't think NASA would select someone for Artemis who had never been to space before. Then again, Jeremy Hansen has never been to space before and he got a seat on Artemis 2. I don't know how him being Canadian might have adjusted the calculus for that.

I do remember hearing a while back that NASA was pushing to get more of their unflown junior astronauts into space to try and avoid this exact issue. Kim and Cardman could get onto one of the crew rotation flights that's scheduled before Artemis 3 but spending six months on the station would probably start stepping on toes for the A3 training program. The only way I could see it working out is if A3 slips to a 2026/27 launch, which is looking more likely than not. Then they could fly on Crew-9/10 and still get back in time to train for the moon.

>> No.15699215

The grin on Konstantin's face as he came through the hatch.

>> No.15699217

thats a letterhead, not a source.

>> No.15699230
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>> No.15699232

2 engines failed turing the test flight before the rocket even left the pad. During the latest static fire 2 engines failed, and in the static fire before that 2 engines failed as well. You get where I'm going with this?

>> No.15699240

I hope you've left your contribuion to the lift thread:

>> No.15699260

yet nobody is even trying to replicate reusable first stages even for just practical prototyping

>> No.15699279

>The entire field of astronomy is fucking gay and astronomers should kys
>Astronomy is super based and worth studying as a hobby—it’s only “academic astronomers” who are fags

>> No.15699291

Currently wrapping up my computer shitance degree, but realized I don't have a passion for writing app #384. Trying to refocus my efforts into hardware + signals so i can be employable in the space industry. Is it over for me?

>> No.15699293

if some microbes are found off world why is this such a big deal? If basic organic building blocks can hop with random asteroid bombardments between planets finding small colonies on other solar bodies is pretty much a given. If there is one particularly rich host in the system like earth is in the solar

i swear to go this earth can only support life is another take on the milennia old geocentricism which is driven purely by angst and ego

>> No.15699301

Pop astronomy, like all popsci, is gay and its practitioners should rope themselves. Astronomy itself, like all relatively hard sciences, is based.

>> No.15699312

astronomy is the psychology of cosmology. mildly useful, but overall a meme.

>> No.15699323
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Nip accent too strong.

>> No.15699332

when are the russians performing a hostile takeover of the iss?

>> No.15699349

Can you expand on what you mean by this?

>> No.15699360

everything that's interesting to me happens within about 200 AU of here. humans will never go further than that and we can't get good looks at the roggs further out than that. I do not care for stars nor astronomers
>look at me I know everything there is to know about these pinpricks of light :^)
>I can tell how much they wobble, exactly what colors they are, and how much redder they are than they should be
>no I can't actually take better pictures of them than you can with a dslr on a dark night

>> No.15699364

They’ll try, then run out of oxygen, run back and hole up in the S0 ITS, then wait til everyone stops trying and claim victory

>> No.15699375
File: 98 KB, 498x1142, mag sail dynamic soaring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything that's interesting to me happens within about 200 AU of here. humans will never go further than that

>> No.15699463

Should have studied CE or EE then.

>> No.15699474

The indians have already peaked. Flying automated probes that run Java code is one thing, but building manned space systems with critical and reliable life support is another.

>> No.15699497

>relies on a propulsion method thats never been tested in space before and is uncertain if it even works

>> No.15699512
File: 3.86 MB, 720x720, Loreleirubik-1650164444003987458-20230423 104716-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX? Heh... never heard of 'em.

>> No.15699515

Enron musk is finished

>> No.15699527

It's over ( ._.)

>> No.15699556

A space diaper for all the poo.

>> No.15699557
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>> No.15699559
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Will OFT-2 succeed or blow up?

>> No.15699565

CS is a math degree with extra steps
You'll have to go again as an aerospace engineer if you want to do anything exciting

>> No.15699568


>> No.15699598

Metal. Would have been much bigger if it was electrical tearing up.

>> No.15699604

It will succeed at blowing up.

>> No.15699623
File: 263 KB, 1920x1367, Space_Rider_mission_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Space Rider program has officially begun its validation and testing phase, as it prepares for a maiden flight in the third quarter of 2025. Space Rider is Europe’s reusable uncrewed robotic laboratory that will provide an “end-to-end integrated space transportation system” for commercial customers. After launching into space, Space Rider will spend two months in orbit while customers complete experiments and technology demonstrations onboard, before returning to Earth.

>Space Rider was originally set to begin flights end of this year after having received funding in 2019; however, several delays have pushed back its inaugural launch. Yet, entering into Phase D marks a significant step toward launch as ESA is preparing for several drop tests to validate the capability of Space Rider’s autonomous landing algorithms.

Not having a functioning rocket to ride on is part of the problem.

>> No.15699629

It will succeed, then blow up.

>> No.15699674

It rides on Vega.

>> No.15699680
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>> No.15699693

Vega is not currently functional.

>> No.15699696

Vega isn’t an orbital rocket it’s basically a glorified firework lol

>> No.15699701

Vega is a medium lift rocket, but it's fucked until the Ukrainian parts can be replaced.

>> No.15699724
File: 362 KB, 1100x900, 3bc79c87f14a65f4a7971cd207c90c4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ESA present the most cutting edge future of space vehicle deployment circa 1994 in the current year

>> No.15699731

I know, it was just a little joke

>> No.15699733

Stop posting kemonomimi

>> No.15699741

Europeans seethe with rage when you point out that every technology they have is 20 years behind the times.

>> No.15699749

two of them have even successfully flown orbital-class first stages (and blue ain't one of em LMAO)

>> No.15699755
File: 205 KB, 1796x805, starlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are ~1.7M starlink customers right now.

40% = 680K subscribers
15% = 255K
7.1% = 120K
5.6%= 95K
4.8% = 81K
4.5% = 76K
2.9%= 49K
2.6% = 44K
2.4% = 41K
1.7% = 29K

Rough numbers, but it matches the known numbers


>> No.15699759

The only thing thats of suspect is Ukraine number because its being used widely for multiple usage. So that number is probably inflated by 3-5X or so.

>> No.15699762

Actually nvm, if its going by IP, then the number is right.


From cloudflare

>> No.15699763

When do the CLPS missions start?

>> No.15699768

I am looking for the picture of the tent being taken down from a few days ago but I cannot find it. Does anyone have it? I thought it was in the previous thread, but I guess not.

>> No.15699772



>> No.15699774


Or this

>> No.15699775

Not across the board. Airbus is looking pretty strong vs. Boeing. Only the inertia of spooling up production prevented a real massacre.

>> No.15699777

I'm a structures specialist doing ground support stuff. It's a little sad not to be working on actual vehicles, but the upside is that you get lots of freedom as an engineer and get to work on a ton of different projects rather than obsessing over a single part.

>> No.15699790

the next flyover should be interesting

>> No.15699792
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>> No.15699869

says IM-1 is booked for a Falcon 9, NET November 15th

>> No.15699878

Canadian and Australian numbers are crazy, that's over 1.5% of households

>> No.15699881

Wait what? I thought they hired US only due to ITAR regulations. What is this supposed to accomplish?

>> No.15699887

Discovery so they can build other cases. They are trying to force governmental powers over SpaceX.

>> No.15699888

My theory last thread is this is about Ukranian rocket scientists

I can't think of any other scenario where a refugee/asylee would sue to work at SpaceX (or any other ITAR-controlled business) and have any hope of winning

>> No.15699889

Internet service in most of Australia is hot garbage and Starlink is like nothing they have had access to before.

>> No.15699894

Internet service in most of US is hot garbage as well. Its just only the inner cities that have high speed internet. The greater 70% of the US lands have shit tier internet, but obviously only 30% of population live outside the cities

>> No.15699899
File: 370 KB, 594x671, dei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is this supposed to accomplish?

The AAG leading the suit is a Biden admin DEI hire going after "evil rich billionaires".


>> No.15699902
File: 19 KB, 400x400, a0YpsvjB_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTS will soon activate if staging fails.

>> No.15699903

It's a lot better than it used to be. Random little towns in the woods of New England have fiber now.

>> No.15699907

>Its just only the inner cities that have high speed internet

Most of the US has access to land based high speed internet.

>> No.15699913
File: 87 KB, 1270x723, 006038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15699915

Sois are pissed Daddy Elon basically crowdfunded spaceflight through overemployed rich soibois

>> No.15699918

that is cope, this is purely political to go after musk

>> No.15699926

fuck that they bungled the space industry the first time around

>> No.15699929

This is the most likely one since some other anon mentioned them getting this knowledge from discovery on a Tesla case

>> No.15699931

spinsters gonna spin

>> No.15699936

The latter, it just happens to have a high rate of “I hate the vonBraunnian spirit” FAGGOTS and it’s easy to make into popsoi. I’d argue it’s still cool though. Case study: eugene shoemaker. Geologist who was so autistic he decided to just study other things and even got his wife into it. Extremely, dangerously based.

>> No.15699941

The next thread edition better be about that cute little sloth

>> No.15699945

Then make it so.

>> No.15699949

