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15694926 No.15694926 [Reply] [Original]

Do you find women with high intelligence to be more sexy in your eyes?

>> No.15694929

Now that I'm getting older, yes. It's a real pain in the ass living with dumb people. It's like they do every little thing in life a little bit wrong.

>> No.15694930

Her genes call out to me
I should be breeding her right now yet here I am talking to u
fuck this

>> No.15694940

pretty sad how most teenagers hotter than 95% of women ten years older than them

>> No.15694947
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>> No.15694958

She's right. Personality in women doesn't count for shit. Just don't be annoying.

>> No.15694961

not science or math

>> No.15694973
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It's good that she's smartened up about it but she still looks like a whore with half her head shaved and a nose piercing.

>> No.15694976

IQ is a scientific concept and is the basis of math. Very /sci/.

>> No.15694979

Actually no. All high IQ women I've ever seen were highly unattractive. I prefer my women to be midwits.

>> No.15694987

Yes. Very very sexy. I also like them fiery and fierce, too.
hot intelligent women get instant money. You are talking about a class issue.

>> No.15695015

It's not a factor for sexiness, but I find them attractive in the sense that they'd be a compatible partner.

>> No.15695052

Faggot here so bit off the mark.

Personally intelligence is incredibly attractive. I met my boyfriend through bug reports I was making for an open source project he helped maintain. I fell in love when he built me a number engine for an argument we had about how multiple of two works. I analyzed it and fell madly in love. Before him I didn't think it mattered too much. But I realized with him that if I can't communicate fully the ideas I'm having to my partner it gets depressing. If I'm always outsmarting someone I get bored. Plus it's hot to make him solve ciphers and puzzles while having sex. I'm gonna dress up as a professor and tutor him in some stuff later then rest him while giving him a blow job.

>> No.15695067

Why are women so painfully cringe?

>> No.15695083

Got to agree 100 percent with this.
Strangely, some of the most intelligent women I have known tried to keep a low profile but were also sweet and charming, none of that aggressive stuff we see so much of today.

>> No.15695097

>bug reports

>> No.15695101

What type of question is that?
If they are sexy, then they must be intelligent or you call her intelligent. That's simply axiomatic.

>> No.15695112

they act like fags do, except men criticize fags for doing it, but they let women do all the cringe stuff like limp hands, unnatural postures that make their arse stick out, being dramatic, walking while putting emphasis on hip movement, and so on. Stuff that when you see a man do it, you realise how stupid those behaviours are, sex difference or no sex difference.

>> No.15695114

You didn't agree with "sexy," you changed it to "less annoying" lol
Verbal or physical intelligence, sure. Logic, no

>> No.15695119

Who criticizes fags since you've been alive lol

>> No.15695186

I can count on one hand the intelligent women I've met throughout my entire life. Please note that reserved, opinionated and well put together is not a true indication of intelligence. One of them was an ex-girlfriend and I let her get away. I fucked that one up. That was my bad. Really, barely any exist. For what is 1 in 100 for men, it is likely to be 1 in 1000 for women.

>> No.15695190

what are you, gen alpha or something

>> No.15695201

You first. I guess late millennial clinging to the sweet ballsack of late X? Unless maybe you live in "bumblefuck, swamp" you've never been criticized by anything harder than a spitball in your ear and you should get over your fake identity crisis

>> No.15695451


>> No.15696434

you cringed at that? are you gay?

>> No.15696436

Not really, i used to know a very smart beautiful woman and i enjoyed talking with her but i also believed i was wasting my time. I told her i enjoyed our talks but that it was a mistake to ever get to know her

>> No.15696438

men criticize fags for acting like women for the same reason they criticize trannies for dressing up like women. the behavior isn't innately wrong, it's who does it. when women do it it's cute and hot, or amusing.

>> No.15696449

Fags get shit on by society every day because people may refrain from saying 99% of what they would normally say and that 1% lets fags know what people really think. Imagine you only get punched on the street once a year instead of daily, when people laugh behind you back and then when you ask they say "oh nothing, nothing" and giggle. This is the life of an emancipated fag

>> No.15696458

I only like 2D women

>> No.15696464

1. Height is most sexy
2. Personality is second (compassionate towards living things, emotionally grounded, etc.)
3. feminine characteristics, like round breasts, hips, etc.
4. Intelligence comes in fourth. It's nice if they're not retarded, but I don't expect them to be smart or even close to as intelligent as I am

>> No.15696503

I'm glad you're not procreating.

>> No.15696507

So you must prefer it when low IQs reproduce with ugly people to make more ugly men and more ugly women who don't even try to act femininely

>> No.15696528

No. Intelligence is kind of attractive, but it's not sexy. And there are many attributes I find far more attractive than intelligence.

>> No.15696531

Intelligent women are always pretentious and/or narcissistic so no. Only intelligent men are capable of being humble.

>> No.15696561

Have you watched Amelie, thats the best portrayal you are going to get. Those that tend to be narcissistic are midwits clamoring for attention.

>> No.15696562
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>my accomplishments
One of the biggest mindfucks young women are subjected to is that men will be attracted to their "accomplishments". And since most of those accomplishments usually come bundled with a bunch of debt, they end up having negative value for anything other than a fuck buddy type relationship, where the value is merely zero.

>> No.15696570

Marilyn vos Savant was attractive when she was younger. Obviously not model hot but certainly not someone you would be ashamed to be seen with.

>> No.15696584

These women don't entertain anyone other than model looking millionaire guy and complian why they're alone

>> No.15696686
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>you cringed at a woman acting like an embarrassing retard?
>you must be... LE GAY!!!

>> No.15696690

I agree with him that you are likely gay. Women act like women, men who arent gay like women so we have no problem with them acting like women, in fact we like it and dont want them to act like men. Based on this line of thought I have to conclude you want to have sex with men

>> No.15696697

pick one
seriously, I've met ONE intelligent woman in my 30 years on earth. ONE. In approximately 11,100 days on this planet, ONE. She is incredible, however, doing some very groundbreaking work in gene sequencing.

>> No.15696698

that is not a woman, that is a 16 year old. the reason fags behaving like that is gross and cringy is because men are ugly and not hot. a hot woman can act like that because they are sexy. you wouldn't understand that because you're homosexual.

>> No.15696711
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They just need to bee themselves

>> No.15696713

Alan Turing himself wrote this

>> No.15696715
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Dumb woman

Shit tier

Butt of all the jokes for blonde jokes

>> No.15696717
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Schoolgirl: dogmatic
Good grades
Nice handwriting
Advances no thought just regimentizes it
Giga normie extreme

>> No.15696719
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Maverick mamacita
Rough around the edges
Tough minded and nonconformist
Can effortlessly outsmart the schoolgirl's greatest with critical judgement but not in detail and interpersonal institutional practice

>> No.15696744
File: 25 KB, 300x300, Snapchat-1120917118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of girl is where "BUZZ WE CANT BE FRIENDS ANYMORE YOURE SCARING THE HOES" meme gets its solid footing. All books scare these hoes. All political awareness does too.
Usually looxmaxxed bimbo PAWG or gym cardio bunny wearing transparent and decorated scrunchy camel toe THOT pants with some rare art hoe dilletantes.
They are allergic to the intellect. They prefer libshit alcoholism lifestyles.
The eternal stooge. Usually a 5/10 6/10 skinny girl with extracurriculars and intensely scheduled flyered social life
You get a looks buffer but a social boost for the comfort to speak your mind and always can argue in good faith and concord.
The best kind of women out there for the best kind of men. Demure but fierce. Flannel wearing BBWs usually busty af. Take her camping, m8. The opera is for this very fat lady who sings.

>> No.15696750
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>> No.15696760

I don't want women to act like men, I just don't want them to act like embarrassing self-absorbed retards, and being hot is no excuse for it. This kind of attitude that women can do anything they want as long as they're hot is literally what has brought us to the current age full of shitty women who just do whatever they please with no thought to consequences because men with no standards will praise them for existing.

>> No.15696761
File: 51 KB, 800x450, 1yosuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you found love when you find the high IQ woman who made the normies at the party make this face

No amount of honky tonk badonkadonk red solo cup normie pandering will ever bring back TRVDITION

>> No.15696762

>that is not a woman, that is a 16 year old.
That's referred to as a "young woman" where I live.

>> No.15696771

>embarrassing self-absorbed retards
op posted a video of a young girl who knows she's hot shaking her ass to her friend videoing her, none of that applies to her. no one thinks women can do whatever they want, we just don't care if they act like retards as long as it isn't a nuisance. "embarrassing self-absorbed retards" is a good description for the average /sci/ posters desu.

>> No.15696774

yes, same here. but not woman, no one anywhere would call a 16 year old a woman.

>> No.15696776
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>> No.15696778

Of course. I want intelligent children.

Unfortunately, most women are so coddled by society that they are utterly retarded.

>> No.15696781

>What, you mean men want me for my ability to bear children and not some nonsense degree?

>> No.15696782
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>> No.15696783

>op posted a video of a young girl who knows she's hot shaking her ass to her friend videoing her, none of that applies to her.
All of that applies to her, for all the reasons you gave.

A young woman is a woman. You don't go around telling people that 80 year old women can't be called women because they're "elderly women," do you?

>> No.15696786
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>men who arent gay like women


>> No.15696787

If some law was passed that 80 year old women must be seen and spoken of in an unnatural way, Americans would religiously make it part of their expectations for everyone in the world at all times all situations

>> No.15696789

Absolutely incoherent
Not Buddhi (intelligent)

>> No.15696790

It's very effective social engineering.

You see, since women are attracted to a men's accomplishments, projection becomes natural, especially when the education system is meant to disconnect children from their instincts.

>> No.15696792
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Ever desiring you see the manifestations. Free of desires, you see the Truth.

>> No.15696795

What reasons did i give? you don't like looking at a hot girl shaking her ass? why should we think you're not a faggot?

>You don't go around telling people that 80 year old women can't be called women because they're "elderly women," do you?
false equivalency, they've already gotten to the stage where they became a woman, they're just old. a 16 year old isn't mature enough to be called a woman, she's a girl or a young woman.

>> No.15696797

im not an american, i don't understand why you think treating a 16 year old differently to a 23 year pols is unnatural.

>> No.15696800
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Accomplished men are attracted to supportive women and this means no degree can help that although education is amenable to it in our current circumstances of feudal economic total fiat on academia fiefdom serf students

Women who are minimally begrudgingly in Academia yet high performing are the highest SMV

There to take not be taken in by the blue hair sorority bullshit but unfortunately means she has no influence (not that she conceiveably even could with our rigged political financial digital hellscape)

>> No.15696806

>Accomplished men are attracted to supportive women

Wrong again. Accomplished men have no need for the support of a woman, who is not capable of supporting anything more than a child's sports pursuit.

Accomplished men are only really attracted to fertile women with a temperament to motherhood.

Many wealthy men just care about fucking sluts.

>> No.15696808

>What reasons did i give? you don't like looking at a hot girl shaking her ass? why should we think you're not a faggot?
There was a time not long ago where people were raised to actually have a modicum of shame and not behave like that in public, much less on camera broadcast to the entire world.

>a 16 year old isn't mature enough to be called a woman, she's a girl or a young woman.
A 16 year old can literally get married.

>> No.15696813
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Because the virgin mary birthed Christ the Lord at age 16 and so did my arranged marriage rural great grandmothers for all generations until Jews villified fertility and boomers worshipped their plunder as money.
My guess is you're Anglo then. You see the state at face value and loyally accept it as if they know the biology and history of the subject so well as to be morally infallible. Unique prudery foreign to me and anathema to what I hold sacred. For me the young madonna I know her history. I know her hand. Her breast. Her lifeblood. Her ecstasy of rural worship and defacto sovereignty. You know the scowl of a meter maid and prudery of sterile porn sites. You have the state over your shoulder. You think yourself the state yourself but your state mocks you profaning you and my sanctified hearth. Mother's milk, you mad man. From the very womb that the first cathedral before ever held holy water. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

>> No.15696815

the problem is that definition of intelligence are not universal. Or, no, wait I guess that is actually correct. That is the solution, not the problem.

Point is, define what it means to be intelligent for a woman.
Hell, define what it means to be intelligent for a man.

people don't fuck mounds of brain flesh, which would be horrid, but to project some assumption that a mound of brain flesh is probably intelligent though "not good looking" is the meaning of the OP question. "does a girl's brains make up for her appearance?"
The answer is unfortunately a resounding "no", as recorded by the annals of human history. Case in point, attractive women do not mentally age past 6 years old. They may ever acquire instructed knowledge, but they are absent the creative applications of that knowledge that would be more expected of teen and adult men. Emotionally, they listen deeper to feeling than to reason, they observe emotion more than idea. Half the reason for this behavior from modern women is because of dysfunctional men, and half the reason for dysfunctional men is lying women, as Eve had lied to claim a Snake spoke to her to tell her to eat from the Tree. But it shows a true capacity that men very much don't mind the concept of raping the equivalent of groomed children to engage with their relationships of women. They don't seemingly respect any format of her intelligence whatsoever, and would fuck a girl despite her being mentally retarded and incapable of fully processing the event.

>> No.15696816
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Wow sounds like father of the year wrote this after his 10th Cocaine blowjob in his bugatti

Right your values are so SUCCessful

>> No.15696819

that was likely a video posted on her private social media a creep saved, possibly op. do you think behaving like that didn't happen 100 years ago? do you think kids never acted like kids until recently? i personally don't think sexy teenagers should be ashamed of how erotic they are, you opposing this is why we think you're homosexual.

>A 16 year old can literally get married.
a 10 year old can literally get married in some countries. legal definitions don't man anything. i'm not going to call a 16 year old a woman, even if they were legally defined as one.

>> No.15696824
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>> No.15696825

why do you want to force girls to raise children at such a young age? have you ever been around teenagers? or is that what you like, removing the fun and joys of life and quickly putting men into work and women into child raising while they're still running around acting like retards.

>> No.15696831

>do you think kids never acted like kids until recently?
Yes, I do think it's recent to call acting like strippers and pornstars in public and on film "kids being kids." Why do I think that? Because it wasn't this way when I was in high school just 15 years ago.

>> No.15696834

You are profane and out of touch with nature: human nature. Have you ever spoken candidly and directly to a female without your government speaking on your behalf?
Do you acknowledge female agency at all?
You are as stupid and hostile as it gets.
Again you refuse the argument and strawman it into an obtuse territory. That is not fertility discussion. You are refusing the traditional framework for the modern framework blithely and that is not for discussion. You are not open to dialogue. You are just using bullying tactics to shame different lives peoples of respectable civility born of different wives. It used to be commendable to marry young. It was NOT shamed but vernerated with mirthful weddings.

>> No.15696835

that's how kids have always acted, except perhaps in really prudish places like the middle east or american christian areas

>> No.15696844

>i'm not going to call a 16 year old a woman, even if they were legally defined as one.
how do you define a woman?

>> No.15696845

i have, i find these accusations really boring. have you ever asked a 16 year old girl if she'd like to get married and then have five kids with a man six years older than her? you haven't, so how'd you imagine the response? if anyone should be treated like the weirdo it should be you.

>Again you refuse the argument and strawman it into an obtuse territory.
i really don't understand. if marriages involving ten year olds happen in one place why do you oppose it? your argument was that 16 year olds can marry (it is strange that you brought up the law despite what you earlier said), why do you refuse to answer why 10 year old can't?

>> No.15696847
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>16 and pregnant!
Oy vey! Call the police!
What if she gets bad grades in public school?!
No one will give her loans so she can get accepted into the prestigious ivy league slut school!

>> No.15696849

adult female. a 16 year old is not legally an adult and i wouldn't consider them one.

>> No.15696854

A 16 year old has gone through the rite of passage that our culture not your invasive jewish bank amd academia cops decided is a fully grown woman.
A QUINCEAÑERA is such a sign.
We pop out babies at 16. I fell in love at 15 and stayed with her through the years. I did not ask for anyone to love my love life for me. Maybe the cops at school can teach you how your dick works when youre old enough

>> No.15696861
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>I wouldn't call a 16 year old a woman even if that was the legal definition
>because the law says girls become women at 18

>> No.15696864
File: 70 KB, 500x630, Mary-Mother-of-the-Church-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mother Mary, Teotokos
>are you aware that you are LEGALLY not a recognized adult by these fools online?
"Now we must arrest the PERVERT who impregnated you, Miss Mary holy mother of God" said the protestant Golem Quasimodo

>> No.15696865

a rite of passage is cultural and does not dictate the reality of maturity, a 16 year old is still definitely not an adult and of the same intellectual ability as a 23 year old. you're not white so maybe you're fully grown by that age.

i've already explained that i don't believer it because they're not mature enough. i mentioned the law since one of the previous posters brought it up.

>> No.15696866

why do you attack jews but post jewish fairy tales?

>> No.15696869
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My culture is reality yours is profane persecution of holy fertility

Our midwives know more than your debt slave nurse slut vaxmaxxed gynecologist OBGYN wards in spades. We have ages of empires under our skirts. You have yamakas and circumcisions and infant heart attacks, Herod

>> No.15696870

but your holy book says circumcision is good

>> No.15696873

>i've already explained that i don't believer it because they're not mature enough.
but you're not able to decide for yourself what the marker or maturity is, so you fall back on legal definitions anyway. if the law said 16 is the age of adulthood you'd fall right in line because you have no actual metric beyond the law.

>> No.15696877
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Because to do otherwise would "scare the hoes" out of the nursery and back to libshit indoctrination marxy Harvard since you bombed the Nazis

Can you produce me that which you propose? Were those children born the way you said? Can you buy out the Catholic Church for me, your highness?

>> No.15696881

i'm not falling back on legal definitions so stop accusing me of something that is false, your jewish book tells you not to lie. i'd call someone a woman if they behaved in a mature enough way, but i'd put it at about 21.

you can't speak english

>> No.15696888
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Ah yes let me find another expensive millenia to satisfy this

Mr Buddha we have Officer Prude Police here to arrest this woman for running away from her rich parents and getting impregnated by the servant boy Mrs Kisa Gotami

Ah Mr Buddha why do you say this woman is saint? Love? What sick twisted molestation do you speak of Buddha?! What perversions do you people do in this land of the most populated populace?
Mother's love? Ah you have not seen the light of the Federal Reserve and their highway expansion into urban patrols!

>> No.15696891

>behaving maturely
Cats are not dogs, tranny
No ones grandma is mature
No nun is mature
Your maturity is obedience not vitality

>> No.15696893

>i'd call someone a woman if they behaved in a mature enough way, but i'd put it at about 21.
i never asked for a specific age, i asked for how you would personally define a girl becoming a woman no matter what that means to you. what does "mature enough" mean?

>> No.15696896

how close they are to acting the same way a 30 year old woman acts

>> No.15696901
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>how close they are to acting the same way a 30 year old woman acts

>> No.15696905

yes. a 30 year old is a mature adult. we can then judge what age becomes a mature adult by when they act to the same intellectual ability as a 30 year old.

>> No.15696907

>intellectual ability
Post IQ
Wait you have to get educated first...
Apply for one of my loans first...

>> No.15696912

20yo women who try to act like they're in their 30s generally strike me as being less mature and more naive and pretentious than those that 'act their age'.

>> No.15696914
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>> No.15696915

this. Unfortunately girls today think that "being an asshole girlboss" means being smart.

A humble (and submissive in the relationship) but intelligent woman is a blessing

>> No.15696918
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Close enough

Pic rel: Perfection

>> No.15696919

thirdie pls

>> No.15696926

How old were Romeo and Juliet, Lord of Maturity AngloMutt?

>> No.15696927

>Accomplished men are only really attracted to fertile women with a temperament to motherhood.
I agree with this, but otherwise stop watching le andrew tate meme

>> No.15696930


>stating a fact is the same as endorsing it


>> No.15696935

during the time that was written england was feudal and commoners were second class citizens and couldn't vote and could get accused of being a witch a get lynched. hereditary ranks were the way the government was run. what comes with one comes with the other, you can't pick and choose what part of history justifies modern behavior, so would you prefer it if the modern day was like that?

>> No.15696942
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Those ancient people you criticize with your heartless wordsalad had love and they epitomized it for the English language which has been antibioticized out of your belly and bosom.
You dont sound jolly, Mr England

>> No.15696946

why are you ignoring the question? if what they did back then means teenagers marrying is good, what about feudalism?

>> No.15696949
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What feminist studies does to a mf
What riddles be solved with...

>> No.15696951

>punched on the street once a year
Straight guys get punched on the street more than that you narcissistic drama queen.
Straight up hysteria

>> No.15696953

looks like you're avoiding answering it. don't ever speak up against anglos or any white people again you filthy spic.

>> No.15696955

"high IQ" women are very often neurotic and many of them have cluster B-type personality disorders (narcicissm, borderline et al)

>> No.15696961
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1686444877636211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are in Feudalism right now. Teenagers having sex nowadays have it comparable.
Academic Agent and Stefan Molyneux go into deep dives as to the economic squalor Boomers and Student Loans caused. What comes with one has no principle to cause another outside a hormonal and legal aggregate of happenstance. The raw materials of Plymouth Rock Puritans were too 16 pregnant. Marry young lest you wander into fornication. You're not even an Anglo anymore McSuburb

>> No.15696975

What about them eating bread and drinking water

>> No.15697004
File: 1.56 MB, 1304x1742, virgen mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a little while to type my thoughts

>> No.15697006
File: 10 KB, 250x187, Evil_mickey_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't ever speak up against anglos or any white people again you filthy spic.

>> No.15697013

"spitting facts" is what broccoli tiktok drones do

>> No.15697060

Denying facts is what braindead idiots do.

>> No.15697078


Delusional whores upset someone says rich men often just use sluts like fleshlights.

>> No.15697150

No, not at all
The women who are truly intelligent are usually ugly
The women who are le qt and smart and studious are cringe and whores

I never understood why men don't prefer primitive and dumb women, provided they are virgin. Bonus points if she never had access to internet and does not know what it is.

>inb4 you'll hate the relationship because you won't have anything heccin smart 2 discuss in le ebin bedderino before sleeperino

Ye i don't care about that, i run the smart business and talk. If she has a warm soft juicy skin pocket for my cum and can cook a bit, she's perfect. All the finances and work to maintain the household are on me.

>inb4 incel!!!!! you cant handle a hardworking high iq intelligent girlboss qween!!! you are an abusive manipulative psychopath

femoid-tier retort, KYS

women need education, but not the type of education you might think of

>inb4 cringe
kys retard

>> No.15697157
File: 33 KB, 640x384, the-simpson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way a woman wins this game is by Mrs-ring shackling up a man early as she can and not riding the cock carousel for 2 decades of debt mounting and BBC mounting MATURITY

Dowries of foresight
Groomed by the Lord for the glory and grace of walking down the aisle through the imacculate ages. Yes but at what cost? Renunciance of public sex appeal marketing grandstanding.

>> No.15697164
File: 113 KB, 1280x1172, 1681147096770880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>inb4 incel!!!!! you cant handle a hardworking high iq intelligent girlboss qween!!! you are an abusive manipulative psychopath
This is Barbie gameplay taken too far.

A strong spirit of nanabooboo Im better than you hoo is commendable as long as its charming and not mattress girl FemJesus the Messiah

>> No.15697167

Well you see, this is the con played on women.

It teaches them to squander their one asset, and there's no winning play for a 45 year old single woman, which is why she spites everyone else in society.

>> No.15697171
File: 414 KB, 1080x1440, p23514_v_v9_aj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The queen of subrubia complex then is always at odds with the youth

This movie is peak pervy suburbs

>> No.15697210

But not because they are straight.

>> No.15697211
File: 89 KB, 750x718, 1685867280505333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is really that simple

>> No.15697216

Yeah the point you're missing is that you're not special. "bulllied for being gay" isn't any more frequent than bullied for a million other reasons

>> No.15697256
File: 2.24 MB, 1618x2867, 1691316926098101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women peak at 16, sorry chuds.

>> No.15697262
File: 53 KB, 636x478, MrRight023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The special part about being bullied for being gay is that gays are bullied for their lack of understanding at an inherent level and thus are doomed like cat and mouse to never correct their lisp their feminine valley girl voice their multitude of gaynesses that most elucidate the bully's urges to say "that faggot ain't right"

I was the picture poster boy of the left's criminal antigay antagonist until I was convinced of Alan Turing's merit that really they are that way and are not going out of their way to act that way. I exist in GAE FAGMAN cyberspace. I kneel, gaylords. Oh your highness of gay nerdiness supreme experts and rich men.

However I too am a certain way, a physical jerk in my own right and I think I am more misunderstood than gays are. Lockerrooms are now pro gay anti horsin around jerkman to edamame super estrogen levels of knit sweater nintendo switch sØy
There will come a time when I am categorically remembered as the victim class. The chudocaust

>> No.15697269

>You didn't agree with "sexy," you changed it to "less annoying" lol
Oh, my text was not adressing OP but a later poster. Anyway, to satisfy your curiousity, yes she was sexy, and not just when in a swimsuit.

>> No.15697404

can anyone translate in plain fucking english what this retard is trying to say?

>> No.15697451

That was pristine cultured language for your unprimed eyes, you plain retard

>> No.15697462

Probably bait but if you’ve actually looked at 16 year old girls and wanted to fuck them than actually, unironically, sincerely kill yourself please.

>> No.15697468

The meta is gay bully is closet top.

>> No.15697490
File: 11 KB, 304x166, download (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Shesus wept
The crocodile tear
Sees all men raping by birth as guilt
When Shesus wept
The liberal tears
Give no no no mercy
All men do is rape

>> No.15697496

retard, girls don't suddenly become hot overnight on their 18th birthday

>> No.15697500

>i can tell your age exactly with my divine confidence
Well chronovision, where were you when Mark Cuban got in legal trouble for having big titty teenagers sneak into his wet T shirt bar?
Good news my fellow Prudericans is that all the bad guys who looked at young women as young women without legal geographic modern labels instantly died upon being beat up by Batman (whose parents died from a female teenage shooter)

Good thing the moral crusades are directed against our own fertility and not our own insecurity with (((enemies domestic and abroad)))

Wow I love these rules

>> No.15697504
File: 22 KB, 460x345, v4-460px-Stuff-Your-Bra-Step-19-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right they first have to get accepted into the official government list of legally recognized kosher shishkas with SKU numbers before they can ever be accountable for their very own behavior

>> No.15697514

>unnatural postures that make their arse stick out,
>walking while putting emphasis on hip movement
so you want women to walk like men? faggot

>> No.15697538
File: 30 KB, 464x480, hillary_dictator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that is what I call sexual communism

>> No.15697573

Anyone older than 18 should not be called a girl

>> No.15697603
File: 80 KB, 640x640, getawaycar-ae99577855a547b69a7eca65c22d2f0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that they are called girls goes to show how abusrd this intangible formality is in the face of tangible physiology that is obvious to the non retarded (but politically disenfranchised series of eloping wage slave teens)
What else would you do to escape abuse together out of Boomerville together ASAP? Especially with the bitcoin booms and stupidity of boomers.

>> No.15697609

sidhartha was married and had a child

>> No.15697617

What? Look around you, 16 year old girls look like pre-teens. Like they usually have acne and braces and shit, and they dress like little girls and act like them and literally go into a fucking school room and learn basic math and english. They aren’t hot, and if you think they’ve “peaked”, than you’re definitely a rancid pedo.

>> No.15697633
File: 73 KB, 960x932, 1685893545806771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so you have X income how's about merchant judge you on someone else's income Y because they are in your cohort?
You see rules not merits and reactions. Persons react accordingly. What an empty headed thing to say. It's as if you have scrambled eggs for brains.

>> No.15697635

>16 year old girls are girly
>this means they are ugly
You're a weird motherfucker

>> No.15697643
File: 127 KB, 736x1104, ab249f6b22bdb97c272cec9fccac3c74--post-workout-workout-fitness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is the female version of Harisson Bergeron

>> No.15697646

Yeah because I'm into really technical nerdy stuff and I'd like to date someone who can keep up.
Also this.

>> No.15697649

Phoneposting makes my posts read like ESL posts

>> No.15697654

Nothing to do with sex. Why can no one in the thread read

>> No.15697659
File: 14 KB, 183x276, download (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie had balls
>eugenics program
>straight up tells DeVito he's genetic garbage
>yeah but we love you even though we just met you
>devito's character seduces a NUN while he is in grade school
>schoolmaster and arnold look at this with characterizing disdain not Boomer tier daughterpilled shockvalue

>> No.15697664

I don't want to have sex with someone who's frustrating to be around.

>> No.15697668
File: 10 KB, 274x144, 942911_589358801084877_616668568_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15697677
File: 7 KB, 202x249, download (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bonus extra credit

>> No.15697681

Doesn't mean you want to with someone who's not. Still a nonanswer

>> No.15697702
File: 36 KB, 225x350, kirino_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15697704
File: 129 KB, 600x856, 17970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello 4chan yes is this the anime forum website?

>> No.15697708
File: 266 KB, 1280x1439, oreimo-06-019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15697711
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, Childhood_friend_bonding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15697715

if you mean college degree then no. I don't care about degrees one bit since they are just meaningless things you pay for then study a few years and get. that doesn't make you intelligent, anyone can do that.
if you mean, she has results, like she solved a very hard maths theorem like riemann conjecture, then yes.

>> No.15697722

yes, welcome

>> No.15697730

Reading a great CV literally makes blood flow into your penis?

>> No.15697738
File: 7 KB, 209x242, images (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that is my daughter and this is my gun...
Any further questions?

>> No.15697748

>This is my daughter
>This is my gun
>This is for fighting
>This is for fun

>> No.15697750

how do you know your mom's pussy is wet degenerate?

>> No.15697767

the incels on this board dont know this meme /tv/ king

>> No.15697882

No one thought Gotami was a saint. In fact the village shunned her and thought she was crazy. Her child was all she had and it gave her status and when she lost it she lost her mind in a way. Buddha taught her how to let go in a way she could understand. A parable later plagiarized for the jewish rabbi btw (mustard seed)

>> No.15697888

Pedo cope, I never said they were ugly, as in unpleasant, I said they are children, act like children, and have the features of children, and therefore should not arouse you unless you are aroused by children. In which case please remove yourself from society or get castrated or something

>> No.15697893

Oh wait a second I just re-read what you said. Nevermind you are either baiting or are clearly a pedo if your idea of “sexy girlishness” isn’t like flirty a college girl but is a fuckin middle schoolers.

>> No.15697916

And as for you, I don’t speak schizo so if you could translate that would be nice

>> No.15697940

nice digits. I think it can go either way. 16 year olds can look mature, it depends on how they are dressed and their make up. Their youth and vitality is certainly attractive. In previous eras we married off women that young because life spans were much shorter and taking care of children was expensive, especially girls because they dont carry their own weight chores wise like a boy their age can (help plow and harvest crops etc). You married them off to a man to become their burden and responsibility, hell the man even paid for her (endowment). I dont think there is anything pedo about thinking a 16 yo girl is physically attractive.

What repulses adults from being sexually attracted to them is

1. they have the mind of a 16yo which if an adult is not ideal and 2,

2. The idea that they are too young to be making life altering decisions, they cannot consent. The idea of someone being locked into a life course based on a decisions they make when they are 16 repulses intelligent minds who value freedom and autonomy

>> No.15697959

>In previous eras we married off women that young

btw this was completely pragmatic and economical. You got an endowment because the deal was you raised this man's wife, the vessel by which he would continue his bloodline. For doing this for this man you were entitled to compensation. It wasnt because muh patriacry and the women were considered chattle to be raised and sold like livestock though it may look like that on the surface. Times were hard, this system worked best to ensure the most people could survive and live fulfilling lives. Men could go out and make a name for themselves in battle and in business, therefore they could afford to pay for the woman's upbringing, women could not do these things and in those times there were no other ways to earn a living, there was no such thing as an independent woman because men had not created a society of such abundance, to allow them to be able to survive on their own. Because make no mistake, women can only survive in a society men build, women cannot build and maintain a society, save perhaps some very primitive ones which they are more than welcome to create if they want. Like it or not this is the way it is. Men create societies to make their women and children as comfortable as possible and in exchange those women are expected to produce more humans to keep that society going, this is their one job (and imagine my shock when they cant even do this and birthrates are below replacement rate)

>> No.15697971

Yeah I like those Starbucks drinking, know it all, 120 IQ, yoga pants wearing, 30lbs overweight white girls, those are my people.

>> No.15698017
File: 561 KB, 1499x2265, educating rita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to fix them up? Will they learn just by hanging around you?


>> No.15698022

IQ and logical reasoning yes, education no.

>> No.15698054
File: 220 KB, 599x594, apu smokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idea of someone being locked into a life course based on a decisions they make when they are 16 repulses intelligent minds who value freedom and autonomy
The idea of being prevented from making consequential decisions early on as possible repulses intelligent minds confident in their solid commitments like emancipation and escape from abuse and commitment to a life long skill that must be acquired at a young age. By all means lock me with the roasties for having an extremely unfortunate childhood with limited opportunites.

>> No.15698063

I pulled the wrong random woman out of the Sotapanna folder just to make the case that it is not a Christian planet. There is another woman who was a saint who lost her husband and child in a similar circumstance. The language is an insurmountable barrier to me referencing this however.

>> No.15698125

No, but it doesn't need to be sexy for something to be a desirable trait. Being sexy is more about physical attraction and behaviors

>> No.15698176

Intelligence is a prerequisite for even friendship with me. I hate idiots. I can handle incidental stupidity, but not consistent retardation. I have dated 3 women who were previously good friends. The relationships mostly ended due to misaligned future goals, not hatred, so we still call and check up now and then.
I am Kenough.

>> No.15698189 [DELETED] 

No. For me, it's women with a sweet nurturing personality.

>> No.15698199

no worries. it was a pleasant memory to think about, ty. I havent read that parable in over 20 years. It is quite touching

>> No.15698205

I am sorry you had an unfortunate childhood, the question is will you let it define you. Find PBD podcast, learn his story. The only thing that limits you ... is you

>> No.15698210

I like intelligence because it means they can probably talk about many different topics, but also a woman needs to be able to just have fun and let loose a little too. I don’t give a fuck if she’s smart and pretty if she can’t do that then I won’t be that interested.

>> No.15698431

if you're telling me you wouldn't spoon a qt mathematician gf while she talks to you about hyperbolic geometry then I refuse to believe you exist

>> No.15698435

math bitches are crazy

>> No.15698446

I can fix her

>> No.15698457

It's a good thing, but not really that important. Being kind, empathetic, laid back, and having similar values are all much more important.

>> No.15698469
File: 264 KB, 768x480, terry4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you find women with high intelligence to be more sexy in your eyes?
I like witty women with a good sense of humor and some depth to them. I don't like women who are into le science and rationality and I don't want to be romantically involved with a woman who is smarter than me (I can respect and appreciate a woman smarter than me, but such a combination doesn't make for a good couple).

>> No.15698684

her desperation is sexy
>come to bed baby, time to face the consequences of settling...
their distain, disappointment, self-hatred, submission, and acquiesces produce a bouquet not found in teenagers. the trick is to be able to walk away when their hate turns to violence (but do stick around for a taste of that as well).

>> No.15698703


>> No.15698712


>> No.15698760

Ass to ass. Neck to NECK


>> No.15698771

meanwhile in the real world

>> No.15698800

>muh science gf will be special
they're all the same, they all want chad
intelligent ones will just cheat on you more carefully

>> No.15698850

They don't act like children, they act like teenagers. There is a really retarded false dichotomy being presented in this thread where 16 year olds are either children or adults. Also kill yourself for calling people pedos for finding 16 year olds hot.

>> No.15698856

When I see an intelligent woman I automatically assume she's trans.

>> No.15698865

trannies are never intelligent, the autistic ones are usually midwit programmers or are interested in philosophy

>> No.15699092

Sexy, no.
Desirable, yes.

>> No.15699110

How do you tell the psudo intellectuals from the actual smart people?

>> No.15699112

They usually lack self-awareness.They especially like to display it when they try to talk to me for some reason.

>> No.15699143

she probably thinks the same about you

>> No.15699174

>my personality doesn’t count
No, unless it’s a one night stand personality always counts.
What kind of “personality” are we talking about here? I think I can guess. Is it the highly specific narrow kind of personality men are told they should like by Blackrock owned propaganda outlets and feminists or one of the vast range of personality types men actually like?

>> No.15699282

>It's like they do every little thing in life a little bit wrong.
God that's a good way of putting it. None of the individual things really matter so it would seem insane to call any of them out in the moment but it's just a constant grind of everything being done very slightly stupidly for no reason.

>> No.15699296

>What kind of “personality” are we talking about here?
The kind that makes dumb motherfuckers pursue a """career""" and then cry about it when men actively avoid them.

>> No.15699345

Shes like 15, you'd think the high school track would have given it away.

>> No.15699361

Read the thread before posting, retard. This has all been gone over.

>> No.15699495

Exactly. Intelligence doesn't just help you do well in school. It has a very noticeable influence on how you do every single thing in your day. Smart people just live different.

>> No.15699641

to an extent. They can be extremely intimidating and exhausting after a while. Comfort is important in a relationship too.

>> No.15699874 [DELETED] 

IQ and logical reasoning gives you an erection?
Two anons who can read.
Important to what?

>> No.15699909

IQ and logical reasoning gives you an erection?
Interested in what?
One anon who can read.
Important to what?

>> No.15699912

She's in high school...

>> No.15699930

Except for everyone everywhere fifty years ago all the way back to the beginning of mankind.

>> No.15699935
File: 2.88 MB, 720x1080, Hermione Dancing Connie Glynn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a woman that can do both.

>> No.15699968


>> No.15700049

Can you give an example of lacking awareness?

>> No.15700050
File: 70 KB, 924x520, 40117-victoria-beckham-obe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are mommy gfs possible only when you're rich?

>> No.15700057

Sexy, definitely not.
Attractive, yes, but only if it's coupled with the appropriate character traits.In my experience, people that are disagreeable and highly intelligent tend to be the worst kind of narcissists.

>> No.15700387
File: 104 KB, 742x1022, Profile-Raven_(TT).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a boner when my slutty data science teacher lady from China would lecture

My boss right now in academia is a white lady she has glasses and a big rack she wiggles when making thoughtful poses.

This busty jewess lectured about IQ and G factor and I could see her G string through her dress and her new fancy shoes were hot.
Beat my meat with (((guilt))) that night

Then there was this Indian data science lady with natural Nicki Minaj curves. She smelled bad but I did not mind she was that hot. I kept inhaling this brapasaurus brapqueen.
Then there was thing bengali beast hag that had 0 good looks but all this intangible interpersonal charm. There was like 5 girls I got flirted up by because of this.

IQ enhances the appeal. I have never met a woman smart enough for it to be a turn off but I have met smart women who turn me off and never turn me on.

>> No.15700394

Everything you wrote was about how sluts and tits are sexy.
>IQ enhances the appeal
This anon reads

>> No.15700401

The Bengali beast hag saw into my soul and smothered my sentiments with the best kissing I have ever had. She had linguistic jiu jitsu. She could sing. She knew notes. Song bird with no feathers.

Better have a good bird with good feathers with a meh song so she can be easy on the eyes.
Brain and benis are not friends.

IQ is like 20% max critical bonus 5% avg bonus

I dated a 140 IQ MENSA BBW for 6 years and she always lacked that slutty present studio stage pizazz only dumb bimbos recognize and work on

>> No.15700406

Raven is hotter than Starfire
Raven and Starfires are supersluts with tits
Raven dresses slightly demure but flexes book smarts and deeply erudite spirituality.
Starfire expresses pure bimbo

>> No.15700421

>Brain and benis are not friends.
I agree.
>IQ is like 20% max
Of what? Not benis??

>Raven is hotter than Starfire
Isn't this essentially two girls with the same body and one dresses like batman but the other dresses like a chav and they're both written by men? How does that answer the question lol

>> No.15700449
File: 242 KB, 1240x1750, 36475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20% benis and brain synergy father my son kamehameha
>How does that answer the question lol
Pic rel
Sanskari cultured kawaii (right Kajol playing Anjali) > sexy (left Rani playing Tina)

In this movie both girls are in the same high school class both are popular and friends with the principal but theres overlap

>> No.15700452

That's a boy and a girl. Not the same girl in different clothes.

>> No.15700462
File: 32 KB, 639x359, Tai-Lopez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raven's appeal is exotic and referencing Indian aesthetics. (Vedabhoomi land of knowledge)
I have no idea what control variable mind game you're thinking of this is pretty straight forward.

>> No.15700478
File: 48 KB, 550x450, 16542731562654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally googled what you wrote.
Tell me this isn't the same girl dressed as batman vs. chav

>> No.15700539

Saves animation but also proves the point that the left has more substance in content than the right does in shared structure and form

>> No.15700541
File: 175 KB, 220x340, NewTeenTitansVol1-001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15700543
File: 186 KB, 1080x597, 859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15700580

I don't get it what's the left right mean here? Please don't tell you're some trespasser from pole

>> No.15700588

annoying retards are a chore to be around

>> No.15700645

check your hands
the left makes an L with your index finger and thumb

now hold your hand up to the screen

and accept Communist Jesus as Womyn of the year

>> No.15700654

>the left makes an L
I do this 5 times a day. I applaud you for being a patrician and retract anything else.

>> No.15700661 [DELETED] 

Shit is weird. They wear make up that praised by women, follow fashion praised by women, make decisions that praised by women and turn out to be something men find relpusive. What is their end game?

>> No.15700675
File: 24 KB, 474x263, Kajol-SRK-DDLJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cry at these wedding movies everytime

>> No.15700699

A pseud will be unable to "think outside the box" while also staying on topic. For example, when discussing philosophy, a pseud will almost completely rely on other's work and will not try to build their own bridge.

>> No.15700752

>Like they usually have acne and braces and shit, and they dress like little girls and act like them
you're fucking delusional.
Whether adults ought to be able to fuck them or not is a different story.
It happens to be legal where I live though, age of consent is 15 or 16 I don't remember.
but this?
>Like they usually have acne and braces and shit, and they dress like little girls and act like them
You're out of your mind.
You think you're still in the 50s.
80s and 90s teenage girls were already sluts.
They're usually little whores with little slut clothing and little slut habits like fucking around with older dudes, and they go around with their tits and ass almost out.
You're fucking delusional my dude

>> No.15700759

age of consent here is 14.

>> No.15700762

only works if u not ethnically euro. good luck

>> No.15700763

Romanian BVLL

>> No.15700772

euro confirmed. 15 years too late ahahaha

>> No.15700779

if you criticise women you are gay

>> No.15700784

I'd prefer a rural home schooled woman who was taught traditional skills by her mother and other women in her family.

>> No.15700788
File: 204 KB, 960x679, 1693192483925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See: Queen of /sci/

>> No.15700799

listen you little nigger bitch idc what the laws are, I dont get my morality from laws made by pedophile psychopaths.

>> No.15700811

Kitchen; whore

>> No.15700846

anyone ever go up to random women and insult them?

>> No.15700858

Check youtube. I bet yes and I bet most got sued.

>> No.15701492

your morality of thinking that finding 14 year olds hot is pedophilia was invented by psychopaths

>> No.15701495

you never have sex so your opinion on this matter is unimportant. go back to your hentai pedo

>> No.15701515

>age of consent here is 14.
Where's "here"? Asking for a friend.

>> No.15701556

>Ad hom
Retarded namefaggot

>> No.15701559

anime girl land

>> No.15701577

Oh. Well, there are no actual anime girls there so that's a bummer.

>> No.15701647

I lost my virginity when I was 12 so I dont think young girls cant be sexual. If they want to have sex that is on them. The only problem I have is with predators. If they have sex with boys their own age then w/e idgaf and I am pretty sure that is what all the laws take into consideration as well.

>> No.15701671


>> No.15701865

>If they have sex with boys their own age then w/e idgaf
Why? I mean, isn't it so much worse if a girl gets pregnant to a boy her own age when she's that young and he can't support her?