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15690364 No.15690364 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a such thing as scientific communism?

>> No.15690910

Certainly, it was invented by Marx. And ever since, conservatives have parted ways with science.

>> No.15691265

Take a look at scihub

>> No.15691289

Dialectical materialism isn't falsifiable and thus isn't science.

>> No.15691307

Science is based on empirical testing. 100% of empirical tests of communism have shown it to be a failed ideology. The most scientific aspect of communism is the highly replicated finding that it causes dictatorship and human misery

>> No.15691319

Sure bud, and before 1903 they'd have said that 100% of empirical tests have shown that heavier-than-air flight is a failed pipedream that inevitably causes deaths.

>> No.15691336

you are a delusional fucking retard and should probably just end yourself because being as stupid as you are is very dangerous to everyone around you, also YWNBAW

>> No.15691371
File: 17 KB, 326x293, 34234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most scientific aspect of communism is the highly replicated finding that it causes dictatorship and human misery
Kek'd. Commies will never recover.

>> No.15691379

I was going to reply seriously but then I saw your name and I realised being called a delusional retard by you is the surest sign I'm correct

>> No.15691382

>making the airplane fallacy for communism
a new low

>> No.15691398

How is mine the fallacy when it's an accurate analogy for the fallacy you're committing?

>> No.15691406

you no longer have a dick, are you now a woman?

>> No.15691409

No, comparing a technological advancement to a political or economic ideology, especially when the comparison doesn't even hold for other technological advancements, is a fallacy.
There is nothing within human behavior that implies that communism is inevitable. Marx' argument is not convincing.

>> No.15691414

yes, it's just called communism. and like the rest of science, it's fake and gay and doesn't ever work

>> No.15691486

Was powered flight inevitable? Conversely, do you think any and all advancement can be permanently halted?

>> No.15691639

you exists because you are needed, when thinking about the whole group. you can for example do some shit work for all of us. if you do, yeah, you'll get some food sure. you are useful.
how do you imagine we're going to just keep pumping out once we are not needed, from a group's perspective? I mean the top dogs?
that utopia will never happen, you won't get to get born and live a nice easy life and shit, unless you are the child of some rich family. plebs are never going to get to the communist paradise, they'll just be replaced by machines whenever possible.
that story is a dream designed to keep the machine going.

>> No.15691650

and i find hegel and marx's cult disgusting

>> No.15691657

marxism is not an ideology, its a theology, which then make every communist regime a theocracy

>> No.15691663

Yes, google "Lysenko"

>> No.15691667

Marx used sciencey veneer for a RELIGION. He literally postulates his dumb fuck system has to emerge without any evidence beyond his own bloviating about opposites struggling or some philoso-slop nonsense like that and the model he uses is a bunch of noble savage stereotypes.

>> No.15691717

Yeah capitalism kinda sucks for most people doesn't it

>> No.15692732
File: 75 KB, 1500x500, communism working class support.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15692925

I don't think it really belongs here, but it's basically the result of the nouveau rich getting their wealth by unrelenting agression, rather than any actual ability. In the end we now have the poor, who hate those above them, the rich dismayed by those below them, and neither aware that they actually hate the retards between them.

>> No.15692943
File: 977 KB, 828x3000, communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is old communism chud, the new and improved marxism is cultural marxism where we unite non-whites against the whites. You see it was never about equality or any of the retarded shit marxism wrote about, it is a bout a power grab and using morons as your useless idiot army to do it. At the time of Marx most nations were completely homogeneous, his jew coup didnt work to divide the people in the west so the Jews worked hard as busy little bees changing immigration laws and importing as many brown people as they could to set up their takeover changing the bourgeoisie to "white" instead "the rich." The working class as the enemy now.

>> No.15692955

The soviet union fell in 1991.
America fell sometime in the 60s.

>> No.15693242

>they actually hate the retards between them
Don't worry, I hate you too
>the new and improved marxism is cultural marxism
According to people who don't know either culture or Marxism

>> No.15693540

the drooler is drooling everyone. I hope you overdose on your HRT meds before you rape anymore kids

>> No.15693555

Your namefagging really emphasises what a sad sack of shit you are, wasting so much time spewing bile on a Greenlandish whale bone whittling forum, futilely flailing in the dark hoping your utterly unimaginative insult will stick for once. The depth of your patheticness honestly cannot be overstated. Truly the definition of an NPC, regurgitating preprogrammed lines in an online environment ad nauseam.

>> No.15693585

>he believes in production

The worst part about Capitalists is that they are the only ones who take Communist dogma seriously and vice versa.

>> No.15694915

Top kek @ this seething troon. These faggots whole shtick is to mislead people, infiltrate and subvert in secret and they get so mad when you expose them and what they really are. You will be a woman and you will never get free HRT seething tranny. I will always be better than you and you will always live under in my shadow and under my boot because you are a dysgenic freak

>> No.15694955

Evolution is a dialectical process.

>> No.15696375

It always cracks me up how double digit IQ marxists think Marx is le 2deep4u. It is like someone saying a comic book is too deep for people who enjoy Shakespeare.

>> No.15696535

the communist parties were ordained by God to represent the people. this is the future

>> No.15696537

Lysenko was right

>> No.15696545


>> No.15696550

>You will be a woman
Is that a threat?

What exactly do you think you're exposing? You're just projecting your weird fantasies on people you don't know. Your tranny obsession is of course the most obvious manifestation of your madness, but your obession with plots that the purported perpetrators aren't even aware of themselves definitely ranks up there as well. The more you try to "expose" the phantoms in your head, the more you expose yourself.

>> No.15696552

Powered flight was not inevitable, and communism isn't an advancement
History isn't teleological with progress or whatever dumb hegelian pseud shit you're spouting

>> No.15696557

>marxists think Marx is le 2deep4u
No, it's actually quite embarrassing for you that you never grasped even the basics. And namedropping Shakespeare like that is definitely what someone who doesn't actually have any appreciation for literature would do to seem more cultured, you basic bitch.

>> No.15696560

>Powered flight was not inevitable
And yet it came to pass. So "it is not inevitable" is not an argument.
>communism isn't an advancement
It obviously is by any possible metric.
>History isn't teleological with progress or whatever dumb hegelian pseud shit you're spouting
You have no idea what I'm spouting. Marxism is descriptive. It is an analysis of history.

>> No.15696571

ooooh big screeching from someone whose reading list consists solely of Harry Potter novels. Oh that's right your queen bee hurt your fee fees for stating biological facts and you threw them all out.

>> No.15696586

You really think you can get away with calling Marxists unread? Do you know anything at all about Marxists? You're better off just denigrating intellectualism like in the old days. This is especially rich coming from the people who recently started getting into Harry Potter after having no interest in books at all since the kindergarten teacher stopped reading them.

>> No.15696603

Can someone explain to me why they are name dropping Harry? From which pseud sphere do they hail?

>> No.15696607


>> No.15696616

HAHAHAHA, you are a retard and anyone who isnt a retard can figure it out without much trouble just reading your seething spastic babbling

>> No.15696622

I am also content to leave it up to the reader's judgement.

>> No.15696677

The hot air balloon already existed you drooling retard.

But even if we pretend you have a point, the difference is that it's fine to keep trying something that doesn't murder millions of people every time it fails.

>> No.15696678

Lol, nice to see an honest communist

>> No.15696681

>The hot air balloon already existed
Which is a lighter-than-air aircraft your blithering buffoon

>> No.15696682

He did kill millions of communists so he did at least one thing right

>> No.15697991

Communists are allergic to facts and reason