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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15686878 No.15686878 [Reply] [Original]

>the vaccine doesn't wor-
I got the vaccine after watching an interview by Lex Fridman about how the Vaccine worked
I was initially hesitant because it seemed scary to inject our cells with viral DNA but once I realised how it worked I was fine
How are crackpot conspiracy theorists still skeptical about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine?

>> No.15686902

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.15686940


>> No.15686989
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>> No.15687065

How much are you paid to post he here?

>> No.15687089

>We here in Japan
>Thomas P. Logan
>Boomer with TDS
>Vaxx shill
its so tiresome

>> No.15687151

it's just desperate retards looking for a way to feel special
I don't think it's right to force people to get le vaxx but it certainly does work and won't kill you

>> No.15687183
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You deserve to have your tongue and your hands cut and burned, you liar piece of shit.

>> No.15687268
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Personally I got the shot because at the time my mother was doing chemo(breast cancer) and I was afraid of anything possibly infecting her.

However I can't tell you if I am susceptible to blood clots even if in the beginning my heart did feel kinda funny, because I am very fat and actively trying to lose weight. Might be just my heart telling to chill out and take a breather from jogging. Even now I am afraid of getting a test because god knows the doctor will just say I'm fat(and HE'LL BE RIGHT)

Ultimately my issue did not come from the vaccine itself existing but from the abuse of freedoms, the QR code bullshit which is a COMPLETE VIOLATION OF THE PRIVACY YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE IN REGARDS TO ANY MEDICAL ISSUES AND PROCEDURES, the fact that it basically all turned into a cult of science more than anything, and finally the complete and utter CENSORSHIP.


I used to be an atheist when I was a teenager up until I was a young adult. I now I feel like I was even stupider for ever trusting that science is completely objective.

>> No.15689399
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cognitive dissonance is strong in you
you got got
enjoy your myocarditis and misfolded protein all over(it's in your brain and gave you dementia already obviously!) faggot!

>> No.15689406

Yeah, for a couple of months

>> No.15689461
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Antivax is a scam. People make money off the incredulity of uneducated "conservatives." By selling them snakeoil under the guise of 'alternative medicines' or 'magic cure-all the govt doesn't want you to have.'

>> No.15689569

The entire original "vaccines cause autism" thing was based off a retarded and retracted paper used to push separate vaccines over one MMR vax in the UK because the scientist writing it had an undisclosed interest in a company selling separate measles, mumps, and rubella

It's all grifters all the way down to the bottom

>> No.15690018

"novel" coronavirus wasn't novel. people in the Far East had pre-existing immunity via prior exposure to the Omicron variant (which was in fact significantly older than the other variants as shown by its mutation profile). Omicron is known to be a lab escape.

>> No.15690044

It almost never works and it will almost never kill you. Who the fuck cares. I paid for it. If you don't disburse this shit directly back to me (not to the treasury) then it's clearly a much bigger scam than Madoff or Epstein, neither of whom killed themselves.

>> No.15690049
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>> No.15690068

> Zero Amish Parents Let Their Kids Be Diagnosed By Retards
is the only spelling of that that matters here

>> No.15690073

>Amish people let their kids die and don't report what they had because they're technologically backwards
You don't say!

>> No.15690081

Fuck lex after how he did Kanye. Pulls the Jew card like the rest of them.

>> No.15690196

Tell me about this. I don't go on /pol/ and usually don't care but for some reason I reflexively dislike people trying to bully Kanye even if he's rich and it doesn't really matter to him.

>> No.15691488

ironically trying to protect your mother in her chemo, you signed up for a huge risk to need chemo one day yourself(p53)

>> No.15691544
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Lex tried to pull the Jew card, Kanye said blacks are the real Hebrews and when Lex tried to disagree Kanye stuck to his position. Lex, being accustomed to the Jew card trumping everything, wasn't prepared for Kanye's use of the Uno Reverse card and just stammered with his dick in his hand. He wasn't programmed for such a scenario.

>> No.15691694

why do you need this if you are not 80+ years old or have lung cancer?

>> No.15691990

Until a few months ago, some major employers in the US such as Pepsi and Ford still required all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID, including all boosters.

>> No.15691996

>It doesn't have to prevent infection
>It doesn't have to prevent transmission
>It doesn't have to prevent death
>Well at least it doesn't injure me
You are here
>Well at least it doesn't kill me

>> No.15692087

It obviously reduced the severity of the virus if the death rate is lower

>> No.15692101

One thing I dont get is why don't they make their own vaccine if the current one according to them doesn't work? doesn't make much sense to me

>> No.15692123
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>> No.15692218

When a virus makes its rounds, it weakens over time. It's virulant. It wants to infect and spread, not outright kill.

>> No.15692222
File: 131 KB, 448x603, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy, but that is not enough.
Cut your penis right now, that is good for you!

>> No.15692224

Because the disease is so mild for most people that it's not worth the effort of creating a vaccine.

>> No.15692229

Don't know, but I'm calling it now that TB will start to make a comeback and hit mostly Western nations, barring Norway and Eastern Europe.

>> No.15692239

"It" doesn't want anything. Real life isn't Plague Inc. Also """vaccine injuries""" are excuses made by negligent parents and medically illiterate boomers; you can report a vaccine turned you into the Hulk and the VAERS system would recognize it as valid.

>> No.15692272

>Lex Fridman
That astroturfed faggot is CIA, you goddamned retard

>> No.15694375
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Is time for your first period!

>> No.15694391

>yellow star
oy vey antisemite

>> No.15694467

To be completely fair, the doc was a colon doctor and already had a vendetta against MMR before he was approached. His notorious study was a lawyer that found a group of parents who self-selected and had kids that had autism or their autistim symptoms "worsened" at some point after the vaccine. He never said it was a direct cause, but tried to name some new ass syndrome and give a nod to the vaccine maybe being involved as per their agreement.

No claims were ever substantiated, so it's crazy that nutjobs still cite this random, paid-for, ass-doctor as being a credible source for vaccine-related science.

Don't get the 'rona vax if you're not comfortable with the new technique, but vaccines come in different flavors and the arguments against one doesn't discredit them all.
If you don't want to use things you don't understand, you'll probably have a bad time with how complex most things tend to be and should probably not even be using a phone, computer, or the internet if you can't use them well enough to find out such basic information about the world around you that you're screeching at people online for supposedly "not understanding."

>> No.15694530

Does it matter at this point? No one is forcing anyone to take it unless you work in certain places. And even then to my knowledge they’ll just make you take it once