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File: 2.52 MB, 3000x1924, meat-transparent-png-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15662161 No.15662161 [Reply] [Original]

>be human
>be the only mammal that can't eat raw meat cause of science fearmongering and bacteria scare

do you think animals give a shit in nature?
what is the redpill

>> No.15662176

just a FYI I eat raw meat all the time, i have a bunch of beef i cut up from a silver side salted in my kitchen so it doesn't go rancid and i'm slowly working my way though it, I have eaten it raw strait from the animal where it tastes loads better because its still warm.

I'm not saying you should or shouldn't each to their own, but I haven't been ill in like 10 years,

Haven't had worms for 14, have to use OVEX to deal with them, eating under cooked pork and shitty raised in shitty conditions isn't exactly a smart idea.

I started cooking my meat less and less until I just started eating bits before i cooked it and in the end I just stopped bothering, it tastes nicer uncooked.

Don't let people convince you it will make you ill, If you were ever scared you can just UV disinfect it

>> No.15662180

try eating some raw meat and then get back to me on your experience. seriously just one bite on a chunk of beef steak won't make you sick. Try it and learn something, then get back to me. You'll probably still be chewing.

>> No.15662182

A lot of the people who would never eat raw meat later go in to die of throad cancer contracted as a result of licking some slut's diseased pussy hole

>> No.15662188

>what is sushi

>> No.15662207

This. I'm chomping on some chicken breast right now.

>> No.15662212

You know, OP, why don't you go eat some raw chicken for a year. It's not like this is an expensive experiment. In fact, it'll be cheaper for you due to slightly cheaper utilities and you'll save time by not cooking.

OP probably won't because he's a pussy ass faggot.

>> No.15662216

>>what is sushi
nta but sushi is a med grain white rice prepared with vinegar and sugar and spices sometimes, to make a sticky rice for making rolls or used under strips of raw fish called sashimi.

>> No.15662219


>> No.15662233

The redpill is that the majority of humans that lived before fire was harnessed were riddled with parasites, like many wild animals you'll find today

>> No.15662257

raw meat is okay to eat as long as the animal is a herbivore. the problem is that raw meat is not flavorful because the molecules are too big. cooking is what breaks molecules apart to create flavor. steak tartar is loaded with spices to compensate

>> No.15662305

Also OP why do you only have a steak in your picture? If you're talking about going back to nature, offal/organ meat is the most nutritious part of the animal and the parts that most predators will eat first
Look at this delicious raw deer liver, yum yum yum, full of vitamin D and iron, no need to cook just dig in!

>> No.15662307
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And forgot my picture
See pic related from a deer, a herbivore

>> No.15662320

We can eat raw meat. It just isn't that good or nutritious for us. One of the theories about human evolution is that the invention of fire and then cooking meat meant we got more calories from our food which eventually led to larger brains. It was also safer since it killed parasites and bacteria. The whole thing for asking for your steak as rare as possible makes no sense and is purely a social fashion trend.

>> No.15662340

>oh yeah? well how about this?
>*slurps up visibly diseased meats*
>heh... checkmate, rawtards! *dies*
i don't know what you are trying to prove here

>> No.15662382
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based, had to double check what board I was on lol

>> No.15662392

To compound on what you said, I often hear about gymbros being jealous of gorillas to be jacked while maintaining a plant diet. The key here is how much of your time and day are you spending eating? Gorillas have to eat all day to maintain the proper intake. Cooking allowed more time in the day to do cool stuff.
People that like their steak rare are the same people that dont shut the fuck up about how they drink their coffee black

>> No.15662409

>i don't know what you are trying to prove here
Right, sorry I forgot you're low IQ, I'll try to make it simple: if you want to eat a "natural" diet of raw meat, you better be prepared to deal with the organisms that naturally live in it. Most of them are harmless or only minimally bad for your health, which is why you don't notice that almost every animal you see in nature has some sort of worm or parasite.
But hey, I don't want those things inside me, harmless or not.

>> No.15662413

just don't eat diseased meats. simple as that!

>> No.15662421

Rare steaks are delicious. Not every meal has to be optimized for fuel.

>> No.15662423

They're pretty much all diseased. Cows raised on antibiotics are the exception, not the norm.

>> No.15662427

Right, let me make sure I never accidentally ingest a piece of meat that has microscopic spores or cysts or eggs of any kind that might develop into a parasite that makes the meat look diseased
Or you know, I can put it in a pan and raise it to a temperature that destroys those things
See that's what I love about bait threads like this, even if you're "trolling" you're too dumb to come up with convincing bait. You think you're winning but you're just revealing how stupid you are and how little you know about anything.

>> No.15662435

Eat raw beef all the time. Been considering asking my butcher for some blood. Not sure what to think of blood but I know its similar to chocolate in a way.

>> No.15662437

Animals are infested with worms most of the time. And the animals that fall terribly sick due to some other illness usually hide up somewhere and die. So you don't really get to see them.
Dog eats poo, doesn't mean you have to. (Unless you're a scat enthusiast)

>> No.15662445

i like it a little red, and when cooking I sneak a bite of raw meat for myself and the dog. Meat production and storage is the cleanest it's ever been, I dont have a problem with rare other than the chewy consistency.

>> No.15662452 [DELETED] 

Most people find raw meat repulsive, we are just not meant to eat it. A lot of fish and seafood is perfectly edible raw for most.

>> No.15662455 [DELETED] 

We can't even smell animals that well. But we can smell plants and mushrooms.

>> No.15662473

While a lot of fish is edible, most people find raw meat repulsive. Ee are not meant to eat it and people mau have trouble handling the iron in it. Blood will outright poispn you in large amounts. We can't even smell animals we had to adopt dogs to help us. Our sense of smell isn't particularly bad, people can smell plants and fungi well enough.

>> No.15662484

>Or you know, I can put it in a pan and raise it to a temperature that destroys those things
you can't. for good cuts of meat and especially for fish, cooking to the food safety temperature ruins it. no decent chef cooks fish to an internal temperature of 185 unless its in a stew or a soup. same goes for any other meat pretty much. even well done filet mignon doesn't get to a food safe temperature internally.

>> No.15662496

animals are full of diseases
and we arent animals. we are the stewards here on earth
so we should show proper respect for life

we shouldnt eat the blood because the blood contains the life
thats what it says in the bible

>> No.15662526


>> No.15662528

you're acting very confident for someone that doesn't know how parasites are spread

>> No.15662535


>> No.15662553

>What is Taenia saginata

>> No.15662555

If animals could eat cooked meat they would, it's more nutrients for less work

>> No.15662559

You can eat raw meat like once, no problemz

>> No.15662565

I eat raw meat from time to time. I do like to add salt though. Sometimes some mayonnaise or vinegar. Different flavor and texture when raw for sure. Much more chewey. Many fear parasites but your entire body coexists with other organisms and has been since before birth. Having zero parasites is probably not healthy, your body is optimized to compensate, and it helps your immune system stay fit. Use it or lose it. I literally don't get sick, germs don't affect me at all.

>> No.15662568

I’m fine with eating Raw meat if it’s from a fresh kill. If you eat raw meat from a factory you are a moron

>> No.15662572 [DELETED] 


>> No.15662658

Literally the only single worry about eating raw meat is catching parasites. That's it.

If the animal and the delivery process is well vetted the chance of that falls down by a lot too. Which is why japs are more confident eating raw fish or krauts steak tartare then most other places. Their processes account for it.

>> No.15662780

In euro land meat meant for raw consumption just goes through much stricter testing.

>> No.15662788

If it's fresh, not diseased and free of parasites yeah there's evidence it's fine

anyone got that link about te stufy on feeding cats raw meat vs cooked meat diets?

>> No.15662790

Why would you raise cattle on antibiotics? You'd damage the rumen ecosystem

>> No.15662797

I ate some raw beef with raw egg and shat myself for 7 days.

>> No.15662798

nah,... i dont think so.

>> No.15662807

Pottenger's cat food experiment.


Seems his work was published in book, "pottenger's cats"

>> No.15662837

So the diet turned the cats not in the raw meat group gay?

>> No.15662856

Ignorant and uneducated faggots riddled with cognitivd dissonance. Get your ego checked

The real redpill is that raw meat and other foods are the ultimate diet. Some "get sick or poo" from them after being on the diet for a while but they are infact detoxes. detoxing vaxx and shit food diet for a whole life... the detoxes can be brutal and even deadly. Parasites are the effect, not the cause... they eat toxins and bad tissues... not heavy tissues
Bacterias and virus help detox as well...

Before you tell me i am wrong please go read Pottengers cats experiment
Dr weston prices experiments on tribal peoples ,, and also aajonus vonderplanitz

I am open to raw meat being bad... but all the listed peoples experiments are so eye opening and obvious that RAW is good

>> No.15662861
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thank you monster energy

>> No.15663169

I guess it was cooked in iron, which poisoned the cats.

>> No.15663173

why don't you try eating some raw pork or raw chicken?

>> No.15663174

Cooked meat tastes better, most of the time.

>> No.15663177
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>> No.15663178

you are a fucking idiot

>> No.15663189

Imagine comparing the human diet to fucking cats, might as well use deer as proof for the superiority of a raw vegan diet. Humans are not cats

>> No.15663198
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>> No.15663221

true, cats are obligate carnivores, while humans are facultative carnivores

>> No.15663223

Animals eat their own shit and fuck corpses. They also eat raw meat, and usually it's fine but can also sicken or kill them. No, they don't give a damn, but sometimes it's better to give a damn.

>> No.15663245

Its really just sad how many people like you only know how to attack what is different or scary.
If theres any way to actually encourage folks like you too consider the opposing view

>> No.15663277

also the only animal that buys meat from supermarkets
and which has been cooking meat for thousands of years, leading to a shitty immune system that cannot handle raw meat nearly as well as any beast of the wild can

>> No.15663285

>and which has been cooking meat for thousands of years, leading to a shitty immune system
Nah, we're just the only species that considers losing a substantial fraction of the population to food borne illness to be unacceptable.

>> No.15663314

We also don't have claws, fangs, beaks, talons, etc. Could it be because we aren't evolved to eat raw meat?

>> No.15663327

We can eat raw meat just like wild animals. We will just get parasites and get sick the same frequency as wild animals (a lot)

>> No.15663338

Humans can eat raw meat as well as any animal on earth except for carrion feeders

>> No.15663446

Why bother when eating cooked meat is objectively better? There's absolutely no reason beyond having a special snowflake conplex

>> No.15663453

I agree, he's just spouting vegan nonsense

>> No.15663455

Because your body is actually able to extract more nutrition from raw meat due to autolysis

>> No.15663463

If eat fully cooked meat and it's not coming out completely digested, you have bigger issues

>> No.15663475

The amount of nutrients freed by cooking is greater than the amount of nutrients destroyed by cooking. There is a minority of nutrients where this isn't the case, but those are readily available from fruits and vegetables, as opposed to the improved nutrient intake which largely applies to stuff that is very difficult/impossible to get from non-meat. There is no real benefit to raw meat

>> No.15663499


>> No.15664435

>don't eat animals goy, they're full of bugs
but also
>eat the bug, goy. you have to eat bug because of global warming or something

>> No.15664545

You sound smart but yer dumb bro sorry.
Go actually try some raw foods yourself or find videos or articles of people that have and then come back and talk to us

It doesnt take that long to educate yourself on the benefits of raw liver , raw eggs, raw meat and raw milk
I know its scary for you but its okay little boy

>> No.15664642

Raw food all gets thrown into a vat of acid before it's parsed for nutrients anyway. And it's well established that what really matters is macronutrients. So the only conclusive difference between cooked and raw is better taste, easier to consume, and elimination of pathogens

>> No.15664656

>calls someone dumb
>has literally no argument, doesn't even attempt to defend his point, just tells me to do my own research and eat raw meat.
All I get from that is that you can't refute my argument. Cook your damn liver and eat some goddamn vegetables.

>> No.15665075

this is another one of those threads where people who have never studied food safety repeat their irrational, ill informed ideas about food safety.
if they're so concerned about food safety, why do they never bother getting educated in the topic?

>> No.15665166

yeah bros there's totally no purpose or benefit to cooking food. we just started cooking food for no reason at all actually its unhealthy even. source: trust me bro, i saw it in a dream

>> No.15665393

Lmao yeah whatever, you never refuted raw meat being bad... you just smashed some words together
I already included the works by doctors that have enough evidence to prove raw meat > cooked meat... i know your dumb so its hard for you look up "dr weston price "

And really though. Why are you so scared of trying it yourself to see if its good or not?
>because raw meat will kill you!!

Yeah then why am I not dead yet? Or the loads of other raw eatters

Do you also not question circumsicion?

>> No.15665400

You're supposed to eat raw meat fresh. The unnatural process of having someone else kill and ship your food to you requires annatural habits in consuming it.

>> No.15665485

Beef tartare is pretty good

>> No.15665490


>> No.15666760
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picrel, but food safety instead of superconductors

>> No.15666768

learn to spell first please

>> No.15666982

>I ate some raw beef with raw egg and shat myself for 7 days.
now you are clean.

>> No.15667328

Raw chicken is as safe as Beef. Stop fear mongering bullshit. I bet you overcook the fuck out of your eggs too. Rubber loving tard.

BTW cooked food always has lower nutritional value and doesn't keep as long. Reason we cook is for taste and edibility. In the case of plants cooking is part of the process of making them more edible and/or less toxic. For tough cuts of meat, or tendons and hard fat and things, cooking also helps make them edible.

>> No.15667336

BTW I would not be eating the trash industrial meat from supermarkets and stuff you find across the world raw. But genuinely fresh (most meat in many countries is not actually fresh but aged and partly off) and unmolested meat from good animals will be fairly safe to eat raw.

>> No.15667341

Stopped reading when you asserted the irrational myth tha cooking makes meat more nutritious. It does not. It makes it less nutritious. It is obvious that damaging something does not make more of something.

>> No.15667352

Cooked meat is less nutritious and the desired browning in cooking is carcinogenic.

>> No.15667360

Go ahead and post your source

>> No.15667583

yes because you only know the taste of vaccinated and aids riddled factory goymarket meats

>> No.15667592

>Could it be because we aren't evolved to eat raw meat?
>we are evolved to create pots and pans that we put on stoves that are powered by gas or electricity that we use to sear the meat for 30 seconds before its socially accep... I mean evolutionarily advantageous for us to consume it
imagine being this retarded

>> No.15667623

OP loves the parasite and having abbo schizo brain

>> No.15667678

you and your fucking iron poison theories, weren't you in that rat experiment thread babbling on about the same shit?

>> No.15667711

>what is the redpill
Aquatic ape theory. You can go and eat raw seafood to your heart's content.

>> No.15667745

Pottenger experiment.

>> No.15667763

Humans aren't cats fuckwit. Obligate carnivores requiring raw meat isn't a revelation.

>> No.15667811

We can see the effects on society, the shrinking skulls, the social collapse, and no children.

>> No.15667821

The reason why it seems to be hereditary is that the fetus is affected. Those nutrients as lead cadmium are rare and may take a lifetime to accumulate, but iron prevents that, or their sharing with the fetus, and in turn those also regulate iron in some way, so it gets worse and worse.

>> No.15667832

You can see that most life in many places is gone, but mammals fare somewhat better for this reason that the offspring can get a little boost, but it won't last that long and we will die too.

>> No.15667860

You can see a social collapse begins about 20-25 years after these "fortification" programs began. it was the 40s in America, in the 60s it collapsed. And it's like that anywhere you look.

>> No.15668092
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>> No.15668183

pandas could eat meat once, now they are fucked into bamboo, we could eat raw meat once, now we fucked ourselves into eating cooked meat from our discovery of how to make fire

>> No.15668185

its very easy to btfo him, one only has to cook the meat in quartz

>> No.15668188
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True. The homo erectus learned how to keep fire going on and now is extinct, replaced by a child of fire technology. Meat bags getting replaced by AIs is the next natural step.

>> No.15668222

humans can eat raw meat just fine

esp fresh raw meat as animals are sterile unless they're infected with some blood parasite.

>> No.15668245

You don't need those if you can use tools

>> No.15668250

And that's why every human ancestor usee fire to cook.... wait

>> No.15668253

Humans could eat rotten meat if we had stomach acids as strong as scavengers such as vultures but our stomachs simply are not designed to handle rotten meat.

>The digestive acid in a human stomach measures about 2 on the pH scale, which is fairly acidic; we can digest the majority of pathogens that we consume— but not all. A vulture's gizzard (or bird stomach) has a pH of slightly above 0, which is as strong as battery acid!

>> No.15668261

Standard teflon should be enough.

>> No.15668289
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Tongue in cheek, but actually true.

Pic neanderthal teeth.

>> No.15668343

Cooking bones makes the collagen within them available to you.

>> No.15669234

>not designed
creationism is based
god didn't want us eating rotten garbage, we wants us to have only the best foods to eat

>> No.15669261

Humans are literally the product of genetic manipulation, look at all the broken genes like not being able to synthesise vitamin C

>> No.15669810

Humans do eat rotten meat though. It's called high meat.

>> No.15670236

The fine line between rotten and fermented is determined on a case by case basis, if it sickens you or you don't enjoy eating it then it was rotten, if you enjoy it then it was fermented.

>> No.15670290

Your dodging what he said. Post a video or picture of you eating raw chicken. You can definitely find a proper nonindustrial farm around you, buy a chicken, butcher it then eat. There is no reason for you to do anything else (especially typing) but this. Anything you say instead of doing what I said is cope or being a pussy and you know it sexy baby

>> No.15670294

Also I think the appendix helped to eat raw meat but it’s not as useful today and I think it doesn’t work as well as it did then.

>> No.15670296

But you just attacked all those people so violently

>> No.15670562

>why don't you try eating some raw pork
like germans who eat raw minced pork everyday?

>> No.15670588

our most closely related relatives- chimpanzess, bonobos, goriallas, orangutans- are all primarily herbivores. Why are humans any different?

Our digestive tract and tooth structure favours plant matter consumption and digestion.
Does that mean we cant eat meat? no, ofc we can still eat it, but we dont benefit from it as well as omnivores/carnivores.
Chimps eat small insects in the wild, but this is a very small part of their diet. Its more of a supplement/extra.
In the modern era, we eat meat for 3 primary reasons: Iron density, specific amino acids, and above all, vitamin b12.

We can get iron and less common proteins from plants(thats why vegetarians eat tofu/onions, it's dense on the less common amino acids).
But b12 is much harder to get from plant matter.
B12 naturally occurs in riverwater, and is where our ancestors use to get it.
Modern farm animals get b12 from vitamin supplements(NOT riverwater, this risks poisoning/infecting the animals).
But do you see the issue? If farm animals are supplemented b12 so that humans can eat it, then animals are the middle man.
Why not skip the middleman and just take the b12 supplements yourself?
This is still unfavourable because obviously no one(humans/animals) should need to take supplements to fix a vitamin deficiency. It already exists in nature.

But the issue with riverwater is that it contains a lot of other dangers that need to be removed: parasites, bacteria, etc... so we sterilise it, thus removing the b12.
Is there a way to preserve the b12 and kill everything else? Yes, but only in a lab. I dont know/think if its viable to change all water supply systems. Its likely prohibitively expensive.

>> No.15670611

It isn't just soi, all legumes have the right amino acids.
B12 is a problem because soils are depleted of cobalt.

>> No.15670621

I like it when it's chewy and bloody inside but my stomach seems to not habdle it as well as when I was younger, so now I do a slightly bloody nedium rare type steak. It's good too!

>> No.15670663

We eat cooked meat because the cooking process frees up nutrients to more easily be digested. Whether this has resulted in a less robust digestive tract over the course of evolution is a topic of study.

Illness in raw meat is less an inherent property of most meats and more a result of life cycles of germs. While salmonella is pretty much omnipresent in nature, things like worms in the meat of pork have mostly been eliminated with modern hygiene standards.

The risk of bacterial infection from raw meat is still considerable, as any organic mass will naturally begin decomposition as soon as metabolic processes to counter that decomposition cease. Refrigeration and salting are proven methods to slow that decay, as is cooking, and dehydration etc if we're being thorough.

There's also the palate. Some people simply dislike raw meat, and red meats can aggravate existing conditions in some people - anecdotally, while I enjoy a rare steak, raw red meat hurts my teeth because I'm a neet with bad chompers.

Ultimately it's like doing drugs. There's no one stopping you, there are risks involved, if you do it carefully you'll probably be okay until you near death at which point what's the difference.

>> No.15671254

raw meat chads trigger the soft civilized sissies

>> No.15672260

Only chicken is unsafe in Germany
We have almost no cases of trichinosis
Don't eat plants and raw meat together, plants weaken your stomach acid and cause indigestion, otherwise it is stronger acid than that found in dogs or cats
refer to previous sentence
We don't need those, we use clubs, rocks, spears, and persistence hunting.
Also, ever wondered why people who eat a natural diet get a huge jaw and all of their wisdom teeth?
Could it be that they actually chew stuff, instead of cooking it all to mush?
I have my wisdom teeth and I can literally eat small bones
if the animals are bombed with medicine like most are, its probably less frequent
straight up wrong, as you are changing macronutrient to micronutrient ratios

>> No.15672272

Only an issue if you live in America or your livestock has a disease.

Besides why wouldn't you want food that's basically partially digested (broken down) for you.

>> No.15672345

>Besides why wouldn't you want food that's basically partially digested (broken down) for you.
omg so true
we all know heat creates more nutrition
that's why I put my steak on full blast on the skillet in the morning so that I can have a nice nutritious lump of coal as my evening snack when I get back from work
thanks science

>> No.15673534

>its safe to eat raw plants, but not raw meat
only retards believe this

>> No.15673559

Have any of you mentioned that human women who eat only raw food literally cannot reproduce? It is an impossible diet.

>> No.15673613

only dedicated carnivores whose stomach acids are way stronger than ours really are able to eat something that was dead for a bit

i don't eat raw meat because i don't trust the farming industry not to fuck up at some step in trying to preserve raw meat fresh

>> No.15674948

>only dedicated carnivores whose stomach acids are way stronger than ours really are able to eat something that was dead for a bit
Also japs who routinely eat raw meat and everyone else who eats jap food

>> No.15674954

it's just detox dude...

>> No.15674958

humans have a stomach ph similar to other carnivores, more acidic even, more similar to scavengers actually

>> No.15675039

raw plants, yea

>> No.15675043

>be human
>kill and eat animals
>tell lies trying to explain why
>make the angels ashamed
heck ye fellow human bros we did it!!!!!!!

>> No.15675063

Raw food. Animals don’t cook.

>> No.15676160


>> No.15676604

>make the angels ashamed
god sent angels to destroy sodom and gomorrah
your conception of what an angel is comes from stupid hollywood tv and movies, irl angels are vengeful bloodthirsty killers

>> No.15678060

>i don't trust the farming industry because i have no idea about food safety standards and have no education in food safety whatsoever

>> No.15678065

>Haven't had worms for 14
14 what?

>> No.15678175
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Prepare to open your mind...
...dyor; I'm not doing this (yet), but I do love my rare steak & sushi, and I've got a friend who does the whole raw meat primal diet, even going so far as to drink raw animal blood that's been sitting in jars unrefrigerated for up to six months (he opens the jars every few days to prevent it from going anaerobic).
>let's discuss this, scientificially....

>> No.15678331

Evolution BTFO'd; we're nothing like our "closest simian relatives" in regards to diet because we were created by God in His image... as CARNIVORES.

>> No.15679546
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good pic

>> No.15679551 [DELETED] 

Egg yolk is greasy and smells disgusting

>> No.15680583

There is a tremendous amount of paranoia and dunning kurgerism surrounding the topic of food safety, but its one of the easiest things to get educated in. Learning pretty much everything you need to know is a short course that can be done in a day or two. For whatever reason people prefer to spend their lives repeating old wives tales and random superstitions about the topic instead and occasionally giving themselves food poisoning.

>> No.15680990
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>> No.15681223

Powerful incel take

>> No.15681815

>be human
>live long and with extreme individual potential and quality of life compared to retard animals that eat rotting parasite riddled turd meat

>> No.15682417

not really

>> No.15682483
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>> No.15682493

Lead poisoning causes loss of appetite and weight loss. "Healthy at every size" does NOT include lead-poisoned white stickwomen.

>> No.15682560

>He doesn't eat kubbeh/kibbeh nyeh
>He doesn't eat raw liver with spicy peppers, washing it down with a shot of Araq.
No wonder w*stoids are so weak.

>> No.15682576

supposedly they found the site of that, the place is covered with sulphur balls that ignite

>> No.15682616

Lead is needed for metabolizing glucose.
Divalent iron is a problem, because the body can't regulate it, eventually it shuts down the divalent metal transport completely, and you starve. (this is why bariatric surgery helps. Elemental iron turns into divalent iron chloride in the acid)

>> No.15684204 [DELETED] 

Liver is wonderful stuff, but I have to go across town to a German butcher shop just to find any. Meanwhile beef, pork, etc is for sale all over the place, which begs the question: WTF is happening to all the liver? How can there be hams and flank steaks for sale everywhere, but no livers to go along with them? Where is all the liver going to?
Also wheres all the blood sausage?

>> No.15684209 [DELETED] 

You love your haggis don't you?

>> No.15684245

if it doesn't really matter, explain the evolution of the human jaw

>> No.15684261

I haven’t had worms ever, god you fags are fucking retarded

>> No.15684303

>Where is all the liver going to?
They sabotage offal trade (sometimes it gets offocially confiscated, but usually just silently goes missing somewhere along the way), because it's a source of heavy metals, especially the liver and the kidneys.

>> No.15684343

go to the forest near where you live
look for food
there is nothing to eat except animals, mushrooms (zero calories) and berries (zero calories)

i think being a shepherd is the pinnacle of what a human can do, the food is self-produced and you chill out on the grass

low t autistics invent new things and chads out of boredom fuck with each other or go for looting

>> No.15685757 [DELETED] 

>sometimes it gets offocially confiscated, but usually just silently goes missing somewhere along the way
OK, but it has to end up somewhere. What happens to it after confiscation? It doesn't just cease to exist. Does the government have a massive liver dump somewhere?

>> No.15685901

What nutrients are released and which ones are lost? Curious as I've been thinking about this.

>> No.15686742

thats why wild animals are all hopelessly malnourished

>> No.15686786

start devouring raw chicken breast to escape the matrix!

>> No.15686887

No you're fucking stupid. The art of cooked food is what makes humans have big brains because you don't fill yourself with animal parasites. Fire is what gave us higher intelligence with tasty cooked food. Yeah some of it raw is good for you. But do you really want to be completely heavy metals, and parasite ridden for your entire diet and die at 30 because your insides are being eaten inside out?

>> No.15686889

And then some retard will tell you that muh cooking destroys the important molecules reeee so does stomach acid and your intestines ignore half of it and shit it out
God gave us fire to cook with so we can have giga alien crystal skull brains from salted meat and contact the interdimensional realm and these dumb raw niggers are possessed by the parasite

>> No.15686896

It's true for cooked meat but not so for plants.

>> No.15686964

>The whole thing for asking for your steak as rare as possible makes no sense and is purely a social fashion trend.
Overcooking it is just as bad, though. The maillard reaction, which tastes good and probably drives us to cooked foods, but is also bad for us in large quantities.

>> No.15686972

That's bass ackwards. Raw meat contains fewer calories because a large chunk of it is shit out. It's like comparing eating a raw potato to a cooked potato.

>> No.15686978


You should eat some raw and some cooked.

>> No.15687061

Some is sent to the pharmacy to extract vitamins and minerals they need for drugs, millitary food and other is just reprocessed into bread spreads and similar products, naturally 'enriched' with corn syrup so you will never be healthy.

>> No.15687064

Raw meat completely dissolves in your stomach acid and is absorbed in the stomach and the gut before it even reaches your shithole.

>> No.15688558

Lol, no it doesn't, not even in pure carnivores.


>> No.15688695

>gymbros being jealous of gorillas to be jacked while maintaining a plant diet.
gorillas diet is like 60% saturated fat bc they can convert fiber to it efficiently which humans can't
same thing with cows etc.

>> No.15688709

It's clear he's more chad than you. Even if you're right it doesn't matter. You're a soi beta cuck and he's an alpha chad who. didn't even bother to defend his point.

You're the loser for being a snarky cunt.

>> No.15688724

imagine being this much of a progressive cityloser to think we need to cook our food because of parasites.
Before the agricultural revolution most farms didn't have parasites, ever. They just didn't come in. That only started with the scaling up of the industrial revolution.

>> No.15688727

I don't get your point. We're not pre-agricultural, the animals you eat will have parasites.

>> No.15688741

>The art of cooked food is what makes humans have big brains because you don't fill yourself with animal parasites.
It means that this sentence you wrote is butt fucking stupid and retarded because humans have been cooking food for over 100k years. The cooking was never against parasites. You're a liar and it's clear from your post that you can't do anything except lie like the loser you are.
Kill yourself dumb loser.

>> No.15688747

I didn't write it, but you're talking about a time that no longer exists which makes it moot.

>> No.15688751

BTW, modern hunter gathers who don't live with agriculture still get a lot of parasites. Did you know wild animals harbor them too?

>> No.15688830

In fact our ancestral gene, Apoe4, is protective against it. It's however a detriment when parasites are absent.

>Contrary to observations in industrial populations, older adult E4 carriers with high parasite burdens either maintained or showed slight improvements in cognitive performance, whereas non-E4 carriers with a high parasite burden showed reduced cognitive performance. Being an E4 carrier is the strongest risk factor to date of AD and cognitive decline in industrial populations; it is associated with greater cognitive performance in individuals facing a high parasite and pathogen load, suggesting advantages to the E4 allele under certain environmental conditions.

>> No.15688833

And another. The majority are 3/3 nowadays.

>Apolipoprotein E 4 (ApoE 4) has been linked to pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and has been suggested to be maintained through evolutionary pressure via a protective role in malaria infection. We evaluated Plasmodium falciparum viability at the intraerythrocyte stage by exposure to plasma from human subjects with ApoE 4/4 or ApoE 3/3. Plasma samples from ApoE 4/4 but not ApoE 3/3 donors inhibited growth and disrupted morphology of P. falciparum. Evolutionary history is characterized by war between pathogenic microorganisms and defense mechanisms countering their pathogenicities. ApoE 4 frequency is highest in sub-Saharan Africa and other isolated populations (e.g., Papua New Guinea) that exhibit endemic malaria. High ApoE frequency may offer selective advantage protecting against some infectious diseases (e.g., Plasmodium falciparum). These results implicate evolutionary pressure by malaria selecting humans with ApoE 4/4, even considering lower survival in late life. These selective advantages may be relevant in the exploration of possible disparities between Black and Whites in the incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease.

>> No.15688850
File: 281 KB, 1x1, protocols.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the civilized world has worse parasites than people who live primitively do

>> No.15688866
File: 40 KB, 680x340, afca8cbbaa64109ba8363b1fc896d2419098c2a2340ef1e1b7837eb935e34398_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the civilized world has worse parasites

>> No.15688876

This is a glownigger thread.

>> No.15688884

Sad but true.

Nobody deserves smallpox. Which is why we got did of it.
Really makes you think.

>> No.15688906

Based on what? And actual parasites, not Jews.

>> No.15688937

Stop buying low quality stuff

>> No.15688945

You’re insane
Literally insane
Not a single sports coach, Doctor, Dietician, athlete, or bodybuilder would agree with you. I’ve seen some of your other posts saying calcium is bad, vitamin D is bad, but lead is good. You’re a quack

>> No.15688947

You are deranged. Lead deficiency causes psychosis and schizophrenia (like yours). You need lead ASAP.

>> No.15688962

I would joke and say he's missing cadmium or mercury, but I think I've seen you touting those as well.

>> No.15688978

You people are truly ungrateful. I'm only trying to save you from your madness.

>> No.15688979

Yeah, I'm a jerk.

>> No.15688985

When I bodybuild, I drink a dozen raw eggs in milk a day. Shit works

>> No.15688988

I like to pretend to be a 1800s doctor on the doctor forms but this guy is actually a nut. He had a whole thread trying to discredit vitamin D as a poison but didn’t produce any empirical evidence, published studies or even personal experiences/experiments. The gentleman has a choleric demeanour that only his special lead amour can solve.

>> No.15688990

>be human
>be only mammal capable of making fire to cook said meat
anon, do you think wild animals aren't infested to the brim with parasites?

>> No.15688995

im just not going to eat raw meat. haha i know ahhhhhh, im just not going to do it! sorry i just like my meat cooked!

>> No.15688997

>be lead deficient madman
>like to pretend to be a 1800s doctor
>literally threaten to murder me
Lead deficiency madness on display.

>> No.15689000

honestly no, but I’m not the anon and very ignorant on this topic

>> No.15689003

>cognitive dissonance
>go get your ego checked
i would have taken you seriously, but you talk like a gigantic faggot from reddit

>> No.15689004

Are you the guy who was in the thread about discord last night, and claimed another anon was literally satan?

>> No.15689007

how to tell the author of a comic is a misanthropic retard.

>> No.15689008

nothing about what I wrote implied I intended to murder you
the hysteria has spread to your red humors, very grave indeed

>> No.15689010

humans are grain animals retard, we have the same kind of digestive system that herbivores do which would allow raw meat to rot inside of our guts.
Cooking the meat is a hack discovered by humans that allow us grain animals to consume food that would otherwise disease us.

>> No.15689014

>can't synthesize vitamin c therefore god doesnt exist

>> No.15689017

you literally threatened to shoot me to "solve" my "choleric attitude" (i guess that's what they call kindness in the 1800s nuthouse)

>> No.15689021

you know what also is associated with premature death? car accidents, getting shot, jumping into a fire, alcohol consumption, cigarette usage, smoking meth, eating rat poison.

>> No.15689024

>comparing euro genes with african genes

>> No.15689033

Most animals in the wild have some type of parasite, they've just adapted to it, or they'll die a sooner death than they would.

>> No.15689036

sir, where did you get that idea from(actually though)?
the delirious mess is growing, stay still as I apply the leeches— all this bad blood is unbalancing your grey humor

>> No.15689037

Pretty sure Gironda's steak and eggs diet was only meant for a few weeks at a time to get shredded for competitions. He had a lot of different diets based on needs. Michael Greger looks like shit though. I wouldn't want to live a long life if it meant being in subpar health for most of it.

>> No.15689042

Right, even humans adapted to having parasites. The same genes that helped us when we had parasites are working against us when we're clean.

>> No.15689046

>actually though
Nevermind. I assumed you were more intelligent than you actually are. Anyway, I guess I should stop pretending to be leadanon.

>> No.15689057

a ruse! surely this is the work of spirits infesting your legs, nurse bring the bone saw lest it spread to your other limbs!

>> No.15689070

>Animals eat food raw so why shouldn't I?
You are not an animal, cooked food is superior

>> No.15689072

i'd rather not have parasites.
cook your meat.

>> No.15689074

No ruse, good doctoc. I always assumed the real leadanon is long-gone and it's different people keeping his legend alive. Are you telling me now I'm the only one who does that?

>> No.15689102

>You are not an animal
we are, we just have hubris to think otherwise

>> No.15689110

misanthropes need to swallow a bullet

>> No.15689934

I do! But it's a personal choice. Your genetics determine if you're screwed or not.

>> No.15689960

Animals in the wild eat hot meat out of recently dead prey. Cooking meat makes it better or something, cuz that shit tastes amazing. It's simple atrophy of the immune system. We don't have to fight our meals once we've eaten them so we don't remember how

>> No.15690302

>I’ve seen some of your other posts saying calcium is bad, vitamin D is bad, but lead is good. You’re a quack
Too much calcium can exhause lead on building bone and make it worse, it isn't bad as such (but the recommended intakes are likely exaggerated.)
Your bones will be weak without lead and copper.
I didn't write about vitamin D.
Not me, but you're right, the excess iron and lack of metals makes peoppe mentally ill. They aren't smartetlr, they have delusions and hallucinate stuff, and think that those who "don't get it" are brain damaged.
You do need mercury to not be fat and gay and for blood clotting and cadmium to not be fat and not age prematurely.
In fact people might not age at all, if all the misding nutrients were found and replaced, it seems that so far most aspects of aging are symptoms of various deficiencies - alzheimers and pigment loss is copper deficiency, bone aging is lead deficiency. Whales are known to live for centuries, and dolphins have been seen to heal massive wounds. The "myths" might be very well true, there is nothing that prevents people to naturally live much longer, possibly indefinitely.

Various lines of evidence (ice cores, megafauna remains, and old sediments) show that people exhausted the metals somehow about 26000 years ago. This might not be the first civilization, they did it at least one before and destroyed the environment so completely that they almost went extinct, we just don't know what the natural state looked like, as all currently known history was in the postapo world.

>> No.15690305

>You do need mercury to not be fat and gay and for blood clotting and cadmium to not be fat and not age prematurely.
I avoid food containing heavy metals (especially seafood), and I'm thin. I also overload on dairy.

>> No.15690311

>I’ve seen some of your other posts saying calcium is bad, vitamin D is bad, but lead is good. You’re a quack
Too much calcium can exhause lead on building bone and make it worse, it isn't bad as such (but the recommended intakes are likely exaggerated.)
Your bones will be weak without lead and copper.
I didn't write about vitamin D.
Not me, but you're right, the excess iron and lack of metals makes people mentally ill. They aren't smarter, they have delusions and hallucinate stuff, and think that those who "don't get it" are brain damaged.
You do need mercury to not be fat and gay and for blood clotting and cadmium to not be fat and not age prematurely.
In fact people might not age at all, if all the missing nutrients were found and replaced, it seems that so far most aspects of aging are symptoms of various deficiencies - alzheimers and pigment loss is copper deficiency, bone aging is lead deficiency. Whales are known to live for centuries, and dolphins have been seen to heal massive wounds. The "myths" might be very well true, there is nothing that prevents people to naturally live much longer, possibly indefinitely.

Various lines of evidence (ice cores, megafauna remains, and old sediments) show that people exhausted the metals somehow about 26000 years ago. This might not be the first civilization, we did it at least one before and destroyed the environment so completely that we almost went extinct, we just don't know what the natural state looked like, as all currently known history has been in the postapo world.

>> No.15690316

The lack of iron poisoning makes a huge difference. It can drop the absorption by almost an order of magnitude, and what is worse it prevents the transport within the body as well. It might even be why children were reported to chew lead until they got poisoned, the iron poisoning prevented them from utilizing it, so they always craved more.

>> No.15690318

Well dairy opposes iron, as does the caffeinated coffee I drink. I'm almost anemic based on ferritin levels.

>> No.15690622

Why don’t you practice this?

>> No.15690709

I do.
I should be dead or sick by now if it was true.

>> No.15691925 [DELETED] 
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>cigarette usage
only associated with premature death for people who smoke when they're over 40 years old

>> No.15691998

NTA, but it fucks your collagen, can make you lose your hair and gives you worse erections long term. Generally just makes me anxious as shit. I might experiment with pure tobacco to see if it is all that chemical shit that is thrown in as binder, preservative, etc. that is making it really bad.

>> No.15692133

Steaks cooked rare or medium rare only reach very low internal temperatures, not high enough to kill all bacteria, its essentially the same as eating raw other than the outside being browned

>> No.15692136

Reminder that cooking literally makes it MORE nutritious. "Muh i eat it raw cause its better" retards

>> No.15692145

This is why wild animals are constantly dropping dead from malnutrition

>> No.15692164

Cant tell if sarcasm or not, stupid if it is. This is why ONLY the HOMO clad of species have such big brains with so high intelligenxe

>> No.15692400
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Just get some HGH and TRT

>> No.15692435

You could try the FAFO approach. Eat raw meat for an extended period of time and see what happens. I bet you you'll get more food poisoning / parasites than if you don't.
As far as why, there are a number of reasons that may or may not apply to you. Time from slaughter, meat handling, health of the animal, etc. With careful handling and a trusted butcher, you'll probably be ok.
One fuckup and you're in for a bad time though. From a purely utilitarian standpoint, cooking covers the fuckups.

>> No.15692451

>From a purely utilitarian standpoint, cooking covers the fuckups.
it doesn't, food poisoning from bacteria that was native to the animal being consumed is only one very minor form of the many varieties of food poisoning out there. most food poisoning results from poor handling by whoever prepared the food, not for natural pathogens that were on the animal being consumed. the japanese would have long since given up on eating fish and beef raw if that was a major cause of food poisoning.

>> No.15692977 [DELETED] 

this, rare steaks are barely warmer than body temperature, its a similar experience to eating raw meat from a fresh kill.

>> No.15694027

>Reminder that cooking literally makes it MORE nutritious
how? heat is only damaging
no proof

>> No.15694231

Humans eat raw meat all the time these days, even small children do in places like Alaska/Canada.

>> No.15695612 [DELETED] 

>japanese would have long since given up on eating fish and beef raw if that was a major cause of food poisoning.
also capicola and steak tartare, they're on the menu at tons of fancy restaurants and fancy restaurants will go out of business real fast the second someone gets food poisoning from them, the victim sues, the court case gets into the newspapers and thats it. restaurants wouldn't serve raw meat if it was going to put them out of business

>> No.15695616

>how? heat is only damaging
Increases absorbable calories.

>> No.15695623

this. the major evolutionary restriction for humans was caloric rather than nutritional.

it would probably greatly benefit us if we switched to eating primarily raw meat. that said, I'd be worried about disease given the state of the industry

>> No.15695655

It's hard to overeat on cooked meat if that's literally all you're eating. I was throwing butter and tallow on my beef and still losing weight, which was definitely not my goal. But for people who eat mixed diets and are overweight, yeah, I could see the benefit of going raw.

>> No.15695662

I dont think its highly necessary given that we have amino acid supplements these days. and any fat fuck that has a brain in their skull can literally just use their free will to STOP. that said, for dumb fat fucks with no discipline, no self control, no ability to read, no desire to improve themselves, raw is probably better. which is most people

>> No.15697163 [DELETED] 

>Increases absorbable calories.
by melting away most of the fat?

>> No.15697486

NTA but you can use the fat as a base for sauces. Brown sauce is just fat with flour emulsified in milk. This way you can keep the nutrition. Otherwise just scoop it up with bread like a sponge. French always keep the fat they get from cooking duck for other dishes.

>> No.15697519

thirdie detected

>> No.15697558

if God wanted me to eat raw meat he wouldnt have given me a perfectly good electric stove and a nuclear power plant to power it.

>> No.15697752

>only mammal that can't eat raw meat
when's the last time you saw a deer eating raw chicken?
beef can apparently be eaten raw if it's fresh. It's just that after that, the surface can become contaminated. And if it's not fresh, you only need to scorch the surface. The inside can still be raw (like a blue steak).
Ground beef has to be cooked thoroughly because the grinding contaminates it.

>> No.15697778


>> No.15698294
File: 1.49 MB, 434x766, Carnivorous Horse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deer eating a rabbit
elephant eating fish
cow eating a snake

>> No.15698363

brain tapeworms

>> No.15698374

You can eat what you want you stupid faggot

>> No.15698378

LMAO, that is only true for survival mode.
You can eat contaminated meat as long as it is a very small portion barely enough to survive another day. That is because the amount of gastric acids inside an starving human is large enough to kill whatever was in that small portion of meat.

>> No.15698779

I'd like to direct your attention to the various forms of tooth found in animals. Herbivores have large, flat teeth as their diets contain large amounts of fibre that hinder digestion. Much chewing must be done - for example, cows often regurgitate grass to re-chew.
Carnivores, on the other hand, have canines. Canines cannot grind, they rip (and tear). A Lion will rip chunks of flesh and swallow them. This is no problem to the carnivore, as meat is easily digested. This truth is reflected in the digestive systems of the two types. Herbivores have long intestinal tracts and often multiple stomachs. This contrasts with the comparitively much shorter system found in carnivores.

Eat some raw meat and you will discover this for yourself.

>> No.15698854

Fibrous foods take longer to digest
than meat. However, if your intestines are full of slow moving fiber, any meat you ingest will be stuck behind it. Is it surprising that stagnation occurs?

>> No.15698858

You went from nutrients to calories.
This is a science board, not /fit/.
Stop moving the goalposts.

>> No.15698904

>what is the redpill
worms and parasites like liver fluke you retard, cooking is part of the reason we are such a successful species
>do you think animals give a shit in nature?
Animals in nature suffer greatly from parasitical and bacterial diseases in raw meats that would be destroyed by cooking

>> No.15699653

>Animals in nature suffer greatly from parasitical and bacterial diseases in raw meats that would be destroyed by cooking
That why wild predators are constantly dropping dead from eating and why they all went extinct a long time ago. Also thats who homo habilis went extinct. And why everyone in Japan, France and New York died from eating raw fish and beef

>> No.15699663

>That why wild predators are constantly dropping dead from eating and why they all went extinct a long time ago.
NTA but you're legit fucking retarded. Parasites wouldn't exist if they drove their hosts to extinction.
>inb4 having parasites doesn't kill me outright so it's a good thing

>> No.15699678

>Why are humans any different?

We learned how to use fire and cook our food, taking the pressure off of our digestive system having to process plant matter in a costly manner, and so we could focus our evolution points into our brain.


>> No.15700678

All retards that claim cooked>raw
Have clearly not read dr weston price and aajonus vonderplanitz

Once you finally understand bacteria and virus are good and raw meat, milk, butter eggs are SUPERFOODS you will come back and thank us RAW CHADS

Think in cause and effect and you will grasp ideas of human health quickly

Cancer is an effect not a cause
Bacteria sickness is an effect (and its actually a detox) not a cause
Tonselitus is an effect

>> No.15700692

I can tell that you're emotional about this issue by your use of profanity and your attempt at being insulting, however raw fish and raw beef remain popular and commonly consumed dishes regardless your feelings

>> No.15701375
File: 32 KB, 480x405, IMG_9289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I eat raw meat because it’s ‘natural’ unlike cooking's but I take artificial medicine to counteract parasites

>> No.15701403

I can tell that you're a migrant by your inability to correctly regurgitate the meme. Either way, my point stands regardless of your outrage. You don't understand how parasites work.

>> No.15701434

Parasites. Cook your fucking meat because you don't know what kind of parasite eggs are in the meat.

>> No.15701436

hasn't had parasites in 2 weeks. Rather impressive in the raw meat world.

>> No.15702377

how come parasites can only live in raw meat, but not in raw fruits and vegetables?

>> No.15702472

Parasites are not the cause, they are the effect
The cause is toxins and waste (cooked food) and they are there to help
If one continues a raw diet the parasites help cleanse the system

Its scrubbed off the internet pretty hard and i forget the doctors name but he was curing IBS and digestive issues for patients by using the trichinosis worm found it pork.

>> No.15702523

Farms are literally legally exempt from food safety standards you twat.

>> No.15702533

I regularly eat steak tartare and beef carpaccio.
They're probably my favourite meat dishes.

>> No.15703443

no they aren't

good stuff. its absurd that people who eat mayonnaise regularly and probably have it in their refrigerator see eating raw meat as off putting.

>> No.15704509

>i hate parasites
>thats why i always obey ZOG and it's servants, who are the world's nastiest and greediest parasites

>> No.15704526

>Conclusions. Taurine deficiency is a strong explanation for the symptoms observed by Pottenger in his cat studies. Pottenger’s own conclusion that there was an ‘as yet unidentified, heat-labile protein factor’ is realized in taurine.


>> No.15704530

>grain animals
Anatomically modern humans have existed for hundreds of thousands of years. Agriculture has existed for less than 10,000. You do the math.

>> No.15704557

i used to eat raw meat as a kid. parents made me quit. cooking meat may be a social construct.

>> No.15704730

There is no reason why taurine would be missing, the symptoms of its deficiency are different, and people suffer essentially the same symptoms today. People can synthetise taurine and can't be deficient in it.

>> No.15704743

Are you trolling or actually stupid

>> No.15705541

Why should I eat raw meat when I can just put it over the fire and have it basically partially digested for me.

>> No.15705557

>what is the redpill
Fresh, clean raw meat is perfectly safe to consume. The problem is that when you buy meat in the grocery store it's been dead for weeks, spent time in facilities you can't be sure are clean, been handled by countless grubby hands, and spent days in shipping and on the store shelf. The uncertainty in the whole process is why you need to cook the meat to make sure it's not going to get you sick.

>> No.15705575

those only exist in textbooks, in irl life the animals which are designated as herbivores all eat meat when they can, its just usually easier for them to eat plants so they do that instead
see >>15698294

>> No.15705629

how is is partially digested?

>> No.15707047

you have all that paranoia about food safety as a result of your ignorance of the topic.

>> No.15707082

I don't have paranoia about food safety, I have justified concerns about the industrial food system. I eat raw eggs and raw liver and raw milk and cheese almost daily. However, I personally know the farmers I get it all from and it arrives much more fresh than from the grocery store.

>> No.15707095


>> No.15707096

Tons of cultures eat fresh raw meat though? The bacterias mostly arrive after it's been dead a day or two. Good luck on parasites though. If you get fresh raw farm meat, it's probably good. If you eat a raw deer you just shot though you're going to get the butthole worms

>> No.15707568

OP i have the answer. i have never heard anyone say this but me.
animals that eat raw meat are loaded with parasites.
humans aren't.
we began cooking meat to prevent ourselves from getting the same parasites animals get.
meat is the highest source of nutrients in nature, no matter what vegans say.
we dont eat vegetables (primarily) for the nutrients, we eat them as antiparasitics/fungals/bacterials.
plants have much stronger defenses against all that than we do.

i've been through all the fad diets including raw carnivore.

turns out the real redpill was eating a balanced diet all along

>> No.15707571

we live on a parasite planet. take the wormpill. this planet is a constant unspoken war of sentient beings versus parasites.

>> No.15707751

I had tartar the other day. OP is retarded.

>> No.15707807
File: 166 KB, 850x618, Comparisons-of-digestive-tract-anatomy-It-can-be-seen-that-the-human-digestive-tract-is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have the same kind of digestive system that herbivores
why are you spewing nonsense about things you clearly know nothing about
kys retard

>> No.15707820

meat found in your local goymarket is sure to be of the lowest quality and filled with poisons
what makes you think this isnt the case?
it's also the reason why everything has to be nuked with spices and sauces - because the meat tastes like shit or tastes like nothing
real natural animal meat is juicy and flavorful on it's own and doesn't need any additional spices to taste great

>> No.15709219

>we began cooking meat to prevent ourselves from getting the same parasites animals get.
false, meat was cooked initially as a means of preservation

>> No.15710155

Why do people pretend to know exactly when and why humans from tens of thousands of years before written language did things?

>> No.15710452

they didn't know about microbial life until 200 years ago and didn't have refrigeration until 100 years ago, but cooking meat to preserve it goes back to before the dawn of recorded history

>> No.15711211

you can eat it, people even eat it as a delicacy

>> No.15711227

I don't think you understood my question.

>> No.15711869

>meat has to be cooked for "food safety"
>raw vegetables? thats just fine

>> No.15712985

chimps eat raw meat all them time, from filthy jungle monkeys. they never get sick from it

>> No.15713874

Veggies don't have a lot of sustenance to sustain a ton of bacteria

>> No.15713992


>> No.15714625
File: 20 KB, 421x236, soyence pwnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15715570

lol, why are vegetarians and vegans so ignorant?
do they have low iq as a result of their malnourishment?

>> No.15716900 [DELETED] 

they don't wash their hands first either

>> No.15717506

it's because unlike other dumb animals we invented fire. We evolved to cook our meat. No anthropological study has ever found a group of humans which doesn't use fire.

>> No.15717510

>you think animals give a shit in nature?
>what is the redpill
Animals are ridden with parasites, prehistoric humans were too

>> No.15717533

The Sentinelese do not know how to make fire, firemaking isn't an evolutionary trait, its inherited wisdom. You couldn't make a fire either without access to matches or lighters or lenses

>> No.15717912
File: 113 KB, 526x345, 7f6da9d8-bb26-41e0-91fb-b7b6aa23c1d5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We evolved to cook our meat. No anthropological study has ever found a group of humans which doesn't use fire.
Eskimo literally means "eater of raw meat."

>> No.15717916

You would think, perhaps, that because they were given this name it indicates that eating raw meat is an aberrant behavior?

>> No.15717924

because it's cooked

>> No.15717925
File: 133 KB, 640x426, Content-Migration-and-Ever-Moving-Goalposts2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, did you see where the goalpost went? I tried to use it but it's not where you left it.

>> No.15717930

stfu retard

>> No.15717933

Powerful fact take

>> No.15717953

recommended reading: https://thewaywardaxolotl.blogspot.com/2019/06/diet-and-human-evolution.html

>> No.15719442

>Dead cow is cleaner than living slut
Girls who've had the HPV vax are even more virulent carriers

>> No.15720085

fermented is partially digested, not cooked. cooking = death.

>> No.15720330


you can eat red meat if you want. There are less calories in it. You require more energy to break it down. Cooking is a form of pre-digestion. It's a technology we invented.

>> No.15720655 [DELETED] 

its weird how people how have irrational ignorance based fears of food borne illness and behave like germaphobes will then turn around and gleefully put their mouths on diseased genitals and lick anuses.

>> No.15722002 [DELETED] 

eating raw meat is way less of a health risk than oral sex is

>> No.15722010

Only because the government inspects all meat for parasites/eggs. Some stuff like e coli they cant inspect for, and you're gonna get e coli if you eat enough of it.

>> No.15722034

Not if it's wild meat.

>> No.15722061

About 90% of my diet for the last few years has been raw grass fed/finished beef, shit's delicious and I feel great. It's effortless to stay lean and /fit/, I just eat some fruit for carbs.

>> No.15722925


>> No.15722949

>CDC: New strain of E. coli is behind outbreaks traced to lettuce
eating lettuce raw is more of a health risk than meat is

you would put disease genitals in your mouth and ingest their excretions, but you're afraid of eating raw meat even though the entire nation of japan routinely eats raw wild caught meat and suffers no consequences.

>> No.15724108

Japan has a high rate of fish parasites also proper sashi preparation involves close examination and extracting parasites.

>> No.15724176

Your mom didn't seem to have a problem with my raw meat last night.

>> No.15724490


>> No.15725159

they're not removing microbial parasites doofus