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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.96 MB, 1x1, atmosphere-14-01244-v2.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15671606 No.15671606 [Reply] [Original]

Uh oh climatebros, this peer reviewed scientific paper says that we're not all going to die from global warming in two weeks. Have we all made a terrible embarrassing mistake by being so focused on CO2? I think maybe we really made ourselves looks like a bunch of low IQ gullible idiots

Comparison of Recently Proposed Causes of Climate Change
Prof. Dr. Stuart Arttur Harris, University of Calgary
>This paper compares the ideas contained in the main papers published on climate change since World War II to arrive at a suggested consensus of our present knowledge regarding climatic changes and their causes. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is only suggested as a cause in one theory, which, despite its wide acceptance by Politicians, the media, and the Public, ignores the findings in other studies, including the ideas found in the Milankovitch Cycles. It also does not explain the well-known NASA map of the changes between the global 1951–1978 and the 2010–2019 mean annual temperatures. The other theories by Oceanographers, Earth scientists, and Geographers fit together to indicate that the variations in climate are the result of differential solar heating of the Earth, resulting in a series of processes redistributing the heat to produce a more uniform range of climates around the surface of the Earth. Key factors are the shape of the Earth and the Milankovitch Cycles, the distribution of land and water bodies, the differences between heating land and water, ocean currents and gateways, air masses, and hurricanes. Low atmospheric carbon dioxide levels during cold events could result in too little of this gas to support photosynthesis in plants, resulting in the extermination of most life on Earth as we know it.

>> No.15671607

>The 23 ka Milankovitch cycle has begun to reduce the winter insolation received at the surface of the atmosphere in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere starting in 2020. This results in extreme weather as the winter insolation reaching the surface of the atmosphere in the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere decreases while the summer air temperatures increase. It heralds the start of the next glaciation.

>> No.15671645


Stopped reading after seeing the same Russian surname shilled 3 different times just on the first page alone. I imagine most of the climate change deniers have their minds made up on the issue at this point, but it's worth mentioning that the Russian government has invested significant amounts of money in promoting climate denial ideology, since their shitty Africa-tier economy is almost entirely fueled by petroleum exports (pun intended).

>> No.15671657

The Russians are trying to stop me from eating bugs. What do I do?

>> No.15671726

You could literally wipe your ass in a piece of paper submit it and get it published for around 2000, it has no standards, I used to get monthly scam emails to act as "special issue editor"

>> No.15671728

is this the new backtracking attempt

>> No.15671743

No one with even a basic grasp of statistics, modelling or climatology thinks man made global warming is real. Global warming is real nut natural and would occur right now even if man ever evolved and it is fully explained by Milankovitch cycles. Any supposed deviation from the norm is so inconsequential compared to the tested sample size of temperature data its completely irrelevant. There are areas of teh earth that habitually become depopulated due to minor cycle fluctuations such as the horn of Africa and the mid west USA. Its not a big dead. Modern man made climate change cultism is a pseudo marxist cult that asserts only big government can dead with the mythical man made climate change and it comes equipped with brainwashed cult child leaders just like the children's crusades. There is no valid science in man made climate change and there never has been. Screaming no apocalypse all is well never got funding though


>> No.15671748

I'm not OP. But is it true or false (in your opinion) that the Russian government did the exact opposite? — they invested significant amounts of money toward promoting wind and solar as functional alternatives for green energy in the EU, so that the EU would extend its dependence on Russian carbon rather than shift nuclear energy.

>> No.15671768

It doesn't make mdpi less garbage

>> No.15671811

Milanković is a Serbian who was born 150 years ago. You fucking ape. He basically invented modern climatology. You fucking retard.

>> No.15672350

> one author
yeah, go suck a dick.

>> No.15672369
File: 24 KB, 360x318, smug bitch pwnd ur url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the self identified global warming experts can refute the contents of article, they can only attack the source, this is because the content of the article is 100% irrefutably true and global warming is 100% irrefutably fake.

>> No.15672378


>> No.15672379
File: 144 KB, 1696x1325, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The article is retarded start to finish. The modern warming trend has no correlation to solar output. Pic related.

>> No.15672383

MDPI sucks, but 'top tier' journals are objectively a nepotistic scam designed to prop up the career of a select clique that fast-track each others articles. I would 100% prefer an environment where peer-review isn't a thing and a fraction of articles are just retarded babbling, over the nepotism of todays academia.

Just read the fucking paper yourself and be your own judge instead of depending on others to vet it for you

>> No.15672424

Milankovich and solar forcings are both trending towards cooling though

>> No.15672468

>unironically says that increased CO2 concentrations are mostly due to ocean degassing when there's decades old isotopic data that proves otherwise
>handwaves greenhouse forcing that has also been directly measured for decades
>no data is presented except a cherrypicked section of satellite data for a specific region when that whole dataset shows clear warming
>cites papers by corporate shills who deliberately did not disclose receiving payments from oil interests
A joke of an article as expected from a predatory journal

>> No.15673388

imagine being either a) this dumb or b) being turned on this much by the minor success of being called an idiot as if this made him some sort of master troll.

>> No.15673422

I'm sure Stuart's Russian connections are pure coincidence, right?

>> No.15673471

I'm sure that what you wrote is perfectly on topic wrt the idiocy posted here >>15671645 but that's just in your mind.

>> No.15673479

His Russian connections are all in my mind? So Stuart A. Harris wasn't an international reviewer for the Russian Science Foundation from 2016-2018? I assume that I made up that he was a Chinese professor too, right?

>> No.15673585

>only russia bad
>doesn't realise westroon nations are engaged in kicking the ladder behind everyone else with "green energy" policy designed to stifle developing nations that may pose a threat to their hegemony while upholding the petrodollar
lmao being this much a duped tool for burger world order establishment. all these empires are trash and playing games with our lives.

>> No.15673716

>single-author paper

>> No.15673742

The author was also a Chinese professor.

>> No.15673796

Thread brought to by ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and co.

>> No.15673834 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 395x395, gretchen thundersoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a conspiracy!!!

>> No.15673877

It's a conspiracy with a very conspicuous money trail. Why would oil companies pay dozens of organizations and thousands of people to create and disseminate propaganda that contradicts their own findings if they didn't have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo?

>> No.15673915

I don't know, neither do I care who this Stuart guy you are obsessing over even is. the topic was the amazing idiocy of not knowing about Milankovic cycles and flying off the handle because of his slavic name, not to mention the chutzpah of posting in a global warming thread with such a huge knowledge gap. now shut up.

>> No.15673925

Bruh, how are you going to come into this thread and post nonsense without reading the paper in the OP?

>> No.15673950 [DELETED] 

>its a big conspiracy!!!
>they're all out to get me!!!
do you tell your psychiatrist about your paranoid fantasy life?

>> No.15673965

why would I? nitwit saw the name Milankovic, went berserk about russians. can you tell me what ameliorating circumstances could possibly have been uncovered by reading the article?

>> No.15673982
File: 45 KB, 591x738, green_morons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you and your stupid crap you moron.

>> No.15673988
File: 131 KB, 448x603, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy, now is time to cut your penis. Do it right now.

>> No.15673992

Aw, gee wizz, I dunno, maybe you'll find THE NAME OF THE AUTHOR, RETARD. Why are you posting on /sci/?

>> No.15673998

LMAO, those poor fuckers have to report higher temperatures or lose their miserable jobs.

>> No.15674001

So you're denying that Exxon studied climate change, came to the same conclusions, and then they and all of the other oil companies funded a propaganda campaign to discredit their own research, and this somehow doesn't count as a conspiracy?

Are you a shill or a useful idiot?

>> No.15674004


>> No.15674012

Climate change is real and we know this from looking at history—all the way to when giant predatory turkeys walked the earth

>> No.15674047
File: 56 KB, 960x715, you_trust_tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the US the narrative changed from an incoming ice age into "global warming" right after the Three Mile Island disaster. How convenient for the renewables mafia that both its main competitors were discredited at the same time. And all of that during Carter's presidency, a politician neck deep into renewables.
Stop watching TV and educate yourself.

>> No.15674061

>i trust exxon when they shill something i agree with
weren't you just accusing exxon of employing an army of paid shills to say the opposite of what you agree with?
how come you don't agree with exxon's shills when they contradict your preconceived notions? you certainly seem to trust them otherwise

>> No.15674067


>> No.15674109

>Have we all made a terrible embarrassing mistake by being so focused on CO2?

there never was any danger as the carbon cycle is natural. jews just wanted a carbon tax

>> No.15674117

why don't you focus on jewish names and agendas?
no russian ever called me (privileged) or (racist)

>> No.15674206

They didn't. Take your meds.

Why don't you read up on it? They hired scientists to see if global warming theories were credible, their scientists found that the globe was warming and made remarkably accurate projections, and Exxon tried to suppress the paper to protect their profits, but the paper was leaked. Since then Exxon and every other company has poured billions of dollars into contradicting and discrediting their own findings and the findings of others.

>> No.15674213

Climate change isn't man ma- -ACK!

>> No.15674225

>i trust exxon when they shill something i agree with
weren't you just accusing exxon of employing an army of paid shills to say the opposite of what you agree with?
how come you don't agree with exxon's shills when they contradict your preconceived notions? you certainly seem to trust them otherwise

>> No.15674258

When the scientists they hire gave them the results they didn't hire an army of shills to spread their findings. They tried and failed to suppress it. You do know what shill means, right?

>> No.15674327

It means you agree with Exxon's scientists when they say something that agrees with your preconceived notions and you presume that they're lying when they say something you disagree with.
Global warming is like a religious superstition for you, there isn't anything anyone could ever say to convince you its fake because you will always paranoidly pass off any science that disagrees with your superstition as the work of evil shills.

>> No.15674413

You're really reaching. The reason you feel like you need to twist my words and frame the situation as you have is because you're acting emotionally instead of rationally. Why don't you take a few breaths or have a nap and then look into the well documented organized climate change denial campaigns that oil companies have been funding for decades?

>> No.15674475

>milankovic cycles theory predicts that things should be getting cooler
>they're actually getting much much hotter all of a sudden
>this proves the milankovic theory right!

this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.15674490
File: 244 KB, 2749x1128, global cooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674601

>No units
>No source
>Local effects from different parts of the world presented as though they were global
>Doesn't match global data from any legitimate source
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.15675030

You agree with Exxon's scientists when they say something that agrees with your preconceived notions and you presume that they're lying when they say something you disagree with.
>Global warming is like a religious superstition for you, there isn't anything anyone could ever say to convince you its fake because you will always paranoidly pass off any science that disagrees with your superstition as the work of evil shills.

>> No.15675059

again: what does this have to do with someone having a knee-jerk reaction to seeing a russian-sounding name and not even knowing who Milankovich was or why everyone posting in a GW thread should know this particular name?

>> No.15675074

>In the US the narrative changed from an incoming ice age into "global warming" right after the Three Mile Island disaster.

Oh yes, THE narrative. Tell us more, 15 year old, about THE narrative back in the 80s.

>> No.15675084

>engaged in kicking the ladder behind everyone else with "green energy" policy designed to stifle developing nations

>> No.15675158
File: 99 KB, 1024x768, PeerReviewedPapersComparingGlobalWarmingAndCoolingIn1970s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the narrative changed from an incoming ice age into "global warming" right after the Three Mile Island disaster.
Objectively wrong and schizophrenic.

>> No.15675162

This is not what an organic poster looks like.

>> No.15675164

>What do Russian connections have to do with Russian government who invests heavily in climate change denial
Aw, gee wizz, I dunno...

>> No.15675166

you're telling me now for the first time

>> No.15675185

Just because you accept climate change doesnt change the fact that it's bulldozing through humanity atm. It'll crush us like a bug sooner or later, all these "green initiatives" are like trying to dump water out of the sinking titanic with a bucket.

>> No.15675195

You're still responding emotionally Instead of logically. Take a nap so you aren't so cranky, and then look into organized climate change denial campaigns. I assure you that there's plenty for you to find.

>> No.15675202
File: 156 KB, 794x992, 464636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid shill containment thread. How come AGW shills never manage to sound remotely human? Are they literal bots?

>> No.15675216
File: 53 KB, 223x223, darwin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let the fuckwit clowntard CONSUUUUUUMERS destroy themselves.
Humanity is a meme that never was once kinda funny but got old and dank decades ago.

>> No.15675223

>AGW shills showing their true colors
Every single time. It's a doomsday cult rooted in the anti-human agenda.

>> No.15675229
File: 295 KB, 456x400, consumer10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Hey can you save some for the rest of us?
You're fucked in the head.

>> No.15675245

Show me an AGW believer who isn't also a mindless consumerist and an nigger lover.

>> No.15675253

You're human fucking garbage.
Just a sleazy fucking lowlife sack of shit.

>> No.15675293

Notice how you didn't even attempt to deny what I said because you know it applies to you and all of your likes. Being a corporate-worshipping consoomaton = being a climage propaganda consoomer.

>> No.15675447
File: 734 KB, 1058x973, CO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that are ignored when we talk about global warming:
>surrugate measurments like sediment and Ice cores are inaccurate
>recent measures of temperatures (1800-1960s) were based on non calibrated non standartized thermomerers, with measurements taken at 3 Times a day.
3am 12am and 9pm, then weighin 9pm twice and calculating the average out of it.
>more recent measurements involved highly standartized weatherstations which measure every hour and then calculating the average
>both temperature averages treated equally when comparing which is retarded
>it is entirely left out that the Asphalting and concrete jungldfication of the world leads to temperature rises because the infrastructure absobs heat and stores it
>metropolitan and rural areas are therfore treated equally

Things that are taken into account:
>the atmosoheric CO2 composition is 0.04% (picrel the green square)
>of which over 90% is natural (0.0384%)
>and less then 10% is allegedly man made (0.0016)
>and no scientific experiment could ever show that a increase from 0.04% to 0.08% (a doubling) would increase the temperature in any way or affect the "greenhouse effect" .

CO2 and climate change are tools to excuse property theft and regulate humanity into slavery.

>> No.15676586

>CO2 and climate change are tools to excuse property theft and regulate humanity into slavery.
oy vey!! stop noticing, thats antisemitic

>> No.15678041

How come the "trust the science" crowd suddenly stopped trusting the science when they saw OP pdfrel?

>> No.15678097

>Why don't the people who understand science trust propaganda from oil companies

>> No.15679494

>its a conspiracy!!!
paranoid schizophrenia

>> No.15679515

It's a well documented conspiracy. Billions of dollars and thousands of people have been employed to deny climate science and the findings of every climate scientist, even Exxon's own. You should stop being a useful idiot and open your eyes to the obvious truth.

>> No.15680388
File: 73 KB, 640x427, chris elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15680780

Are you a shill or a useful idiot?

>> No.15680836


>> No.15680928

Ah, a shill. Get a real job, fag.

>> No.15681109

don't you know all the best journals receive, ask for revisions, accept the revised version, and publish in 1 month?
the author jumps around from point to point, going from some kind of review of post WWII climate papers to "CO2 is good for plants" to "Milankovich cycle changes are going to cause weird weather".

>> No.15681114

then give me the better versions of airsprays and coolant agents. give me my glass sobes back while ur at it

>> No.15681116

>the atmosoheric CO2 composition is 0.04% (picrel the green square)
>of which over 90% is natural (0.0384%)
>and less then 10% is allegedly man made (0.0016)
"Uhhh the natural concentration of CO2 just doubled in the past century. What caused it? JIDF shill stop asking questions."
-smartest AGW denier

>> No.15681392

I do not understand what this response even suppose to mean.

>> No.15682506

>glass sobes
wats dat?

>> No.15682534
File: 62 KB, 700x826, IMG_5830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the purposely hid their scientist’s research and lobbied to publicize climate denialism. Those studies even made decently accurate predictions with simple models

>> No.15682543
File: 2.77 MB, 2948x3200, TIMESAND___ClimateChange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15683145

Why are Americans so dumb?

>> No.15683403

So the same people that gave us the wonderful concept of a “carbon footprint”.

>> No.15683497

>Emeritus peofessor
>russian and chinese affiliations
It's like an entire confluence lf red flags erupting into a giant bullshit volcano.

>> No.15683541
File: 127 KB, 1025x630, Screenshot at 2023-08-21 16-15-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Emeritus peofessor
>>russian and chinese affiliations
>It's like an entire confluence lf red flags

lmao he also worked for Iraq, in addition to Russia and China, and he is unironically from Kansas. Pic rel, from his university web page.

>> No.15683545

And he worked at a Christian university affiliated with Lutheranism.

>> No.15683603

All right, now never let us hear you whine that "ThE eStaBlIsHmEnT" won't allow dissenting voices to be heard. If there's an overwhelming consensus, it's simply because there's an overwhelming consensus.

>> No.15683655 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 650x397, 65_Myr_Climate_Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum -event already proves that it will not be an end of the world. Sure it'll be a some form of mass extinction, very likely bigger than PETM but not the fucking end of the world, not by a long shot. There isn't enough fossil fuels to do that, and during the PETM, before which the global average temperature was already 'apocalyptic', with all of the world's known fossil fuel reserves being released. Sure it'll be much faster, taking only a couple of centuries instead of several thousand years, which will cause greater survival pressure to world's fauna, but also rapid evolution, which obviously is unacceptable due to fallacy of pristinity. The absolute worst that is going to happen is the rise of of the sea level, which probably will happen anyway, whatever we do in the civilized world, given how cold war is coming back again, with half or majority of the world not giving a fuck about what kind energy sources they will use now and in the future. And when sea levels rise, it's going to require some serious concentrated industrial effort to protect the major population and industrial centers from being made inhospitable, which is not going to happen with any kind of green transition that doesn't involve going almost entirely nuclear. And those countries naive enough to go full steam with the green nonsense in it's current form, will ultimately just become a prey to totalitarian dictatorships that don't energy and industry deprive themselves.

Sure it's not a wise experiment to find out what happens, but we already know what happens if you go fully green and organic, and that's Sri-Lanka and Venezuela, but without global trade, with famines and deliberate environmental destruction like that of the Soviet Union and China's Great Leap Forward exponentiated when people rip apart, burn and eat everything in sight in order to just survive.

>> No.15683661


>> No.15683716
File: 20 KB, 650x397, 65_Myr_Climate_Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum -event already proves that it will not be an end of the world. Sure it'll be a some form of mass extinction, very likely bigger than PETM but not the fucking end of the world, not by a long shot. There isn't enough fossil fuels to do that, and during the PETM, before which the global average temperature was already 'apocalyptic', with amount of greenhouse gases equivalent to all of the world's known fossil fuel reserves being released. Sure it'll be much faster, taking only a couple of centuries instead of several thousand years, which will cause greater survival pressure to world's fauna, but also rapid evolution, which obviously is unacceptable due to fallacy of pristinity. The absolute worst that is going to happen is the rise of of the sea level, which probably will happen anyway, whatever we do in the civilized world, given how cold war is coming back again, with half or majority of the world not giving a fuck about what kind energy sources they will use now and in the future. And when sea levels rise, it's going to require some serious concentrated industrial effort to protect the major population and industrial centers from being made inhospitable, which is not going to happen with any kind of green transition that doesn't involve going almost entirely nuclear. And those countries naive enough to go full steam with the green nonsense in it's current form, will ultimately just become a prey to totalitarian dictatorships that don't energy and industry deprive themselves.

Sure it's not a wise experiment to find out what happens, but we already know what happens if you go fully green and organic, and that's Sri-Lanka and Venezuela, but without global trade, with famines and deliberate environmental destruction like that of the Soviet Union and China's Great Leap Forward exponentiated when people rip apart, burn and eat everything in sight in order to just survive.

>> No.15684226 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 716x1024, burp'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15685675 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 710x725, vyh1w2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15685953

hes serbian, not russian. he also did his work during the days of the soviet union (even the russian empire, a little), not the russian federation. you're such a brainlet, anon.

>> No.15686033

My man, even in the fastest estimates of the PETM warming, it was warming at a rate of 1 deg per couple thousand years, anthropogenic warming rate is 1 deg per 100 years

>> No.15686138

Soon we will see
>ULTRA peer-reviewed ADL approved Blue CheckMark scientific papers
to debunk the
>"peer reviewed" "scientific" papers

>> No.15686163

Not at all. Shoddy science is everywhere, especially the kind that's peddled by money mills like impd and its politically vested sponsors.

>> No.15686257

The sole author of OP's paper isn't Serbian or Russian. He worked for them.

>> No.15686496

you people are retarded for thinking 1 paper in a junk journal means anything. if you're in academia and believe this paper isn't shit you need to off yourself before your stupidness infects someone actually smart.

>> No.15686516

There is no such thing as "shoddy science". All real science is irrefutable. You cannot possibly falsify actual science, only pseudoscience.

>> No.15686523 [DELETED] 


I know. And it's still not the end of the world as the amount of stuff to burn is finite and will plateau at some point anyway. It's going to cause more mass extinction for sure. Whatever happens, i'm sure all options that don't involve devolving to the level of North-Korea in both quality of life, growth and policy are an oasis of stability in comparison, unless you're the top 0,001% of whatever inhumane feudal bullshit system is required to run that green hell of our own making that we could just decide to not go along with it in the first place.

>> No.15686527


I know. And it's still not the end of the world as the amount of stuff to burn is finite and will plateau at some point anyway. It's going to cause more mass extinction for sure. Whatever happens, i'm sure all options that don't involve devolving to the level of North-Korea in both quality of life, growth and policy are an oasis of stability in comparison, unless you're the top 0,001% of whatever inhumane feudal bullshit system is required to run that dystopian hell of our own making that we could just decide to not go along with in the first place.

>> No.15686581
File: 79 KB, 1024x554, 1690089167513893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change does exist, but blaming it on ourselves thinking we are making a difference is very arrogant.

They zoom in on the last ~200 years and tell you it's your fault while smoking cigars in private jets laughing.

>> No.15686589
File: 64 KB, 953x720, 1688768691706382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also picrel >>15686581

>> No.15686610

You are crazier than people that blame Jews for everything.

>> No.15686611
File: 109 KB, 792x605, 16633871183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change is not made from fossil fuels. Fossil fuels aren't made from fossils or dead organisms over a million years, but is rather a process of co2 absorption from plants, and excretion back into earth.

>> No.15686622
File: 892 KB, 1280x720, 1691251457359904.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The basis of this propaganda lies within keeping power structures afloat without competition.
>what are co2 taxes
>what are carbon quotas

No small or medium business can reach the upper ranks by "hard work" anymore, and they like to keep it that way.

>> No.15688688
File: 241 KB, 920x1110, hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No small or medium business can reach the upper ranks by "hard work" anymore, and they like to keep it that way.

>> No.15688746

>All publishers are reputable
>All papers published by experts like Doctor Andrew Wakefield are empirical and critical.
>MDPI has never been leered at for being predatory
>MDPI is a member of COPE
You can't make this shit up. Guess this one paper single handedly debunked climate change and revolutionized climatology.

>> No.15688766
File: 443 KB, 480x238, 1664873788718005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody with a brain believes in your stupid propaganda you moron.

>> No.15688770

That is what you get for trying to reason with demons.

>> No.15688777

Take your meds

>> No.15688778
File: 434 KB, 2714x1354, Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 1.31.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you posting a dataset without modern temperature or CO2 levels?

>> No.15690246

>the global warming institute
completely unbiased source you got there

>> No.15690838

My chart is the one they brainwash you with by zooming in on the last part which obscures the fact that it's a natural cycle.

Your chart is by >>15690246 and I will not even honor it enough to debate it.

>> No.15691040

>they think the 2 Degrees Institute has anything to do with the global warming institute
Shills or useful idiots?

>> No.15691945 [DELETED] 

Isn't it amazing how the "trust the soience" crowd suddenly stops trusting science the instant the science contradicts their political desires

>> No.15691950

>Isn't it amazing how the "trust the soience" crowd knows the difference between science and propaganda paid for by oil companies

>> No.15692537
File: 39 KB, 772x960, 1570075039119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2 Degree slogan is derived from "An Unconeviant Truth" by Al Gore.

I would like for all climate fearmongers to watch or re-watch it having in mind he bought two seaside mansions with the revenue from the movie.
We were indoctrinated and forced to watch it several times in school, and if it held true most of us would be dead right now.

>> No.15692640

Al Gore has nothing to do with the global warming institute. You are dumb as hell.

>> No.15692759
File: 136 KB, 1000x1020, tone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything Russian if fake
Are you aware that all of the documentary evidence of the holocaust comes from Russians? All of the rumored "death camps" of the holocaust were in what was Russian territory after the war and the Russians did not allow outside observers witness what they claimed to have found in the supposed "death camps"

>> No.15694132 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15694336

>plausible notion
>ad hominem with no further explanation
I think you're both dumb and projecting it based on your post.

>> No.15695639 [DELETED] 

Al Gore sold is global warming based media empire to a Qatari media group for $500,000,000.
Qatar makes all it's money from oil sales.

>> No.15695699

>You cannot possibly falsify actual science

>> No.15697174

You may want to check out this trouble:
Remember then to read the details in
Meanwhile, Slashdot shows all sense of critical thinking went out of the window, years ago:

>> No.15697372

That slashdot link made me lose braincells, fuck you.

>> No.15697551

It is tragic, really. Once upon a time, and I am showing my age here, it was the place you found the best and brightest. Yes, I know this is hard to believe when you see how it has rotted. Yet this reflects much of society at large, where assumtions come faster than you can spell the word.
Today 4ch is the last best hope of humanity.

>> No.15697599

Google it, retard.

>> No.15697630

I've never really used slashdot myself, that's sad to hear.
>Today 4ch is the last best hope of humanity.
It's infested by shills, psyop agents, and shitty mods. But I suppose it's still better than places that are just completely controlled by the two former groups.

>> No.15697930

>same dataset that you posted is now fake when modern data is included
Great arguments

>> No.15697952

do people take the anti global warming shills seriously on here?

>> No.15697957

I see the exact same posts on LinkedIn, I'm pretty sure they do. Unless they're fake profiles

>> No.15698342
File: 327 KB, 1850x1544, local warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15699103

but muh dense cities are environmentally friendly!

>> No.15699683
File: 254 KB, 1079x1360, cringg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urbanites hate nature, thats why they destroy it where they live and never leave their protected safe spaces

>> No.15700715

the opinions of average midwits isn't meaningful, they aren't even truly capable of thinking.

>> No.15700844

can I get more examples of these?

>> No.15702418

deleted posts can be accessed here

>> No.15702422

meant for >>15700844
rather than OP

>> No.15703314
File: 116 KB, 1957x1338, global warming is a hoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15703379


>> No.15703388

I got hard nostalgia from that post. Slashdot used to be one of my main sources for news and critical thought. I still don't quite understand why everything turns to shit at some point.

>> No.15703827

>Slashdot used to be one of my main sources for news and critical thought.
Same for me.
>I still don't quite understand why everything turns to shit at some point.
Stupid moderation made +5 funny more visible and "popular" than anything relating to insight, and since you couldn't filter out the stale jokes (Like Natalie Portman petrified and hot grits) the site attracted the stupid people and the smart people left.

>> No.15704543
File: 281 KB, 1276x693, sangger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15705068

>How do I scroll to the bottom of the page to get to the actual sources?
Double tard.

>> No.15705621

this ain't the 20th century anymore, grandpa

>> No.15705693

Wow thanks, I thought it was still the 90s and I'm just in a parallel universe full of faggots.

>> No.15706069

uneducated western swine, he's serbian not r*ssian

>> No.15706079

>solar irradiance in 1880
yeah nah

>> No.15707059

clown world will fool you like that

>> No.15707846

>still not panslavist
shiggski giggevitch

>> No.15708756
File: 4 KB, 167x302, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you aware

>> No.15708799

Hey that's like
type posting you see on pol!

>> No.15708989

Lol I can definitely imagine a bunch of woke leftists circulating infographics about how milquetoast normie conservatives are really all puppets of Russia and claiming that Fox News anchors and Republican politicians have all these connections to Russia or Eastern Europe. Like making some concept web with like Ivanka Trump connected to Alex Jones and the Kremlin or something like that.

>> No.15708993

Instead of plastering the Star of David on some yids head like in a /pol/-style infographic, they could have like one of those matryoshka nesting doll or a bottle of vodka or a hammer and sickle photoshopped onto their forehead.

>> No.15709015
File: 913 KB, 2749x1128, chud hates PNGs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the final form of your image so you don't have to cycle it through 1,000 boomer Facebook pages first.

You're welcome.

>> No.15709058


>> No.15709310

wow that image depicting the climate history of earth over the past few thousand years really triggers you pretty hard

>> No.15709556

>No y axis
>unlabeled x axis
>Local events represented as global
>Data doesn't match any climate reconstruction ever done
Go back to Facebook.

>> No.15709702

>geographer does field research in guyana
>means he was working for guyana

>> No.15710416

they did that from 2016-2020

>> No.15710961

No, I just find your incompetence amusing. Like, you're trying to convince others of this revolutionary and groundbreaking scientific finding that will change the world's entire outlook at the future, and the best thing you can come up with is reposting a nondescript graph that lacks the most basic features a graph should have, like labelled axes or god forbid a source.

Also, the "scientist" who made this graph must have downs syndrome or something because no sane adult would find it appropriate to include a cartoon depiction of the sun like a fucking child LOL. I mean, the entire thing looks like something an elementary schooler would have made for his presentation in science class.

But the real smoking gun here is your aversion to lossless image formats. Like, every one of your fancy pictures has JPEG artifacts all over. They just scream "reposted 1,000 times by gullible boomers on Facebook" LOL

>> No.15711025

the sound of your mind being closed shut so that you don't have to argue any of the points. Well done you massive. LITTLE. FAGGOT.

>> No.15711819


>> No.15712015

>unironically says that increased CO2 concentrations are mostly due to ocean degassing when there's decades old isotopic data that proves otherwise
True, but actually irrelevant to his point.

You are being petty.

>> No.15713031

>You are being petty.
they do that because learning the scientific truth about global warming would involve admitting they were hoodwinked by (((the media))) and they're rather remain ignorant than suffer the shame of admitting their own fallibility

>> No.15713251

damn even this post got in my head and I'm not even the (You)

>> No.15713388

god I wish this was true. there used to be no ticks around here but the winters are so mild now that theyre fucking everywhere.

>> No.15714122
File: 29 KB, 498x336, Fr53ZYuWIAAtryc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Mon Dieu
- Mein Gott
- Dios mío
- Mio Dio
- Mijn God
- Moй Бoг
- Min Gud
- Moj Bog
- Můj Bůh
- Mój Bóg
- Meu Deus
- Minun Jumalani
- Déu meu
- Guð minn
- Dumnezeul meu
- Ο Θεός μου
- Zoti im
- Mu Jumal
- Mans Dievs
- Mano Dieve
- Mäin Gott
- Il-Mulej tiegħi
- Môj Boh
- Mo Dhia
- Fy Nuw
- Az én Istenem
- Nire Jainkoa

>> No.15714125


>> No.15714136


>> No.15714629
File: 153 KB, 1200x700, F41YhfGXYAAfyNi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15715564

>oy vey its a big conspiracy!!!
maybe eurofags just aren't very intelligent.
europe has been steadily on the decline since the 1800s, is that all a big russian conspiracy too? one that continued through at least three major changes of government in russia?

>> No.15716892 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 1920x1080, consensus says global warming is fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone knows global warming is fake except for low iqs

>> No.15716953

Bandwagon. I wish you retards would get a real argument.

>> No.15718057

Well that settles that, I guess we can all just move on to other issues now that global warming has finally been proved fake

>> No.15719406

>t. can't refute the contents of article

>> No.15719644

t. can't read a graph

>> No.15720292 [DELETED] 

its an easy to read graph, is says nasa.gov right on it, which means its political propaganda rather than genuine scientific data

>> No.15720453

>imagine being this retarded

>> No.15720737 [DELETED] 

you're too low iq to think up a real response so you went with the canned reply instead

>> No.15720768

How do I edit my comment? I meant to reference >>15720292 instead.

>> No.15721292

You delete it and reupload, or you just say:

Meant for

Like you did.

>> No.15722973


>> No.15723005

>the author jumps around from point to point, going from some kind of review of post WWII climate papers to "CO2 is good for plants" to "Milankovich cycle changes are going to cause weird weather".
do those two things contradict eachother?
>you mentioned multiple points that means your argument is invalid

>> No.15724207 [DELETED] 
File: 563 KB, 640x640, 1693875323370028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15725298 [DELETED] 
File: 408 KB, 1440x1569, 1694041868057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15725477 [DELETED] 

>can't refute the implications of the data displayed
>attack the data compression instead
pretty much admitting that you're wrong and that global warming is a false narrative

>> No.15725633
File: 386 KB, 735x727, bugs bunny nothing gay about this at all daffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If human caused global warming has staved off an ice age that we should already be in, wouldn't what we are doing be a good thing i.e. warming the planet? Wouldn't things just become more tropical or something? Better than a fucking ice age.

>> No.15725666

Kill yourself jew

>> No.15725680

Of course.
Holocaust is soviet propaganda.
Soviets were all Jews.
Ethnic Russians are mindless cattle used by its rulers regardless of what it is at the moment (tsar, commies, capitalists, whatever).

Understand the above and you understand modern history.