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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 1024x553, article-original-team-says-lk99-superconductivity-is-real-v0-OjxHhdU44O_z-aT5lQHerfAxuKqdui-xXjXOjK5PxeQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15683394 No.15683394 [Reply] [Original]

...is believe

>> No.15683408

Why did they lie? What was the point? And more interestingly, don't they feel any shame? I'm very embarrassed whenever I don't meet someone's expectations

>> No.15683415

For attention.

>> No.15683429

what happened

>> No.15683447


>> No.15683453


>> No.15683469

The needle moves toward we back

It's a shame even if it is real it's useless

>> No.15683499

korean team made all the right moves for it being real. that bit was clear from the very start. I couldn't find anything incongruent in their behavior and actions.

>> No.15683504
File: 83 KB, 299x449, htk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ready to APOLOGIZE, /sci/

>> No.15683521

there are a few faggots, myself included, who kept yelling on /sci/ it's not been deboonked, scientifically speaking. /sci/ might be the only scientific corner on the internet still insisting it wasn't deboonked, still explaining why it makes sense LK99 might still be real. I was one of the schizos explaining it here, along with the few others. most it's over noise here came from other boards

>> No.15683553

Nobody understands superconductors. The gooks tried to explain it with "tunnel effect". Thunderf00t explained it with a model of different detached phases in the material. So there is a phase or space where electrons are completely detached and unaffected by the surrounding material and its vibrations, their temperature is 0 they're superfluid and can move freely in that space with 0 resistance. Thunderf00t is a chad and when he says it it can't be done it can't be done.

>> No.15683562
File: 25 KB, 304x304, A-finished-length-of-YBCO-Roebel-cable_Q320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe someone can photoshop a superconductor noose out of it
all youtubers wrecked on LK99. all of them

>> No.15683709

Why does his name sound like something an autistic furry would pick?

>> No.15683723

He's from the fedora era of the internet (late 00s), he hadn't moved on from using an internet handle. Notice how every other science youtuber just uses their real name.

>> No.15683735
File: 128 KB, 1074x605, LK99_timelines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man trying to break us out of bad timelines
but he's just now realizing how bad its gotten

>> No.15683741

I've studied 3 textbooks on conductivity and superconductivity since this LK99 thing started and I've been working my way through and yes, I suspect that the west sorely lacks in its understand of superconductivity and even electrical resistance.

>> No.15683744

>their temperature is 0 they're superfluid and can move freely in that space with 0 resistance.
did he actually say this? lmao
no really, did he? I don't want to watch his shitty videos unless he said something that retarded

>> No.15683749

he did. he's trying to talk about the electron gas model but he doesn't understand it

>> No.15683797

look at that old fart. hes going to expire soon so hes just bullshitting everyone and doesnt care because when it blows up in his face he wont even be alive to laugh at us. epic troll. i kneel, gramps.

>> No.15683803

Thunderfoot talks about that cable, but they're too expensive to have much practical use,at least outside of very niche high tech instruments. You're not getting a better graphics card.

>> No.15683834

YBCO was $50/meter on amazon until the whole media shitstorm and now they're all sold out
that's really not that expensive

>> No.15683846

also considering that's not wholesale
obviously things don't scale up in a year, it'll take at least 5, or maybe they have some plans for traces/lithography considering the thin film
doesn't matter if it's real or fake or fraud or useless because of the critical current density, it's just kinda retarded for some YouTube chemist who doesn't know shit to DEBOONK, just click baiting bottom feeders the lot of them

>> No.15683850

Now compare that to copper. It's useless.

>> No.15683853

;LK-99 is old fake news
new Korean discovery to invest in

>> No.15683855

nigger have you taken a look at the price of ROMEX lately? lmao

>> No.15683955


>> No.15683958

I had a prophetic dream
We’re so back

>> No.15684012

is he always this much of a pompous faggot? Jesus, shitting on some other YouTuber who I guess he has a beef with, "it will change nothing", breaks out an ARRAY of fucking magnets to demonstrate levitation for his smug DEBOONK, and did I hear him just hand-wave away the nuclear fusion magnet potential because it's a ceramic? CFS uses REBCO, don't they?
glad I avoided this faggot until now, stopped the vid before I cringed further.

>> No.15684036

Two more weeks!

>> No.15684077

my summary version for the idiot OVER and BACK crowd
>higher level analysis than DFT/DFMT does suggest strong correlations with superconductivity.
>t. respected whitoid physicists

>> No.15684107

More simulation faggotry.

>> No.15684125

>more meme theories
its so fucking over

>> No.15684127
File: 24 KB, 620x412, 1689842964918566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While DFT and similar methods are incredibly valuable tools, they are not infallible. There are indeed cases where the simulations might suggest certain properties, like superconductivity at room temperature, but then the experimental synthesis fails to replicate those findings. Here's why that can happen:

Approximations: DFT relies on certain approximations, which may not fully capture the complexities of the real system. So, the simulated behavior might be an oversimplification.

Model Limitations: The models used in DFT might not include all the relevant physics or might make assumptions that aren't valid for the particular system being studied. This can lead to predictions that are off the mark.

Experimental Challenges: Synthesizing a material based on theoretical predictions can be an extremely complex task. There might be unknown factors or difficulties in the experimental setup that prevent the theoretical properties from being realized.

Strongly Correlated Systems: If the material has strong electron-electron interactions, standard DFT may struggle, and more sophisticated methods like DMFT or other correlated electron methods might be required. Even then, capturing these interactions accurately is very challenging.

>> No.15684133

Thanks for the ChatGPT shit but it's QSGW, scrub.

>> No.15684158
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There have been some unwelcome articles.

For example,

A research team at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany, investigated the reason why LK-99, which was announced by Korean researchers as a room temperature ambient pressure superconductor, showed phenomena similar to superconductivity, and found that LK-99 is not a superconductor. Nature News reported on the 16th (local time).
The LK-99 Verification Committee of the Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics, which started to verify the material LK-99, which the Korean research team claimed to be a room temperature ambient pressure superconductor, manufactured some samples according to the LK-99 manufacturing process. So far no sign of superconductivity has been detected.
I wonder what you think about these results, reports that LK-99 is not superconducting, and the experimental results.

<Hyun-Tak Kim>

The review report of the journal paper will arrive soon, and we are preparing rebuttals.

Regarding question 1, the Nature article is a compilation of the experiences of researchers who have not seen superconductivity. Do not listen. Our paper demonstrates superconductivity.

Same for question 2. They haven't seen the sign of superconductivity yet, so they should try harder.

Researchers are in too much of a hurry. Just wait a little bit.

For example, it took me about 2 years to verify my MIT (Metal Insulator Transition) research. And during my PhD program, we tried to make crystals according to the recipe published in the journal paper, and it took two of us a year and a half to succeed even though we made samples every day. You'll have to wait some more. It has not been even a month yet.

There is a room temperature superconducting phase in LK-99. Now things are too heated, we need to cool down a bit. So these reports are rather good for us.

Thank you.

>> No.15684165

Notice how he dodged the question regarding the Max Planck Institute research showing LK-99 is a diamagnetic insulator by deflecting to Nature article.

>> No.15684174

No, he literally told them to try harder, like a chad.
"Pure"/Pristine LK-99 with shit/no doping is an insulator. That's all that paper showed.

>> No.15684177

White Aryan scientists from Max Planck Institute > random gook fraudster

>> No.15684179

Try harder? What, with his stupid shit instructions?

>> No.15684183
File: 25 KB, 280x396, 18288_craw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Korean Grandpa Cock > 3-4 shitskins and one mayo monkey
Yes, that's what he said. Deal with it.

>> No.15684299
File: 85 KB, 816x861, 14699654901853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white aryan
when's the last time germany invented something or innovated? their last century old fossil mega companies that the country lived off are being killed by vibrant asian and american innovators krautistan is 3rd world tier soon.

>> No.15684457

It's so over Germany bros...

>> No.15684503

it's what you get for losing two world wars and letting the Big Satan aka Israels vassal win.

>> No.15684688

LK99 is real

>> No.15684810

>Try harder? What, with his stupid shit instructions?
what instructions? he tried 24 years, you need to try harder!
also if you don't want to try harder maybe work with him, have some samples delivered, let him explain the testing procedure and particularities etc.
that's what's happening now with some labs.

>> No.15684850

The lie was never supposed to be leaked. He was happy riding on free grant money for more than 2 decades until he got into a shitfling argument with a teamml member who leaked the shit to stop the gibs, as vengance

>> No.15684876

They were planning to publish, they offered him diminished authorship despite the fact that he was fired or left, hence why Kwon leaked it. They'd already tried to publish in Nature before but were rejected because of the poojeet superconductor fake.

>> No.15684962

thanks for your input Prof. Chud

>> No.15685062

This gook gives me a solid half chub.
Can't wait to see the cognitive dissonance from all the SOIENCE faggots.

>just try harder

>> No.15685072

>skill issue, works in my lab

>> No.15685279
File: 335 KB, 1600x1000, white-electricity-cable-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-scientist brainlet here. I have recently been trying to get a better conceptual grasp of electricity. I suppose my starting point is the hydro analogy - instead of water molecules, it's the flow of electrons? And pressure is voltage, size of pipe is amperage? But then I watched those clickbait 'electricity doesn't flow in wires' vids. So I guess my first question is, is it correct to describe electricity as the flow of electrons? Or is it more like a field that is created by or associated with mobile electrons?

>> No.15685280

Whoops, meant this to be a new thread. Please ignore here.

>> No.15685286

I see you.
You'll get your pay.
But you were wrong a little, I'm naked too. We worked togeva.

It's good pay, you'll exactly like it.

Just making you accurate.

My sacrifice was more and I made additional sacrifices for you.

Not saying you're evil at all just speaking.

>> No.15685491

Germany recently invented like in last 5 years:
>Heterogeneous quantum dots
>The Zeiss optics used in ASML's EUV which is the only tool on the planet that can manufacture the latest gen of microchips.
>Superresolution microscropy
>The covid vaccine that saved your life.
>Color changing cars (dank)
>The most energy dense fuel cell on record (actually works, not a fake/lie like LK99 is)

>> No.15685507

bitch they made no RTSC, fuck outta here, stop polluting this thread with your insignificant bullshit (by comparison)

>> No.15685538

>bitch they made no RTSC
Yeah, no one did.

The fuel cell actually does what you fanboys think LK99 does.

>> No.15685564

well we don't know yet if anyone did, including the korean team itself. but we will know soon. so far everything points to it being real, but it might not be in the end. we will see.
your silly coom paste can be interesting for aviation use. and some remote open air gear, construction machinery and such.

>> No.15685798

You're delusion. We knew from the first pre-print it was bullshit.

Serious question, did you also buy into every cold fusion scam of the last two decades?

>> No.15685804

You're trying too hard

>> No.15685812

I'll take that as a yes.

>> No.15685839

New papers dropping all the time. Since when does 4chan trust youtube basedence deb00nkers who said it's fake?

>> No.15685874

What did happen to that repulsive russian tranny?

>> No.15685990

Back to posting commie propaganda

>> No.15686003

didn't you get BTFO multiple times about that retarded fuel toothpaste in your bother thread?

>> No.15686090

Occasionally posts interesting things in between schizo posting and communist propaganda.

>> No.15686123

they never post results

>> No.15686488

never delivered like anyone with more than a single digit iq would've known

>> No.15686518

>The covid vaccine that saved your life.
>The most energy dense fuel cell on record
So vaxxies are the ones spamming the hydrogen paste
You know that shit was created a few years ago, went nowhere. Latest info is from 2021 lol

>> No.15686803

The paste is ready. It has proven itself a robust and effective medium of transport. The problem is getting the hydrogen, which is not their domain. They're waiting for the other side to pick up, it's not that the paste is a failure.

>> No.15686827

Pitting fuel cell tech and RTSC tech against each other is exactly what the evil Big Green overlords would try to do. They hate both because it means you won't have to eat the bugs

>> No.15687118

You mean preprints.

I trust White PIs, I never trusted the Gook preprint. They have a reputation for lying and scamming.

>> No.15687131

No that's not my thread, it's also not even what I meant lol, different invention in my field.

>> No.15687136

RTSC are not gonna happen just because you shill it. If they had an actual working product they would have no problem gettinf investment. They DON'T have a working product and they have no problem getting investment. You are shilling for scammers instead of actual talented researchers.

>> No.15687143

>actual talented researchers.
Ah the truth comes out it is a sour grapes moment for the "actual trans researchers"

>> No.15687403

kys retard

>> No.15687434

It's so fucking over

>> No.15687939

It's not

>> No.15688044

>literally this entire board believed there is an RTSC
Just fucking stop posting

>> No.15688046


>> No.15688051
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these threads will continue until you end up in a straight jacket, stay mad

>> No.15688326

White scientists have already debunked the scam yet gook shills keep clinging to it.

>> No.15689487
File: 76 KB, 850x1126, F4Ov2GObUAAOUjK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're back, new paper by orginal authors just got released.

>> No.15689694

You post this on every thread and sound like an increasingly nervous /biz/let who let /pol/ convince you to bet a ton of money on this being fake.

>> No.15690335

Bump. LK-99 lives forever

>> No.15690571

More theory shit
Apparently the gooks updated their patent but it's not mentioned on this Chinese blog

>> No.15690581

More shit that tells absolutely nothing. Even the space forum nerds quit this ride. Just give it up. They deceived everyone.

>> No.15690585

hard image.

>> No.15690588

Ironically that paper was already outdone by an even more advanced theory analysis two days ago. Since they're all getting slightly different results but those differences mean drastically different conductive properties it ends up just proving the criticisms of theory woo correct

>> No.15690592

Actually, it does. See the bit about Pb1 vs Pb2. That's why this is very hard to reproduce.
>space forum nerds
Who gives a shit?

>> No.15690597

Post your AMSC bags.

>> No.15690602
File: 111 KB, 1044x518, Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 4.38.24 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third poo sample just dropped

>> No.15690619

Response 1:
We think the paper of Chinese Academy of Sciences supports our research and the authors's analysis is reasonable. We also review the paper in detail. By the way, there is a fatal problem which uses Cu^ (+) of Cu2s.
To be apetite structure, Cu should become Cu^(++), otherwise, the apetite structure collapses. About this problem, we will address this problem in a discussion part in our Journal paper under review.

>> No.15690661

Ok? So what if its hard to reproduce? People have reproduced it and confirmed it with XRD, and then confirmed it has none of the properties that the original authors claim. The only difference this paper makes is that it is hard to make due to preference for Cu doping at Pb2 sites rather than Pb1, which was already made evident by all the replication attempts. It doesn't change the fact that LK99 is not a superconductor, but is instead an extreme insulator.

>> No.15690708

poos said they need to use scanning tunneling spectroscopy to directly observe superconductivity

>> No.15690714

>and confirmed it with XRD
XRD doesn't give you a real view into the structure, to start with
>and then confirmed it has none of the properties that the original authors claim
That's not how that works.
>It doesn't change the fact that LK99 is not a superconductor, but is instead an extreme insulator.
Pristine LK-99/lead apatite is an insulator, retard.
Repeating shit on reddit about how it was DEBOONKED does not make you sound intelligent. It makes you sound cringe as fuck.

>> No.15690749
File: 306 KB, 695x961, 1048136609212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh did we not tell you to build an electronic highway? try harder! it can take years, decades until you maybe find success hehe. (and keep that grant money flowing!)

>> No.15690777


>> No.15690871

>Pristine LK-99 is an insulator
Glad we got that out of the way, fucking dipshit.

>> No.15691060

Yeah, do you know what "pristine" means in this context, you fucking retarded Redditor?

>> No.15691104

it sure does look like measuring their samples will settle this

>> No.15691171

>we made something else but this one is superior. yeah, so if this superior thing doesn't work, you are smart enough to put 2 and 2 together right? isn't it clear for you that their less superior shit is also not working? think about anon, you are smart, isn't that what it means?

>> No.15691172

Japanese people are the only decent east Asians, chinks and gooks just lie and obfuscate about everything and see no problem with it, they're such contemptible people.

>> No.15691207

>isn't it clear for you that their less superior shit is also not working? think about anon, you are smart, isn't that what it means?
To educate the Redditor, "pure"/pristine means that it's undoped. Note that the doping noted an uneven distribution in their crystals of the DEBOONKED report. As an example: YBCO, where you dope different oxygens at different temperatures, and it doesn't work unless you dope one site over another. Relevant is the Pb1 vs Pb2 noted in the DFT above and in other DFT pre-prints. So it's not "superior." That's not how it works.

>> No.15691234

It's not for nothing they're honorary aryans.

>> No.15692171


>> No.15692190

You absolute monkey, LK-99 is itself defined by the impurity and Cu doping. So in this context, "pristine LK-99" would have to be superconducting by the definition of the authors claims. So if other people confirmed synthesizing "pristine LK-99" and found it as a mott insulator instead, that means the authors are wrong and you are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen.

>> No.15692204

so they didn't test the same material, they made another material which "should" have superconductivity and because that other material didn't have it that implies theirs doesn't have it?
wouldn't you think measuring their samples, offered as being superconductive, would be more conclusive than all that chemistry gymnastics they did?

>> No.15692289

>LK-99 is itself defined by the impurity and Cu doping
And yet, by DFT, it's demonstrable that only one site leads to conductivity.
> So if other people confirmed synthesizing "pristine LK-99"
"Pristine" literally means undoped. Maybe you should shut the fuck up if you don't know material science terms, Redditor.

>> No.15692315

soience bible leaves everyone confused!

>> No.15692332

DFT is garbage simulation based on the quantum wave uncertainity delusion, stop shilling it your simulation is not real

>> No.15692336

>DFT is garbage simulation based on the quantum wave uncertainity delusion, stop shilling it your simulation is not real
if you weren't arguing for this shit before LK99 you are just a fucking pseud.

>> No.15692394

Don't call it LK-99 pristine if its not doped like what LK-99 is supposed to be, Pseudditor. Not that it changes the fact that it is still a mott insulator in its intended form.

>> No.15692395

You don't think this might be some intermediary discovery?

They do seem to have discovered some novel effects if nothing else, which can always get us closer to the answer.

>> No.15692397

>Don't call it pristine
It is literally called that in multiple pre-prints.
You are a retard. And you lost the argument.

>> No.15692404

Only you seem to care about frivolous autistic shit like that. I only care if its a superconductor or not, and this is just another nail in the coffin.

>> No.15692407

>Only you seem to care about frivolous autistic shit like that.
So you admit that you're a dumb Redditor who has no idea what he's talking about and just feel the need to go around screaming DEBOONKED despite contributing nothing to the discussion? Sounds about right. Maybe you should go back and circlejerk about SOIENCE there?

>> No.15692418

>we tried to make crystals according to the recipe published in the journal paper, and it took two of us a year and a half to succeed even though we made samples every day. You'll have to wait some more. It has not been even a month yet.

Whatever else you want to say, this is reasonable.

>> No.15692532

>you are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen
Can you stop using such hurtful slur.
This isn't even close to true, aside from VERY superficial similarities.
Gorillas have nothing to do with niggers, they are not violent, they are quiet, they bother no one.

>> No.15692551

Why do you keep projecting your obsession with Reddit onto me? Why does it live rent free in your head?

>> No.15692600


>> No.15692612

Just goes to show all this smug shit Koreans do is a road to nowhere. Look at him, dumbfuck.

>> No.15692625

Korean science is all fake. All they do it fake it for appearances and hope nobody catches on.

>> No.15692633

This is the sad truth.

>> No.15692635


>> No.15692644
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Nigger you don't even know what the term "pristine" entailed. Shut the fuck up and cry about it when they pass peer review and their samples are tested across three continents.

>> No.15692647
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>> No.15692650

>the Redditor recoils after being found out
No one cares, faggot. Be sure to post your gambling bags in September, you degenerate.

>> No.15692652

demonstrating >>15692647

>> No.15692655
File: 74 KB, 954x530, Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 10.19.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15692656

insulting people won't make the magnets real

>> No.15692660

Spamming "DEBOONKED" won't settle the SOIENCE or make you correct, chud.

>> No.15692661

deep breaths

>> No.15692664

Those deep breaths were from my girlfriend who I fucked about an hour ago, then I came back to put my dick in your mouth. Deal with it, chud.

>> No.15692667

you'll get over this eventually, if you don't give yourself a heart attack first.

>> No.15692668

sorry bud, you shouldve sold earlier

>> No.15692675

Fuck off back there, shitskin.
I've already dealt with it. It's been demonstrated that you are a retard. In other words, it's confirmed. The science says that you're mentally retarded.

>> No.15692679

giving out their "real" samples...
any day now...
for sure... soon..

>> No.15692687

are you saying that none of their superconductive samples got to any other lab?

>> No.15692688

>so flustered you respond to me twice
take it easy man

>> No.15692695

That's 4chan's shitty js, deal with it chad.

>> No.15692697

>so flustered you call me a chad
you're right, but please go easy on your poor heart.

>> No.15692707

they keep maknig excuses like any scammer would, so...

>> No.15692717

any sources for that? should we take your word for it?

>> No.15692854

how about them? they say "just keep making samples every day for 2 years and you might get lucky like we did" and then refuses to give samples for non destructive testing by a 3rd party coming up with excuses like they need a couple months to prepare it. for what, nigger? its already made and you will get it back in one piece.

>> No.15692867

You know, I’m pretty sure it’s real now.

>> No.15693029


russells lk-99 confirmed. its following the same path of all scams. you just keep moving the goalpost with shrinking claims. its already been done 3 times, how many more times will they do it before they just admit they got nothing?

>> No.15693064

Do you really think that the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in the US doesn't have samples and are instead just looking at papers and pretty diagrams while doing their peer review? The peer review process where the koreans aren't allowed to give public disclosure or the review gets shitcanned? We won't know the results of it until APL finishes.

>> No.15693075
File: 22 KB, 233x216, 1692945272276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo! You don't understand!!!
I put all of my money down on it being fake and I can't be the one left holding the bag!

>> No.15693079

pic too white to be a /biz/ user

>> No.15693091

johns hopkins is known for health and medicine, not solid state material science and superconductors. thats like asking a lumberjack his opinion on the biology of dolphins

>> No.15693479

This is how I know you're a midwit

>> No.15693484

He's right though? It's not unusual for schools to have core competencies, and for Johns Hopkins that is what it is.

>> No.15693643

What claims have shrunk? It's superconducting if that is observed with STS. The problem after that is, how to get something workable out of it.
Seems more like the claims of the retards who say it's fake are shrinking.

>> No.15693648


>> No.15693678

>But it seems that solid state synthesis wasn't how Lee's team discovered the (alleged) emergent superconductivity of LK-99. This was done through a technique known as vapor deposition; through it, the same compounds were reacted, but instead of the objective being to end up with an LK-99 crystal, the technique instead allows for the reaction's vapors to collect against a glass structure, creating a thin film of the compound.

>> No.15693815
File: 105 KB, 610x535, ad3.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spell is 97.5% complete.

>> No.15694492

>Yup, it was all pathological science: they've went from "rocks partially levitate against gravity" and "we've measured superconductivity at 100mA and above" to "maybe a microscope would find a spot of superconductivity that's too small to measure conventionally". To be followed by a nano scale Russel's teapot hidden within several grams of sample.
Does this retard know that he's responding to one of the foremost experts on superconducting materials/superconductivity with this nonsense, and not the original team? Apparently you didn't know so either, making you a retard as well?

>> No.15695068

Ok so now we know that the team maliciously wasted everyone's time by giving instructions they knew wouldn't work. Or perhaps they're moving the goalpost so that they can still claim superconductivity with no one to prove it otherwise because they won't release CVD instructions.

>> No.15695081

did you short LK99 anon? because if you did, you might be fucked

>> No.15695173

they're going through peer review as we speak, you dumb nigger. even if they were allowed to, why would they give everybody a head start when they hadn't planned to release anything at all until their paper was ready except for the fact that some faggot was hungry to weasel his way into a nobel prize after he either left or was fired?

>> No.15695456

Update: the spell is 99% complete. The singularity is imminent.

>> No.15695529
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>> No.15695538

apu getting lead poisoning from corean scammer

>> No.15695545

unleaded solder sucks anyway

>> No.15695570


>> No.15695809

ur mum sucks

>> No.15697418


>> No.15697669
File: 797 KB, 1080x2640, academicfaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15697885

clown, its over
stop bumping

>> No.15698150

What I got from this thread is that some idiots still believe this shit is real. A certain breed of retards really was born to be fooled kek.

>> No.15698178

Why would "scientists" care abiut reputation? I thought all they do is make experiments?

>> No.15698179

What I got from your post is that you're super sensitive and also slightly retarded. How badly will you seethe when multiple labs confirm it with STS, SQUID, and zero-resistance measurements?

>> No.15698260

How badly will you seethe when they confirm it was a scam all along? Well, you won't, you'll just move to the next pointless hypefaggotry fueled train so you can do the same retarded loop all over again. Negative IQ nigger.

>> No.15698277
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>> No.15698330

>How badly will you seethe
I won't?
I don't have money invested, unlike you. I just enjoy reading about the science. But it's not a scam, that much is clear.

>> No.15698367

Why do Asians lie so much?

>> No.15698379
File: 83 KB, 1080x815, 1693116551079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let it go already.

>> No.15698390
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>> No.15698407 [DELETED] 

They're not Christians so they don't believe that there is anything wrong with being dishonest

>> No.15698456

just provide the original fucking sample

>> No.15698463

why would you give your original, valuable samples to another team when you can instead just produce more samples for them after you get through peer review?

>> No.15698466

can't believe chinks would just lie like that. who would have thought

>> No.15698544

if their claims would be correct synthesis of the material should be trivial thus making another sample is trivial as the past month shows its not true nor can their claims be verified so unless they show what the mysterious sample really is its all bullshit.

>> No.15698568

>synthesis of the material would be trivial
that's not how it works
it's never trivial to dope one specific lead with copper outside of the so called stability island

>> No.15698575

>it doesn't work... b-but credentials!
giga cope, this is sad.

>> No.15698578


>> No.15698580

these are koreans, not chinks. the big difference is they eat even more dogs.

>> No.15698590

they claimed its trivial its in their paper and what they have presented is indeed trivial to create for a modern lab. Now they come along and claim there is a missing ingredient which is bullshit.

>> No.15698593

>giga cope, this is sad.
He is literally explaining how to measure it. If it's measured in this way with STS, it's superconducting, and then it literally works. The amount of retardation in these threads just spamming "CHINK CHINK CHINK DEBOONKED FAKE DOESN'T WORK CHINK CHINK" it getting actually retarded. You're not pretending to be retarded at this point, you are actually a fucking retard. Quit shitting up these threads, moron. At least with most people who deserve to be here, the racism isn't just a braindead constant repeat of CHINK CHINK CHINK NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER KIKE KIKE KIKE when you don't have an argument, and most use it ironically.

>> No.15698603
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Where's that, retard? Yes, it's trivial to grow the lead apatite crystals in the ez-bake oven that is a muffle furnace. That doesn't mean that all of the crystals will be correctly doped using instructions that were shit out last minute after their research was leaked and they had not finalized their paper.

>> No.15698612

maybe it's trivial if you know precisely what you are doing. even if there was another ingredient, it could still be trivial. at least for the ingot.

>> No.15698644

>someone wasted time editing this for a scam
ke-- wait i wont laugh, thats just too sad

>> No.15698751

I don't have to believe. If it is real they can continue to develop and demonstrate their technology. It has big commercial and humanity advancement applications so people want it to be real.

Superconducting (magnetic) energy storage (SMES) has the potential to replace all batteries and do it with base metals. That changes the entire electric car industry where you suddenly don't need 400kg of lithium and 20kg of rare earths just to have an electric car with 300km range and a three year battery life.

>> No.15700206

Nice gook spam. White scientists have already debunked this shit.

>> No.15700233


>> No.15700253

y tho

>> No.15700433

The Chinese figured it out

>> No.15700453


>> No.15700475

Kwon is fighting over patent rights:
>I said before that Professor Kwon applied to add his name to the patent owner.However, according to the program, Professor Kwon applied for the rejection of the patent.The reason is that the patent violates Article 33,44 of the Patent Law, and the patent should be rejected according to Article 62.Article 33 The inventor or his successor shall have the right to obtain the patent right provided for in this Law.Article 44 Where a patent right is obtained, a joint application for patent shall be filed by the co-owners.Article 62 If the patent application meets the prescribed reasons for rejection, the examiner must make a decision of rejection;That is to say, Professor Kwon believes that he is one of the inventors and has the right to obtain a patent right, and he listed 44 articles to say that the patent owner was registered as a "Quantum Energy Research Institute" without his own consent at that time?
Explains why he published the draft paper when they contacted him telling him he'd have diminished authorship.
If this doesn't tell you that there's something to it, you're kinda retarded.

>> No.15700480

his ass, thats why he didnt respond

>> No.15700483

>If this doesn't tell you that there's something to it, you're kinda retarded.
It does tell me something. It tells me that both Kwon and Kim are both midwit pseuds that erroneously believe it is a superconductor.

>> No.15700493

and got lucky with simulation results. and somehow their research application grade measurement gear for some reason decided to read superconductivity on the material, for no reason whatsoever.
I don't think they're incompetent. they could be, it just doesn't seem that way.

>> No.15700494
File: 293 KB, 2572x1082, Screenshot 2023-08-27 at 8.29.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro, fuckin pseuds piss me off bro.
*hits bong*

>> No.15700548


>> No.15700549

Look at all those citations, and all of them are calling LK-99 liquid shit.

>> No.15700559
File: 360 KB, 2572x1444, Screenshot 2023-08-27 at 8.29.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay bro, I also suffer from being unable to read the x and y axis of graphs. Let's talk about our hate of pseuds.
*hits bong*
*clears chamber*
*coughs again*

>> No.15700568

Fuck off you smelly stoner. You aren't welcome here.

>> No.15700579

*hits bong*
Fuck off pseud, you don't belong here.

>> No.15700643

>research application grade measurement gear
I.E hand me downs from a guy one of them knows in private industry that's made with the guts of three other instruments and hasn't been calibrated since 1995

-t. knower

>> No.15700683

the SQUID and equipment they did EPR on was Korea University equipment

>> No.15700997

YBCO really has a lot of parallels to this shitstorm, not his that it's high Tc ceramic and the different oxygen doping at different temps.

>> No.15701087

its a second rate university so im not surprised they have second rate equipment that cant even do measurements properly

>> No.15701104

They also used the one from KAIST in the paper too, for measurements. The one from Korea University was used to derive the low-field magnetic absorption methodology they use to identify superconductivity in some process of theirs. Let me predict the future: it's also a second-rate university with second-rate equipment.
What's your alma mater?

>> No.15701111

microwave absorption**

>> No.15701699
File: 786 KB, 609x8061, v2-6dd1f92ac074c3ec43c0b89ae12e35ca_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, not only is it a semiconductor and an insulator, while also being a paramagnet, a ferromagnet, AND a diamagnet at room temperatures: IT. IS. SUPERIONIC!
Not a superconductor though, sorry chuds. The dust has settled.

>> No.15701744

anyone notice the strange phenomenon of nobodies trying to explain everything that has been observed as being superconductivity or supporting the material is superconductive is actually ANYTHING but superconductivity?
it's strange, they are willing to accept any weird new phenomenon, they'd fucking take magic BUT NOT superconductivity?
it's strange, it's like a strange technical thing. like they would lose money if that particular property is in LK99, superconductivity.
>I'll even give you immortality but that shit is NOT superconductive

>> No.15701796


>> No.15702544

how can the gooks be this retarded? its literally everything BUT a superconductor. and they had 20 years to figure this out and everybody else did in a couple weeks

>> No.15702971
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i think its probably a nothing burger but i can see them shilling its nothing till they can figure out how to manufacture it. anything to get a head start, then every country and business will suck your dick for the magic material

>> No.15703518


>> No.15703570

whats it mean im a brainlet tourist

>> No.15703623
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Ben "Gook Gutter" Garrison

>> No.15703864

It means WE'RE BACK

>> No.15703919

Its over bros
We back

>> No.15703942

Contact with oxygen can cause lead apatite to lose most or all of it's resistance under certain conditions. I only skimmed the paper so I'm unclear on what determines when it does one or the other. So, one or more scientists at a well known London college published a paper showing that LK99 is most likely not a hoax (and the Koreans aren't retarded) through the American Chemical Society, who have very stringent standards for acceptance. We are very back.

>> No.15703971

Is that even possible tho?

>> No.15703984
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>> No.15703994

That bet is literally linking to the Kwon pre-print. The gambling (with fake money in that case) is all a bunch of retards. Why would you gamble on a paper that by publishing caused Kwon to be referred to the academic dishonesty commission or whatever in Korea?

>> No.15703996

Preprint here:
Companion paper here with description of synthesis:

https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12008 is the Kwon pre-print.

>> No.15704013

It's so fucking over

>> No.15704028

It's just DFT shit, although slightly higher quality DFT shit.
We won't know more until the original team gets through peer review of their first paper and the samples are tested elsewhere and then releases the pre-print of a new paper they were talking about. They have a bunch of data they were saving up for the second paper, or so they say. They published the first one early because of the leak. Plus they're in the middle of a patent battle now, and who knows if Kwon signed an employer agreement, though that is standard.
Plus the critical current density is not really that great from the material. It's probably more of a stepping stone to something better.
All in all it's a shitstorm. We'll probably know this upcoming month.

>> No.15704061

>upcoming month
That's a pretty optimistic take.
I personally believe that it's going to take several months until the Korean government will allow the original team to post a follow up, describing the exact way to synthesize superconductive material.
During which Chinese labs will be busy releasing multiple papers trying to replicate the effects detected by the original Korean team.
It's going to be a real neck-to-neck race to see which country succeedes first.

>> No.15704065
File: 1.37 MB, 852x480, lk99复现样品疑似悬浮锁定 [BV1c94y147ux].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15704075

Why dont white ppl try and make it? Theyd prob do it right

>> No.15704084

Western laboratories are underfunded, undermanned or are merely not interested in possible civilization-changing science because they can't promise their investors large short-term financial gain.
It doesn't help that one of the biggest Western popsci publishers declared LK-99 utterly dead based on interviews with people who barely even heard of the term.
You've probably heard people say that Western civilization is dying or is already dead; well, they're not lying.

>> No.15704099


>> No.15704127

how can this be seemingly locked, upside down and without contact, without complete anti-magnetism?
i'm predicting that there's going to be a bunch of cope over this demo
maybe 90% Cu2s, or something else nonsensical

>> No.15704129

This is the biggest retard cope I've ever read. They aren't interested because with enough experience and expertise you know bullshit when you see it. You don't need to run analysis and tests on a poo when it looks and smells like one already.

"If something looks like shit and smells like shit, you don't have to taste it to know that it's shit."

>> No.15704142

what smells like shit is a bunch of labs vomiting out pre-prints with uneven distribution of Cu doping and running to the media with "DEBOONKED" or implying 70% Cu2s is a reasonable explanation.

>> No.15704149
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Update it's still at 99%

>> No.15704285

This is obviously doped.
And it's obviously a near 0K magnet, look how the hand is shaking from the cold.

>> No.15704612

This poster obviously coped

>> No.15704751

>no frost or fog
>human hand able to hold it for any length of time longer than a millisecond
>"zood it's totally chilled to near absolute zero"

>> No.15704880

The absolute state of western academia. These past few years in particular have been very eye opening for me. The decline has been all too observable. To think, a decade from now we will be buying hover bikes and all other tech from East Asia.

>> No.15704898

>hover bikes
stop playing with my emotions like that

>> No.15704955


Are Cu-O chains, CuO2 planes the key here?
Some chink produced magnetism with hydroxylapatite, Cu, and aerobic sintering. Very little chance of Fe contamination.

>> No.15705058

I'm not MSE or CMP, but when reading these papers I infer over and over again that these people are talking about the BCS side. Isn't it true that BCS can't explain YBCO or other HTS? Then why do these retards bring it up as if they're docking points from it because their model can't explain how it'd work in this context? I'm retarded in their field, yes, but it's nonsensical if that's the case.

>> No.15705146

Seriously, please, anyone want to help a retard out?
How is this not nonsense:
>A superconductor is unlikely, at least from BCS picture.
Why are these retards writing papers? Am I super retarded, or are they?

>> No.15705224

You're right, BCS doesn't explain YBCO and the others.
It's just easier to write a paper analysing LK99 in terms of BCS even though the outcome is obvious. It's a quick way to crank out a paper on a trending topic.

>> No.15705234

so then this happens one way or another? rtsc?
are variations of LK99 possible? using that 1d channel theory.

>> No.15705266

Theoretically there’s bits of the field being trapped in the impurities locking it into place in this video despite the fields being expelled in/around the material. That’s assuming that there’s no contact with the surface and no other explanation. If there’s no contact it’s (most likely) cope to try to explain it any other way than superconductivity.

>> No.15705366

I want to believe this is real. It would be really hard to say it’s not a superconductor if this is real

>> No.15705445

There is no single or collective of humans on this planet who own any rite to force a change in reality by belief alone.

You will use your faggot fucking science and deal with whatever curveballs get thrown your way. Sucks to be on the ass end of existence, I can't even imagine what it's like.

Step 1:
Don't act like a nigger

>> No.15705555

can you fill me in on the verified SOIENCE that exists, boss, opposite the ass end of existence, that fully explains known and working high temperature, ambient pressure superconductivity?

>> No.15705566

the cope on rebbit so far is:
trick of the light
there are artifacts in this video shared on social media so that means that the camera is bad and thus it's fake
it doesn't look like some youtube video that they looked up in the last five minutes and can't imagine how flux/field lines work or how it would pin this material into the position versus some industrially produced HTS with fewer defects, thus it's not flux pinning and something entirely unknown to science
looking forward to seeing the cope wash over them

>> No.15705574

also it's worth noting that the CCP was coming to people's houses/uni and they all know this was happening by now so yeah, it's pretty cope to think that this is fake video
could do with a demonstration of a piece of paper though

>> No.15705592

White "people" are too busy deboonking on xeeter to actually do science

>> No.15705650

The Redditors are fucking stupid: Earnshaw's theorem.

>> No.15705695

Okay. At this point it appears to be real. We can assume the material will be refined and we now have RTSC technology with low but useful critical field limits. What are real uses for it? You're an engineer: what could you engineer now that you couldn't before? Does this become ubiquitous in everyday lives or a novelty of science?

>> No.15705707

Without being able to pump a shitload of amps through it you lose pretty much all the cool applications. Any kind of signal transceivers will see huge gains though and if the yellow people at TSMC can't put it to work in chips I will eat my hat. The real hope here is that the mechanism for RTSC is identified and it becomes possible to laser in on development of materials with those attributes to find one that can carry a fuckload of current.

>> No.15705709

You could always just increase cross section for current

>> No.15705736

Thunderf00t is a restarted faggot that's right twice a day.

>> No.15705740

>American innovators
All foreigners lmao

>> No.15705742

Fucking idiots. If they actually had something, they would have patented it and given it out for double-checking and it would have been all over the news a long time ago.
Total nothingburger, just another grant-farming scheme that shows science does not exist anymore.

>> No.15705746

Well, if no one is willing to buy my patents for 4+ billion dollars. Get VC funding and pump it into both lithography/interconnects and energy storage. Get licensing agreements in place for these to fund the lab.
Maybe engineer new/previously not feasible implantable personal health monitor sensors technology due to the ultra-sensitivity? Probably not a good idea.
I don't think anime becomes cheap and real until we get a room temp 3d superconductor? Could just be the lack of the imagination.

>> No.15705748

Their patents have been pending over the last year and a half, two years at the most. The important ones aren't yet approved. They are also making samples to send/have sent samples to other labs.

>> No.15705752


>> No.15705764

And did other labs receive and test them?
If the effect could be reproduced, it would have been all over the news.
Eh, alright. Where are the reproducibility experiments?

>> No.15705789

In the context of the patent, just search "Experimental Example". Also see the korean paper below for some of the graphs/data of the experiments they reference that seem to be missing from the patent.
In the context of reproduction with other labs, it's being worked on. Kwon was fired from the lab or quit, and he leaked the first paper either from his own draft or from reconstructing his knowledge, probably to establish himself for a patent rights battle. There's three separate papers, one in korean. Three authors, and the paper without Kwon. He's been referred to some academic dishonesty committee in Korea for his leak, he's a professor: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Young-Wan-Kwon

https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12008 (with Kwon)
https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12037 (without Kwon)
https://www.docdroid.net/UiUrs8c/kci-fi002955269-1-pdf (Korean paper)

>> No.15705904

the retards are just doing it for goodie points like what >>15705224 said
iirc if you do a quick skim in wikipedia, knowing if making RTAP superconductors is possible is an unsolved physics question

at this point i'm just waiting for their APL materials article

>> No.15706089

The west doesn't even try

>> No.15706305

At least our teams are diverse I guess.

>> No.15706388

its over...

>> No.15706475

that one got filtered as well. all youtubers did. all brainlets

>> No.15706561

Holy shit I hate Thunerf00t so much. He's a pedant and somehow makes the most simple explanation of any phenomena an exercise in patronization. You can tell buddy thinks VERY highly of himself, and anyone who genuinely likes him is from the same self-absorbed ilk.

How someone could not change in personality, approach, or demeanor over 2 decades is beyond me.

>> No.15706567

yes, he is.

>> No.15706746

retard they all have phds
do you? where is yours?

>> No.15706762

none has any in 1d superconductors. they all are similarly retarded, especially in applying scientific thinking. they are all corrupted (in some form). and weak.

>> No.15706886
File: 36 KB, 360x340, Podkletnov antigravity.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hover bikes. No liquid nitrogen required

>> No.15707420


>> No.15707423

LK-99 were real the thread would be pinned.

>> No.15707429

high chances it will get pinned soon.

>> No.15707432

> In 2021, SuperOx, a Russian and Japanese company, developed a new manufacturing process for making YBCO wire for fusion reactors. This new wire was shown to conduct between 700 and 2000 Amps per square millimeter. The company was able to produce 186 miles of wire in 9 months, between 2019 and 2021, dramatically improving the production capacity. The company used a plasma-laser deposition process, on a electropolished substrate to make 12-mm width tape and then splice it into 3-mm tape.[18]
Apparently this is the manufacturer behind Commonwealth Fusion System's REBCO for their magnets?

>> No.15707436

yeah it'll get "flux pinned"

>> No.15707439
File: 414 KB, 1974x1286, Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 9.23.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might thunderf00t never live the wire meme down?

>> No.15707443

I found this one in yurop https://www.theva.com/products/#pro-line
there was a amazon link for it but it was out of stock.

>> No.15707676

Why are these LK99 trannies so desperate for it to be real? In the absolute best case scenario possible, it means 20% lower power bills. Thats literally it. Hoverboards are stupid and gay.

>> No.15707693

Do you always cry this hard whenever you see anyone being happy?

>> No.15707717

You're the only tranny here

>> No.15707747
File: 26 KB, 750x553, 1601637563238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only trannys are nihilistic, they are demons who hate everything even themselves

>> No.15707791

>it means 20% lower power bills.
among other crazy shit it means a global RTSC network can deliver realtime power from sun facing side to night side of the planet. you could potentially remove the need for energy storage from solar panels.

>> No.15707800

Happy about what? The 30th failed replication?

>> No.15707835

They've already done LFMA tests on the material btw. It's how they separate it in their processes.
Lack of replications doesn't mean anything from researchers who dedicate one sentence to their pre-print saying it's just Cu2s impurities ignoring that you'd need like 70% Cu2s in the matrix for that to work.
This is all going to be embarrassing for material science in the end, when you have retards being so confident in their dismissals instead of waiting for the wheels to turn.

>> No.15707840

Imagine dismissing failed replications as being inattentive or spiteful. If they report a false negative, that would look really bad on their scientific research resume too. They did their due diligence.

>> No.15707842

>They did their due diligence.
Yeah, there's probably 70% Cu2s in that matrix after all. lmao.

>> No.15707845

you are literally yelling that you have no idea what tf you are talking about. go back to /pol/ or /biz/ or wherever the fuck you came from

>> No.15707888
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>> No.15708060

You are the ones that need to go back because your posts carry the overwhelming stench of midwitness.

>> No.15708110
File: 546 KB, 1814x1444, Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 4.02.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if you say so, faggot.

>> No.15708141

>meaningless charts
You know Ranga Dias made those too, right?

>> No.15708171

Dias didn't have multiple electronic structure studies lending credence to his bullshit, at any point.

>> No.15709005

>okay maybe lk99 is real but doing anything with it is fake and gay

>> No.15709387

they've bargained one week ago, for anything but superconductivity, they'be been quiet for the last week, that was the depression, and now they move into acceptance.

>> No.15709496

That would be you, bud. Still no good news out of LK-99. Does that mean you're ready to accept reality soon?

>> No.15709539

You guys should probably ignore the fag that is blatantly fishing LK99 threads for (you)s. If he's wrong, he'll get BTFO when the APL results come out.

>> No.15709634
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Excuse me? Fishing? 4 more Korean universities including their very best university, Seoul University, all reported that LK-99 is not a superconductor full-stop. At one point you need to stop coping that everyone is out to get you and your precious superconductor future. I was here because I wanted it to be true too. But it's not, plain and simple.

>> No.15709720

They said they can’t reproduce it from the paper. No mention of methodologies. Also, it’s the LOW temperature superconductor association. Not making that up. The announcement is worth less than shit.

>> No.15709956

So why is no one doing this?

>> No.15709973

Show me the specs. Namely critical current density. Does it conduct only in one direction?

>> No.15709976

Because they are waiting until they get their introductory article peer reviewed in APL.
Science is boring. They have a patent battle happening now. They have another paper they said they're going to get reviewed with more data. Their shit was leaked a month and less than a week ago. They have investors. The samples they produce are inhomogeneous and take a long time to get correct. Pick any or all. Shit is boring.

>> No.15709981
File: 42 KB, 440x330, measuring conductivity at room temperature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15710141

those don't look like thin film samples, like at all.
don't you personally feel weird ignoring this detail? do you think you can wish its importance away with the power of your screething?