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File: 1.57 MB, 1200x675, luna-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15678526 No.15678526 [Reply] [Original]

Final image of Luna-25 edition
previous: >>15675393

>> No.15678530

theme https://youtu.be/p1cqeRfDveg

>> No.15678534
File: 55 KB, 473x302, update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunar mission update (Russia):
>Luna-25 had a technical glitch and didn't do an orbital change like it was supposed to prior to landing

>> No.15678537 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 1730x573, ISRO update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India mission:
>Chandrayaan-3 lander and propulsion module
>separation is 113km x 157km on August 19

Now the lander has to do part of the job that was supposedly done by the propulsion module.

>> No.15678542
File: 286 KB, 1730x573, ISRO update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India mission:
>Chandrayaan-3 lander and propulsion module separated at a higher orbit than expected
>The actual orbit after separation is 113km x 157km on August 19. Now the lander has to do part of the job that was supposedly done by the propulsion module.

>> No.15678550
File: 91 KB, 1080x1237, b0a8d87d16a11b84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we have had the best engineers...

>> No.15678571

>ceased to exist as a result of a collision with the lunar surface
lol slap that on my tombstone

>> No.15678588

>crashes violently


>> No.15678590

All these low thrust probes that take weeks to get to the moon and have tiny error margins are shit.

>> No.15678596
File: 427 KB, 901x835, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After first de-boost was supposed to be 100 x 30 km? This is so confusing.

>> No.15678601

The Lander Module of India’s third lunar mission Chandrayaan-3 has completed its second and final deebost in the early hours of August 20.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) performed the second and final deebost of the Lander Module to reduce the Lander Module to 25 km x 134 km.

>> No.15678604

ISRO Chairman Somanath had said that if the landing does not take place as planned on August 23, then ISRO will wait for another month to make a landing attempt in September

>> No.15678605
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Better one

>> No.15678609
File: 251 KB, 602x800, not a race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian space fans would disagree with you. It's not a race. It's about technology verification and science.

>> No.15678611

Moona is hard.

>> No.15678615

It's not a race sir just pure coincidence sir. Just trying to do the needful and land in the designed lunar crater

>> No.15678627
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>> No.15678643
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Crashnik bros?
Did we deorbit too much?

>> No.15678644

Such are the consequences of low rate of building and loss of institutional knowledge.

>> No.15678655
File: 313 KB, 374x500, sergeykorelev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is he thinking right now?

>> No.15678656

Most likely problem with software

>> No.15678660

why cant anyone into space anymore :(

>> No.15678666

IT guys are given exemption from the draft and THIS is how they repay their motherland? Gulags must reopen.

>> No.15678676
File: 179 KB, 640x425, 90c68ff02e3d31f459259183f535dac3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so sad that he died in 59. Probably being in Gulag for 6 years contributed to it. Fuck Stalin.

Also he almost died from scurvy in Kolyma. So that's a miracle he even lived to see start of space travel

>> No.15678679

There's something in the water

>> No.15678682
File: 44 KB, 878x415, lunarpoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't close the lunar lander poll so I'll consider this the final result. 19 of you guessed wrong lmao

>> No.15678689

I love how dictatorial regimes cope with failure

>> No.15678693

>I love how dictatorial regimes cope with failure
Indeed. Western cope is pure comedy gold.

>> No.15678694


>> No.15678697
File: 310 KB, 936x936, smirnoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian engineers will be downing a few bottles of vodka and reminiscing the good old days of the Soviet Union tonight.

>> No.15678702
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>> No.15678706
File: 2.59 MB, 200x149, 200px-Moonman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the moon man has not been kind to probes lately

>> No.15678730
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thinking why the fuck russian dirty boots are stepping on Ukrainian soil, his homeland, the chief rocket engineer for russians was a Ukrainian, the irony

>> No.15678749

Okay be serious now, on a scale of 1-100, 100 being the amount of reasonable time since humans started making real progress towards space travel.

How close are we, on that scale, to handing over the process for privatizing the knowledge capable for personal, even commercial spaceflight services?

>> No.15678751

Luna 25 crashed .mission failed . All white larpers can seeth and cope.

>> No.15678766

Funny how Korolev, Chelomei, Glushko, who would be fundamentally associated with Russian rocketry were Ukrainians by soil or by blood, while Yangel, associated with Ukrainian rocketry, was a pure Russian

>> No.15678769
File: 293 KB, 1155x1600, Rus vs Poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna was marginal for even a Moon landing. 31 kg payload? Sad.

>> No.15678773
File: 623 KB, 1024x1127, Canadian NASA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in Canada....

>> No.15678776

>credit: NASA

can't even launch their own lunar orbiter

>> No.15678777

kek savage

>> No.15678778

That graphic is Indian nationalist propaganda. Luna weighted 1600 kg

>> No.15678785


>> No.15678788

We don't even have a single seismometer on moon that could have detected Luna crash. That's what we achieved as humanity

>> No.15678793
File: 102 KB, 813x1124, 16925281170583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what went wrong. Maybe 700$ a month Engineer salary might have to do something with it

>> No.15678794
File: 151 KB, 312x698, luna26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uhhh... plow on ahead or give up?

>> No.15678798

Why are the US and China the only countries that have been able to soft-land on the Moon *and* Mars *and* maintain communication with the lander/rover for more than a few hours?

>> No.15678800

Payload 30 kg. In tiny little bits.


>> No.15678802

Too bad. Next up is India, lets go boys.

>> No.15678806
File: 26 KB, 1059x265, 2023-08-20_13-57-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mathematician calculating manoeuvres living on 900$ per month

>> No.15678808

Honestly the Soviets probably could have eventually managed it if they hadn’t had their Venera diversion

>> No.15678811

Well they have demonstrated their ability to reach low lunar orbit haven’t they?

>> No.15678813
File: 20 KB, 1076x301, 16925283633651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But of course there are people that get more money than engineers and mathematicians there.
"Pricing manager"

>> No.15678823

It must have been that dahm Yuri. He probably mixed up the rockets that where supposed to go to Ukrain and the ones for the moon.

>> No.15678824

Braindrain is a real problem in russia, the entire 2 day special operation only made it worse.

>> No.15678839

Nha comrad, we where supposed to do that.
There are biolabs on the moon don't you know?

>> No.15678840
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>> No.15678849

Lack of any achievements is the problem. They don't even pay you good. But imagine you love space. Mars-96 (1996) failure, Phobos-Grunt (2011) failure, Luna-25 (2023) failure

That's all there were no other launches outside of Earth's orbit

>> No.15678855
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>> No.15678865

Does L2 count? Spektr-RG was successful

>> No.15678876
File: 43 KB, 854x233, FBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Roscosmos opt for a failure based design (FBD)?

>the space agency ISRO opted for a failure-based design in Chandrayaan-3, focused on what all can fail and how to protect it and ensure a successful landing.
>"We looked at very many failures – sensor failure, engine failure, algorithm failure, calculation failure. So, whatever the failure we want it to land at the required speed and rate.

>> No.15678883

Quick question, are you guys really retarded enough as to mock that they're using a NASA image but not realize that it's not of the Moon's surface and instead it's of a crater in Arizona?

>> No.15678884


> In June, the head of Roscosmos threatened to unilaterally seize control of the German telescope, citing German officials' "pro-fascist views".

>> No.15678891

We got it. Now hush.

>> No.15678892


>> No.15678898

Yeah thinking they won't land this one either

>> No.15678905 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 497x650, C7EE1364-F1DE-4F2A-A33F-C7BEA2E7B5B1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, in the late 60s negociations within ELDO for Europa III rocket, U always assumed the french (which afternoon the British left, had the most important voice) always favoured the Europa IIIB option (French-made S1 that is basically a smaller version of Ariane’s, with S2 being propelled by a staged combustion hydrolox engines), but apparently they initially prefered Europa IIIA (S1 is blue streak, S2 is a smaller hydrolox stage powered by a doubled Open cycle HM7) because they thought they could get it to fly early enough to launch Symphonie Comsat on it (~1976 at the latest)

In face of British not wanting to extend Blur steak delivery beyond 1976 and Delays Europa IIIB was chosen, then becoming L3S and then Ariane

>> No.15678911
File: 66 KB, 497x650, 2CC585E3-FE71-4742-9DBC-C79AA259C2EB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, in the late 60s negociations within ELDO for Europa III rocket, I always assumed the french (which after the British left, had the most important voice) always favoured the Europa IIIB option (French-made S1 that is basically a smaller version of Ariane’s, with S2 being propelled by a staged combustion hydrolox engines), but apparently they initially prefered Europa IIIA (S1 is blue streak, S2 is a smaller hydrolox stage powered by a doubled Open cycle HM7) because they thought they could get it to fly early enough to launch Symphonie Comsat on it (~1976 at the latest)

In face of British not wanting to extend Blue steak delivery beyond 1976 and Delays Europa IIIB was chosen, then becoming L3S and then Ariane

>> No.15678912

Imagine we build Lunar city. And then some retard country crashes into it with 1 mile per second speed

>> No.15678921

No problem because any non retard would have built the vast majority of Lunar City underground

>> No.15678926
File: 124 KB, 544x750, Ariane comic 1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nothing about the history of European spaceflight and the origins of Ariane. Can anyone explain/anyone got resources that I can go down the rabbit hole?

>> No.15678947
File: 282 KB, 1304x824, 1613837949162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to get the regular stuff right before you can redeem verification no the hard stuff. Getting the boosts between orbits right is kerbal babby tier shit.

>> No.15678948

Why is adjusting orbits suddenly so hard?

>> No.15678954
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1435506019469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15678955

this fucking image kek

>> No.15678958

It's 134km × 25km instead 100km × 30km. Should be ok innit?

>> No.15678959
File: 1.17 MB, 2560x1440, 1491309802538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15678960

Correcting that will take less than 60 m/s of dV, and probably just 30 m/s. It is not too much, considering the lander has to brake from about 1 km/s to zero.

I hope the indians have added just a little spare fuel.

>> No.15678962

Russian engineers can't afford smirnoff, they will be consuming locally distilled "without analogs" superior methanol product tonigh

>> No.15678965


>> No.15678967

Because Luna-25 never existed in the first place

>You are stealing money since 2014
>Finally in 2023 government starts asking where are all the money and why you haven't launched anything yet.
>You have some Soyuz rocket that was built in Soviet Union. Than you build some fake Luna-25 mockup to put it on top
>Soviet rockets created in 1950s probably won't fail launch so you just launch your mockup randomly somewhere from Earth orbit.
>You take photos from 1960s archives. Upscale them and add colours, photoshop Russian flag. Pretend like you almost achieved success
>After failure you tell government "Look how close we were. Luna-26 will for sure be a success"
>Continue to steal money

>> No.15678974

> It takes a dv of 19 m/s to transfer from a circular, 100km altitude orbit around the Moon to a slightly elliptical 100x16 km one, which is the advertised pre-landing orbit. However, an overburn by only 4 m/s will take you to a 100x0 km orbit instead, causing you to crash.

Which is about 2 seconds of excess burn for Luna 25. Have to hit your mark.

>> No.15678985

Is there any official info on the exact maneuver that went wrong?
>4 m/s
This is why getting into an elliptical orbit is not really worth it, vs just descending from low circular orbit.

>> No.15678986

I liked these guys better as the USSR

>> No.15678990

John Krigge ESA’s book (available as pdf)
A vertical empire (easily found)
Capcomespace (the french online source)
Nospremieresannees.fr (National french) and Aventuredesfuseeeuropa (Europa)

If you can find
Krige, Fifty years of european cooperation in space
Brian Harvey, europa’s space program
Leitenberger Europäische Trägerraketen
Niklas Reinke The history of German space policy
P. Varnoteaux L’aventure spatiale française
Herve Moulin: La construction d’une politique spatiale en France
Du V2 a veronique (Huwart), De veronique a Ariane (De Jongh)
A lot of Air&cosmos articles as well as IAC papers

>> No.15678994
File: 95 KB, 813x1124, 0013f888-0859-4df4-b98c-8258b7a338bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek

>> No.15679001

In russia this is entirely possible

>> No.15679011

>TFW Russian ROCKET ENGINEERS earn less than German minimum wage street cleaners
Holy kek the absolute state

>> No.15679015

So, it's over,?

>> No.15679020

>A fart is the only thing separating you from orbiting peacefully in space, to total dealth
Makes me respect rocketry more desu

>> No.15679025
File: 70 KB, 1074x297, 2023-08-20 154614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and almost 2 times less than sales manager in the same company

>> No.15679028

LLO is absurdly dangerous because it's so small and gravitationally lumpy.

>> No.15679029

Yeah it's over.

>> No.15679050

>wake up for daily gm sirs
>exciting astronomical instruments are gravitationally obliterated from existence
Fucking damn it, they could land on Venus in the past but not the moon today.
My advanced cope: fuck the moon anyways, the barren piece of shit.

>> No.15679065

>Chandrayaan-3 is set to land on the moon on August 23, 2023, around 18:04 Hrs. IST.

>Thanks for the wishes and positivity!

>Let’s continue experiencing the journey together as the action unfolds LIVE at:
>ISRO Website https://isro.gov.in
>YouTube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=DLA_64yz8Ss
and DD National TV
from 17:27 Hrs. IST on Aug 23, 2023.

Why are they so cocky bros? I thought even their de-orbiting got fucked up

>> No.15679070

Phone posting is difficult

>> No.15679078
File: 194 KB, 1020x650, IMG_20230820_140106_353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why did it crash...

>> No.15679079

>I thought even their de-orbiting got fucked up

>> No.15679091

Unbalanced load from too many space blankets

>> No.15679092

I like this story so I’m going to assume its true

>> No.15679099

why's it so hard to land on the moon? we've had a dozen or so tries in recent years but they've all crashed. do we lunar landing as a service or someshit?

>> No.15679104

Probably spin mode activated by mistake

>> No.15679109

Lunar polar landings are really hard.

>> No.15679113

Only important nation hasn't sent a lander in a long time. Only USA knows how to land things

>> No.15679114

___ in ___

>> No.15679116

Such bullshit. Afghans landed 2 crafts in the world trade centre in 2001.

>> No.15679119

I mean, even if it was a race, the Russians are out of it now.

>> No.15679125

is there a render of how starbase will look after they finish tearing down the old bays and building the new ones?

>> No.15679128

nice try Roscosmos

>> No.15679129

In the ancient past, CSI niggerbase showed official spacex renders for a final version of starbase with starfactory and a few megabays but I don't know where he got them.
You best bet is looking at promotional material.

>> No.15679140


>> No.15679143

USSR never actually invented anything. They just had commie symphathyzers in every secret US project. They stole nuclear weapons and stole space rockets

>> No.15679149

outdated software? I hear washing machine manufacturers stopped software updates in russia

>> No.15679160

Unironic question: could a very well funded and talented person/government hack a spacecraft?

>> No.15679168


>> No.15679171


>> No.15679172

You are underselling how much help the USSR got from the outside, the reality is way worse. I won't go into it because offtopic, but there are books by military lecturers on every known piece of stolen or gifted technology that was provided to the soviets on a gold platter. I don't know about rocket engineering though, I think they did have a few novel ideas in that department.

>> No.15679178

Like the perfidious Anglos selling them state of the art jet engines.

>> No.15679182

They landed them the same way Russians just did

>> No.15679183
File: 86 KB, 640x640, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theory: The Space Shuttle was designed to be the ultimate Soviet psyop/bait to get them to build (read: waste their time) making a copy which ultimately bankrupted the country and collapsed it.

>> No.15679211
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why is it so difficult to land on the moon?

>> No.15679215

Moon atmosphere too thick :( needs more heat shield tiles

>> No.15679225

Shit theory since soviets made a superior copy (capable of unmanned operations decades before X-37) and its cost was insignificant compared to STS. Chernobyl was what bankrupted soviet union.

>> No.15679237

Didn't they also get some of those nazi rocket scientists (or their research materials) after ww2?

>> No.15679244
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, firefly logo boom 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Firefly get its cadence up?

>> No.15679249

Allah willed it.
Time for this to happen to soyuz flights.

>> No.15679250

>I wake up
>another lunar lander crashes

>> No.15679254

If I had to guess I'd say that their partnership with Northrop took away any urgency to succeed at the smaller end of the launch market. They don't need to aggressively recruit customers when they could make more money more consistently working on the Antares 300. There are a few more Alpha launches on the manifest but they look more penciled in than anything solid. We'll just have to see if/when those ever happen.

>> No.15679257

It crashed more than 12 hours ago. Did you sleep that long, anon?

>> No.15679262

It actually crashed more than 24 hours ago. But there is nothing to confirm it on Moon. So they just assume it crashed because there is no signal and signal was lost during maneuver

>> No.15679264

Yes, a lot of both of what you describe. No guarantees, but I'll try to find a book I found which described the research papers, research teams (of captured Germans), captured facilities in soviet territory, and names of incredible german engineers that they hauled into OKBs. In particular I remember finding this when I was autistically confirming my suspicions wherein their other aerospace projects, like high altitude interceptors, were also connected to captured scientists.

>> No.15679269

neitherbros, we still have a chance

>> No.15679275

oligarchies (west) and dictatorships (east) are both retarded

>> No.15679276
File: 521 KB, 1080x1439, Screenshot_2023-08-20-17-58-48-03_7bb1214a48a03b91fbf0551a73061009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Russian copium just arrived

>> No.15679279

I voted for only Luna 25 being successful. Cyka blyat mother bitch. I wonder what Rogozin is thinking right now, or if he even cares

>> No.15679282

LMAO why is Russia so shit at everything?

>> No.15679284

can people get pregnant in zero gravity

>> No.15679288

Remains to be seen

>> No.15679295
File: 341 KB, 740x590, 1627626198857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it just wanted to throost

>> No.15679297

No way they haven't tested. Why the fuck you need women in space otherwise

>> No.15679306
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>> No.15679309

He still seething at Shoigu and Gerasimov for not sending him enough ammunition.

>> No.15679316

Hit the spacebar too early

>> No.15679344

it seems to me that 99% of recent rocket and probe failures are due to software

>> No.15679350

I hate Russia so much. I hope Astrobotic and intuitive machines landers are successful just to stick it in their faces I hope the Russian space station never gets off the ground, I hope that Russia never gets to build a lunar capable super heavy launch vehicle

>> No.15679359
File: 227 B, 250x167, Flag_of_Indonesia.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>280,000,000 people
>no rockets


>> No.15679365

The two main leading causes of failure are programming (Luna-25, Hakuto-R) and stuck valves (Beresheet)
OMOTENASHI died before launch due to poor mission planning decisions and Chandrayaan-2's failure mode was not publicly discussed

>> No.15679385

you are laughing but actually, putin's plan is to destroy the moon and declare victory. this was just the first test. they will send a bigger ship next. ukraine is doomed. dr. evil is so jealous.

>> No.15679387

When will Musk comment on this epic fail? Probably never since he is pro-Russia? Is he pandering to the evangelicals who support Putin?

>> No.15679414
File: 561 KB, 640x624, Screen Shot 2023-08-20 at 8.40.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia should've done da loop

>> No.15679418

Musk commented on the second LM-5 launch which was a failure

>> No.15679420
File: 56 KB, 460x860, Shuttle Launch Chris Thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15679428

That's actually cool extension of MAD doctrine. Destroying moon or moving it from an orbit. But I don't think anyone is capable to do that yet. But that will assure mutual destruction.

>> No.15679430
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The third lander will also be axed by luna-chan in spite of its protective cow dung layer.

>> No.15679439

Park a large enough gravel asteroid around a planet and threaten to strike it with a retrograde impactor to scatter it into a debris cloud if the planet starts acting up. No more space for you, rebels.

>> No.15679442
File: 164 KB, 300x285, 1630973584264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were taking a shortcut
Gradatim Ferociter!

>> No.15679443

That's a cool idea for a time when we will have humans on multiple planets

>> No.15679444

Chances Chandraayan crashes too?

>> No.15679445

>hot staging like N1
What happened to simpler ullage separators?
Is Elon hellbent on repeating history?

>> No.15679449


>> No.15679450

>Chandrayaan-2's failure mode was not publicly discussed
it has, last week.

>> No.15679451

what was it

>> No.15679455

They are small SRBs.

>> No.15679458

His homeland was the soviet union. If anything he would be asking why are his brothers killing each other all because a western power demands it

>> No.15679465
File: 7 KB, 230x219, u32uiq7kv3d31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just launch satelites to retrogade

>> No.15679474


>> No.15679475

The engines throosted too much, and the (likely Java) software tried to correct the trajectory, but the RCSs couldn't turn the craft quickly enough and they pointed the thing to the ground while throosting.

>> No.15679487

You could just slow it down with a big parachute or blanket

>> No.15679500

Hullo even made a video about it

Unironically this

>> No.15679504
File: 913 KB, 2048x1234, 1682183622982645 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so when are ziggers going to face reality and stop the space larp? Roscosmos is a dead end already after it lost the commercial market. Luna 25 is the perfect grave stone

>> No.15679505

russians can't even build toilets, the toilets they have now were either build in soviet union by slave labor or looted from Ukraine. The old toilets are failing and new stolen toilets from Ukraine are not enough. India has launched successful lunar probe and their sanitation is improving, India is rising while russia is getting worse every day.

>> No.15679508

it is a steel ring with holes in it

>> No.15679511

>due to software
I'd argue that its pretty 50/50 between software and hardware.
Granted, as with Luna-25, the communication with the lander interrupted and it shit itself. That could have been software, hardware, or simply some interference that broke the comm.
It does seem that getting to the moon is usually a failure in software, but actually landing is commonly hardware failure, such as an engine RUD.

That being said, software is a horrid problem these days because there are so many languages, compatibility layers, varying hardware, ect... A lot of 'programmers' that code these things are writing in high level languages that go through so many layers and libraries of nonsense just to do simple tasks. That leaves a massive disconnect between the programmers and the actual function of the hardware system.

Luna-25 also suffered from very poor redundancy and the Ruskies were basically playing Russian roulette with the lander, as seeing that so many functions of the lander were "it works or it fails" with little in the way of backup systems to correct errors

>> No.15679527

mutt hands typed this post

>> No.15679529

>India has launched successful lunar probe
But can they land it?

>> No.15679534
File: 193 KB, 810x1024, 1681053512649464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you cheering for a white country to fail?

>> No.15679544

Which one of these is supposed to be white?

>> No.15679550

Did Musk ever explain his 10% payload increase from hotstaging?
The only way I can see this being possible is if they are able to significantly reduce the structural margin from reduced tortional load.

Nice Chechens, I suppose they are literally Caucasians.

>> No.15679555

I'm guessing it's 10% over wasting 30 seconds and a bunch of fuel spinning around

>> No.15679558

what picture is this referencing?

>> No.15679568

A bit too low, I must add.

>> No.15679571
File: 179 KB, 1300x890, The remains of astronaut Vladimir Komarov, a man who fell from space, 1967 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15679572

Remains of a dead cosmonaut.

>> No.15679573
File: 170 KB, 1000x685, corpse_custom-1a2c8e99bc85469ad8a5a976f4bfbc91d056a09a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15679578

holy kek

>> No.15679579
File: 31 KB, 1280x750, Luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15679581


>> No.15679588

LVM3 is actually a pretty good launch vehicle but yeah all their other rockets are full retard.

>> No.15679591

cosmonaut who knew he was going to die and told the party to give him an open casket funeral

>> No.15679593

Also he was Gagarin's best friend and Gagarin was a likely candidate for the backup had he refused.

>> No.15679594

Successful continuation of the dog-killing programme. Everything is normal!

>> No.15679596

The worst part about it is that India can't seem to get good evocative names for their rockets. LVM3 is better than GSLV mk. III, but they should be able to do so much better than that. In all other respects it's just a mini Titan-Centaur which is pretty cool to see still flying.

>> No.15679602


>> No.15679603
File: 20 KB, 800x418, IMG_1264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is an Indian company working on a rocket called the Razor Crest

>> No.15679605
File: 33 KB, 500x375, Drp6K9eWkAAKzxh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15679610

no they they are doing fine and slowly learning from their mistakes, when was the last time they named any of their space vehicles SCAT ?
India is on the rise!

>> No.15679614

polar landing vs equatorial

>> No.15679615
File: 429 KB, 1170x812, IMG_5978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia barely has a present, and they have no future in sight.
And their glorious past is slowly fading away into irrelevancy. It was fun while it lasted

>> No.15679621

The original flip maneuver would spend a lot of time not thrusting. Never stop thrusting.

>> No.15679624
File: 450 KB, 1170x825, IMG_6503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways time for China to step up. I’d fucking prefer if US partners beefed up their security across the board (DoD literally sent out a memo to BO and SX last week warning of a high likelihood of infiltration) and maybe this will be the chance for china to reap whatever talent might be left in russia

>> No.15679625

People are not fungible. SEAmonkeys are stupid.

>> No.15679626

That wasn't rogozin

>> No.15679640

When are we going to perfect teleportation? Even if it’s just line-of-sight, you could build an orbital factory or a moonbase really quickly and relatively cheap

>> No.15679643

Soyuz-5 launched from Wenchang

>> No.15679644

From Germany to USSR to China, the spirit of manned rocketry jumps to a new host. But where did the flame originate, the Germans?

>> No.15679652

China doesn't want or need anything Russian. The last time they might have was back in 2015 when they tried to buy the production tech from the RD-180. China's domestic engine talent has come a long way since then so I don't think Beijing would have any interest in that deal now.

>> No.15679653

China wants to cuck Russia out of space, just look at what they did with the Chinese space station.

>> No.15679656

iirc the cosmonauts knew that the mission was doomed and Gagarin was slated to go on that mission, but Komarov volunteered to go instead knowing it would kill Gagarin. Or I might've gone full schizo and just made all of this up.

>> No.15679657

Hard to say exactly. I’d point to individual autists like Tsiolkovsky (russian), Robert Esnault-Pelterie (french), Goddard (american), Hermann Noordung, Oberth, and von Braun (austrian-hungarian-german if you accept that these can be lumped together). There are a few others I am forgetting but basically it was a spark of inspiration from people who loved science fiction and first started running the mathematical hypotheticals and building R&D hardware from scratch

>> No.15679663

Noordung is mega based

>> No.15679672

Don't forget Elon.

>> No.15679686

Well we’re talking about the “original spark,” but yeah I’d throw elon into the master list of most important figures overall, along with Korolev and Glushko who I also forgot

>> No.15679689
File: 223 KB, 596x515, voyager2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15679694
File: 445 KB, 1334x750, D9B8FA50-5C29-4E06-B7F6-587C2FDE8428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vedic India

>> No.15679698

Is space based solar a meme?

>> No.15679702

It's code for orbiting death ray

>> No.15679704
File: 186 KB, 1760x1164, IMG_7138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Titan IIIE also launched Viking 1 two years earlier. Beautiful rocket! Expensive as all fuck though kek

>> No.15679707

>search "razor crest rocket"
>it's from nu star wars
Yeah this ain't flying
I feel like India may have one or two private small launchers that may fly?

>> No.15679712

I'd argue making reuse work without intrusive after flight engine overhauls qualifies as an original. Now people laugh at you if you propose expendable rockets as anything but prototypes for developing reuse or as munitions.

>> No.15679716

For use in space? No. For beaming to a planet's surface? Yes.

>> No.15679718

Fair enough but shuttle also did this, don’t forget

>> No.15679719

evangelicals dont like putin because he supports iran

>> No.15679720

>4 tons for landing
seems sussy

>> No.15679722

>without intrusive after flight engine overhauls
The bit of the Shuttle that was reusable was dry mass and OMS.

>> No.15679723

Firefly Aerospace
>oh god, oh god, we’re all going to die

>> No.15679727

>name the engine Reaver
>it chimps out and kills itself for no reason
>Astra licenses it and renames it Chiron
>its development process kills their whole company
cursed engine

>> No.15679731

Shuttle once turned around in only 54 days which is pretty fucking quick. Idk if they used the same SRBs but it was the same orbiter and engines. And yeah it was a new orange tank for sure but that’s no different than SX needed a new second stage from scratch. I think people forget just how quickly NASA got reusability down for STS towards the end of the program.
Yeah maybe not ever as quick as originally promised at the beginning of the program, but as far as I know SeX has yet to beat this shuttle turnaround time yet

>> No.15679733

Because Markusic isn't CEO anymore.
He had the spark, whoever's leading it now probably doesn't

>> No.15679739

SpaceX beat that record. Then beat its record multiple times.
Current record is 21 days.

>> No.15679745

For the same booster? Holy shit

>> No.15679750
File: 130 KB, 789x1008, 08c64b06836d6cf84a9b4fffaf9bbaac52d7eda1_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont they just put a lot of inflatable cushions on the rover and yeet it on the moon?
Moon's gravity is supposed to be much lower than Earth right, its an even lower chance of failure

>> No.15679754

It worked on Mars

>> No.15679755

Yup B1062 April 8 2022 Ax-1 April 29 Starlink 4-16

>> No.15679759

Makes the apollo landings over 50 years ago all the more impressive

>> No.15679763

There’s a reason almost every astronaut on the program begged for a manual flight option lol

>> No.15679766

Luna 25 impacted at essentially orbital velocity.
The problem was not that you needed better shock absorption.

>> No.15679775

apollo only worked because there were astronauts there to fix stuff. 11 had a computer caused wiggle during lunar landing that may or may not have been a problem, and a short with the assent motor that would have precluded return if there weren't astronauts there to trip the circuit breaker back. maybe others I don't know of.

>> No.15679785

And if 13 was entirely computer controlled the astronauts would've been fucked

>> No.15679787

So thankfully it looks like the US will have multiple little dinky landers before uncrewed SS/Blue Moon even attempt a landing. But if those little US landers fail I’m going to feel really nervous about the new HLS landers, man

>> No.15679789

The moon is CGI.

>> No.15679793

It's not the same thing. SpaceX has a huge amount of experience with fully autonomous landing in a dynamic environment far more difficult to navigate than the moon.
They also have the resources and infrastructure to do exhaustive testing and verification.

>> No.15679794

yes, the moon is creating great irritation

>> No.15679798

Holy shit when did Poland get so big?

>> No.15679801

Counterpoint, they’ve never landed on another body besides earth even if it’s “easier” in theory. Also F9 crashed a ton before training its shared computer up enough to get reliable landings. Even if the first HLS landing goes smoothly that still doesn’t exclude things that could go wrong. HLS won’t have manual. Although yes they have one of the best software teams in the world so as long as they have super, SUPER solid abort coding with no oversights whatsoever then it could be okay even with a worst case scenario.

>> No.15679808

counter-counterpoint, spacex is just built different

>> No.15679820

>HLS won’t have manual
you're delusional. they'll have manual landing procedures and manual abort of course.

>> No.15679821

sooo, they could deploy some back thrusters or parachutes

>> No.15679825

parachutes are of dubious effect on the moon.

>> No.15679828

True. Sorry bros I’m just on-edge because everything keeps fucking failing. And the US hasn’t attempted a landing here in a long time. I guess I can take comfort in the fact that China, the only ones with any ounce of success, are probably running lines of stolen US code haha. And yeah I would trust SX with my life. I wouldn’t want to be in the BO lander though

>> No.15679834

what about thrusting air into the parachutes?

>> No.15679836


>> No.15679839
File: 84 KB, 847x476, 1692353768310681 pop science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15679860

stop with that forced meme

>> No.15679870

They're removing the midbay. SpaceX is truly finished.

>> No.15679872

CSI btfoing the fuck out of CSS lmao

dude thinks he is anywhere on the same league, demanding debates and shit lmao, get fucked learn your place

>> No.15679885


>> No.15679889
File: 86 KB, 960x1200, F353Do-XcAAtLdU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15679890

russia is not western though.

>> No.15679900
File: 809 KB, 1465x2312, new raptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new raptors look amazing

>> No.15679906
File: 1.37 MB, 2181x2583, new raptor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15679907

It's already less of a wiring hairball than the SSME was.

>> No.15679913
File: 997 KB, 1441x2722, new raptor3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15679916

He may be referring to the US, if I understood his joke correctly.

>> No.15679920

Post more Krystal to scare away the vatniks.

>> No.15679938


>> No.15679946

>First to successfully land on the lunar South Pole
i hate minor achievements like this. who cares if you're the first to land on the orange rock in the white crater on a tuesday before lunch. cuz that's what's coming next if we keep focusing on being "first" for everything.

>> No.15679948

looks like a solid high end piece of engineering, like a race car or gpu

>> No.15679949


Pretty good CNBC video on in space manufacturing

>> No.15679950

firsts in space are to be celebrated

>> No.15679953

Haven't seen this yet (am seeing it now) but haven't seen it either

>> No.15679955

for significant things sure

>> No.15679958
File: 428 KB, 1344x776, starship troopers by Gordon C Davies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15679960

>in space manufacturing
>Is actually a video about a bunch of space guys taking the money of a bunch of rich pharma assholes looking to profit on expensive drugs people already can't afford

I hope at least something resembling actual manufacturing comes out of this

>> No.15679965

this is such a cope

>> No.15679968

Had, yes.

>> No.15679974

you drew that?

>> No.15679975

It looks like it's ready for a facial.

>> No.15679978
File: 60 KB, 640x467, Apollo 16 Crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that John Young was chad enough to contemplate landing by Earthlight
>Young told Eppler that, in his opinion, landing a spacecraft equivalent to the Apollo LM would be possible at a site lit only by Earth. Landing in Earthlight at a prepared site – that is, one with flashing strobes and electronic landing aids – would be easier than landing a helicopter at night, Young added.

>> No.15679979

its a first step, minimum viable product
its really tiresome to hear retards whining about rich people having access to new technology first, without the early adopters there would be no late adopters
you should be glad there are people willing to pay for stutf like space tourism, early electric cars and so on
and in this case, the drugs might actually make the administration of them cheaper if I understand it correctly, the point is to control the manufacturing process (crystallization) better so that the manufacture drug is of a more homogenous quality and thus can be self-admistered instead of having to go to the hospital
this should make treatment cheaper, not more expensive
and why drugs? because it can be very valuable per kg compared to pretty much everythign else, the doses can be milligrams or even less, so you could make millions of doses of a drug with one capsule in principle

>> No.15679981

Yeah. I was going to add an chandrayaan flying above or something but gave up. She was supposed to look dead but instead she turned out looking like she’s taking it doggy style lmao

>> No.15679994

Pointless and fake.
Drugs are not meant to be cheap, the absolute majority of widely used drugs are already cheap to make while their rrp is high, pharma companies spending millions or even billions on microgravity effect on drugs is the most retarded thing ever, because most drugs are already pretty well understood, it's probably a lie or just dumb pr speak for a shitty yt marketing video

>> No.15680002
File: 243 KB, 550x413, Gadget-Hackwrench.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they would feel scared

>> No.15680005
File: 89 KB, 699x465, mars dust ren wicks_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15680006

you've fallen into the trap of giving an honest reply to a bad actor. he is either a leftist or pretending to be a leftist espousing the opinion that healthcare should be free ergo for some reason drugs that are expensive to produce should not exist.

>> No.15680010

I hope css is still around for moon and mars operations just for the surreal feeling of that much salt being possible

>> No.15680014

When the people supporting your business are McKinsey and Merck you should probably re-evaluate the deal you're selling your soul for

>> No.15680015

Speaking of that, I must fulfill my promise 15676748

>> No.15680021


>> No.15680026

Oh no please anon don’t. She deserved a better fate

>> No.15680028

no, gravity affects the crystallization and this can be exploited for drug manufacturing
varda wants to manufacture stuff in space generally and this one was just the easiest one they could come up with
but they have multiple other funding sources too, such as a nasa contract to develop some novel heat shield material or something and contracts from the military for supersonic research or whatever
it is not about drugs, or heat shields, or supersonics, but the point is to make money so the company stays alive
you think musk gives a shit about internet satellites? they did it so starship would have something to launch and simultaneously to get more funding, it wasn't some easy way to get money and all other attempts of something similar had failed
the goal is still mars, starlink is an instrumental goal
the same is for varda, they want to manufacture stuff in space in general, not drugs

maybe, but that doesn't really matter
when you argue with people on the internet its never really about trying to change the mind of the person you are arguing with but the lurkers (and perhaps just get interesting info you didn't have from other people)

>> No.15680035

draw luna 25 getting demolished by the moon

>> No.15680039

but just look how eager she is for it

>> No.15680045
File: 37 KB, 645x33, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will /sfg/ be watching Chandrayaan-3 make history on Aug 23?

>> No.15680057

Make sure your depiction of her portrays her correct age. She was roughly 12 years old.

>> No.15680060

I'll need to wake up early to take a bath in that day so yeah

>> No.15680065
File: 275 KB, 969x605, ba29441ec6fc24a3c4ee3b4d68cd8c56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brat just needed gravitational correction

>> No.15680074

He's too busy stroking his own ego to start shitposting against Russians.

>> No.15680086
File: 86 KB, 480x835, 1683932199801108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no musky boy is simping for china these days. he has no significant assets tied up with the asiatic borderland known as russia. as opposed to the tesla factories in china

reminder one of the reason for the twitter purchase was his admiration for WeChat in china, wanting to convert xitter into the western analogue

>> No.15680087

too busy having a meltdown*

>> No.15680088

This is the sort of useful idiot who was told to believe Elon was sabotaging Ukraine's war effort.

>> No.15680089

>wumao trying to give China credit for Elon's desire to make "X the everything app"

>> No.15680090
File: 34 KB, 800x800, 91L_gefs_latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest 91L on track to Boker Chica. But only as a weak tropical storm at most.

>> No.15680091

Even rockets need rain to grow

>> No.15680095

Uhmm, it's actually called Kopernik Shores (formerly Kennedy Shores).

>> No.15680101

Does the storm have the appropriate water permits for dumping freshwater (polluted with god knows what from the Gulf) on a saltwater wetlands Wildlife Refuge?

>> No.15680112

>having a meltdown
he's the only one on the site not currently melting down

>> No.15680114

>Russia bad nonsense
Reddit please leave

>> No.15680115
File: 225 KB, 2048x1366, LM4C Y56 230820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China launched a thing. We don't know all that much about the thing.

>> No.15680117

he is absolutely having an autistic melty over no one left or right agreeing with his utter retarded remove block decision

>> No.15680118

Russian space tech unironically died with Korolyov. They've been milking the same tech from the 60s/70s with barely any improvement since. The electronics used to modernize Soyuz is Western.

>> No.15680121

>his utter retarded remove block decision
it's a pretty sensible move. i just looked at his twitter i see no melty. i think you might be seething

>> No.15680123

yes both the left and right want their echo chambers, but you can achieve the same with mute or if you want to stop other people talking with that person, only let your followers reply
blocking should have never been a thing in the first place, I haven't seen good arguments for it

>> No.15680130

>shuttle copium the post

>> No.15680132

Read everything for context

>> No.15680138

why do you think it is sensible? i don't give a shit but i can imagine the nightmare for the popular accounts being invaded by the bots. of course if you ask me fuck those grifters but surely musk doesn't want them to suffer? i don't get it.

>> No.15680142

You need to go outside dude holy shit

>> No.15680143
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, 1665547026964772.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is absolutely having an autistic melty

When your EDS is so bad you literally hallucinate Elon saying things.

>> No.15680147

use mute retard

>> No.15680148

>just repeating what elon says

use your own thoughts for once

>> No.15680155

what is your counterargument?
mute for people whose posts you don't want to see, restricted posts if you want to have an echochamber

>> No.15680158

muted people can still post on your posts

>> No.15680160


>> No.15680164

so what? blocked people can see your posts too, they just need to use another account or go incognito or whatever
blocking as a thing is retarded

>> No.15680165

Those were Saudis that did that.

>> No.15680167

The seizure meds I use cost $3000 per month before insurance. It was the only one that seemed to work so I had to use it. While most drugs are cheap there are still niche cases that are very profitable. There is still plenty of potential out there for miracle drugs out there to solve problems we still have Alzheimer's and Dementia being a few examples.
But this reply is probably wasted on a retard

>> No.15680173

>The seizure meds I use cost $3000 per month before insurance
Either because you're getting scammed or because demand is super low.
There has never been in the history of humanity a chemical we know how to synthesize but wasn't amenable to mass production.
Hell even in the quantities of medication, enriched plutonium was made cheap.

>> No.15680176

Just think of the possibilities: manufacture it in orbit, re-enter and land where you want to deliver

>> No.15680177
File: 361 KB, 1357x757, 1683650933928805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope just repeating the dudes own (rambling) statements on the subject matter. He has been a xigger simp for a years now and repeatedly commented on how much he likes the idea behind WeChat

>> No.15680178

They're not fundamentally distant peoples. If the Russians weren't the Russians, Ukraine would have never left in 91 and they'd still be close if they hadn't invaded Crimea.

>> No.15680182

Isn’t that the case for literally every western nation?

Only nation that seems to be getting stronger than ever with no sign of collapse is China.

>> No.15680184


>> No.15680188

>Only nation that seems to be getting stronger than ever with no sign of collapse is China.


>> No.15680192
File: 818 KB, 564x630, 1665774524663971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any day now

>> No.15680194
File: 2.12 MB, 498x280, 1684407662197082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going back historically they are close tribes but fundamentally have different core roots. Ukraines direct ancestors are the kievan rus with all of that it entails. Following that half of ukraine for the longest time was influenced by the polish-lithuanian kingdom with a degree of westernization.

Russia is formed from Muscovia which was a fishing village in the haydays of kievan rus and only rose to prominence with the mongol invasion and turning into turncoat tax collectors for them. It is asiatic at its core with the concept of the mighty strong leader khan being carried out to this day (tzars/premiers/presidents)

This is what this fundamental war between the two boils down to: western vs eastern approach going forward for the eastern slav tribes. Which in itself comes from centuries long civilizational schism on europes borders

>> No.15680195

>I'm just plan retarded
Here's your one extra (You) spend it wisely

>> No.15680199

I really hate knowing that there are legitimately people stupid enough to believe this and that is isn't just a bunch of paid Chinese shills.
>alarmists say tomorrow therefore the real date is never
Funny how you only apply that to China despite people saying that America was doomed to imminent collapse for over a hundred years at this point.

>> No.15680203
File: 79 KB, 1024x625, IMG_0345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine apparently, but I’m sure in perhaps half a month it will totally collapse.

>> No.15680205

>My seizure meds are harder to manufacture than Pu-239
>rapid flashing colors.gif

>> No.15680206

>Only nation that seems to be getting stronger than ever with no sign of collapse is China.
China is going to make everybody else's population collapse look like a lazy downhill stroll

>> No.15680207

So what issue is going to destroy China that the rest of the developed world has seemingly avoided?

>> No.15680210

you were not launched anywhere you stupid intern fag

>> No.15680213

>that the rest of the developed world has seemingly avoided?
Everyone is colossally fucked.

>> No.15680215

Do you know who Evergrande is?

>> No.15680216

Yeah they should copy the US and import a couple hundred million Indians, Mexicans, Africans and Pakistanis to alleviate demographic collapse.

I’m sure the country will implode if it doesn’t get that juicy immigration just like Japan which as we all know is a wasteland with a collapsed economy and a mad max tier society.

>> No.15680218


>> No.15680220

Nobody said that chink.

>> No.15680221

Lmao, I remember people like you saying China was about to collapse any minute 2 years ago and I guess you never figured out the meme was over.

>> No.15680222

please make her getting dp by american moonwalkers

>> No.15680226

1990. China's economy has come to a halt. The Economist
1996. China's economy will face a hard landing. The Economist
1998. China's economy’s dangerous period of sluggish growth. The Economist
1999. Likelihood of a hard landing for the Chinese economy. Bank of Canada
2000. China currency move nails hard landing risk coffin. Chicago Tribune
2001. A hard landing in China. Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas
2002. China Seeks a Soft Economic Landing. Westchester University
2003. Banking crisis imperils China. New York Times
2004. The great fall of China? The Economist
2005. The Risk of a Hard Landing in China. Nouriel Roubini
2006. Can China Achieve a Soft Landing? International Economy
2007. Can China avoid a hard landing? TIME
2008. Hard Landing In China? Forbes
2009. China's hard landing. China must find a way to recover. Fortune
2010: Hard landing coming in China. Nouriel Roubini
2011: Chinese Hard Landing Closer Than You Think. Business Insider
2012: Economic News from China: Hard Landing. American Interest
2014. A hard landing in China. CNBC
2015. Congratulations, You Got Yourself A Chinese Hard Landing. Forbes
2016. Hard landing looms for China. The Economist
2017. Is China's Economy Going To Crash? National Interest
2018. China's Coming Financial Meltdown. The Daily Reckoning.
2019 China's Economic Slowdown: How worried should we be? BBC2020. Coronavirus Could End China's Decades-Long Economic Growth Streak. NY Times
2021 Chinese economy risks deeper slowdown than markets realize. Bloomberg
2022. China Surprise Data Could Spell R-e-c-e-s-s-i-o-n. Bloomberg.
2023. No word should be off-limits to describe China's faltering economy. Bloomberg
any day now

>> No.15680228

This post has convinced me that china is, in fact, very strong

>> No.15680230

The only thing I feel certain of is that the collapse is inevitable and when it does arrive it will be so boring that most people won't even notice until years after it happened, if ever.

>> No.15680231

and blocked people can make a new account you braindead moron

>> No.15680233

>wumao think filing for bankruptcy protections is a meme

>> No.15680235

>Funny how you only apply that to China despite people saying that America was doomed to imminent collapse for over a hundred years at this point.
Any day now America will finally collapse. This time for real, not like all those other times that people said America was about to collapse and it didn't. This time it'll be different.

>> No.15680238

Well given that the US, Europe, Canada, Australia or New Zealand all have below replacement birth rates even with massive amounts of immigrants and it’s been declining for decades which is why politicians brought in immigrants to prop things up in the first place so you saying China will collapse due to population decline while implying the US won’t makes it sound like you believe this immigration will fix the issue. I think we can safely claim any societal collapse due to a declining population is silly otherwise the west would be a burning wreck just like China but as it turns out everyone is doing fine. Right?

>> No.15680239

How curious that you just so happen to have cherrypicked lists to copypaste.

>> No.15680245

This lol. An actual shill

>> No.15680246
File: 7 KB, 180x219, 1677142856096941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame collagefag and his advertising on other boards.

>> No.15680247

No. You cannot read

>> No.15680248

China is extremely strong

>> No.15680252

finally someone gets it

>> No.15680254

>finally someone gets it

>> No.15680261

you're even more autistic than me apparently

>> No.15680262

Lmao they are literally the same people. Until 2014 nobody made any distinction between them and absolutely everybody including most Ukrainians and Russians saw each other as the same people no different from Germans seeing Austrians as brothers.

This whole conflict is so manufactured and unnatural with the only reason for its existence being simple divide and conquer. The US probably feared and eventual unification of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus into a single state again and decided to fund a bunch of NGOs or nationalists to sow division and the fruits of their labour paid off in 2014 causing a serious split which eventually lead to the current situation where they are killing each other by the thousands.

Completely pointless conflict to the people fighting and the only ones who gain are those want to see Russia weakened which is beneficial as they see Ukrainians as the exact same people which is why they call for more war rather than peace because every dead Ukrainian is no different that a dead Russian.

>> No.15680263


>> No.15680269


>> No.15680272
File: 97 KB, 1280x960, 1692569071478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Astra dead or just missing in action?

>> No.15680275

They’re not dead yet which is somehow even more surprising

>> No.15680276

That’s ok anon. I’m sure in 100 years China will be a barely populated rump state with only a couple million mostly elderly insane people while the US will be populated by supremely intelligent super mutts that are 25% Italian, 25% Mexican, 15% Filipino, 15% Indian, 13% African, 6% irish and 1% Native American.

>> No.15680280

Astra is hopeless

>> No.15680289

We don't take kindly to /pol/ tourist here

>> No.15680291

Jannies? Anon, /sfg/ has one janny, singular, and he's very overworked as it is.

>> No.15680292

It will be a historic crater, I'm sure.

>> No.15680296

new relevant Mick vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m38NgaQ_OU

>> No.15680299

if enough reports come in then a rando will take care of it
the problem is all the /pol/ spam is so demoralizingly common that people have stopped reporting it, even I'm guilty of that. /sci/ wouldn't be just 2 generals in a sea of cancer if people did their due dilligence more often

>> No.15680315

They don't have the money reserve to last until Rocket 4 is flying and their attempts to slow their money burn are just pushing its launch farther out.

The trapdoor under them has opened and they are falling but the rope around their neck has not gone tight yet.

>> No.15680317

Last one for lithobraking

>> No.15680318

>forgetting about Afghanistan

>> No.15680322

we could scare them away with anime and krystal posting

>> No.15680334

It's only MAD for earthers

>> No.15680340

But then you create another problem. People will think /sfg/ is a safe haven for anime and furry shit. Which it isn't.

>> No.15680342


>> No.15680344

hello sirs how to get job at spacex company?

>> No.15680346

step 1: apply

>> No.15680347


>> No.15680348

My solar power comes from space. Do you have light bulbs in front of your solar panels or something?

>> No.15680352

That will make it easier to get there!

>> No.15680372

>The crash was intentional, and the target was the Apollo 11 site
How do you respond without sounding mad?

>> No.15680377
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could probably get a job cleaning the exercise equipment here

>> No.15680380

froyo of the day, now

>> No.15680381

>vatnik seething
lmao enjoy dying in urozhaine while the rubble crumbles and you get paid less and less

>> No.15680383

It's an unrelated gym at a mall in Shanghai

>> No.15680384
File: 814 KB, 1024x1024, computer comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will NASA continue to justify paying out the ass for vastly inferior radiation hardened components after the massive success of ingenuity using a cheap smartphone processor?

>> No.15680386


>> No.15680389

He's right. The Moon is reserved for superpowers only. Not washed up third world shitholes.

>> No.15680396

I'd have to go look at their rationale, but I'm pretty sure it's because it has to survive solar flares and other extreme radiation hazards as opposed to normal background radiation

NASA is allergic to risk when it comes to mission-critical stuff these days

>> No.15680397
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf, why did it flip the image?

>> No.15680404

skill issue

>> No.15680405

Phones sometimes do this. There's something in the image that tells which way is up

>> No.15680406
File: 54 KB, 915x581, zoomer zog avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Moon is reserved for superpowers only. Not washed up third world shitholes.
This bodes ill for Artemis then :^)

>> No.15680409

i'd just kek out of shock

>> No.15680412

Real vatnik hours.

>> No.15680413
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, 20140803_134250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4ch scrubs exif data so you don’t accidentally doxx yourself, but a byproduct is that it reverts orientairon of mobile photos. It’s annoying

>> No.15680418
File: 100 KB, 800x450, 1689324240930876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Moon is reserved for superpowers only

>> No.15680419

At least the scientists at NASA don't get paid in worthless currency :^)

>> No.15680423

India is more of a superpower than Russia confirmed

>> No.15680430

has any solar flare hit Mars since the mission started?

>> No.15680431

orientation is metadata sometimes because it's faster and takes less space than actually moving the pixels, 4chan removes metadata so it can't tell that it was rotated

>> No.15680434

Why don't phones just save the image in the right orientation instead of a random one?

>> No.15680437

They've been a superpower since 2020.
Are you new?

>> No.15680441

As recently as two weeks ago in fact

>> No.15680445
File: 21 KB, 624x424, fat elvis glum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the scientists at NASA don't get paid in worthless currency
Don't they?
>The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 made contractual gold clauses unenforceable. It also allowed the President to change the gold content of the US dollar by proclamation. Immediately following its passage, Roosevelt changed the gold content of the dollar from $20.67 to $35 per ounce, thereby devaluing US federal reserve notes, which were backed on gold. That valuation remained in effect until August 15, 1971, when President Richard Nixon announced that the US would no longer value the US dollar with a fixed amount of gold, thus abandoning the gold standard for foreign exchange

>> No.15680447

Ingenuity hasn't malfunctiomed due to radiation so none that would just rad hardened computers.

>> No.15680448
File: 512 KB, 800x800, 254gsmakdf98asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two weeks? you said two weeks?

>> No.15680449


>> No.15680450

Their launch vehicle lineup is weaker but they've got a much stronger science payload game. If they can finally get their big engine program completed were going to see some serious shit.

>> No.15680454

You realize the ruble is also a fiat currency too right kek

>> No.15680462

Derailing this /pol/shit to talk about something else.
Is energy-backed currency a meme? What would an economy with an energy-backed currency look like? How would it differ from the current and past economies?

>> No.15680465
File: 25 KB, 640x428, water droplet in space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, all modern 'currencies' are fraud and lies, that's a worldwide sword of Damocles

>> No.15680470

>thinking this matter
it doesn't. just don't cause too much inflation

>> No.15680472
File: 1.27 MB, 2880x1298, Screenshot 2023-08-20 at 7.32.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great vid from CNBC about Varda Space's space factory, and Space Forge as well. Didn't know that Space Forge existed, they are making semiconductors in space


>> No.15680476
File: 957 KB, 768x960, 1679646683781322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a problem. I actually miss all the rocket girl posting

>> No.15680480

I can do luna 25 posting if someone tells me how to convert telegram stickers to gif >>>/wsr/1391128

>> No.15680482

Politics has already derailed the thread, don't make it worse.

>> No.15680502
File: 909 KB, 1125x1358, 4426E339-1478-49D2-83A4-31A530A86C3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15680506

>aussie roleplays that he works at spacex and forgets to rotate the image 180 degrees before posting
classic mistake

>> No.15680509

today's froyo flavor is toothpaste and spam

>> No.15680510

Why build Soyuz-5 when Angara is more versatile

>> No.15680517

Soyuz-5 unlocks Yenisei in the tech tree.

>> No.15680518

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npjjXpqYFz0 Broadcast of the undocking of the Progress MS-22 spacecraft and the ISS

>> No.15680519

>Manufacturer: Khrunichev, KB Khimavtomatika

>Manufacturer: RKK Energia, Progress Rocket Space Center

>> No.15680540
File: 419 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is spaceX demolishing the midbay and what is going to go in its place?

>> No.15680541

the turbo gorilla retard move would be to use OBS and just window capture your whole browser and crop the resultant video to the sticker using a video editor

>> No.15680545

another megabay or maybe the factory

>> No.15680546

can I get orange juice with that?

>> No.15680553
File: 220 KB, 2559x1349, F37NDu8XoAAKl22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15680556

They're going to build a super megabay.

>> No.15680558

yeah but blue origin has BLAST PROCESSING

>> No.15680561
File: 187 KB, 1240x1754, FIaQzOpUcAA4U5u-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime site, you're just posting in it

>> No.15680566

Yeah, yeah. We've done this before, multiple times already. You post anime, the furfags retaliate by posting their images, accusations are made, so on and so forth. Just stop.

>> No.15680568

I don't mind the furry/Krystal posts either, if you faggots stopped complaining about typical 4chan shit on the 4chan site maybe we wouldn't have to keep doing this

>> No.15680569

Ah, that's what I suspected

>> No.15680574

It's in China, but same difference. Gotta run. I lost my plane ticket so I have to dig my way back home

>> No.15680579

Complaining about faggotry is also a 4chan tradition.

>> No.15680581

You're doing it so well

>> No.15680584
File: 161 KB, 840x683, fa90362e-9e19-4652-a892-5ba4c3bf9120_840x683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually looking at the video now, all of this shit was mentioned there
pretty good overall going over all the relevant stuff (though the varda founder had some very long post about the motivations about this and the logic behind the diversification of funding sources)


>> No.15680587
File: 34 KB, 286x276, lunasad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm not gonna do that lmao
our girl can't get a single win
like I don't even know her name, apparently there was a vote but roscosmos can't bother to keep their website up

>> No.15680595
File: 146 KB, 1300x1800, starship-chan-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just get tired, others need to pick up the slack. I've supplied my sources, maybe i'll upload a mega of all my girls

>> No.15680600

Damn I can’t tell if this is a joke but if it’s true it’s devastating :(

>> No.15680602

Need to get rid of the smaller bays to make room for the bigger bays

>> No.15680606

I could have fixed her (with the aerobus parts pockocmoc actually wanted to use before the sanctions)

>> No.15680608

Well. At least be happy that the united states can have a program as fucked as SLS yet it at least still works at the end of the day…

>> No.15680616

That's the difference between american corruption and other country's corruption. we pay 5 times what it's worth but in the end we get it and it works as advertised.
compare the f-35 to the Su-57.
actually I don't think the f-35 is even that expensive now that we have 900 of them, not that sls can capitalize on economies of scale

>> No.15680617

The government men took jim away :(

>> No.15680628

Fun fact: the phenomenon of orange juice / syrup / other things tasting bad after toothbrushing is caused by sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) in the toothpaste. SLS makes it foam up, which is mostly optional and partly done for marketing reasons (foamy stuff makes you feel like you're cleaning your teeth more thoroughly). The SLS does have some beneficial cleaning effects - by changing the surface tension of the toothpaste mix, it can better distribute flouride onto the teeth. However, it is not essential, SLS-free toothpaste exists. I would reccomend trying it out for 2 reasons: It's fun to be able to eat & taste food immediately after brushing, and it's your chance to make another small part of your life SLS-free :)

>> No.15680631

Percy uses an old system that was made from scratch specifically for space. It was expensive, but ready to go and proven to work. They did not want to take chances with newer systems.
Ingenuity was a tech demo, with no effect on the primary mission if it failed. The were also no other system premade for a flying robot on Mars.
So ingenuity got the new, high tech system that's mass produced (the processor boards were mass produced, general boards from Qualcomm I do believe), because it could fail and not ruin anything.

>> No.15680635

Yeah i’ve had aerospace autism for a long ass time. I used to shit on the F-35 a decade ago. Then people pointed out that even the F-16 was expensive as hell but prices went down. Now I love the F-35 she is cute (although we’ll see how she fairs in combat. I think optimizing for everything makes you not great at specific things, and focusing on over the horizon is dumb because you’re gonna get locked in a dogfight eventually)
plus pilots who flew F-16s and 18s claim it feels really maneuverable so maybe it will be good at everything lol
SLS is fun to make fun of but at the end of the day the price doesn’t affect any of us personally. It’s fractions of pennies for each individual person, NASA doesn’t have a flat budget so SLS is funded separately compared to other science missions, and it was delayed for a long ass fucking time but it still came online faster than Angara is. These are just things that are fun to make fun of it for. It does need higher cadence though that’s for sure, and I guess the aforementioned problems DO affect this

>> No.15680646


>> No.15680647

SLS isn't a great rocket--a two-stage moon rocket is the kind of retardation that could only come straight out of Washington--but I'd like it a lot more if it could at least manage 4-6 flights per year like the shuttle did.

>> No.15680653

Megabay 64

>> No.15680655
File: 367 KB, 3840x2160, shuttleC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS is retarded because we had what we needed SLS for with the Shuttle.

>> No.15680658
File: 3.78 MB, 672x470, 1620537528740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's-a me, Elon-io!

>> No.15680661
File: 313 KB, 1564x1173, IMG_7140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah exactly my thoughts. Shuttle flew a ton (obviously not as much as originally promised, but still). I have no clue how they pulled that off. And it looks like that isn’t happening with Space Launch System (most retarded name for a rocket ever)

>> No.15680663


>> No.15680664

>most retarded name for a rocket ever
wait until you find out what shuttle was called!

>> No.15680665

>focusing on over the horizon is dumb because you’re gonna get locked in a dogfight eventually)
Alright, grandpa.

>> No.15680668

I think part of it has to do with the fact that shuttle was purely LEO. Refurbing the SRBs was a bitch but they could do it, and make new ones. And making the orange tanks wasn’t hard. Plus the orbiter brought the SSMEs and AJ10s back
SLS needs new engines every time including a new upper stage, plus they don’t plan on reusing Orion for a loooong time. I think all official SLS launches slated so far use a brand new Orion for whatever fucking reason and reusability only comes with future flights that aren’t guarantee to happen. Lots more hardware needs to be made. Fuck NASA they are retards

>> No.15680669

at least shuttle is catchy
journos tried pushing for calling SLS the mega moon rocket but I don't see it ever catching

>> No.15680672

Yes but at least it has its “official” name and the name “Shuttle” as a go-to. Why call it the SLS without some sort of nickname? Don’t say mega moon rocket, I don’t accept that even if it was on wikipedia for a few days

>> No.15680673

They pulled it off by intentionally abandoning anything that even resembled a safety standard. They had sixteen launches scheduled for 1986 before Challenger blew and were hoping to get up to 24/year by 1990.

>> No.15680677

"Shuttle" was not the Shuttle's real name, SLS hasn't gotten a nickname that stuck.

>> No.15680680

Should have redesigned the O-rings or just gone with BOLE back in the day. Still, this doesn’t fix the intrinsic thermal tile problem though. Even Buran has TPS strikes :(

>> No.15680682
File: 43 KB, 258x258, paco disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shittle apologism
>sls apologism

>> No.15680683

F-35B is best F-35

>> No.15680684

I know it's a nickname, I should have been more clear
For some reason the Shuttle is called "Space Bus" in Brazil for some reason

>> No.15680688

Nope! Vertical landing is so stupid and is only cool in rocketry

>> No.15680689

NASA did have plans for composite-wrapped boosters with the ASRM program. That got canceled after we spent two billion 1990s dollars to set up a new facility to build them in Yellow Creek, Mississippi. You may blame the Utah congregational delegation to whatever degree you feel is appropriate.

>> No.15680696

I hate SLS so much it's unreal

>> No.15680697

From here on out, the SLS will be known as the Uranus I.
Personally, I'm excited for the Uranus I block 2.

>> No.15680699

Oh shit is this that mormon thing? I’ve heard anons on /sfg/ joke about it but I’ve never looked into it

>> No.15680700

>For some reason the Shuttle is called "Space Bus" in Brazil for some reason
Because that's what it is. A shuttle is a vehicle for regularly transporting people from one place to another.

>> No.15680701

Uranus Number Two

>> No.15680704

It's less Mormon and more bog standard congressional pork farming. "Reelect me because I get the government to spend other people's money in your district."

>> No.15680708

The cost of shitty space projects like SLS and ISS and gay astronomer shit like telescopes is that they kill innovation. We could be living on Mars now or tubefagging in tiny worlds of our own design. Instead politicians, JPL massfags and old space dollar vampires enrich themselves and their organizations by fighting against innovation.

You're right that the money means nothing if you ignore what else it could have been spent on.

>> No.15680711
File: 35 KB, 1234x334, 1685090851736362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stumbled across this in a random hn thread

>> No.15680716

and for the adhd zoomies
>The best analogy I can come up with is the NASA/Boeing Space Launch System, which is so absurdly expensive that one of its single-use rocket engines costs more than several entire flights of a Falcon 9.

>Yet, everybody keeps moving on with the SLS project as-if it wasn't an absurd monstrosity. It's like the emperor's new clothes, there gets to a point where nobody will even admit the enormity of the error, so in some sense it ceases to exist.

>> No.15680718

Both SLS and this air quality services department have accomplished what they set out to achieve. SLS was less efficient because something was actually built, wasting effort on what otherwise could have been pure grift.

>> No.15680725
File: 295 KB, 1280x1692, clash of the titans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at Boca Chica today, how hard would it have been to shit out, say, one ET a month down in Michoud?

>> No.15680731

that's not the only reason it tastes bad
mint leaves don't have any sulphates in them; but you try chewing some raw mint leaves (delicious) and then drinking OJ immediately.

actually, do they make those SLS-free toothpastes unflavored too?

>> No.15680746

okay anon tell me how you're going to catch a vehicle moving at twice the speed of a tank cannon shell

>> No.15680748


In a word: very. ETs were not easy to make.

>> No.15680752
File: 2.64 MB, 467x468, epilepsy warning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go anon
actual epilepsy warning

>> No.15680754

kek, this was written before Columbia and you can see them note the importance of changing how they applied the spray-on insulation -- too late to save Columbia

>Forming the Al-Li into dome gores was a learning experience. The forming process for the previous Al-Cu alloy (Al 2219) gores is done by starting with plate in the T3 temper (minus the cold work), cutting the gore to shape from flat stock, stretch forming in a stretch press, which adds cold work to satisfy the T3 temper requirements, aging to T8 temper, and chemical milling to the final configuration.
>When this was tried on the Al-Li, the material was so stiff in the T3 temper that it broke the gore supplier’s (Aircraft Hydroforming’s) stretch press. The energy release was so violent that the roof almost came off the building, and the films looked like an earthquake was occurring.

>> No.15680760
File: 126 KB, 1171x1290, a65ce7e3a282df0b0f897ba600f5972c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're going to lose the mandate of heaven to some random shit
can I get some links to artists again, I'm a smoothbrain and lost them

>> No.15680765
File: 556 KB, 2346x2614, 1681270011231087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15680770

Smartphones keep the actual image orientation the same as the sensor orientation and correct the orientation with EXIF data.
If your picture is upside down, then the camera sensor is also upside down relative to how you are holding it.
I'm not sure the reason why you'd do this instead of correcting the image itself.

>> No.15680774

>air quality services department have accomplished what they set out to achieve
they didn't accomplish anything since they couldn't pay for installation

>> No.15680783
File: 129 KB, 1039x1450, Sn8upskirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost of mine from last year, with a few edits

My absolute fav is sbarky38
MELTA was great too, and sometimes posts here, but beware his non-spaceflight art. He hasnt been posting any space kino lately
For the queen of /sfg/
For the risky spaceflight art patrician, Kiichi is for you
Recently I've been browsing calunne, really great stuff like that Atlantis and Chellenger-chan
https://twitter.com/calunne (dead link?)
For occasional kino
For more cute and cringe, see the following
For extreme cringe, see /sfg/'s favorite train autists (yes, there are two)
If you really want to ruffle feathers, post anything from Minto Marsh or Robin Wang. cant remember their profiles, but the JWST art is fun
2023 update, fucking love Zemu and "wheel_stop" these days (aka orange heart emoji).
cool thing about her^ is she's a confirmed 18y/o petite nippon girl with healthy weight, based on pics of her hands. she is extremely prolific, has a rocket girl for fucking everything
Very honorable mention is satoto_R, picrel https://twitter.com/satoto_R
Hope this helps anon, love you

>> No.15680797

>she's a confirmed 18y/o petite nippon girl with healthy weight, based on pics of her hands

>> No.15680808

I have no idea how they found that out, but they sound like the kind of person who would insist that she eat an entire bowl of eggs

>> No.15680816

ok but do any of them draw them inserting the rockets

>> No.15680818
File: 134 KB, 768x1024, 1681609627736327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post hands

>> No.15680825

Honestly surprised Melta hasnt done anything like that, but no. I have some space shuttles fucking each other but generally it's not anime nor cute so i dont post it. not particular arousing

>> No.15680826

seek help coomer

>> No.15680828

i refuse

>> No.15680831

this will happen to superheavy
its over

>> No.15680832
File: 686 KB, 1191x2048, 1670141676763476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starship really isn't big enough

>> No.15680834

That flat dome area is about the width of a Falcon 9

>> No.15680838

I suspect a lot of rocket problems stop existing when you're willing to throw quarter inch steel plates at the problem

>> No.15680844

which isn't big enough

>> No.15680845
File: 91 KB, 173x173, MOOSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were strapped in the interstage in a space suit would you survive? You would be sheltered from aero effects on the way up and be in the lee of the wind on the way down. Assuming you were right at the edges and curled into a ball, the Raptor exhaust is low pressure out of the nozzle anyway.

>> No.15680847


>> No.15680850

before hot staging? yes easily
now? not so sure
maybe just have a deflector above you

>> No.15680851

It's low pressure radially only. The pressure along the thrust axis is extremely high when it hits an obstruction.

>> No.15680856

Glad to know I'm not the only one who thought about this.
Although I always wondered about the falcon interstage.
How much of a suit would be needed to not be roasted by the merlin vacuum. I imagine not much given that nothing is really obliterated during stage sep and ignition.

>> No.15680857

have them make a slightly larger hole and just jump out before staging

>> No.15680858
File: 153 KB, 831x962, 91cb0195ab6ef76cae93325c5be1b66d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

planes fucking is peak /k/ if you make a thread about it over there they'll love it

>> No.15680862

somebody stop me or I'm going to upvote this

>> No.15680866

I remember there is a single shuttle pic in this style

>> No.15680868
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Valuble post. Consider these links saved.

>> No.15680885

Y'all are too harsh on Russia. You should realise that Russia is a small country that is fighting for it's survival because of threats from Ukraine. The poor chaps had to rip off washing machines and televisions for their army to replace damaged/worn-out chips. If it wasn't for North Korea and Iran helping them out, they'd be dead meat. For a country that weak, it is an achievement to get out of Earth's orbit. Hell, they even beat India in the race to the lunar south pole by reaching there first. So, what if it isn't in one piece? Winning is winning.

>> No.15680903
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you know the old russian saying?
i hope it keeps happening to them

>> No.15680906

ctrl-f space, nasa...
did this dude do ANYTHING

>> No.15680912

>/sfg/ has one janny
I don't know how many jannies there are in total, but the idea of a janny being given a specific general to monitor, and only that general, is very amusing. We should give ours a name.

>> No.15680915
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>> No.15680916

>We should give ours a name

"Faggot janny"

>> No.15680917

nasa is for senators not the president

>> No.15680929

Moonbase obliterator?

>> No.15680931


>> No.15680934
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How is dvach coping with the failure of Luna 25?

>> No.15680948
File: 22 KB, 474x316, frankly we've already been there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Obama mentioned NASA like once in his thousand page autobiography.

Looking at the stats RIGHT NOW, /sfg/ which is fairly dead at the moment, accounts for a quarter of all traffic on /sci/, so its fair that we get a dedicated janny.

>> No.15680953


>> No.15680956

>a quarter of all traffic on /sci/
>123 posters
so this boards has ~500 people using it at most times?

>> No.15680959

I assume most of us on /sfg/ literally never post in any other threads on /sci/, ever. I don't, bedsides launch threads

>> No.15680961

>We should give ours a name.
Since it is all the jazz with the moon that we are talking about, I propose the name "Lunatic".

>> No.15680982

You can be as prosperous as you like, just keep your techno totalitarianism to yourself.

>> No.15680988

But how much do they cost to produce? $500? probably half of that

>> No.15680991

yeah this just doesnt do anything for me.

>> No.15680997


>> No.15681001

Yup. As far as I’m concerned, “/sci/” is just a formality. A place where /sfg/ happens to be hosted from.
I would say a majority of my time spent on 4chan is this general, period. I’m sure that’s not the case for everyone though. But it’s been that way for me for a while now. Once the hop campaign started I ended up spending less and less time on other boards/generals. Every now and then I’ll get pissed off for no reason and leave for a few days but I always end up coming back. It’s an addiction because I’m too autistic and follow space flight news constantly. And i’d rather talk with anons here than deal with informed fags on twitter and stuff who are “teamspace” weirdos

>> No.15681008

How is it manufactured (by US) when it's russia who started the conflict? If russia wanted unification, they could have just spend half of the money that this war cist them (in sanctions, in lost ecnomomy, in lost people) which already amounts to tens if not hundreds of billions usd, they could have literally bought Ukraine with that money (or at least bought they friendship for many years to come), the consequences of this war are literally the complete opposite of what russia wanted

>> No.15681017

I often forget that I have "4chan.org/sci/sfg" bookmarked instead of "4chan.org/sfg"

>> No.15681020

I'm now 100 percent sure that the only way to succeed in space is to throw shit at the wall until it sticks, russia has to plan 20 years for a mission that ultimately fails, while the japanese and indians are just yeeting landers at the moon until the y succeed.

>> No.15681024

>the only way to succeed in space is to throw shit at the wall until it sticks

>> No.15681034
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>> No.15681040

Kinda wish we get a landing failure again because we now have HD live capture.

>> No.15681047

we will have plenty of those now that Starship will starting launching often
until they stop happening too

>> No.15681062

What sort of manned moon mission could you do with an SLS budget BUT only using the falcon 9 not even the falcon heavy?
I'd love to see what sort of orbit assembly you'd need for it

>> No.15681082
File: 3.04 MB, 512x512, emojibest_com_6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night sirs
one last pic of this cutie for now

>> No.15681112

I could have saved her

>> No.15681191

If you're launching a rocket from Mars, do you not have to worry about reflected soundwaves shaking your rocket apart because the atmosphere is so thin?

>> No.15681216

u dont get it dumy

>> No.15681218

If he didn't want to go to gulag, he shouldn't have fallen under suspicion.

>> No.15681228

You missed the point entirely. They got funding and spent it, which was their objective. Air quality is not even an afterthought.

>> No.15681232


> Following the introduction of VPPA welding, External Tank deliveries went fairly smoothly with the production rate building toward 18 ETs per year, although this was at the start of the build cycle with deliveries never reaching that rate. The event which caused this delivery rate to drastically slow down was the Challenger accident.

1 ET a month seemed more than plausible in pre-challenger conditions

>> No.15681234

kek, based

>> No.15681240

many rabbits, please understand

>> No.15681243

>I have no idea how they found that out, but they sound like the kind of person who would insist that she eat an entire bowl of eggs
anon you have no idea the depravity of VTuber obsessed coombrains
/vt/ more than any other board is immunised against troons; those turbo incels make period tracking charts in their spare time

>> No.15681265

personally I spend 70ish% of my time on /sfg/ and the rest is split between /diy/, /k/(shithole since the war started), the engineering games general on /vg/ (factorio, space engineers, ksp) - similar to this general in respect to the rest of /sci/ - with occasional visits to /g/ as well.

>> No.15681279

>only 15k viewers
what went wrong?

>> No.15681308

/vt/ unironically needs to form a private investigator company. Their sleuthing skills are unmatched.

>> No.15681317

The Interviewer is the problem, iirc that's the guy that creamed his jeans and broke down crying during the SLS launch. Somehow NSF collects the absolute dregs, like, recently they picked up a disheveled anglo to do their recaps. I'd much rather watch the Mexican, Australian, Gypsy, or even Syrian starbase spam channels.

>> No.15681323
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that girl is not a vtuber, and ria is the only vtuber i watch with mild interest. i'm convinced she's a girl, unsure if fat. considering she goes to numerous jaxa press events she's probably not. havent seen her hands yet,but also havent looked too hard. i'm sure she's slipped up at least once. most of the other rocket gijinka artists except for the one i mentioned are confirmed men

>> No.15681328

>recently they picked up a disheveled anglo
Are you talking about the breadmouthed Yorkshireman? If so, he's been around a while. He's actually the reason I mute any NSF stream by default.

>> No.15681340

They didn’t plan for 20 years they just had no money for 20 years.

>> No.15681346

No, the other one- the guy that looks like skrillex and is so filled with androgens that I thought he was actually a female transvestite.
The only decent staff they have is the nice old lady. I am so surprised they cannot find a single person with a smooth voice and is willing to properly groom themselves, it is ridiculous. At least the fat Iranian shaved his DIAGUSTING beard off.

>> No.15681350
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He didn't kill COTS or get into fights with Musk like Trump or Biden. Not great, not terrible.

>And in order to reach the space station, we will work with a growing array of private companies competing to make getting to space easier and more affordable. (Applause.)
>By buying the services of space transportation -- rather than the vehicles themselves -- we can continue to ensure rigorous safety standards are met. But we will also accelerate the pace of innovations as companies -- from young startups to established leaders -- compete to design and build and launch new means of carrying people and materials out of our atmosphere.

If he fully realized his words and axed all NASA rockets that would've been great.

>> No.15681355

Roscosmos seems worse off than 90s NASA

>> No.15681368

Imagine if the state government that NASA is headquartered in declared jihad against every state in the distributed jobs program that produces NASA's rocket stages. Now also imagine that NASA has to get down on its knees and beg for petrodollars. That is Roscosmos right now. Well technically NASA employees already give gay blowjobs to senators for petrodollars but that's beyond the point.

>> No.15681375

Trump only started throwing shit at the end since Elon didnt kiss the ring anymore. During his presidency he was very positive toward Elon. Funny thing about Biden is the more shit Elon threw at him the more his administration has been forced to cut the shit. For the first year they were pretty anti musk, but lately neutral to positive based on policy and statements. NASA got a serious lease on life with Trump's appointments, and Mike Pence bringing back the National Space Council. There was a huge influx of pro commercial space leadership during those years. Biden ofc has made some comparitively shitty appointments. We should count ourselves lucky they havent fucked anything up too bad. there's still time though

>> No.15681381

The conflict started in 2014 after Ukraine elected a politician that was not aligned with the US but instead Russia and suddenly it got overthrown by NGO backed fodder and some brainwashed nationalists. Immediately after this coup John McCain and Victoria Nuland supporting the coup appear which confirms it was obviously an American backed overthrow and they completely reverse themselves from previous years by demanding the destruction of the separatist regions despite those very same politicians demanding the independence of separatist nations like Kosovo or Kurdistan, but suddenly now that a separatist movement isn’t bought and funded by them they won’t stand it. Russian moves in to capture Crimea which hosts an important Russian naval base at Sevastopol which they had on lease and that was to be handed over to Ukraine in 2017 according to the old contract but since Ukraine was now an American puppet state it would be extremely foolish to hand it back so Russia invaded and took Crimea which is majority Russian anyway hints the lack of any uproar from the place itself.

That’s how the conflict started. In the years since 2014 the US has been dumping money and influence into turning Ukraine into a propagandised meat shield puppet state which clearly payed off.

>> No.15681383

i'm surprised they are capable of human spaceflight at all. The long term outlook isnt positive

>> No.15681390

God I love this country. Personally excited to see the next step in CIA's master plan

>> No.15681394

Yeah apparently all their money is being spent invading a country which seems to be a pretty expensive endeavour so space exploration is probably not their main concern right now. Maybe the war might encourage the government to start firing people they don’t believe are required or who may even be embezzling funds from the company which might help Roscosmos even if the attempt was purely to cut costs to fund war. But this is all wishful thinking.

I don’t see them doing anything until the conflict is over and any talented rocket engineers will be designing the kinds of rockets that land on buildings not celestial bodies.

>> No.15681398

I hate John McCain so much It's fucking unreal bros. That meme about his brain tumor being a national hero is REAL.

>> No.15681400

I used to hate him but now I love him. Why dont you like him?

>> No.15681404

Why does it take something like 6 years to build a passenger jet, but only a year or two to build a behemoth like Starship?

>> No.15681406

NTA but to tie it to spaceflight, I'm pretty sure that Musk struck a deal with zelensky to build starship infrastructure post war, if it pans out. Add this with prepaid reconstruction contracts (ie blackrock took a 400b USD reconstruction contract) and things will definitely get interesting for spaceflight. Depressing enslavement to either Ziggers or Amerigolems is on the Ukries' schedule, but we'll see some Muskrat activity there if the deals are honored.

>> No.15681407

Planes are hard

>> No.15681409

Contender for the dumbest post ITT

>> No.15681410


Go back to your fucking containment threads on whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.15681414

Seems like they wanted to pull a similar move on Kazakhstan which was nipped in the bud by Russia just before the war in Ukraine started. That was an especially obvious example with some giant riots out of the blue with no apparent reason and a select number of these rioters seemingly being very coordinated and armed going out of their way to try and kill security forces which lead to Russia intervening and putting it down. Interrogations of rioters found that many weren’t even Kazakh but rather from other central Asian nations who had been payed to take part.

Other examples of glowie attempted overthrows in recent years would be Hong Kong, Belarus, Syria, Iran and Turkey. Probably a lot more but they do these things all the time.

>> No.15681417

Talk about something interesting instead of whining and I'll switch to that discussion. Until then, gonna ignore your whining

>> No.15681421

Everything I said was factual, impartial, and trying to defuse the autism. I am sorry if you disagree but if you can't be on-topic, I cannot help you. If you want to argue over who is right and wrong, go scream at a wall.

>> No.15681422

>every protest/riot ever is CIA
doubt. and CIA-supported =/= CIA-instigated or orchestrated

>> No.15681423

yes, there's a whole competition around doing it. hack-a-sat.

>> No.15681424

Because he encouraged/caused a war that is getting hundreds of thousands of identical people killed for the sole purpose of trying to weaken Russia at the cost of Ukrainians and the alternative state the US promises to Ukrainians is not even beneficial should Ukraine survive as one look at other nations in Europe under American influence confirms it would just be inundated with Somalis or Indians so the war benefits nobody except very evil people.

>> No.15681427

Yeah haha lets launch rockets directly over russian territory haha. Shut up you dumb retard

>> No.15681440

I'm Kazakh, people were rioting over price controls being lifted over gas. Yeah bro the CIA decided to start the government coup in fucking Mangystau lmao

>> No.15681443
File: 264 KB, 474x377, were gonna make it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's think positive, anon. The Ukraine war has fasttracked government bucks for Starlink by proving it out in the most lucrative theatre of defense. That money is accelerating Mars. And dunking on Russia by blitzing LEO with F9s is poetic irony after they spit on him decades ago. We are going!

>> No.15681447

Nobody said anything about launching rockets. I even mentioned real events that happened without drawing any conclusions other than what was stated in the aerospace's press channels. Get your shit together you fat gay baby, go cry on pol if you want to make a mess of yourself. Next you're gonna tell us how ukraine launches rockets just because they have factories for rocket stages. Stop acting like a child.

>> No.15681450

>thunderstorms in boca chica
looks like we're going to be extra bored for awhile

>> No.15681452

Well one thing I look out for when large riots start occurring in these nations is posters in English which is pretty much an instant tell that at the very least some of these rioters are paid assets and not genuine. The reason for the riots is also important as it’s often extremely petty because glowies like to latch on to real events and then hijack them like in Kazakhstan it started as some complaints over fuel prices going up which they actually listened to and halted these rises but the protests didn’t go away and instead turned into riots despite their demands having already been met which confirms it obviously wasn’t about fuel prices and instead was an attempt to overthrow the nation with the presence of paid foreigners making it painfully obvious before it was put down.

>> No.15681454

hows the indian lander doing?

>> No.15681455

*spit on Elon
part 2
To tie back to McCain, he was a massive supporter of commercial spaceflight. Elon was a huge fan of McCain and ULA despised him, on record. I believe in the leaked ULA recording they refer to him fucking with their gibs and russian made engines

>> No.15681456

Good take, thank you for being a sole lighthouse of reason in a sea of tantrums. There are silver linings to every storm, the DoD spending may have granted the Starship program some leeway in bureaucracy, not that we would ever know.

>> No.15681458

They hate Musk and the day he finally builds up too much power in space will be the day they just get rid of him and replace him with a good puppet or outright nationalise Spacex.

Let’s not pretend the current administration don’t want him dead if they could.

>> No.15681463

Not reading your dumb retard posts

>> No.15681464

>it glows
Saint Terry take the wheel

>> No.15681472

Price controls which they stopped trying to implement but the riots occurred anyway and hundreds were killed so either the Kazakh people are malicious as fuck and just wanted to destroy their country cause they felt like it or a bunch of paid foreign assets and NGO scumbags were doing it because that’s what they were paid/propagandised to do. Obviously it wasn’t the gas that made them so homicidal.

>> No.15681476
File: 179 KB, 1170x1286, glover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want him dead but it would be to their great disadvantage. Not that they're smart enough to know that.
No need to nationalize. Once Musk is dead SpaceX will atrophy just like every defense contractor before them, and effectively become an extension of the US government gigabureaucracy. The worst part is, I will probably be alive to witness it

>> No.15681483

to be fair they probably are pretty low iq people
no offense anon

>> No.15681485

Is there some way to remove the atmosphere?

>> No.15681489

Government only lowered the gas prices after riots broke out in Almaty. And yeah of course its difficult to stop a riot even if you appease people's demands. Did the BLM riots stop once Chauvin was arrested? Or were those CIA too?
>Kazakh people were malicious as fuck
Absolutely, you don't even know how much people were angry at Nazarbayev and LNG sellers. People were very fucking tired of corruption and throwing tear gas at protestors didn't help.

>> No.15681492

They make posters in English to win American support, not because they already have it. Did your parents have any children that lived?

>> No.15681494

bracing for impact

>> No.15681498

I'm working on seducing a girl, so I could use a break from tankwatchin

>> No.15681503

The Hindus have innumerable gods each with many different forms, right? Which one is in charge of failed space missions?

>> No.15681504

Wouldn't it be cool if the faggot janny could do xir job and clean this shit up. I wish putin would just nuke kiev into glass already so that the /k/pol/ shitters and glowniggers can FUCK OFF

>> No.15681509
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, MARS_KING_ELON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-SpaceX posts are not welcome in my general. You need to go back

>> No.15681510

so they are going to build starship infrastructure in Ukraine, but not launch? what the fuck

>> No.15681513

>oy vey shut it down!
who's the glowy again?
Anon is a dumb retard, it's not worth to reply.

>> No.15681518


still 2 days until landing attempt, 2 days 2h to be exact for the stream to start

>> No.15681519

Lmao if Iranian protesters are holding up signs in English then they automatically are not genuine as everyone and their dog knows doing that in a place like Iran immediately shows it to be a phoney movement given the visceral hatred those people have for anything American related. They aren’t putting those signs out for American government support they are putting it out so retards in the west can read them when the news starts plastering headlines with those events but the American government is more than helping them. Kazakh people are not monkeys and since we already know a large number of the rioters were paid foreigners from Uzbekistan or other surrounding nations we again know it wasn’t organic. Also BLM was literally funded by the democrat party to cause chaos and attack’s because it was directly aligned with them and assisted in getting the monkeys worked up for the election.

>> No.15681521

This was discussed a year ago in /sfg/ when Musk established an agreement independent of Starlink where his support would be repaid in some kind of license to conduct his business there without interference. I think he wants to piggyback off of reconstruction economics and foreign aid to establish a SpaceX foothold in Europe. Time will tell, I don't know the full extent of the deal made behind closed doors.

>> No.15681522

Part of this post is for this poster>>15681489

>> No.15681527
File: 25 KB, 544x479, 1692612196449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India will accomplish what Russia couldn't.

>> No.15681530

I remember something about that but wasn't it pure speculation
and building infrastructure without landing/launch would make no sense

>> No.15681536

Don’t you need like people to build a starbase? Who the fuck is going to be dumb enough to move to Ukraine or whatever is left of it when this is over?

No like they have money to attract anyone and even with foreign investment it’s still going to be more profitable, safer and nicer to just work or live in Western Europe especially because they don’t have borders so you can just walk in while Ukraine would probably force you to work. I’m not so much talking about a potential starbase here but more so the reconstruction of Ukraine in general which I don’t see how given all the young men are dead, all the young women are gone and the moment they allow for men to leave the country again then they will all leave for the EU. Even before the war they had terminal demographics and now I don’t even want to know what’s it’s like.

>> No.15681537

Starship Duluth today. Sevastopol tomorrow. When Russia least expects it, Elon will unleash Starlink coverage across Crimean peninsula. You spit on me? I take a big fat donkey shit on you. And believe me it's a steaming diarrhea dump

>> No.15681560

No. Its because 4chan scrubs the exif data because retard iphone users got doxxed regularly.

>> No.15681570

But the president was aligned with west and was about to sign a decree for joining EU. But after a brief visit to Russia he suddenly did a 180 and started to kiss russias ass.

>> No.15681574

Did the poos change board from /k/ because no one was buying their low effort shitposts?

>> No.15681581

Yeah and once the west realised he was basically just like Lukashenko in Belarus who kept trying to play Russia and the west off each other to benefit from both without truly committing to either they decided to just get rid of him and replace him with a reliable puppet.

Ironically Belarus kept acting like that until that attempted colour revolution in 2020 or 2021 spooked Luka and made him firmly pro Russian.

>> No.15681583



>> No.15681595

Gratis Ferociter

>> No.15681657

it's not supposed to "do anything" it's supposed to make you go "huh, it sure is weird that this exists"
and then you subject other people to it

>> No.15681662

GI Joever

>> No.15681683

>least shit-fixated Indian /sfg/ poster