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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 154 KB, 900x1200, Pregnancy check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15671964 No.15671964 [Reply] [Original]

Gynecology edition

Previous: >>15646827

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15672170

So I have been taking Vyvanse 60 mg and caffeine everyday (Psych said 40 mg with no caffeine). I like it. But I checked my blood pressure today. And it was 166/88. Now how do I get it down without stopping stims. Cialis a good med for that purpose, if I just lie and say I have erectile dysfunction? Or something else? Any ideas?

>> No.15672228

>stop taking caff
>reduce vyvanse dose to prescribed level
>lose weight
>do more cardio
>lie to the doc about your dick not working to get cialis which will reduce your bp by like 2 points.
>have the doc take your bp, allow hom to prescribe bp meds, never informing him of your drug abuse.
>self diagnose and self prescribe like a real man and buy all your drugs online. What do you need some book nerd for anyway? Webmd does the same thing

>> No.15672240

one sure fire way to lower your bp drastically is to kill yourself.

>> No.15672252
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Is exam table paper just a facade of safety?

>> No.15672256
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Pop quiz hotshots

A 34 year old manlet presents with a chief complaint of right anterior knee pain. He hasnt shaved and he had a foul body odor. Said he went running two days prior to onset and woke up this morning with pain and stiffness. There's swelling to the tibial tuberosity, its warm, red and tender. Theres also warmth, redness, tenderness and swelling at the pateller tendon and patella. You cant test for injury to the lcl, acl, pcl, mcl or meniscies because he refuses to flex beyond 15 degrees due to pain/swelling. Positive bulge and ballon sign. Left leg is prosthetic. Your nurse took the day off so you have no vitals and all of radiology is dead. You have a hot date with prime Jennifer Connelly but she wont go out with you until youve helped this man. RICES have made the complaint worse.

>diagnosis? Shes waiting doctor

>> No.15672311

diagnosis: not my problem. charge for an office visit, do nothing, and send him to someone else.

>> No.15672316

>family medicine reporting in

>> No.15672320

So how does this work? Does the man just finger the lady until he finds a baby in there? How do you tell just from fingering somebody whether she is pregnant or not? Or does he shove his whole arm up there, I'm so confused what is going on in that pic

>> No.15673001

Don't worry about it, keep abusing stims.

>> No.15673025

Is it true that in western cuntries people can't directly go to hospital and that they need to see a general physician first who forwards them to the hospital if needed. lmao what a shitty healthcare system.

>> No.15673032

No this is not true

>> No.15673059

It's better because dipshits don't rush straight to the hospital with their disgusting peasant odor

>> No.15673071

There's emergency department care at a hospital, urgent care offices, and hospital care. Hospital care is where you're either admitted for a surgery or for something that requires more serious monitoring with advanced care.

>> No.15673487

Ok thanks for the responses, I am already relatively fit and want to continue the stims because lowering the dose makes them useless and not taking them just makes me useless. Also, would not like to kill myself, life is a 10/10 right now. But the other advice is good, I'll continue, and look into self-prescribing and/or getting Cialis by lying.

But that is later on. For now, I had another question, I have an EKG in a couple days from now. The results will be sent to the psych to determine if the prescription should be continued. Now I doubt the EKG will come back based on the situation right now and he could potentially stop the prescription. How do I, in the next 2-4 days, make the heart rhythm normal again? Will just stopping all of it for that specific day stop problems for that day or do I need to stop right now? Any other tips of bringing heart back to normal so EKG comes back normal? Does aspirin help? something else? The B.P was normal before so tips like lose weight don't work, I'm already not fat. Thanks.

>> No.15673501

Lol 48hr involuntary hold incoming

>> No.15673516

I mean I could always reschedule if there's a threat of that. But I don't see why that would happen. My PCP ordering the EKG doesn't know that I take stims. So I can always not send it to the psych if the results are that bad. And tell the PCP it's just because of excessive Caffeine.

>> No.15673614
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>doc says I should get off of omeprazole because it can cause dementia later (maybe?)
>alternative is constant acid, eventual Barrett's esophagus, and cancer.

>> No.15673678

my father was a doctor and he said he was tired of smelly peoples asses

>> No.15673799

Never trust one doctor. Always do your reseach first and always take second or third opinions from different doctors.

>> No.15673871

no, anyone can go to an ER
you're thinking of specialists, which are gated by the general physician

>> No.15673892

The gist of it is that a "hysteria" can be alleviated with what we today recognize as the female orgasm. I.e doctors fingering ladies who were crazy or deemed as such. This was a lot of work and not very cool for prestigious doctors, so the vibrator was invented pretty early.

>> No.15673980

Tybg I'm on a PPO plan and can see whoever whenever. Making Canadians and English people SEETHE.

>> No.15674224

>what i learned today is
instead of wasting my time going to different primary doctors for a foot problem, just go to a podiatrist.

>> No.15674347

>"hysteria" can be alleviated with what we today recognize as the female orgasm.
it can't, women are not men with vaginas and tits, women are women, they are different from men.
part of what makes them different from men is that women have a craving for sperm rather than just for simple sexual stimulation. sexual appetites evolved for reproductive reasons, not for pleasure.

>> No.15674591

basically if you aren't having Chest pain / discomfort/ feeling short of breath / fast pulse you're fine. maybe skip the dose that day if you are worried. psych can stop the drug any time they want they don't need a slightly weird ekg if you're always running out early and suddenly complaining about erectile dysfunction for someone who is "relatively fit"
take vitamin d and keep exercising. glad it's working well for ya

>> No.15674606

>sexual appetites evolved for reproductive reasons, not for pleasure.
Yes, hysteria is preferred to be corrected with reproduction. Main problem behind hysteric women is retention of female seed and lack of male seed. Having kids is ideal, just having sex better, but simply orgasming works as well. Since just orgasming still purges female seed, which reduces it's excess (in Hippocratic-Galenic Medicine)

>> No.15674674

Bros I keeo blackinf out hen i drink and do mdma. Ill be driving to a 2nd bar and wake up somewhere else. Please help its not safe

>> No.15674751

This kinda sounds like bullshit.

>> No.15674803

Any idea what does suddenly elevated cholesterol mean if triglicerides are low (45), hdl is high (100) and ldl is high (106)?
Stop doing caffeine and don't increase dose further or you will unironically fry your brain like >>15674674 (you can achieve that with caffeine as well, but only if you are genuinely addicted and slam 5+ cups per day)

>> No.15674836

septic arthritis until proven otherwise
>also implying I can't measure my own vitals

>> No.15674838

stop eating shit food

>> No.15674956

Drugs are bad mkay?

>> No.15674985

Typing style indictive of a patient with a "yellow bile" excess.

>> No.15675022

I concur with>>15674985 very Choleric temperament. Perhaps it is because of the summer season. Try consuming more wet and cold foods, and showering in cold water more often. Stay out of the sun too much. You have an excess of hot/dry fiery yellow bile in your system. Drink more water especially to counter it. Eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid too much meat, dairy and poultry. Try to be more silent and clean as well. Get more fresh air, get some rest (no strenuous work), and wake up as early as possible.

Your problems will be cured in less than a month.

>> No.15675103

I concur with your prognosis. Currently, his natal Sun is squared to Mars, leading to exacerbation of his choleric temperament. This aspect should pass in 1 month.
Notably, his natal Venus is also squared by his natal Saturn, which suggests he will have few or no significant relationships.

>> No.15675302

Oof, I agree with the other anons. All that Bile is making you quite feminine (in accordance with the gynic nature of a choleric temperament). It is probably because of, somewhat related to what the other anon suggested, your natal Venus rising coupled with the retrograde cycle of Mars. So much so that you are now showing signs of hysteria yourself. even though you lack a uterus. The other anons have good tips for you. You should listen to them. But I suspect that the traditional therapeutic for hysteria (Provision of male seed and/or fingering) may work better for you at this point.

>> No.15675713

Any senior doctors here observed medical miracles in real time? Share some of your stories whatever place boo effects or spontaneous healing it is..

>> No.15675732

Hey /med/ let's try find out what is the etiology of morgellons disease!

>> No.15675742

Lyme fibers

>> No.15675831
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>be me
>almost done with med school
>figured out plastic surgery is neat, when I started out I wanted to do internal medicine
>have left side brachial plexus nerve damage causing me to have a tremor when extending my thumb, thenar and hypothenar atrophy and a paresis of the extensor indicis and slight atrophy of the triceps.
>when I don't tell anyone, nobody notices this, right hand is perfectly find (right handed too)
>I'm hardly impaired in my day to day life (98% fine)
Is it a dumb idea to pursue anything surgery related?

>> No.15675872
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I just moved to this town and im looking for work, anybody needs surgery?

>> No.15676036
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hello, curious here, I just found out that exercise can cause you to upregulate core temp pretty significantly
now, knowing that fever is the increase of body temp to hinder bacterial growth
does this mean what I think it does? exercise helps you fight off potential infections as well?

>> No.15676049 [DELETED] 
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>I know just what you need for the pain to go away... forever

>> No.15676054

Yo medfags, I made a thread about a question I had so I'm just spamming here to maybe get a response faster kthxbye

>> No.15676064

Did you have any problems with dissecting in anatomy class (given you had that nerve damage back then)?

>> No.15676123

I didn't have any problems back then, however I sometimes used a non-standard grip for the anatomical tweezers when my left thumb got tired.

>> No.15676134

and if you choose the sugery-path how many doors do you close?

>> No.15676154

If I knew that I would have to ask for advice here

>> No.15676159
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If you need to get a wisdom tooth extracted is it better to do it the more natural way by using brute-force or is it more likely to create problems afterwards with a more surgical method?
I saw a few being extracted on YouTube with both methods, brute-force and drilling. The YouTube video below is the drilling method I wanted to avoid. I chose to deal with the discomfort of the brute-force method because it seems more natural. Am I wrong?

>In some cases, bone can also partially cover the tooth. Using a drill, the surgeon will remove a small portion of the bone in order to expose the tooth and pull it out.


>> No.15676252

Where do you live, that might be a good information to know about how specializing work in your area. If you can somewhat easily transition somewhere else just go for it, if now maybe consult a doctor

>> No.15676315

I have had the misfortune to provide anesthesia to allegedly perfectly functioning surgeons who took up to 4 hours to pull a fucking gallbladder.
Surgery is all about practicing. You'd have to outwork your peers just to get on their baseline, and aldoe it is doable it'd mean putting you in a difficult position.
Guess it depends entirely in how competitive are the surgery programs nearby you. My uncle had half of his forearm fucked up yet he is an ophtalmologists.
If you have the willpower to do so then do it. My bet is that you would not make it, since you are hesitant enought to ask the elder council of 4chong primitive ancient R1b nationalists.

>> No.15676423
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>> No.15676445

Retard here. How would one promote cartilage anabolism? Are IGF-1 & HGH the best bet?

>> No.15676670

Bitch, I'm an NP.

>> No.15676884

yeah. a No Penis!

>> No.15676926

I hate nurses.

>> No.15676930
File: 64 KB, 925x709, Wealth is a risk factor for AIDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /med/,
Can someone help me understand how wealth makes people more likely to get AIDS?

>> No.15676946

>woman have sex with many men to gain money
>they aslo gain aids

>> No.15676965

lol, nurses oftentimes have to stop doctors from killing their patients.

>> No.15677069

dont nurses and MDs cause plenty of deaths each?

>> No.15677459

>figured out plastic surgery is neat
yeah bro you're just gonna get into an extremely profitable, competitive and nepotism/marketing based spec because it seemed 'neat' kek

>> No.15677464


>> No.15677468

'wealth'=enough socioeconomic status to even bother/afford to get HIV tested

>> No.15678174

The question is just if I should persue that at all.
My other choices would be dermatology and ophthalmology

>> No.15678202

Before pregnancy tests, sou could check out the shape and texture of the cervix to tell if a woman is pregnant. Pisacek sign, Holzapfel sign etc.

>> No.15678240

>My other choices would be dermatology and ophthalmology
Dude, what are you? Are you like a Harvard or T5 medical student or something?

>> No.15678285

I’m accepted into ia dds program
if a person intends to do honest work— are there financial advantages to working as a family doctor over a working as a dentist?

>> No.15678299

Non-fucked lifestyle surg specialties after residency? I know residency is tough all around, but I'd like something where I can work 8 months and travel or chill 4 months (or something like that) after the initial breakin work my ass off period to earn referrals

>> No.15678312

I'm pretty fed up with the fact at least ~40% of my med school class are insufferable leftist faggots. Can anyone tell me if residents and attendings are this fucking bad?

>> No.15678315

huh, looks like that South Park episode was wrong

>> No.15678319

they’re not
go play pool or cards with some of the other male students and you’ll see they’re not lib or cons, they’re themselves.

If you happen to be in a hyper lib area, the Muslim docs are usually pretty conservative socially

>> No.15678332

youll earn 50k more (on average) as a family doc over a dentist, but if dentistry interests you and/or you have some other reason to be a dentist, the money isnt bad. banks will also always give you loans for whatever you want as an MD, not sure about a dentist.
it might also be easier to open up a dentistry practice and draw in customers i mean patients than opening your own family medicine practice.

>> No.15678337

per hour though isn’t a dentist working insanely less hours than a physician?

>> No.15678340

depends on where you work/what contract you sign, but from what i've seen dentists work slightly less hours. here's a random source i found in 30s to back up my belief. https://www.rockfordhealthsystem.org/doctor-work-hours-by-specialty/

>> No.15678343
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Reading the DSM-5 just for funsies

>> No.15678347

Isn't that the one that says it's ok to be a tranny/faggot?

>> No.15678352

No it says that trannies are mentally ill

>> No.15678380

Why are you asking this after you got accepted into dental school? Cold feet?

>> No.15678508

no my circulation is fine. I’m just kind of wondering why so many pre-meds would want that level of workload. I worked 20 hrs a week, cooked delicious meals thrice weekly, with taking full time classes, a volunteering position, working out/sports 3 times a week out and the demand is really high on my time and body but within manageability. that’s like a 55/60 ish hr work week, so I imagine if I want a good life I can’t be doing more than 45 hours a week and have a balanced life. I got much better grades (3.8 gpa) than almost all the pre-med students and my degree was biochemistry (plus the pre-dental classes) and many of them were NOT working at the time and not working out so I imagine 50-60 hour work weeks would be hell for them, and I’ve lived with close to a dozen of medical doctors throughout my time and a handful are truly living horrible lives that are clearly neglecting things like sleep, socializing and nutrition(ex Nutella and peanut butter as a MEAL 3x per day, defrosted chicken nuggets when it’s the weekend for 8 weeks straight kind of shenanigans) skinny fat huge bags under the eyes, looking 50 at age 30 kind of situation. I just feel like I’m missing something that somehow would make that living hell worth it.

>> No.15678570

that's lucky mate
mine is fucking 90%
I literally got labeled "conservative" because I defended our mixed healthcare system in Australia. Apparently anything private is instantly evil.

>> No.15678714

Phrase it as boomers paying extra and no one will care.

Had a fever and fatigue for a day per week for three weeks then hit with a constant fever and fatigue for 4 days. Online doc said probably a chest infection and prescribed 200mg doxycycline daily. Coughing up constant phlegm and the occasional bronchial cast.

How long until this shit is gone?

>> No.15678995

why the fuck did your shit doctor put you on only doxy
you allergic to penicilin?

>> No.15679036

I'm going to start training in cardiovascular surgery in september. Tell me I picked the right career. More and more I feel like I should have went into hard sciences and become an engineer

>> No.15679040

*should have gone sorry

>> No.15679101

I don't know if you'd consider software engineering a hard science but let me tell you it's absolutely shit. Truth is, it doesn't matter what you do, but how you do it. Being a self employed expert in any field is worthwhile

>> No.15679103

thank you

>> No.15679137

>reading the BDSM-5 just for funsies

>> No.15679141

Pseudo gout, due to joint effusion.
Patellar tendonitis, due to PE.
Septic arthritis, erythema but no fever and there's no obvious cause like ghonorrhea or an injury.
OA, RA, osgood schlatter, osteochondritis dessicans are unlikely due to demographics.
I'm thinking pseudogout?

>> No.15679152

What? Doxycycline is commonly prescribed in respiratory infections. Where have you been?

>> No.15679197

Drink apple cider vinegar and/or lemon juice. Diluted in water to your comfort. Before, during or after meals and/or whenever you get heartburn. Get some digestive enzymes. I used Ortho Molecular Digestzymes for years.

Be careful what you eat. Cook and chew your food thoroughly. I mean really spend time noming down on each spoonful, actually counting to at least 30 bites per. It's likely just chewing your food a lot more solve your issue. You need to masticate a great deal in order to promote the enzymatic action of saliva so as to offload the stress in your stomach.

Stomach acid reducing medications are a literal bandaid to make you feel better temporarily at the cost of your overall health. You need acid in the system. Adding ACV or lemon juice will initially signal the body to stop squirting your throat with stomach acid and will later alkalinize your body making you feel better. ACV will promote good probiotic growth too. Also, allow your food to digest properly by taking it easy and staying upright well after you eat anything.

>> No.15679291

>3.8 gpa
>thinks this is impressive in the slightest

>> No.15679357

nobody claimed that

>> No.15679375

You claimed it's a much better grade - when in reality anything between 3.3 and 3.8 is the same level of meh

>> No.15679390

Anyways, in college I was cooking and well, working out daily and balanced it with full time classes, research, org leadership, and volunteering. I also did some tutoring and TA work for <10 hrs total, all together brought me close to the 70 hour mark for stuff that wasn't hobbies, relationships/friendships, and partying. Still ended up with a 3.95+ GPA in engineering.

The fact is that those other guys you see struggling probably had other demands on their time that you weren't cognizant of. End of the day, med school admissions are much more involved and competitive than dentistry and grades aren't the only thing that matters

>> No.15679393

>10 hrs total
~10 hrs total/wk

>> No.15679422

>End of the day, med school admissions are much more involved and competitive than dentistry
Is it? I'm pre-med right now and thinking of dentistry at this point honestly, it sounds so much nicer. Easier to get in, easier to stay in, good pay, low workload etc. What's the downsides?

>> No.15679467

>will later alkalinize your body making you feel better
Uh, is this that retarded fad

>> No.15679512

I don't want shoulder surgery bros

>> No.15679530
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Not a single reply to an actual question while all the medical advice gets answered

>> No.15679648

>premed, prediabetes, premonition
All bullcrap
Actual useful thing

How does it feel? Being a not existing.

>> No.15679738

Surgeoids are turbonormies and don't post on 4chan
This is the radiology, pathology and anesth cave

>> No.15679837

I need to be as depressed as I can becuase I tired of being emotionally unstable
Any advices?

>> No.15680054

everything sucks, but some things suck less, and it all depends on how you feel. you made the choice for reasons, so you probably know why.

>> No.15680137

Any forensic pathologists? Talk me out of becoming a medical examiner.

>> No.15680536

Do I look like a bitch? Do you also want me to hug you, caress your head and tell you everything will be ok?
Go be a pussy somewhere else.

>> No.15680544
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I thought so too. Thanks doc, saved me a trip to the hospital

>> No.15680578

any advice to get into dds?

>> No.15680601

A lot of small gallbladder stones, had an attack like 2 years ago, everything cool since then. Should I pull 'em out or Netflix and chill.

>> No.15680848

>in engineering.

why not just go for engineering

>> No.15680853

>What's the downsides?

dental school costs significantly more than med school on average (which is already expensive), and specializing is further tuition dollars

>> No.15680870
File: 22 KB, 682x515, 2D89483C-18D5-4DF8-B467-A4DD8D356059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visit hometown for the weekend
>return to degenerateland city where I am doing the residency
>take a taxi to my apartment
>+180cms tall tranny whore with his tits out

>> No.15681863
File: 257 KB, 1083x1354, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_eda50138-0daa-11ed-93cf-b011fa7fe86b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become the physician you were always meant to be

>> No.15682247

I'm worried about storage requirements for vaccines
I need to get my DPT and hep B vaccines next week and I went to get them at the pharmacy today. I'm storing them in my fridge, but since the doc is about half an hour away, I'm worried that exposing the vaccines to heat during transport will fuck them up.

>> No.15682261

Do you know about any book on chinese medicine. I'm looking for plants/recipe list body diagrams and effects. Best if i can order physical copy but pdf is fine too. Not in chinese.

>> No.15682335


>> No.15682369

Well yeah, why do you think I got into medicine?

>> No.15682573

Soulless, the human body is the world's greatest machine

>> No.15682579

>the human body is the world's greatest machine
*pushes you onto concrete*
whoops, youre dead

>> No.15682592

Would Hyundai works into concrete?
But it greatest machine

>> No.15682596

Hyundai works into concrete no unlike human no works into concrete dumb babboon why no concrete?

>> No.15682603

im not dumb babboon

>> No.15682606

smart babboon, ratio this concrete i put in babboon butt

>> No.15682612

stop insulting me

>> No.15682687

>traveling from state to state 4th year for sub-I's
>working 6 days a week all day long
>12-14 hours daily of not knowing what I'm doing and looking like an utter retard
>social retard and really quiet so feel like the residents and attendings aren't crazy about me
>get back to my rented shitbox sublease and pass out every night
>zero friends, zero gf
>feels impossible to meet people with only 4 days off a month and then leaving the state after 4 weeks even if I did
I know I'm being a pussy whining about it, but I'm really lonely and stressed out all the time and it seems like it's just going to get worse and worse

>> No.15682710

Welcome to being an adult :)

>> No.15682739

>Welcome to being an adult :)
Being cattle. Adults are independent. Independent people don't subject themselves to a life they hate.

>> No.15682741

My brother left engineering because it sucks, they pay is shit and you just respond to retarded emails from idiots who did business and Easter your time and the companies money on vanity projects

>> No.15682762

Not asking for advice, just genuinely curious: Do skincare routines actually work? My dermatologist suggested one for my acne & scarring, it didn't help much and now, after a long time, I decided to try it again with different products, but I do not see any noticeable changes in my skin even though I have been doing it for two weeks.

>> No.15682787

It works for some. I've tried like 5 different derm regimens. Stopped using everything but daily cleanser and have the same amount of acne as with the fancy stuff. 27 years old. Some of us are just fucked. Accutane does work but it has some potential side effects that seem unappealing

>> No.15682796

I actually stumbled upon this medication online recently but the package insert I read listed a concerning amount of side effects.

>> No.15682818

>your dick will stop working
>your hair will fall out
>you will shit blood
>your skin will peel off
>you might get a heart attack
but hey your face will be clean!

>> No.15682826

have heard anecdotal claims of developing permanent chron's but who knows

>> No.15682865

Nu-male comfort driven cattle take

>> No.15682907

>comfort driven cattle take
That's your entire life, but the trouble is that there's so little humanity left in you that your only criterion for "comfort" is to minimize physical effort. You probably don't even have a problem living in a soulless concrete cube in some grey, filthy urban shithole. It's comfort for you. lol

>> No.15682918

Awww he's mad because I called him what he is

>> No.15682924

See >>15682907. You will always be stagnant, passive and obedient cattle.

>> No.15682933

Just like the Jew, you are seething because I told you what you are.

>> No.15683016
File: 73 KB, 312x532, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom lost my 300 dollar stethoscope that I've had since highschool
I am fucking FUMING.

>> No.15683439

i dont remember posting this.

>> No.15683518

Uh, want me to buy you a new one, poorshithead?

>> No.15683536

>wasting money on stethosCOPE

>> No.15683565

You dont even need one
>hmmm this sounds like a heartbeat
>hmmm this sounds like a belly

>> No.15683570
File: 16 KB, 479x640, 0027CFEE-AA39-46D5-A0CA-7D0530D50CD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beauty is 23USD. RIP bozo.
Captcha: kysyn

>> No.15683634

attempting to begin studying for med school entrance exams as a 30 yo? yes/no/maybe/kys? Do you have to be some hyper motivated smart young talented person to do medicine?

>> No.15683644

should be fine. hopefully you have good essay writing skills/experiences to back up your application after you get good scores.

>> No.15683675

My stethoscope is $15 and is 22 years old lmao, my dad brought it over from the old country when he came here
No tears shed for you, richoid

>> No.15683684

Question. By what mechanism does cocaine improve creativity? Ive tried other stims but only cocaine has this effect.

>inb4 not med related. Every doctor abuses drugs

>> No.15683731
File: 154 KB, 1280x895, 1280px-Dopamine_pathways.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the brain regions most important for creativity are enhanced by cocaine usage. picrel.

>> No.15683747

But other drugs that dump dopamine dont improve creativity.

>> No.15683752

For example?

>> No.15683787

My bupropion doesn't make me more creative :|

>> No.15683831

Wellbutrin & mdma.

>> No.15684178
File: 165 KB, 480x438, REEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>medicine only further deepens my dislike of old people, uneducated working class and immigrants
FFS at least know your own past medical history
Anything short of textbook definitions of your conditions and comprehensive timeline of their management is UNACCEPTABLE

>> No.15684184

>dislike of old people, uneducated working class
Fuck you, these groups of people are based.

>> No.15684191

No, they are not.

>> No.15684295

wtf. southpark was right.
the cure for aids is having a lot of pure concentrated cash

>> No.15684582

I did customer service
Old people were fucking cool until the ww2/Korean war vets died off and now I hate them.

It used to be nice to talk to an old fart because he was lonely while shopping and all his VA friends were dead

Now it’s just entitled complaining if you lock eyes

>> No.15684587

You are only like 4 years older than average

>> No.15684907
File: 268 KB, 1200x1250, bigconvoy060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started the entrance course for my university (public\free university in Buenos Aires , ROA) and next year I will begin Medicine course of studies\ career (i dont know the term in english-i will study Medicine in the uni).
How can I prepare now? what obligatory books should all med. students go trough? Manuals, authoritative volumes, encyclopaedic stuff (gray's anatomy? hopkins? ) etc.
Im very fluent in english so I can read in either spanish or english.

>> No.15684928

>ww2 vets
yes, they defeated the nazis---how is that working out for their mulatto-trans grandsons, eh?

>> No.15685150

I prefer a top down method of study. Start with Bates Guide for Physical Exam. This gives a guide on what you do when you get a patient. When you dont understand something/want more indepth understanding open a physiology and anatomy book and go over that subject. When you want to understand more open a biology and chemistry book.

4chan-science fandom has a reccomended materials area with lists of books typically used.

>> No.15685194

I notice that still today. I have a currently ongoing really good relationship with a Viet vet who I'm learning to shoot rifles from. He's extremely intelligent and based, but still fully supports the US establishment and it's involvement in Ukraine while still complaining about the result of it all in the younger generation. Not to get all /pol/ posting but he just doesn't think that the establishment has anything to do with the impotence of the younger generation. idk what it was, but military propaganda back in the day must have been peak. He's still very cool though. Just disagree with his warhawk-ish stances. I still love talking to old people.

>> No.15685284

>based daddy putin will chase the trannies away!!
cringe bruh

>> No.15685298

It's not about trannies. It's about being in unnecessary foreign wars at the cost of your own citizenry's well being.

>> No.15685381
File: 66 KB, 388x617, MRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've noticed various American IG "influencers" shilling these supposedly top-end clinics (e.g. @prenuvo in IG) where you (a healthy individual) get a full-body MRI, and a consequent radiologist consult, for something like $3-5K in order to diagnose prematurely any sort of cancer that you may have been developing . I have a few questions :
1) do you think this sort of practice does have any sort of actual usefulness in doing what it claims to do?
2) if you had the chance, would you (healthy adult individual) get a full body MRI once every year?
3) let's pretend the US, or any other country, had an endless amount of cheap-to-operate MRI machines and radiologists do you think doing a free/very cheap nation-wide scan of every adult in a, let's say, 40-80 years old age bracket, every 5 years or so would be useful or would the amount of false positives (who would later undergo not-entirely-safe procedures like biopsies) outweigh the benefits?

>> No.15685439

The vast majority of people would be better served by losing weight, eating better and getting exercise. More diagnostics isnt going to help, prevention will. This is just advertising.

>> No.15685442

thats NOT what I meant.
i meant the fact itself that the grandsons (of ww2) vets ARE mulatto-trannies.
its not that "they have problems". they ARE, IS the problem. in and on itself

>> No.15685796

The ones I interacted with when they got political bitched about FDR being a communist and complained the wrong side won lol but the were New England wasp types

>> No.15685819

To find out which book you should read to understand the subject just google, "USMLE forum poll [name of subject] book" (e.g. usmle forum poll physiology book). Then use the most popular book on the poll.

>> No.15685885

i enjoy researching opioids.

is lofentanil the most potent opioid? even finding info on it difficult since most places list carfentanil as the most potent opioid

>> No.15686175

>hating old people/uneducated working class
>hating immigrants

>> No.15686490

You don't practice medicine.

>> No.15686601

yes i do :)

>> No.15686866

I didn't spend a cent on it, fags. Got it from a liquidating clinic. But I've had it since highschool, and I found it anyways so get fucked

>> No.15687083

>Got it from a liquidating clinic
Enjoy the ear fungus from some boomer doc lmao

>> No.15687095

You can replace ear caps.
I know you're sore about it, but the Littman Lightweight II is a decent alternative

>> No.15687227
File: 363 KB, 646x835, 1692778605995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting for my inevitable peak mental breakdown.
I still toy with cutting off a cheek, last time I tried I barely got it due to pain. Apparently there's a huge artery in there, how can I really really make a nice cut there and survive it?

>> No.15687302

Do a flip attention seeking faggot

>> No.15688245

Do a barrel roll.

>> No.15688364

Do a TKA and call it a day.

>> No.15688725

Eat better food, chew gum after meals and take cimetidine as needed.

>> No.15688864

Chances are you didn’t even knew how to use that thing and instead wore it like a piece of jewelry. You go get fucked stetboy.

>> No.15688926

>H2 blockers

>> No.15689044

>doesn’t prescribe ranitidine

>> No.15689219

Could someone explain the difference between anticoagulant, anti-platelet, and fibrinolytic?
t. Layretard

>> No.15689398

Learn the coagulation cascade and explain it to me first so I know you'd understand what I tell you.

>> No.15689432

Doing the detective workup of people with shitty rememberance of their PMH and meds is the fun part of history taking thoughever

>> No.15689500

Can anyone well versed in lipids explain this phenomenon? I got a panel done at my last check up (22 y/o, 5’9 185 lbs lift 6 days per week ~17% bf) total cholesterol 201 mg/dL, LDL-C 127 mg/dL, triglycerides 147 mg/dL (fasting glucose 87 so I my insulin sensitive) I cut down on saturated fat intake quite a bit and retested two months later, trigs dropped to 47, total-c to 187, LDL 135. Got ApoB done that time and it was 82. How did my LDL go up if my total cholesterol went down, and I was consuming less saturated fat?

Also wouldn’t an ApoB in the low 80s typically come with lower LDL-C? What is explains this discordance?

>> No.15689927

What's the deal with podologists?

>> No.15690118

hiatal hernia makes all that null and void. Shit sucks. The typical surgery has a 20% failure rate within 5 years as well and the more novel surgeries are only done in munich and seattle that are more successful (modified hill method or BICORN). Just can't commit to it just yet. Meds work...side effects are questionable.

>> No.15690299
File: 24 KB, 250x354, 250px-Wellbutrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have depression?
>here, do some cocaine Jr. about it
Do medfags really?

>> No.15690378
File: 87 KB, 979x919, 1666008712353577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depressed niggers won't go to psychotherapy without some chemical intervention.
Take your meds faggot

>> No.15690616
File: 754 KB, 1092x791, geezer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy looks like he has underarm stretchmarks but his arms are tight. Doesn't skin fail to tighten back up after stretchmarks? Women usually get bat wings etc.

>> No.15690772

Crohn or small bowel/gastric cancer if expanding bone pain, melena, coffee ground vomiting, swollen lymph nodes in submental area and ceaseless fatigue is present, but no sign of inflamation, large bowel and end of small bowel fine, no history of nsaid use and prior gastroscopy (4 years ago) shown no ulcers?
If you don't like coke you either fuck off or get halo, simple as

>> No.15691419
File: 106 KB, 1500x1200, Lucy Letby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucy Letby appeal looking for sci and medico people to assist

British nurse wrongly witch-hunted and just convicted by 12 retards off the street over premature baby deaths at her hospital.

>> No.15692267

Bupropion just made me super super depressed, like I could probably kill myself level of self hatred

Worst thing is it worked for a couple of days before dumping in that pit

>> No.15692577

Hospital are torture as a 28 year old medcel. So many cute 10/10 nurses. It makes me want to shoot myself having to interact with them

>> No.15692760

Stretch marks don't go away.
As for skin tightening, Skin will tighten after weight loss if it's reasonably stretched (Not too much) and you're sufficiently young. Otherwise, you'll just have loose skin.

>> No.15693529

age relation sounds bogus

>> No.15693622

Just learn physiology of hemostasis and I'll explain from French based sources since I'm a Moroccan medfag :
- Primary hemostasis (Hémostase primaire) : antiplatelets or Anti-aggrégants plaquettaire are used to block this step, it blocks receptors of platelets where vWF or Fibrinogen fixes.
- Coagulation plasmatique : since for coagulation to happen it's necessary to activate factor X, so anticoagulants block factor Xa (X activated), or Thrombine which is an enzyme necessary for turning Fibrinogen into Fibrine or Heparine which potenlialize the action of Thrombine inhibitor "Antithrombine III" or AntiVitamineK which blocks factors vitaminK related so no activation of Xa and no coagulation.
- Fibrinolyse : Fibrinolytics are activators of Fibrinolyse and they're derived from physiologic activators of fibrinolyse like (T-Pa; UPA; Streptokinase etc)

That's just a small résumé, you need to learn about hemostasis to understand this.

>> No.15694588
File: 49 KB, 1024x782, blog-collagen-levels-and-age-01_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not. Collagen decline over age is real, and collagen is what keeps your skin youthful.

>> No.15694727

Your attention, please:
My pee is still blue.
Thank you for your attention.

>> No.15694760

Why can’t you ask them out

You are why they became nurses lol
They want to get a ring on you and trap you

>> No.15695396

Christ, this is exactly why I stopped going to doctors, beyond them ignoring my chest pain because it might have been related to the vaccine, then demanding I get a booster 8 months later like nothing happened

>> No.15695414

redpill me on veganism being the best diet for long term health

>> No.15695763

Fournier's gangrene stinks. That is all.

>> No.15695862

t.has never operated on a patient with mesenteric ischaemia bowel gangrene perforation with poopoo all over inside the peritoneum.

>> No.15695977
File: 15 KB, 302x291, 88hfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have good bedside manners? I don't..

>> No.15696704
File: 61 KB, 1080x1075, FAD6702E-57B8-4362-BAB4-4865AA1EF74D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got cockblocked from the fine ass intern by the faggot gyno resident. Like motherfucker if you wake me up at 3am for some bullshit ass MVA while I’m drunk as a skunk the least you could do would be bringing me the hot interns ass as payment. Get on with the program bozo.

>> No.15696921

Anons the inside scoop is that it is a complete scam and entirely unethical imo. The whole body mri scans they do are shit quality and scan likely isn’t even directly read by a trained radiologist. It’s probably interpreted a midlevel/nurse practitioner and then signed off by an overseeing radiologist who probably barely glanced at it. There are certain genetic syndromes (p53, lynch syndrome, FAP, vHL, etc) which actually do warrant close mri/ct surveillance since those patients are so prone to cancers, but it’s fuck all useless for general populace.

>> No.15697892

Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.15698240

Just took 2 aspirins and a vit C tablet, how fucked am I?

>> No.15698348

>pancreatic cancer
is over bro...

>> No.15698372

one of these days you'll meet a real mentally ill person

>> No.15698386

rest in peace, I wish I were u

>> No.15698391

body heat during exercise is from energy burned, not an immune response, so no. acute exercise during an illness doesn't do more than get you out of bed
that being said physical fitness is associated with decreased infectious illness in the long term

>> No.15698419

I did my preclinical years during covid lockdowns. I don't remember people being left leaning as much as being just grossly superficial with their politics (but I repeat myself). the kinds of people that identify the profit incentive in healthcare and denounce huge networks and insurance companies, only to turn around and promote the crap out of the mRNA shot/ozempic/botox/unnecessary stuff.

>> No.15698467

some things might come to you a little more slowly than if you were 5 years younger but it's doable. I have a classmate in her 40s

>> No.15698813
File: 84 KB, 274x440, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck /med/, what could it be?

>> No.15698832

>not an immune response
so what else is happening along with the increase of temperature, when there's fever?

>> No.15698900


1) No, it's a scam for people who don't understand medicine or statistics.
2) I'd get one of my brain to be able to 3D print a model of it. Nothing more.
3) No. The rate of detection of complete bullshit would swamp any benefit.

>> No.15699387

what stethoscope do you nibbas use? I use my good old trusty 7 year old and still going strong Master Classic II. being a pediatrician, most of my peers ask me if it isn't too big for neonates. Ofc it is too big, that's why neonates have their own stethoscope near their bed for fucks sake and it's not like I consult newborns on a daily basis. it's perfect for small children -> adolescents and the push diaphragm is great so I don't have to turn to a bell for heart sounds.

>> No.15699426
File: 5 KB, 388x103, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not medicine but I imagine meds are more likely to be into anki than say the stem career thread
>building a new deck in anki
>just barely get started on reviewing while completing it
>ran into some stuff and put the deck off for 2-3 years
>come back to my deck now

lol I feel like I should reset it
but when I searched for what to do to reset all the answers are screaming
>noo dont reset it ruins the algorithm
but I mean just because I magically guessed correctly does not mean I want to tuck the card away for a fucking decade

>> No.15699500

just again it man who cares

>> No.15699514

how fucked am i if i'm an img that wasn't good enough to get in med school back home that also wants to work in the US

am i doomed to being a gp (if that)

>> No.15699617
File: 143 KB, 800x739, nejmoa2206038_f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will meds like tirzepatide (Mounjaro in the US) change clinical practice in the next decades? Will they ever be affordable to common Joe without excellent insurance/person in socialized healthcare country? Eli Lilly profit gouging aside, would a generic version of this be cost-effective to produce and give to a large chunk of the population living with terrible obesity and all the associated costs?

>> No.15699866


Definitely reset and learn from scratch. If you remember, great - it'll go to a few months after a handful of "easys".

The algorithm wasn't designed for a 3 year break in mind.

>> No.15700766

Care to share your own deck?

>> No.15700911

>be me
>peds resident
>peers are 95% female
>nurses are 100% female
>some of them hit on me

Wtf, women indeed like men that can handle kids, especially babies.

>> No.15700990

I am too stupid to conduct a research. Anyone can help me find a good title that could make to the Q1-journal? I am interested in cardiovascular so please let me know

>> No.15701216

"Is it time to rename the insanely racist Wigger's diagram, like I can't even - An observational study"

>> No.15701266

>not reintroducing Reiter's syndrome, Asperger syndrome and Wegener's granulomatosis

>> No.15701387

not in english and not really medicine unfortunately

>> No.15701721

>Anon asks for cardiovasc topics
>Recommend rheumat
this is why you'll never publish

>> No.15701935

I want to die again, literally every time I come back to university I get depressed like this. I have no friends, no girlfriend, I am totally alone. I lay in bed in between classes because there is nothing else for me to do. I want to go to medical school but my GPA is low (cGPA 3.38, sGPA 3.52). I'm 21 years old and I just don't see life getting better. Literally the only thing from preventing me from offing myself at this point is my family, they care about me and I don't want to hurt them. I'm miserable and at a loss.

>> No.15702117

get some help anon. a good therapist and a good psych can go a long way. someone looking at your situation from an objective point of view will work.

>> No.15702317

I've seen shrinks before and it's never helped. I went to my school's mental health place and they wanted me to do group therapy which was an absolute joke. How is listening to college women complain about their menial problems for 3 hours a week supposed to help me?

>> No.15702511

Are you that bitch from an earlier thread complaining about how other people outperform you?

>> No.15702610


>> No.15702814

cardio is a meme anyway

>> No.15702932

If you're smart enough for medical school, and there aren't any external factors hurting your academic performance, yet your GPA is low, then you probably don't want to go to medical school

>> No.15702949

The external factors that hurt my GPA last year was taking care of my grandfather and then he died and my mental health has been in the shitter

>> No.15703046

>I want to go to medical school but my GPA is low (cGPA 3.38, sGPA 3.52

not even bad. my GPA is way shittier than yours, granted I'm at an established older DO school

just do well on the MCAT

>> No.15703079

>my cv for specialist college keeps looking better and better
>my social life is in the toilet
>I'm generally not very happy
I constantly ask myself: do I even want this? The money better be worth it /med/bros

>> No.15703132

ok thanks. I'm just such a blackpilled doomer. I want to go to DO school

>> No.15703179

Why do you want medschool if school makes you this depressed?

>> No.15703256

>going into medschool for money
there are other career paths you can choose, much easier that pay better. anything IT related and you'll make bank with a bit of luck. in medicine, even if you perform well you can end up in buttfuck Montana or other state and practice in the fucking mountains with no proper equipment for pocket change. plus, it's pretty hard to get a job in a big city without working like a slave and doing 48h shifts and shit like that.

depends on the spec you want to choose too. for example peds is so fucking hard in residency and the pay is just above family medicine. same goes for ID. Unless you go into some surgical subspec, you won't break the 500k/year threshold (maybe derm but derm is boring and you need to suck a lot of dicks for it).

>> No.15703262

>every patient in pain is potentially an opioid addict and therefore the ones who are genuinely in pain get no relief

>> No.15703284

oh well

>> No.15703296

become a DO, podiatrist, etc instead. could consider different midlevel professions too.

>> No.15703527
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, dufresne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clinical placement allocation is out today
>people I don't like got shit rural placements
today was a good day

>> No.15704027

Medicine doesn't make me depressed. Neither does school necessarily. I think it's more about being lonely?
If I did PA I would just apply to the 3 year programs after working for a few years. I've been told it'd just be better if I spent those years trying to apply to medical school and building my application. I would go to a DO school in a heartbeat if I was accepted. I'll apply this cycle to give it a shot.

>> No.15704117

the solution is to get everyone addicted to opioids

>> No.15704284

WTF? Are you practicing in Mexico too?
NGL I wouldn't mind living in Montana, Dakota or the Appalachians.

>> No.15704367

was doing heavy deadlifts today. must've been off balance, because i felt a spasm in my hamstring and a pop. i'm monitoring my symptoms:
>about a 3/10 persistent pain
>slow to walk, need to rotate leg to do it
>still have some flexibility, can balance on the afflicted leg
>no bruising detected even 2 hours later
>can still go down and up stairs, albeit carefully
>highly localized pain near center of hamstring
>sometimes spasms when walking
the pop concerns me, but chatgpt is telling me that could have been my muscles releasing tension (grade 2 strain?) instead of detaching from the bone. any thoughts?
>inb4 go to doctor
i will on thursday is it gets worse and i see evidence it's detached from the bone

>> No.15704375

Pretty good step 2 score bros. Almost feels like I'm wasting them going into peds, but I pretty much wanted to do peds since the beginning. I guess the shit pay and overly long fellowships are getting to me. Don't really want to do anything else either I guess

>> No.15704377

rippetoe claims another skull for his trophy room

>> No.15704387

more like rippeham :(

>> No.15704501
File: 29 KB, 446x466, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sux to suck.

>> No.15704506

>but I pretty much wanted to do peds since the beginning
Why though? What is so good about peds?

>> No.15704515

gay reasons like finding it more fulfilling

>> No.15704602
File: 18 KB, 739x568, full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i the only one here who actually enjoys practicing medicine?

>> No.15704653
File: 50 KB, 736x952, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this guy does too.

>> No.15704741
File: 12 KB, 449x220, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy did.

>> No.15704827

>psychiatrists unironically prescribe meth
we should've genocided them all when they started doing insulin comas and let neurology annex the schizos

>Psych said 40 mg with no caffeine
lol lmao even

>> No.15704841

Give it to me straight, is it possible to reverse male pattern baldness?

>> No.15704845

>and not taking them just makes me useless.
how would you say stims affected you? Did they improve your life?

>> No.15704876

I ate too much sushi at the buffet and now my tummy hurt

>> No.15704879

you gonna wake up a japanese schoolgirl or a tentacle monster tomorrow lad one of the two :/

>> No.15704942
File: 85 KB, 1233x1203, 116302962_10158305224749519_4813581317568212348_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm residency and love my job, moonlight on outpatient rotations, not just for the extra money but because I enjoy waking up early and being in the hospital. If I were ever forced to work in anything other than medicine I'd probably kill myself. I'm a very happy wagie in my cagie.

>> No.15704984

Oh I get that, days I'm not in class I feel trapped. I'm to exoverted to study without stimulation

For your own sanity get some outside activity in clubs, or even by tutoring.

>> No.15704997

eating "not shit" food doesn't fix GERD. some people have it really bad and have to take PPIs etc. to help reduce acid production in the stomach.

>> No.15705008

what happened to the shipman poster? he used to make a post every thread

>> No.15705076

He got a lethal dose.

>> No.15705177

Status: ded
Cause: unknown

>> No.15705256

Whats the correct way to complain about a doctor that can fuck up their life short of suing for malpractice?

>> No.15705416

show up with a gun

>> No.15705438

You can send a stern letter to the dilating department, previously approved by the dean of malding.

>> No.15705468

alright fucking riddle me this.
i've been working out recently and i stink. for the past month i've been taking two showers a day. once in the morning and once when i get home, usually after working out.
and i still kind of stink. like i'm sitting here now and my armpits don't smell great and if i rub the center of my chest and smell that, it stinks. and if i rub my cheeks/forehead and smell that, it stinks.

i don't understand. i use castille soap, a clean washcloth, and i'm ultra autistic with how i wash myself.

do people just stink normally? do i need to go to a doctor?

>> No.15705527

I'm a resident. love it even if it gets brutal sometimes.

>> No.15705549

>I need medical advice.
I masturbated with dry foreskin and a tiny, millimeter skin tear wound opened up at the top when in full cover position.
These aren't too uncommon and have occured before and healed quickly.
However, this one seemed to have trouble healing and a knot or bulge has formed atop the wound.
Seemed to contain fluid at first, feels like high pressure, but hasn't seceded in a week or so now.

I'm worried this is a permament alteration, i.e. my fucking cock is mutilated with a fucking witch's wart on it.

Please help.

>> No.15705551

What's your diet look like

>> No.15705556

It's probably just your own anxiety from being aware of your scent because you started to work out. You see this with adolescents in the clinic occasionally, they say that they smell, but then you can't smell them on examination. Oh well. Try using an aluminum based antiperspirant if you're not using one already.

Could the mysterious fluid filled lesion be... a blister? They might take more than a week to heal.

>> No.15705562

>Could the mysterious fluid filled lesion be... a blister? They might take more than a week to heal.
I hope so, however, you can't really see any fluid anymore and it looks like the skin formed around it seems thick and strong.
Callus variation.

What a nightmare, is there anything worse than when something's wrong with your cock bro what the fuck.

>> No.15705598

The body stinks when it's either unhealthy (full of waste, toxins, etc that haven't been released) or it's cleaning itself (dumping all the waste, toxins, etc). If you want to smell good, then fast. Let your body clear itself up and you'll smell better a few days after breaking your fast if you fasted long enough. Constantly digesting food prevents the body from handling things properly, so you get backed up and you start to stink. Fasting allows the cells and resources that were being spent on digestion to go do other things.

>> No.15705605

Quit jerkin yer dick and quit thinking about yer blister. Leave it slone and go do other things. You'll be fine as long as ya quit it and leave it alone. If you need a release, go find a cute girl and get yer dick wet. It's the only way.

>> No.15705694

could be better, but i don't eat garbage. just not a lot of vegetables.

>It's probably just your own anxiety from being aware of your scent
maybe, but i notice when people in class fucking stink. you'll walk past some dude and he noticeably smells unpleasant. i don't want to stink.

i considered using benzoyl peroxide on my armpits and stuff in the shower, i figure that would kill off bacteria or fungus or whatever might be responsible.

>> No.15706216

How to even love this job? I was doing night shift for A&E and there is a fucker that came while I tried to get some rest to give me weird symptoms just to get some sick leave (he kept mentioning it since after the clerking). I can't fucking ignore his complaints so did whatever I can. That fucker is the reason I can't fucking sleep at least for 1 hour for the entire night.

I hate my life.

>> No.15706408

>works in a&e
>complains about not being able to sleep


>> No.15706419

At least I don't work in medical or peds.

>> No.15706688

How do I find a good doctor
Every one with good ratings is booked forever
Should I just not give a fuck about the 1 star bitching?

>> No.15706818

I guess it depends on the specialty, but 99% of 1 star reviews for doctors I know is just from drug seekers who're mad they didn't get narcotics

>> No.15706874
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>have painful rash on my neck all of a sudden
>shave and rinse my neck
>rash completely vanishes in a few minutes
Indeed... indeed...

>> No.15707057

what is actually wrong with giving drug seekers drugs?
if a college kid wants adderall, he'll just buy it off someone else if not prescribed it.
same for an addict getting oxycodone.
even then, i'm of the belief that if you say you have pain, yeah sure you have pain. i remember i had my wisdom teeth taken out, and i call up about jaw pain and the woman writes me a script for ibuprofen. like, you won't give me a handful of tylenol-3s?

if it's just a GP, i don't think they can be all that bad, and you could shop around if you don't like them. but for something more serious i'd wait on a slot with a better one.

>> No.15707066
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got the minimum passing grade on my first medical school exam. i was #2 in my college in undergrad in biochemistry, but i can't seem to find the focus to study anymore...i'm thinking it might be over...i tried using Anki and stuff but just didn't work out, hopefully test 2 goes better otherwise might get the boot

>> No.15707212

>what is actually wrong with giving drug seekers drugs?
It's not good for their health?

>> No.15707543
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pedsbros how do you get a good physical on a 3 yr old? they keep screaming at me and I can't auscultate a thing...
>minimum passing grade on my first medical school exam
trajectory of the usual /med/ student, you'll get used to things. you'll be surprised by how much wacky shit you can handle as time goes on.

>> No.15707750

peds resident here. you have to trick the fucker. before the consult, if the patient is nervous or agitated, I use a stuffed animal and give it to them to play with until they become comfortable. I also use stickers as negotiation tools. If nothing works and they still cry, I will go to YouTube and find children songs to keep them busy. Some of the kids will simply not give in to any of these mainly because their parents are idiots and tell them that if they don't behave, they'll get an injection or something of the sort.

Also, talk to the kid, play with him a bit, talk to the mother or father if the kid is very anxious so he gets comfy around you. It depends on the setting too. you can't expect a kid in a peds ER to behave since every single little fucker is crying their lungs out.

>> No.15707774

you could probably give them a gentle shake until the screaming reduces in volume

>> No.15707782

they'll write you drugs to lower your blood pressure. i refused to stop taking amphetamines and i got a doctor to diagnose me with primary hypertension at like 22. took bystolic for some time but i felt that it fucked up my ability to ride my bike as intensely as i wanted. got on losartan and that was fine. no side effects. lowered bp from like 150/75 to 115/70

>> No.15707815

>their parents are idiots and tell them that if they don't behave, they'll get an injection
funnily I did run into exactly this today. thanks for the tips, we'll see how persuasive I can be when talking to the kiddos.
noted, putting em in a half nelson hold just hasn't been cutting it for me so far

>> No.15707854

>the paeds sticker merchant meme is real

>> No.15708257

lmao chad toddlers dabbing on virgin peds

>> No.15708399

>be you at emerg
>this retard comes in
what is your cheeky one-liner insult?

>> No.15708408

inject mole cells into your scalp.

>> No.15708414

Women also have parallel collagen matrices versus men having intersecting matrices which makes a woman's skin get rekt faster.

>> No.15708440

Reported this thread.
Despite your little disclaimer, the very first post in this thread is asking for medical advice


>> No.15708535 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, Dystopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUMP for Disclosure Now!

>> No.15708663
File: 1.48 MB, 1384x1020, lancelott_spratt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual clinical medicine is fun and I love it, whether it's treating deteriorating patients when you're on call on ward service, or picking up subtle signs leading to a diagnosis, thinking through a case from first principles to help develop a treatment plan and the appreciation your patients show you when you show that you actually care (by doing your job properly). The sense of being part of an ancient tradition and guild, and having collegiality with your coresidents and being part of a hierarchy with your bosses (if they look after you) is just an amazing blessing. No other profession can match that soul.

That being said, the paperwork, bureaucracy, retarded midlevels, nursoids and allied health, the workplace politics (usually instigated by the aforementioned retards) makes it all too tiring

>> No.15708683

You stink of soiboi reddit.

>> No.15708724

You will do what you will do, but don't come crying when you cause irreparable damage to your body

>> No.15708781

Why can't retards like you just let natural selection do its thing?

>> No.15708805

Which country are you from anon? No shot it's the US.

>> No.15708828

Which specialty?

>> No.15708869

any anons from germany or baltic area? I want to have my residency in europe but currently i only know english. any advice?

>> No.15708875

There used to be some German anons lurking here, not sure if they still do.
>Any advice?
Learn a language maybe?

>> No.15708878

it fuckin is. when I started I thought the same until a senior resident gave me a bunch of stickers.
kids are truly chads. they always say what they've got on their minds.
be as friendly as possible, I like to show them my stethoscope and give it to them as in it doesn't hurt. Then with the penlight I do the same, I flash it a few times, then I give it to the mom, and so on. if you have patience, you'll do well in peds. there are kids that do like doctors and I had one in the ER that LOVED the ibuprofen oral suspension (it was marketed as peach flavored but when I tasted it, it tasted like maple syrup combined with toothpaste) and he was so fucking funny when he asked for more.

>> No.15708890


>> No.15708903

Is oral HPV transmission 100% during oral heterosexual sex?

Is it possible to test for HPV in men? I am not sure how commercially available DNA testing is for HPV and if it is even available for men.

>> No.15708910

they have a (((vaccine))) that will prevent like, 9 different hpv strains.

>> No.15709002

i'm doing so currently. i would love to know if theres a program where i can work using english and move there and learn german there(hopefully free of charge)

>> No.15709064

>i would love to know if theres a program where i can work using english and move there and learn german there(hopefully free of charge)
i'm german but i don't know anything about that. not that i would need to know, because im german...
youre better off asking people that are not german but live in germany.
there's a couple i follow on instagram that moved from russia to berlin and they live and work there using English as a main language. so i know it's possible somehow.
you probably need to find a company that specifically hires internationally, because most businesses really don't do that.
the company i work at recently got some job applications from india and china and my bosses laughed it off, saying they won't hire anyone that doesn't speak german.

>> No.15709767

>Just finished medical degree
>Start noticing white hair on my head
I am only 25, was it worth it?

>> No.15709780

The big cities always speak english, you can get away with A2 of a language