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File: 129 KB, 600x631, Maquette-Luna-Glob-Lander-b-DSC_0075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15652787 No.15652787 [Reply] [Original]


stream in Russian: https://www.youtube.com/live/cgi2pIFrnW4
stream in English: https://youtu.be/JaGyjrfZX3o

>> No.15653151

Fuck I missed it, guess I can rewatch the launch and keep the thread bumped as it makes its way there

>> No.15653287

Following. Russia hasn't successfully sent a probe beyond earth orbit in four decades and all of those people are retired or dead so you have a flight group with no experience trying to soft land a probe on the moon. I'll be shocked if they pull it off.

>> No.15653299

There was the first exomars launch, even though that probe was from Yurop.

>> No.15653372

Wasn't it launched on an Ariane or something? I seem to remember that it crashed because a Russian timer that was supposed to count 90 seconds triggered a landing event at 1.5 seconds instead.

>> No.15653376

Nope, Proton-M with a Briz upper stage

>> No.15653962

>Luna-25 reported to have separated successfully and is now heading towards the Moon
>no pics of the Earth or Moon yet
Did it failed? If it was successful you'd think they would show video from the probe cameras just to flex.

>> No.15654020
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Luna-25 racing India's Chandrayaan-3 to the South Pole!

>> No.15654055

Chandrayaan 3 lands on 23

>> No.15654153

Are they really trying to land this thing on the ice near the Moon's south pole?

>> No.15654309

Yes every space capable nation is trying to get there now because lunar ice is a staging ground to doing deep space missions (Mars, Jupiter's moons, asteroid mining).

>> No.15654553

How is Russia even communicating with Luna-25? Do they have anything similar to the NASA Deep Space Network? I seem to remember the Soviet Union actually had to deploy ships with large tracking antennas to communicate with their space probes since they didn't have continuous coverage like what the DSN provides.

>> No.15655393

Hope chandrayaan succeeds this time

>> No.15655827

Russia inherited the USSR's deep space network

>> No.15656560

>USSR's deep space network
most of the big antennas were probably sold for scrap metal during the 1990s

>> No.15656631

No, the three big ones were in Moscow, the Far East and the Crimea and all of them are still active.
Compared to big warships a few radar dishes are relatively inexpensive, and the one that was going to be built in the Uzbek SSR before the Soviet Union collapsed is getting completed now.

>> No.15656642
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>> No.15657065

So how do they communicate with Luna-25 when Russia is on the opposite side of the Earth? Do they have ground antennas in Russian-friendly countries like Cuba?

>> No.15657748

I think its mostly the ground stations maintaining contact by way of satellites in earth orbit.

>> No.15658826

Looks like a 46 second course correction burn went off fine

>> No.15659663

Pics when? You would think Roscosmos would release some camera pics of the receding Earth or the approaching Moon just for pr purposes by now. Artemis pretty much had a continuous live video feed as it traveled to the Moon and back.

>> No.15660404


Amateur trackers aren't able to figure out where it is :O

>> No.15660427

Maybe Luna-25 is just a non-functional mockup that doesn't really do anything? Russia can just claim that it landed and release some shopped pics of the lunar surface as proof.

>> No.15660441

It was never a probe and it isn't going to the moon. Russians are going to take out all American and European satellites in orbit then launch first strike. Without satellite survalience and GPS, NATO would lose in a first strike scenario, especially if China also launches first strike at the same time.

The solution is simple. Russia and China should not be allowed to conduct space launches. They are not peaceful nations and would destroy America and Western Europe if they have the chance. Space access is the only thing that would give them the opportunity.

>> No.15660454
File: 37 KB, 1080x183, Screenshot_2023-08-13-16-02-26-30_21da60175e70af211acc4f26191b7a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool source
Also 250 gorillion Russian soldiers died

>> No.15660464

ahahahah Ukrainian flag automatically discredit everything he says. I don't really understand what do you expect luna 25 to post. It will only reach Moon in 3 days. Roscosmos said that It did first correction on path to moon. And there still will be 2nd correction. Chandrayaan only posted photos after it reached moon. And no one was asking question. But of course I can understand that Ukrainian flag really cares about Russian station

>> No.15660471

How hard would it really be to fake Luna-25? I mean Russia could just build a fake lunar surface in some movie studio like in Capricorn One.

>> No.15660477


Doesn't mean it isn't there. Tilley's one of the best amateur satellite hunters but doesn't have access to US Space Force equipment. I remember when he tracked China's lunar orbiter in distant retrograde orbit and a week later USSF confirmed it ie. they had already been tracking it.
USSF usually releases this data publicly so we'll know in a week's time.

>> No.15660505

It's impossible to hide moon lander when it is on moon. If it will crash on moon it will be located like chandrayan 2 was. If it lands same

>> No.15660512

If a small spacecraft lands intact it's actually very hard to find unless you know exactly where to look and Russia probably won't disclose the landing coordinates. Only if the lander splats will it leave a crater that can be easily seen by an orbiter.

>> No.15660718

They're landing in the Boguslawsky crater, its not that big of an area for a satellite to sweep out

>> No.15662165

>Boguslawsky crater
That's only the currently planned landing site though. If Russia wanted to fake a Moon landing they could say they're changing landing sites and then crash the probe on the far side of the Moon. It would take years for another country to find the crash site and nobody is going to devote valuable spacecraft time to looking for it. Of course this only makes sense if Russia knew they had a probe that wasn't capable of landing intact but decided to fake it for public relations reasons, which is unlikely.

>> No.15662169


>> No.15662208

>If Russia wanted to fake a Moon landing
I don't know why they would even bother
>nobody is going to devote valuable spacecraft time to looking for it
Hasn't something like LRO been in a polar orbit for the last decade?

>All space discussion needs to be shoved in the muskfag circlejerk so there's more room in the catalog for twitter screencap threads and /pol/ bait

>> No.15662616
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>> No.15662627

Would be nice to see some pics of the Earth and/or Moon. Surely they have to operate the cameras if only to make sure they're working before trying to land.

>> No.15664165

Alright, two good correction burns.

>> No.15664990

Well the good news is that Luna-25 is now sending back images. The bad news is they look like they were taken with a potato. Is this really the best Roscosmos can do?

>> No.15665237

>The bad news is they look like they were taken with a potato
Post some of them?

>> No.15665251
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>> No.15665256
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>> No.15665261
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>> No.15665265

Low resolution black and white? These look like pics from the 1960s. I hope the surface images are better.

>> No.15665350

So Zemlya means Earth? I didn't know that. So I guess that big island north of mainland Russia where they test their nukes is named New Earth (Novaya Zemlya).

>> No.15665455

zemlya also means 'land' and 'soil'
so novaya zemlya is 'new land'

>> No.15665467

There are ton of high quality cameras out in space for the express purpose of viewing earth (or moon) from space. I don't get the obsession with putting non mission cameras on space vehicles.

>> No.15665497

If I ever get abducted by ayys I'll tell them this is Planet Zemlya just to confuse them

>> No.15665600

Cameras are 2048x2048 rgb. But for test they took photos in monochrome

>> No.15665909

Maybe Luna-25's radios can only send low bitrate data back to Earth so they had to keep the pics small. Russia has problems sourcing space-rated electronics due to sanctions and their homegrown stuff might not be currently capable of sending high quality images and video. It could also be that they haven't unfolded the high gain antenna yet. I guess we'll see when they get to the Moon.

>> No.15665950


Luna? More like Troona.

>> No.15667169

any other specs?

>> No.15668121

Roscosmos has been pretty quiet today. Hope things are going well. I noticed the Moon is real close to the Sun right now which could possibly interfere with spacecraft communications.

>> No.15668123

>52 posts
>17 IPs
just one lame samefag patethically selfbumping his own vanity thread that nobody is interested in

>> No.15668145


>> No.15668167

> which could possibly interfere with spacecraft communications
It wouldn't. The moon's orbital radius around the earth is paltry compared to that of the earth's orbital radius around the sun. so the change is solar flux is negligible.

>> No.15668441

You're probably right. Also the Moon is about 4 degrees from the Sun right now so that should give them sufficient angular clearance so they don't have to point the ground antenna directly at the Sun. That would be a big problem since the Sun puts out a huge amount of broadband radio noise.

>> No.15669406

Looks like the orbital insertion burn worked

>> No.15669435

>their planet is mostly water
>these ape ass motherfuckers named the whole thing "Dirt"

>> No.15670063
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>living on the part of the planet that isn't solid
>trying to invent fire and develop subsequent technology in the areas that are wet

>> No.15670407

more luna-25 pictures when?

>> No.15670462
File: 116 KB, 1020x650, 1672266050700166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, just checked tass and a color version of >>15665251 is all I found

>> No.15670512
File: 337 KB, 960x1280, IMG_1283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been there this spring.
They got a cool museum over there

>> No.15670519
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The lunokhod pressure cooker. It’s actually pretty huge, larger than a compact car

>> No.15670595

Pretty neat

>> No.15670603

This thing looks like a medieval torture device. I would be terrified if this thing came down from space and started driving around.

>> No.15671185
File: 151 KB, 945x942, Luna25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15671547

Russia is trying to get imagery of the double crater on the moon, because they too, have figured out that it is probably MH370.

>> No.15672015
File: 438 KB, 800x1411, Driving_Distances_on_Mars_and_the_Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucker travelled a long time in just one year

>> No.15672079

I guess Russia still holds the lunar long distance driving record. They should send a nuclear powered rover and try to drive around the entire Moon just for kicks and to maintain the record.

>> No.15672432

where's percy?

>> No.15672736

One of the things that the soviets wanted to do was land a Lunakhod and a spare LK before a manned lunar mission as a back up, with the Lunakhod as a means of getting the cosmonaut to the back up lander.

>> No.15673271

moar moon pics when? somebody get Roscosmos to wake up and take some pics.

>> No.15673815

they're currently in the "pretend there is no mission phase" so that they can save face if something goes wrong. The chinese at least used to do similar things where their big publicity stuff only happens after a mission's full success

>> No.15673880

The parts were sold to westerners as "soviet surplus" on ebay.

>> No.15673897

jesus christ it's been like 100 years or more and the americans still can't figure out they're the only ones on the planet that actually give a shit about the PR and the optics and built their opinions over something based on how well the PR campaign is executed. From vidya games to films to political events to even space program missions.

>> No.15673940


>> No.15675092

this nigger has never heard of Soyuz-1
in case you can't count, 1967 was less than 100 years ago
>and now this is the part where he says "ok, 50 years then" and then we play a game where I continuously bring up objective proof that he's wrong, slowly shrinking the time range all the way down to 5 years, and because anon's retarded he doesn't notice me playing him like a goddamn fiddle
except I'm too tired for that so:

"It is now known that the Soviets did cover up disasters and accidents within the space program, but there is no evidence to suggest they ever covered up any deaths in orbit. In 1960, a launch pad explosion of an unmanned rocket killed the important Soviet Air Force official Marshal Mitrofan Nedelin, and approximately 120 other personnel. Additionally, a cosmonaut trainee Valentin Bondarenko died in a horrific fire in the oxygen-rich atmosphere of an isolation test chamber. The growing openness of “Glasnost” in the USSR in the 1980s exposed these disasters to both a Soviet people who were hungry for the truth, and to curious American experts. The impact of Glasnost in rewriting Soviet history was so great that in 1988 Soviet high school history exams were cancelled because revelations about the past had rendered their textbooks useless."

That is not an exhaustive list, and the Russians do legitimately carry on the tradition of covering up failures. None of this was seriously intended to trick the west, it's all about propaganda and information control WITHIN russia. The chinese also have been especially notorious for not announcing launches until literally after they have lifted off; and I can name launches from less than 5 years ago that do this for the very same exact reason. It's not like the rest of the world won't notice the failure, but they keep things quiet domestically to appear strong and never have to admit failures. I sincerely hope you're not some deluded /pol/ npc, and that you just weren't aware of their sordid history.

>> No.15675133

>this nigger has never heard of Soyuz-1
How was Soyuz-1 covered up? Komarov was literally given a state funeral and interred in the walls of the Kremlin. Why even mention it?

>> No.15675170

>it's all about propaganda and information control WITHIN russia
Russia doesn't block internal access to the Internet like China does though. If something goes wrong in space the Russian populace will know about it immediately from foreign sources so no sense in trying to cover things up anymore.

>> No.15675193

I guess this is what I get for not looking things up before I post; I thought Komarov was the coverup but it was actually just Bondarenko's Apollo-1 style premature cremation that was obscured, as in the quote above. Even so, Soyuz-1 wasn't announced to the public ahead of launch and in fact neither was Vostok-1. There's a (not very credible) theory that Komarov's death was only officially acknowledged because other cosmonauts (Yuri especially, being a close friend) refused to keep quiet but I guess I was just flat out wrong about Soyuz-1 being unannounced, fuck.

Russia's had more than a few surprise Soyuz launches but all the recent secret coverups have been military payloads. The chinese DEFINITELY still do this with their unmanned rockets though, even ostensibly non-military ones.

>> No.15675219

>wrong about *The failure of* Soyuz-1 being unannounced
it's late I need to stop retardposting
they don't have a great firewall but they do ban a lot of websites, and come knocking on doors for being too critical of the kremlin. FYI Russia has banned the internet archive and the wayback machine since 2014, Rutracker's been banned forever, Dailymotion and the BBC, most public TOR relays, ProtonMail and Tutanota, Google News, and apparently Telegram has been banned for a few years lmao. Obviously the bans don't function very well but the intention to censor is certainly there and russian citizens understand well enough what happens if they ignore the bans that they at least pretend to comply. also,
but we all know wikipedia is fake something something tranny something west is collapsing yada yada

>> No.15675226

Telegram isn't banned in Russia, its the second biggest social media service after VK. And no don't take Wikipedia at face value. Let us us not forget how no one noticed how one teenager in South Carolina fucked up the Scots Wikipedia by translating English articles using google.

>> No.15675337

they only blocked it for three years, I guess.
>unblocked on June 19, 2020
and I wish you were wrong about wikipedia, but I do believe the 2 links I posted are entirely factual at least

>> No.15675384

Anyway, this tangential at best and off topic at worst. Only thing left to talk about now is whether they'll stick the landing on Monday.

>> No.15676345
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vse koncheno

>> No.15676474

>an emergency situation occured
oh no vatnik comrades the poos are gonna win

>> No.15676863
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well fug

>> No.15677048

This just proves that multi ethnic autocracy can't into space.

>> No.15677198

Any word if its a hardware of software problem, what the problem is, or how far off the intended orbit the probe is?

>> No.15677233

>I mean the whales and dolphins can call it whatever the fuck they want but they're not the ones who built and rocket and flew all the way out here to mine your heavy metals and bang your ayy women, are they?

>> No.15677242
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it's over
Now let's hope the pajeets' space JVM won't crash

>> No.15677249

>born too young for age of discovery
>born too soon for interstellar travel
>born just right to do first terrestrial(?) lunar circumnavigation

feels good man

>> No.15677251

> A few hours after the first official announcement about a problem aboard Luna-Glob, an unofficial Telegram channel, Zakryty Kosmos, reported that the spacecraft had broken communications with ground control during the orbit correction but Roskosmos continues its attempts to contact the spacecraft. Before the end of the day on August 19, Aleksandr Ivanov, First Deputy Director for the Development of Orbital Assets and Advanced Projects at Roskosmos, arrived at NPO Lavochkin, the prime contractor in the Luna-Glob project with its own mission control facility. Ivanov reportedly chaired a meeting on the status of the Luna-Glob mission.
>Around the same time, another Telegram channel Yura Prosti claimed that a computational error led to the final engine firing to be 1.5 times longer than required and thus resulting in deorbiting and crash of the spacecraft on the Moon.

>> No.15677266

Any links to the telegram channels?

>> No.15677287

It's not the official channel, it's the channel referenced in the article
>Very sad news about Luna 25. Half of the interviewed experts say that it apparently could have crashed as a result of an error with the braking impulse, which was produced today. I don't want to believe it, maybe the subjunctive mood will still be decisive at the moment, and the bad news will not be confirmed, we hope from the last efforts....

>> No.15677347
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>According to certain data, after issuing a command to move to a pre-landing orbit, communication was lost with the Luna-25 spacecraft. Telemetry data and command execution responses stopped coming to Earth.
>Requests for Luna-25 are being sent, optical means will be connected to the search, but the long silence of Roscosmos is always an indicator that nothing good awaits us.
Welp, hope for the best prepare for the worst. Assuming whatever the problem was didn't smash the lander into the surface, maybe the mission can still be completed or at least salvaged.

>> No.15677363
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>> No.15677383
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imagine getting mogged by india

>> No.15677390

Feels sad bros. Hope they get back the communication and Luna lands safely.
Best Regards,
Kanpur, India

>> No.15677397

The module will*
Fucking ESLs

>> No.15677410

Assuming this was a failure, how would this affect the rest of the Luna-Glob program, will the orbiter for 26 be pushed back to a later mission and another lander be sent?

>> No.15677415

Putler will disband roscosmos

>> No.15677417


>> No.15677423

Given that the Apollo astronauts left bags of their shit on the moon to save weight on ascent, India can't be first to have a designated shitting crater on the moon.

>> No.15677429

With the tech they have, a jeet manned mission will happen in 2050

>> No.15677438

Speaking off manned Indian missions, isn't their new crew capsule supposed to fly next year?

>> No.15677449

CIA conspiracy? Can you sabotage something mid mission?

>> No.15677460

US' space marines boarded and destroyed the probe. Simple as

>> No.15677461

Take your meds, while I wouldn't put anything past the glownigs, the wouldn't have the ability to cause a malfunction out in lunar orbit.

>> No.15677475

Cant you interfere with the comms or some shit? New to /sci/ here

>> No.15677490

>Cant you interfere with the comms or some shit?
Yes, but its not as a simple as turning on a jammer. You have to know the frequency being used, equipment available to do is and line of sight. Its like how the Russians had to get a bunch variety of EW equipment in Ukraine to jam starlink and other ukrainian comms.
> New to /sci/ here
Lurk Moar

>> No.15677494

current cope status, ziggerbros?

>> No.15677503

LoS and equipment can easily be arranged. Cant the glowies just bribe some underpaid russian scientist and get the frequencies

>> No.15677507

Even if they did, they would have to have something powerful enough and have line of sight.

>> No.15677510

Why do all that when it's almost guaranteed to fail on it's own?
I mean american probes, landers etc fail often, the probability of russian garbage failing is 99.9%

>> No.15677530

Why they would bother? Why would glownigs try to disable a scientific spacecraft around the moon and not a military or ISR one in Earth Orbit? Deep space probes do fail (see Schiaparelli, Chandryaan-2, Beresheet) and there's nothing stopping Russia from trying again, its not like the OG Luna program was without its failures.

>> No.15677539

To make glorious Russia lose face

>> No.15677545

Again why? Is not that big in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.15677548

There's no good reason for reliable Soviet tech to fail without CIA meddling

>> No.15677551

Thing is this isn't soviet era tech, despise the Luna-25 designation the Luna-Glob program has nothing do with the OG Luna program in terms of hardware.

>> No.15677555

Even moreso then
Current Russian engineering is decades ahead of decaying West

>> No.15677556

Americans just dont want anyone to land on moon because their own moon landing will be exposed as fake

>> No.15677559
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>CIA conspiracy? Can you sabotage something mid mission?
>A retired Russian general alleged last November that the Phobos-Grunt might have been incapacitated by a powerful U.S. radar. Nikolai Rodionov, who previously was in charge of Russia's early warning system, was quoted as saying that a powerful electromagnetic impulse generated by U.S. radar in Alaska might have affected the probe's control system.

>> No.15677572
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>> No.15677582

>the Luna-Glob program has nothing do with the OG Luna program in terms of hardware
They literally said its a modification of the old design with some new instruments.

>> No.15677597
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>The moon is a russophobic planet!

>> No.15677608

For some unadmitted shit:
The Soviet first woman in space had to be forcibly dragged aboard the rocket and was passed out during most of the flight. Took quite a few years before they attempted to send another woman.

>> No.15677614

Why didn't they just launch another Luna 24? Luna 24 landed on the moon and then returned back to earth with lunar samples ...in 1976! Just how fucking stupid can they be

>> No.15677623

The designs for the mission go back to the 90s, not the 70s. Yes there's going to be some commonalities in architecture but its not the exact same hardware.

Sounds like bullshit considering that Tereshkova wanted to go into space again.

>> No.15677624

This Luna 25 thing is going as badly as the counteroffensive :(

>> No.15677633

Da, all according to plan! 3 days to Kyiv, 3 days to the Moon...

>> No.15677634

And Tokmak never!

>> No.15677636
File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, 230818002800-01-lukashenko-belarus-ukraine-russia-interview-intl-hnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tokmak never!
Figuratively speaking...

>> No.15677648

>bullshit considering that Tereshkova wanted
You really think she would (be allowed to) admit in public that the mission was a fuckup?

>> No.15677666

>Yes there's going to be some commonalities in architecture
You started by saying 'luna glob has nothing to do with OG luna' why you walking back now faggot.

>> No.15677705
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>> No.15677802

fuck putin fuck russian

>> No.15677839

There's going to be some intrinsic basic commonalities because its a moon lander and has 4 legs. But beyond that almost everything else is different compared to say Luna 16 or 24. The tank layout is different , the satellite bus is (and has to be) different, 16 and 24 had no solar panels and relied entirely on its batteries, previous missions were either orbiters or landers with spherical hulls.

>> No.15678466

where you were when luna-25 is kill?

>> No.15678488

>According to preliminary calculations, the Luna-25 station entered an uncalculated orbit and collided with the Moon, terminating its existence, Roscosmos reported

>> No.15678503

>Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Marov has been hospitalized amid reports of an emergency situation with Luna-25. Veteran space scientist, head of space research and cosmochemistry at the Vernadsky GEOHII, of course, it is very difficult for him to relive what happened.
My sides, Putin already sent his secret agents to poison him. Infine being mogged by the Pajeets

>> No.15678506


>> No.15678507

Why did CIA shoot down Russian space mission?
go back to nafo r*edit please

>> No.15678511

>terminating its existence
Now, now, let's not use extreme language. It's existence is just postponed for the duration of a full cycle through every possible thermodynamic state of the universe.

>> No.15678517

Space needs to get denazified!

>> No.15678520
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>muh CIA
cope harder zigger

>> No.15678527

>terminating its existence, Roscosmos reported
* citation needed.

>> No.15678552

the source is literally RIA Novosti, the Russian state-owned domestic news agency.

>> No.15678632
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this is on the front page of the guardian now

>> No.15678645

based it actually landed and shat RITEG pellets all over the moon surface, fuck greta turnberg and fuck the greens

>> No.15678649
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Luna is too difficult, bros.

>> No.15678659

Oh wow, the tank turret successfully returned from orbit

>> No.15678665

Hahaha people in this terras were actually rooting for a Russian spacecraft.

Muh international science, muh global goals.

Russia is only in for herself. Fuck Russia and fuck you faggot chud putin losers

>> No.15678667

now they can ask for another funding round and do nothing for another 20 years

>> No.15678668


>> No.15678671

>pajeets' space JVM
Ironically, it's HST and JWST run onboard VMs

>> No.15678684

i find it hilarious how you didn't care up until something happened

>> No.15678690

I did care whether Russia would try to steal resources from the moon. I'm happy they failed and I'm surprised how many of you were rooting for a failed and unethical regime.

>> No.15678699

I'm rooting for science though, i think politics and science are unrelated.

>> No.15678703 [DELETED] 

Science is political, zchud vatnik.

>> No.15678705

You're just a political extremist, that's all

>> No.15678707

It's RTG, vatnegro

>> No.15678708

Opposing dictatorship is not political extremism, zchud. There is no point to doing science in a world where deranged maniacs like Putin get to run a country full of subhuman orcs and threaten Ukraine.

>> No.15678709

You are a naive person thinking science and politics are unrelated.

I agree with you that they SHOULD be unrelated to each other. They are not, welcome to the real world.

>> No.15678710

oh to be underage b& again...
and who are the good guys in space then, genius?

>> No.15678713

You're literally an extremist, which is why you see the world in black/white color and ignore the fact that science is outside of the political realm.
Literally the phrase that "science is political" exposes you as an extremist.

>> No.15678716

Only you and other deranged antivaxxer right wingers think opposing Putin's genocide is "extreme".

>> No.15678717

The ones that are also the good guys on earth

>> No.15678719

I am the same, however when russia invaded another country and started a war at that point politics ended.

>> No.15678720

What do you win from falseflagging in a thread like this?

>> No.15678722

political extremism is invading a country and killing hundreds of thousands of people chud
the kremlin is running out of money, soon he won't be able to pay your salary anymore

>> No.15678723

What do you win from trying to legitimize a dictatorial regime and a country of murderous orcs?

>> No.15678725 [DELETED] 

This. So much this. The Ukrainian counter-offensive is going to break through Russian defenses any day now and finish it. Putler lost. Slava Ukraini.

>> No.15678726

How is it related to research though?
i said that saying shit like "science is political" is extreme, i never mentioned putin

>> No.15678727

Absolutely nothing, considering i´ve been donating to Ukie drone units.
I just think you sound hysterical and annoying.

>> No.15678728

>i said that saying shit like "science is political" is extreme
Putler made it political by invading Ukraine. You're the extremist for denying this.

>> No.15678729

I wish you were right. I dont think ukraine has the power to defeat russia unfortunately

>> No.15678731

> I dont think ukraine has the power to defeat russia unfortunately
Another Kremlin-funded z-chud trying to mask his Russian identity. Your demoralization mission has failed. Everyone knows Putler lost. The Ghost of Kiyv will prevail.

>> No.15678732

ukraine has until november to crack through russia's defenses. it's too soon to know yet

>> No.15678733

Literally how lol. Also what's with the projections?
>me right
>you wrong
>muh feels

Have you taken your meds today?

>> No.15678734

Russia has lost millions of orcs in battle. Ukraine has lost what, like 10,000 men? It's over for Putler.

>> No.15678735

You were right they crashed . Mission failed. Sad.

>> No.15678739
File: 8 KB, 159x219, 1344303297030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how trying to shut down this thread by derailing the discussion with false flags started immediately it was announced the lander had crash-landed.
See >>15678731

>> No.15678743

What I'm noticing is a horde of zchuds trying to demoralize us with concern trolling and essentially pro-Putin narratives.

>> No.15678744

Yeah, they just flood the board with /pol/ spam, the thread had like 3 active users now it's suddenly a big event.
I can guarantee you if it landed it would be just as slow as before.

>> No.15678750

why did it crash bros? I thought Russia was greater than the west

>> No.15678754

because it's their first launch since the 1976

>> No.15678854


OOF! This is fucking embarrassing. Good thing you /sci/tards are unfamiliar with the Russian janny.

>> No.15678858
File: 280 KB, 1080x1040, IMG_20230820_121133_213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on luna 25. New footage just in confirms that it has indeed crashed on the moon.

>> No.15678989
File: 60 KB, 600x381, 1641340663028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a Rapid Early Landing

>> No.15679093

Fake. Washing machine technology is not available to Russia.

>> No.15679170

until now india and russia have attacked targets on the moon. what kind of secret war is happening up there?

>> No.15679191
File: 16 KB, 500x400, 1551675483650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15679232

It fell out of a five story window.

>> No.15679280

oof zisters I just heard...we have to stop taking all these Ls besties

>> No.15679312

>not even bothering to build the tweaker sheds for the photos anymore
>just cgi

This is just sad. Imagine believing that any of this is real.

>> No.15679356

Anyone have a pic of the animated logo? It was pretty cute.

>> No.15679537

the moment z moon lander shat itself all zchuds went quiet, total radio silence, if they ignore it and try not think about it maybe the cope will go away

>> No.15679646

Oh well, try again

>> No.15679734
File: 124 KB, 1680x1050, GreetingsFromTheMoon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the explosion was of extraordinary magnitude

>> No.15679786
File: 424 KB, 1292x719, 1689633573679895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really should watch ATHF again

>> No.15680066

They are incapable of completing complex missions.
The Soviet Union would look at 2020s Russia as a complete abomination of the empire they built.

>> No.15680281
File: 14 KB, 279x240, YakovSmirnoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Putin's Russia, moon land on YOU!

>> No.15681577

its over

>> No.15681613
File: 128 KB, 600x562, 463534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putin's Russia

>> No.15681888

can you legitimately call it anything else? it's the man's personal kingdom

>> No.15681987

Russia has election retard

>> No.15682001

>can you legitimately call it anything else?
Yeah, you can just call it "Russia".

>it's the man's personal kingdom
I was going to say that you are living in your personal kingdom, in permanent exile from reality, but on second thought, all of your thoughts are written by someone else.

>> No.15682036

as if westroon society isn't a corporatocratic feudalism run by larry fink et al. there is no such thing as democracy. never was and never will be. the ruling class just bamboozled the gullible masses into believing their false choice of handpicked candidates means anything. in reality the whole structure including information systems are top down. pointing to muh russia/china as if they are in anyway that different is as funny as when they do it about muh west. it's all tyrannical shit everywhere. this planet is a penal colony. simple as.

>> No.15682043

This guy gets it. You'd think everyone would get it by now. I'd say getting it is a litmus test of humanity at this point.

>> No.15682185
File: 823 KB, 850x618, F3-WCenWYAAlxIZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15682734

China has lander on moon. Usa has 0

>> No.15682744
File: 228 KB, 746x497, 1580689372990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have the biggest lander of all still there, it's called the LM