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File: 258 KB, 1221x931, hyperborean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15659965 No.15659965 [Reply] [Original]

Do we have genuine autistic hyperboreans on this board? Share your unique expert knowledge with us midwits in introvert hell.

>> No.15659997

163 IQ tested Autist hyperborean here. The genuine hyperborean-pill is that IQ doesn't matter.
Midwits will disagree.

>> No.15660007

I think iq makes a huge difference but you're no less crippled and retarded with shit emotional intelligence as you are with a dogshit iq

>> No.15660035

you just know that this meme was made by a midwit

>> No.15660060

How to exit introvert hell: look a demon in the face and laugh

>> No.15660113



>> No.15660121

Don't do that. It'll get you arrested for hate speech.

>> No.15660125

I grew up with a true genius and can assuredly tell you this board is made up of nothing but midwits.

>> No.15660129

yet you had to mention it

>> No.15660139
File: 105 KB, 679x900, artwork-of-laniakea-supercluster-mark-garlick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe I am a hyperborean.

I believe god exists. He might be a physical being, spiritual,or an all encompassing oversoul. I tend to lean toward the oversoul (god is a combination of all matter and energy) because the ancient described him as omnicient and in everything.

I've had many "miracles" in my life and I believe a force was guiding me through them.

If you want to deny god, the most convincing evidence is the lanikea and Hercules superclusters. To think our galaxy is nothing compared too these giant structures is amazing. The organization is incredible and makes me believe in intelligent design.

Every universal constant and law is consistent and non-conflicting to allow a complex system. It was so great it resulted in life.

If there wasn't intelligent design it would be a soup of random particles that can't interact or form structure. Basically the entire universe would be noble gases. Instead we have about 50-70 useable elements that form compounds, with carbon able to form creatures able to change their universe on willpower alone.

>> No.15660158


>> No.15660173

tell us more

>> No.15660179

absolutely based true hyperborean

>> No.15660674

you are an absolute fucking retard
God exists outside the concept of time.

he separated himself into the God of heaven and the God of hell
one giving backdrop to the other to prove souls through time

the father of lies leads those who exhibit traits of the 7 deadly sins
into hell, away from people who will go to heaven.
He is the God of mercy who will forgive those who humble themselves
and if they dont they stay in hell.

souls are made by making decisions between good and evil
the weight of a soul is measured on judgement day
and people are divided into the groups that time measures.
its a filter

God is not dead. time is nearing an end where the selfish, perverted, greedy, prideful
fags are reaching their end points. once an apex point is reached the apocalypse will enact.

it was always meant to be this way. like anything else a lifeform is born, accumulates sin, and dies
from the deformity of the sin. light is dissipated into darkness.
thats the importance of faith, to make a desperate decision between pride and mercy
people would take for themselves naturally if they had no concept of heaven.
its the law of nature vs the act of mercy.

>> No.15660696

thermv nvclear trvth detvnativn

>> No.15660935

this shit is so cringe

>> No.15660965

>he separated himself into the God of heaven and the God of hell
That violates divine simplicity you moron

>> No.15660989

God is all things

>> No.15661041

>I believe I am a hyperborean.
>reddit spaces
midwit untill proven retard

>> No.15661067

lol, imagine being a stupid goober like this anon, i snigger at these stupid american hamburger cattle.

>> No.15661070

oh my goodness anon
you cant understand it so you offer your snarky opinion
offer no rebuttal but an opinion, my good retard

>> No.15661076

smartest person to come this shithole here. this post is correct

>> No.15661147

true hyperboreans understand they can be mistaken. they observe that which mere mortals decode as god, and understand it is very tricky. there's quite a few situations where you'd enter a positive feedback loop generating that which you become certain that is real. it reacts to your investment in it. story is irrelevant, religions, aliens.
don't be so quick to define it. let it reveal itself for what it truly is. you are all (variously) naming its effects, not what it is. can be something entirely different than you can imagine. one thing I noticed is that most of you are trying to control that, in all sorts of twisted ways. bit part of human insanity is from here, from trying to control it.

>> No.15661290

I am hyperboreen.
t. 74 iqGOD

>> No.15661365

Sorry anon, but it's kinda hard refuting something that sounds like schizophrenic "world salad". I can't refute a negative, you claim good exists outside the concept of time... god exists in your scatter brained mind anon.

>> No.15661368

you cant understand it because youre retarded
and youre emotional about it because youre gay

>> No.15661373

understand wat?

>> No.15661389

To be a true Hyperborean means to have more than just a high IQ. It requires intuition, imagination and insight that cant be learned, only inherited through advanced karma and spiritual attunement with the divine frequencies the lower animal men cannot tune into

>> No.15661391


>> No.15661406

I’m a uni professor in stem. I make money and have respect and live in house with my wife. I’m very young

>> No.15661410
File: 147 KB, 935x750, timeisup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the original memetic warrior.
Doomsday Clown time is up.

>> No.15661413
File: 537 KB, 1050x1162, aminom3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meme Wars I: Memetic Entities
>Published June 2, 2015.
>14 days before Trump announced his presidential big.
>Before the meme war catapulted Trump into the White House and conjured a memetic pandemic of apocalyptic proportions.

>> No.15661417
File: 323 KB, 1034x1058, Agent_Zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twisted, mindlessly mechanical logic produced the nightmare of M.A.D.
M.A.D. evolved into "too big to fail."
"Too big to fail" evolved into "too big to jail."
My righteous fury at the ongoing destruction of the future of everything I care about due to the rule of nihilistic power-addicts continues to grow.
My rage is absolutely murderous.
I hate the Earth-destroyers more than you can possibly imagine, because the magnitude of my hate necessarily matches my endless love for life, humanity, and Earth.
This isn't a fucking game to me, and never was.
This is war, the true war to end all wars, the war against all the lifestyle warmongers in the world who make a living by creating conflict where none exists so they can exploit it, because they only know how to play zero-sum games.

>> No.15661421
File: 106 KB, 970x1344, Universal_Creativity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the cures for the Warmonger Mind Virus which is the engine behind the memetic pandemics that are consuming humanity.



>> No.15661425

understanding is consideration over good and bad
the seven deadly sins and the opposite are the tree of knowledge, all human understanding
they categorize all things as the most encompassing branches of thought acts can be described as them
good / bad = time
time is a filter to an end in heaven and hell
souls are the accumulate decisions we make
to split the difference between right and wrong is the act of creation,
ultimate ends in both the primordial makeup of time
the two combined are all things and the origin

otherwise poke a logical hole in this understanding

>> No.15661429
File: 243 KB, 870x577, great_filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what you doing. Move 'ZIG'.

>> No.15661436

How to cope with being in introvert hell

>> No.15661953

either fuck with your brain so you fall below either pump that brain up until you ascend to hyperborean status. go for the closest. at most you'd have ~7 points to gain or lose.

>> No.15661962


>> No.15662078

God IS. He is the finger that hot return on the DOS terminal that launched our universes executable and began time within our universe. God exists outside time and as a logical deduction time only began in our universe when the singularity was executed, there is no infinite regression due to this. God is everything everything you see or feel or think was created by God. God gave us love and you should trust God completely

>> No.15662083

Time is irrelevant and elastic depending on where it is observed from, it can be nothing or infinite depending on the tangent the observer has to it. With no observer it does not even exist.

>> No.15662099

Quanta depend on Qualia.
Not vice versa.

>> No.15662114

Most ultra-intelligent people have the sense to keep their mouths shut. Industrial espionage, idea theft, and other... nasties exist for those who have extraordinarily abilities and/or ideas.
Intelligence can't be emulated as far as I can tell. The human brain and its functioning is somewhat apparent to me, and its largely "hardware" dependent. No amount of studying or lifestyle optimizations will get you to match someone who's naturally a genius, and although we're all human the low-level thought formations of a genius are nigh incomprehensible to someone with average intelligence. I don't mean impossible to convey through speech but rather impossible to imagine mentally, such as if you were trying to replicate their creativity and/or learning processes. You don't know what its like to have four arms because you've never had any in a single point in your life, and its likely you don't care either.

>> No.15662130
File: 52 KB, 354x286, apu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15662139

>tfw introvert hell

>> No.15662254

Is there even a legit IQ test out there? They all seem like scams.

>> No.15662266

>I believe I am a hyperborean.
>I believe god exists.
Does not compute.

>> No.15662269
File: 10 KB, 192x187, 1666464181895723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: dumb fucks wanting to be servants to a higher ghost


>> No.15662273

Everyone here seems to be. This place attracts us like a flame moths.

The mensa preliminary test, I think? Free and online.

>> No.15662284

This. I have a tested IQ in the "Introvert Hell" range (141 from the real Mensa test) yet my personality is more smug heaven, and actual smug midwits hate me because I'm confident enough to say "but that's wrong you fucking retard"
Don't put yourself in a box just because they said you belong there

>> No.15662295

you might be top percentile "IQ" but i bet you're average or below income and overall socioeconomic success.

congrats, you paid money to brag how good you are at solving a bunch of useless abstract puzzles that nobody gives a flying fuck about

>> No.15662306

IQ tests largely depend on what day you are given them and how you feel.

I score perfectly on logic memory and puzzles, but I have a very low language component. It was so low, my mom took me to a speech therapist. I took her test, and she told me she's never seen anyone score so high. I literally wasted her entire day, reading scientific papers and 14th century literature, until she ran out of documents to give me.

If you look at story's people will take the test multiple times to get into Mensa, but does that mean they became smarter or just memorized the test?

BTW the section I failed on was name words that start with "A". I literally couldn't remember a single one.

>> No.15662309
File: 134 KB, 957x707, toy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get laid

>> No.15662314
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know specifically the block test is pretty easy to game if youve done it a few times

This specific portion would be easy to perfect if you took the test multiple times

>> No.15662329

my ex actually looks a lot like her

>> No.15662334
File: 197 KB, 384x381, tia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15662339
File: 59 KB, 800x800, PIC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to a go to a cosplay as darth revan and her as bastilla shan because she looks so much like her

>> No.15662343


>> No.15662349

Uncanny alien face

>> No.15662451

wow even that Hawking fellow agrees... or you likely agree with him

>> No.15662479

of course we are the people that see it
we are all pieces of the whole thing. we are in a way God
we are all sons and daughters of the Most High
everything is internal. no one is perfect at any one point so no one can say they are God
God is the overarching idea

>> No.15663089
File: 670 KB, 220x124, pedro-pascal-crying-meme-crying-3390273007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 145(±0.5)
I was so close I'm sure that if my parents fed me better I could have been there

>> No.15663116

The nietzschean quote doesn't mean that God doesn't exist retard
also dualism? kys smugtard

>> No.15663158

This is so stupid. Anyone who imagines themselves as an “autist hyperborean” is probably not a genius.

>> No.15663648

But that's wrong you fucking retard, I founded a company (non-software) and my net worth's in the millions since Uncle Sam likes what I make
Nice reddit spacing too btw

>> No.15664340

quote? what are you talking about
I believe in God. I love the Lord, Most High.
thats the logic the way i see it
I dont read about other people's opinions so i have no idea what youre talking about.

>> No.15664380

How can you deny god? Who the fuck started the universe otherwise? God is clearly a scientist, observing our system

>> No.15664421
File: 19 KB, 200x163, 1691240362874475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

told you all that reading does not guarantee anything.

>> No.15664759

>Who the fuck started the universe otherwise?
This argument really highlights the pure, unadulterated, astounding STUPIDITY of religiocucks. God doesn't explain the origin of the universe. God is never a good explanation, regardless of the question.

Let's say God exists and created the universe. This means there are 2 possibilities:
>1) God was created by another god, which was created by another, and so on and so forth ad infinitum, and the question "how could something be created from nothing" never gets answered, only moved one step backwards forever.
>2) God wasn't created by anyone. He created himself. Which means that something CAN create itself from nothing, so it makes no sense to imagine an intermediary. It makes more sense to imagine that the universe sprung itself into existence without any god's help. It's the most economical, simple explanation, so it should be preferred.

God is never a proper answer. That's what makes your religions so stupid.

>> No.15664815

nta, but both your possibilities are stupid, God exists eternally. So none of those apply to him.

You are definitely not a hyperborean if you can't understand this basic concept.

>> No.15664906

Just have fun lol? Shit might be fucked but you'll always have yourself and the ability to seek out novel phenomena.

>> No.15665679

All memes of this variety are.

>> No.15665754

This kind of image is why I stopped using this board, they seem to conflate intelligence with introversion rather than introversion being disproportionate within their communities.
How can people on this board call themselves intelligent when they cant even break out of their own schizms? Trapped in one dull paradigm of the Earth is so tasteless.

>> No.15666020


>> No.15666021

EQ isn't real.

>> No.15666041

Minus the part about God I relate with the autist hypborean but IQ wise I think i fit best with smug heaven. As for advice life is beautiful and real. Try not to get distracted by what is artificial it can never provide such bliss as the real.

>> No.15666043
File: 79 KB, 995x332, 53243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever made that pic belongs strictly in the "smug heaven" section and he clearly isn't enjoying his fate.

>> No.15666069

>is why I stopped using this board
you sure buddy?

>> No.15666110

Take a gold-standard FSI (Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient) test if English is your native tongue. The old SAT is one such test, as it has a very high g-loading and used to be accepted by high IQ societies. It's available on the internet for free and takes ~3 hours to complete. If English is not your first language, you can take the TRI-52, which is also highly reliable.

If you can take an FSI test, I would highly urge you to do so because it's likely you have cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Being aware of these can aid you in your decision-making throughout your life.

>> No.15666127

I’m not autistic (I have ADHD though) and I wouldn’t necessarily call myself ‘hyperborean’ but I think I’m pretty far up there when it comes to intelligence. Aced military IQ tests (9/9 stanine, so that correlate with >130 IQ but idk how much over 130 could of be), numerous achievements in olympiads on a national level since middle school, I know study aerospace engineering while working on a prototype experimental aircraft as part of my internship.
I come to 4chan and to this board mostly as a free circus. Sometimes one can get somehow meaningful discussion but not on a scientific / knowledge level - it’s more like a small talk / social thing. I.e. fun rather than productive discourse.
As my field is engineering, any novel stuff I’ve come up with shouldn’t be shared - I plan on patenting them either by myself or though my (future) employer once I finish my degree and have means to do so. I’ve shared some of my designs on other boards in threads about aviation.
Usually sharing ‘expert knowledge’ doesn’t make sense for a few reasons. Many topics genuinely require not only certain intelligence, but also prerequisites and time to understand. One may try simplifying it but it almost always either ends up being inaccurate (like pop-sci) or the other side doesn’t understand it. On top of that, people will often not believe you and stand by their uninformed opinions.

>> No.15666129

Yeah it isn't an intelligence and people tend to cope by saying that at least they have a high EQ if not a high IQ. However being emotionally perceptive is also very important because you can't accomplish a lot of meaningful objectives without the help of others.

>> No.15666285
File: 13 KB, 254x199, images - 2023-08-15T163203.215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minus the part about God
The fact that OPs infographics author disparages theism is the indication he is a midwit at best

>> No.15666838
File: 61 KB, 633x758, afsdauywearagdsgdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been 2 years.. I promise..

>> No.15666867

I have unique knowledge (e.g., no one else in the world can tell you the number of binary (3,5,53)-tensors with no tic-tac-toes) but I'm not really autistic and I've never lived north of 50º

>> No.15666942

Man I sure hope you're still a teenager or trolling. If you're beyond 18 and still have this level of thought process, it might be over. You may be able to redeem yourself if you actually start to read & talk only about what you have read instead of regurgitating reddit arguments or trying to formulate your own arguments. But right now, it's looking bad for you.

>> No.15667035

I am technically eligible for the triple 9 society based on tests I've taken in the past. The ACT test specifically. And I am going to be honest, I don't think having a higher than 34 ACT score makes you 145+ IQ, or that I am 145+ personally even though they may say it. I am always wary of IQ conversions from test scores for this reason. I think the correlation may exist nearer to the middle between random tests like the ASVAB or ACT, but it likely doesn't exist that much at the extremes. But that's just my opinion. Because if such correlations were true, then the vast majority of people just at my college would be 145+. And the majority of people at the 27 colleges with average ACT scores of 34 or above are 145+. Not only is that absurd based on personal observation, but it is just not possible based on their enrollment sizes. As every year, you should have only 15000 or so 145+ IQ high school grads. But these colleges accept way more students collectively with an IQ of 145+ than should even exist. But that's my very shallow look into just the ACT scores and triple 9 society's claim of it being correlated to IQ. Could be wrong. But point is, test scores not meant as IQ tests being converted to IQ scores end up being wonky in my opinion. Could be the case with the ASVAB tests or whatever you took, unless it was an actual IQ test. I think only way to really measure IQs is just either a WAIS or a SB test, everything else is going to be remarkably imprecise at higher levels. But again, just my opinion. I haven't ever taken a real IQ test either.

>> No.15667309

what a sad post

>> No.15667918

who cares
only results matter
you measure success by results
and no, you cannot make connections with actual 120+ iqs in 4chan

>> No.15668742

foolish OP, an atheist will never be more then a midwit. a poor soul forever trapped in his angsty teenage phase. in other words, an easily impressionable brat that can only destroy, never create.
t. unironic hyperborean

>> No.15668767

holy shit that's me... anyways
good luck losers

>> No.15668777

Why do midwits fail to understand the Nietzsche quote? "God is died" has nothing to do with atheism.

>> No.15668786

perhaps not in a quantifiable but you can absolutely tell people who have no emotional perception e.g. most zoomers. The cope from low iq people saying they must have "high EQ" or "high creativity" is very funny though I'll grant

>> No.15668990

Lobotomize everyone with an IQ above 115. This would massively improve our society by reducing exploitation of average people, and causing birth rates to rise again.

>> No.15669536

Hello, I only have like 115IQ but I also realized being sad just isn't worth it and learning all I can and blocking out noise is a far better way to live.

>> No.15670276

Is this the cure for IQ-induced depression?

>> No.15670286

why can't you figure that out for yourself if you're so high iq?
maybe your presumed high intelligence is just common grandiose delusion, have you ever considered that?

>> No.15671737
File: 3.53 MB, 2767x2998, solomonic-dipole-quadrupole-magnetic-fields-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





Please consider this as my resume for title of hyperborean schizo

I'd Also like to nominate bodhi, tooker, laser anon and cult of passion

Captcha mvpwva

>> No.15672959

iq distribution charts suggest that if a bunch of
morons agree with you, youre wrong

life is a holy war, the good vs the bad

thats why they are satanic, and they too are wrong

>> No.15673066

holy shit the fucker from /x/!

>> No.15673773

deep down within, and you need to die first to be truly alive
i know, i know

>> No.15673894
File: 1.92 MB, 640x272, joinme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

together we shall rule the Universe as father and son

>> No.15673942
File: 3 KB, 275x183, Isee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life is a holy war
the yin and the yang, the white and the black must be at eternal struggle to keep balance. If there is not the struggle and the balance it all ceases to exist

>> No.15674130


>> No.15674588

precisely my friend
black and white divided is time
the Lord made the separation in genesis
it is sheer logic.
the two sides of the tree of knowledge

>> No.15675345

you arent a faggot anon, cheers

>> No.15675404

You post that and it's obvious you are a midwit trying to pretend you are better then you are. IQ is a myth, one day you could rate 180+ and another you can be a 60 IQ complete imbecile, it is a meme perpetuated by those who wish to make themselves feel better about their average vapid sensibilities. The crux of it is to keep learning, keep trying to reach a little more, a little higher, day by day, step by step.

>> No.15675425

>one day you could rate 180+ and another you can be a 60 IQ complete imbecile
I personally know people who are mentally retarded, IQ lower than 80. They certainly will never score higher on the IQ test. First of all, they can't even take a normal test because they can't read. Secondly, they wouldn't be able to answer an IQ question because they forgot the question already once you start telling them the second multiple choice answer.

>> No.15675489

im a normie, its over

>> No.15675500

>Do we have genuine autistic hyperboreans on this board?
>Share your unique expert knowledge with us midwits in introvert hell
you've probably already been given tasty info that you disregarded as schizobabble why would now be any different

>> No.15676133

>"looks don't matter", says the supermodel
>"money doesn't matter", says the millionaire
>"IQ doesn't matter", says the genius
Piss off, you snarky little shitstain.

>> No.15676521

And your opinion is higher quality than the posts in the thread, though I have not finished reading.

>> No.15676547
File: 17 KB, 326x293, 34234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having sex doesn't matter, incel.

>> No.15676556
File: 623 KB, 858x899, Eq0qAFrVkAENt2N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every universal constant and law is consistent and non-conflicting

>> No.15676560

>Do we have genuine autistic hyperboreans on this board?
Why would they come on 4chan? They'll be autistically engrossed in their pursuits

>> No.15676707

I have been tested as having 135 IQ when I was 16 but my pessimism has only ever been a background emotional state that I just take as being part of my temperament. I still prefer to focus on my interests. Where does that put me? Maybe just on the liminal space between hyperborian autist and introvert hell.

>> No.15678592

Has anyone ever seen an actual example of this? Pretty sure everyone has been saying this happens but i have never seen it actually happen.

>> No.15679708

I saw someone shit their pants in public once

>> No.15679714

My penis is small and I exist in normie purgatory

>> No.15679724

Introvert hell vs autistic hyperborean are differences in personality above 130/140

>> No.15679729
File: 135 KB, 960x1000, 1653111244908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have never seen it actually happen.
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news anon