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15676028 No.15676028 [Reply] [Original]

>work as psychologist in psychiatric hospital
>some medcuck tries to argue against my opinion
>he thinks that patient's depression is a result of imbalanced brain or something like that idk, I just pulled out my nintendo switch and started playing Mario
>>I've checked her seroto -BING -nin levels. The-BING-y are way too l-WAHOO!-ow.
>medcuck stops talking. It's my turn now
>>you're fucking stupid. She's depressed because of years of abuse. Is your wife cheating on you also a result of imbalances in her brain? Is there a pill that'll make her stop being a whore?
>everyone agrees with me because human mind holds no secrets for me and they know it
>medfags really think you can just snap a person out of existential crisis with pills

>> No.15676042

Is this some Dr. House episode?

>> No.15676046

>medfags really think you can just snap a person out of existential crisis with pills
It works for NPCs, so he was mostly right.

>> No.15676056

It's a bit of both but the meds fail at fixing the imbalance and always will. Altering the mind is drunkness or drugged up ness. There's no eternal happy pill. Otherwise we'd have things like immortality and eternal happy pills.

We live with the wannabe immortals and their methods, no double checking, just go.

>> No.15676116

Yes but for psychologists

>> No.15676136

UH, based department?

>> No.15676146

some pills can change your mind but they stop working and cause addiction. I would take meds if they worked

>> No.15676215

>medfags really think you can just snap a person out of existential crisis with pills
You can, it's called the placebo response.

>> No.15676308

>>medfags really think you can just snap a person out of existential crisis with pills

You can, you just need to provide them with the correct pill, feed them the correct information.

>> No.15676633

But how to know which pill is correct?

>> No.15676659
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>it's le heckin' chemerinoes in your brain, they're just randomly imbalanced and you need to take these meds!
>n-n-noooo, you just have le heckin' existentialino criserinoooos, because all existence is le pain and i'm 2smart4happy.
Just another kike dichotomy. Yes, "depression" is mostly physiological. Yes, your "existential crisis", and all the other pseudointellectual wank you use to rationalize mental illness, is fake. No, this isn't a random imbalance of brain chemicals. No, you don't fix it by churning through bottles of fucking mild-altering pharma drugs.

>> No.15676974

go back to /pol/ you stinky neet

>> No.15676976

Chad will never impregnate you, bitter little femcel.

>> No.15677002

You imagined this entire scenario while playing Mario kart and thinking about your own depression or coworkers

>> No.15677005

Whatever pill the caring doctor who pays attention to your problems gives you is going to make you feel better.

>> No.15677015

that may be, but it's extremely similar to the opening vignette in this article

>> No.15677039

But what if the doctor doesn't care?

>> No.15677051

If they're professionally competent, the patient will think they care, which is all that matters.

>> No.15677061

pills dont work

>> No.15677074

fuck I could do with another 7 seasons of House M.D.

>> No.15677081

They are not good. I prefer pills from the weird guy at the park. They make me happy

>> No.15677097

You couldn't do a psychiatric House. Every episode would just be "the patient lacks insight / has anosognosia, my diagnosis stands."

>> No.15677120

Yeah, unfortunately psychiatrists aren't allowed to give you medications that actually make you feel good, unless you are diagnosed with ADHD. Otherwise, the best they can do is drugs that will definitely make you feel *something*, which combined with their attention might convince you that you're better.

>> No.15677938

Pills work for a few hours. But if your shitty life is not fixed you will still be sad again.

>> No.15677940

Another thread of the mentally ill against psychiatry Zzz

>> No.15678000

Nearly everyone who isn't themselves a psychiatrist is against psychiatry to some degree. Hell, even a slim majority of modern-day psychiatrists are opposed to transorbital lobotomy.

>> No.15678010


>> No.15678023

Was on the pills for a year, but stopped taking them once I ran out literally out of laziness. The side effects were pretty bad too with me feeling like a robot. Once I quit and stopped talking to my psychiatrist, depression went away and I found a job.
Just don't take the pills. It's exactly as OP said, to fix years of fucked up life, you need years of better life.

>> No.15678056

>psychocucks really think you can snap a person out of existential crisis by talking to them 4 hours a month

>> No.15678062

I want to trust them but at the same time I can't stand people fucking around in my head. Second worse thing is how they sling pills like candy and get you for months or years on a prescription train. About the lobotomy, I find that absolutely disgusting, saddening and sickening unless it was 100% consensual.

>> No.15678064

>everyone agrees with me because human mind holds no secrets for me and they know it
So this is an event that took place in your head.

>> No.15678067
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Quack who's been on both ends of this argument.

People who have trauma often lack the environment, circumstance, self-awareness, or experience, to actually commit to the life changes necessary to meaningfully cure their depression. Pills obviously won't stop abuse, won't stop your partner from cheating, won't increase your pay, nor will they unrape you, but it'll alleviate the psychological symptoms of it. Which in many peoples case is the best they can hope for.

This is also me being mask off, but people with depression, people with mental issues in general, are the fucking worst to deal with. It's not like somebody with a broken leg or a UTI: their brain is who they are and their brain is their worst enemy. Nobody can protect insane people from themselves. If they don't like my advice they'll just go to another doctor, or a podcast, or an internet forum that tells them they need to drink piss. So, yeah: they also get pills because I can't lock them in a cage and monitor their entire fucking life.

Also, we're just at a point where the patients are as bad as anybody else; they want pills, they demand pills, they fucking love pills. You try to tell a patient they don't need pills and they get fucking obstinate. Which is insane because in my personal anecdotal experience it feels like patient demand/desire for pills has dramatically INCREASED after the pandemic.

>> No.15678070

Also, open people up to recreational drugs like weed and low dose mushrooms. Some of these people could 180 their lives in a 8 hour mushroom journey or completely flip their way of seeing the world with a weekend pot habit! I mean fuck, we could label the movement as being eco friendly by becoming more environmentally conscious by consuming natural drugs!

>> No.15678878

>>I've checked her seroto -BING -nin levels.
Psychiatrists don't do this though. They don't check a patient's serotonin levels. They just assume that there's something going on in the brain that needs medical intervention, purely based on the person's observed behaviour, not based on any blood tests or other objective criteria.

>> No.15679002

see >>15677015
>Verification not required.

>> No.15679018

stopped reading :)

>> No.15679034

Don't care. Didn't write it for you, parasite.

>> No.15679044

>I want to trust them
Why? Bro, they never even learned calculus. There might be a handful, five or fewer, psychiatrists in the entire world who actually understand the logic of diagnostics and prescriptive analytics, and none of them take your insurance. On top of that, these people willfully chose (nobody forced them) to practice the a specialty synonymous with brain-mutilation (lobotomy), torture (shock therapies, such as intentional insulin overdosing and brain electrocution), and lethal neglect (e.g., Willowbrook State School). Wanting to trust a psychiatrist is like wanting to trust a doctor who goes to court to get his last name changed to Mengele.
>Verification not required.

>> No.15679061

Nobody is going to pay psychiatrists millions of dollars to pimp substances that anyone can produce at home, so psychiatrists will continue pimping big pharma product.

>> No.15679080
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>This is also me being mask off, but people with depression, people with mental issues in general, are the fucking worst to deal with.
I will HAPPILY assist you such that you need never deal with such people again :)

>> No.15679097

I take meds for bipolar disorder and trust me, they work for this particular disorder. I haven't been a retarded, irritable lunatic for nearly half a year now. But yes, depression and anxiety still are issues for me because those are caused by environmental factors like me being a poorfag and having low self-esteem. Docs who give meds to people who report these issues are not getting better by drugging them up. But my psychologist even acknowledges that approach is bullshit and lazy, so there are still some good ones out there.

>> No.15679124

Uh, now I'm going to try to match for a psychiatry residency after you made it sound so based.

>> No.15679194

what substances of the kind can i produce at home?

>> No.15679228

marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms

>> No.15679236

By all means, I implore you to do so. People like you expressing such enthusiasm for psychiatry is antipsychiatry's most potent weapon.

>> No.15679289

Well, that's fucking terrifying. How many memorization NPCs are considered critical thinking humans in today's world?

>> No.15679321

>How many memorization NPCs are considered critical thinking humans in today's world?
All of them. NPC == mentally healthy.

>> No.15679327

Yet nothing will happen and the field will continue to exist

>> No.15679355

>nothing will happen
Lobotomy is a thing of the past. The institutions have been closed. DSM categories no longer dictate research funding. The Psychiatric Times runs regular features extolling critical psychiatry.

>> No.15679372

>>medfags really think you can just snap a person out of existential crisis with pills
We have pills that can make you obey us anon

>> No.15679503

My psychiatrist made me do some test while wearing some shit that imaged my brain. According to that test, I have major depressive disorder.

>> No.15679507

>low dose mushrooms
5g next weekend babbyyyy

>> No.15679772

do you have your BA or masters?

>> No.15679926
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>Psychiatrist recommends you exercise, eat healthy, and engage in low dopamine activities like putting your phone down and reading
>Okay then, here are some pills
>Wow thanks a lot you fucking drug pushing criminal you're what's wrong with medicine

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.15679947

Psychologists shouldn't be filling such simple roles. Diet shouldn't be handled by doctors.
We are in times of profound stupidity. It's very likely fault of the boomers.

>> No.15680136


>> No.15680153

Some people just want to be sick and miserable, like OP, so they can blame others instead of being active in healthy progress

>> No.15680204

Clinical psychologists and psychiatrists don't really have an adversarial relationship these days. There was more conflict between the professions in the past, for example during the height of psychoanalysis when non-MDs were not accepted as analytic candidates.

>> No.15680244

would you recommend it? I posted in /adv/ more in depth about it but im thinking about getting a major in psych

>> No.15680424

>bro just read a book and your depression will go away

>> No.15680458

well done anon, fuck these kosher pill pimps

>> No.15680461

this is true I was the nintendo switch

>> No.15680475

Trauma is just a low to basic IQ level plus low to nonexistent self-reflection and problem solving. capability.
The NPC medcuck was definitely wrong in suggesting depression is just a chemical imbalance (if you want to use reductionist reasoning *at least* work concepts like depression being neuron networks having misaligned weightings or something to that effect), but people that let themselves suffer from trauma or no less NPC.

Nothing inside these NPC spheres can address the fundamental melancholy of being stuck in the 130-140 IQ hell and feeling constant weltschmerz.

>> No.15680490
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It do be like that

>> No.15680493

There's a difference between feeling bad/depressed/sad and suffering because your mind is working properly and you just don't know how to use your mind to not feel that, and actually having brain matter fire in a wrong way.

The rule of thumb is that if you can talk yourself in or out of it (i.e. something happened and you started being sad, going to therapy fixes it) then you don't have a medical condition.

Pills are for literal psychiatric patients who's brain don't work correctly. Anti-depressants are used as the latter, while those patients need the former but don't want to put the effort into having self-knowledge.


>> No.15680537


>> No.15681992

>just talk yourself out of depression bro, it's all in your head
I've had treatment resistant depression for the past 8 years and no "talk therapy" works. When I bring up the fact that I was heavily medicated since I was 8 years old for my ADHD, psychiatrists just ignore it because apparently there's no way that flooding the brain with dopamine during my formative years would affect my brain's functioning. kys

>> No.15682044
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And just to clarify, I'm no doctor. So hey maybe my intuition is wrong. Who knows

>> No.15682074

I didn't say to talk yourself out of a depression. I said that if you *can* talk yourself out of a depression, you don't have a psychiatric depression.

You're either consciously (as in, consciousness-wise) unable to talk yourself out, or you have a genuine psychiatric condition. In either case, I'm sorry you're going through that.

>> No.15682075

>Trauma is just a low to basic IQ level plus low to nonexistent self-reflection and problem solving. capability.

This is oddly correct.

>> No.15682162

I misunderstood, my bad. Kinda frustrating how some people(especially my family) don't understand that there's something physically wrong with my brain, and just because they can't see it doesn't mean I can talk my way out of it.
Any chance you know of some treatments I can try out? I think I've tried most anti depressants at this point. Will ask my doctor about ketamine treatment tomorrow, planning a 5g shroom trip this weekend, and if they both fail I'm gonna get transcranial magnetic stimulation.

>> No.15682355

How do you feel that you label it as depression? You seem to be trying to find solutions for a problem, which isn't really indicative of depression. As in, you see a problem, and you feel motivated to deal with it.

Don't take this as me invalidating your experience, but I'm not convinced you have a chemical depression.

>> No.15682458

It's possible, my PCP floated the idea that I could have bipolar(where the lows are really low and the highs are still low relative to "baseline"). Or hell maybe it's something else completely(PCP also brought up cancer). I also have some other conditions that could be affecting my mood but treating those conditions did not help at all. Namely high TSH, low T, and sleep apnea. I've had had these basically forever from what I know, which could either be genetic or caused by my lazy shutin lifestyle as a teen. I am currently /fit/, weightlift 4-5 days a week, on TRT, take iodine supplements, got a good diet, try to get 8+ hours of sleep(which is still garbage quality even with a CPAP machine and shelling out over $3k for a good mattress), etc. but symptoms persist.
I have anhedonia, cry easily/randomly(without feeling any sadness), Im emotionally blunt, always tired/lethargic, no drive or motivation at all, and no sex drive. Morning wood stopped around 19 I think, and can't get hard without cialis. I used to have really bad anxiety which I basically fixed, but I have only started seeking help for my problems a few months ago when I lost my job due to being unable to get out of bed for a month after I got dumped.
The ONLY time I've felt like I was "normal" was for a week after my first time doing shrooms, but I then smoked weed like an idiot and it brought me right back down. Tried shrooms a few more times(trips and microdosing) and didnt work, hence me trying a high dose next weekend.
My quality of life is just complete garbage. Im currently 22 and I'm giving myself until 25 to fix my shit up.
Thanks for reading my blog post

>> No.15682469

>TLDR im a genetic dead end trying to beat my genetics

>> No.15682496

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I was diagnosed with depression & signs of traumatic brain injury through a brain scan. And I have high blood pressure which my cardiologist cant explain as my heart looks healthy. Random back pain & sleepless nights from scoliosis is the icing on the cake.
Despite all this fucking shit I became a homeowner at 21 and make 6 figures in burgerland. Probably gonna get fired from this job too because I procrastinate so fucking much and barely get shit done.

>> No.15682651


I'm sorry anon. If it helps, let me share my story.

I'm basically a neglected, abused, shut in of an incel. Born to immigrants, so my 'home' country sees me as a foreigner, and because I haven't had the exposure to the country where me genes come from, I am considered a foreigner there too. I had sleep apnea, a herniated disk, I'm overweight, hairy, balding and short dicked. I basically threw my teens and twenties away to coping with being neglected, and I'm just coming around to being close to 'healthy'. Or at least, that's what it feels like i my brain. people can extrenally see that I'm 'good' (charismatic, funny, wise, and whatnot), but in my brain I can feel that I'm not processing reality as optimally as I could. It's allround just suffering I guess.

I do fixed a lot of my mental, and my sleep apnea went away and I'm slowly working on the decades of neglect that I had to cope with without any guidance, but I'm getting there. So, I don't really want to say things are impossible, but it seems you're in a much more difficult position than I am. I'm sorry.

I think the only truth you can follow is the one your brain is giving you, ironically. The shrooms helped, so there's a nugget of truth there. I think that the shroom allowed you and your brain to respond in a positive and 'happy' way, so if you cna figure out what made you so happy during that period, that that's your way out. There's a lot of people who have physical disabilities and stuff that goes wrong in their life, but aren't suffering.

I believe in you anon, I truly do. You're going to make it.

>> No.15683798

>my 'home' country sees me as a foreigner
How tf is someone gonna know that? As long as you know the language and customs you might as well be a native nowadays
>short dicked
rip. That's the one place i got blessed i guess
>I'm just coming around to being close to healthy
What are you doing?
>I do fixed a lot of my mental, my sleep apnea went away

>> No.15683805

Damn you retards got baited hard. He isn't a real psychologist.

>> No.15683806

>>I'm just coming around to being close to healthy
>What are you doing?
>>I do fixed a lot of my mental, my sleep apnea went away

The answer to these questions is the same. It's introspection, and lots of it.

>> No.15683899

Introspection fixed your sleep apnea. lol

>> No.15685385

It did. I realized that I was holding my breath because of some psychological mechanism, and when I fixed the underlying psychology, I didn't need to hold my breath anymore. Ergo, no more sleep apnea.

>> No.15685490

Fellow bipolar anon here. No good psychiatrists take any reasonable insurance just like has been mentioned in this thread so I pay out the ass to see somebody who knows what the fuck they're doing. I don't even have anxiety or depression anymore because my life is no longer a constant struggle. Modern pharmacology saved my life. I was never overtly suicidal but the way I was existing could hardly be called living. I have a life now. I am grateful for my doctor but, in my defense, would never push somebody toward psych "help." It's the kind of thing where you know when you really need it. People who have never ACTUALLY needed it are never going to understand. They either denounce all psychiatric medicine or rush out to a psych themselves to get the same pill you did because they think it's the easy way out. Hilariously, the pills aren't an easy way out for anybody; they are a last resort. Most people are so fucking dumb that they see you improve and rush to see what happened without considering why that solution worked for you specifically or why that solution might be flagrantly illogical for themselves.