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15675271 No.15675271 [Reply] [Original]

Since so many /onions/ntsits look down on philosophy and philosophers, where do they get their morality/meaning/philosophy from?

>> No.15675275


>> No.15675281

link the thread fucking faggot

>> No.15675333

onionstsits? what the heck?
basedntsits? what is this schizo thread

>> No.15675343

sci filters and modifies certain words
like sointists

>> No.15675346

reddit is not philosophy. Antinatalism is not real philosophy, either. By the way, also philosophy is not science. Go back.

>> No.15675366

>Antinatalism is not real philosophy
it is, you're just a fag.
thats not what the OP is asking tho

>> No.15675371

Suicidal philosophies are still philosophies. Buddhism, for example, is all about that ego death and longs for the day when all suffering (i.e. life) is wiped out from the universe.

>> No.15675378

define this... "word".

>> No.15675389
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Justify why you (mistakenly) believe that philosophy has a monopoly on these purely subjective topics. Not a single moral question has ever been conclusively answered by philosophy. Not a single meaning has ever been objectively established by philosophers. Any retard with no education can have an opinion on these and his opinion will be just as valid as that of a philosophy professor. Now choke on your onions, you mouth breathing cretin.

>> No.15675392
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onions + scientists
some /pol/ack thing I guess.

>> No.15675398

>Virgin Truth Seeker versus Chad Reality Bender

>> No.15675399

>Justify why you (mistakenly) believe that philosophy has a monopoly on these purely subjective topics...
philosophy can only come from a mind.
>Not a single meaning has ever been objectively
established by philosophers
because its not possible there are only approximations to philosophical insights
the philosophers job is to try to bridge those things as much as possible, but this does not mean that just because they're "non-provable" that therefore the are dismissed.
let me remind you that science it self is in a sense also non-provable, since you can never be sure of your own sensations.

>> No.15675407

Philosophy is programming self. You learn codes. You program into yourself codes. You live your life with extra backbone.

It's important. Crucial to rasing children.

>> No.15675409

what do onions have to do with scientists? how does it relate to "sointists"? what in the world....

>> No.15675413

Onions is the wordfilter result.

>> No.15675414

sci keeps filtering S.O.Y as onions
its a /pol/ meme

>> No.15675418

I started the soience meme

>> No.15675422

It's not a real philosophy, femcel. It's just a way for you to cope with the fact that Chad will never breed you. Sorry.

>> No.15675423


>> No.15675424

>thats another philosophical argument

>> No.15675427

>inspired by mental illness caused by artificial toxins and social disintegration
>marketed to the masses by eugenicist elites
>a real philosophy

>> No.15675431

>natalists always make it about themselves and never the victims (the kids)
its not about the antinatalists themselves you cretin.

>> No.15675435

How did I know you're a femcel? By the way, there's no such thing as "natalists". Having kids is not an ideology. You are losing your mind with rage.

>> No.15675436

>marketed to the masses by eugenicist elites
... its da joose?
on seconds hands maybe a forum where mentally ill schizophrenic racists hangout isn't the best place to discuss science nor philosophy.

>> No.15675438
File: 112 KB, 741x478, lgbtagenda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675439

Notice your incoherent explosion of rage over a simple, documented truth. Why are you suddenly spewing a thousand buzzwords and lashing out at standardized boogeymen? Is your programming kicking in?

>> No.15675440

>How did I know you're a femcel?
who are you talking to? are you ok buddy?

>> No.15675443

Chad will never even spit in your direction, let alone breed you. lol

>> No.15675451


>> No.15675452
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God non exists. For every existence is God's non existence.

>> No.15675453

>taking away freedom from certain individuals because of some schizophrenic nonsense

>> No.15675459
File: 27 KB, 775x387, 1692431573213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To a normal person "You should not kill" is a trivially obvious common sense statement. Only a philosopher would doubt it. In what sense then can a philosopher be considered ethical if he doesn't even accept something as basic as "You should not kill"? What philosophers are doing is the opposite of ethics.

Now remember the role of philosophers in the pandemic. All so called ethics councils fully supported all human rights violations by governments. They supported lockdown, they supported arrests of protesters. They supported vaxx mandates, forced vaccinations and total exclusion of all unvaccinated citizens. They also consistently refused to address the fact that the discrimination against unvaccinated citizens includes discrimination against the victims of vaxx injuries who are legally considered unvaxxed due to the fact that they can't get a booster. In fact the philosophers in these so called ethics councils vehemently denied the existence of vaxx injuries and supported laws to censor people talking about their vaxx injuries. Throughout the pandemic the so called ethical philosophers turned out to be nothing more than primitive utilitarians arguing in favor of genocidal policies.


>> No.15675461

Let's look at another historical example, shall we? The philosophers of the enlightenment were the propagandists of racism and slavery. Throughout middle ages and renaissance different cultures may have been at war, but never developed ideological framework of alleged racial superiority/inferiority. They coexisted in mutual respect. Slavery was prohibited by common moral standards. It was the work of philosophers to deconstruct this world view and introduce racial theory. Only with the philosophers' justification a huge scale industrial enslavement of other races became possible. Now 300 years later, philosophers again are at the forefront of racist propaganda. After decades of peace with the implicit assumption of racial equality, philosophy departments nowadays are aggressively pushing "critical whiteness theory". Their goal is to abolish the notion of racial equality and to introduce racial mistrust and racial hatred.

I'll ask again: In what sense can these philosophers be trusted when it comes to ethics and morality?


>> No.15675462

Bro just stop forcing people into this existence...

>> No.15675464
File: 29 KB, 500x565, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To a normal person "You should not kill" is a trivially obvious common sense statement.
You mean except for all the people and circumstances where "normal" people are okay with killing? The thing about normalgroid automatons like you is that they can't grasp just how much of their core perception of the world is socially conditioned and not "obvious" or "trivial" at all. "You should not kill" as a principle is a fairly recent and inherently philosophical development.

>> No.15675465

Lol didn't read. Tard. Kys now

>> No.15675467

Because you can't completely rely on "common sense"
at some point rape was common sense, it was good enough for certain tribes at certain times.
just because people are free to philosophize anything they want doesn't mean that philosophy is guilty. you're free to make your own philosophy that sounds "sane" to you.

>> No.15675471

If we did kill people, the world wouldn't be in turmoil. Nevermind the fact people do kill people. It's in the philosophers mind we realize things like, 'you shalt not kill' does not work as a philosophy, and we'd devise what's better suited, such as a lesson on why killing is bad, and in which situations killing is good. "If you want to kill, join the army', per se. It can also be reduced to the fact killing in nature is ought, you ought kill to protect or even to feed if necessary; you shalt not kill is a philosophical standpoint and it's barely a good one on it's own that a good philosopher would declare has the opposite effect. It's saying 'no' without a good reason which is puzzling enough to send a man insane for the opposite. A fools law.

>> No.15675472

>"You should not kill" as a principle is a fairly recent and inherently philosophical development.
A statement that was already considered trivial in the earliest written texts of humanity more than 4000 years ago in mesopotamia is not "fairly recent".

>> No.15675480
File: 31 KB, 640x734, 1692433756968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where do they get their morality/meaning/philosophy from?
From facts and logic. Simple as.

>> No.15675483
File: 55 KB, 500x147, 1685452179482627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The process of taking code from facts and logic is philosophy.

>> No.15675484

so philosophy?

>> No.15675486

Since when do philosophers purely study myths to get their morality code?

>> No.15675487

>already considered trivial in the earliest written texts of humanity
They wouldn't have bothered to write it down if it was considered trivial, groid.

>more than 4000 years ago in mesopotamia is not "fairly recent".
No, that's precisely "fairly recent", but this isn't even relevant. Even today "thou shalt not kill" isn't something normalgroids (like you) uphold as a principle. They uphold it only as far as law and social norms extend. They are more than happy to support endless and senseless killing in the name of whatever the corporate narrative makes into the current thing.

>> No.15675493

>Throughout middle ages and renaissance different cultures may have been at war, but never developed ideological framework of alleged racial superiority/inferiority. They coexisted in mutual respect. Slavery was prohibited by common moral standards. It was the work of philosophers to deconstruct this world view and introduce racial theory. Only with the philosophers' justification a huge scale industrial enslavement of other races became possible.
Slavery wasn't common in Europe in the middle ages because Christian theology deemed the enslavement of other Christians to be abhorrent. It remained common in other parts of the world (Africa, Western Asia). It was also very common in classical cultures, even advanced ones like Greece and Rome. During the height of the Roman empire, up to 20% of the population consisted of slaves.

>> No.15675502

>no one mentions rights being taken away except the schizo ximself
>schizo projects their schizophrenia onto someone else for something they completely fabricated in their own mind
many such cases

>> No.15675504

>They wouldn't have bothered to write it down if it was considered trivial, groid.
You clearly never read ancient texts. They wrote down all kind of trivial shit.

>No, that's precisely "fairly recent", but this isn't even relevant.
It's very relevant because this moral prinicple precedes the advent of philosophy by 2000 years.

>They are more than happy to support endless and senseless killing in the name of whatever the corporate narrative makes into the current thing.
Only because philosophers once again larp as authorities on ethics telling everyone their lies on why genocide is suddenly morally justified.

>> No.15675506

Fun fact: In ancient Rome when a slave impregnated a free woman the child born this way was a free citizen. Quickly after importing black slaves there were more free black citizens in Rome than black slaves.

>> No.15675508

Normalfags are completely retarded (you being a good example). I'm not trusting their "common sense" on anything.
>human rights
Especially this meme.

>> No.15675510


>> No.15675515


>> No.15675534

You are apparently too autistic to recognize that the word "normal" in my post did not refer to normalfag NPCs. It is in fact embarrassing for you that I have to spell it out explicitly because you didn't get it. "Normal" in this semantic context is to be read as "capable of common sense and critical thinking" as opposed to cognitively and morally deficient philosotards.

>> No.15675544

>You clearly never read ancient texts. They wrote down all kind of trivial shit.
I figured you were talking about writings that pertain specifically to the subject, you cretin, since they probably don't casually mention about all the people they didn't kill in miscellaneous records.

>this moral prinicple precedes the advent of philosophy by 2000 years.
Records of it as a "moral principle" ARE philosophy from 2000 years ago. None of this helps your point no matter how you twist it, because 2000 years ago may as well be yesterday in terms of the history of this species. You're legitimately crippled in the mind if you still can't grasp that it's been "normal" to kill people for arbitrary reasons for literally 99% of human history, and that's ignoring the fact that it has remained normal for the other 1% despite the shift in thinking towards "moral principles" as opposed to ad hoc "common sense" that says you may or may not kill people depending on current circumstances and fashion.

>> No.15675553
File: 56 KB, 688x430, Guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt change the fact that your sentiment shows how little cognitive ability you posses since you are unable to determine how conditioned you are. 99% of your thoughts and feeling have literally been dictated to you, you didnt come up with any of it, you inherited it. You are little more than a flesh automaton

>> No.15675567

At the end of the day we can't prove anything to each other. we think pain has real value, you don't
agree to disagree.

>> No.15675571

No you faggot nigger, "normal" is not whatever you happen to believe at any moment.
You're retarded and so are your opinions.

>> No.15675585

>Records of it as a "moral principle" ARE philosophy from 2000 years ago.

>None of this helps your point no matter how you twist it, because 2000 years ago may as well be yesterday in terms of the history of this species.
Civilization started with bronze age. Anything before that is irrelevant to the discussion.

>You're legitimately crippled in the mind if you still can't grasp that it's been "normal" to kill people for arbitrary reasons for literally 99% of human history, and that's ignoring the fact that it has remained normal for the other 1% despite the shift in thinking towards "moral principles" as opposed to ad hoc "common sense" that says you may or may not kill people depending on current circumstances and fashion.
None of this contradicts what I said. You seem to be confused what kind of argument you want to make. So far you made none.

>> No.15675588

My thoughts and feelings are original and the product of critical thinking. You are projecting.

Seething hard.

>> No.15675591

>it's been "normal" to kill people for arbitrary reasons for literally 99% of human history
>"common sense" says you may or may not kill people depending on current circumstances and fashion
>None of this contradicts what I said
What you said:
>To a normal person "You should not kill" is a trivially obvious common sense statement.

See? Mentally ill and low IQ. No discussion to be had here.

>> No.15675593

you are donkey only capable of donkey thoughts and donkey reasoning

>> No.15675601

>t. no common sense
This is just sad. You really are that autistic that you can only think in absolutes? It's common sense that there are always exceptions.

>> No.15675603

You're the ass clown who didn't know what an IP address is. It's time to drop the name tag.

>> No.15675607

In this world donkey mind rules. Those who are against philosophy are the ones making IQ threads in effort to categorize the ones that do donkey. So donkey do. One vicious cycle.

>> No.15675608

You can't even respond coherently anymore. I thought you were mentally ill but you're clearly just a Markov chain bot.

>> No.15675609

Kek. Now bodhi will post his shitty screenshot collection of his own schizo posts and call "Anonymous" an obsessed schizo.

>> No.15675614

Are those "Markov chain bots" in the room with you right now?

>> No.15675616

bodhi is a womanizer bigot racist schizo fag.

>> No.15675618

How low did you score on the IQ test?

>> No.15675620

Transport yourself to any episode in history that involved "normal" people massacring other "normal" people. Is "common sense" in the room with you right now? LOL. Anyway, no one cares about your keyword-based psychotic ramblings.

>> No.15675643

>Transport yourself to any episode in history that involved "normal" people massacring other "normal" people.
You still trying to force your silly word games with the word "normal" even though I explained the semantics of my post to you?

>Is "common sense" in the room with you right now?
Yes, unlike you I am capable of common sense.

>Anyway, no one cares about your keyword-based psychotic ramblings.
You care enough to seethe.

>> No.15675644


>> No.15675679

From their 15 to maybe 20, when they figure things out for themselves.

>> No.15675705

>i am having a full-blown psychotic breakdown
Don't care.

>> No.15675718

nigger fag

>> No.15675769

I'm sorry to hear that and I hope you get help. By the way, the meme arrow is for quotes, not for statements about yourself.

>> No.15675787

>i am losing my mind with rage
It's okay. At least the voices agree with you that modern moral principles were "common sense" for "normal" people whose way of life and common sense involved the opposite of upholding any moral principles.

>> No.15675799

You misused the meme arrow again. Why does your ignorance of history and your failure to comprehend natural language enrage you so much?

>> No.15675801

See >>15675787