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15675335 No.15675335 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15675338

It musn't be a good indicator of intelligence because the world and economies are in turmoil

Tldr; truthfully all are retarded. There should be one dot of super high intellect where I am.

>> No.15675339

How would you feel if you didnt eat breakfast this morning?

>> No.15675340

Do leftoids unironically believe that all races are equally intelligent? Surely they’re just keeping up the facade right?

>> No.15675341
File: 227 KB, 624x434, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here in Greece it's never needed to get any job and it's generally not-respected, maybe because we are smart enough to know you can be trained on it and therefore it can be easily contaminated in competitions.

rest assured if knew it would be a benefit to us we'd pump the numbers and you'd see iq 200 coming from here.

>> No.15675347


>> No.15675349

>91 average IQ

Opinion disregarded

>> No.15675350

Well actually chud, IQ is a white supremacist talking point. The fact that Jews and East Asians have a higher IQ than Whites is just for plausible deniability. Nazis want you to know that Jews are actually the superior race

>> No.15675353

I don't think we're ever tested for it (I certainly don't know anyone at all out of thousands of my age). We're just smart enough to know only brainlets believe in it. You can be trained on it and the patterns it respects are only a subset and it even does the fundamental sin of assuming speed of processing is better than correctness.

>> No.15675357
File: 73 KB, 600x600, 1618045497904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need high IQ to hold those wooden sticks to pick rice grains with, to get pussy despite the micropenis, to roast dog without getting bitten and without burning and to avoid hungry escalators and moody roof tiles.

>> No.15675358

Patterns have infinite complexity anon. Iq is defined as the lomit of complexity you can understand eithout training, and separately, the maximal amount you can understand eith training

Sorry youre retarded

>> No.15675359

Pattern recognition isn't even used in IQ tests, it's a decentralized from pattern recognition question all of the time. It's not only that IQ tests are retarded and don't measure intellect, it's that they don't even test what they claim to test.

I shart passionately on this thread

>> No.15675364
File: 9 KB, 240x240, 1685968178877836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done. You scored high on a 'how submissive you are to government academic rote education'

>> No.15675365

even if the patterns it tested are representative in nature (they are not), it still does the cardinal sin of assuming(and implying) speed of processing is somehow better than correctness,

and of course it's just dead in the water by the mere fact that you can be trained on it and therefore contaminate and meaningful competition between people (even toddlers).

>> No.15675367

>it's a decentralized from pattern recognition question all of the time
Nice word vomit

>> No.15675370
File: 444 KB, 6280x1352, 1692214507262913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this test my active pattern recognition? I have to stop, re-look, re-think and decide what goes where from ground zero. If I could do it with just my mind and not by clicking, it would be done - retard. Decentralized.

>> No.15675373

but niggers like you say that "nature doesn't actually exist"

so fucking kill yourself

you say nature doesn't exist, but reject iq on the basis that it's not representative of nature

hey guess what you stupid nigger. squares aren't representative of nature but squares are real too. so fucking stick a gun in your mouth and blow your brains out

>> No.15675374

OoooOoOOoO what's the matter? Can't speak now eh? Get farted on nigga

>> No.15675376

Unironically how tf do people function at 70 iq lol. Seems like bullshit

>> No.15675379

>how does a pattern recognition test test my pattern recognition

>> No.15675381

You sound black. No wonder this topic triggers you so hard

>> No.15675383

kys now

>> No.15675385

Lol you scored low

>> No.15675388

Fuck me I can't figure it out. What are the solutions

>> No.15675390

>the world and economies are in turmoil
Civil war in two more weeks, trust the plan. The West is totally finished any day now, BRICS will rise

>> No.15675391

it's just an outdated concept, that it can only exist in the context of not having computers, because even if we assume that all its problems with pattern-representation and prior-education-bias are solved (they certainly aren't) it's just nonsense that it implies you get 0 score if you're slow at being correct.

>> No.15675396

The question I posted can measure intellect, but the means of measurement are incorrect. It would have to give you unlimited time in between analyzing the whole and filling in the question. And it would take training before hand to get used to the layout.

>> No.15675400

So I've figured out the answer, but then I have to look for it amongst the list. I have a chance of getting lost here, but that element can also be tested here. So it's also a memory test. Thus I need to be trained on that question type. Pattern-recog. Unlimited time to study the answer list(the question truly fails a quality standard) and then fill in.

>> No.15675405

I didn't ask that you stupid nigger. I asked you to explain the solutions or provide the source.

no one ever said it is a perfect test. but it will be a very very strong method of measurement.

so provide the solution you nigger

>> No.15675411

You hekka mad

Bootel, now

>> No.15675434

>the chad 60IQ average

>> No.15675456

and it's bullshit just like all the other national IQ papers

>> No.15675477

You're making me fart.

>> No.15675517


>> No.15675524


>> No.15675660

Where do you live that you actually can't use chopstics today?

>> No.15675913
File: 170 KB, 749x750, 1692379881341954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just goes to show, the IQ measurement is not perfect.
>Genetically identical North and South Koreans are supposed to have an IQ difference of 20 points

>> No.15675926

>Finns are the most intelligent ethnicity in Europe
The mongol meme is true, isn't it

>> No.15675928

Retard. Lynn's latest data has it at a 3-4 point difference.

>> No.15675937

One is blue and one is yellow.
Then the graph is wrong

>> No.15675940

What are you looking at? North Korea in OP pic rel is grey (meaning no data), and South Korea is yellow.

>> No.15675949

Oh shit my bad. Mistook it for blue.
I'll revert my stance: Niggers are inferior.
However: Chinks (Commies) are probably pre selecting the people they include in this statistic

>> No.15675957

The Norks are grey because of lack of data

>> No.15675961

North Korea is one of the few nations on earth with eugenic birth patterns, in the future they could possibly be the smartest country in east asia.

>> No.15675968

Does China have it as well? Lynn certainly thinks so.
>Lynn in 2007 stated that he was pessimistic regarding the future of Western societies, in particular due to the dysgenic effects of the large scale mass immigration to Western countries (In addition to dysgenic fertility among the natives that has been going on for at least 150 years, since Europe was the first to develop and Industrialize). Before the end of 21th century White populations will become minorities in their own countries, if current trends continue. "Yet this huge demographic catastrophe has been barely noticed by the media, and anyone who mentions it is considered as a "far right racist"." He even went as far as stating that "I believe the best hope for the future of civilization lies with the Chinese and Japanese. They have not been infected with the virus of Political Correctness, and they are not admitting large numbers of immigrants. They have low fertility but this is not too much of a problem for the present and can probably be corrected in the future by paying people to have children. These are highly intelligent peoples and will probably carry the torch of civilization when it is extinguished in the United States, Canada, and Europe."

>> No.15676015

kys namefag

>> No.15677113
File: 255 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you

>> No.15678964

That is true. People I know often answer faster than me, but after I sleep and the next day I come up with a better answer after thinking about it.
And you can train yourself on IQ tests. I score higher each time.

>> No.15678998

Portugal's is as low as expected. This is a shithole country of brainlets.

>> No.15679000

haha Pakistan has a higher IQ than India

>> No.15679006

Israel, China, Korea and Japan are the highest IQ nations on the planet and we should do whatever they say. We don't have free will, they do.

>> No.15679023

>but.. I couldn't afford breakfast this morning

>> No.15679043

Ahem, Ed Dutton, dygenic selection pressures caused by complex civilization erode the population's genotype for maintaining complex civilization, leading to the winter of civilization in which eugenic selection pressures return via high child mortality, lasting tens of generations until the population's genetics are sufficient to recreate civilization an so start the cycle once more.

>> No.15679082

>Do leftoids unironically believe
NPCs don't really believe things because that'd require a modicum of independent thought. Instead, they repeat things. When they hear a properly authenticated authority say things, they save what they hear, and then they repeat it.

>> No.15679111

>yellow for the asian and blue for the african
oh, that's funny

>> No.15679144

He’s reportedly an academic fraud though. Something about him plagiarizing his Doctors Degree thesis.

>> No.15679165

>Chinks (Commies) are probably pre selecting the people they include in this statistic

Your brain must be pretty flexible from all of the mental gymnastics

>> No.15679510

Wow! You come up with a better answer after 24 hours of thinking than someone does with only 30 seconds of thinking? You must be so proud of yourself. Truly this disproves the IQ metric

>> No.15679521

less dravidians

>> No.15679525

is rural chy nah being tested (freely)?

>> No.15679582

No. Leftists believe all people are unique with their own individual strengths and weaknesses. And all people shouldn't be held back by others just because of things out of their control (that they were born with), like; race, gender, disability and sexuality.
Rightards just misconcieve that; identical treatment = indentical individuals. And they don't realize the very things they bitch and moan about, like affirmative action, are just temporary fixes to correct for inequal treatment. Rightards themselves necessitate and prolong the existence of the very things they bitch and moan about.

>> No.15679584

doesn't matter because all we're discussing is the theory outlined.
What's wrong with the idea that selective breeding applies to humans, that intelligence has a genetic component that limits it, and that civilization can create selection pressures that act on humans? You must pull those Jenga blocks out to refute this idea, so far I havn't seen a case against it beyond "oh that's mean".

>> No.15679642

>And all people shouldn't be held back by others just because of things out of their control
If this is the case, why do the majority of lefitist policies believe in redistribution? That is to say, people holding back others because they are superior.

If you are unlucky or unfortunate because nature deals you a bad hand, why must I be punished to equalize your bad luck? I am not responsible for nature harming you, yet the government is responsible for harming me.

>> No.15679962

I would feel the urge to eat a larger lunch.

>> No.15680940

Don't you think it's better?

>> No.15680946

They are unique... But also completely the same down to dna, molecules, and dendrites.

Wow how would thay even work.

>> No.15681192

i dont believe Australians are High IQ as they literally are lockdown slaves of the government.

>> No.15681197

mmmmh I seem to notice a certain correlation here
Surely it must be my imagination

>> No.15681260

I always wonder if they're somehow immune to cognitive dissonance?

>> No.15681264

>all people are unique with their own individual strengths and weaknesses.
This is literally a "far-right, white supremacist dog whistle".

>> No.15681273


this almost looks like material conditions seem to correlate with the outcomes of IQ tests?????

woah racists, how does this make you feel

>> No.15681278

Pisses me off how many IQ points North-West Europe lost due to rampant illegal immigration.

Used to 106 average now it's barely fucking holding above 100.

>> No.15681281
File: 40 KB, 700x387, global-obesity-map-2008-medium (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn all those underfed obese aid suckers in MENA and South Africa!

>> No.15681286

What does that mean?

>> No.15681371

It means you're a low IQ partisanbrained racist.

>> No.15681835

Dravidians are much more intelligent than Pakis

>> No.15681847

IQ scores in America and Canada are inflated, because the only people who take IQ tests, are those who know they'll score well.

>> No.15681853

What does that mean?

>> No.15682002

>Kosovo Highest IQ in Europe
This is true, almost everyone in Kosovo pursues higher education

>> No.15682028

The good news is that we all get to live with the consequences.
Lol, this motte and bailey stupidity doesn't work on anyone anymore. Go tell the average leftist at a university that black people have a low average IQ for genetic reasons and you'll find out what they actually believe
>And all people shouldn't be held back by others just because of things out of their control
Ah, then you should be opposed to affirmative action

>> No.15682033

>Ah, then you should be opposed to affirmative action
Wrong. I support affirmative action because I don't believe people should be held back by factors outside of their control, like having genetically low IQs. Black individuals don't control their own IQs. This is what I and most educated leftists believe. We were race realists long before you rightoid monkeys jumped on that bandwagon. Read up on the progressive movement and eugenics.

>> No.15682053

1- a
2- e
3- a
4- d

>> No.15682061

Your ideas literally make everything worse.
You don't want to elevate people you just want to drag down others, then put yourself in their place using the "disadvantaged" as your support base.

>> No.15682070

>Your ideas literally make everything worse.
They make perfect sense. Black individuals have low IQs, and they can't control their IQs. I don't think people should be barred from participating in something due to factors they can't control, rightoid scum. That whole "everyone is equal" delusion is a Christian right winger idea in the first place.

>> No.15682079

You defend rapists, drug dealers, murderers and killers because you infantalise them claiming they aren't rsponsible for their own actions because they're low IQ and low impulse control.
You would defend child predators because its not their fault they're attracted to children.

>> No.15682095

>You defend rapists, drug dealers, murderers and killers
They didn't choose to be that way, right wing retard. I don't subscribe to your Christian morality. We just need to genetically modify and/or sterilize these people.

>> No.15682101

>lets support policies that create the problem
>then we'll just castrate them or kill them

By their own admission self confessed leftists are barbaric hypocrites.

>> No.15682109

leftists are cafelatte drinking weaklings.
how could they ever be barbarians

>> No.15682112

>We just need to genetically modify and/or sterilize these people.
Holy shit. I didn't realize the left were actually the based ones. It's posts like this that make me consider switching sides.

Cringe and weak.

>> No.15682118

god done one better, you can FEEL your own ass. way better than just seeing it. I mean if you have the choice of only being able to see it without touching it, and touching without seeing what would you choose?

>> No.15682131

>Cringe and weak.
Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer to just hang them, My point is their hypocrisy and how they destroy beauty or excellence.

>> No.15683677

Leftist supports total criminal death? Based.

>> No.15683683

Sorry meant for >>15682112

>> No.15683809

look at all these IQs that feel for covid
lmao imagine thinking anyone cares for your good goyim points anymore, 90% of science is fake and meaningless

>> No.15683816

and you think after 24 hours they won't have better answer aswell? dumb retard

>> No.15683828

it is infinitely better to have both than to have only one

>> No.15684059

Yes, they actually won't.

>> No.15684098

Nope. They think humans are different. That evolution has changed how we look and it's all only superficial. Everything else is equal amongst the races lol. Yes. They are misguided.

>> No.15684711

shut up shlomo this is white genocide