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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15673092 No.15673092 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't SCIENCE™ caught up yet?

>> No.15673101

All due to stress induced heart attacks, suicides and obesity/nutrition.
We live in a dystopia where we work ourselves to death for corporations that own the government and we can't even afford anything but the cheapest most unhealthy slop.

>> No.15673103

All that somehow only started after covid clotshots?

>> No.15673105

they're gonna blame sun exposure, shocking youtube videos, global warming, racism, solar flares, meteor dust, etc.

the vaccine companies won. they're going to get to murder everyone, and the victims are too fucking scared to admit the truth, and so will mentally retread into a childlike idiocy

>> No.15673116

Vax is a red herring. Everything from tech to food companies, all did a lot of shit during the lockdowns that none of you retards will talk about.

>> No.15673122
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>mfw they're gonna lock and muzzle them again next year during the election

>> No.15673125

we talk about it. they basically bought up the entire world. kennedy mentioned it. predictably, the jews are shrieking.

but the vaccines are literally killing people. did you get the vaxx, are you afraid?

>> No.15673129

in australia they literally just paid the actuaries a billion dollars to fudge the data

I am surprised they haven suicided op pic grandpa yet

>> No.15673153

>in australia they literally just paid the actuaries a billion dollars to fudge the data

>> No.15673162


>> No.15673215


>> No.15673278

somebody post the mortality rate by age groups, linear graph not logarithmic. let's see the risk for young people so we understand their compulsory need to poke all children.

>> No.15673291

You chuds can stop blaming the vaxx. Excess deaths are caused by not eating enough bugs, not living in the pod, too much freedom and owning too much.

>> No.15673326

You heard the man!: >>15673291

Now get back to consooming your daily McGoy Slop(TM). Living in your debt box. Voting for freedoms only the top 0.1% can afford. And spending all the money you don't have on toys and media slop.

>> No.15673342

Is this like an infestation of mites or something?

>> No.15673344


>> No.15673345

This but also 75% of threads on /sci/.

>> No.15673348

Is this /pol/ in the room with you right now?

>> No.15673350

This pole's in your mom, if you catch my drift.

>> No.15673355

I don't understand. There is no pole in my mom.

>> No.15673360

it's the right spelling in Old Enlglish, not your creole or pidgin Modern English

>> No.15673365

Old English doesn't have a standardized spelling, numbnuts.

>> No.15673391

exactly, i can write any way i want

>> No.15673402

And no matter how you write, it's never the "right" spelling.

>> No.15673453

bullshit name 1 thing tech and food companies did during lockdowns that would cause this

>> No.15674532

Merely a coincidence goyim

>> No.15674534

lethal liver damage

>> No.15674543

Scientifically, why can I drink at least fifteenth of gin everyday but my liver is still perfect?

>> No.15675200

because scientifically speaking you're a ticking time-bomb alcoholic

>> No.15675204

Specifically, 80 percent of sudden death happen within 14 days of the first or second shot at 7 sigma

Think about that for a second