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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 259x194, thunderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15669376 No.15669376 [Reply] [Original]

Good news everyone, we're not all going to die from global warming, it turns out that the little ice age was the coldest point in the past 12,000 years and thats also when the formal recorded temperature record starts, so it only creates the illusion of warming. Earth is still currently colder than it has been for most of the history of human civilization.

Global warming 100% debunked:

>> No.15669392

>we're not all gonna die

>> No.15669409

but the forests being cut down behind my house makes my neighborhood look like shit
I don't want to fucking live in a barren hellscape, I want more natural beauty

>> No.15669446
File: 18 KB, 512x288, XR-EPE-Difference-from-average-temperature-over-last-10000-years[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it an illusion that the average temperature suddenly takes a much sharper turn upwards at the beginning of the industrial era compared to what is seen previously?

>> No.15669581

As we all know, taking trillions of tons of inert carbon and burning them up into the atmosphere does nothing at all
Neither does mass deforestation or dumping every chemical cocktail possible into our water supplies or filling our blood with plastic
Nothing we do could possibly have consequences and only big dumb liberals think it will

>> No.15669599

Even if global warming isn’t real, what’s the harm in finding alternative energy sources

>> No.15669653

It cuts into big oil profits. We can't have that.

>> No.15669746

Maybe not much of consequence on the planetary scale, but local consequences are aplenty. Just look at the consequences of leaded gasoline and lead paint

>> No.15669751

Anon, lies aren't illusions.
They're lies.

>> No.15669764

>muh carbon
C3 plants are literally starved, more carbon means they need exponentially less water, deserts are receding at an increasing rate RIGHT NOW, leaf count and density is exploding RIGHT NOW.
>muh deforestation
Deforestation and afforestation are 100% genetic, if you're worried about subhuman retards destroying muh nature, go help your local genocidal fascist take power.
Chemicals concentrate through rain, and get diluted into nothingness in under one to two centuries.
Plastics are sugar, a shitton of plastic-eating bacteria already developped znd just need to spread everywhere there's plastics, which is fucking everywhere so it should take too long.
By 2500 plastics will be classified as biodegradable, mark my words.

>> No.15669784

>deserts are receding
Which is why China is doing all they can to stop their desert from expanding

>> No.15670054

your trolling is weak. go fuck your coal rollers tail pipe

>> No.15670162

Go vaxx yourself, goylem filth.

That the chinks for some reason stopped being niggers and actually started to afforest is wonderful, and due to the enhanced carbon, their efforts will completely and utterly MOG the Gobi.
The next Mao will have a much harder time expanding the Gobi and worshipping Death, or at the very least when chink become human again after, they'll have a trivial time to re-afforest due to expected 800+ppm.

>> No.15670205
File: 661 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-08-17-00-51-31-208_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, liberals are mentally impaired as has been shown through IQ tests. They are unable to process numbers or locate themselves in a map. They put big words like trillion, mass, filling to try to compensate for lack of numerical certainty. Excess co2 is already being taken away in the natural carbon cycle, which is much larger than antropic sources. This is known because yearly emissions have increased 5 fold without changing the slope on the yearly co2 levels. It is a cult at this point, any serious reply is brushed off with sarcasm.

>> No.15670208

the government has had free energy technology since at least the 30's

>> No.15670219

Ok but its been over 105 every day for 2 months without rain in southeast TX so idgaf it's so fucking hot

>> No.15670227

That is God's punishment for allowing the democrat vermin to stay alive instead exterminating all of them.

>> No.15670229

God can suck my dick it's so goddamned hot

>> No.15670314

omg its hot in the texas in the summer!!!
how unusual

>> No.15670909
File: 61 KB, 660x371, 2000+_year_global_temperature_including_Medieval_Warm_Period_and_Little_Ice_Age_-_Ed_Hawkins.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of regional cooling, particularly pronounced in the North Atlantic region.[2] It was not a true ice age of global extent.[3]

How is it possible that you don't understand the difference between local and global effects?

>> No.15670912

You are dumb as hell

>> No.15671156

Please please PLEASE tell me you're (fully) vaccinated, PLEASE

>> No.15671172

Green energy is the most libertarian energy source when you think about it.

>> No.15671176
File: 27 KB, 499x481, IMG_8876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Global warming 100% debunked:
>a YouTube video by some guy

>> No.15671178

The air would be cleaner and we wouldn't depend on a finite resource. The horrors!

>> No.15671180

While the C3 pathway is the most common, it is also inefficient. Rubisco reacts not only with CO2 but also O2, leading to photorespiration, a process that wastes assimilated carbon. Under current atmospheric conditions, potential photosynthesis in C3 plants is suppressed by oxygen as much as 40%. The extent of that suppression increases under stress conditions such as drought, high light, and high temperatures. As global temperatures rise, C3 plants will struggle to survive—and since we're reliant on them, so will we.

>> No.15671410

then how do you explain all those simultaneous forest fires everywhere?
and dont say acceleration founded by tptb! that's missinformation faggot!

>> No.15671436
File: 109 KB, 500x461, 1374591323567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more carbon in the atmosphere, the more photosynthesis happens due to enhance coverage and density of flora ( this includes phytoplankton ).
Photosynthesis is an endothermic event.
C3 use exponentially less water the more carbon.
Forests create their own rain.
Desert reding at an accelerating pace.

As long as Humanity keeps burning the abiotic, infinite oil, gas and coal, this flat plane will be an eternal paradise.
Minus the niggers and kikes, of course.

>> No.15671458

Forest fires map 1:1 with subhumans.
Low IQ creates Evil, and Evil creates rejection of all that is Good, Beautiful, and True.

THAT is how deserts are created.
The reason why deserts are being destroyed is that, thanks to enhanced atmospheric carbon, the rate of growth outpaces finally the rate of subhuman activity.

>> No.15671460


>> No.15671696

Go vaxx yourself, goylem tard.

>> No.15671796

>Is it an illusion that the average temperature suddenly takes a much sharper turn upwards at the beginning of the industrial era compared to what is seen previously?
statistically, yes, your assertion is such an incredibly poor sample size its not even worth looking at (if you actually do any statistical analysis at all). That beings aid there is climate change its just not man made and there is nothing we can do about it and its not apocalypse


Its a good funding money earning to pretend otherwise and the Marxist love it because after the USSR they had no where to call home but now they have something fake that invalidates individual property rights, even dietary choices under the mantra only big government can fix this big problem. Man made climate change is however bullshit, We are 3/4 of the way up a natural rising temperature oscillation.


I'm sorry you were lied to. A lot of scientists tried to stand up to this bullshit but were silenced because of gretta and anti-science doom criers loving the funding. Man made climate change, the modelling and the stat math backing it are complete shit and don't stand even a cursory glance from a real scientist and never did. The climate fluctuated a great deal in the past and will now. You know who was a real scientist and a genius? Milankovitch


>> No.15671800

You forgot that sulphur can actually increase soil fertility in limestone landscapes and their slightly alkaline soils. Fossil fuels are unironically great,. lave them alone. Just stop adding shit like lead to them

>> No.15671827

>the little ice age was the coldest point in the past 12,000 years and thats also when the formal recorded temperature record starts,
Pure coincidence, you think?

Cold weather is essential to the development of big brained smart humans. In hot weather brains overheat and it renders people stupid and lazy.

>> No.15671833

very organic

>> No.15671836
File: 314 KB, 1147x669, 8007b3_7416332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP will ignore this post because it soundly refutes his childishly stupid "argument"

>> No.15671837

Regional ice ages suppress the global average temperature. How can you not know how numbers work?

>> No.15671928

Are you blind? The graph clearly shows that the climate was slightly colder. The little ice age was not an exceptionally cold period. The medieval warm period was not an exceptionally hot period. There is no "illusion of warming", the Earth IS warming.

>> No.15671933

Haha it's swedish ragamuffin girl

>> No.15671951
File: 138 KB, 662x880, C3EF807E-BFBD-41F4-8668-2CDE5BBECC29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she fucked up andrew tate, and she'll fuck you up too.

>> No.15671956

>he thinks cavemen were running around the globe with thermometers and recording the temperature in 10,000 BC

>> No.15672491
File: 244 KB, 2749x1128, global cooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Earth IS warming.
>its true because i used all caps for emphasis

>> No.15672501

Get out of here with your made up, cropped to hell graph. You can see the real data for the medieval warm period and the little ice age here >>15670909

>> No.15672952

The graph in >>15670909 lost in court when challenged.
Just like the holocaust.
Based canucks.

>> No.15673078

To me she had really late offset ugly duckling syndrome because she's starting to look okay now

>> No.15673150

Complete nonsense that never happened. It's telling that the only way you can defend your argument is by lying and posting unlabeled graphs with falsified data.

>> No.15673173

The trees are on fire and the number measuring the hotness is breaking records in real time there are people popping like popcorn from the heat. What could a person possibly gain from denying the shit we all can see to deepthroat the fossil fuel guy? They're not letting you in the bunkers so enjoy the ebin lemonkey face I guess while you still can.

>> No.15673174

>I hate science that affects my lifestyle
>I love science that doesn't affect my lifestyle
Anon, choosing some science while ignoring other science to support your opinions is a quick road to nowhere

>> No.15673335

As long as you're vaxxed, it's ok.

>> No.15673486

they're waiting till they find a green power which is close in efficiency to coal but also just about as dangerous or esoteric so that people can't diy and still have to rely on the grid.

>> No.15673566

>There is no "illusion of warming", the Earth IS warming.
>That being said there is climate change its just not man made and there is nothing we can do about it and its not apocalypse
>I'm sorry you were lied to. A lot of scientists tried to stand up to this bullshit but were silenced because of gretta and anti-science doom criers loving the funding. Man made climate change, the modelling and the stat math backing it are complete shit and don't stand even a cursory glance from a real scientist and never did. The climate fluctuated a great deal in the past and will now. You know who was a real scientist and a genius? Milankovitch

>> No.15673652

The harm is not in finding them. The harm is in replacing the bulk of the energy generation with wind and solar instead of with nuclear. Nuclear would upgrade the energy generation, increase the energy abundance. Meanwhile wind and solar cost more per energy than what we have, while taking way more land for it. They do not really increase the energy generation. Not by orders of magnitude. That's what I want. Everything that needs to be done in society is based on the abundance of energy. Absolutely everything. Wind and solar will impoverish us. Widespread deployment of nuclear will unlock completely new capabilities, including making more advanced but energy intensive recycling and cleanup viable.

>> No.15673671
File: 556 KB, 3000x3314, Worldmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth is warming.
CO2 is increasing.
And that's a good thing!

Even WEF has to admit it but of course they're trying to spin some water vapor story to discredit it:
>The greening over the last two decades represents an increase in leaf area on plants and trees equivalent to the areal span of the entire Amazonian rainforests.

>> No.15673736

Nuclear is expensive garbage which is why nobody is investing in it. If you want to see more nuclear built then try investing in it.

>> No.15673737

If only they hadn't manipulated the data. Remember the hockey stick? While we are remembering, how about the coming ice age? We're all going to die! One day, we are all going to freeze to death, and the next, we will drown because the polar ice caps melted and raised sea levels. Don't you see? Why can't you see? Send money and prepare to die.
Call me a cynic, I don't believe the experts. You know, like
Gore - we're all going to die
AOC - we're all going to die
Greta - How dare you! lulz
The lying scientists who are in it for the money.

>> No.15673748

Shill threads like this is why /sci/ is worthless and worse than reddit

>> No.15673751

>Call me a cynic, I don't believe the experts. You know, like
You clearly don't understand what an expert is.

>> No.15673762

You are right. I wanted to include the mouth pieces. The scientists though... Have a good one.

>> No.15673881

Come back when you have a degree.

>> No.15673912

Do not put too much reliance on degrees.

>> No.15673914

I don't, but I'm certain that you can't get one.

>> No.15673960

>I don't
Good, because that's what it sounded like.
Hope your day gets better, but we got off track. A couple of your posts are bait, plus I am getting bored with your nonsense.

>> No.15674003

nta, but the reason no one wants to build more is because of scaremongers like you. I live in southern Ontario and Bruce Nuclear produces way more energy then all these Wind Turbines. Every one of these useless things cost more than they produce, and we're just building more hoping they get better? The new expansion on the nuclear plant is going to increase the output more than all these stupid things combined.

>> No.15674009

Sounds like you should invest in nuclear. I'm sure you'll see a return on it eventually...

>> No.15674851

>i hate /sci/
why are you here?

>> No.15676413
File: 607 KB, 1488x1488, electricity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres already enough ways to make electricity, people should does something useful with their lives instead of pointlessly reinventing the wheel.
we already have a plethora of methods for boiling water, discovering new ones does not accomplish anything

>> No.15678011

Climate soientists all know this, thats why they always start off their graphs in the middle of the little ice age

>> No.15678341
File: 477 KB, 1440x1440, greta 2023-08-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greta is getting noticeably cuter. Solid 5/10 rn

>> No.15678344 [DELETED] 
File: 994 KB, 1075x806, img_1_1681283122580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a 10/10 to you

>> No.15678363

This nigger like old hags.

>> No.15678365 [DELETED] 

Would you like to eat my barkel bimer

>> No.15678391

Yeah cupcake what's your @

>> No.15678393 [DELETED] 

Fuck off faggot I'm not gay

>> No.15678413

You will be.

>> No.15679617
File: 43 KB, 850x400, einstein quote politics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politicians are smarter than scientists, even Einstein says so. If scientists were legitimately intelligent then they would be the ones running everything rather than the politicians

>> No.15679658

Lol no. Cope harder.

>> No.15679683


>> No.15679687

Kill yourself

>> No.15680008

>Earth is still currently colder than it has been for most of the history of human civilization.
So why are people chimping out over global warming?

>> No.15680051

Summer time. The newest catch phrase is climate change. Getting snowed out at global warming conferences was embarrassing.
Climate change is all about power and control.

>> No.15680105

More difficult doesn't mean they do it better than scientists would. In fact, it's part of the reason why they shouldn't be the ones doing it in the first place.

>> No.15680286

I have no intention of vaccinating, my apologies.

>> No.15680871

Einstein says politicians are smarter than scientists. Do you think you're smarter than Einstein?

>> No.15680875

>In hot weather brains overheat and it renders people stupid and lazy.
I think its more that it lessens selection pressures, but you're 90% there.

>> No.15682409

>Pure coincidence, you think?
A large amount of the most important scientific discoveries took place during the little ice age. That was before climate control, but air conditioning was invented towards the end of the cold period.

>> No.15682429

I love how deniers talk about greening as if it wasn’t inconsequential to the accumulation of CO2 and subsequent warming

>> No.15682462

>The place you live getting warmer and more lush is... le bad!
(I don't even deny climate change, I just barely give a fuck. If people are so serious about it, why aren't they building fuck ton of nuclear reactors? From this I understand, that the ones who're supposed to be all super serious about it clearly don't really give a fuck, since otherwise they obviously would have been building fuck ton of nuclear reactors, yet they aren't. Then how I'm supposed to take it seriously either?)

>> No.15684196 [DELETED] 

CO2 doesn't cause the "greenhouse effect", but it does cause plants to grow more vigorously. Its not hard to understand that. If CO2 caused the greenhouse effect then greenhouses with CO2 enhanced atmospheres wouldn't need roofs, they'd warm up from the local abundance of CO2.

>> No.15684202

>If CO2 caused the greenhouse effect then greenhouses with CO2 enhanced atmospheres wouldn't need roofs, they'd warm up from the local abundance of CO2.

I'm fairly sure if I looked I wouldn't find a post dumber than this on all of 4chan

>> No.15684210

climate cultists btfo. find a real job instead of trying to larp as scientists.

>> No.15684211

Threadly reminder: climate change is not a science-related topic. Climate change is pure /pol/.

>> No.15685093

It's even worse. The "greening" isn't from carbon dioxide, it's from megaprojects in India and China.


>> No.15685464
File: 92 KB, 664x504, co2trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CO2 doesn't improve plant growth
looks like we got another science denier here.
the global warming cultists will lie about anything, everything they say is a lie, they don't bother communicating except to spread lies

>> No.15685508

I still cannot believe they made the average cattle believe CO2 is a pollutant.
I really hope the vaxx's excess death curve turn exponential soon.

>> No.15685652
File: 2.70 MB, 360x640, 1688906807698426.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did he save the methane and CO2 polluter, it is destroying the earth?

>> No.15685790

Cute dog.

>> No.15685799
File: 1.77 MB, 420x240, cowsSmarterThanVaxxies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destroyer of worlds are smart

>> No.15686281

CO2 doesn't improve plant growth outside of highly controlled conditions. Plants growth is dependent on more than 70 factors. Have you ever even grown a plant in your life?

You are a useful idiot.

>> No.15686720

>CO2 doesn't improve plant growth
the global warming cultist will lie about anything

>> No.15686728
File: 105 KB, 549x554, wt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an emergency a global calamity
>ok so let's go with the somewhat expensive but energy dense choice (nuclear) and go back to electric mass transport (trains)
>oh no! We can't do that! That's just too dangerous!! and trains? that's cuck shit also black people might get on and make me uncomfortable!

Do you people want to save the planet or not? I'm really get mixed signals from both sides of the US political spectrum on this issue.

>> No.15687372
File: 119 KB, 750x580, chud hates PNGs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15687381

>trains? that's cuck shit
Non-mutt here. Who the fuck has a problem with trains? They're the most based form of transportation.

>> No.15687394

Americans, Canadians, and to a lesser extent Australians are pretty allergic to the idea of expanding train lines. It's definitely a new world issue as any place with a thousand years of history established their population distributions before cars became prevalent.

>> No.15687409

People don't care about climate change as the changes are too slow for them to notice and all the really bad stuff is predicted to only happen after their deaths anyway. Politicians don't have their own agenda (mostly), they (mostly) do what the electorate wants for fear of losing in the next election.

Which is why we never see any meaningful measures against climate change. It's all talk and no walk because we've dug ourselves so deep in that hole that we can't possibly get out of it any longer without massive changes in our economic system and way of life (i. e. huge sacrifices). For any meaningful change we'd need politicians who got the balls to go against their constituents explicit wishes. But we don't have those because they don't even manage to get on the ballot. The people who matter at elections (i. e. boomers) don't want to cut down on their consumption or not take four long-distance vacations a year to Svalbard or whatever.

Great idea, but people are scared of le scary radiation so it's not done.

Great idea, but people are too lazy and selfish to even consider not owning a car so it's not done.

We're fucked.

>> No.15688163

Go outside and touch compost

>> No.15688183

Just grow more?

>> No.15688213

>Even if global warming isn’t real, what’s the harm in finding alternative energy sources
Nuclear already exists

>> No.15688221

nukkura pawa badu

>> No.15688811

this is the stereotypical environmentalist's sense of entitlement where they irrationally feel that its is somehow their right to determine what everyone else can an cannot do with their own property
>i need to command the entire planet because mother nature says or so something
>no, you cannot cut down your own trees on your own property because i don't like it
just buy the land if you don't want it logged, simple as that

>> No.15688890

>She thinks the atmosphere is her property
>She calls others entitled
Top kek

>> No.15689866
File: 41 KB, 695x640, 89e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COVID-19 get the latest information from the CDC

>> No.15689883

If you put something in the air and then that air drifts onto my property then you are trespassing. It's the same with your irrigation, anything you spray on your lawn, any animal you own, ect. Why do you feel entitled to trespass?

>> No.15689970

Not climate.

>> No.15690003
File: 76 KB, 735x760, A7FCA669-4EC8-4FBA-80D3-7E9C3C36FFDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good news
oddly, that's not how it will be received

>> No.15690015

There isn't a good replacement for fossil fuels for power generation other than Nuclear. Solar and wind are a scam.

This isn't even raising the issue of transporting goods, personal transportation and all the other modern conveniences that fossil fuels make possible.

TL;DR Alternative energy sources mean economic collapse in practical terms.

>> No.15690704
File: 169 KB, 812x800, Screenshot-20220920-213901-Whats-App-jpg-2684492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in before the battery fags

>> No.15691048

Good thing we're taking all that dangerous lithium out of the environment and putting it where it will do the most good.

>> No.15691912 [DELETED] 

>i own the atmosphere
you own severe mental illness

>> No.15691943

I own the atmosphere above my property. That's how property works. If you infringe on my property then you are trespassing. What in your mind gives you the right to trespass?

>> No.15692463

This sounds like an pseudoscience.

>> No.15692476

> Trees grow faster at higher levels of CO2?
That is true?!

>> No.15692969 [DELETED] 

You don't, airspace is regulated by the FAA, the air above your property is class G airspace

>> No.15693943

Incorrect. They monitor my property and allow aircraft through it under certain conditions mandated by law, including maintaining a certain minimum altitude for the aircraft and all it's emissions. Anything less than that is trespassing. Why do you feel entitled to trespass?

>> No.15694411 [DELETED] 

there are no altitude minimums in class g airspace

>> No.15694635
File: 1.22 MB, 536x294, YUTgPMyGMFN+S1AU2IEGHw0lDKwAQoARMoPzeJCAAACH5BAUEAAAALBcCJQEBAAEAAAgEAAEEBAA7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15694813

Keith unironically should take lithium. It might help treat his mental illness.

>> No.15694839

Even if oil is abiotic it is not infinite, we are using it faster than its being made. We have consumed most of the easy to reach oil, its getting more and more difficult to extract oil. At some point oil will no longer be economic.

>> No.15694841

You know him?
It does look like a hazardous site.
No one wants it in their backyard.

>> No.15694847

Regardless of the truth of climate change. The powers that be don't want to solve it. Its a powerful political tool, and they don't their tool to go away. So they hate actual solutions.

>> No.15694849

Those waging war on oil said those same exact things 30, 40 years ago desu.

>> No.15694851

Do you want a uranium mine in your backyard? Or a coal mine?

>> No.15694856 [DELETED] 

They've been saying it since the early 1960s

>> No.15694870

game over for op

>> No.15694919

Open surface mine reclamation is often quite beautiful in its completed state.

>> No.15695495

Step 1 : stop exploitation
Step 2 : leave it alone
Step 3 : there is no step 3

>> No.15695542

Do you live in a house? Have a car? Use public transportation? Use air conditioning? Or heat? Where clothes? Eat? I could go on, use electricity, computers, cell phones etc.
You are exploiting the earth. You really don't believe you are innocent or somehow not responsible, do you?

>> No.15695803

I'm talking about a specific open mine, retard.
Environmental destruction is a huge meme for braindead goylems.

>> No.15695814

Compare the open mine to the open mine or compare reclaimed mines to reclaimed mines.

>> No.15695815

So, why not minimise the exploitation and destruction by using renewable sources of energy?

>> No.15696365

The US government is already using all of its power to minimize coal, natural gas and oil industries. US coal powered electricity generation plants are cleaner than ever and will continue improving as technology advances.
Renewable sources of energy.
Hydro-electric has been around for a hundred years and is efficient. Wind power generation is not efficient nor stable. If wind stalls, so does power generation. If wind blows too hard, windmills are sidelined to protect it. They are not renewable, they are built, constructed, have a short life, then are tore down and sometimes buried on site.
Solar may be worse due to manufacturing process of the panels. Also the solar array fields have a negative impact on the environment. Ethanol? Government subsidized just like wind and solar. It don't grow itself. Guess what the tractors burn? Diesel. Diesel to prepare the ground, diesel to plant, diesel to spray harmful (but good) chemicals and diesel to harvest. Then diesel powered trucks take over. All so you can put a 15% .gov subsidized blend in your car that varnishes metal surfaces and shortens the engine life. Many people spare 10 seconds here, 15 seconds there on some news blurbs and are all in on "wind" or what have you. But if they feel good, that is all that is important.

>> No.15696423

Anyone making serious posts in this thread is retarded.

>> No.15696437

Shirley you jest

>> No.15697203 [DELETED] 

environmentalists are constantly screeching about overpopulation and famines, meanwhile we produce such an excess of food that massive amounts of it are converted to ethanol for fuel usage and there hasn't been a famine anywhere on the planet other than those organized by politicians since the 1860s

>> No.15697228

Nah, youtube is the lowest form of debate. Like, tell me you never got your degree without telling me you never got your degree.

>> No.15697234


>> No.15697261

That's funny. That went right over your head.
Read it again, think about it. When you see it.
Hint it's nothing whatsoever about youtube.

>> No.15697439

Anon, pay no attention to my previous post
(Laughs) YouTube, I know, there are a lot of bad people on there. A few good ones but mostly bad people. As you so wisely perceived, I do not have a... a.. degree. But that's OK. I enjoy intellectual stimulation from interacting with smart people like you who do have have important degrees. It's eyeopening, let me tell you. Well, I have to go , but hope you come back so we can talk again. Have a good day and goodbye for now. Best wishes

>> No.15698303

just because you're ignorant of airspace laws doesn't mean they aren't in place.

>> No.15699924 [DELETED] 

>So they hate actual solutions
its a shame, the urban strongholds of supposedly green sentiment are concrete garbage dumps, if they actually cared about what they're spouting then those some urban hellholes would be hanging gardens of babylon tier, those cities all have the money to do it, but they don't

>> No.15699961
File: 106 KB, 807x1390, berlin-germany-30th-mar-2019-the-swedish-environmental-activist-greta-thunberg-at-the-award-ceremony-of-the-golden-camera-the-gala-will-take-place-in-berlins-disused-tempelhof-airport-credit-jens-kalaenedpaalamy-live-news-T29530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could fix her.

>> No.15699997

why do climate experts measure surface temperature of tarmac during summer and show the results as a proof for what exactly?

>> No.15700009

to prove climate change is real climate experts set things on fire

>> No.15700015

when antarctic was ice free was this also caused by CO emissions from developped nations(evil white people)?

>> No.15700038 [DELETED] 


>> No.15700039
File: 80 KB, 640x915, OUysQuSkivgh.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15700122

>he doesn't know what 20cm look like
I am not surprised.

>> No.15700137

>CO emissions

>> No.15700987

>lumpy knees
>fat calves
>hairy arms
don't bother, lost cause
if shes going to be fixed, a veterinarian should be the one doing it

>> No.15701011

Good news everyone, OP died of a coronary from too many mcgreasers. His mom found him the basement and wasn't even sad, just meh whatever. So he won't be polluting the board anymore with his retarded bullshit spam.

>> No.15701038

I wish.

>> No.15701067

Two images of the Statue of Liberty taken 100 years apart are not evidence that sea level rise is insignificant, as some social media users are suggesting. The documented sea level rise of roughly one foot over the last century would not be discernible in a simple comparison of the photos, experts told Reuters, nor would the catastrophic potential of past and future sea level rise.

Users sharing the images imply that the lack of visible difference in the tranquil postcard views of the statue in New York Harbor means that sea level rise to date has been negligible and without impact. However, sea level rise to date has already been shown to have contributed to catastrophic damage done by storms and flooding, and accelerating sea level rise projected over the next century is expected to worsen the problem.

The social media posts show one black and white photograph of the statue dated 1920 above another image dated 2020. On the face of it, there appears to be no difference in the water level in the shots.

Tide gauge measurements produced by the National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) at The Battery, New York, near the Statue of Liberty, from 1855 to today, show a trend of an approximate 2.9mm rise in sea level every year (here).

“This amount is small compared to the 5-foot range between low and high tide, so you would need carefully timed photos (at the same point in the tidal cycle, on a day when the tides were of comparable scale) for there to be a visual difference,” Robert Kopp, Professor at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Director of the Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub at Rutgers University, told Reuters via email.

“No one is calling the sea level rise experienced so far catastrophic, but global sea level rise has accelerated since about 1970 and will continue to accelerate until global temperatures are stabilized.

>> No.15701070

>However, sea level rise to date has already been shown to have contributed to catastrophic damage done by storms and flooding,

>No one is calling the sea level rise experienced so far catastrophic

>> No.15701074


>> No.15701081

The sea is like a magic pocket. One foot of water is magically where the global warming storm is happening. We know that global warming is happening because of the global warming storms. Ergo, sea level rise is real, global warming is real, eat the bugs, sterilize yourself at age 12, cut your dick off, and vote Democrat so that the partisan manipulation of science will stop.

>> No.15701083


>> No.15701086
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i come to 4chan.org to repost content from factcheck.org, a globohomo shill organization

>> No.15701130

are you Meds expert? how many moderna boosters does it take to stop climate change?

>> No.15701189

Schizophrenia meds. Now.

>> No.15701191

>i come to 4channel.org to repost content from wnd, a literal far-right propaganda outlet with nothing but lies to be found on the entire website.

>> No.15701197

>nothing but lies to be found on the entire website.
Then how come that one is true and confirmed?

>> No.15701220

>true and confirmed
Confirmed by whom? By you?

>> No.15701245

By the UN, who are not even trying to hide it. What is it with golems constantly denying official and in-your-face agendas?

>> No.15701256

Post link

>> No.15701262

Let the coping, lying and spinning commence. Go ahead and expose yourself. :^)

>> No.15701269

>ctrl+f "110"
>no results
Hm. Maybe you weren't being honest?

>> No.15701281

Keep showing off your nose. Meanwhile anyone who cares can read the article. Here's another one from AP:
>UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations launched a new initiative Thursday to sign up millions of “digital first responders” around the world to counter misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic and spread fact-based information and advice to their networks of family, friends and followers.

>> No.15701285

Another article that doesn't confirm that number. Come on, show some effort to "prove" your story and defend your leaders.

>> No.15701290

> doesn't confirm that number
It puts the number way higher. Keep showing off your nose.

>> No.15701309

Do, your article lied by understating that number? :^)
Come on, get your narrative at least consistent before we can talk about this. You're just undermining what little trust I had in your good faith.

>> No.15701313

You sound like an actual schizophrenic. The official news is that the UN plans to recruit millions of shills to spread their propaganda on the internet. The site you're seething about said it managed to recruit 110,000. What's the incongruency?

>> No.15701584

its vulnerable to artillery fire.

>> No.15701603

>What's the incongruency?
The difference between 110,000 and "millions" is millions. If I tell you that Mt. Fuji is 500 meters tall, would you believe anything else I would claim to know about Mt. Fuji? No, you'd think that I'm a fucking moron who pulled that number out of his asshole. So why don't you think that the author of that WND is a fucking moron who pulled that number out of his ass?

>> No.15701667

That's what I'm saying to you. Why do you feel entitled to trespass?

>> No.15701750

change your diaper and go back

>> No.15702164

If the UN has 110k paid climate shills, how many of those do you think are dedicated to posting on 4chan versus larger social media networks like instagram, facebook, reddit, twitter, etc.?

>> No.15702215

Since the actual number of paid shills is zero, so is the number for 4chan.

>> No.15702338
File: 59 KB, 546x379, 0uCTJsF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. A picture IS worth a thousand words.

>> No.15702966

78% of jews are clinically, literally schizophrenic, projectlomo.

>> No.15703391

sup jidf

>> No.15703403

You could've used a sexier picture of Greta OP.

>> No.15704483
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey paid shills don't exist!!
>stop noticing, thats antisemitic!!

>> No.15705501

post some

>> No.15706109

why don't you answer the question mr science man?

>> No.15706630

I'll answer them after you've taken your meds.

>> No.15706647
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, Kiss-The-Ground-Movie_TotallyVeganBuzz-1280x720-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly photoshoped
Does no one see that he has the same outfit on for each picture?
This was all done on the same day you idiots

>> No.15707629

yet, thats an illusion, you graph is propaganda and not based in reality

>> No.15708959

Did you know the first known use of cope was in the 13th century? While its use in the present day is prevalent on a certain Mongolian basket weaving forum, it is less used but not uncommon in general.
>No one is calling the sea level rise experienced so far catastrophic,
No, they predicted catastrophic sea level rise, and it didn't happen.
In addition to coping, you have changed the narrative. The narrative, of course, being that the polar ice caps would melt, seas would rise, and all the coastal areas would be under the sea. Oh, and we would all die, first by 2012, then by 2020. Considering the present date, it is understandable why the above is uncomfortable. Hence, the coping, changing the goal posts, and continued data manipulation.
I am happy to be alive, but many have moved on to blaming cows.
Update, now wetlands and volcanoes.

>> No.15708969

Seriously, the most important issue with your graph is simply that the temperature measurement resolution in the last 100 years or so cannot be compared to data from inferred measurement estimates 1000+ - heck even 500+ years ago.

Its utter hogwash to say the statistical deviation (or range of uncertainty) we can accurately measure now can be accurately compared against historical statistical deviation going back thousands of years.

The only argument you have against OP's youtube post is that what is being measured is "a regional effect", only found in Greenland. But that opens up an entirely new can of worms on what does and doesn't affect climate. For example, how can a "regional effect " last 100 000 + years? It doesnt make sense.

You are a mindless, unthinking moron with no scientific ability to judge and criticize.

Having said all that, I support moving off oil as its too valuable to squander. Not because the earth is threatened.

The real "threat" to the earth remains overpopulation. And guess what? The earth will do just fine without us, its under no threat at all.

>> No.15708981

Are you mentally retarded? Those are four different plants under four different concentrations of CO2. They need to all be compared on the same day in order to actually compare growth, you absolute dingus.

>> No.15710255

>its too valuable to squander
the peak oil shilling has been going on for over 60 years at least, it has never been true.

>> No.15710268

you're a nigger

>> No.15710273

You aren't, that's how you know climate change is a scam because they are obviously grifting.

They never suggest any actual good ways to reduce emissions like ending the globalized economy or creating harsh regulations regarding the longevity of products.

instead we live in a society of disposable garbage and each piece is shipped from every corner of the earth and assembled in a different country to where it is sold

and every step creates an incredible amount of emissions

>> No.15710356

The uncertainties are clearly marked.

>> No.15710508
File: 128 KB, 760x419, IMG_8948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, a difference of 7°C caused a change of 120 metres? Really puts the 2° of anthropogenic global warming into perspective.

>> No.15710907
File: 38 KB, 634x228, article-2171973-1404C74A000005DC-211_634x228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"previous estimates of historical temperatures during the Roman era and the Middle Ages were too low"
More here: https://www.climatedepot.com/2018/08/10/study-it-was-warmer-in-roman-and-medieval-times-previous-estimates-of-historical-temperatures-during-the-roman-era-and-the-middle-ages-were-too-low/
Science can't get the past right. Why would you put faith in science claims and predictions about the future?
Anthropogenic is a term favored by science charlatans who contort data.

>> No.15710949

I was interested in what this is actually about.
>a climate denial blog
>links to some other blog
>links to the daily mail
Is this a new level of sewage? That’s like the human centipede version of oil shills. You see this and say “oh I’ll happily be link n+1” instead of linking the actual article. Kys oil schill.

>let me use this scientific study to prove why you can’t trust scientific studies
…what? Let me guess, if they match your opinions, they’re correct and if they don’t, they’re propaganda?
> Anthropogenic is a term favored by science charlatans who contort data.
It’s a completely normal word, you ESL faggot.

>> No.15710976

Have you considered to:
Do your own research
Question everything
You sound like a winy spoilt child needing spoonfed complete with namecalling and insults.

>> No.15710988

Water, Sunlight, and CO2, are the three things that effect plant growth the most. It's legitimately basic chemistry yet you stand there proudly denying it while claiming superiority over others. Go study some actual hard science and then go look in a mirror to see who wears the red nose.

>> No.15711202

You are a retard. Water stress from too much or too little water is one of the biggest limiters for plant growth in the wild and plant growth is impossible without 27 essential nutrients, not to mention the dozens of other factors for plant growth. Having more of one thing does not compensate for having less of another thing.

>Go study some actual hard science and then go look in a mirror to see who wears the red nose.
The irony. I bet you think learning about photosynthesis is high school biology was "actual hard science", right? That's why you don't understand that plants need more than just sugar, isn't it?

>> No.15711271

>Do your own research
Sure, let me dig up sediments, date them and measure the isotope fractionation so that I can investigate the potential correlation of co2, temperature and sea level. Have you done that?

>> No.15711280

>Water, Sunlight, and CO2, are the three things that affect plant growth the most.
>Give a plant too much water (more than is available in its natural environment), it dies.
>Give a plant too much sunlight (more than is available in its natural environment), it dies.
>Give plant more CO2 than is available in its natural environment... what do you expect?

>> No.15711564

Anon, when I said, have you considered doing your own research, it was due to you expressing concern over the link and sources of the article I posted about previous estimates of historical temperatures during the Roman era and the Middle Ages were inaccurate and were in fact higher. I thought that went without saying. You know because,
>I was interested in what this is actually about.
But you aren't interested in that. In fact after rereading this earlier post of yours
>I was interested in what this is actually about.
>>a climate denial blog
>>links to some other blog
>>links to the daily mail
>Is this a new level of sewage? That’s like the human centipede version of oil shills. You see this and say “oh I’ll happily be link n+1” instead of linking the actual article. Kys oil schill.
>>let me use this scientific study to prove why you can’t trust scientific studies
>…what? Let me guess, if they match your opinions, they’re correct and if they don’t, they’re propaganda?
>> Anthropogenic is a term favored by science charlatans who contort data.
>It’s a completely normal word, you ESL faggot.
It looks a lot like projection. You making accusations of the very things you are, in fact, doing yourself.

>> No.15711591

If you consider finding that study behind seven layers of added narrative "own research", then this whole "do your own research" appears in a new light. You think that "doing research" just means reading blogs, not actually doing scientific work. Now I see why you consider yourself something like a researcher.

>> No.15711625

Good effort on civility, I appreciate that. But you couldn't be more wrong. I did not claim to be a researcher or to have researched the aforementioned article (the one about previous estimates of historical temperatures during the Roman era and the Middle Ages were too low). I simply posted a counterpoint. If anything I am a cynic.

>> No.15711637

>Do your own research
>But I don't have to do my own research because I'm just a counterpoint
>Now let me tell you about these local climate events while I pretend they were global

>> No.15711646

>the one about previous estimates of historical temperatures during the Roman era and the Middle Ages were too low
It's much more nuanced than this and you either know that or you haven't even read the abstract. Either way, kys.

>> No.15711657

No refutation yet.

>> No.15711741

Quick aside, when you green text your own sentences, in your own words, because somehow it will convince you or others those quotes are attributed to me, that is a weak position to take. You can do better.
To be honest, if I had known "Do your own research" was going to be a problem, "Look it up yourself" would have sufficed. You took exception to a link. Just go to the source and view it. That is what my spoonfed comment was about. I will say explaining every little thing in detail is tiresome. You most likely are just putting on a show, trolling if you will.

>> No.15711752
File: 2.87 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


based beyond belief

>> No.15712006

Sure, kid. Do your own research next time and don't just pull up some blog and call it "research".

>> No.15712033

>The uncertainties are clearly marked.

The uncertainties in thousands of years past are not clearly marked. They cant be. These are time smoothed averages - the data that far back could very easily include swings similar to what we have seen over the past 70 years. We would never know.

>> No.15712314

Didn't need a ton of research to work this out either.

Remains of old Roman Vineyards were found in Northamptonshire. They died out because it got colder and are only now struggling to make a comeback. So in England, at lease, it was warmer 2000 years ago. And we know that was true of Greenland to.

I guess thats all one region though. That explains it.

>> No.15712865
File: 2.12 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should unironically off greta for fuckin with tate as a symbol fo fuck off jews

>> No.15712873
File: 2.53 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big wrong you are

thorium safe atomic see kirk serensen
atomic is key to everything after some basic social engineering which is real key
1 boot minorities including jew irish italian
2 women 0 rights 0 unapprovde pregnancy and force abort unapproved
3 1,000 free room per white male free from king
4 ban immigartion coproration bank capitalism sports religion lawyer accountant mba project mgr social worker union landlord trade aid all usury and anti white male speech
5 ban gay shit in public
6 burn hydrogen in stirling engine so exhaust is water

>> No.15712913

>at lease
opinion discarded

>> No.15712924

I think we should genuinely prepare for the possibility of climate change collapsing civilization at this point.

>> No.15712936

Humans are simply a dead end. Just reset everything who cares, let the warming accelerate we had 100 years and countless warnings but we still ignored every single one. At this point we deserve it all, yes even the children. Perhaps in 1 million years after humans die out some highly evolved descendant of chimps will convergently evolve into a humanlike animal and can excavate out our legacy.

>> No.15714426

>Just reset everything
teh great rubunga!

>> No.15714429

The mask slips and the anti-human agenda rears its ugly face. The funny thing is that almost all green shills talk like this.

>> No.15714433

>global warming

back in my day they used to call it "weather".

>> No.15715483

they don't call global warming a death cult for no good reason

>> No.15715489

What "anti human agenda"? I'm saying that the status quo should continue, are you trying to say burning fossil fuels is anti human? We shouldn't even be trying "green energy" any of the green shit, let it accelerate.

>> No.15716375
File: 58 KB, 540x579, dObfvp0G8WEh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15716396

negative externalities are compensated for, if causality is proven
it's just that bugmint is the one raking in all the money, not the people whose property is damaged

>> No.15716408

this has to be in my top 10 malicious threads of all time

>> No.15716425

elaborate or examples t
it's nasty but unsure if we friend or foe

>> No.15716441

>What "anti human agenda"?
The one you share with nihilists, antinatalists, abortionists, open border shills, militant atheists, AI replacement fetishists, consciousness deniers, determinism dogmatists, transhumanists etc. You look below the surface for a second and always see how it goes back to the same resentful, self-hating, jealous, joyless, spiteful mutant ideological core.

>> No.15716709

>are you trying to say burning fossil fuels is anti human?
How many exhaust gases have you sniffed that you even have to ask such a retarded question? Yes. One hundred times yes. In the recent decades we learnt how to filter the worst and most deadly stuff that gets emitted by burning fossil fuels, but CO2 is also pretty anti-human. We're literally shifting the climate out of the stable conditions that have allowed mankind to become the leading species on the planet.

>> No.15716711

If he has so many planes, he must be very successful. You don't get that rich being stupid, so he must be very smart and we should trust him on this one.

>> No.15716732

>back in my day we were retards
Not the flex you think it is.

>> No.15717705

>t. retard

>> No.15718217

this, i want to see the other ones too

>> No.15718220

Is it good to be a retard or not?

>> No.15718221

If that's the level of maliciousness, then the other 9 threads are probably done in a similar way:
>picture of random public figure
>weak hypothesis that goes against common knowledge and mild investigations
>link to some YouTube video

>> No.15718238

It ALMOST makes sense

>> No.15718257

>Humans are a dead end.
Coming to this realization changed my life. There is absolutely no scenario where these fucktards don't wipe themselves out lol.

>> No.15718263

You know what you and putin and xi and trump and biden all have in common, you all share the absolutely delusional belief that infinite growth on a finite planet isn't impossible.

>> No.15718345

>hurr we'll never go into space
>despite the fact we're going into space

>> No.15718357

>goes against common knowledge
common knowledge is for common people, whats it like being a midwit who learns all their "settled science" from the globohomo mainstream media?

>> No.15718362

>the anti-human immediately regurgitates the malthusian chant
LOL. You see what I mean? It's like clockwork...

>> No.15718437

Is this >>15671436 you?
>As long as Humanity keeps burning the abiotic, infinite oil, gas and coal, this flat plane will be an eternal paradise.
A flat earther who believes in all kinds of whacky shit that is basically along the same line as the "bag of infinite potatoes".

>> No.15718455
File: 387 KB, 595x344, consumer9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Hey there lil buddy, our limited supplies of food and water aren't going to last long if you keep eating them

Your kind is something special indeed, capable of rationalizing virtually any manner of evil to justify your gluttony. Truly the unthinking selfish nature of a wild animal, though with a frightening intelligence and access to technology developed by generations of minds orders of magnitude more capable than yours.

>> No.15718458

No, but it sure is funny to watch you grasp at straws.

>> No.15718459

Your impotent and frankly quite deranged rambling only demonstrates my point. AGW doomsdayism is just another branch of Malthusian death cult.

>> No.15718470
File: 70 KB, 600x440, 1691719545249498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are actually bad for the environment.

I want you to search
>lithium quarry>images
Furthermore, and this is something not even the producers have answered me:
>how much co2 is released while building, transporting and setting up a wind-turbine?
>how long does it have to work in order to have made up for itself?
>how long do they work on average before having to be repaired, and what do those repairs cost environmentwise?
>what are they made of, and what is done with the used/broken ones?

CO2 is GOOD for the environment. Pic shows co2/ppm we are currently on 400ppm

>> No.15718857

Mining is less environmentally destructive than opening new farmland. Even so you should apply your argument to all the land that has been mined, drilled, fracked, and contaminated in the pursuit of fossil fuels.

>> No.15719339

Tell me about the highest level of mathematics you've learned. Your kind has never had any interest in such things.
You're just another deranged politician larping as "leader" with a mob of gluttonous retards.

>> No.15719359

>grasp at straws
Not really. It's really not much of a leap to go from climate change denier to abiotic oil and flat earth lunacy.
You're all in the same camp of absolute morons, along with drug addicts rationalizing another hit, as far as im concerned.

>> No.15719361

You are losing your mind with impotent rage and my point still stands.

>> No.15719366

The more you post, the more you illustrate that AGW doomsdayism is just a branch of the Malthusian death cult. I guess you're not even trying to deny it at this point, so why are you so mad at me? Just own up to it.

>> No.15719368

So you don't know any math.
Not at all
I'm not even surprised. Math is hard. Especially when you're retarded

>> No.15719372
File: 295 KB, 456x400, consumer10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get it.
You can't get it.
All you know is CONSUUUUUUUUME
CONSUUUUUUME is all you are capable of knowing.
Animals in many cases have more agency than your kind.

>> No.15719373

>i-i-i b-b-bet you don't even know math!!!
Mental-illness-tier reply from a seething autist. I wonder what shorted out in your primitive brain that you started sperging off about math out of nowhere.

>> No.15719380

Let your handlers keep pushing. You will be killed soon. :^)

>> No.15719385
File: 191 KB, 1500x1000, consumer44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Malthusian cult
Oh you mean the idea that resources on earth are not infinite. Such a revolutionary concept
The more you post this completely delusional drivel the more it shows that you're a true believer in the cult of CONSUUUUUUUUME.

>> No.15719386

>you mean the idea that resources on earth are not infinite.
No, I mean the Malthusian cult that you explicitly identify with. You seem to be losing your mind rapidly.

>> No.15719387

Oh so scary. Anonymous retard threatens my life..

>> No.15719390

Hey im just wondering do you two give eachother handjobs during or after your corndog parties?

>> No.15719394

I didn't threaten your life. You're literally losing it.

>> No.15719398

Why are you losing your mind with rage? You identify with the Malthusian cult and you acknowledge that the AGW agenda is an outgrowth of that. Where's the disagreement?

>> No.15719400

>You'll be killed soon. :^)
>I didn't threaten your life
>You're literally losing it

You people really seem to be losing your grip on reality... This is just sad

>> No.15719402

That's not a threat, you deranged baboon.

>> No.15719413
File: 514 KB, 623x427, consumer5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about you is that every single one of your believes stems from the fact that you like to pig out on resources. You've developed this entire religion where oil is infinite and copper is infinite and god gives you whatever you need so you can be as happy as a pig in slo stuffing your gluttonous face. It's pure rationalization.
Most people who think like you understand this on some intuitive level but your level of aggression and defensiveness is truly something else.
You are seriously a full blown fanatic.

>> No.15719417

I honestly have no idea what your mentally ill rambling is about. I'm just asking you: what exactly are you disagreeing with me on?

>> No.15719430

I'm not surprised that you don't understand things.
It's written in English. Stupid people often have trouble understanding things.
Maybe if you try to read it again more slowly and mouth the words a little bit it might sink in.

>> No.15719432

Quote something I wrote that you disagree with and explain why you disagree with it. You literally can't. You're so mentally ill it's not even funny anymore.

>> No.15719436

>Quote something I wrote that you disagree with and explain why you disagree with it.
>You literally can't.
Well first of all I disagree with this
>You're so mentally ill it's not even funny anymore.
God any more super super difficult tasks you'd like me to complete, megamind?

>> No.15719438

So you have nothing beyond reddit-tier personal drama that your own mental illness triggered?

>> No.15719444

Seems there's no way to win with you.
You asked me to quote something you said that I disagree with, and I did exactly as you asked, so you call me mentally ill.
There is often no way to win with raving lunatics.
All the trees could literally start to die off, and all life in the oceans disappear and out of 8 billion at least one fucktard will be screaming loudly that nothing is wrong let's have business as usual.
You are that fucktard. Congrats

>> No.15719447

I like trees and oceans. I still don't understand what it is that got you so riled up. You identify with the Malthusian death cult and you acknowledge that AGW is an outgrowth of that. We're both on the same page in that regard.

>> No.15719457

This is sad. We have so much in common: we both like trees and oceans, we both hate consumerism and pollution, we both agree that you are a member of the Malthusian death cult and we both understand that the AGW agenda is an outgrowth of Malthusianism. I just wanted to get to know you better but you turned out to be a needlessly violent ape. :^(

>> No.15719583

> You will be killed soon. :^)
Please explain this

>> No.15719585

What is it then?

>> No.15719587

>the Malthusian death cult
The ... what?

>> No.15720643 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15720671

Is that why when the planes all turned off our climate went haywire for 2 years, with records (cold and hot) everywhere?

>global warming doesn't exist
>we've just been warming globally since the little ice age

This is an oxymoron made by oxymorons.

>> No.15720685

Ah yes, he didn't earn it from artificially manipulating the stock market and reducing the leverage of competitors.

Yeah these people deserve death.
And yet America just let's them live. Thanks America.

>> No.15720687

>obsession with trannies

>> No.15720688

>CO2 is GOOD for the environment. Pic shows co2/ppm we are currently on 400ppm
Ah yes, it doesn't negatively affect the brains of people, who haven't adapted to such a level of CO2 because they were naturally selected in a time of much lower CO2.
Ah yes, no problem here at all.

I really hope a meteor obliterates the earth. I really do.
Get rid of morons like you.

>> No.15720693

Artificially manipulating the stock market is a felony. Why isn't he in prison?

>> No.15720694

I really hope satan appears upon the earth and devours all people.

>> No.15720697

The good thing is that these morons do it to themselves.

>> No.15720698

Because he's too big to fail according to the lobbyists he pays and the judges he bribes.
All of them are like this.

They get literal protection from the CIA and FBI to protect them and their leveraged capital position.
That's because America is essentially a giant protection racket.

>> No.15720702

Yeah the problem is they're billionaires with loads of dough and a protection racket enforcement regime to protect and reinforce their ideological delusions.
Just look at Soros and Black Rock.

We are run by an admin of mere arrogance and dunning kruger syndrome.
They are killing us all AND themselves.

>> No.15720705

Here: https://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/medicines-to-treat-schizophrenia
You're welcome anon :)

>> No.15720708

He bribes judges? Another felony. If you have proof of that you should leak it to the public!

>> No.15720726

Reminder that all shills will get the rope.
Your name is already on a list now, sir.

>> No.15720728

>If you have proof of that you should leak it to the public!
If I did I'd be murdered.

Have you ever read wikileaks?
They literally tried murdering Assange at one stage.

>> No.15720731

But that's why Wikileaks exists. So you don't need to do it under your own name.

>> No.15720734


Of course this is ignoring the fact that they merely judge it as illegal evidence and move on.
That's how the protection racket works.

They're so dumb they just target the only name connected to that institution.
So Assange.

>> No.15720735

Why do you get so quickly agitated enough to make death threats? You should work on you anger issues.

>> No.15720741

And why don't you leak your proof then? They're already murdering Assange. It's not like they super-murder him because of that one additional leak.

>> No.15720744

Just look at Soros and Black Rock.
They have a lot of money. What laws did they break besides making you jelly?

>> No.15721566

Based and true. Might've been a crude way of putting it, but environmentalists need a wake up.

>> No.15721576

He's not wrong. Shills do get the rope, empirically speaking.

>> No.15721599

Why would deserts expand under a warmer climate?
Warmer air can hold more water vapor, which presumably is carried further inland.

>> No.15721605 [DELETED] 

No warmer air doesn't.

>> No.15721607 [DELETED] 

Cold air generates the most vapor capacity from hyperwarm pockets. Spastic

>> No.15721622

>somewhat expensive but energy dense choice (nuclear)
It's the cheapest power generation that we have, even less than coal. It's only made expensive by the wholly unnecessary regulations forced upon it.
Those regulations exist partly as a vestigial preventative on other nations getting nukes, partly because of the energy corporations and oil nations, and environmentalists fearing a solution.

>muh nuclear waste
Throw it into the sea.

>> No.15721653

Great idea, but people are too lazy and selfish to even consider not owning a car so it's not done.
Private companies find it much harder to build infrastructure like that anymore due to the regulations that exist now, that and there's too many settlements in the way so it's unlikely that you could purchase the land that follows the right path.

>For any meaningful change we'd need politicians who got the balls to go against their constituents explicit wishes.
Have you considered that if people do not take action against climate change on their own, do not really care about climate change, and thus nothing should be done about it?

If climate change's effects are noticeable, people will take action on their own. No need for some dear leader.

>> No.15721656

If we had a free market, that's what would happen.
Government allocates resources worse than the free market because it does not have a pricing system. Taxation is theft, so the G-man doesn't have to think very hard how he spends it, he's getting paid either way.

>> No.15721661

>just buy the land if you don't want it logged, simple as that
based. Free market capitalism and respecting property rights fixes 90% of the problems on earth.

>> No.15721666

Yet you yourself seem to claim ownership of the air.
Under a free market, there are many courses of action you can take to breathe clean air. Don't live next to a coal powerstation, wear a gas mask, etc.

No different from coronavirus vaxxies, or people complaining about drunk driving/speeding.
Just don't go outside.

>> No.15721673


>> No.15721687
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>blah blah blah eat the bugs
yeah thats nice. Reality is that even according to the IPCC sea level rise is a total fucking nothingbuger.

RCP8.5 is AT MOST 3.8x more sea level rise than RCP2.6.
RCP2.6 is 44cm, where RCP8.5 is 75cm.

We'll just build new houses inland instead of replacing shore front property.

>sea level rise has accelerated since about 1970 and will continue to
1.6cm a year, at most.

>> No.15721693

>oil shills.
Why do you dislike oil shills, yet call for more government control?
At the minimum, at least an oil company has to get you to agree to pay them money, the government just gets to steal it from you.

>> No.15721695

>Why would deserts expand under a warmer climate?
Are you ... like actually, medically retarded? Some offence.

>> No.15721696 [DELETED] 

Government of.2

>> No.15721698

All you think about is money. I wonder why.

>> No.15721700 [DELETED] 


>> No.15721701

>1.6cm a year, at most.
You do realise how catastrophic the would be, do you?

>> No.15721703

>Ah yes, it doesn't negatively affect the brains of people, who haven't adapted to such a level of CO2
Hardly gonna end the world though is it?
If you want to go on about human adaptation to the environment, take a look at Edward Dutton. We've got way worse things than a bit of bad weather to deal with.

>> No.15721707

>That's because America is essentially a giant protection racket.
Like every government ever to exist. Yet people still call for ever more government.
>Look! Climate change! Now quickly let me raise taxes by another 10%!

>> No.15721709

Explain further, as that sounds like cope.
Hot air = more mass water can be carried = more rain.

>> No.15721715

Why do you support a group of people who declare them to be the boss of you, and then permit themselves to steal from you?

>oil this oil that
Don't buy their oil then. If you really want oil, then try making your own oil company, and observe how the GOVERNMENT swoops in to stop you.

>> No.15721721

Not even slightly. Explain how.
The way I see it, new houses will just be build inland. This is a non-issue since dwellings are built and knocked down constantly. Cities will simply retreat from the sea.

>> No.15721787

So, is that a wrap? Congratulations to all the participants. I hope OP is satisfied. By the way, 317+ replies is boosting the average. I looked at the 40 most recently archived threads (my calculator limits to 40 operators), and the average replies for those threads is 15.65 with 2 or 3 having 0. This thread will improve that average. Good job.
Why can't you explain puns to kleptomaniacs? They always take things literally.