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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 421x236, soyence pwnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15653690 No.15653690 [Reply] [Original]

61% of Americans think science is fake
>Overall, only 39% of U.S. adults said they had “a great deal of confidence” in the scientific community, down from 48% in 2021. That’s according to the General Social Survey, a long-running poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago that has monitored Americans’ opinions on key topics since 1972.

>The General Social Survey has been conducted since 1972 by NORC at the University of Chicago. Sample sizes for each year’s survey vary from about 1,500 to about 4,000 adults, with margins of error falling between plus or minus 2 percentage points and plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. The most recent survey was conducted May 5, 2022, through Dec. 20, 2022, and includes interviews with 3,544 American adults. Results for the full sample have a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

>> No.15653726

We know americans are dumb what's your point?

>> No.15653728

it's quite evident that science is a 2-tiered system/methodology/institution. the actual results of the correct application of the scientific method is for the ruling class that exists to inform them for their benefit while for the rest of us is merely a propaganda tool used to bamboozle those gullible amongst us so to control the lower classes.

>> No.15653735

And where are you from?

>> No.15653760
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>be corrupt political organization trading favors to pedophiles
>nobody trusts you
Imagine being the gorilla faggot conducting this study.

>> No.15653762

Surprising literally no one. The very idea of what science is to anybody in North America (who isn't a scientist themselves) has been so thoroughly hijacked by neoleftist ideologues and talking heads that it appears closer to a religion than the empirical philosophy it actually is. The DNC in particular has done unforgivable and irreparable damage to the reputation of science. Things will continue to worsen until scientists pick up a new moniker to distance themselves from politics.

>> No.15653765

A country where superconductors were taught in high school.

>> No.15653768

Why are you afraid to say it?

>> No.15653770

Because this is not pol you underage fuck.

>> No.15653778

He went to the school of Veritasium and V-sauce and physicsgirl.

>> No.15653779

>A country where superconductors were taught in high school.
Is this supposed to be a distinguishing statement? Even the dogshit education system in America will teach students about superconductors in high school if they care to learn about it.
>inb4 actually it was BCS theory xdddd

>> No.15653781

maybe the science should stop letting niggers murder children

then after that maybe the science should stop making people get experimental gene therapy that causes heart attacks

then maybe we can replace the scientists and send the old ones to work camps where they can apologize to society for the rest of their lives.

>> No.15653787
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>America sucks
>How dare you ask where I'm from this isn't /pol/

>> No.15653799

will the workers on /sci/ get a raise now?

>> No.15653807

I assume that at least half of that 39% is SOIENCE lovers, so maybe at best we’ve got 18% of the population who isn’t completely retarded.

>> No.15653812

>mutts dumb
What does this thread have to do on /sci/? Take your America bashing elsewhere, filthy commie.

>> No.15653835

Ah yes scientists should just rename themselves to uhh technowizards because americans are retarded

>> No.15653844

>Even the dogshit education system in America will teach students about superconductors
Nigga I've seen the youtube videos, american zoomers can't do fractions or tell directions on a compass/time on an analog clock, can't name a single country on a map outside of NA, don't know any history aside from important black pipo slavery dates, genuinely can't comprehend the metric system and the periodic table

>> No.15653851

thats because they're niggers

white and asian americans actually outscore europeans and asians

>> No.15653852

americans be like
>umm our education isn't dogshit
also americans
>had no idea what a virus is until 2021 and tried curing a viral infection with antibiotics and antiparasitics

>> No.15653859

yeah, your entire education system is based around memorizing a/b/c/d type tests without thinking
there's a reason why all 'american' scientists are first gen immigrants from normal countries who moved to america for money

>> No.15653952
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Trust the soience and cut your penis right now!

>> No.15654097

And it is a good thing. We remove peasants from science by creating an alternative to academia, where only those who are capable of funding their own research should be doing it.

>> No.15654138

Why do you think that science is about cutting off penises? I've been a scientist for 10 years and /pol/ (plus escapees like you) is the only place I hear about cutting off dicks that way.

>> No.15654156

>Nigga I've seen the youtube videos
Well that settles it.

>> No.15654157

I dunno kike. why dont you tell us what the appropriate way to cut off a baby penis is?

>> No.15655358
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science is fake and gay, only total retards would trust the dogfuckers

>> No.15655371

What's a kike and why do you think I am one? Is it like a dyke?

>> No.15655376

>I dropped out of high school but it's okay, a professor did something bad once and his employer reacted adequately

>> No.15655974

How do you trust "science?" Science is not an entity or a God. Only an idiot would even ask if you "trust science." Science is a process used to teach stupid people what smart people already know how to do, eliminate things that arent true through experimentation and testing. Most people who use the scientific method are still stupid and still liars and frauds and still lower IQ than I am. Claiming you used the scientific method to come up with whatever horseshit you are pedaling does not make make me magically believe in whatever retarded horseshit you are peddling so seethe all you want about it

>> No.15656063

you fuck dogs

>> No.15656582

>science is fake
you're using a computer

>> No.15656583


>> No.15656587
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>> No.15656588
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Yeah science is fake so what.
If science isn't fake then use something outside of science to prove that it's real.
Science is not falsifiable itself.

>> No.15656592

The word ‘science’ means like three or four different things now to the average person on the side of the road lmao

IT IS TRUTH !!!!!111

>> No.15656593

>chemical engineer

>> No.15656601

Science is fucking witchcraft if it doesn’t align with your politics or any preconceived notions.

Explain to anyone blacks are dumber on average than whypippo and you will be cancelled. It is basically sorcery to them. They will have a heart attack.

>> No.15656604

Sounds made up.

>> No.15656737

Take your booster before racism and global warming kill uz all.

Trust the soience

>> No.15656740

Even if you were right, being a better human calculator doesn't make you a better person. I mean look at you, you're a total piece of shit, I know retards who contribute more to the world.

>> No.15658219

doesn't matter what the flavor is, all scientists fuck dogs

>> No.15658324

>kid makes a smug face at injun or Mexican or whatever
>Turns into national news
What a shitshow the trump presidency was. I'm assuming everyone got the dumb rage out of their system by now though.

>> No.15658421
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>retard doesnt know this has just started

>> No.15658460

This has nothing to do with trust in science. Trust in the bureaucratic oversight of all institutions is down because of regulatory capture. The only reason "great deal of confidence" is still even close to 39% is because people who watch TV are objectively dumber than people who don't.

>> No.15658549
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>> No.15659763

can you believe the msm hounded that kid for his reaction to being assaulted by that listerine guzzling shitskin?

>> No.15661233 [DELETED] 

I can, the media is run by jews and jews hate whites. When jews took over the USSR they mass slaughtered about 70 million whites and the jews are currently doing everything they can to wipe out whites in Europe and North America

>> No.15662204
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>> No.15662333 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 956x1900, 1691990606502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science is corrupt
>this means I can throw out any conclusion i disagree with by meme arrowing "trust the science" doe

>> No.15662644

>making scientific jobs extremely hard
>all while producing less impact then basic farmer and construction worker who is homeless

>> No.15662902

I fucked your mom, so I guess you're technically correct.

>> No.15663021
File: 2.56 MB, 2767x1166, Trotsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ding ding ding

>> No.15663384

conclusions must be backed up with facts, so yes.

>> No.15664408

Every year the IQ required to figure out that all science is fake gets lower and lower. As it currently stands you need an IQ under 90 to "trust the science"

>> No.15664518

>Nigga, my cherrypicked data and confirmation bias informed my opinion!
this is what room temp iq looks like, in Alaska.

>> No.15665113


>> No.15665591

Science and its adherents said that the covington kids should be "put through a woodchipper." I'll never forgive science.

>> No.15666820
File: 836 KB, 494x278, ifls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science: i'm doing it all for you, i'm studying science for the good of humanity, i'm so altruistic i should be considered a saint, i'm not a greedly liar like most people are, i only care about intellectual pursuits. thats why you need to give me all your money for free oh an also everyone who disagrees with me should be mass murdered.

>> No.15668000

Thank you jannie for holocausting the soience trusters, the vax isn't taking care of them quickly enough for me tastes. The slow kill meme is lame, they should just be instantaneously zapped

>> No.15669284
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they say stupid shit like man can be women and then they wonder why no one takes them seriously. truly a mystery

>> No.15669958

>amanda wenk
she must be nearly 50 years old by now

>> No.15671162

>only 61% realize soience is all fake
rookie numbers

>> No.15671175

This looks incredibly photoshopped

>> No.15672433

how so?

>> No.15673586
File: 11 KB, 187x250, soyence kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a kike and why do you think I am one? Is it like a dyke?

>> No.15673611

Yeah that's kinda bound to happen when you use it as an infallible coercive social dogma more than anything else.

>> No.15674765

probably the massive fireball shooting out of her ass would be my guess

>> No.15674774

lol i fucking LOVE science!

>> No.15674903
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>> No.15674908

I refuse to believe any science I can't personally recreate. The only real science to me is physics, math (up to pre-calculus), and alchemy.

>> No.15676459

>Overall, only 39% of U.S. adults said they had “a great deal of confidence” in the scientific community, down from 48% in 2021
If this trend continues at the same rate then we're only 52 month away from the end of science

>> No.15678025

If trust in science is a minority point of view then does that completely obliterate the idea of science by consensus?

>> No.15678061

And yet schools and scientists still believe in the DNC. Funny, ain't it

>> No.15678111

>Burgers trust science the least
>Circumcision and tranny capital of the world
There seems to be a correlation

>> No.15678122

science says circumcision and trannies are le good, though

>> No.15678135

Sounds like 61% of Americans need to snack on some rosary peas.

>> No.15678137
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>> No.15678172

room tempature : Alaska = room tempature : Death valley.

>> No.15678188
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And yet you’re the ones doing it the most despite being the most “based” and “anti-science”

>> No.15679531

Heres the full data for that poll:
Its actually only university educated white democrats who have a 39% trust in science, the overall percentage of people who trust scientists is 13%

>> No.15679543

Science obviously isn’t fake, there are just a lot of scientists who are for one reason or another (slaves to funding, ego) frauds. It would be much more accurate and helpful to say that the “industry” of Science is corrupt

>> No.15679557

>It would be much more accurate and helpful to say that the “industry” of Science is corrupt
As is every other institution in the US

>> No.15680563

>Science obviously isn’t fake
why not?

>> No.15680567

because god created science lmao why would god be wrong

>> No.15680611
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It seems you want even more niggers in your European cities. There are lots of them, millions, in Lagos ready to flood your small countries.

>> No.15680615
File: 64 KB, 576x702, strash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 100% real.

>> No.15680618

god made jews

>> No.15680737

>61% of Americans think science is fake

that's because it is fake

at least the academic version of it is

>> No.15682208
File: 261 KB, 1920x1080, consensus says global warming is fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15683686

Why would anyone in their right mind ever trust a scientist other than because they were brainwashed by the scientist meme from tv and movies? Scientists are constantly getting caught in lies, their entire lives revolve around telling lies as a means to demand free gibes research money, which really amounts to little more than welfare checks for people who stayed in school until they were over 30 and still never became educated enough to learn how to earn an honest living on their own

>> No.15683849

Scientists don't have to be 100% correct, or completely infallible, or omniscient. They just have to be more trustworthy than my other options. Which may be a low bar to clear, depending on the subject.
Say I own SpaceX, and I'm designing a flying car. I need to know what the best material is to make my car out of. So I ask a 4channer from /diy/, a homeless guy off the street, xQc, a politician, my 90IQ uncle whos a trucker, the cashier at McDonald's, and a material scientist... The scientist is the only real choice here.

>> No.15683864

I will save you the trouble, use aluminum. yw

>> No.15683882

The consensus until SpaceX was carbon fiber. Did material scientists only pop into existence when SpaceX was founded?

>> No.15683907

No, 4channers are obviously the correct choice.
You ask your question, and the anon that gets quoted the most WITHOUT being called a faggot have the right answer.

>> No.15683931

I'm doing my part

>> No.15683935
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>science is class warfare

>> No.15683942

>ask 4channer
>shitty meme answers get mass quotes for "humor," while good answers will get nothing
>half those quotes are samefags
>good answers are just paraphrased from popsci-youtubers, blogs and newspapers anyway
>reddit tier upboats=correct logic
Actually, a redditor is more trustworthy than a 4channer anyway. Because atleast you can look at their comment history to see if they're full of shit.

>> No.15684159

Scientists are middle-class muppets who are specialists in one of near-infinite very narrow fields
outside of an oversocialized modern-day industrial economy, people like this are completely useless and actually counterproductive to their societies

>> No.15684161

>inb4 "but you are on le /sci/"
I'm an upper year graduate student which makes me more qualified to speak on that than the average antivaxxer / climate denier faggot who flocked here as a cope for losing the 2020 election

>> No.15684162

when social media is flooded with these foreign agents casting doubt on literally everything it's no wonder trust is down.

>> No.15684163

Fuck off, newfriends

>> No.15684241

I bet your father works at nintendo, too.
get real. on the internet nobody knows you are a dog, corollary: you can't prove you aren't one.

>> No.15684570

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/438773353