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File: 386 KB, 1621x2000, microplastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15670734 No.15670734 [Reply] [Original]

as we all know microplastics aren't bad because the fear mongering the news media makes about it is the same as fear mongering for known hoaxes like covid and climate change. what useful heathy properties does it have for humans and the environment? does it cure the vax?

>> No.15670764

>what useful healthy properties does it have for humans and the environment
polystyrene degrades into styrene, a known carcinogen and neurotoxin
PVC contains massive amounts of phalates, of which many are xenoestrogens (endocrine disruptors)

>> No.15670787

have these frightening chemicals done anything yet?

>> No.15670808

>have these frightening chemicals done anything
polystyrene exposure has caused higher incidence of cancer and neurotoxicity
phalates exposure has caused endocrine disruption

>> No.15670814

you really think youre doing something huh

>> No.15670824

it is not universally agreed that styrene is bad. youre not lying by omission are you?
>endocrine disruption
so? it hasn't gone wrong so far

>> No.15671464
File: 70 KB, 2012x864, pepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden and his mental illness team got installed in the White house, frogs are gay AF, and you are still asking stupid shit like that.

>> No.15671553

>obesity, cancer, all manner of chronic disease skyrocketing
>neurological and behavioral issues also skyrocketing, going from practically unheard of to at least one in every room in less than half a century
>measurable drastic declines in endocrine health
gee I dunno

>> No.15671562

you're scapegoating something without evidence

>> No.15672021

>as we all know microplastics aren't bad because the fear mongering the news media makes about it is the same as fear mongering for known hoaxes like covid and climate change.

I'm gonna use this.
Thanks, OP.

>> No.15672062

Early onset cancer cases are increasing for populations in the age group 30-39 from 2010-2019. We can't directly attribute the increase to microplastics and their plasticizers, but that, alongside use of sewer sludge in farming practices should probably be considered.

>> No.15672068

If we could just settle on dying in our 30s we would solve a lot of these annoying problems. We shouldn't be so attached to long life. Just need a good sprint and embrace the rapid technological pace humanity as a whole would have.

>> No.15672074

Oh yeah, we keep finding them building up in the brains of animals, but microplastics are totally harmless. They'll probably just increase our neural plasticity.

>> No.15672075

We're imprisoned in the educational system for a minimum of 13 years of our lives. I'm a massive advocate for people taking the big exit at the start of their 60's, but most people are still raising children in their 30's.

>> No.15672076

I'm all for that. For now it seems waste companies just dump the piles in fields or in dumps.
Although I am not sure if it is great for growing. Poop is great for growing but this was incinerated and is basically the dead shells of all those organisms. Could help with soils that are too sandy .

>> No.15672081

Plastics are great for growing. They loosen and aerate the soil. Some plastics may even repel pests.

>> No.15672084

There's an active crisis that even the EPA has admitted to being unable to control regarding the contents within the waste. Not every method of treatment involves incineration iirc. Not to mention industrial dumping into public human waste systems that ends up allowed as farming fertilizer, since it's all just mixed.