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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15670172 No.15670172 [Reply] [Original]

How does science explain the tremendous increase in cardiac deaths amongst young people?

>> No.15670180

climate change

>> No.15670189

social media stress induced arrhythmia

>> No.15670201

covid didn't have an issue with children. why did you mess with them? for extra bucks?

>> No.15670210

white supremacy

>> No.15670217
File: 267 KB, 1280x1280, LRM_EXPORT_20170105_160705-unsmushed-1-1280x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably just weed, dude

>> No.15670681

Covid itself, not the vaccine.
We should have declared war on China as soon as we found out where it came from.

>> No.15670683

It's strange, both vaxxed and non-vaxxed are dying at increased rates. Almost as if it's a targeted weapon.

>> No.15670686

too much meat, they should only eat insects

>> No.15670736
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>666 gaoxin east lake rd wuhan china
right next to the wuhan wet market, lab where they were funding gain of function
research to get bat corona viruses to cross over to human beings

microsoft crypto patent that would measure people's biological data

trying to track everybody using their biological data

>> No.15670738 [DELETED] 

this phenomena is currently unexplained and will remain so


>> No.15671244

how come 4chan has embeds for globohomo jewish owned and censored youtube, but not for uncensored sites like bitchute?

>> No.15671250

Post a link to an official source or peer reviewed study/meta analysis, antivaxxer-kun.

>> No.15671281

because it's a fed honeypot

>> No.15671369

Because a bunch of retarded zoomers are drinking 4 monsters and 3 red bulls a day, every day. Same for millennials, except they also have a life of sloth where they sit for 10 hours without getting up from the chair to play video games.

>> No.15671937

cold showers

>> No.15671962
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Very carefully!

>> No.15672085

Spike protein complexes in association with autoimmune activity and autoimmune regulated serotonin dysregulation, leading to increased blood clotting, capillary blockages, vasoconstriction, etc..
Why do so many people get the fibromyalgia, IBS, ME/CFS symptom cluster?
Svenanon figured this shit out so long ago, I know he is a sperg and he didn't understand it completely, but he was right about this.
The body produces 5HT2A agonist and other GPCR binding auto antibodies as a response to the S-spike protein, this is pretty much the case in everyone and it is well documented.
The resulting antibodies act on some Serotonin receptors, among others, competing with Serotonin, as it pushes it out of the brain and out of the enterochromaffin cells of the ENS, where usually 95% of Serotonin is stored. This causes the bowel disease and psychological aspects, such as fatigue, tiredness, depression, anxiety, increased impulsivity and aggression of long-COVID or acute post-COVID symptoms.
The blood is then saturated with this excess Serotonin, where it accumulates in erythrocytes, which as a response initiate a chemical cascade, increasing blood clotting, increasing vasoconstriction and triggering inflammatory action. Serotonin suppression has also been demonstrated to reduce mast cell activity, which means that an excess is likely to stimulate it.
This increase in Serotonin receptor stimulation also leads to other problems, such as changes in melatonin production, which is the mechanism behind hair loss.
Vision problems can also be caused by Serotonin, as it regulates the pressure of the inner eye. Deregulation of the Serotonin receptors in the peripheral nerves, could lead to fibromyalgia and neuropathy in some genotypes.
There's a variety of stuff that it does, but it explains nearly every long-COVID symptom and the rest can be explained with tissue damage.

>> No.15672143

A little side note on why some people seem to be unaffected, while others stay in poor condition or deteriorate - we see similar things happen after antidepressant abuse, with PAWS and its related syndromes.
Peoples dopaminergic pathways seem to be negatively influenced from the way all the serotonin receptors are thrown out of balance, depending on genotype and autoimmune activity, it could take weeks, months or years to go back to your previous condition, as receptor concentration in specific tissues may be semi-permanently changed through DNA methylation.
Specific feelings and states of mind may have to be relearned, while others can lead to negative feedback loops, it depends on what your interpretation is on human behavior in relation to hormonal pathways, the psychological factor should not be underestimated.
Things such as fasting, lifestyle changes, dietary changes, etc., could be somewhat effective in remedying this, as these all cause a lot of epigenetic changes, which might just give your body a little push into the right direction.

Summarily, COVID antibodies have a negative psychoactive effect, they directly, or indirectly dysregulate the metabolism of important neurotransmitters in the CNS, PNS and ENS, which each control in this order: cognitive effects, musculoskeletal/sensory effects and bowel related effects.
These are mediated by severity of the illness, genetic factors and general health.
There seems to be a fourth cluster of symptoms in long COVID, metabolic disease, namely that of the heart, lungs, kidneys and capillaries, probably caused by a mixture of ENS downstream effects and S spike-protein accumulation, damaging the glycocalyx, endothelium and capillaries as a whole, as explained in the beginning, which has negative effects on heart, lungs and kidneys. Give or take some primary damage from infection, this should be mostly limited to the lungs.

>> No.15672246

COVID is known for causing permanent damage to the heart and associated systems. Many people who caught COVID, had a nasty time of it but then "recovered" are in actuality dead men walking. Antivaxxers engage in their retardedom to distract themselves from this horrifying fact.

>> No.15672415

>least vaccinated group getting heart attacks
must be the vaccine

>> No.15672512

its the vaccine thats a known cause of myocarditis.

>> No.15672605

wow, energy drinks and sedentary lifestyles were invented three years ago?

>> No.15672895

Do you actually understand how it causes heart damage?
Spike protein accumulates in small capillaries, destroying them, it damages endothelial cells and contributes significantly toward micro clots. Even Campbell has videos on this.
The mechanism is relevant to both vaccine and disease.
However, there is the obvious problem of the vaccine being directly injected into your muscles... Multiple times... while still not protecting you from catching COVID, which will increase your exposure even further.
There are high and underreported rates of heart problems after vaccination because of this.

>> No.15672906

it's worse than this. the spike protein causes the cell membranes to deform. this is called a prion like domain (not a prion disease)

and then additionally, DNA (not RNA) is getting written into the host cells. the dna seems to be making misfolded proteins, which can cause, variously, prion disease, etc.

it also seems to be demylenating nerve cells, which is something typically seen in HIV

it is also depleting T cells. somethingtypically seen in HIV

it is also causing sepsis to occur in bone marrow as latent viruses and fungi reawaken

like, these people are fucked. this is actually going to start to be a problem. because unvaxxed people are still vulnerable to herpes, prions, etc.

>> No.15672968

Here's my theory:
>The US government sponsors bacteriology and virology labs in over 100 different countries to empower them to better fight local diseases so that the USA gets the credit for their increased standard of living and we have more international support
>The Chinese program in particular is co-opted by their government as an avenue of attack
>The two-party system meant that instead of recognising an attack by a foreign power, dems blamed repubs and repubs blamed dems
>The bioweapon attack is a success, the USA has lost a few percentage points of productivity for barely a couple billion in Chinese funds
>Xi is laughing at us
When covid first appeared in Wuhan, the CCP banned all domestic flights in China but kept the international flights going - making sure it reached it's target.

>> No.15672983

problem with your theory

1. bill gates ordered the vaccines in early 2019, and they were talking about a pandemic. the pentagon allocated a billion dollars to pfizer before the outbreak happened

2. the vaccines are obviously killing people

3. the spread of the virus and variants is highly unusual. particularly with omicron. signs point to the government deliberately releasing the variants. omicron in particular was obviously engineered, it assembles unique sites from every known variant at the time in order, as if to shout from the top of the mountain, "this is engineered" and the efficiency of the spike protein was engineered in a shape that could not have evolved naturally because the coding changes in the intermediate steps would have resulted in non-functional proteins that could not have spread.

>> No.15672985

what i dont understand is how the vaccine is murdering all these unvaccinated young's hearts? is the vaccine now airborne?

>> No.15672990

are you retarded? its obvious the majority of myocarditis is from vaccination.

the spike protein attacks the heart. even inactivated spike protein damages the heart and rips cells open.

the vaccine deliberately floods the heart with spike proteins. only severerely weak people allow infections to progress to the haert

>> No.15672994

yeah that's what i dont get about it. young people are the least vaccinated group and are now being murdered by the vaccine they didnt get. im guessing it was updated to go airborne

>> No.15672997

the people dying are almost all vaccinated. what is your point?

>> No.15673003 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 1346x2048, fw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead, get more covid boosters, two in each arm you moron.

>> No.15673012
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LMAO, you want that shit then take all of it, keep getting those boosters.

>> No.15673023

85% of the deaths are unvaccinated. the vaccine must be spreading

>> No.15673055

right but so is youtube

>> No.15673282

Vaccines aren't killing people wtf there are similiar rates of unprecedented heart problems in both vaxxed and non-vaxxed

>> No.15673320

Inceldom. Terrible affliction.

>> No.15674531
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>> No.15674699

Refined carbs, sugar, seed oils, and most importantly epigenetic deformities due to increasingly poor health and nutrition over the past few generations.
Eg. Generation 1 is metabolically ill and malnourished and thus cannot form gen 2 right. Same problem with gen 2, and then gen 3 is even worse. Eventually you get to the point where a generation is to malformed and diseased to produce viable offspring.

>> No.15675535

it's obviously covid

>> No.15676580

vaxxxie holocaust best day of my life

>> No.15676590

>20 sigma excess
Not enough. Kill all "sigma males"

>> No.15676593

That takes 5 minutes to implement and gookmoot is busy. Buy a pass.

>> No.15678048

>epigenetic deformities due to increasingly poor health and nutrition over the past few generations.
its not that, its genetic. weaklings who used to die young of diseases now survive to breed thanks to the invention of antibiotics 100 years ago

>> No.15679366

>weaklings who used to die young of diseases now survive to breed
nice job science, you ruined the human gene pool

>> No.15679374
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that’s having a climate change

>> No.15679377

skill issue

>> No.15680359

>oy vey buy a pass!!!
sup chinkmoot

>> No.15680842

no there aren't, vaxxxies are the only ones keeling over from myocarditis

>> No.15682364
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>> No.15684007

anime is for gaywads

>> No.15685441

Vaxxie, Vaxxie, heart attacksie
Takes his tests and wears his maskies
Still got Covid, every strain
Got spike proteins in his brain
Got the VAIDS at 24, "Dr. Fauchi, gimmie more!"
Had a stroke at 25, "Thank Moderna I'm alive!"
Swollen heart at 26, Prayed to Pfizer for a fix
Died of SADS at 27, Somehow thought he'd get to heaven
Vaxxie, Vaxxie, heart attacksie
Took his clot shots, wore his maskies
Obituary headline noted:
"Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid"

>> No.15686778

eggs cooked on gas stoves and duvet shaking did this

>> No.15688710


>> No.15690298

>energy drinks and sedentary lifestyles
why are people who drink energy drinks so sedentary? shouldn't the energy drinks motivate them to be active?

>> No.15691854 [DELETED] 

Drugs only motivate ppl to be schizo

>> No.15692900


>> No.15692972

Anybody know anything about this new bullshit? I cbf, my life is just getting started again.

>> No.15694407 [DELETED] 

>my life is just getting started agaihhhhhhhhhnnnngggggggg

>> No.15695715 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 320x320, twilight zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.15697229 [DELETED] 
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This is what explains it, but vaxxies will never admit they were low IQ enough to have been bamboozled by the MSM

>> No.15698212

the covid hoax can finally come to an end once the vaxies are all dead

>> No.15699812

I can tell exactly why that it, I was just got another booster yesterday and I asked my doctor about it and he told me that the tremendous increase in cardiac deaths amongst young people is caused bHHHHHNNGGGGGGGGGGGG

>> No.15699831

The only time I almost spoke up about the lunacy irl I was in a pharmacy picking up some pills and some mom was getting her 7 year old boy vaxxed. I didn't say anything, it's her son not mine, but I really considered it. Young kids had zero reason to take it.

>> No.15699841

COVID and social isolation?

>> No.15702234 [DELETED] 

how does social isolation cause heart problems?

>> No.15703106 [DELETED] 

ronery and heartbroke

>> No.15704400 [DELETED] 

good video

>> No.15705436 [DELETED] 


>> No.15706047

Ever heard the term "heartbreak"?

>> No.15706048

Does it usually kill people?

>> No.15706063

experts say:

not sleeping
taking showers
not exercising
eating 1 egg a day
not eating 1 egg a day
climate change
high temperatures
normal temperatures
low temperatures
waking up
eating meat
not eating bugs(come on man, you eat shrimp)
white people

>> No.15707138

you left toxic masculinity off list, bigot

>> No.15707839

Vaxxie, Vaxxie, heart attacksie
Takes his tests and wears his maskies
Still got Covid, every strain
Got spike proteins in his brain
Got the VAIDS at 24,
"Dr. Fauchi, gimmie more!"
Had a stroke at 25,
"Thank Moderna I'm alive!"
Swollen heart at 26,
Prayed to Pfizer for a fix
Died of SADS at 27,
Somehow thought he'd get to heaven
Vaxxie, Vaxxie, heart attacksie
Took his clot shots, wore his maskies
Obituary headline noted:
"Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid"

>> No.15709203

They're laughing all the way to the bank over it

>> No.15709216

Winter vagina.

>> No.15710341

culling the lowest IQ portion of the populations (AKA vaxxxies) is based.
thank you donald trump for getting the ball rolling on this major eugenics program

>> No.15710442

This plus never forget batwoman.

>> No.15710448

>Linear and finite growth of spikes from vaxx
>MUCH worse than exponential growth of spikes from actual disease
kys you disgusting liar. Fuck off with your propaganda bullshit.

>> No.15710454

I think it’s funny when people try to say that COVID is responsible.
If you ask them to explain the mechanism behind a respiratory virus causing heart damage but not lung damage despite the lungs being the target of the disease they get very mad

>> No.15710463


>> No.15710570

How long does the jab cause spikes to be produced?
>actual disease
Which I, not being an 80 year old diabetic, can fight off and then I'm done with it. Vaxxies keep lining up for more shots and eventually IgG4 causes tolerance to the spikes and they keep getting sick. I've never had symptomatic coof yet and vaxxies around me keep getting it.

>> No.15710580

Overexertion, not taking it easy.
The structure of society is killing people so it's important to listen to how you feel and take a chill pill all the time

>> No.15710641

>can fight off and then I'm done with it.
Wrong. Also, during that time, a huge amount spike proteins, a lot more than through the vaxx, were produced in your body.
>how long?
Around two weeks, but that's irrelevant. The relevant quantity is the rate at which your cells produce spikes.

>> No.15710682
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Okay, well keep getting shots and I'll keep not getting them, it seems to have worked out so far. I've been exposed about a thousand times due to work so it's not like I've avoided it.

>> No.15711067

You said the spike proteins cause permanent damage. Now you say they don't have any effect on you. Which is it now?

>> No.15711072

>catching COVID
Ah, another retard that cannot differentiate between the pathogen and the disease it causes. Surely his ramblings aren't totally schizoid in nature.

>> No.15711816 [DELETED] 

with lies

>> No.15711830

let's see
>i'm not getting enough spikes to matter
>they're not being produced in random places like my balls heart or brain because they didn't come from the magic juice that can go anywhere in the body
>if i did take the magic juice it wouldn't prevent me from getting covid so it's not either/or, it's both, and i'd be MORE likely to get covid in the long term post-jab

>> No.15712249

How are you not getting enough spikes from the disease when it causes you to have around 100 times the amount the vaxx produces before you even show an immune response?
You said the "magic juice" (it's really just a boring vaccine) goes into your muscle, why is it "random places" now? What?
It did prevent you from getting COVID with the wild type and alpha variants. Now, it reduces your chances of getting COVID. That was not the point. How and why would it increase your chances of getting COVID?
Nothing you say makes any sense, dude.

>> No.15712359

Long-term effects of covid

>> No.15712363


>> No.15712374

>causes you to have around 100 times the amount the vaxx produces
you made that up

>> No.15712570

>maximum of 14.6 μg/mL
>around 1000 μg/mL (Figure 4a)

>> No.15712621

Your first link is measuring concentrations in blood samples, your second link is not.

>> No.15712654


>> No.15712656

Lack of sex.

>> No.15712697

idk, it's as well explained by the vaccine not working, isn't it?

>> No.15712705

>anything I stab into my blood is a "vaccine" against something

>> No.15712723

fair enough, but why are the unvaccinated showing the same symptoms?
if you've got a good bioengineered virus, you don't need to make a weaponized injection
and you don't need to worry about someone who isn't in on your scheme analyzing your weapon, university laboratories are all over

>> No.15712773

And so you still do not have evidence that getting covid causes you to have 100x the amount of spikes in your body than the vaccine does, you made it up

>> No.15714407 [DELETED] 

>get vax'd

>> No.15714427

winter vagina

>> No.15715487
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>> No.15716601

she died of the vaxxx last year

>> No.15717709 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15717836

Almost as if it's heart damaged caused by covid infection. Covid's known for causing cardiac damage, but retards here seem surprised at increased deaths in the years following massive covid infections.

>> No.15717838

At like a thousandth the rate of covid itself.

>> No.15718233


>> No.15718250

Knowing you utter ontologically Evil filth will all be dead by 2025 is such a whitepill.

>> No.15718256

Fun fact: if you've ever gotten a measles shot, you've also gotten an mRNA vaccine.

>> No.15718281

I hate them. I hope they all get another booster. Just keep producing those spiked proteins forever lmfao and enjoy the igg4 fuck up too

>> No.15718307


>> No.15718311

>nobody is vaccinated now
>everyone is dying now

>> No.15719498 [DELETED] 

>Covid's known for causing cardiac damage,
no it isn't
low iq

>> No.15720028
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CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021.

So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.

>> No.15720333


Scientists at publicly funded universities are not concerned with solving real issues affecting real people. They are only concerned with getting their names in papers regardless of if they are true or complete shit, and regardless of if they matter or have application.

>> No.15720746 [DELETED] 

>i wanna go to college and be a soientist!!
>i'll do anything!!
will you take a deadly experimental injection?

>> No.15720813
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Sedentary lifestyles, vaping, poor sleep, and chronic health conditions might be behind the trend.

>> No.15720880

>no it isn't
Yes it is.

>> No.15720881

The scamdemic must've cranked all those factors up to 11 somehow. :^)

>> No.15722118 [DELETED] 

it isn't, its the vax that causes myocaritis

>> No.15722138
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>In terms of the vaccine mandates, I acknowledge that it was a challenging time for people but they ultimately made their own choices. There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices.
t: New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins

No refunds, cattle.
You self-euthanised of your own free will.

>> No.15722965

myocaritis was never even mentioned with respect to covid until after the vax was rolled out.
before that covid was only shilled as a respiratory virus

>> No.15723062

Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.15723137

>muh vax is killin childrun!!
This is an excellent example of /pol/tards being so stupid they can't even read a fucking graph

>> No.15723172

how can they explain something made up?
inb4 it's real in my mind tranny

>> No.15724095

>came from a us biolab
>declare war on china
I guess it makes as much sense as the whole Iraq thing...

>> No.15724101
File: 860 KB, 1x1, no-heart-complication-correlation-from-covid-infection.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a complete lie

>> No.15724243

source? Have never seen deaths sorted by number of vaccinations

>> No.15724249

COVID infection damages heart muscle.

>> No.15724275

see >>15724101
its a lie

>> No.15724395

>In the multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression model (Table 3, Tables S2 and S3), age (aHR 0.96; 95% CI 0.93 to 1.00, p =0.045) and the male sex (aHR 4.42; 95% CI 1.64 to 11.96, p = 0.003) were independently associated with myocarditis. Obesity was borderline associated with myocarditis (aHR 2.31; 95% CI 0.99 to 5.41, p = 0.053). Post COVID-19 infection was not associated with myocarditis (aHR 1.08; 95% CI 0.45 to 2.56, p = 0.869).

bro i’m retarded I don’t know what this study is trying to conclude. age, men, and fats are associated with myocarditis but covid isn’t? what do those numbers mean

>> No.15724439
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>can't read a generic research
take a look at this table, i hope it clarifies the findings for you.
also why are you on /sci/?

>> No.15724460

What do you mean? I'm here because i HECKING LOVE Science

>> No.15724472

The vaccine is safe and effective.

>> No.15725570 [DELETED] 


>> No.15725816

fatter youngsters

>> No.15726523

It has killed billions

>> No.15726527

Proof? I've never heard anyone getting a heart attack from being mildly upset.

>> No.15726566

>n=9 for COVID and n=27 for non-covid
>covid people are a lot healthier
this is some terrible cherrypicking. especially when you consider covid usually infects unhealthy people, such as those that are obese, have diabetes, or CVD/hypertension. how do they manage to only get 36 people.

>> No.15726610
File: 154 KB, 857x841, table 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just the number of people in their study who had myocarditis

>> No.15726646

why are so many of them jews

I was reading a study by some jewish authors and they proposed to alter information so that vaccine goals are reached.

>hyperlipidemia, CKD, PVD, hypertension, ACS, CVA, and heart failure are all less than .4 away from each other in either group

seems normal.

>> No.15726671

guess hypertension is an exception, somehow missed that

>> No.15726682

because the study is from israel

>> No.15726709

pretty lucky to have them all be .4% away from each other

especially when virus infection is typically associated with those characteristics in the first place. quite a coincidence really. I also like how the bmis are so close! They must have chosen the most unhealthy control population possible.

>> No.15726971

with lies
because admitting the truth would harm their agenda

>> No.15726996

>terrible cherrypicking
this term is used so much at every opportunity that it has completely lost its meaning.
>covid usually infects unhealthy people
this is not how a virus infection works dumbfuck.

this is a large scale study and definitely proves that covid does not cause myocarditis or any other damage to the heart and anyone who claims otherwise is a science denier retard

>> No.15727023

>t. statslet
With sample sizes of 600,000 and 200,000, uncorrelated means should be quite close to each other
also, go look up the average BMI in Israel

>> No.15727034

So how long can this shit last? Potential lifelong damage?

>> No.15727059

your right, people with covid are exactly like the control population

I presume covid doesn't do anything after all.
yes, but covid is correlated to things while a control shouldn't necessary be.

>when the control is controlling for nothing
statistics is amazing

>> No.15727093

>I presume covid doesn't do anything after all.
it can be assumed. If you look at the demographic mortality, the vast majority are elderly or those with serious underlying illnesses, covid causes lung disease but not even close to what is being described, even winter flu is more discernible in young people than covid

>> No.15727146



n summary, infectionwith agents that typically cause colds in young adults may lead to hospitalization in frail elderly persons with underlying heart and lung problems. It does not appear that healthy elderly persons are at high risk from these agents. These viruses, although not as common as influenza and RSV among hospitalized adults, also circulate during the winter months, producing similar clinical syndromes.

>> No.15727164

what's your point?

>> No.15727179

I find it funny:
Coronaviruses are species of viruses belonging to the subfamily Coronavirinae within the Coronaviridae family. On the basis of the genome characteristics and serology, human coronaviruses are divided into three distinct groups.2 Coronaviruses recognized to infect humans belong to the genera Alphacoronavirus and Betacoronavirus.2,3 Two HCoVs (HCoV-229E and HCoV-OC43) were identified in the 1960s.4,5 For decades, these were the only HCoVs to be identified as possible agents of respiratory diseases and were primarily associated with upper respiratory tract illnesses. However, since the identification of severe acute respiratory syndrome–associated coronavirus in 2003, at least three new HCoVs have been identified; HCoV-NL63, a new Alphacoronavirus was identified in 2004.6 In the same year, HCoV-HKU1 was discovered in Hong Kong.7 Most recently, the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, has earned worldwide attention.8,9

Human coronaviruses have been associated with a wide spectrum of respiratory diseases in different studies. In 2004, van Elden and others10 demonstrated the role of HCoVs as respiratory pathogens, reporting that HCoV-229 and/or HCoV-OC43 were detected in 11% of patients with respiratory tract infections compared with 0.4% in control subjects. However, there is still debate about the pathogenic role of HCoVs in upper and lower respiratory diseases since later studies have found similar infection rates between sick and control subjects.11 Studies done in ambulatory and hospitalized patients report a variety of respiratory symptoms, with almost no difference between those caused by non-HCoVs and HCoVs.12

>> No.15727208

why is it funny anon?
we don't know shit about anything that is not new

>> No.15727232

That was 2004. You'd think by 2020, something would be different. It's not actually funny.

>> No.15727681

Why would being infected with covid correlate with hyperlipidemia?

>> No.15727883

>How does science explain the tremendous increase in cardiac deaths amongst young people?
behind closed doors they explain it with gleeful laughter, while counting all the money they made off it

>> No.15727912

shit diet & no exercise are the main causes

>> No.15728086

was in a lab during those times, can confirm
noticably more gleeful laughter in the offices and dining halls

>> No.15728194

Campbell is a nurse

>> No.15728202

>PhD in nursing teaching = nurse
drooling low iq post

>> No.15728204

Don't do these people the favor of dismissing them as idiots. This is a malevolent Pfizer drone and it should be held culpable for its masters' doings.

>> No.15728486

This is a lie

>> No.15728531

Is he a doctor? (No)
Sorry kid, gtfo of this board if you think he’s qualified in any way:)

>> No.15728535

“ Hello Everyone, My name is John Campbell and I am a retired Nurse Teacher and A and E nurse based in England. ”

Wow, that was hard. Copypasted from his youtube channel.

>> No.15728557

covid was actually a cure to transmissible prion disease that has been spawning in trees and molds, it and the vaccine gene modded immunities into us and sadly about 12% of us infected with the prions are either overly susceptible or simply immune to the covid defenses. heart muscles are different and some people just have more binding sites than they should in the wrong place

wildfires lately are from lots of trees dying when they arent supposed to, the normal seasonal droughts dont kill healthy trees. Trees and pollen are also how "covid" spreads, and why masks and lockdowns did literally nothing except in china where they literally sealed people into buildings and chlorine bombed entire city blocks

>> No.15728583
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>It's not actually funny.
If big healthcare and the worlds governments wont fund massive research into the virus behind the pandemic, I also doubt they'd listen to good advice anyways.

Everything anyone saw across the last 3 years was nothing but profiteering and people saving their own ass. It's probably 15 years till we even have a chance to pull out from this dark age.

>> No.15728788

they did sloppy tests during covid, like only a blood test, and wrote it down as myocarditis

>> No.15728839

>he doesn't understand the difference between academician and someone who wipes old people asses for a living
god you are so fucking stupid

>> No.15728869

>being an academician is sufficient as a credential
So do professors in gender studies have a say in this too, then?
Fauci you are so fucking stupid.

>> No.15729016

John Lorimer Campbell[6] grew up primarily in the Stanwix district of Carlisle.[7] He holds a diploma in nursing from the University of London, a BSc in biology from the Open University, an MSc in health science from the University of Lancaster, and a Ph.D. in nursing from the University of Bolton.[7] He received the Ph.D. for his work on developing methods of teaching via digital media such as online videos

>> No.15730873

that doesn't explain the data

>> No.15730926

>"The PhD program prepares the nurse scholar to develop and conduct scientific research that advances the theoretical foundation of nursing practice and healthcare delivery. The program is designed to prepare nurses for careers as research scientists, often in academic or governmental positions."

claiming that he is a nurse is moronic he is an academician who specializes in teaching nurses there is a difference

>> No.15730929

>government lockdowns caused a 200x spike in depression
if this were true obesity would be on the rise as well but it isn't

>> No.15730994

COVID after effects.

>> No.15731010

Are you retarded or are you lying on purpose?

>> No.15731017

No, it's not. It's an attenuated virus vaccine. Guess what that virus does? It injects mRNA into your cells. Retard.

>> No.15731135

You insist he’s qualified. I (and actual biostatisticians) insist he’s talking out of his domain and have provided information and arguments for why. If you prefer to squawk and repeat the “academician” appellation as if it meant anything on its own, you need to namefag so you can be fitlered.

Are any of these credentials valid in your eyes?
>biology BSc
>healthscience Msc
>PhD for making youtube videos

>> No.15731152

Covid can still fuck up children + they can transmit it to others who are immunocompromised.
There was no harm in taking the vax as a child.

>> No.15731174

Behaviour is 100% genetic.
Never interrupt the trash taking itself out.

>> No.15731204

Lifestyle, vaping, novel drugs.

>> No.15732049

they all want massive depopulation

>> No.15732728

Damn, no response to this.

>> No.15734776 [DELETED] 

with lies

>> No.15735905

>A study published Tuesday in BMJ Oncology analyzed data from 1990 and 2019, finding a 79% surge in new cancer cases in people under 50 over the course of three decades. …

>In 2019 alone, early-onset cancer cases in that age group totaled 3.26million, an increase of 79.1% since 1990, according to the team of researchers from Zhejiang University School of Medicine and University of Edinburgh's Usher Institute.

>> No.15735920

Vaccine has no effect on transmission you fucking retard

>> No.15735939


>> No.15736516

Sedentary life styles and obesity

>> No.15736663
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>> No.15736694

btfo the fuck out, they never have an argument to this

>> No.15736702

two more weeks get hype kekkistani bros

>> No.15736707

global south retard please go

>> No.15736708

>two more years

>> No.15736908

it does have an effect on transmission, just not the effect vaxxies thought it would have. It increases your chances of infection with every dose LMAO

>> No.15736935

You boomers are the first generation in history to endanger children for your own safety. The risk of covid to children is next to none while the vax has real danger to them. Boomers don't care. Endangering children so boomers can feel more safe is just another reason why thousands of years from now people will still tell cautionary tales of the worst generation of humans to ever live.

>> No.15737033
File: 3 KB, 163x300, telant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy, you earned a teletubbie antenna.

>> No.15737244

>get vax'd
>die young

>> No.15737381

Vegeto vascular distonia caused by stress and phobias

>> No.15737386

eh o

>> No.15737393

Probably energy drinks

>> No.15738281 [DELETED] 

Clearly its because of all the scientific progress we're experiencing

>> No.15739376

>PhD for making youtube videos

>> No.15739662 [DELETED] 
File: 728 KB, 1x1, SSRN-id4496137.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15740600

its the vaccine

>> No.15742100 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15743089

lol, lmao

>> No.15743267 [DELETED] 

>just inject this goyslop into your child
>what could possibly go wrong

>> No.15743277

can /pol/tards just fucking die already?

>> No.15743730

They'd need to vaccinate for that.

>> No.15744570 [DELETED] 
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x720, vaxd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15744699


>> No.15744764

I got myocarditis and recovered. It was fucking bullshit but I can see how Pfizer got some people on death's door and how some were unaffected. It's a gamble.

>> No.15744919 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15745586

>I got myocarditis and recovered
theres no such thing as a total recovery, you will still likely die young

>> No.15745794

And That's A Good Thing.

>> No.15745898
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What about prolonged 4chan usage, can I ever recover from it?

>> No.15745998
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Fat pipol

>> No.15746068

they'll all be dead from covid in 2 more weeks

>> No.15746934
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>> No.15747834 [DELETED] 

also racism

>> No.15748777 [DELETED] 

and transphobia

>> No.15748785
File: 5 KB, 276x183, childhood obesity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be vaccines

>> No.15749731

do you have proof that obesity causes heart attacks?

>> No.15751114


>> No.15751120 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15752122

and transphobia

>> No.15753405

Pfizer owns a lot of the journal publishers, so the truth will never be published

>> No.15754539

I recognize the guitar sample from something, but I can't put a name on it

>> No.15754776
File: 1.78 MB, 480x480, vax scandal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speed of science worked as intended

>> No.15756152 [DELETED] 

Vaxxie, Vaxxie, heart attacksie
Takes his tests and wears his maskies
Still got Covid, every strain
Got spike proteins in his brain
Got the VAIDS at 24,
"Dr. Fauchi, gimmie more!"
Had a stroke at 25,
"Thank Moderna I'm alive!"
Swollen heart at 26,
Prayed to Pfizer for a fix
Died of SADS at 27,
Somehow thought he'd get to heaven
Vaxxie, Vaxxie, heart attacksie
Took his clot shots, wore his maskies
Obituary headline noted:
"Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid"

>> No.15756413
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>> No.15756975

The last 3 years ?

Imagine walking this clown world with a jab record higher than their IQ.

>> No.15758574 [DELETED] 

>be ifls homo
>get vax'd

>> No.15759626 [DELETED] 

The covid "epidemic" was a total hoax, there was no "lab leak" there was no viral epidemic

>> No.15761255 [DELETED] 

wtf is up with that chart? is has a rolling average and then a scale factor for the rolling average displayed? wtf is that slope that starts in the middle?

>> No.15761302

stop asking questions tranny

>> No.15762189 [DELETED] 

don't forget to blame trump for the vax after you're dead

>> No.15764422 [DELETED] 

The vax claims another victim.

>> No.15764460

winter vagina

>> No.15764469

It turns out that letting a deadly virus move through a population with impunity has consequences.

>> No.15764500
File: 8 KB, 225x225, DD57990E-9668-4810-A6B9-6C1A3A980A63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, don’t think so.

>Source I’m still here

>> No.15766051 [DELETED] 

so how come nearly all of the people who died were vaccinated?

>> No.15766743

purebloods win again

>> No.15767295

>It's a gamble

Chocolate bars series get removed entirely from circulation just because one batch was found to have a bacterium.

>> No.15767318

Can you link your source?
Antivaxxtards have the tendency to make up charts and data to fit their agenda when reality doesn't align with their agenda.

>> No.15767403

source is the image, CDC data
if OP had not saved the thumbnail it would be easy to see

you can download it from the CDC website

>> No.15767406

>source is the image,
I meant: source is IN the image

>> No.15768878

remember when that brit justified covid hysteria in march of 2020 with a computer model which said a billion people would die from covid?

>> No.15769614 [DELETED] 

Neil Ferguson, he received a massive cash reward for producing that pilpul

>> No.15770890 [DELETED] 

behind closed doors the explain it with uproarious maniacal laughter and a lot of hand rubbing

>> No.15771250


>> No.15771908

its funny because its true

>> No.15772041
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They really hope we forget...

>> No.15772042
File: 261 KB, 425x756, fergusonjackpot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...they are counting on it

>> No.15772044
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>> No.15772055

>I'm ESL and don't understand the meaning of worst case
Let me know what you think about the complexity of quick sort. Is it something like
>hurrdurr (((they))) said it was O(n^2) but I tested it and it was O(n log n)

>> No.15772062

If the upper range of an error bar is constantly many orders of magnitude off from the actual outcome, the predictions are essentially worthless. Might as well make the range zero to the number of humans alive.

>> No.15772064

le covid 19

its not the vaccines, its just the fact that everyone has been infected with it at least once and there are repercussions to bioengineering the common cold as a political weapon

>> No.15772066

Not quite billions, at least not that I saw but he did say if we were real lucky and did everything right, the deaths could be limited to 10% of the world population. Guess that could be interpreted as billions if we were unlucky and fucked up the response (which we did).

>> No.15772140

>bro it was just the worst case scenario, shouldn't he estimate that as a scientist? What? What?

>> No.15772212

Obesit, food and air quality is related to everything except vaccines, clearly.

>> No.15772669

Less than 3000 people under the age of 30 died from Covid-19 throughout the entire pandemic

>> No.15773648 [DELETED] 

did billions of people die?
what percentage of the global population died of covid?

>> No.15774634 [DELETED] 

Nobody died of covid, there was never any real viral epidemic

>> No.15774823

COVID does damage the lungs.
I can't vouch for the accuracy of OP's data, but the most adrupt increase on that graph happened in early 2020, before the vaccine was distributed to the public.

>> No.15775105 [DELETED] 

slot shot

source: check digits

>> No.15775110 [DELETED] 

clot shot

source: checkem

>> No.15775115 [DELETED] 

clot shots
source: checkem

>> No.15775122

source: checkem

>> No.15775127

the 2022 increase is just as big as the 2020 increase

>> No.15775568 [DELETED] 


>> No.15775571

>therefore it must be the vaccine people took in 2021

>> No.15775573

the deadly mutated variant was what caused all those deaths only in the unvaccinated but im also not taking anymore vaccines because the mutated variants keep getting weaker

>> No.15776744


>> No.15777510

>*hand rubbing intensifies*

>> No.15777982

It only became bad for the heart after the vaccines came out.

>> No.15778108


>1 mg/mL spike protein in the blood

Seriously doubt. Spike is only a fraction of the virus. That stat implies your blood is 5-10mg/mL virus, which would be crazy. Your blood gets up to 30 mg/mL antibody during an infection, and that's when it's pumping protein into the blood to fight infection.

>> No.15778111


Figure 4a doesn't say shit about the virus producing 1 mg/mL spike protein in circulation vaxnigger

>> No.15778118

they died of a broken heart. Taylor Swift was right all along.

>> No.15778124

friend, in the end we are all dead men

>> No.15778186

This is the answer. it seems to be heavily involved with pancreas. Igg4-RD. There is some new evidence that says it also is destroying internal heart tissue. Depending on the person either the body stops producing white blood cells (vax), or the spike replicates in your bloodstream(covid). The choice is heart failure or immune disorder. Loose-loose. Increased viral load> pancreatic immune deficiency> kidney failure> lymphoma> cardiac problems> death. Some people are having lung or neurological problems. Everyone is going to get dementia early.

Easiest way to fight viral load? Vitamin intake. A and E seem to be the vectors. In order to support those you should just take a multi vitamin. Haven’t figured out if vitamin k helps or hurts covid so I’m taking one low in vitamin k.


>> No.15778204

Obesity does seem to be part of what’s going on. The pathways I’m looking at are all fat soluble compounds. Obesity is a pointer that the person was already having trouble regulating in these areas.

>> No.15778782

>Duration of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine persistence and factors associated with cardiac involvement in recently vaccinated patients
autopsies biodistribution study
20 vaccinated
vax mRNA detected in axillary lymph nodes of some (8/12) and heart (3/20)
not detected in the mediastinal lymph nodes, spleen, or liver

the three with vax in the heart had healing myocardial injury but no myocarditis

>all three (100%) of the patients with vaccine in the heart had healing myocardial injury which initiated before or at the time of the most recent vaccine injection compared with only 2 (22%) of the 9 patients without vaccine in the heart

>> No.15779344

Covid was always a respiratory infection until then. Remember the massive, deadly overuse of ventilators? They weren't mass manufacturing Jarvik-7s to go along with the ventilators

>> No.15780599 [DELETED] 
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the story keeps on changing to fit the political agenda

>> No.15781408

pure coincidence, goy. stop noticing.

>> No.15781652


>> No.15782913
File: 1.06 MB, 272x480, shut it down comando.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15783029

Iron poisoning from that Nestlé additive


>> No.15784144 [DELETED] 

science, you broke my heart
i thought you would be true
but instead you were just a jew

>> No.15784984

Myocarditis didn't start trending until after the rollout of the clotshot according to Google

>> No.15786290

science is totally fake and gay
when its done the jewish way

>> No.15787053

this thread is from august

>> No.15787058

Climate Change and Vladimir Putin

>> No.15787067

Kira is making the bad people go away...

>> No.15788303 [DELETED] 

Also white working class Christians

>> No.15788316

So far I've only seen stats from the UK and the US. What about the rest of the world?

>> No.15789027

just as kikaku

>> No.15789780

and what?

>> No.15790572
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the whole thing was a big greedy scam, why do you expect people who lie and steal to have some sort of morality about not harming children?
thats an irrational expectation

>> No.15791771
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>> No.15792282

even if he didnt die, what would i be apologizing for? when did questioning new, experimental medicine and the policies mandating them for the public become a bad thing?

>> No.15792900

but he did die?
in other news, i had breakfast this morning

>> No.15793545

>You boomers are the first generation in history to endanger children for your own safety.
>what is every war ever

>> No.15793696

Omelettes, exercise and solar flares.

>> No.15794138

dying of the vax is a reddit disease

>> No.15794212

Duvet shaking, don't forget duvet shaking.

>> No.15794742

+20 to your social credit Wu Mao