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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15665573 No.15665573 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any practical value in understanding advanced mathematics and theoretical physics?

Feels kinda silly to devote this much effort on it, when there are far more practical problems we will eventually have to conquer anyways on the way to understanding the more arcane.

MS in comp sci here, so pretty much a mathlet. Stopped at P=NP.

Maybe another way to phrase it.
Is somebody winning a fields or nobel or millenium prize in such abstract fields even remotely useful to the average living human in any capacity?
Is it even going to save some human descendant from the heat death billions of years from now?

>> No.15665700

I do linear algebra and stochastic calculus at work (very rarely). It's practical.

>> No.15665702

You can do magic anywhere...


>> No.15665707

If by your method, F is now true

>> No.15665724
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We, as humanity, try to understand this world the best we can. We are curious creatures, which sparks the curiosity for knowledge for where we came from. We realized from which continent we may came from, we realized when we became a human, and we realized from which life forms we became what we are today.

Humanity has always been looking at the stars. Ancient civilizations made calanders for farming, we used the stars as a compass for navigating the sea, and we always drew and imagined what was up there. We were so mad that we couldn't yet see what is up there, that we devoted the sky to God and heaven.

Using mathematics, theoretical physics and astrophysics we are learning where we came from and what this universe is like. We are learning the rules and limitations which God set upon us.

These fields may not be practical, but if we weren't studying them, we would be exactly the same as ants. Just working our way to more population.

These fields are a must. Even if we devoted all our resources into the practical stuff, some group of people would be too curious, and would need to find out what is beyond what we can see.

>> No.15665741

Depends on the topics you are referring to. Physics and mathematics are very broad subjects. There are various fields that a junk and some that have practical applications. The mainstream popular sci - is junk. And if you’re not in the know, for example done extensive academic research on physics or mathematics there’s no way you could know what is bs and what is legitimate.

A lot of the misunderstandings come from science communicators they aren’t scientists they are good at communication and words. So they just spew nonsense written in journals without having a clue what they are talking about.

So to answer your question if you’re not getting paid to research or engineering it really has no relevance in your life .

>> No.15665772

So where did we come from genius? We don’t use science to understand our existence or some hippie trippy feel good nonsense.

We use science to scale our economy. Science combined with capitalism are a destructive force. Because our life becomes very unnatural due to our interference or meddling

For example populations can not naturally sustain the levels there at currently, 8 billion people. The harber-bosh process allows us to use hydrocarbons to create synthetic fertilizers to grow food in very high quantities and qualities, without this highly energy intensive process people will starve and die on a mass scale. This is literally happening as we speak. We are running out of resources

>> No.15665788

Its almost like asking what's the practical value in understanding film. If you have to ask, you are midwit coping with the fact that you don't appreciate the beauty in higher math.

>> No.15665805

so advanced mathematics is just autists masturbating each other?

>> No.15665810

If there are 8 billion people on earth, there should be enough geniuses to solve those problems too, like you for example.
What can I do to stop the crippling of this world, even if I tried I'll be shut by big corporations.

If there was no capitalism and our society was centralized around science and self sustainability maybe those things wouldn't be a problem. What can I do about it?

>> No.15665819
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>If there was no capitalism and our society was centralized around science and self sustainability maybe those things wouldn't be a problem. What can I do about it?

>> No.15665823
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>200 years of repeated failure and mid IQs are still parrotting the Malthusian scam

>> No.15665833

Then do it yourself, or are you too stupid?

>> No.15665837

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not the tard you were talking to. I'm just illustrating your midwit normie corporate-sponsored opinion.

>> No.15665867

>advanced mathematics and theoretical physics
It's interesting, even just throwaway random maths shit can be very absorbing eg octonions
And it depends on what you mean by advanced
I tend to use numerical integration because it's often faster, but I do a little matrix algebra by hand from time to time, and it's important to understand the theory of things when you're trying to use them in applied situations eg understanding how a regression line is calculated when doing some kind of X to Y straight line modelling
Learning opens the world to you, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say it opens your mind to the world

>> No.15666104

>Is somebody winning a fields or nobel or millenium prize in such abstract fields even remotely useful to the average living human in any capacity?

>> No.15666268
