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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 301x429, bell_from_coal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15637533 No.15637533 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on how human artifacts have been found inside of 300 million year old coal chunks, if humans only appeared 2 million years ago

>> No.15637539

Link? I’d be interested to read about this

>> No.15637541 [DELETED] 

/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.15637547

>evolutionist spergs out when challenged

>> No.15637698 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 140x360, IGbu238YpBPj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hindism is real religion , we use it prayer

>> No.15637749
File: 238 KB, 1327x785, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an IT manager
>a psychologist
>an electronics engineer
>and a computer scientist

>article written by J.P. Robinson
>credentials : Contemporary Photography

>> No.15637791

Are you a professor of credentialism? If not, you're not allowed to post this.

>> No.15637812

>you need certain credentials to find man-made objects inside of coal

>> No.15637815
File: 18 KB, 605x700, Example-of-a-gold-chain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems pretty fake. That gold chain in particular is clearly modern.

>> No.15637816

Oh wait, I guess that's a stock photo. They don't appear to have of an actual photo of this alleged chain from the coal lump at all.

>> No.15637819

> ‘the idea of its having been recently dropped was at once made fallacious, for as the lump of coal broke, it separated almost in the middle, and the circular position of the chain placed the two ends near to each other; and as the lump separated, the middle of the chain became loosened while each end remained fastened to the coal.’
>anyway, we only started pictures after all proof was destroyed and it looked like an ordinary, temporary gold chain
>please pay us $33.50 for our cheapest membership package
>we're certainly not grifters

>> No.15637820

I think I farted

>> No.15637826
File: 398 KB, 850x678, peat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know it's 300 million years old? It's entirely possible that these artifacts were found in peat which is commonly used for heating. Peat bogs all formed relatively recently, ~12000 years ago.

>> No.15637831

the article tells you where each piece of coal was found

>> No.15637838

No. The article tells you what they want you to believe. There's no way to know that this is real.

>> No.15637843

> This iron pot fell from the center, leaving the impression or mould of the pot in the piece of coal

Why is there only an image of the supposed iron pot? What happened to the piece of coal that it was embedded in? If they thought that the pot was strange enough to put into a museum, why didn't they also display the piece of coal that it came from? (hint. it doesn't exist)

>> No.15637845

any newer finds then from the 1950s with actual evidence of the finds being implanted in coal?

>> No.15637858

>nooooooo it's LE FAKE because um.... because le scientists said we came from le ooh ooh aah aahs!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15637864

post photographic or physical evidence of the objects being found inside a lump of coal not just some guy saying he did

>> No.15637867

>Noooo ITS LE REAL because some guy from 1912 said he found it in a lump of coal and they took a picture of the pot in 1948!!

>> No.15638957

emotionally triggered

>> No.15639479

its hindu temple bell people still use this temple at home

>> No.15639574

>you need certain credentials to find man-made objects inside of coal
An animal could find them, but to know that you did you certainly need some credentials. How do you even know that it's coal? There's a thousand things that look like it. Maybe we should bring a baker, a veterinarian, and a musician and ask them.

>> No.15639935

>How do you even know that it's coal?
cause it's in a coal mine. it would actually be even worse if it wasn't coal, cause then it means that human artifacts are being found inside of rocks that formed over a billion years ago

>> No.15640866

Thats easy, soience is all fake news

>> No.15640956

im doing a survey, what job do you have?

>> No.15640975

very organic not shill thread

>> No.15641583

I agree but you could say the same about any archeological finding.

>> No.15641597

Yeah you're right, the guy from 1912 should have pulled out his iPhone and take a picture.

>> No.15641616

Ring ring burr

R u real

>> No.15642664
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15643480
File: 43 KB, 500x294, oopart7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people in this thread will say that micro organisms from a billion years ago made this hammer

>> No.15643483

micro organisms from a billion years ago made this hammer

>> No.15643651

It was the great race of yith niggerman save me

>> No.15643701

>Other observers have noted that the hammer is stylistically consistent with typical American tools manufactured in the region in the late 19th century. Its design is consistent with a miner's hammer. One possible explanation for the rock containing the artifact is that the highly soluble minerals in the ancient limestone may have formed a concretion around the object, via a common process (like that of a petrifying well) which often creates similar encrustations around fossils and other nuclei in a relatively short time.

>> No.15644013

um it was found in london, not america

>> No.15644015

london is in texas

>> No.15644050

looks like i switched timelines again

>> No.15644422

soience is all fake, theres no other explanation

>> No.15644438

Uh oh, turns out the great flood was real and only happened 10,000 years ago.

>> No.15646536 [DELETED] 

it that were the case the soience soigoys would just lie about it and call it a conspiracy theory

>> No.15647231

um.. they do

>> No.15647330

Macro organisms from 50 years ago (or sooner) took apart a hammer, chiseled a niche for it into a rock, and then stuffed it into the rock.

>> No.15647506
File: 23 KB, 622x448, 1682513040259103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cephalopod civilization(s) left these artifacts behind in the Paleozoic. Most of the evidence of their existence has since been subducted, eroded to dust, etc. However, most of their installations in deep space and the outer solar system are intact, though likely depowered. We'll probably be discovering these installations, if not the cephalopod beings themselves (or at least their AIs) in the coming decades.
It's anyone's guess whether or not they continue to occupy their space habitats or have evacuated to another system, died off, become digital beings, etc.
>t. geologist

>> No.15647557

Based schizo

>> No.15647858

>t. geologist
what kind of dogs do geologists fuck?

>> No.15647936

the vltimate nvclear trvth bvmb

>> No.15647958


>> No.15648833

Why not? they were doing it at real sites to document what happened.
Not ANY finding but certainly many.

>> No.15649073

Prove beyond a doubt that thing is 300 million years old

>> No.15649103

It's a bunch of stories. If the artifacts had been left in place for study it would be more believable than a few random people claiming they found these things embedded in coal.

We know people lie. We know people make up stories for fame and money. We don't know that a 300 million year old civilization existed. What does occam's razor tell you?

>> No.15649172

That 99% of humanity can tell if you got a piece of coal

>> No.15649184

These aren't well documented at all, a more likely explaination is the people who "found" them just lied

>> No.15649193

>limestone formation boggles the mind of some people

>> No.15649205

>Cephalopod civilization(s)
>he doesn't know about the edicaran spriggina imperium

>> No.15649265

Neato, finally someone had the decency to assume humans could just duplicate geological formations during the stone ages

>> No.15649921

why is that more likely? because your preconceived notions about soience demand it?

>> No.15650174
File: 556 KB, 866x837, tytreyerty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We know people lie.

>> No.15650533

>metal bell
>during the stone ages

>> No.15650609

This is not at all true. You can tell by bones alone how much meat was on them.


>> No.15650639

the amount of meat on the animal does not correlate with their appearance. both of those hippo versions can have the same weight

>> No.15651815
File: 49 KB, 474x474, IMG_0507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geologists are the “authority” on how rocks are formed and they are wrong.

>> No.15651825

Ah yes, random image file from that noted geological authority, sitsshow.blogspot.com, that's what I call SCIENCE!

>> No.15651828

yeah but you have to move the meat somewhere.

>> No.15651844

Is quite simple. A civilization 300 millions years ago build lots of nice stuff. Only shit-tier chimps, worshiping a jew nailed to a stick, can be so stupid to believe they are the first ones.

>> No.15652489
File: 69 KB, 960x541, 1568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15652735

Welcome to fringe science you need to overcome a dozen reality tests just to get published

>> No.15652990

>finding something
>finding something, geologist

>> No.15654598

Humans are ~6k years old. Surprise, the Bible is right.

>> No.15654638


>> No.15654730


>> No.15655403
File: 300 KB, 1080x1818, 94a3552ee7e3e4b6ecbee62aed2b09af244134d863a4c5b4e2fddab42c2d6b2e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the self identified science experts here can't answer this one simple question
maybe they need to spend less time fucking dogs and more time studying lololol

>> No.15655928

You’re trying too hard. I don’t know where I got the picture. I just know it’s retarded to think that name brand spark plugs existed a very long time ago. If people are finding random modern junk in ancient rock formations, they aren’t ancient. I was literally trying to be retarded. Don’t be mad that I’m not stupid enough to understand geology.

>> No.15655941

because they're lying. next question

>> No.15656240

>If people are finding random modern junk in ancient rock formations, they aren’t ancient.
the statement that killed geologists

>> No.15656250

haven't the texans suffered enough?

>> No.15656272

the earliest modern human skeleton was found in bulgaria, not in africa

humans evolved around the caspian sea and then spread out from there

the earlier human skeleton found in africa is 200k years older than the skeleton in bulgaria, despite africa generally being a better environment for fossilization, particularly in the desert areas. the skeletons dont exist because humans didnt live there at the time.

in the same age as the bulgarian skeleton, at the same strata, there are homo habilis, there are plenty of them. tons. but no humans

niggers are humans that went south and had sex with homo habilis

>> No.15656309
File: 29 KB, 663x422, 1336008982518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coal is abiotic and infinite, just like oil and gas.
Planar technological civilisation always happens.
It always enables ludicrously easy living.
It always triggers extreme dysgenics.
Its collapse always reduces humans to less than 5-6 digits number.

It's a 50k years cycle, give or take 10k years.
Enjoy the ride, pretty sure the internet phase is the most fun, so much porn.

>> No.15656314

the vltimate mvther vf all thermvnvclear trvth bvmbs

>> No.15656427

Ok I know you are not out there with a shovel digging human remains but the basics of the basics the places people died differ and some people before our time may have excavated the older remains and do soup with it, cause humans lol

>> No.15656447

are you saying niggers eat dead corpses therefore there are no human remains in africa that have been fossilized?

I dont think this is valid. there are remains of anatomically modern humans that have evidence of having been eaten in china and europe

>> No.15656519

No I think humans bones called their attention and ended as decoration and eventual hyena food or similar

>> No.15656777

homo habilis has been discovered in NW Europe and SE asia and everywhere in between, the out of africa theory is blatantly fake and gay

>> No.15656842

the great flood put those skeletons there and buried them under the sediment

>> No.15656851

yes. but only niggers have homo habilis blood. so there's that

>> No.15656861
File: 476 KB, 1125x1477, IMG_2803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks very similar to this bell I saw on ebay not too long ago

>> No.15657337

>redpill me on how human artifacts have been found inside of 300 million year old coal chunks
It's called a scam, you are being scammed.

>> No.15657387

i agree. how do we teach the public that (((they))) are scamming us with this story that we are 2 million years old?

>> No.15658332


>> No.15659214

snopes verified it using independent fact checkers

>> No.15659393

Sure as hell does, where was the ebay sell?

>> No.15659410

>300 million year old coal chunks
Fake as fuck, obviously.

I won't even bother mentioning radiometric dating methodologies for this, you're just fucking retarded.

>> No.15659414

redpill me on how long it takes for coal to form

>> No.15659418


I know is fake now, next charckpot theory

>> No.15659693

300 years

>> No.15659701

I googled it and, either the United States Department of Energy is lying, or some random stranger on the internet is.

>> No.15659739

big if true

>> No.15659754

When you put it that way, it's a no-brainer.
Only a retard would believe a government, 300years it is.

>> No.15661227 [DELETED] 


>> No.15661254

There is nothing to redpill. You just want to be part of a secret "in" community because you have nothing to contribute to humanity, so you substitute fantasy for reality and pretend everyone else is dumb.

>> No.15661265

You can make coal fron normal wood ,you know, it's still sedimentary rock, the same things that make easy to falsify also make it possible for it to be a geolocical discovery, going for the minimal amount of research, how fast can you make a scam to maybe something happened here, am not saying is the most absurd alternative either like 300 millions, but a reasonable amount of time that could link with similar discoveries of phoenician to roman origin

>> No.15661267
File: 359 KB, 815x757, Mortadela_com_azeitonas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it possible that this olives have been found inside this mortadella if when the animal was alive it had no olives inside?

>> No.15661304

So your point is that this metal things were preserved there for some reason?

A mnamade preservation technique or smuggling

>> No.15661330

no, my point is that the researchers put these metal things there because they wanted to have a sensational article about it. if you can put olives inside mortadella, you can put those things inside coal
you're too gullible if you believe in stuff like this

>> No.15661356

You are to stupid if you don't think this happens all the time, so much it has became almost common sense to not believe in it, so basically this is how archaelogy dies, in places with sense like egypt anything you find is expected to be an artifact first then questioned

>> No.15661536

Who you gonna believe?

>> No.15661797

>if you can put olives inside mortadella, you can put those things inside coal
how would that be possible if no one was around to do it 300 million years ago?

>> No.15662402

when had the federal government ever told the truth about anything?

>> No.15664291

Thats easy, science is all fake af. Its just a bunch lies concocted to justify a political agenda

>> No.15664971
File: 87 KB, 800x600, this_100000year_old_artifact_may_be_proof_of_ancient_aliens__234262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no scientist has dared to do any tests on it

>> No.15666510

There was this deep past geological process called "Digging"
Just do a CT scan on it, you are just a /pol/ variant of a deboonker

>> No.15666555

me cock dig unto ur mums vagian

>> No.15666645

Those are just the nigger dicks burying into your asshole

>> No.15666845


>> No.15667125

>Just do a CT scan on it, you are just a /pol/ variant of a deboonker
i don't have a scanner. however, i know that scientists do. they don't want to scan it despite the owner of the artifact giving free and open access to scan it

>> No.15667925

reminder that the (((scientists))) who are promting the lies all fuck dogs

>> No.15668164
File: 131 KB, 666x666, shekel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DESU, it looks like a regular stone that got carefully drilled to be able to place that plug-like thing there. I don't see how could I get any kind of profit by analyzing it.

>> No.15668540

Yeah back then they had to charge their rocks by plugging them in.

>> No.15668774

the surface around the drill site would be obviously different under a microscope

>> No.15668800

It's a stone-age nokia charger. This is what we used to charge mobile phones before hunting mammoths.

>> No.15669193


>> No.15669913
File: 222 KB, 1200x1195, JWST & cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15670482

ancient civilizations knew electroplating, so it they definitely knew about electricity. the plug isn't wired though, it just has prongs on it

>> No.15670635
File: 282 KB, 658x636, radio_carbon_crap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found inside of 300 million year old coal chunks
Implies that they accurately can date shit. Which they cant.

Carbon/Radio Isotope dating is the most pseudoscientific shit ever.
Its off because the methodology is retarded.
C-14 has a halflife of 5730 years.
And they literally say, you can't acuarately measure anything hat is older than 25000 years old.
And after 50k years it is impossible to use C-14.

So the next best thing is sedimentary layering.
Which is a rough guestimation.
Radio Isotope is very limited.
And then comes Sedimentary layers ...

It works only under the premise of linear progression of history and geology and slow incremental sedimentary layering.

Which must exclude:
> solar flares (which influence isotopes and radioactivity)
> asteroids (which influence isotopes and radioactivity)
> vulcanic outbreaks (which influence isotopes and radioactivity, and twist and turn sedimentary layers in a instant)
> floods (which twist and turn sedimentary layers in a instant)
> earthquakes (which twist and turn sedimentary layers in a instant)
> high civilisation weapons of mass desrction (Acient Alien Shizos: which thay allegedly used and killed them selves by accident)

Those things influence how to interpret the dating of material.
It is impossible to date anything.
Maybe Dinosaurs lived like 30k years ago.
During the last (alleged) 30k years
> science had a consens that multiple cataclysmic catastrophic events (of unknown cause) happened
> Meltwater pulse 1B ( 11,500 and 11,200 calendar years ago):
> Meltwater pulse 1A (13,500 and 14,700 calendar years ago)
> Meltwater pulse 1C (between about 20,000 to 7,000 years ago the sea level rose by a total of about 100 m)

We had in the more recent past a lot of "Catastrophic" events, which obfuscate the timeline of this realm.
we Cannot know.

>> No.15671263
File: 233 KB, 986x555, bc75382a-bb6f-409f-997e-a2a0d5b9ea70-131114_bike_in_a_tree_660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trees turn into coal

>> No.15672454

all these jwst pics are making me hungry

>> No.15672727

I know this is /sci/, but I like to imagine this stuff is real, and it's caused by 'bubbles' of exotic matter that temporarily changes the state of matter the sediment the objects are resting on when it passes through.

Anyway if this is real phenomena then these people need to be taking measurements and using scientific equightment on the areas in question, not just writing books or articles about it.

>> No.15672773

what do you mean? something that causes objects to fall through the ground?

>> No.15672955

That or coal formation is under 1k years, which makes sense since coal, like oil and gas, is abiotic and infinite.

>> No.15673225

>ads for Loli porn
Yeah, no thanks champ

>> No.15673954

I don't mean anything, I'm just making stuff up using my imagination.

>> No.15673995

Correct, the current scientific paradigm is more trustworth than ancientorigins.net and in the absence of evidence to the contrary you default to it.

>> No.15674073

Däniken is back in vengeance in this thread...
Get with the times bro, none of this old evidence of OOPArt matters because no one even cares about new OOPArts like dunn's son's measurements of the vase. Or even Dunn's measurements himself, proving 5-axis lathes on a massive scale combined with at least, AT LEAST, a mechanical solution to a multivariable analytic continuous calculous system to power the thing, which is absolutely insane.
We don't mind those things because what about it?

>> No.15674115

it only shows ads for things you search for

>> No.15675942
File: 154 KB, 718x937, Creation-Matters-Pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how rotten the bike is after just 10-20 years. How can the human artifact look so pristine after millions of years?

>> No.15675946
File: 111 KB, 735x991, 41c71b9879088283daaf693fe649454c--unexplained-mysteries-ancient-mysteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know

>> No.15676620

the part of the bike inside the tree is pristine because it was protected from the elements

>> No.15677668

When will the jammies add the god damn math captcha.

>> No.15678125

is this a bot post?

>> No.15679509

Just hide the thread if it triggers you that badly. Either that or grow up and learn to control your emotions

>> No.15680393
File: 60 KB, 720x479, soyence magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15680468


>> No.15680829

>s. niger stole my my bike
only true science experts will get this joke

>> No.15680840


>> No.15680846

Haven't londoners suffered enough?

>> No.15681000

Why does every insipid creationist use the same talking point about carbon dating? Any geologist will tell you we use longer-lived isotopes for rocks than archeologists do for their artifacts.
Which must exclude:
> solar flares (which influence isotopes and radioactivity)
> asteroids (which influence isotopes and radioactivity)
My favorite thing about radioactivity is how predictable it is. We can easily detect anomalies in the fine particulate that arrives from space (it's how we saw the dinosaurs)
> vulcanic [ESL DETECTED] outbreaks (which influence isotopes and radioactivity, and twist and turn sedimentary layers in a instant)
It's so easy to ID volcanic ash layers we use it as a chronometer, and they really don't "twist and turn sedimentary layers in an instant"
> floods (which twist and turn sedimentary layers in a instant)
Yep they're really easy to spot too. Sediment size is a simple characteristic that corresponds to changes in water flow predictably
> earthquakes (which twist and turn sedimentary layers in a instant)
Earthquake motion is confined to fault zones and doesn't twist or turn layers at all, the most confusing thing they do is break the decimeter-scale bedding around the fault zone
> high civilisation weapons of mass desrction (Acient Alien Shizos: which thay allegedly used and killed them selves by accident)

>> No.15681229

>My favorite thing about radioactivity is how predictable it is
No it isn't the issue with it is firstly, that it is rarely used, beyond radio carbon dating.
The second is, that it is extremely inaccurate simply because it was never calibrated, and cannot be calibrated because of the simple reason: You need a verified true specimen of a thing that is verified of a certain age, and you need to know every single event that happened on earth to calculate and exclude it.
For example potassium-40, beryllium-10 isotope measurments reuqire the knowledge beforhand how much potassium-40 was originally in a specimen to measure how much is decayed.
It requires pure speculation and assumptions.
>We can easily detect anomalies in the fine particulate that arrives from space
Not retroactively for shit that is thousands of years old.
Its pure assumption and speculations and memes to get nerds engaged and keep funding rolling.

>ID volcanic ash
You cannot measure vulcanic "ash" if you do not know the composition and if the volcanic outbrake was a underwater and lead to a tsunami which leads to floods.
Also you are ignoring "mud vulcanos" which constantly "baffle" scientists.

>Sediment size is a simple characteristic that corresponds to changes in water flow predictably
no it doesn't, because it is impossible to know if mud and stone is placed by an flood and not regular water flow.
See for example the "baffling" of scientists and geologists about the "burried" ancient shit in "istanbul"/constantinople, which lead to the "Black Sea deluge hypothesis".

>Earthquake motion is confined to fault zones and doesn't twist or turn layers at all
Yes it does.
Soil liquifaction is backtrackable:

And it causes massive landslides:
Massive changes in landscape can occur within 100s of years instad of gorillions.

>> No.15681480


>> No.15681493

>Start with conclusion
>Disregard evidence that does not fit
>Cherry-pick or make up evidence for your conclusion
>get phd in schizology

>> No.15681501

enough about what scientists do for ooparts, i'm looking for some real answers

>> No.15681505

The real answer is that this is bullshit

>> No.15681516

>Start with conclusion

>> No.15682296

cringe and bluepilled, ywnbaw

>> No.15683988

>We know people make up stories for fame and money.
Scientists lie so they can get their name in the big replication crisis journals and to get research grants all the time, how come you give them the benefit of the doubt and nobody else? Confirmation bias?

>> No.15684307 [DELETED] 


>> No.15684332

oh shit, we need to find that anon and SWAT him. I’ll leave the perfect bait—

Sirs, there is a 2000 year old vampire lolita at Fort Knox, please come up to the front gate with a gun and a sign that says I am pursuing a human with childlike features for sexual reasons so we know it’s you and not a creepy stranger.

>> No.15684340

>Scientists lie
That’s well known among researchers and even a sizeable minority of the population
Everyone who does research knows there’s so many places of weakness on ethics and logical approaches fudging data on purpose— retarded conclusions in the discussion section /abstract — meaningless sans control group studies, placebo research, publish poop or perish papers, inability to rerun experiments and get similar conclusions, incentives not to rerun established research— yes we know. It’s an unfortunate problem that no single individual can solve, the average people blindly trust research even more then their own two feet.

>> No.15684639

source on the middle image?

>> No.15684653

>You’re trying too hard
he said as he seethed out a mini essay

>> No.15684659

bulgariapes is this true?

>> No.15684666

tomato plants are found all over da globe obviously the out of america theory is fake and gay

>> No.15684676

who is 'they?

>> No.15684695


>> No.15684699

two more weeks

>> No.15684703

nonce cope

>> No.15685686

you know who

>> No.15685690

This is much better.

>> No.15685735

underrated post

>> No.15686144

i dunno why the fuck are there some trees that are older than the artifacts they've enveloped retard

>> No.15686762


>> No.15687678

They're not human artifacts. They're from angels or elves, depending on which way you go back in time.

>> No.15688057

stop dancing around the question

check out the board you're on

>> No.15689254

>stop dancing around the question
the super elites (above any public figure)

>> No.15689413

Just used reverse image search

>> No.15689911
File: 934 KB, 671x626, Kailash_temple_(Ellora_cave_no_15)_at_Verul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they found whole entire temples inside of solid rock

>> No.15690508


>> No.15691793

tartaria confirmed real.

>> No.15691820

Humans from the Pleiades came to earth hundreds of millions of years ago to colonize and settle this planet while dinosaurs were still roaming across the surface.

>> No.15692849

peat forms continuously, when it dries out it becomes coal, the who process can take less than 100 years

>> No.15693082

the same coal as found in coal mines?

>> No.15693174

We figure out time travel in a few years and its already happened in the past.

>> No.15694360


>> No.15694695

interesting. why do scientists say that coal is 300 million years old then? perhaps their entire time scale is wrong, and they are pushing lies

>> No.15695703

scientists lie about everything, they're compulsive liars

>> No.15695719
File: 191 KB, 1x1, haggin1983.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAGGIN, J. (1983). Argonne Scientists Make Artificial Coal. Chemical & Engineering News, 61(47), 42–43. doi:10.1021/cen-v061n047.p042

>> No.15696442

Fuck, gotta click that link now

>> No.15696472

They're not shitting in the streets.

They're just making smaller versions of their country's greatest wonder.

>> No.15696530

based architects

>> No.15697197 [DELETED] 

why was science so much more productive and powerful in the 20th century than it is now?

>> No.15697390

jews started clamping down on it as the world became more connected which allows information to spread faster

>> No.15698307

That must be part of the """"progress"""" they're always bragging about

>> No.15699937

They powers that be don't want progress, they want everything to stay as it is, with them on top.
They learned the lessons of the industrial revolution, which say the old aristocratic and royal powers replaced by industrialists and bankers. They don't want the same fate for themselves, so they've put a halt on scientific progress

>> No.15699995


>> No.15700969

Are the Himalayas really composed entirely of accumulated fecal matter?

>> No.15700977

>Be me farmer
>I dig up coal from the ground to heat my house and lost my bell in my coal hopper
>2000 years later OP finds my bell next to coal and is amazed it's next to 300 million year coal

>> No.15700984

Also humans haven't been around for 2 million years. That's neither here nor there.

>> No.15702386

imagine the smell

>> No.15703144

imagine they can build that, but they can't figure out plumbing

>> No.15703255


>> No.15703376

You'd think that it would be someone from the coal industry finding things in coal, wouldn't you?

>> No.15703395

does peat sequester carbon and oxygen?

>> No.15704469

coal is all over the place, its only mined where its most economically convenient to do so.

>> No.15704822

go learn some history, all kinds of people were digging up coal for their personal uses. not everyone was a professional miner

>> No.15705567

They should carve some toilets

>> No.15706796

I wonder when the put the fence around it. Maybe years of everyone groping and dry humping is what kept it fresh. I wonder if the fence can have some sort of galvanic reaction through the soil.

>> No.15706797


>> No.15707309

>For example potassium-40, beryllium-10 isotope measurments reuqire the knowledge beforhand how much potassium-40 was originally in a specimen to measure how much is decayed.

you measure the activity 2 times, spaced by a reasonable time, boom, you have \Delta t and C_0. obviously it's not exact, but is at least a good order of magnitude approximation.

>> No.15707916

yes, thats why its a good fuel, it has plenty of stored solar energy to rerelease

>> No.15708495

is it that easy to make shit up? can i carve a hole in a random rock and put my gameboy in it and be famous?

>> No.15708504
File: 1.26 MB, 1500x1000, Son_of_the_Whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me ooga booga
>space daddy kicks your bio-daddy out of Eden
>force yourself into the agricultural age by force
>drop tool into every old pit
>gets absorbed by old material
It’s that simple.

>> No.15709119

I mean in terms of pure plausibility. If the item in question was house in a wooden structure, and there was a fire. The compacted charcoal could be compacted down over time into coal. So the coal in question could by induced by human activity.

>> No.15710335

>oi, are you practicing soience with a loicense, mate?

>> No.15710382

>watches loli porn
>goes on /sci
>open a random link to a random website
>there sees advertisement for loli porn
>in 2023, meaning the way ads work in 2023, meaning they literally have nothing to do with the website and are handled by 3rd party services, which personalize advertisements
>"has" to come back to that /sci thread and post "that website shows loli porn" as a reply to a link for some reason
>gets called out
>"has" to have an obviously defensive psychotic episode of obvious lies

>> No.15710419

Weakest bait I have ever seen.

>> No.15711771

try it

>> No.15712888

good document, i wonder how much more expensive manufactured coal is than natural coal

>> No.15712959

depends on how fast you want it i suppose

>> No.15714421

>coal can be manufactured
i guess that means the coal supply is unlimited and can never run out

>> No.15714924

trees are unlimited, aren't they?

>> No.15715051

Sometimes they're fake. Sometimes they're much younger things that fell down a fissure and ended up in a layer of much older rocks; the rocks may settle and seal the fissure, giving the false impression that the rock formed around the alleged prehistoric artifact.

>> No.15715059
File: 34 KB, 600x541, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>limestones only form in like 300 million years
>no i cant be correct, in fact EVERYONE is an idiot except me!

>> No.15715065
File: 75 KB, 657x539, woah!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pop Archaeology Site
>New Perspectives
>Expert in Artificial Intelligence

>> No.15715070

They invented toilets but lost the technology.

>> No.15715623

india's space program is going to be a hoot, they're going to be shitting in the airlocks and then purging them into space
>designated shitting orbit

>> No.15715922

If shit freezes in orbit does it become coal?