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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15664534 No.15664534 [Reply] [Original]

How does the Covid vaccine cause leprosy?

>> No.15664541

It doesn’t.
>taking a Falun Gong propaganda paper as truth

>> No.15664856 [DELETED] 
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whats wrong with falun gong, the only people it normally upsets are members of the chinese communist party who are forbidden from taking part in the type of traditional chinese religious practices the falun gong engages in. it upset them because they feel ashamed of having sold out their own kind in favor of jewish marxism.
are you chinese?

>> No.15664867

wtf I support the 610 office now.

>> No.15666272

I do support them in the fight against the CCP but that doesn’t mean I will treat them seriously in other topics. It is after all, mostly a religious movement.

>> No.15666852

science is a religious topic.

>> No.15667319
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Why it shouldn't? Those tanks were contaminated with all kinds of shit. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.15668049

>i can't refute the scientific facts so i'll just try attacking the source instead

>> No.15668196

Mycobacterium species are nasty little fuckers with that mycolic acid layer.

>> No.15668199

they make it out of lepers

>> No.15668649

How could a vaccine get contaminated with M. leprae? That's fucking bizarre.

>> No.15668697

It shouldn't.
And since China doesn't wanna harm their expensive organ stock, I doubt that they'd poison them.
Either this is false information, or there has been some kind of bacterial contamination due to inadequate quality control and poor hygienic standards.
Neither would be surprising, it is China, afterall.

>> No.15668977
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How could it not? Big pharma got 100% immunity, they cut costs, and they made sure contaminated batches weren't delivered to the same place.

>> No.15668998

Is this really trying to imply Kissinger is pro-communist

Is that the level we're at now

>> No.15669930 [DELETED] 
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Kissinger is pro jewish, western ZOG capitalism and eastern ZOG communism are just two versions of the same ZOG system. You believe in the various false ideologies that have been taught to you by jews who don't want you to understand what the real conflicts are, because if you understood that then you might start to participate in them instead of wasting your life harmlessly fretting over red vs blue

>> No.15671166

It is for atheists

>> No.15672428 [DELETED] 
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Atheists don't believe in anything, they have no faith, they are faithless and completely unfaithful, they just make up things as they go along, whatever is most convenient to believe in in the moment as dictated to them by their emotions, they not thinking creatures.

>> No.15673518
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>> No.15674973

AP says theres no connection between leprocy and the vaxxxx

Thats how you know there is. They wouldn't have bothered to issue a denial if it wasn't something they were trying to cover up.

>> No.15674995






>> No.15675025

you should have some more faith in the powers that be, goy.

>> No.15675196

it kills your liver which provides energy to your immune system

>> No.15676192


>> No.15676573

no u

>> No.15678035

> They wouldn't have bothered to issue a denial if it wasn't something they were trying to cover up.

astute observation

>> No.15679389
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how mush longer before vaxxies are going to be forced to live in concentration camps?

>> No.15679419 [DELETED] 
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>Atheists don't believe in anything
lucrative misconception
atheists are consumerism zealots

>> No.15679456

You don't think Kissinger is pro-Chinese communism? Are you retarded?

>> No.15680345

this, capitalism and communism are both jewish internationalist false ideologies which work nicely for the jewish divide and conquer tactic

>> No.15680865

>a disease thats been under control for ages
>suddenly is out of control again
nice job science
what are you gonna bring back next?

>> No.15681012

liver damage

>> No.15681023

It doesn't, people's immune systems are failing from lead deficiency.

>> No.15681030

It's a gang who preys on retarded or senile people. They keep it low level in the west.

>> No.15681038




>> No.15682007

immune system suppression due to exposure of S1 protein

>some mechanisms of immunosuppresion
>1. S1 Spike infects monocytes, producing CCL5 and Fractalkine cytokines. Monocytes are long-lived for years, they can build up causing immunosupression and inflammation; see:
SARS-CoV-2 S1 Protein Persistence in SARS-CoV-2 Negative Post-Vaccination Individuals with Long COVID/ PASC-Like Symptoms
Patterson et al
>2. S1 Spike causes immunosupression via supressing the cytokine interferon. People who have been vax'd may have 1\10th the normal level of this cytokine and can be immunosupressed due to it.
>3. Covid can directly infect Monocyte cells via Phagocytosis. The virus replicates itself inside the cellular fluid, which causes the monocyte to undergo pyrosis and allahu ackbar itself causing hyperinflammation.
>In immunosupressed people, herpes simplex viruses, latent lyme disease, latent viruses in DNA that come back out of a person's own DNA. The immunosupression can and will cause cancer, CJD, other shit that usually is kept in check by a healthy immune system-
>It appears in healthy people the infected monocytes die off over a period of time but we don't yet know how that happens or why. Likely there's things people eat that reduce or interfere with fractalkine as without the fractalkine cytokine constantly being interacted with by the infected monocyte, it undergoes normal apoptosis and dies off.

>> No.15682016

It doesn't. Conspiracy retards thought the vax would kill people. Then it didn't. Then they tried saying; "um... well actually... it will kill people in... uh- two more weeks!" Then it didn't. And they are still pushing that date forward, when everyone who got the shot are supposed to drop like flies. Because those retarded conspiracy nuts can't admit they were wrong.

>> No.15682195

You feel alright?

>> No.15683667
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>Then it didn't.

>> No.15683678

Specifically, typhoid, ebv, hpv, herpes, tuburculosis, whoping cough, all previously under control, mostly without vaccines except for whopping cough endemia among south americans

But somehow the unvaxxed are to blame...

>> No.15683685

Oh i forgot

Candida, various benign intestinal bacteria, endemic blood sepsis

>> No.15684254 [DELETED] 


>> No.15685660 [DELETED] 

good movie

>> No.15686774

nice job science, you brought back leprosy. what sort of wonderful progress are you going to deliver next?

>> No.15688707

They're going to being back rickets next, its so retro and cool

>> No.15690300

>consumerism zealots
sure, but consumerist trends change the second shlomo decides to change them. if sholmo shilled the uncle ted shed lifestyle, consumerist would be doing that.

>> No.15690309
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Those damn antivax retards are bringing back leprosy! What next? Small pox?

>> No.15691855 [DELETED] 

The covid shot wasn't a vaccine

>> No.15691962

They killed that man because he knew too much. He only wanted to gather evidence those fuckers in DC were playing dirty against him, but what he found is that they were playing dirty against everyone who is not part of their club.

>> No.15691970
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If you want that shit then get vaxxed in your fucked asshole you stupid moron. And eat the bug you piece of shit.

>> No.15691978

Millions were killed by that bio terrorist weapon created in ukraine, and is your fault you piece of shit.

>> No.15693002 [DELETED] 

vaxxxxie holocaust best day of my life

>> No.15694389 [DELETED] 

fact checkers only focus on protecting lies

>> No.15695680 [DELETED] 

It was gene therapy with modified rna

>> No.15697255 [DELETED] 

Vaxxxies are already good at social distancing, they'll make find lepers, that bell on a stick thing is right up their alley

>> No.15698244


>> No.15698478

damages yr immune system generally? Most people are immune to leprosy but if the immune sys is down?

>> No.15699969 [DELETED] 


>> No.15700982

COVID-19 vaccination and leprosy-A UK hospital-based retrospective cohort study

>> No.15701123
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Lets go back in time:
Spanish flu.
Soldiers recieved multiple shots.
Standard of care was mercury, arsenic, high doses of opiates and dimethyl ether.

symptoms of "spanish" flu literally looked like horrific poisoning.

"The slow suffocation began when patients presented with a unique symptom: mahogany spots over their cheekbones. Within hours these patients turned a bluish-black hue indicative of cyanosis, or lack of oxygen. When triaging scores of new patients, nurses often looked at the patients' feet first. Those with black feet were considered beyond help and were carted off to die."

People literally got necrosis after the fucking treatments, because they were poisoned.
They turned purple and black.
Does not sound like a "flu" to me.
More like "leprosy".

Also it is not "leprosy" it is simply poisoning until the tissue starts necrotizing.
With the coof vaxx it's the same.
The lots differ, the PH of the shots differ, therfore the composition differs.
Meaning: Some shots contained poison some less some virutally nothing.

They did this before, and even with the "small pox vaccine".

"Pox Britannica: Smallpox Inoculation in Britain"
>give people arsenic and mercury to "purge them before inoculation"
>they die "muhst be the smallpox"

>> No.15702453

good research, thanks

>> No.15702477

the vaxx is meant to replace your immune system, which guarantees a massive lifelong customer base. PROFIT!

>> No.15703470

>if sholmo shilled the uncle ted shed lifestyle
they shill the "live in a pod" aspect of the uncle ted shed lifestyle

>> No.15704677


>> No.15705583

>How does the Covid vaccine cause leprosy?
hopefully it does it rapidly and vengefully

>> No.15705739

Kissinger might not be pro-communist, he is pro-soviet and pro-chink, because he's a cold war schizo who in retarded garbage like "the balance of superpowers", "spheres of influnce" and a "multipolar world" and all this shit.
He has been left behind by the 90s and has never learned to adapt to the world we live in today.
His thinking is that we ought to tolerate the Russians, because they are inheritors of a superpower. But one look at Russia can reveal the truth. They're a mafia state. We ought to tolerate the Chinese, because they are so powerful, but one look behind the propaganda curtain reveals that it is all a lie.

Kissinger is pro-CCP.

>> No.15707041

>the uncle ted shed lifestyle
you will own nothing and you will be vengeful and angry

>> No.15707847

he is pro jewish, nothing else. communism, capitalism, etc. are all fictions invented and shilled by the jews to draw people away from racial awareness

>> No.15709195

>We're importing chickenpox, measles, leprosy, polio, and other communicable diseases thanks to Biden administration immigration policies

>> No.15710365
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clearly the work of politicians who are deeply concerned with the welfare of their citizens

>> No.15711235

No. Living in Florida does.

>> No.15711739

Why are you so butthurt about Florida?

>> No.15711777

sleepy joe is tougher on immigration than trumpinho was (not on rhetoric obv)

>> No.15712192

I'm not. I just want to troll the illibs.

>> No.15713049


>> No.15714491

good quote

>> No.15715540

>get vaxxx'd
sure am glad i'm not a vaxxxie

>> No.15716890 [DELETED] 

any of the vaxxxxies of /sci/ get leprosy yet?

>> No.15717992

Thanks OP, that explains why my fingers all started to fall off after I got the vaxxx

>> No.15719421

>communism, capitalism, etc. are all fictions invented and shilled by the jews to draw people away from racial awareness

>> No.15720311 [DELETED] 

Whats wrong with leprosy? I seriously hope you guys aren't all a bunch of leprophobes

>> No.15720723 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15722086 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15722297

Why is everybody getting leprosy
They can be treated with mycylic medicine then all their guts fall out >:)
I love these jokes and remember them from somewhere

>> No.15722568

They are already innit.

>> No.15722725
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Related to this >>15707996 (horse dewormer "vaccine") (don't know what that word means anymore)

>> No.15722966

>what are you gonna bring back next?
I thought that's what all the fear and social distancing and don't go enjoy the outdoors stuff was about.

>> No.15724192 [DELETED] 

and their health

>> No.15725489 [DELETED] 

stop being so leprophobic