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15664301 No.15664301 [Reply] [Original]

Is eating bugs good for you?

>> No.15664325
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I wish I could afford a delicious bug burger but my social credit score is too low.

>> No.15664335

can you get taurine and glycine from bugs in actually significant numbers?

>> No.15664348

Some (not many) bugs probably taste good when heavily processed. Not that I'd want to try them more than once. NPR is metrosexual beyond belief.

>> No.15664398
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Depends on the bug

>> No.15664438

Americans stuff themselves with all kinds of unholy slop but eating bugs is a step too far?

>> No.15664451

>you vill eat ze bugz and you vill be happy
you better watch out, you might lose your job if you refuse the bugs.

>> No.15664455
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Sorry, can't eat them.

>> No.15664470

not when your behavior is endangering the whole of human species. this time it is important to eat ze bugs and trust the science you bigoted racyst

>> No.15664592

1st article - mostly Italian last names (that are struggling for credit) trying to create a market that doesn’t exist, that’s going to be a challenge for them innit
2nd article - right wingers are copying pol, saying a shadowy Jewish cabal is trying to get their slaves to eat bugs (not transcribed, no way I’m listening to that)

>> No.15664608

It doesn't matter if you can get those or not. You are the slave class, you don't need a large brain or body.
Ze verld egonomic vohum will do your thinking for you.

>> No.15664614

>that’s going to be a challenge for them innit
hence the articles.

>> No.15665106

>oy vey you goys need to eat the bugs!

>> No.15665110
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Absolutely, even better if you cut your penis. Is good for you.

>> No.15665182

Well people click them and morals don’t keep them in business so they’ll keep producing bait and you’ll keep clicking.

>> No.15665241
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3x more nutritious

>> No.15665245
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80% of countries already eat them

>> No.15665247
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Don't you want to solve world hunger?

>> No.15665249
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They taste meaty

>> No.15665252

No it's not, it's gut inflammation and a shit amino acid profile. It's not human food and you should not eat it.

>> No.15665253
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You won't notice a difference in taste

>> No.15665258
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65% protein, literally the food of the future

>> No.15665260
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Cost of living crisis solved

>> No.15665263

Why would a right winger be against this?
a cheap source of animal protein would make the nation stronger, boost peoples testosterone, and combat obesity
I support it

>> No.15665264
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Don't you want to embrace an eco-friendly diet?

>> No.15665266
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Billions of people already eat insects and have no health problems

>> No.15665268

no but
is letting bugs eat you better?
like cause ur brain is just particles and atoms and somehow they connect making conscious
so if u let bugs eat you WHILE ur still conscious you will technically live forever cause other bugs will be eaten and stuff
or would it be better to have a mushroom or tree planted on your brain while ur still alive about to die?

>> No.15665271
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In the future most of us will be allergic to red meat anyway

>> No.15665275
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Okay chud, if you insist you can still complement your bug diet with some lab grown celebrity meat

>> No.15665287
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You won't even notice the bugs when presented as a delicious square meal

>> No.15665288

>scientists claim
yeah no, whatever they can take away from you they'll keep for them anyway. whatever you give away you lose forever, you are never getting it back. you will also face enormous social pressure into doing it. it will be very hard to keep it, you will most likely give it away. kinda like you got vaxxed. and you will fool yourself that at least it helped the planet. it won't. know why? because all those resources billionaires saved, they are going to monetize them with something else. they won't build trees instead of farms and grain fields, oh no.

>> No.15665291
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And here's the variant for wypipo who don't want no season in dey food

>> No.15665299

mmm cock milk. yummy.

>> No.15665300
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Chicken will eat ze bugs for me.

>> No.15665345

I love how they tried pushing this and the disgusting impossible meat shit with the entire force of their media industrial complex and it still flopped.

>> No.15665424
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People act like you need to have a dysfunctional schizo brain that forms incorrect lateral connections due to tangled axions to have reasoning like this. When in reality, all you need is the ability to deduce trivial cause and effect and correlations from information that is publicly presented to you.
Seriously, how could anyone fucking believe that a tick could naturally have this evolution occur at the exact same moment that powerful people brag about doing such modifications. An evolution that has never been seen before, produces an illness with multiple previously unobserved characteristics, and that solely effects humans, a non-primary host, due to an extremely obscure unique trait. Not only that, there is no cure and there is no treatment (the desensitization has only worked on 2 people). It's not us seeing patterns and connections where there are none, it is YOUR incapability to make ANY logical deductions without being told by an authority there is one.

>> No.15665430
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>8 sided hexagons

>> No.15665473
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>noooo you can't eat those helpless innocent cows, thats so mean
>sure the cows are massive and could easily trample you to death without feeling the slightest pangs of remorse
>eat these harmless bugs instead, its somehow less abusive to victimize smaller creatures that are completely nonthreatening
>eat these plants that can't even runaway or put up any kind of defense at all

>> No.15665480

>do thing cause thing was done 2 trillion years ago, fuck science and, evolution

>> No.15665558
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Swiss guy here. None of the footage shows what they sell at coop. They don't scoop dozens of locusts for you. The insect stuff looks like any other highly processed burger patty or meatballs, no matter if it's beef, "beyond something" or, in this case, some protein from mealworms.
It's funny how those WEF schizos apparently never even have been to Switzerland to protest by against the WEF. You only ever see leftists protest. Not that they eat bugs, but if you go to a Swiss supermarket, you just see them.

>> No.15665571

>We're making food scarcity non relevant so that humans can over populate and create more starving people in a tighter amount of space and essentially more suffer.

>But the population is actually decreasing since nobody wants children

>So society imports a bunch of conservative people and feed them bugs so they overpopulate

>Then they lose everything because that was a terrible idea and those people hate capitalism.

>Also a lot of human suffering and suddenly.

I mean, where exactly are we going with this? Can we just season the fuck out of them and use them as a crunchy exotic snack? This shit has been a thing in Mexico since forever.

>> No.15665970

The impossible whopper is better than the actual whopper

>> No.15665981

Thanks for the clarification swissbro, journalism is the bane of society

>> No.15665984
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If the oligarchy is obsessed with getting the plebs they despite to do something, that something probably isn't good for you. "Science" is an irrelevant red herring in this discussion in principle, and nutritional "science" is worthless in general.

>> No.15665990
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>they don't literally shovel live bugs into your shopping bag
>they process it first so it looks edible
Are you even a real person at this point?

>> No.15666022

i genuinely don't see anything with eating insects

>> No.15666031

That's because you're genuinely an insect yourself.

>> No.15666053

Humiliation ritual

>> No.15666057

Yeah, this is literally the best solution, it gives you at least two layers of abstraction to reduce disease and contamination

>> No.15666060

Give me the lipid and amino acid breakdown

>> No.15666854

chitin is indigestible

>> No.15666857

how much chitin in mealworms?

>> No.15666862

Doesn't matter as long as you use it as a pizza topping.

>> No.15666865

Avian influenza?

>> No.15667984

probably about 10%

>> No.15668088

Jokes on you faggots, I am already racist!

>> No.15668348

Maybe you should question what influenza actually is first.

>> No.15668397

bugs are for ze goyim

>> No.15668412

Bugs are fucking stupid
They have a feed conversion ratio of 2.1 just like Chicken and Tilapia. They also produce less digestible protein for that 1 pound of meat to 2 pounds of feed. I really don’t know why bugs are pushed.

They are even more susceptible to disease. There have been cricket and mealworm shortages in the reptile feed trade because they aren’t good at high density

>> No.15668420

>I don't know why bugs are pushed
Humiliation ritual.

>> No.15668427

It’s a wasteful one, just pump poopy tilapia water into rice patties and you can produce more protein with minimal environmental impact besides space used than bugs.
You’ll get 4000lbs of rice to feed your tilapia per acre and suck up the nitrates you produce.

>> No.15668440

What about Oysters? I remember oysters used to be considered poor man's food and harvested on mass to feed london, infact there are entire areas of london literally built on oyster shells, bones and other rubbish.
The human sewage flowing into the thames was used to feed them out on the deltas.

>> No.15668456

Probably more site specific than the combo I mentioned but oyster aquaculture is very big

>> No.15668571

What does the schizophrenic mean by this?

>> No.15668796

no I am literally a human

>> No.15668871

post antennae bug boy

>> No.15668929

i can show you my human genitalia

>> No.15669191

lobsters were for poor ppl in early america.

>> No.15669908

do it faggot

>> No.15670269

That and trying to destroy traditional ways of life. ZOG hates cattle ranchers

>> No.15671326

>goys can eat bugs, but jews are too good to eat them

>> No.15672464

oysters are too healthy, they want to feed people food which lacks nutritional value in order to weaken them

>> No.15673200

>new York POST
Bonk, back of the line

>> No.15673276

>He thinks you can't digest mushrooms
You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

>> No.15673290

chitin is inflammatory and causes cancer

they are trying to kill you

>> No.15673303

How much milk can a single cockroach even produce? Like 1/8 tsp MAYBE? How many cockroaches would you need to produce even a single gallon of milk? I can't imagine milking something that small being remotely efficient enough to be worth it.

>> No.15673310
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>> No.15673311

You only think that because the impossible patty is cooked on the same grill as real patties so it gets cooked in real burger juice and fat. From there, the psychosomatic effect of the perceived moral superiority advertised to you takes you the rest of the way.

>> No.15673317

those two headlines aren't in contradiction with each other. you have literal brain retardation.

>> No.15673318

This isn't milk, it's just crushed up bugs mixed with water.

>> No.15673322

>We are trying to convince Americans to eat bugs!
Wholesome, wonderful, planet-saving idea.
>They are trying to convince Americans to eat bugs!
Dangerous, racist, right-wing conspiracy theory.

>> No.15673329
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>crush up disgusting cadaver-eating maggots into slop
>make africans eat it
low key based
seafoods go in and out of fashion, but oysters have been eaten as an aphrodisiac since roman times

>> No.15673338

The best part is that none of them looked like they were enjoying it even before being told it was made from bugs, and then when that was revealed it was like a lightbulb went on in each of their heads as they thought, "Oh, so THAT'S why this tastes like shit."

>> No.15673692

I think it's more about the right wingers being racists who are convinced "DA JEWS" want to make them eat bugs. Everybody knows that the elites want to make us eat bugs. Also that Jews are over represented in the elites. Don't think about that too hard please.

>> No.15673744

>before Jews eat lettuce or other produce known to be infested with bugs
>before Jews eat
>known to be infested


>> No.15673937

Are you stupid? Only mammals produce milk.

>> No.15674863

>insects don't produce CO2

>> No.15674870

I'm not the one who first mentioned cockroach milk, retard.

>> No.15674874

I'm an apex predator, I can eat anything with animal protein in it, that includes bugs.

>> No.15674893

>Gongylonema Pulchrum
>uses insects as an intermediate host to infect livestock
>feeds on endothelial tissue
>infects humans through insect contamination in food
>a jar of peanut butter can have more than 150 insect bits
Any chance if everybody started eating bugs these worms could become a major health problem?

>> No.15674900

Pretty much, yup.

>> No.15674901

>90% lean beef

>> No.15674938

he (>>15665970) is not being serious

>> No.15674943

what fresh hell is this?

>> No.15674994

>those WEF schizos
You mean the WEF? That's their video.

>> No.15674999

I never got the whole "I hate le bugs" thing.
Bugs are quite yummy!

>> No.15675005
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>I never got the whole "I hate le bugs" thing.
>Bugs are quite yummy!

>> No.15675042

You're just mad that I'm enjoying meaty yummy bug snacks.

>> No.15675045

chitin is oncogenic because it is inflammatory, and is ingested in VERY large amounts from insects. particularly if it is processed and ground up.

it will distribute to every single inch of your vascular system and give you cancer and hypertension

they're trying to kill you

>> No.15675054

I mean, jesus fucking christ. even animals avoid eating chitin if they can. have you EVER seen an animal eating a bug shell? even birds try not to do it.

I hope all these bug eaters catch cancer and die. fucking idiots

>> No.15675057

We could just not eat chitin. Or eat worms.

>> No.15675060

there is no way to remove the chitin without using industrial solvents.

if you use mechanical processing, it only makes the chitin a superfine powder,r which enhances oncogenicity

industrial solvents destroy the quality of the meat, and open up other health problems

I have a better idea. YOU eat the bugs. YOU die. fuck you kike. I am in favor of giving iran nukes simply so they can wipe you off the planet

>> No.15675068

Ok, I agree that eating chitin seems impossible with industrial removal. What if we could give humans symbiotic bacteria to digest the chitin?
Also, worms are still available. What's your opinion on worms?

>> No.15675071

What is "shelling crustaceans"?

>> No.15675076

My opinion is get into the oven you fucking kike

>> No.15675087

Rude. Someone has to eat all ze bugs.

>> No.15675090

>chitinschizo posts on /sci/
I guess I'm not really surprised.

>> No.15675136

This whole thread is just an excuse for OP’s schizoposting

>> No.15675143

Yes, Nagano province in Japan eats shitloads of insects and they have the longest average life-expectancy of any province in Japan


>> No.15675147

Why are schizos so obsessed with chitin when insect-based food in supermarkets is made with mealworms? Do they contain large amounts of chitin? I thought that chitin was the hard part of the shells.

>> No.15675154

>why are retards obsessed with retarded theories

Truly a mystery for the ages

>> No.15675159

Why are kikes obsessed with poisoning the food supply?

Food pyramid
Heavy metals contamination

Gee I wonder why

>> No.15675175

Why are retards believing the same conspiracy theories for centuries, if not even millennia? There's no proof of Jews poisoning anything, but there's plenty of proof of schizos lying about it since the medieval times. Also,

As carcinogenic as red meat. Are you a vegan?
>Food pyramid
Dumb concept, especially since it implies that meat and dairy are essential. Again, you sound like a vegan.
>Heavy metals contamination
I mean, "ze joooos" aren't behind any of this, but the word contamination already implies that no one did this on purpose.
How is it poisonous if it is so non-reactive that it stays in the environment and animals forever? Also, what do the Jews have to do with this or anything you talk about?

>> No.15676287

Is that an actual headline?

>> No.15676321

Who knows? Who cares? Even if it's a parody, it still illustrates something that's true.

>> No.15676455

>But the population is actually decreasing since nobody wants children
No, its not. The population is still going up, and will continue to do so.
The RATE at which the population increases is going down, but trust me, it will keep going up.
There were less than 6 billion people on the planet when I was born. We are over 8 billion now.
we will easily crossed the 10 billion mark before I die.

>> No.15676472

>t. utterly braindead
He's talking about native European populations, many of which are decreasing exponentially on account of the birth rates being abysmal and far below replacement rates.

>> No.15676483

>have you EVER seen an animal eating a bug shell?
all the fucking time

i'm not convinced you've ever been outside

>> No.15676490

Jews can eat some insects according to the Torah (four wings that cover most of the body, four legs for walking, plus two upper legs with joints for leaping). So many species of grasshopper and locust would be kosher.

I believe that some Rabbinic traditions forbid that, but for stupid reasons since it literally says you can eat them in the Torah.

>> No.15676523

>even animals avoid eating chitin if they can
Literally every freshwater fish, basically all birds, most squamate reptiles, virtually all amphibians, every animal that eats fungi, anteaters, shrews, possums, hedgehogs, moonrats, bears, humans

>> No.15676608

the best part about it is the human digestive tract - yes, that includes yours - produces an enzyme called "chitinase"

know what that enzyme does?

it shreds chitin into simple sugars for digestion. any chitin you eat never gets out of your digestive tract unless you've literally got a perforation in it somewhere

also, inflammation isn't carcinogenic (oncogenes are genes that are carcinogenic; "oncogenic" is nonsensical) - in fact, it is your immune system going "some shit here ain't supposed to be here" and is part of successful immune response to cancer. besides, the only way for chitin to cause that is either a) it somehow got out of your digestive tract and into your bloodstream (there's a much, much bigger problem than chitin intake here if that's the case) or b) an allergic reaction to it (which is plausible - especially for people not exposed to it much in their diets)

for the record, i will neither eat nor recommend to eat insects - i just don't want to, and i have enough respect for people not to make it some retarded virtue signaling issue. what i don't have respect for is retards who don't know what chitin is and think there's a conspiracy to replace food with something that nobody has even been able to figure out how to farm at large enough scales to compete with animal protein

>> No.15676616 [DELETED] 
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>t. pic related
Didn't read.

>> No.15676623

>think there's a conspiracy to replace food with something that nobody has even been able to figure out how to farm at large enough scales to compete with animal protein
I guess it's not much of a "conspiracy" when they actively advertise this plan day in and day out.

>> No.15676624

Asian populations - including China - are also in decline

China's population in particular has very likely been in decline for longer than they admit. as in "it probably peaked in the mid-2000s and has been declining ever since, and likely never reached 1.4 billion, let alone crossed it"

>> No.15676646

who? who are these people with impossible insect farms? where the hell is all this insect protein coming from?

you know what? two replies this quickly, both /pol/ tier, makes me suspect this whole thing is a flerfer-esque distraction.
the shill handlers know now that "eat ze bugs" is logistically infeasible, so they amplify it in circles that don't like the WEF to poison the well under a false flag.
the WEF's goal was always to erode individual ownership - that's probably what's being smokescreened here. make it seem like the thing people are upset with is some imaginary Jewish bug farming cabal in an attempt to tie the public's disdain for "you will own nothing" to a strategy that the WEF largely abandoned and racism.

they even tried to tie it to vaccine denial already - i remember the "vaccines make chitin" retard, motherfuckers

well, it won't work the same way flerfers didn't work. regular people aren't the ones falling for the false flag bullshit OR the ones distracted by it - your handlers are wasting their efforts.

>> No.15676708

I'll eat shrimp and I would probably try a grasshopper if somebody else was eating them but I am not eating processed bugs or mealworms or shit like that

>> No.15676715

>who? who are these people with impossible insect farms? where the hell is all this insect protein coming from?
Who cares? What relevance does this have to what I've pointed out? Are you so much of an automaton that you can't even pick a skeptoid cliche that fits the context?

>muh /pol/
>muh antisemitism
Your kind is unwanted here.

>> No.15676717

>all that incoherent psychotic rambling
tough day at the shill farm, kike?

>> No.15676721


anyone trying to treat you like less than a human being
deserves to be hanged

>> No.15676726

>i remember the "vaccines make chitin" retard, motherfuckers
It's the same schizo. His schizo brain has linked the very real and harmful vaxx push with the also real eat the bugs campaign, and come up with the silly conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is chitin. You could be right that it's just well poisoning I guess, but if so it's very nicely crafted to look like a genuine kind of schizo reasoning.

>> No.15676729
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>> No.15676882

the texture on that is probably great. probably melts in your mouth but still has a nice crunch.

>> No.15676908

> the very real and harmful vaxx push
> the also real eat the bugs campaign
> let's all point and laugh at this guy being slightly more schizo than me

>> No.15676973

>Don't trust your lying eyes.

>> No.15677028

Whatever happened to processed food to being bad?

>> No.15678201
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>> No.15678203

so why are insects worse than other animal foods?

>> No.15678230

The problem with bugs is that it probably tastes like nothing, unless the bugs ate seasoning while alive, it would just taste like seasoning and nothing.
Had the same issue with those tourist trap dried maggots

>> No.15679552

you should eat a lot of bugs and find out for yourself

>> No.15679570

>so why are insects worse than other animal foods?
1. It's revolting
2. It's an act of humiliation
3. Nobody knows what the health consequences would be

>> No.15680277
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What about building fuck ton of nuclear rectors and having energy abundance?
We can make plug it right to vertical farms to make them actually viable so they produce fuck tons of green feed for fuck ton of beef. We can also afford to plug all sorts of industrial wastes back into the system, effectively capturing fuck ton of carbon.
Cut this austerity shit. Birth rates are already abysmal. No overpop worries.
They're going out of their way, trying so damn hard to not offer an iota of hope for the future.

>> No.15680325
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Oysters (and mussels) are dense in micronutrients, especially ones that boost virility. Very oy vey. Same reason they don't push for bacteria goo type of things. You would think that would be in the same ballpark for pursuing ruthless efficiency, but you see, fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut are really healthy. Bacteria are well digested. The humiliation ritual schizos are probably right. They push specifically the unhealthy shit.

I don't know if this inflammatory chitin thing is true. If it is, it does ring a very similar tune to the whole replacing animal fats with refined carbs and vegetable oils bullshit. That's a very inflammatory combo. Obesity is obvious. Cardiovascular and metabolic (diabetes) are hugely boosted, but it also causes a myriad of other diseases not to mention more subtle quality of life reductions. There are few docs now who reverse diabetes and even cardiovascular plaque/calcification by just cutting these out and feeding patients mostly red fat meat lol. Evolutionary biologists are probably shaking their heads sarcastically saying who could've thought.

Oh and of course, the obvious: This continues the same vein as replacing animal protein with a subpar ersatz: onions protein. A cope, essentially. A cope by a civilization that can't feed its people what cavemen could. All because they denied the embracing glow of the Atom. What fools they are! But it doesn't have to be that way my brothers. It is time to embrace the Atom. The power of Atom will put us back on the Kardashev line. The power of Atom will let us settle the stars, let us get up close and bask in their Atomic glory to its fullest!

>> No.15680361

Ironically I'm both the person you replied to and the one proposing the humiliation ritual idea. I see it more as a rationalisation that schizo jumps.

I remember some guy claiming there was chitin growth caused by the vax,

>> No.15680378

>A cope, essentially. A cope by a civilization that can't feed its people what cavemen could
I recommend reading Gregory Clark's a farewell to alms he covers that topic by the simple relationship of subsistance diets and population size

>> No.15680839

>onions protein
its extremely suspicious that we're not allowed to discuss the east asian estrogen bean here by name.
they clearly don't want /sci/ to be investigating that topic

>> No.15680864

>dying traditon
Doesn't seem like a 'shit load', does it?

>> No.15681299

Is garlic good for you or bad?
I feel like some foody blog isn't that reliable a source.

>> No.15681331

>people with money eat small amounts of expensive insects
>they have the longest average life-expectancy
>therefore WEF cricket powder will make me live longer
""""Democracy"""" is a failure, case in point.

>> No.15681651

when they say "companies" they mean "we"

>> No.15681658

>those two headlines aren't in contradiction with each other. you have literal brain retardation.
Putting these two headlines side by side to highlight out some irony that's lost on you isn't in contradiction with your assessment that the headlines are not mutually exclusive. Did your tiny mind manage to follow me?

>> No.15681673

garlic is poisonous to humans but it's significantly less poisonous to humans than it is to everything else, including all sorts of parasites and vampires
so it's better to eat it than it is to not eat it

>> No.15681734

Stuff like that has cropped up in herpetology, crickets spread pinworms and nematodes

>> No.15681736

Worms aren’t bugs, they are closer to notachords

>> No.15681741

Mealworms aren’t used to feed captive reptiles anymore because their nutrient profile is awful and leads to intestinal blockages and shortening the life span of insects eating species. If it can kill a gecko it’s probably not good for you

>> No.15681771

>it's good for birds!!
>>but it's bad for rodents!!
>but it's good for fish!!
>>but it's bad for geckos!!
>but it's good for chinks and this obscure pygmy tribe!
You people are so stupid it hurts. Here's the bottom line: nobody knows if it's good for HUMANS and the people trying to feed it to you don't care. They're gonna test it on you and hope it's bad.

>> No.15681842

>we'll sell you this by showing you a heap of crawling maggots
Those guys really must be reptiles or something.

>> No.15682032

Humans have eaten insects for our entire evolutionary line, even before we evolved into modern humans.
Are you pretending that primates and monkeys don't eat bugs?

>> No.15682037

Literally every point I made stands completely undisputed. I don't know why you even bothered posting.

>> No.15682051

No, it blows out all 3 points. Humans are primates and primates eat bugs
It's not humiliating
It's not revolting
There are no bad long term effects from eating insects
You're the same guy who would scream about "your owners and programmers" and would post that retarded schizo meme about the French guy talking about a mass extermination via a vaccine. It never happened buddy. Your worldview is incorrect. I thought we already went over this

>> No.15682059

>Humans are primates and primates eat bugs
So? What follows from that? Is your corporate-addled mind even capable of logical reasoning or have you devolved into a meat GPT stringing together statistically plausible phrases?

>it's not humiliating
>It's not revolting
That's for me to decide, not for you, cretin.

>> No.15682064

Why is it humiliating and revolting

>> No.15682067

>Why is it humiliating and revolting
I decided so and I'm the final authority on that, for completely obvious reasons. Still waiting for you to explain what you think follows, logically, from the fact that "primates eat bugs".

>> No.15682076

HUMANS eat bugs as well as other primates you fucking idiot. There are hundreds of millions of humans who are perfectly healthy where insects are a staple of their diet. Your ancestors also ate a shitload of bugs.
Why is eating bugs revolting or humiliating? I don't eat bugs I'm not from a culture where it's normal. I went to Mexico and ate them, it was fine.

>> No.15682080

Omnivore = can eat pretty much everything
insectivore = eats bugs

where do humans fit?

>> No.15682090

>There are hundreds of millions of humans who are perfectly healthy where insects are a staple of their diet
>perfectly healthy
Irrelevant weasel terminology.

>hundreds of millions of humans
From which Europeans are notably separate and distinct.

>Your ancestors also ate a shitload of bugs.
My ancestors have stopped eating bugs countless generations ago, and it's impossible to assess how eating bugs affected them in the long term when they did.

>Why is eating bugs revolting or humiliating?
I decided so. Are you mentally ill? Why are you cycling over the same thing over and over?

>> No.15682098

Is this about some yanmaya pride shit? Are you a white woman of Anglo Germanic descent living in the middle of the country?

>> No.15682102

Notice how you keep devolving into irrelevant reddit insults every time you get BTFO?

>> No.15682143

Here's the bottom line:
1. I don't know how "perfectly healthy" people in third world shitholes (with significantly lower life expectancies) are.
2. I wouldn't know what to attribute their relative healthiness (or lack thereof) to, given the sheer number of other nutritional differences.
3. I don't know that bugs are such a staple that they're eaten in quantities equivalent to Western meat consumption (which bugs are supposed to replace)
4. There are hundreds of millions of Europeans who are perfectly happy where milk is a stable of their diet. Let's try that with Abbos and see how the chronic bowel inflammation treats them.
But these are all small-picture details for small minds like you to argue among themselves. Here's the big picture: no matter how much you insist on your smoothbrain heuristics, it won't change the fact that you don't KNOW the potential consequences of your proposition. All you can do is try to convince me for why your guesses are justified, but I don't care and I don't need to care. I am perfectly in the right asserting that I would be taking an unecessary risk participating in your vile experiment.

>> No.15682420

name calling is a last resort then the central point of the argument presented is irrefutable

>> No.15682869

if you're a bugman no prob
otherwise bad
kinda like dairy products

>> No.15682876

define "scientists" here plz

>> No.15682891

so processed food is good now?

>> No.15682932

Why are jews lactose intolerant?

>> No.15683070


>> No.15684092
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>> No.15684263

cockroaches are mammals now.

>> No.15684269

They should look at the polls and the general political mood in Europe and contemplate why insects might be eating them soon. People are getting really tired of them.

>> No.15684293

so many gimmicks to make me eat satan's food

>> No.15684537
File: 44 KB, 308x308, mmmhm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to eat bugs bcuz we r eating 2 many other animals and therz not enuf of them
>the solution is eating more animals rather than, perhaps, eating other things that aren't animals
>like bread

irony also of living in this culture where americans had ever been chastised by foreigners for talking about food.
>meanwhile, foreigners:
>"bugs, chicks, cats, dogs, dolphins, horses, monkeys"

maybe americans should just start eating foreigners.

>> No.15684555

Feed conversion for chicken is wrong
They are messaging the chicken numbers so bugs look better

>> No.15684908

>dont eat animal foods
>eat bread
you are retarded

>> No.15685453

How convenient

>> No.15685815

>people who don't like the WEF are schizos
I think you still have some schwab on your face there sweetie.

>> No.15685934

Kek is this a parody?

>> No.15685946

Nukes aren't real.

>> No.15685962

Why, because it doesn't factor in egg production ?
No because even if these numbers are massaged, and chicken are already insect-tier in their propaganda, the real efficiency must be insane.

>> No.15686732
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its science

>> No.15686955
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>> No.15687195

>Blend cockroach guts into a creamy liquid
>Call it milk

>> No.15687197

Stonetoss can be pretty fucking retarded sometimes.

>> No.15687216
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>> No.15687232

That's better. Stonetoss has redeemed himself.

>> No.15687367

considering the WEF is in an enclave with their own police i suspect protesting would be impossible

>> No.15687374

the population isnt going up in europe or north america. Yet we are alwys told we must stop having kids

>> No.15687400

>Humans have eaten insects for our entire evolutionary line
In times of famine. Why do you want to reduce humans to eating famine food? Are you evil?

>> No.15687401
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anyone know where I can get a kippah with a cool design?
asking for a friend.

>> No.15687406

chicken flu?

>> No.15687411

>Humans are primates and primates eat bugs
Baboons eat each other and gorillas eat shit. Ought we do the same?
Cows eat grass, and we’re mammals after all, should we start eating grass anon?

>It’s not humiliating
No, it’s clearly humiliation, forcing your subjects to eat animal feed.
This is the mind of a leftist ‘scientist’. You are evil.

>> No.15687412
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>> No.15687413

Reduce everything to nothing.
sure thing buddy.

All you get from eating boogs is eating like those inferior asian nations that only ever god anywhere because the white man conquered them and built shit.

>> No.15687456

Making Jewish people eat bugs is highly anti-Semitic

>> No.15687466

>Claim: Shadowy cabal is trying to get their slaves to eat bugs

>Fact check: FALSE, there is no shadowy JEWISH cabal trying to make people eat bugs

They always add a specific modifier before "fact checking" something they want to cast as untrue.

>> No.15688129

>but I don't care and I don't need to care.
Ah but goy the environment needs you to surrender your right to choose what you eat to the state. The science demands it!

>> No.15688143

if i blended steak into a pastey fluid it’d have a nutrient value too

>> No.15688148

>crickets 7.2g fibre
since when did insects contain cellulose? are they counting stomach contents?

>> No.15688167

yep, and the midwits infesting sci cant figure it out

>> No.15688176

Joke's on you, there is a shadowy JEWISH cabal trying to make people eat bugs.

>> No.15688685
File: 36 KB, 495x619, Megasoma.rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you fags are all stuck eating crickets and mealworms, I will be making mega gains eating giant stag and rhino beetles

>> No.15688697

>eating bugs is for the environment, the battle is just getting people to accept it
Why not just farm shrimp and other sea bugs people already like to eat then? Surely it’s easier to raise a few million shrimp than a bunch of cattle

>> No.15688742

i will not eat the bugs
the bugs are my friends

>> No.15690283

Forced bug eating is a humiliation ritual, it has nothing to do with environmentalism

>> No.15690399
File: 484 KB, 748x748, 1692856617741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new generation seems to like bugs.

>> No.15690410

The whole point is that they don't know any better. These people get a sick pleasure out of corrupting something innocent.

>> No.15690418

they lead with arguments for health, altruistic benefit, then they always push with addictive substances that cause disease and that this is equivalent to happiness.

then they pull with the argument that addiction and boundless drug induced pleasure is a human right. sequentially, health, altruism, benefits, and happiness itself all fall by the wayside, and no longer enter into the equation.

>> No.15690425

Crickets are vile creatures that I wouldn’t even feed to a reptile. The fuckers stink and bite and cannibalise and are full of worms and like to die off on mass

>> No.15690456

It's not there's no reason why people can't enjoy them other then eww Yuckie bugs.
No one is pushing you to eat bugs they are just posting dumb green startups by hippie venture capitalists typing to solve the climate crisis

>> No.15690459

>No one is pushing you to eat bugs
Why are you lying? Who are you lying to? Who will believe you except your shill farm coworkers or people in line for their 6th booster?

>> No.15690465

Vaccines aren't bad they helped push humanity to the modern area unless upu believe small pox and polio were a new good
Why don't you go to /x/ or another anti reality hugbox with your other conspiracy tards

>> No.15690476

I didn't even say anything about "vaccines", golem, but thanks for illustrating my point.

>> No.15690493
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the covid shot wasn't a vaccine, the small pox and polio vaccines prevented small pox and polio

>> No.15690831

the flu vaccines have never completely prevented the flu either but anybody who's had the flu with and without having that year's vaccine will tell you if they work or not

>> No.15690833

At least try changing your writing style when you shill.

>> No.15690834

I'm not shilling I'm coping, retard

>> No.15690856

how did the flu disappear because of masks and lockdowns but not covid?

do masks not work, or are they counting flu cases as covid? which one are they lying about? geniuine question

>> No.15690858

money says counting all flu cases as covid
which is silly and a lot of big media doomposters need to die

>> No.15691229

Chitin is a poison.
CO2 is not a pollutant.

Please vaccinate.

>> No.15691285

masks and lockdowns work for covid but not for flu because the flu is more easily stopped than covid
that the flu and covid have identical symptoms and that you can't tell one from another without resorting to PCR tests with high false positive rates is just coincidence

>> No.15691306


>> No.15691334

I fucking LOVE agitprop!

>> No.15691796

I'd be fine with eating bugs if it tasted good and had health benefits.
But I haven't really heard anything about bugs being any healthier than normal food.

>> No.15691849
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t. Someone who actually works in the industry.

There isn't a great conspiracy to force people into eating bugs so they can be malnourished, humiliated, killed, etc. Take your meds. The main drive behind it is profits. Nothing else.
Currently the main users of insect protein are pet food producers, so if you keep any pets be they cats, dogs, fish, etc., they're already eating ze bugs 100%. The main goal right now is to convince people to buy such products for their own consumption as well so the market for it becomes bigger.
And whether you believe in climate change or think environmentalism is relevant the fact is that producing insect protein is way more economical and energy efficient than normal meat. You also need very little space to produce a fuckton per day, something even the plant-based protein industry struggles with. The cost to produce one kg of bug protein is practically minimal compared to meat. If a company can sell you a bug patty over a hamburger patty their profit margins would be SUBSTANTIALLY bigger. That's why there's so much shilling and it's seeming like the elites want to convince you to eat slop, because the companies and the billionaires investing in them just care about money. "Saving the earth" is just another marketing point.

As for taste and nutrition, they honestly aren't that bad but still aren't capable of fully replacing meat. Definitely not unhealthy though. Except the oil, insect butter is pretty hard for the body to process.

In the end it's up to you. If you really don't want it then don't buy it and the market will do the rest.

>> No.15692870
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>I haven't really heard anything about bugs being any healthier than normal food.
if bug were good for you then all the chads would be eating bugs and all the people who eat steak and eggs would be a bunch of losers

>> No.15693169

That's an awful comparison because the guy on the right takes steroids.

>> No.15693203

>t. Someone who actually works in """the industry"""
Stopped reading. Your sheer disconnection from reality shows in the first line of your post. Imagine thinking that working for these people makes you credible.

>> No.15693227

which one is which

>> No.15693414

I'm just telling you the things how they are. You can make your own assumptions. I'm certain I know more about what's going on in these facilities than the anonymous schizophrenics on a katana smithing forum.

>> No.15693452

you are a nigger and you have zero idea about the health effects of eating bugs. no one does, except for the effects of chitin and imbalanced amino acid ratios

that said, you niggers are promoting it as "nothing wrong, actually it's BETTER" but the problem with this is every single other alternative food that has ever been pushed has been straight up toxic. seed oils. high fructose corn syrup. milk replacements. certain types of onions.

not to mention the "safe" pesticides and "safe" emulsifiers and preservatives and everything else killing people that has been deemed "safe" long after the evidence was clear that they cause cancer

go kill yourself you kike

>> No.15693456

>I'm just telling you the things how they are.
You're just telling me how things look through the eyes of a LITERAL FUCKING BUG-SHOVELING WAGIE.

>> No.15693459

Ummm, no, sweaty. I have daily meetings with the CEO of Bug Eating and he told me all about the big picture.

>> No.15693498

Billions must die.

>> No.15693524

>all about the big picture.
Don't you mean the bug picture.

>> No.15693532

Im sadddened to see that this is bugging you so much. Scuttling around an imageboard for individual living under their mom's refrigerator has twisted your mind.
Even my account-ant agrees that the bugs are totally tasty and good for you! Her skin condition healed immediately after she started eating them regularly. You can even prevent global worming by eating them. Between bugs and onions, insects are the lesser of the two weevils. I suggest you turn over a new leaf and try it sometimes, who knows, you might like it.

Anyway I probably won't be able to reply anymore since I'll be playing cricket with some buds tonight. But I'd love to chat with you more about insect-protein and its benefits after that.

>> No.15693549

What is the amino acid profile of insect protein?

>> No.15693551

Havwe a (You) for effort

>> No.15693561

Didn't read.

>> No.15693573
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>> No.15693588

yes. good quality protein to bring about the age of aquarius!

>> No.15693592
File: 37 KB, 474x637, 1684015124606086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at how retarded the average chinaman is and you'll know the answer

>> No.15693594

who cares about the profile, its the same 20 or so amino acids anyways. what matters is the type of proteins and the rRNA

>> No.15693599

What's the amino acid profile of the chicken tenders your mom makes for you?

>> No.15693604

I would try that if it's not exceedingly more expensive than beef, which defeats the purpose entirely.

>> No.15693613

>the elite are trying to kill their own cattle
doesn't even make a lick of sense, on the contrary they want more obedient poor people to do all of the work for them.
this will be true until machines becomes cheapear than human labour, which is still not the case

>> No.15693616

That's because braindead vegans are the only people that buy them and they'd buy them even at ridiculously high markups.

>> No.15693617

> they want more obedient poor people to do all of the work for them.
Which is why they put policies in place to encourage big families with children. Ok, maybe not.
But they did revert the policies that discourage it. Oh, no, they have not done that, either.
Surely, they at least don't actively discourage people from having children; no way they are brainwashing people into the idea that having children will bring about an apocalypsis. Oh, they do THAT? To be fair, I support them in their efforts to kill you. Preferably thorugh means that cause immense suffering, like biological weapons.

>> No.15693619

I take it you have lots of children then?

>> No.15693620

I support brutal political mob violence against those who express your opinions.

>> No.15693621

Yeah I know, I tried beyond beef once, it's passable honestly, but why the fuck would I choose this over a beef patty if it's more expensive. It's literally made of fucking plants, can't be that hard to make.
Just the simple fact that vegans try to replicate meat and cheese with vegan ingredients should be enough to prove that they're in complete denial of their own ideologies.

>> No.15693623

Oh, you're actually schizophrenic, nevermind.

>> No.15693627

I mean like really brutal political violence. Cartel execution kind of stuff, that will make someone like you think 50 times before expressing any political opinion at all.

>> No.15693652

Gee, I wonder which other group of people also does that

>> No.15693653

Sooner or later, every group that isn't you.

>> No.15693657

Except in the real world it's the chuddies that get gangraped and executet by packs of feral niggers.

>> No.15693659

I'd show you what happens to you in the real world, but I think posting trans-"woman" gore is against the rules. :^(

>> No.15693666

You sure spend a lot of time thinking about trannies. Maybe there's something you want to tell us?

>> No.15693668

You sure spent a lot of time thinking of that braindead comeback.

>> No.15693675

rent free

>> No.15693677

> they want more obedient poor people to do all of the work for them.
Which is why they put policies in place to encourage big families with children. Ok, maybe not.
But they did revert the policies that discourage it. Oh, no, they have not done that, either.
Surely, they at least don't actively discourage people from having children; no way they are brainwashing people into the idea that having children will bring about an apocalypsis. Oh, they do THAT? To be fair, I support them in their efforts to kill you. Preferably thorugh means that cause immense suffering, like biological weapons.

>> No.15693682

I take it you have lots of children then?

>> No.15693688

Have you taken your meds today? Are you sure you're trying your best to be coherent?

>> No.15693692

Interesting how many shills this thread attracted.

shooot iiit daaan

>> No.15693697

Can the jannies do their job and ban these morons already?
They pretend protein from bugs is somehow different from protein from any other lifeform
They deny evolution by natural selection.
They hate academia and people doing scientific research.
They hate western medicine, despite it being the only medicine that works.
They have no understanding of mathematics.
And it's very obvious that it's just a small group of these high school dropout morons constantly doing this shit.
Get the fuck off the science and math board if you don't respect or want to learn/talk about science and math. This is not /pol/. This is not the place for the angry low IQ hicks to complain about how the world is more complicated than your farm.

>> No.15693698

Here's the bottom line:
1. I don't know how "perfectly healthy" people in third world shitholes (with significantly lower life expectancies) are.
2. I wouldn't know what to attribute their relative healthiness (or lack thereof) to, given the sheer number of other nutritional differences.
3. I don't know that bugs are such a staple that they're eaten in quantities equivalent to Western meat consumption (which bugs are supposed to replace)
4. There are hundreds of millions of Europeans who are perfectly happy where milk is a stable of their diet. Let's try that with Abbos and see how the chronic bowel inflammation treats them.
But these are all small-picture details for small minds like you to argue among themselves. Here's the big picture: no matter how much you insist on your smoothbrain heuristics, it won't change the fact that you don't KNOW the potential consequences of your proposition. All you can do is try to convince me for why your guesses are justified, but I don't care and I don't need to care. I am perfectly in the right asserting that I would be taking an unecessary risk participating in your vile experiment.

>> No.15693701

The bug burger one is older.

>> No.15693702

He doesn't have the characteristics overdevelopped neck muscles, it's natty.

>> No.15693705

I don't give a shit about eating bugs. I don't eat bugs. I'm tired of your gaggle of goofs shitting up every thread with anti-science nonsense, making thread after thread after thread.

This is all it comes down to, moron. Humans can study the world using our senses and reasoning abilities. We can and do construct theories and test them, and use those theories to build more theories.
General relativity is true. The standard model is tre. Chemistry and biology and evolution are true. You not liking this doesn't mean anything.

>> No.15693707

>shut it down intensifies

>> No.15693710

Oh, wow, look at this faggot go. Full-auto incoherent spergout. :^)

>> No.15693711

You have no argument and you aren't actually an intelligent person.
Stop coming to this board if you hate science and math.

>> No.15693712

>General relativity is true. The standard model is tre. Chemistry and biology and evolution are true. You not liking this doesn't mean anything.
And vaccines are safe and effective...

You can't prove any of that for yourself, you only have a belief in the claims made by others.

>> No.15693714

One bucket of salty tears, please. And make it quick, I have more faggots to milk.

>> No.15693717

Yes, I can. Everyone who actually studies any field of science knows how everything connects and we have a general understanding of every other field.
Stop coming to this board if you hate science and math. Stop shitting up every thread.

>> No.15693721

You misspelled maggots, bugboy

>> No.15693726

>I have more faggots to milk.

>> No.15693729

Not salty enough. Try again.

>> No.15693752

You can't prove any of that for yourself, you only have a belief in the claims made by others.

>> No.15693757

Why do you think that I can't prove any of that for myself?
Why am I incapable of using a telescope and applying general relativities equations to predict the motion of mercury?
Why am I unable to do chemistry in a lab?
Why am I unable to genetically modify mice (I already do this)
Why can't I understand the mathematics of quantum mechanics?
Why do you think that just because YOU'RE too lazy to want to learn and apply things, other people are also incapable of it?

>> No.15693764

Because you're a moron?

>> No.15693766


>> No.15693770

You are, though. Imagine trying to claim you can have expertise in every scientific field simultaneously.

>> No.15693774

I did not claim expertise. I said that all scientists have a general understanding.
None of the things I outlined in that post require expertise. They require taking 1 class in the subject in undergrad (sometimes 2). Most people do chemistry and biology experiments in highschool.

>> No.15693779

You certainly have an expertise in moving the goalpost, I'll give you that.

>> No.15693784

You know why everyone can tell you have no scientific expertise in any field? Because if you did have it, you would've noticed how often peers from other fields have a mistaken beliefs about the things you study. Now go do your homework, you literal child.

>> No.15693785

What goalpost, moron?
>we have a general understanding of every other field.

No goalpost moved. Stop projecting your ignorance

>> No.15693791

Now you're pretending to have any respect or knowledge at all, despite spending the entire time on this board arguing against scientific institutions.
You're not clever. You're transparent and sad.

>> No.15693794

If you're so sure of it then go out and research the fundamentals, reperform the experiments double check their actual science, be sure they didn't make a mistake or omit certain datapoints.

Until you do you only have a belief in the claims made by others and promoted by certain figures who see them worth promoting.

You only have a belief in this system of "knowledge" but you don't know unless you do the actual work and experience it for yourself.

>> No.15693795

You know why everyone can tell you have no scientific expertise in any field? Because if you did have it, you would've noticed how often peers from other fields have a mistaken beliefs about the things you study. Now go do your homework, you literal child.

>> No.15693797

>bot breaks down and falls into a loop

>> No.15693823

>There are no bad long term effects from eating insects
Show long term studies

>> No.15693834

>humans are just animals
Opinions discarded.

>> No.15694352

the n word is racist

>> No.15694452

I'm italian so I get a pass

>> No.15694724

It can be but it's also a state of mind that you don't have to be black to exhibit.

>> No.15694746

Not obeying authority is racist.

>> No.15695105

Guess I'm racist, then.

>> No.15695500 [DELETED] 

Don't be racist.
Racist is a crime, and only niggers are criminals.

>> No.15695725

life expectancy in places where bug eating is common, such as subsaharan african: 50 years
life expectancy in places where bug eating isn't common, such as europe & north america: 75 years

so eating bugs reduces your life expectancy by 1/3

>> No.15695840

Darryl down the road eats bugs as well as garbage and is 109

>> No.15697221

is that his iq or his age?

>> No.15697716

you're never done any of that, thats what proves you're not capable of those achievements

>> No.15698082


>> No.15698161

i love how they have to show their tongues to prove that they didnt just spit out that disgusting maggot but we have to eat it voluntarily and even pay for it.

>> No.15698164
File: 59 KB, 680x680, 38D78548-84DF-47EA-BDAF-1B586D0E69B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15698453

Reminder that (((those))) who are pushing for bugs are forbidden from eating them because it's not kosher food.
Really makes you think.

>> No.15698461

I mean, yes. Seafood has been a dietary staple for millennia, bugs have not.
Can we please stop acting like our ancestors were idiots, considering how retarded current society is?
I'll trust millennia of culinary tradition over some vandalized """science"""that isn't even a decade old.

>> No.15699146

I've never eaten a seabug in my life, you presumptuous fuckhead.

>> No.15699152

They all wince and try to politely hide their disgust. When it's revealed that it was made from bugs you can see a lightbulb go off above each of their heads as they realize why it tasted so awful.