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File: 255 KB, 1054x1511, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15662745 No.15662745 [Reply] [Original]

Don't tell me it's because of white cultural domination, there are records that show the Arabs in the Middle Ages preferring poor northern European women because they considered them the most beautiful of all, the Ottomans married their Ukrainian slaves and had no problem breaking their laws that forbade it, their favorite children were russian mixed, etc.
whites were nothing at that time but several Muslim intellectuals considered them as the most beautiful of the ancient world, read about Ahmed Ibn Fadhlan.

>> No.15662752

shame about the face

>> No.15662753

Feminine features like small noses that developed for colder temperatures? They probably wanted their opposites, it's common to see today that totally different looking people date, it helps reduce inbreeding.

>> No.15662756

during the yamnaya period the warriors only married the pretty women. the ugly ones stayed barren, and obviously if you are invading corded ware, you are not going to steal the ugly ones

most other ethnicities other than the northeast asians basically practiced perpetual incest, fathers brothers daughter marriage, until the 1900s, because there was a woman who needed to get married by the economics of the situation.

incest doesn't produce beauty. or intelligence for that matter.

>> No.15662784

muslims really like their mutts don't they.
bunch of degenerates

>> No.15662792

Its their coloring. Blonde blue eyes green eyes fair skin. Their faces aren't the best and are mannish but not awful. Certainly way better than nig faces.
I've said this once and I'll say it 1000 times. The ideal woman has cute Asian face with white person coloring.

>> No.15662793

Muslims will fuck anything. The Muslim idea of heaven is a whore house.

>> No.15662813

I think the prettiest women are from the Levant. I don't mean Jewish either. I mean the Lebanese and Assyrian Christians without a lot of Arab admixture. They tend to have light skin, subtle freckles, hazel eyes, and really thick brown hair.

>> No.15662824

They were the best at selecting for attractiveness

>> No.15662828

>I mean the Lebanese and Assyrian Christians without a lot of Arab admixture.
That's just crusader genes from North Western Europeans Anon.

>> No.15662829
File: 3.65 MB, 270x480, 4356547658.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though you're obviously wrong because most Asian women do not have pretty faces (sure, the top 5% can be quite cute, in a way that to many is more appealing than an equivalent white girl, but as a whole the genuinely beautiful ones are few and far between, not so in say France), perhaps you mean something like pic rel?

>> No.15662835

Polygyny selects for ugly women.

>> No.15662842

do asians actually have blue eyes natively?

>> No.15662845

Some groups do not many.

>> No.15662851

How are they treated?

>> No.15662857

She is half Japanese half white. To answer your question, no, outside of extreme anomalies which might exist.

>> No.15662869

objective truth

Best women on earth are blonde slavic ones, they have more feminine traits compared to nordic / germanics

>> No.15662891

I have been all over Western Europe except Scandinavia. For me
Italy > France > Netherlands > Belgium > Spain > German Europe (i.e. +Austria, Switzerland) > UK

>> No.15662924

You can't even by country. Girls in Milan are mountain people, half Swiss and generally beautiful, nothing like Rome or Naples girls. Girls in Nice are swarthy and look heavily mixed with Moorish North Africans compared to hook-nosed Parisian Jews or qt3.14s from Lille or Dunkirk. Spanish women are the worst of Europe, not worth it, just find a tourist. German women are generally pigs, but the beauties that stand out are so distracting that nobody notices how ugly all the rest of them are. The Low Countries are just the best, beautiful women on the average, and the less beautiful ones make up for it by being so reasonable.

>> No.15662926
File: 286 KB, 1440x1800, Joonie 1687389683871647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a man.

but why are asian women so beautiful? scientific explanations only.

>> No.15662982

In scandinavia its bc vikings would kidnap all the pritty ones from the rest of Europe and rape/sexslave them (thay got many kids)

>> No.15663003

The Chinese plains regions, including the earlier habitable Loess plateau and similar, have been subject to constant invasions from foreigners, who stemmed from unwieldly terrain outside of these hard to defend plains regions, the Mongols are one example.
Numerous foreigners conquered China this way and built heir own dynasties, only to be conquered by more foreign invaders.
As such, these central Chinese people, who now make up the vast amount of the population, as well as their close relatives, who emigrated to numerous other Asian countries, were genetically selected for femininity and obedience.
Through relentless culling of any resistant male and female and endless raping by these foreign invaders, which went on for millenia, these people have been turned into weaklings and genetic servants.
The original Han Chinese people, are as such, long gone.
They are now the perfect insect civilization, ready for another round of being conquered, as they have genetically adapted to live with it, being unable to fight it. Anyone who resists gets culled.
This is their regional survival adaptation, which is why they offer little to no resistance to their governments or to their tight social constraints.
This is the case for both sexes.
It is the reason they are shorter than Europeans, why many can't grow beards, why certain sexual stereotypes exist about them and it is why their women are sometimes seen as very feminine, or beautiful.
They don't as much express feminine sexuality in the way, that a Venus figurine would, as they express feminine obedience, a genetically acquired trait, which because of its implications, is attractive to men; namely highly accessible chances for reproduction and high loyalty.
The effect can be compared to smaller body size and floppy ears in domesticated dogs.
Look at the Jomon and Yayoi in Japan. The difference in behavior, lifestyle and phenotype is clear.
There are many more highly interesting sociological connotations.

>> No.15663026

Northern European and pale Asian women tend to look younger for longer because they avoid sun exposure and have no tanning culture. When you think about it, sun tanning is a ridiculous practice of laying down on the beach and giving yourself useless sun damage.
I still don’t understand why people go to the beach. If they like the beach so much why don’t they at least just go on the final hours of sunlight?

>> No.15663050

there are three types of white women faces:
>nordic blondes
>pale redheads and brunettes
>med queens with curly dark hair

there is one type of asian and black face:
>square jaw, identical wide flat nose, high cheekbones

there is one arab female face:
>square jaw, identical long hooked nose, large deepset eyes

people just prefer variety.

>> No.15663055
File: 84 KB, 1600x480, The Average Asian Aging Process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think why Asian women can pull this off is because they don’t get as much sun exposure, they don’t aim to be tanned. Eastern European women also transform into babushka all of a sudden.

>> No.15663058

Who is this?

>> No.15663163
File: 55 KB, 530x529, bog matrix 1553288765924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. It is ingrained in the human brain that ugly people are powerful because if you see an ugly person there is no way for him to exist being ugly other than by being powerful. Humans naturally want to kill ugly people but powerful people can afford to be ugly since nobody can do anything about it. Ugliness is a power symbol. Gangsters grimace and make ugly faces in your face to show confidence and boldness and to taunt you from a position of strength knowing you can do nothing to them and telling you that they are about to kill you. That's why europeans - the most powerful race - are ugly and manly. The weak who rely on others to live must be beautiful and cute to be given food or be left alive. Let's call it the cat effect. Asians are forced to be cute and beautiful because they are weak. but that can change as their position improves. That is also why women in the west who gained rights and power are becoming manly and ugly.

>> No.15663172

why do tan women look more attractive though

>> No.15663179

By that utterly retarded reasoning, Australian abos should be revered as living gods.

>> No.15663186

Beauty is subjective and relative. Abos see things differently than you and they are all ugly in your eyes. Cockroaches are ugly to us but not to them.

>> No.15663197

I know a girl from Jordan, she looks like a white person. But I guees she is arab. Upper class family. I guees there are some white genes over there, or they have been selecting for white looking people as a beaty standard

>> No.15663200

This room IQ claim would imply that power is also relative to the observer, which is obviously false. Drooling moral relativists are not welcome here.

>> No.15663203

Oh boy, it's another episode of "retard realizes Arabs and Euros come from the same racial substrate". It's gulf Arabs + nafris who are darkest anyways.

>> No.15663205

stop being a faggot

>> No.15663229
File: 1.38 MB, 820x1024, girl blonde pale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a personal preference.

>> No.15663254
File: 59 KB, 1024x735, 1666400477351615m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the same people who's religion and authorities openly allowed all their men to have multiple wives if he could afford it? Yeah no shit they're going to take white women and add them to their collection, they did the same for sub-saharan african women and asian women.

Why do you think Islam is prevalent in Africa and South East Asia? Because of merit?

>> No.15663264

fuck off fag, pale is superior

>> No.15663302

Look at that chin, she looks like a man. Only nonwhites are obsessed with Scandinavian women. White people find the most attractive people in the middle, like French, southern Germans and northern Italians.

>> No.15663307

>Those hips
Neuron activation.

Pointy chin = female

>> No.15663313

I must be female then

>> No.15663320

Idk I am white so it makes sense that I would like them the most. Can't speak for other races.

>> No.15663325

>she looks like a man
Yet you still call her "she". Curious.

Only incels are obsessed with trying to point out that random hotties on the internet "look like a man". It's the most blatant example of sour grapes in our modern times.

>> No.15663328

Yes, you were exposed to xenoestrogens and now have a feminine facial structure. Your body is designed to produced neuron activation among other men.

>> No.15663335

Love how this board vacillates between this and "you will never be a woman"

>> No.15663353

Feminine man != woman.

>> No.15663383

You very explicitly said that ingesting oestrogen makes you biologically female.

>> No.15663389

Why do you care about other people's preferences?

>> No.15663390

It makes you look female, which may produce some level of neuron activation, but doesn't make a real female.

Because she's taking away his attention.

>> No.15663392

vikings raped the beautiful ones and killed the ugly ones?

>> No.15663399

>Pointy chin = female
How can something look female yet not be female?

>> No.15663400

There are naturally blue eyed northern japanese

>> No.15663409

Okay, I'm dealing with a sub 90 IQ poster. Never mind.

>> No.15663417

>Shit, I got caught in a contradiction spouting unfounded common sensisms!
>How to get out of this one?
>"Errr, you have to be really high IQ to get this"
As if you would know, poseur

>> No.15663423

Typical attention whore trauma programmed tranny. It only understands manipulation.

>> No.15663424

Lol, that word was literally coined to describe you. The right can't meme.

>> No.15663426

ugly ass gook

>> No.15663431

>Yet you still call her "she". Curious.
Yes? A woman can look like a man, she's still a woman, vice versa.

I've got pictures of my great great great grandparents and I can see the resemblance. I don't know why you think men can't have pointy chins, only women. It doesn't make any sense, it's not derived from anything in reality. You're too retarded for this board anon.

>> No.15663437

Because it's amusing to make fun of nonwhites obsessing over lower tier white women, it's like they know they're inferior for going after whites in the first place, the fact they want manly looking ones just because they have light features is the cherry on top

>> No.15663452
File: 50 KB, 750x455, 1689042251044831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your neighbors are tired of the sound of you choking on dick every night, try to keep it down

>> No.15663457

shrimp dick was literally coined to refer to your anatomy in particular. amazing & insane

>> No.15663488


There's a few factors at play.

Testosterone tends to darken skin and hair. Estrogen tends to do the opposite. You'll see this effect most clearly in a family which has intermediate pigmentation (e.g. South Germans). Youthfulness is also tied to paleness. Therefore lighter women and darker men are found more attractive. Of course, this doesn't mean that lighter/darker women/men ARE more feminine/masculine, but the brain is a pattern matching engine. Why did lighter pigmentation evolve in northern Europeans? A mix of cold adaptations, men being able to be more picky in inhospitable climates, lower pigmentation implying lower hostility and higher faithfulness (because melanin pathways are tied to horniness and aggression due to proximity to dopamine pathways). Light eyes also help see in dark European forests and in the winter, and are a pro-social trait because its easier to see where the person is gazing.

Another factor is the 'greedy' phenotype of nords. This can be summarized as the body expending a lot of calories whilst not caring about storing them as fat. Hence nords often have long bones, low bodyfat, large muscles, big heads, big eyes, big lips, thick hair. Only similar populations are west Africans. This is largely mediated through growth hormone, igf1, sex hormones, etc. Why is it attractive? Because it means those women will give you male offspring who are more likely to be the alpha. They will also birth female offspring who carry this same potential. Their greedy bodies also mean you're more likely to have a smart kid, a healthy kid.

>> No.15663495

>Of course, this doesn't mean that lighter/darker women/men ARE more feminine/masculine,
What is "masculine" and "feminine"? How do you define it? The rates of sex hormones?

>> No.15663498


Hard to define but basically how intensely androgens or estrogens influence transcription by docking to their respective receptors. For example for androgens this would mean androgen receptor density x androgen receptor binding of circulating free androgens x time.

>> No.15663506

>big eyes, big lips, thick hair.
All small for Scandinavians, or "nords" as you call them

>> No.15663512

Are you sure "masculine" and "feminine" are the correct terms here?

>> No.15663520
File: 137 KB, 1300x1196, washington-dc-bill-nye-the-science-guy-takes-a-selfie-with-a-student-EJPEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This can appear this way because nords have much larger bones on average, but in average they are larger than non-nords

>> No.15663527


The effect of these hormones upon secondary sex characteristics and behaviour is very tight. So I think in a colloquial sense its correct. If you inject someone with low testosterone with a high dose of trenbolone acetate the changes are quite predictable.

>> No.15663530

>So I think in a colloquial sense its correct.
Why? You don't think just saying more estrogen or more androgen would be better instead of saying masculine and feminine which consist of a lot of social constructs.

>> No.15663549


Good point, but the trouble is that these traits are partly nebulous and actually consist of tightly coupled clusters of effe ts. For instance someone can have extremely high testosterone but a mutation in their androgen receptor which renders their phenotype completely feminine. Further, high testosterone men tend to have higher estrogen as well due to the former being metabolized into the latter. By referring to masculine and feminine we are describing the sexual dimorphism polarization directly.

>> No.15663594
File: 27 KB, 474x474, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus god in heaven
it has been over 4 years since i have had carnal relations with anyone

>> No.15663664
File: 20 KB, 481x290, tgiiskuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you're looking for is called "neoteny".
More specifically in the face.

>> No.15663673
File: 43 KB, 564x669, c5fffecdd56b7fbf87f48a9ed04db478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian women don't have pretty faces because their faces aren't as neotenous.

The asian face comes from extra deposits of bone to the skull. Body wise, they have smaller hips and shorter limbs. Their bodies aren't strong and their faces aren't neotenous, and to all humans that means ugly.

>> No.15663685

kek is that really what abo skulls looks like?

>> No.15663702

Asian women are the most neotenous, they have completely flat faces, that's the furthest neoteny has gone. You said yourself they have les wide hips and smaller limbs, that's neotenies. Strange post.

>> No.15663725

Wtf are the african teeth

>> No.15663750
File: 8 KB, 274x184, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have more bone and more facial growth, that's the opposite of neoteny. Neoteny isn't "flat face".

>> No.15663829

interesting explanation, so nordics are atracttive bc they have just luck? they have the most atractive apperance of all ethnicities.
there must be something more than just coincidence

>> No.15663965

They are not... She looks mi

>> No.15663971

Yes it is neoteny, that's why niggers have protruding jaws and whites don't. The flat faced asians are the most evolved in neoteny in that aspect.
>They have more bone and more facial growth
What do you mean?

>> No.15663996

>What do you mean?
Their bite is bigger. Their skulls have more bones forward. Their nostrils are wider. That's why skull shaving procedures like >>15663750
are more common in asia. Because asians don't have neotenous faces.

>> No.15664005

Their nostrils are wider to accommodate the flattening of their nose, same with their teeth. How do you think their flat faces evolved if it wasn't neoteny?

>> No.15664012

>cold adaptations,
Not cold adaptions but lack of sunlight adaptions.

>> No.15664017

We are talking in proportions. If they are larger on average then those things should be larger by proportion but they aren't. Nye is also an English surname so that's a bad example.

By luck they're highly attractive to nonwhites because they have the highest chance of exotic light features. White people are more attracted to central latitude western Europeans because they have more attractive features outside of that and more phenotypes.

>> No.15664029
File: 716 KB, 682x431, img00334 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried explaining to you with over 3 posts. Neoteny is when the face is smaller. It's when the bite is smaller. It's when the nostrils are less wide.


Just look at what normal asian women look like. Short asian women often have bigger skulls than white men. Japan and korea are utterly plagued by genes for skull growth that cause unfixable ugliness. To be pretty in asia is to have an ungrown face, whilst pretty people in Europe are people with strong jaws and high cheekbones, because Europe has a lot of natural neoteny and asia doesn't.

>> No.15664030

>How do you think their flat faces evolved if it wasn't neoteny?
The first chinamen raced each other but ran into the great wall of china, flattening their faces. Bricks fell off and hit them on their heads, smashing them into a short stature. That's what I was told on the schoolyard in the 90's at least, which is as good a source as any around here!

>> No.15664040
File: 373 KB, 764x317, img00333 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prettyness is neoteny.
>narrow skull
>small bite
>thin nostrils
What makes asians look asian is precisely the lack of neoteny, which is why they're very ugly.

>> No.15664042

Neoteny is the development for adults to closer resemble infants. Explain why they'd develop flat faces like infants have, completely analogous with the flatter face development of all other races, if it's not neoteny. The wideness of nostrils is caused by the flattening, babies have big skulls in comparison to their bodies.

>whilst pretty people in Europe are people with strong jaws and high cheekbones,
No it isn't, that's jew faggot beauty standards. Men like girlish feminine women and women like non-effeminate twinks.

>> No.15664043

Every time I see a picture like this I think about how she would look naked and how the sex would be. How I fill her holes and lick her pussy and nipples.
On second thought I think about her taking a massive dump that makes the whole house smelly, how she bitches about me coming home late and not making the dishes. And the worst thought, that she looks hot as fuck but after a couple of years or relationship she just stops wanting regular sex and I just wank to webms on /gif/ while sitting on the toilet, meanwhile this goddess sleeps 5 m away in the bedroom.

>> No.15664047

It's quite helpful for your argument when you choose a 10/10 white women and an ugly asian

>> No.15664061

Nonwhites are the biggest and most ardent believers in white supremacy because they are more superstitious. Superstition was also the main reason why yellow hair retards have been bred by european tribes so much that they fully replaced healthy normal people in most places, they were believed to be superior in some aspects even though they are retards with decreased fitness. We see the same superstition that happened in europe now play out globally especially in asia. That is leading to asians being turned into latinos, as in the americas, or fully replaced by europeans because they want to mix with caucasians so badly.

>> No.15664071

>13yo vs 33yo
the absolute state.

>> No.15664077

>Neoteny is the development for adults to closer resemble infants
Do infants have large, developed bites? Moron.
Do infants have fully grown cheekbones and wide skulls?

You're butthurt. You didn't complain when people posted half-european women like >>15662829 to talk about how some asian women are pretty.

Tell me, what traits in this girl makes her look asian and what traits make her look more European?
>small bite
>smaller nostril
>thin skin tissue around mouth
>blue eyes
Those are European traits

>excessively wide head
>excessive growth of cheekbones to the point where they star to develop downwards towards the mouth
Those are asian traits. Precisely the traits that make her less attractive.

>> No.15664087

>Do infants have large, developed bites? Moron.
I'm pretty sure it's a side effect, like white people's strong brow ridges
>Do infants have fully grown cheekbones and wide skulls?
No, but asian adults are fully grown humans so there's a difference

>You didn't complain when people posted half-european women like
Because I wasn't arguing with him then and haven't read the argument, so I don't really care.

>> No.15664092

>half-european women like >>15662829
so that's why she is ugly. I thought it's just some exceptionally ugly cherry picked asian.

>> No.15664106
File: 299 KB, 1668x922, Are Japanese Girls Into Western Guys? | ASIAN BOSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the style of this girl on the right. Very kawaii.

>> No.15664112
File: 239 KB, 764x317, img00333 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, morons, I made the face of the girl less neotenous.

Which one do you prefer? Left or right?
Things that I didn't do:
>hair still blonde
>skin isn't murky and yellowish
>cheekbone bone growth still has European proportions and doesn't grow towards the mouth
Asians aren't neotenous and neoteny is beauty.

>> No.15664118

It looks the exact same, good job retard

>> No.15664122

Imagine if we had white women that looked like this

>> No.15664132
File: 165 KB, 315x275, img00336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can pull the cheekbones downwards and attempt to imagine what her eyesockets would look like if they were filled with needless bone. Do you think that it would make her look more attractive?

Because according to your idiotic ass, genes for randomized bone growth between the eyes and the mouth is neoteny and attractive.

>> No.15664136

I've had the exact same discussion in this thread a long time ago: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/426177069/#426185744

I even drew pictures. The difference is that that time some retard was saying that "forward growth = chad".

>> No.15664138

I can't really tell any difference, I'm pretty sure they have flat faces because of neotenic development, do you have a better reason?

>> No.15664163

>I can't really tell any difference
Maybe because you're faceblind/severely low IQ/obsessed with defending asian women.

>I'm pretty sure they have flat faces because of neotenic development
It seems that you're wrong, since they have flat faces because of the excessive forward growth of the upper skull.


>> No.15664170

Yes they have light features, but often they're somewhat mannish in the face ime. Idk.

>> No.15664169

>why is beauty beauty ? I want an explanation that doesnt rely on beauty
Take your autisto meds and go to sleep

>> No.15664174

Or because your edits are bad. There's no rule that says neoteny can't be a superficial development. The flatter faces still cause them to resemble infants, how they achieve it doesn't really matter and the fact that you have to point this out with a video of an especially wide faced asian isn't helping you.

>> No.15664208
File: 54 KB, 600x450, 1568955778198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with the argument that "dude it's pseudo neoteny", they're ugly because they aren't actually neotenous, their cheekbones don't have a similar mass to the cheekbones of their babies and toddlers.

Neoteny is less development. Less development of the face, bite, sockets, whilst still having enough development to maintain their functions. An asian face is like taking a white person's face and filling it up with bone on all angles. It's more development, therefore it's less actually neotenous. Even if this was an evolution to feign neoteny, it's not true neoteny, and it's precisely what makes them ugly.

It's also more likely that extra bone deposits evolved to counteract severe malnourishment. This is in line with other asian racial traits such as not excreting a lot of oil, having dry earwax, narrow hips/chests, and so on. That's what I think it is, it's ten thousand years trying to counteract malnourishment which gave them these traits. Ancient asian women didn't have gigantic faces because they developed under malnourishment.

>> No.15664245

>it has been over 4 years since i have had carnal relations with anyone
rookie numbers

>> No.15664256

Nice toe, nigga.

>> No.15664260

Are you sure asian skulls are developing more than babies proportionately? I looked at some images and they looked not much different in the cheekbones, and had very small chins similar to asians.
>An asian face is like taking a white person's face and filling it up with bone on all angles.
It wouldn't be, white people have strong brow ridges while Asians don't

>> No.15664263


>> No.15664270
File: 1.17 MB, 800x1027, 800px-Ukiyo_e_of_a_beautiful_woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: How do beauty standards really develop?

>> No.15664274
File: 84 KB, 600x666, 1684347759089337.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most Asian women do not have pretty faces
I worked in Japan for a few years, I cannot remember any ugly women at all.

>> No.15664275

I've already addressed your argument in the previous post. Please re-read it.

>white people have strong brow ridges while Asians don't
Asian people have stronger brow ridges, it's just that they have no contrast because their bones grow forward everywhere. See: >>15663673

>> No.15664287

You asserted your claim without proving any further explanation for why it's true.
>Asian people have stronger brow ridges, it's just that they have no contrast because their bones grow forward everywhere.
So why don't they have sunken eyes?

>> No.15664288
File: 247 KB, 1420x1124, 1586302053126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by how you posted the webm of a woman who looks somewhat ugly without makeup, I'd say if I were in your place I'd be seen ugly women daily.

>> No.15664293

But japs are mutts with crooked jew noses they are the ugliest. Japs aren't pure asians.

>> No.15664294

>So why don't they have sunken eyes?
Because their eye sockets are filled with extra bone. See: >>15663673

>> No.15664304

In general it is about looks that reflect health and good genes.
So when AIDS hit Africa and the infected got thin, the "beauty" standard became massively obese.

>> No.15664308

And what is your evidence?

>> No.15664317
File: 509 KB, 2137x1931, 522122424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is the compillation of hundreds of MRI data gatherings. >>15663673
This is worst than arguing with a child. I'm honestly amazed that you can even feed yourself and survive in this world.

>> No.15664318

Europe is the least inbred place on Earth
Outbreeding is a concept too btw.
Your third cousin is the breeding sweet spot.

>> No.15664327
File: 384 KB, 620x300, img00337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Japanese people/ Koreans have shill squads to make all these delusional posts all the time?
Japanese women fresh out of highschool, at the prime of their youth, look absolute heinous; without being obese or having anything environmental hindering them.

Have you ever been to japan? Are you some sort of paid shill or is this some mental illness you developed?

>> No.15664328

How can I know the extra bone of all this in just this small image? And the density? Do you not have at least a study I can read? It sounds more like your own hypothesis because I didn't find anything online.

>> No.15664332

europe has the least systematic inbreeding but it isn't outbreeding until recently
anyway iceland has some beautiful women despite a small isolated population so I don't believe that's an answer either

>> No.15664334
File: 1.19 MB, 689x1033, Asian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese live in a very different world. Getting burnt to a crisp at the beach isn’t part of their culture.

>> No.15664336

Sorry, as I pointed out, you're so retarded you're not worth interacting with. I suggest you learn how to use google schoolar. Try searching about the specific data you want.

>> No.15664339
File: 395 KB, 2048x1418, d984bbb609c6933a8f6021d42f33ee2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But japs are mutts with crooked jew noses
>they are the ugliest.
Would you just happen to be from a neighbouring country, hm?
>Japs aren't pure asians.
How far will you take the purity requirements? Back to Sapiens meeting Denisovans?

>> No.15664341

That's because Vikings took Irish and Brythonic slaves to Iceland, when you mix different white population there's more facial symmetry. That's why British people are uglier because they have a much smaller gene pool of mainly celtic genes.

>> No.15664346

>t. never seen a jap never been to japan
japs are the most westernized mutt bugs and the country is a melting pot of all races of the world now

>> No.15664349

Or you could just give me it, if it exists, but you won't because you're a faggot.

>> No.15664350

I won't.

>> No.15664352

>posts ugly brown jap
checks out.

>> No.15664355

>but several Muslim intellectuals
And the opinion of several goatfuckers matters how...?

>> No.15664362

>Do Japanese people/ Koreans have shill squads to make all these delusional posts all the time?
Not that I know of. Why would they?
>Japanese women fresh out of highschool, at the prime of their youth, look absolute heinous; without being obese or having anything environmental hindering them.
I met women who were university graduates, so a bit older than your "example", and as I wrote, I didn't see any that were ugly.
>Have you ever been to japan?
I worked there as a postdoc. Tsukuba, where I worked, was full of foreign scientists.
>Are you some sort of paid shill or is this some mental illness you developed?
I am not paid and I am in great physical and mental health, thanks.

>> No.15664365

>That's why British people are uglier because they have a much smaller gene pool of mainly celtic genes.
you are a ninconpoop

>> No.15664366

>Do Japanese people/ Koreans have shill squads to make all these delusional posts all the time?
It's like we're on a website for anime where there are tens of thousands of dedicated weebs prepared to defend Japan's honor at all costs...

>> No.15664371

Wrong, Britain is mainly celtic

>> No.15664426

No, celts are quite late on the timeline and more cultural than genetic, britain is mostly pre celtic and much much older

>> No.15664445

I find Asian girls infinitely more attractive.

t. White non incel

>> No.15664452

> beautiful
Posts a 25+ granny.

>> No.15664504
File: 174 KB, 1456x2000, RARE HISTORICALLY ACCURATE CELT PEPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15664514

he really needs more spiky white hair stiffened by limewash

>> No.15664554

That girl looks half tarded.

>> No.15664559

True dat anon, have you seen Dan Carlins 4 hour podcast on the Celtic genocide?
So interesting how physical fitness was in the Celtic religion.
Imagine seeing these completely naked jacked up tattooed bleach blonde warriors running around with punk hair cuts and a giant neck ring

>> No.15664565

The what?

>> No.15664579

Julius Caesar's campaigns in Gaul were in reality a genocide of Celtic people.
This 6 hr podcast is one of the best I've listened to, and I don't even listen to podcasts:

>> No.15664584
File: 32 KB, 572x532, a9rEEv6_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe is the least inbred place on Earth

>> No.15664588

I thought caesar just wanted their gold to pay off his debts?

>> No.15664598

>Actually your ancestors were polynesian tattoo body builder homosexual savages
Sick of this made up history

>> No.15664600

Tanned skin makes skin looked dried out. Pale ivory skin looks youthful and healthy. Sunlight has ultraviolet rays that penetrate the skin and go into the cell nuclei to cause genetic mutations and epigenetic changes that accelerate aging.

>> No.15664610

how dare he call himself a historian when the holocaust has been disproven time and time again

>> No.15664616
File: 79 KB, 638x479, 1691864170160160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15664620

True, it's more nuanced than that though.
The issue here is that we get the history of these events from Caesar himself, obviously biased. So Historians have to carefully figure out the truth from a variety of different sources, which is why the podcast was pretty amazing.