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15663248 No.15663248 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true black babies don’t pass the mirror test?

>> No.15663257

they pass when they're 6 years old or so

>> No.15663262

Yep. Insane when I learned it. They pass it 12-18months after white babies.

>> No.15663263


>> No.15663290
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Sub-Saharan African babies who are still in tribal/nomadic cultures pass the mirror test less frequently. But the same was also true for several groups of Malaysian, Australasian and Central American cultures that were less modernized.

That being said the mirror test has basically been retired by experts in the cognitive science field. Primarily because the cleaner wrasse fish passing it multiple times destroyed all established logic about what the mirror test was actually assessing.

>> No.15663294

>even fucking fish pass the mirror test
>nigger babies don't
>let's just call it fake science

>> No.15663295

>test establishes differences in human cognition across race

>> No.15663329
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you don't pass the racism test, so at least we know you're not the smartest babies in the room.

>> No.15663333

>the cleaner wrasse fish does not make tools (but octopi do despite not passing the test)
>the cleaner wrasse fish does not expressed delayed gratification (but cuttlefish do despite not passing the mirror test)

The mirror test is not assessing what you think it is assessing. There is a reason cognitive scientist have taken a different stance on that test now.

>> No.15663350

Right but humans and niggers are ostensively the same species, right? Why would different races exhibit different outcomes?

>> No.15663411

>the age at which you can recognize yourself in a mirror has absolutely no link to cognition because.... IT JUST DOESNT OK!!!!

>> No.15663420

You keep missing the part where the groups that failed the tests more frequently were tribal/nomadic in nature and not modern. Western Blacks and Modernized African Blacks (along with western/modernized Malaysians, Australasian and Central Americans) do pass the test at the same rates.

So it's not a different outcome via race but culture or at absolute best via ethnic populations. Also last time I checked the specificians for how a species is categorize is not based outcomes but by genome exchange, morphology and reproductive retention.

Otherwise the Common Cuckoo bird would be classified as nine different species instead of one species with nine different races (which is achieved by males having a singular commmon genome but the females having variable genomes which keeping the nine from diverging into their own species).

>> No.15663444

Most of the cultures you list score lower on IQ scores generally, even in western countries.

>> No.15663461

The flaw of the mirror test is the assumption that facial recognition is an intellectual ability and not a sensory one. It was indirect human aggrandizement. This should have been obvious to scientists when they saw humans with head injuries who were suddenly incapable of passing the mirror test.

>> No.15664001

>Get severe brain damage
>Can't pass the mirror test

>Black people
>Can't pass the mirror test

>Literal fish with a tiny brain
>Can pass the test

>Black people
>Can't pass the mirror test

Just how far are you faggots willing to go to mentally circumvent what is readily apparent to anyone with even the slightest bit of pattern recognition?

>> No.15664009

>Western Blacks and Modernized African Blacks (along with western/modernized Malaysians, Australasian and Central Americans) do pass the test at the same rates.

What's wrong with head injuries affecting intelligence? And is there really a hard order between sensory and intellectual abilities?

>> No.15665719 [DELETED] 


>> No.15665736

Sometimes an absence of reaction to the mirror means that mirror test is passed. Some cats attack their image in the mirror and that means their failed the test, and some cats ignore the reflection and that means cat understand that the cat he see is not an another cat.

>> No.15665742

Wrasse are highly social animals who’s position in the social network determines their rank and gender

>> No.15665746

>some cats ignore the reflection and that means cat understand that the cat he see is not an another cat.
Doesn't mean the cat understands that it's looking at its own reflection. An animal can learn to just "filter" the motions of its own reflection as irrelevant information and simply pay no mind to it without having any understanding of what it is.

>> No.15665796

A baby can't be joked against, it's your own hell

>> No.15665800

Cipher ability coming very soon

>> No.15665827

My cat understands mirrors and how they work. And it’s not a singular learned behavior (i.e. ‘seeing something in this mirror means it’s actually in that place over there’) - she does this with every mirror, even in new places she’s never been to.

>> No.15665830
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Political correctness and now wokism have made doctors and scientists ineligible as legitimate professionals in their fields. It's difficult to believe what I see and hear today.

>> No.15665832

>My cat understands mirrors
How do you know? Does your toxoplasmosis whisper the cat God's secrets to you late at night?

> it’s not a singular learned behavior
Who said anything about a singular learned behavior?

>> No.15665839

> Still no sauce pastad.