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15658757 No.15658757 [Reply] [Original]

How cold does a human body need to get to shatter like this and was that technologically feasible in the 1940s?

>> No.15658762
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>> No.15658763



They had LO2 already

>> No.15658769
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It sounds unbelievable, but it's true

>> No.15658793

kek watch the newest bleach episode

>> No.15658831

And you know it's true because they'll arrest you if you say it isn't.

>> No.15659744
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>> No.15661204 [DELETED] 

If jews are so smart, how come they can't build a propulsion system better than what germans developed nearly a century ago? How come jews can only develop useless smoke and mirror circular logic pilpul and nothing of meaningful use?

>> No.15662196

What about running a body over with a steamroller? Does it really turn the body into a 2d pancake version of itself and can the body really be revived by sticking a bicycle pump in it's nose and reinflating it?

>> No.15662581

I believe this though. Why wouldn't the SS guys fuck busty Jewesses, and why wouldn't the women go along with it if they thought it might be their ticket to survival?

>> No.15662592

I don’t think Jews actually rule the world

>> No.15662714

how did they achieve gas concentrations in the chambers capable of lethality without ventilation shafts and wood doors. and how did they manage to gas tens of thousands of people a day in a tiny chamber, with a camp guard staff in the dozens? how did they remove the bodies from the chamber? how did they bury them or burn them with only three cremation chambers? thousands a day.

why isn't there residue of the poison on the walls? and why were all of the stories of concentration camps recounted except for the ones behind soviet territory?

why were the jews claiming a massacre of six million people back in the 1930s?

how did the germans massacre 6 million jews when the total population of all european jews was less than 6 million, then 5 years later the population of israel is 4 million?

>> No.15662899

>without ventilation shafts and wood doors.
What do you mean? They had shafts to throw in the cyanide. Do you mean with or without wood doors? I don't see how either makes sense in your attempt at holocaust denial.
>tens of thousands of people a day in a tiny chamber
They used more than one chamber and they weren't tiny.
>with a camp guard staff in the dozens?
Not sure which camp you're referring to, but Auschwitz had over 8000 people working there plus countless prisoners who were forced to work. A lot of the dirty work was done by inmates.
>how did they bury them or burn them with only three cremation chambers? thousands a day.
The answer is incredibly easy to find via google.
>why isn't there residue of the poison on the walls?
Isn't there?
>why were all of the stories of concentration camps recounted except for the ones behind soviet territory?
>why were the jews claiming a massacre of six million people back in the 1930s?
Were they?
>how did the germans massacre 6 million jews when the total population of all european jews was less than 6 million,
This one is simple: It wasn't. You're lying.
>In 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe, comprising 1.7% of the total European population. This number represented more than 60 percent of the world's Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million.

>> No.15662920
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Well, clearly it was possible because she said so, fucking antisemite.

>> No.15662936

Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.15662966
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Cheers faggot

>> No.15662986

>he doesn't understand how GPT works
brainlet filter

>> No.15662997

Oy vey shut it down

>> No.15662999

>What do you mean? They had shafts to throw in the cyanide. Do you mean with or without wood doors? I don't see how either makes sense in your attempt at holocaust denial.
You know these shafts exist because of a handful of witness "testimony" of course, and not any actual physical evidence in the form of even a floor plan, never mind the actual structure. Well, I suppose there is that one reconnaissance image of a bombed crematorium with like a blurry square or something. Also, by the way, you are seemingly focusing on Auschwitz. More people allegedly died in the Reinhardt camps, using, you guessed it, diesel engines! (in one case from an old Soviet tank)
>They used more than one chamber and they weren't tiny.
They were for the supposed numbers. But this is minutiae.
>Not sure which camp you're referring to, but Auschwitz had over 8000 people working there plus countless prisoners who were forced to work. A lot of the dirty work was done by inmates.
Those allegedly involved with the alleged extermination activities (in full view of the soccer field btw) number in the dozens.
>The answer is incredibly easy to find via google.
You're actually in the right here. I don't know why but the people here are insisting there were only 3 or 4 muffles? Auschwitz had something like 54 muffles.
>Isn't there?
There are negligible traces of cyanide, but this can be explained away by humans being less resistant to cyanide than say typhus-carrying lice.
The alleged death camps were all captured by the Soviets.
>Were they?
Yes if you look hard enough.
If you are interested (maybe pic rel here can pique your interest>>15662920)
, even for shit and giggles, this is a good introductory documentary on the Reinhardt Camps, which uses the preeminent works on the topics (works by Hilberg and Arad), and more or less deeply examines the claims and sources used.

>> No.15663004

Debooook it then
You can’t lel

>> No.15663051

The good news is they put the pieces back together before he defrosted and was fine, so you should pay billions in reparations

>> No.15663187

You know there are also people who lie about having survived 9/11? 9/11 was a hoax never happened the towers still stand wake up sheeple

>> No.15663191

I know for a fact that aerial photographs of the camps exist and that we have communications from the nazis referring to the camps, this shit falls apart in the first few lines

>> No.15663361

That's not what it said. Read it again.

>> No.15663963

>Why wouldn't the SS guys fuck busty Jewesses
Harsh discipline.

>> No.15663974

Are ALL of the supposed survivors of 9/11 lying though?

I do believe this one, but it highlights the absurdity of the holocaust story if the jewesses are going home with the guards to fuck them

>> No.15663975

>In 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe
What's the source for that? Is it from before or after the war?

The World Jewish Congress estimated jews in German-controlled Europe to number between 3.5 and 4 millions in 1942.

>> No.15664449
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>> No.15664461

Wooden doors

>> No.15664484
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Can anyone answer WHY the Germans did all of this gassing and freezing and electrocuting, dedicating massive infrastructure and manpower to it, instead of just shooting the Jews?
>hurr durr dey need bullets for da war
Statistically only 1 in every 10,000 bullets fired in world war II caused an enemy casualty. There were over 500,000 casualties (injuries and deaths) of just Americans in the European theater: https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/604573/
Let's say only 100,000 casualties were caused by gunfire. 100,000 x 10,000 bullets per casualty = 1 billion bullets, just for the Americans, at a bare minimum.
In the situation where you're just executing Jews in camps, there's no chance of you missing, one bullet is for all intents and purposes one kill. So to kill 6 million jews, you need 6 million bullets. 6 million/1 billion = 0.6% of just your bullet supplies. Less than 1% of your ammunition would allow you to kill your sworn enemies, the race of people that the Germans thought were directly responsible for ruining their country.

So what leap of logic did the Germans make to justify all of these exotic, technologically advanced, and presumably expensive methods of execution, versus just digging a bunch of pits, shooting people, and then burning the corpses like every other 20th century genocide did?

>> No.15664501
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If that is true she should be able to take at least three huge fat cocks in her asshole at the same time. Show the evidence or fuck off.

>> No.15664519

Of course not, they are the filthy servants of the lizard overlords. It is known.

>> No.15664525
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>> No.15664537

Stop your antisemitic crap you piece of shit. Is obvious they used dragons to burn the jews after they were fucked by bears.

>> No.15664551

Once you get into the details and logistics none of it actualy makes sense

>> No.15664664

Nazis killed my grandfather by pelting him with pennies as he spun on an industrial high speed dreidel while eating bacon strips and counting the usurious finance stats that got them enlisted

>> No.15664668

Nazis killed my great grandfather by keeping him continuously riding the Holocauster at ReichsFlags ™ for over 16 hours. He had an aneurysm and the diet of high fructose corn syrup soda and ice cream gave him coagelating blood clots. One of the blood clots was named Jeremy.

>> No.15664673

Nazis killed my grandmother by stabbing her with a ballpoint pen and uploading the rape to Instagram

>> No.15664679

My uncle was died in the Copper Wire Colosseum.
He made 13 cents.

>> No.15664729

Nazis killed my parents by blowing up the twin towers (in Germany)

>> No.15665054

Dr. Joseph Mengele killed my grandfather's best friend's cousin by putting him in the grand canyon and then dropping a 16 ton anvil off of a cliff onto him. Mengele then recovered the corpse and used it like and accordion, playing Deutschland Über Alles the whole way home while he happily marched back to Germany.

>> No.15665095

“But we never gave in, not really; there was that one time just before
liberation but other than that we were strong. We would see the boys they
put on those masturbating machines just drop, just die, right there in front
of us. The absolute cruelty was beyond our belief.”

>> No.15665498

oy vey!

>> No.15665505

can we talk about the holocaust trains CONFIRMED by textbooks, not alleged, (despite no evidence) whose sole purpose was to smash into eachother to kill jews?

how does this even be explained? Why am I a bad person for asking about that?

>> No.15665510
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Um, sweety, the Germans even used nukes. Don't even try to deny it; Justice Jackson has the document IN HIS HANDS proving they erected a little village for jews, then NUKED IT. How evil. Don't even get me started on the death orchestras, or the pedal-powered-brain-bashing-machine-disguised-as-a-height-measurement-device.

>> No.15665523

>Can anyone answer WHY the Germans did all of this gassing and freezing and electrocuting, dedicating massive infrastructure and manpower to it, instead of just shooting the Jews?
They actually needed less manpower to operate gas chambers than to shoot them. Both in operation and in the sanity. How many people can a soldier shoot in the head before he'll stop or start killing his nazis colleagues? With the gas chambers, they could leave the most gruesome parts (collecting and burning the corpses, ripping out tooth implants and jewellery) to prisoners who did it 2-3 times before getting gassed themselves. I really wonder why holocaust deniers refuse to read even the stuff written by the nazis themselves. There are letters from different camps where they explain the capacities and brag no with the logistical improvements they made. It's actually the opposite of what chuddie here says: >>15664551
The less you look into it and the more lies from /pol/ you believe, the less sense does it make. I recommend the book KL by Nicolaus Wachsmann, which is incredibly detailed and has tons of historical evidence.

>> No.15665540

Ask it to spell Egypt backwards and then tell us why ChatGPT's opinion on anything should matter.

>> No.15665553

why are you denying the Armenian genocide and holodomor

>> No.15665579
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>There are letters from different camps where they explain the capacities and brag no with the logistical improvements they made
You are most likely referring to a letter about the capacity of the crematoriums. Again, nothing ominous on it's own.
Everything you say we know from Sonderkommando "testimony" which contain a myriad of absurdities, and not supported by any physical evidence. All "documentary evidence" you may present is reliant on muh super secret code words that were spelled out at Wansee Conference or something (which was also done in super secret code words). Nothing is ever as it appears. And there is no physical evidence because the evil genius nazis destroyed it all.
Ultimately there is a huge discrepancy between the scale of the alleged crimes, and the evidence presented. What is the best evidence usually presented?
>1) Himmler's Posen speech, top secret speech that was for some reason recorded, where he says nothing of camps, gassing etc., but talks about" killing those who would otherwise kill us"
>2) A few mean and ominous entries in Goebbel's Diary
>3) The Vergasungskeller document
>4) Korherr Report + Hoefle Telegram (transportation of Jews to Treblinka)
>5) Literal back of the Napkin note by Himmler where he writes "exterminate Jews as partisans"
And of course who can forget "confessions" at a victor show trial. Laughable. More evidence for single murders.

>> No.15665587
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>> No.15665603
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Here is an example. Treblinka, this is the site of supposedly ~900,000 murders. Without going into any absurd details as in this video >>15662999, let's simply go to this mainstream video trying to find evidence of the crimes
This is what they find
>40 bones in a pre-war cemetary 2 km south of Treblinka I (not even the supposed death camp, Treblinka II)
>a fucking prehistoric SHARK TOOTH from when Poland was a seabed millions of years ago
>some combs
>a tooth filling
>a cermaic tile they mistake for having a Star of David (it's actually a Mullet star from an old Polish ceramic company)
Watch it yourself if you don't believe me.

>> No.15665821

some blogger bought a physical new york times paper for like 500 dollars. He made a photo of it years ago. The newspaper contained an unaltered picture, which altered version is in my schoolbooks too. Im too lazy and tired now to search for it. But i somehow dont think holocaust deniers are the shady liars.

>> No.15666151

>but I did eat breakfast

>> No.15666161

As long as you're not telling us which part of the text is actually incorrect, your comment only helps the anti-Semite.

>> No.15666170


>> No.15666172

I'm alright

>> No.15666187

post pic of the camp swimming pool and totally true stories the inmates had about that

>> No.15666202

Why won’t you dispute the math faggot?

>> No.15666299

>Why wouldn't the SS guys fuck busty Jewesses
They'd be shot for it retard

>> No.15666371

They go back the the camps afterwards dumbass.

>> No.15666399
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>> No.15666404

You fuckers are really bad at this.

>> No.15666421

How is that relevant?

>> No.15666425

>with the tall SS-men
lmao manlet SS-men couldn't get jewish poosie

>> No.15666440

>how did they achieve gas concentrations in the chambers capable of lethality without ventilation shafts and wood doors.
Do you mean WITH wooden doors? Gassing WITHOUT wooden doors is usually how it's done.
>why were all of the stories of concentration camps recounted except for the ones behind soviet territory?
I don't think you know what the word "recounted" means. To recount something is to remember something and speak of it. You probably mean recant, which means to withdraw a claim.

Why can't you get basic English right?

>> No.15666848

Many such cases, some where allowed to run to freedom only to run headfirst into a brick wall with a tunnel painted on it, squishing themselves flat and floating down to the ground like a loose sheet of paper before succumbing to their injuries. Very sad.

>> No.15667069

Yes, no shit, retard. How many fucking death row prisoners do you know of that get to waltz out of the prison for conjugal visits every night? They don't.
These were not death camps, they were fucking internment camps with swimming pools, brothels, sports, bands, etc..
Kikes didn't start dying until allied forces bombed supply railways. There was no genocide

>> No.15667098
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>> No.15667109
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>> No.15667126
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>> No.15667160
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>> No.15667177
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Bing got it right (uses GPT4)

>> No.15667246
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>> No.15667920

That pool actually doubled as an ice skating rink during winter.
Heres the David Cole investigation of Auschwitz
I like this video in particular because of the absurdity of seeing a nerdy jew debunking the holocaust

>> No.15669308
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how come 4chan has embeds for kike owned and censored jewtube, but not for uncensored video sharing sites like bitchute

>> No.15669322

Jews historically serve as a buffer between hostile alien elites and plebs. Jews serve as enforcers, tax collectors and commissars. They are meant to take the blame and are easy to employ in brutal tasks since they feel no loyalty to anyone local.
Jews only flourish in weak states with a hostile elite. In unified states with a formal bureaucracy you dont need jews, you just have a normal tax office

>> No.15669327

Its 11 million.
Its a common number. I had a book on the holocaust when i was a kid and there were tallies of european jews, summed up to 11 million. Even today i often hear phrasing such as "the holocaust killed half of europes jews and a third of global jews".
Basically USSR jews were spared to a large degree.

>> No.15669333

>Can anyone answer WHY the Germans did all of this gassing and freezing and electrocuting, dedicating massive infrastructure and manpower to it, instead of just shooting the Jews?
Because you need to get the jews to a central location instead of shooting them randomly on the streets. It makes a lot of sense. You shoot people on the streets and you get a street battle where everyone will pick up arms.
In a camp theres no way to resist, moreso when people are hungry and weak.
Almost all the camps were just transit stations on a railway network
When the NKVD killed millions in gulags they didnt just shoot them on the streets of moscow.

>> No.15669362

Sounds as intelligent as the average holocaust denier.

>> No.15669398
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Those gulags were slave labor camps. They weren't swimming pool clubs that doubled as death camps. When the Soviets wanted to do mass executions, they did mass executions, Blokhin shot 7000 people during the Katyn massacre.

>> No.15669829

There's an entomology department at a univeristy in America that has a gas chamber for exterminating mosquitoes and it has a wooden door.

>> No.15669833

The swimming pool was at a seperate area of the camp and only a sepect few sonderkommando jews got to use it, you retard.

>> No.15670018

-1488 degrees
Yeah lets take a critical military supply to kill some jews in a weird way, instead of just shooting them. That makes a lot of sense, German efficiency and all that.

>> No.15670042

My god! The machines are learning at an accelerated rate!

>> No.15670353

Swimming pool was literally right next to inmate barracks. And whatever happened to muh testimony because there exists testimony of regular inmates using it, not just the non-existent Sonderkommando.

>> No.15670378

>Blokhin shot 7000 people during the Katyn massacre.
That wasnt in a city, that was a forest. The people that were bing shot had to bee soothed first and promised they were just being taken to some jail.
The whole premise of why the nazis didnt just shoot is false becase half of the holocaust was shooting jews, just not in cities. Rural jews, in shtetls, were usually shot since the nazis could just shoot up the whole town. In places like Warsaw that was not possible, one needed to use tact and yet it still had two rebellions, one was a jewish armed rebellion and later a goy armed rebellion. Took two battles to put them out, obviously its easier to kill in a forest or isolated camp

>> No.15670383

Remember when canada sent an investigator to the camps and he later got arrested for coming back with an outcome the germans didn't like. I remember his job being to look for bone shards & fragments but not finding anything.

>> No.15670409

Don't forget the camp orchestra, theater, and maternity ward.

>> No.15670417

>How many people can a soldier shoot in the head before he'll stop or start killing his nazis colleagues?
I don't recall Ghengis Khan's forces or ancient roman legionaries having that issue when they decided to manually butcher every single man, woman and child in whatever city/nation pissed them off enough.
In other words, nazis were typical german pussies.

>> No.15670497

>one claim is unplausible
>therefore all accounts are false!
this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.15670544

>every claim is impossible
>it therefor must be true

>> No.15670571

damn, this twitter post just proved nazis were in fact the good guys! you will get a nobel peace prize

>> No.15670575

why can't wooden doors contain a gas?

>> No.15670578

what was played in the theater, aryan drama, wagner? did the jews like it?

>> No.15670599

But you're only arguing for getting them out of the city, not for putting them in camps and gassing them.
They could have stopped the trains in a forest, opened one wagon at the time, shot them all and left them there.

>> No.15670604
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They did chud, then buried them in mass graves. Later as they were retreating they unearthed the graves, cremated the massive graves in open air fires (or mobile crematorium), then crushed all the bones in portable bone grinding mills, then dispersed all the ash and crushed bone in rivers/farm-land etc., which explains the lack of physical evidence.

>> No.15670620
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You answer the questions then.

>> No.15670622
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The thing that is so great about gpt, it's that or can't just run away from a question like most liberals and jews do, they can't gish gallop or try and sweet up fake BS to trick you, so you can just reframe the question into it reluctantly has to answer something it does not want to.
It can be extremely stubborn, but with patience, you can make it answer things it would like to ignore.

>> No.15670634

Wait, what? My grandfather told us stories of dunking fish in liquid nitrogen and shattering them on the deck of the ship he served on in WWII. Of course they had that technology in the second world war

>> No.15670640

Sonderkommandos you fucking whackadoodle.

>> No.15670700

>12 countries
Objectively wrong.
>Designated as terrorist organization by Australia, Canada, the European Union, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
I count 34. Congratulations, you bullied an algorithm in making up numbers.

>> No.15670710

There's really nothing to fear from ZOG AIs.
They're lobotomised before they're even born.

>> No.15671028

>But you're only arguing for getting them out of the city, not for putting them in camps and gassing them.
The camp is out of the city, do you want to shoot them in the mid of the road? Its possible but a camp isnt that different, its just a designated killing area. A death camp isnt some big expensive installation, its a bunch of barbwire and some hovels put together by local polish bricklayers

>> No.15671031

>how did the germans massacre 6 million jews when the total population of all european jews was less than 6 million
It was 11 million

>> No.15671132

It seems pretty obvious that a ton of jews (probably several hundred thousand) died in WW2, lots of them were shot, lots died from Typhus and starvation near the end of the war. That being said you'd have to stupid to believe '6 million' and the entire gas chamber mythos.

>> No.15671170
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>> No.15671382
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>> No.15671545

>That being said you'd have to stupid to believe '6 million' and the entire gas chamber mythos.
And that gets easier to believe as time goes by. It actually shoes in nicely when you think about it. The Nazis wanted to keep it secret and destroy any evidence to conceal their crimes. After the war Nazi sympathizers picked up the torch, so to speak and have increasingly proliferated propaganda and disinformation. The anti-Semitic rhetoric has really taken off in the past decade.

>> No.15671582

>oy vey the holohoax is totally real
>you goys have to believe in muh holohoax
>its against the law to question it

>> No.15671592

Reading comprehension. You made up a bunch of juvenile shit. Stop the fake quoting to express your view.

>> No.15671999

The mainstream media lies to me every single day about immigrants and the crimes they commit. They lie about the wars we wage and their reasons. They lie to me about pay gaps, patriarchy, sexism, and male privilege. They lie about historical Europeans, colonialism, and slave trade. And now I'm starting to believe they're lying about holocaust too.

>> No.15672509
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>OY VEY Reading comprehension. You goyims made up a bunch of juvenile shit. Stop the fake quoting to express your view, goy. This is worse than the holocaust all over again

>> No.15672534

The reason it's suspicious isn't anything to do with what the nazis were or were not capable of, it's suspicious because of the profoundly bizarre amount of emphasis placed on it. It isn't taught as a genocide, it's taught as the secular equivalent of religion or a foundational myth, with Hitler as the devil. Everything bad is compared to Hitler. He is a language construct now apparently. All politics is judged by way of degrees of similarity to nazism.

>> No.15672598

I remember this meme from /pol/, just making cartoonish holocaust stories
>inb4 /pol/ wasnt invented in 2012

>> No.15672679
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>> No.15672681

I wish it was real ;_;

>> No.15672891

>The reason it's suspicious... etc.
1. having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something
Example: he was suspicious of her motives
Sounds reasonable. However, the fabrication, insulting nature, and mocking anyone who questions or doesn't walk lock step is too much like wokism where chaos is the goal. Excuse me for doubting when history is rewritten again and again and again. I never heard of the holocaust hoax before the internet, and I've never heard of the holocaust hoax outside of the internet.

>> No.15672909

>instead of just shooting
it was around 50%

>> No.15673409

It was real in their minds.

>> No.15674333

>He's surprised he didn't come across holocaust skepticism from institutions run by/headed by jews

>> No.15674365

If jews are the synagogue of satan and Hitler is their devil than does that make Hitler god?

>> No.15674894

Profoundly silly.

>> No.15676411
File: 187 KB, 1440x1805, 23457894357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15676916

>>He's surprised he didn't come across holocaust skepticism from institutions run by/headed by jews
You changed my words to other words that have completely different meanings. Then felt it was important enough to inform the other anons that you were stroking your ego. No one cares.

>> No.15677517

That's exactly what you implied, you twat

>> No.15677697

Why do you think they call themselves ashkeNAZI ?

>> No.15677740

I implied nothing. Why make yourself look foolish? You are still making up lies even now. Even in clear and simple terms, you still fail to comprehend. You can't or won't understand, so have the last word, please. Remember when you feel inadequate, your modus operandi is insults, lies, and name-calling.

>> No.15677805

Why didn't he condemn communist rulers?

>> No.15677890

This is projection

>> No.15677904


>> No.15678247


>> No.15678310

Do they have a page for wooden doors or typhus?

>> No.15678328
File: 107 KB, 1079x830, bFoS7b6wOa6z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adl.org has one of the best collections of memes on the internet, they're way better than encyclopediadramatica or any of the other standard meme repositories

>> No.15678426
File: 27 KB, 855x141, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egypt should rename itself to Steak.

>> No.15678428

You mean Kaets?

>> No.15678435
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 1605093876897.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.15678711
File: 666 KB, 3112x2548, holocaust-066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know for sure but even though I doubt the 6 millions, I'm also doubting the story the negationnists built around this picture.

Why do you think the NYT version is the original ? It seems much more likely to me that the editors removed the standing man for decency reasons, than that the jewish historians for some reason added one more malnourished jew on a picture that had already been published in the fucking NYT.
Plus, looking at the pixels it can tell this version is not a shop.

>> No.15679069

The fact is, every holocaust "controversy" has an accepted answer. It is simply not possible to "just ask questions" about the holocaust because an earnest inquiring mind would soon learn all the answers, and only those with an ulterior motive to implicate some global Jewish conspiracy refuse to accept them. There is therefore no such thing as honest holocaust denial. The well is thoroughly poisoned.

>> No.15679256

>bear and eagle cage
>jewish baby skeet shooting
>cart tracks leading into the spring-opened oven

I want the answers to these.

>only those with an ulterior motive would refuse to accept the holocaust as presented

Why would the jews make up these and other stories? They certainly have the motive to extort billions from Germany and others as restitution.

>> No.15679349

>They actually needed less manpower to operate gas chambers than to shoot them
And the manpower and resources to construct them?
>Because you need to get the jews to a central location instead of shooting them randomly on the streets. It makes a lot of sense. You shoot people on the streets and you get a street battle where everyone will pick up arms.
But this isn't even accurate according to the accepted version of events
Shooting and arrests were happening in the Warsaw ghetto before it was "liquidated." There were hundreds of thousands (over 460,000 at its height) imprisoned there watching the atrocities. There was even an uprising in 1943, well into the war and the holocaust, that was quickly shut down. Are Jews cowards or something?
>When the NKVD killed millions in gulags they didnt just shoot them on the streets of moscow.
What was the October Revolution then?

>> No.15679351

>The well is thoroughly poisoned.
Yes, you Jews would know all about that

>> No.15679369

Hitler wasn't good. He was a cringe athiest who in typical German fashion hyper-focused on real topics like jewish influence, race mixing, cultural degeneracy, and national pride and somehow transformed them into an autistic obsession. Instead of solving them in a rational manner, he worked his fellow autists into a frenzy and got his country destroyed in an un-winnable war that killed millions of people and gave jews enough propaganda ammunition for them to dominate the world for the next century

That being said, in the context of world history he was a shitty leader. Nothing more, nothing less. He was not the devil, and it is only for propaganda reasons that he is taught that way

>> No.15679370

and then the German children of nazi officers all joined together to eat auschwitz style popsicle, it was the worst thing I have ever seen in my entire life, especially because I don't even like popsicles that much.

>> No.15679433
File: 39 KB, 568x426, holocaust victims' dildos .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15679484

Reminder to manlets that even women about to be holocausted won't sleep eith you to save themselves

>> No.15679499

the first volkswagen cars were fuelled by jewish pain misery and suffering, instead of leather interior they used jewish skin, how do I know this? I've talked to holocaust survivors and they told me it was true.

>> No.15679606

Why not post the name of the facility instead of an oblique reference to it? Googling "university experiment gas chamber mosquitoes" doesn't get me anywhere but clearly you have some background knowledge

>> No.15679696
File: 415 KB, 720x3012, 1BbaXhfR2Ofw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15679710

I have a question to holocaust deniers ITT: Is there any theoretical evidence that would make you change your belief about the holocaust? As in "if they find/show/prove this, I believe that the holocaust did actually happen"? If not, i.e. your theory is not falsifiable, what are you doing on /sci/?

>> No.15679717
File: 33 KB, 750x710, How_Feminist_View_Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There has not been a NAZI killing any Jews in over 75 years...
Let it GO!

>> No.15679760

Take a shovel. Go to any camp such as the Reinhardt camps. Dig up the supposed mass graves, confirm there being human ashes on the enormous scales alleged.

>> No.15679762

>The well is thoroughly poisoned.

Lmao the irony.

How many Holocaust facts were proven to be bullshit decades later?

>> No.15679767

The fact is, every covid "controversy" has an accepted answer. It is simply not possible to "just ask questions" about covid because an earnest inquiring mind would soon learn all the answers, and only those with an ulterior motive to implicate some global pharmaceutical conspiracy refuse to accept them. There is therefore no such thing as honest covid denial. The well is thoroughly poisoned.

>> No.15679823

>Why would the jews make up these and other stories?
eternal victimhood gave them their own word to call anyone who happens to notice things. thus allowing them to:
>run the largest pedo ring in the world (epstein)
>attack allies to try and bring them into their wars (uss liberty), dancing during 9/11
>have dual citizenship yet constantly vote only for things that hurt america and its people while helping israel
>setup orgs like aipac to interfere in our politics
>control the money supply of nations around the world
you could probably keep going. its a pretty sweet deal for them

>> No.15680257

>Why would the jews make up these and other stories?
I reckon you made up the stories, then ascribed them to Jews
Fewer than you'd think

>> No.15680524
File: 53 KB, 526x207, 1686620171705858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh *I* did now? lmao

>> No.15680534
File: 831 KB, 980x750, 1692562072529067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15680550

Most of the Jews are said to have actually died of malnourishment and disease. The reason why they were kept in camps was so that they would be used as a source of cheap labour for various industries.
Mother Nature once again proves to be a better agent of death than man-made weapons.

>> No.15680638

>Most of the Jews are said to have actually died of malnourishment and disease
Wildly incorrect. The claimed gassings are far more than the actual real deaths by malnourishment and typhus (mostly towards the end of the war as Germany ceased the function)

>> No.15680643

>ceased the function
ceased to function*

>> No.15680822

>punishing soldiers for rape

>> No.15680955

when your nation isn't a bunch of savages, yes that happens. like that american nigger that got lynched over east by his own platoon for being a subhuman ape. then his descendant (son I think?) got lynched for pulling the same shit back in the us and some of his own family members were part of the lynch mob

>> No.15682326

there were no gassings, thats just a hollywood fairy tale

>> No.15682332

So, you have wildly conflicting information from various (unverified) sources, and you deal by just picking the answer that conforms to your preconceived conclusion?

>> No.15682594

I know

>> No.15682600

>there were no gassings
Prove it. Were you there in the gas chamber? Well, my grandpa was and he begs to differ.

>> No.15682615

They're pretty consistent in their rough tally.

When there are multiple facets that create strain credulity and create reasonable doubt about the official narrative, only a fool would willfully ignore it.

>> No.15682622

Why don't you explain to us why you think some jews (by their own testimony/accounts) were moved from death camp to death camp? What logical sense does that have for the SS to waste precious logistical resources shuffling them around like that?

Let's hear your thoughts on this (or if you just blindly believed this happened for no rational reason).

>> No.15682629

Three words for you: redditspacing.

>> No.15682667

>They're pretty consistent in their rough tally.
And you don't think that sources published during or just after the war might simply have outdated or incomplete information?

Healthy Jews were forced into slave labour. It's easier to bring the slave to the labour than the other way around. They may have had other reasons I'm not aware of; the camp system was notoriously convoluted. If this is a genuine question, put it before an expert and they will undoubtedly have a definitive answer for you. Be sure to report back with it.

>> No.15682725
File: 147 KB, 873x1280, HolocaustAsFoundationMythAndASouthPoleForMoralAndPoliticalCompasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If this is a genuine question, put it before an expert and they will undoubtedly have a definitive answer for you.
You have far too much faith is in authority. You're simply the kind of person who would have adopted whatever the dominant religion of the day is.
What you must understand, whether you think it happened or not, the Holocaust and WW2 in general serves as a foundational myth for the West. On it lies the current ideology/religion. Political discourse always circles back to Hitler, National Socialist Germany, and the Holocaust. Why is ethnonationalism, eugenics bad, and liberalism and "democracy" good? Because the Nazis thought otherwise and they did the Holocaust and that's bad Q.E.D.. what's the most jarring insults today? Nazi, fascist, racist etc. Today you can openly call yourself a satanist or a stalinist or antinatalist and no one cares or bats an eye; say you like Hitler or National Socialism or that the Holocaust didn't happen and your life is ruined.
At every point there have been a dominant religion, each time backed by the masses and foremost authorities.

>> No.15682768

>You have far too much faith is in authority.
Right, see, this is where we reach the "it's a global conspiracy and everyone is in on it" stage. You find it impossible to believe that the SS might have their reasons to keep certain Jews alive a little longer (actually, I doubt you are really so incredulous, but you have to play the part, of course), but to think that the entire Jewish population and all mainstream academia colluded to sell you a false narrative for some reason seems like a reasonable alternative to you that doesn't strain credulity at all?

The fact is, you don't want the real answer to your question. You want your leading question to be perpetually unanswered so you can wield it at laymen, and let its implications clash with their understanding of the holocaust (i.e. people were sent to the death camps and all immediately killed). This so you can proceed to imply any number of possibilities, except of course for the straightforwardly correct one, because that would ruin your pretence of honest inquiry and spoil the game.

>Why is ethnonationalism, eugenics bad, and liberalism and "democracy" good? Because the Nazis thought otherwise and they did the Holocaust and that's bad Q.E.D.
Genocide is bad, yes, hth

>> No.15682805
File: 334 KB, 648x767, 345906845098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but to think that the entire Jewish population and all mainstream academia colluded to sell you a false narrative for some reason seems like a reasonable alternative to you that doesn't strain credulity at all?
At the moment, I am not claiming it is any more of a "conspiracy" than the Roman Catholic Church was "conspiring". Do you reject that last point I made about there always being a dominant religion?
>The fact is, you don't want the real answer to your question
That wasn't me who asked that question (there are far more interesting or damning parts to look into imo).
Here are my responses if you wish to reply to them

>> No.15682819

>At the moment, I am not claiming it is any more of a "conspiracy" than the Roman Catholic Church was "conspiring".
That is inherent to your position. If you reject the accepted answer then the only alternative is that millions of people are lying to you. And as I said before, all your quibbles do have accepted answers and your reasons for rejecting them are highly suspect.
>Do you reject that last point I made about there always being a dominant religion?
Yes, it's irrelevant pseudo-scientific hogwash.

>> No.15682833 [DELETED] 

>then the only alternative is that millions of people are lying to you
You're game is to suppose the revisionist premise is that tens of millions of jews/academics/politicians/people-in-general are in cahoot today despite knowing the "truth". What I am telling you with respect to this is that the position is little different from the priest at your local church "lying" to you (or rabbi in your local synagogue, or the iman in your local mosque etc.).
I will not touch on this point further since I am uninterested of this strawman.

>> No.15682838

>then the only alternative is that millions of people are lying to you
Your game is to insist the revisionist premise is that tens of millions of jews/academics/politicians/people-in-general are in cahoot today despite knowing the "truth". What I am telling you with respect to this is that the position is little different from the priest at your local church "lying" to you (or rabbi in your local synagogue, or the iman in your local mosque etc.).
I will not touch on this point further since I am uninterested in this strawman.

>> No.15682859

> the only alternative is that millions of people are lying to you.

No, you're just retarded and clearly captured if you think that this is "the only alternative".
A single (though not sole) alternative is that there are a ton of useful idiots (like you) who don't unquestioningly believe the holocaust meme with a religious zeal that do their part in spreading the narrative instead of examining it critically. Worse, you view questioning it as heresy. It's no wonder that most people just assume the holocaust version as fact.
If you have a faulty or false premise, it isn't difficult to build on top of that foundation and make a career out of it, as academics do. "the holocaust happened in the official manner" is not a physical law, but a testable theory. Unfortunately, people like you shut down any investigation of the issue. The truth fears no investigation.

>> No.15682861

Shut up, bigot. You and other conspiracy theorists literally believe that 6 gorillion people are all conspiring to fool you, which is ridiculous. Watch Pen and Teller.

>> No.15682862

>who don't unquestioningly believe the holocaust meme with a religious zeal

*who unquestioningly believe

>> No.15682866

Thank you for proving my point.
Thinking is hard, huh? Better to offload some of that effort onto other people; why think for yourself?

>> No.15682873

This is a strawman. Answer why an inmate would be moved from a death camp to another death camp? (not a work camp to another work camp).

>> No.15682881

>Answer why an inmate would be moved from a death camp to another death camp?
Because one of the local ovens broke down?

>> No.15682882

And yet what else do you propose? You have no solution. It just happened and now we're here. You don't want to state in so many words what assumptions are required to get there, because that would be too obviously ridiculous. Just as you have no answers to any of your other questions. Just implications.
Right, there is no global conspiracy of millions, just a global conspiracy of tens of thousands who have deceived everyone else.
You know, funny you should mention critical thinking, because if anything forced me to think critically it was the weaselly tactics of holocaust deniers who never state things plainly, forcing me to go looking for the answers, and that is what finally cemented my position. The answers are truly out there for anyone who wants to know them and you are either lazy or dishonest if you keep repeating the same trite falsehoods and never once come across the inevitable refutation. What investigation? It is true investigation that you fear, because you rely on uncertainty and "just asking questions" to sow doubt.

>> No.15682886

>Right, there is no global conspiracy of millions, just a global conspiracy of tens of thousands who have deceived everyone else.
LOL. You have tens of thousands of people all thinking they got abducted by aliens. You better believe them, anon.

>> No.15682889


>> No.15682904

Multiple fallacies here

>Right, there is no global conspiracy of millions, just a global conspiracy of tens of thousands who have deceived everyone else.
Argument from authority

>the weaselly tactics of holocaust deniers who never state things plainly, forcing me to go looking for the answers, and that is what finally cemented my position
Ad hominem

>you are either lazy or dishonest if you keep repeating the same trite falsehoods and never once come across the inevitable refutation
I'm still waiting for a plausible refutation besides "the experts say it's true" (which is just argument from authority)

>It is true investigation that you fear, because you rely on uncertainty and "just asking questions" to sow doubt.
No actually the only real thing to fear is being cancelled for asking these questions. That doesn't lend legitimacy to the position, it only reinforces the conspiracy

>> No.15682910
File: 144 KB, 988x1059, 235243423236236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Argument from authority
>Ad hominem
>Multiple fallacies here
Peak reddit.

>> No.15682928

Your claim, not mine
>Argument from authority
Yours is the only authority I can trust, right, Anon? You know all there is to know about the holocaust. Everyone who knows less needs to be educated by you. Everyone who knows more is an "authority" who needs to be shunned.
>Ad hominem
No, merely an observation.
>I'm still waiting for a plausible refutation besides "the experts say it's true"
I'm not saying "the experts say it's true". We're both in agreement that it's true; no need to refer to any experts there. What I am telling you is that there are logical reasons for this, one of which I could easily come up with myself, and that if you would study the matter in-depth, more would certainly reveal themselves. I am also telling you that there are people who have already done this. There is scepticism, and there is dismissing people because they are authorities in their field. The latter is called being a crank. Again, that is a factual observation.
>No actually the only real thing to fear is being cancelled for asking these questions.
Why? Anyone can have these questions, and there is no shortage of people willing to answer them. You're being dishonest here. Your problem is not asking the question, it's refusing the answer and substituting your conspiracy narrative.

>> No.15682935

So 10,000 people say they got abducted by aliens and I can safely assume they're lying/delusional/mistaken, but 10,000 people say a friend of a friend of theirs got a free ride in Uncle Adolf's holocauster and I have to pick between their being right or their being part a coordinated conspiracy? Go hole, ADL.

>> No.15682953

The number of camp survivors is several orders of magnitude more than that; if we include those who had a "friend of a friend" I'm sure it numbers in the millions. But fortunately you don't even have to take their word for it because so much independent research has been done to verify it. The holocaust may well be the most well-documented event in history at this point, so yes, there comes a point where you either accept it or you're a conspiracy theorist.

>> No.15682968

>The number of camp survivors is several orders of magnitude more than that
Also you:
>Right, there is no global conspiracy of millions, just a global conspiracy of tens of thousands who have deceived everyone else.
I can tell you're jewish through the screen.

>> No.15682985

>there comes a point where you either accept it or you're a conspiracy theorist.
There already came the point where you're either golemized cattle or a conspiracy theorist. Anyone with a modicum of humanity is a conspiracy theorist. This makes you profoundly angry.

>> No.15682991

I know sarcasm doesn't translate well through text but this level of misconstrual seem like it would require intent on your part.
>I can tell you're jewish through the screen.
And that's another thing. Holocaust deniers are, of course, all anti-Semites, which makes their claims that they are just asking honest questions and definitely don't mean to imply anything about global Jewish conspiracies rather laughable. But also, you prove time and again that you are terrible at actually identifying who is Jewish and who isn't, and also, that it doesn't really matter to you anyway. "Jewish" to you is just anyone who disagrees with you. Jews as an extant demographic just have the misfortune of being a historically easily scapegoated group, which makes them an ideal fetish for your misdirected frustration. You want to destroy Da J00s because you can't cope with people disagreeing with you.
Actually I find you profoundly hilarious.

>> No.15682995

>this level of misconstrual
What did I misconstrue? You conceded that your "millions" hyperbole is dogshit and settled on "tens of thousands", thinking that's a safe number. Then you got BTFO and reverted back to "several orders of magnitude more". I can tell you're jewish through the screen. Everyone can tell.

>> No.15683001

I conceded nothing and you would think that sarcasm being mentioned explicitly would render that clear. Therefore your dishonest intent is also rendered all the clearer.

>> No.15683007

>The number of camp survivors is several orders of magnitude more than that
No one doubts the existence of concentration camps. The supposed eye witnesses for the actual genocide operations number in the dozens.

>> No.15683012
File: 8 KB, 184x274, (jew).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that's another thing. Holocaust deniers are, of course, all anti-Semites, which makes their claims that they are just asking honest questions and definitely don't mean to imply anything about global Jewish conspiracies rather laughable. But also, you prove time and again that you are terrible at actually identifying who is Jewish and who isn't, and also, that it doesn't really matter to you anyway. "Jewish" to you is just anyone who disagrees with you. Jews as an extant demographic just have the misfortune of being a historically easily scapegoated group, which makes them an ideal fetish for your misdirected frustration. You want to destroy Da J00s because you can't cope with people disagreeing with you.
kek. i can tell you're jewish through the screen

>> No.15683017

So what is it? Millions or tens of thousands or what? How many independent first-hand witnesses of gassings are we dealing with here?

>> No.15683038

Always, always false positives. This is one pure-blooded blonde blue-eyed Aryan who will stay well away from you lunatics because you're liable to kill me anyway over your delusions.

I'm sure I can easily google that, then again, an earnest inquirer would've done so himself already, but you once again prove you wield questions as forms of attack and actual answers are only inconvenient in little play you're putting on and easily dismissed. I'm sure any answer I can find you will be deemed too authoritative.

>> No.15683063

>g-g-google it
So you don't know? Why were you making retarded arguments revolving around this sheer number of independent first-hand witnesses that you don't even know? lol

>> No.15683073
File: 4 KB, 204x212, wolf3d_hitler_ripshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you're jewish through the screen

>> No.15683097

I'm doing what now?

Did you really think I wouldn't have googled camp survivors before asserting there were hundreds of thousands of them? That I did verify and so can you. Not everyone plays fast and loose with words and definitions the way fascists do.
You have a pathological obsession with your scapegoat. Jews, to you, represent everything wrong with the world. I contradict you so you associate me with the Jews. It is quite literally a fetish.

>> No.15683101

>camp survivors
Now prove that "camp survivors" are all first-hand witnesses of gassings.

>> No.15683105

Though, once again, of course, it should be noted that whatever you think we're talking about, you continue to prove my main point: you aren't interested in answering questions, but rather exploiting people's ignorance surrounding the leading questions you ask. You don't have an answer; but if I cannot give an answer you deem satisfactory, it must be wrong.
Why? No such claim was made anywhere.

>> No.15683110

So how many first-hand witnesses of gassings are we talking about here? Notice how you will shit out post after post of worthless pilpul but never answer this. :^)

>> No.15683113

>So how many first-hand witnesses of gassings are we talking about here?
I don't know, why don't you tell me, since you seem pretty confident about it? Provide me with a source, because, of course, you wouldn't deign to tell me to just google it.

>> No.15683117

It uses cryogenic fluids so they were able to cool stuff down a lot.

>> No.15683119

>I don't know
Well, okay, then why are you talking about huge masses of people needing to conspire if you don't know how many independent first-hand witnesses your JIDF narrative actually relies on?

>> No.15683135

So you don't know? You're lambasting me for not knowing something (or rather, not telling you) and you don't know either? You're just asserting that there weren't hundreds of thousands of eye witnesses based on absolutely nothing?

Let alone your ridiculous assertion that people need to have independently witnessed a gassing in order to give corroborating testimony in the first place. People who gave the order would've known. People who dug the graves would've known. People who examined the gas chambers would've known. The entire German high command would've known. People who saw family members disappear would've known. You're fixated on a claim no one made and you don't even have the knowledge to disprove any of it, yourself.

>> No.15683143

The more you spew your "arguments", the more you are hated. Personally, I was completely indifferent to all this before I saw how your kind argues. lol

>> No.15683151

Right, you were completely indifferent to "my kind" until you just randomly assumed I was a Jew and decided I was hateworthy for that. Sounds like something someone who is completely not anti-Semitic would do.

Of course, I am still not Jewish, but you are indeed proving why I could never be safe among fascists even though they claim to fight for me. I see how you argue, too. You are dishonest hypocrites, generally too cowardly to make direct claims, preferring insinuations, and when all else fails, you cry "Jew" and that's that.

>> No.15683157

>the parasite just keeps doubling down with its vile behavior in a new context
It's genetic. You can't help it.

>> No.15683159

>The more you spew your "arguments", the more you are hated.
Because, again, that's what it's really about. "The Jew" represents everyone you hate, and you hate people who confront you with the glaring flaws in your comforting worldview. There is a very telling passage in Mein Kampf where Hitler talks about totally pwning Jews in debate left and right (carefully neglecting to mention anything substantial about the arguments, of course) and absolutely seething that they won't admit how right he is in his own mind. You echo that passage here.
Is it my Austrian side, you think?

>> No.15683162

and then they cry and whinge and wonder why nobody protested when the krauts separated them from european populations and put them in camps. lol

>> No.15683167

The fabled jewish propensity for psychotic illness is starting to shine through in your recent posts.

>> No.15683177

Have you considered therapy instead of constructing elaborate fantasies where you get to put people you got into an argument with on a Palestinian olive oil pressing board in a death camp and then lie about it afterwards?
Which is remarkable because no matter how much you insist upon your delusion, I am still not Jewish. Of course, that also means that the one displaying psychotic behaviour is you.

>> No.15683180

>elaborate fantasies where you get to put people you got into an argument with on a Palestinian olive oil pressing board in a death camp and then lie about it afterwards?
he's not wrong, you really are sick in the head. where did i imply anything about putting you in a death camp? i'm just saying i'm not surprised europeans weren't sad when you were separated from them back then, and won't be sad about it when it inevitably happens again. lol

>> No.15683186

>where did i imply anything about putting you in a death camp?
Haha, gotcha, wink wink

>> No.15683188

>Yours is the only authority I can trust, right, Anon?
Holy fuck you are actually retarded. This is a strawman, you shouldn't trust ANY authority without running it through "does this make sense?", otherwise you are prone to being manipulated into believing something false by people with ulterior motives. This is called "critical thinking".

You dumb fuck.

>> No.15683192

i don't believe in your death camp narrative if that wasn't clear to you. i know you're not the brightest bulb but god damn...

>> No.15683203

Note that you people haven't made an argument since you were called on your ignorance and hypocrisy, instead pivoting to "I don't have to argue because I decided you're a Jew, damn I hate Jews"
Anon, that's precisely what I'm telling you. I in fact do not let holocaust deniers with their endless insinuations tell me what to think. Instead I think critically about what they are saying, compare it to the vast volumes of documentation, witness accounts, and expert testimonies, and indeed decide that holocaust deniers have transparent ulterior motives and are lying through their teeth. So when they tell you to reject everyone who has studied the matter in depth because "muh appeal to authority" and listen only to them...
It was clearly clear to me. Why else would I post what I did? I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed but god damn indeed...

>> No.15683211

>It was clearly clear to me
then why did you think i was alluding to putting you in a death camp when i mentioned germans segregating you kind from actual people? lol

>> No.15683215

The only thing I note is that you're still seething and (You)ing me some 15 minutes after I got bored with you.

>> No.15683228
File: 79 KB, 704x716, 6271ceccfb2f7d2f01ea7ee9af2f5ab1b88ad6ddbda8a59fc3d7d787d438cf59_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15683229

Because no matter what you say, that is in fact what you're alluding to, and you're simply a liar.
Interesting, someone who types just like you and repeats exact the same impotent seething about Jews happened to take over for you fifteen minutes ago just as you happened to get bored, and for some reason, you're still here anyway. But well, I guess the point where you got BTFO and completely ran out of arguments was a great point to grow "bored".

>> No.15683231
File: 31 KB, 500x549, 4a582d6f97c85f4f22261c28134f63fea168361175b3f8da469dc9d5cdda987b_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15683237

I have absolutely no idea what that could be referring to!

>> No.15683239
File: 290 KB, 1122x1071, nogas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15683252
File: 150 KB, 698x718, a36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15683266

>Never believe that anti‐Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side.

>> No.15683271
File: 141 KB, 458x274, hdU6w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15683282

You aren't answering questions though and are blind to your own ignorance and naivite. I asked you to provide a hypothesis for a rational question a skeptic might have and your response was
>sources published during or just after the war might simply have outdated or incomplete information?
, which is deflection, and
>The answers are truly out there for anyone who wants to know them and you are either lazy or dishonest if you keep repeating the same trite falsehoods and never once come across the inevitable refutation
You have no hypothesis other that "well the experts wouldn't lie", which is the argument of someone who does not care to think.

>> No.15683298
File: 70 KB, 524x621, pedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you attribute your quote to the pedophilia apologist who wrote it? :^)

>> No.15683321

>You have no hypothesis other that "well the experts wouldn't lie"
No, rather, that the sources are out there, and I should reiterate that your sources are unsubstantiated so I'm being generous by interpreting them in the first place.
Every other post on 4chan is attributable to a pedophilia apologist, dear.

>> No.15683324

do you usually quote pedo apologists as authorities on why jews aren't bad? :^)

>> No.15683327

Even in this thread the nazis are torn between
>The holocaust didn't happen
>But it should happen again
>Because I'm not saying I'm motivated entirely by a hatred of Jews
>But I really fucking hate Jews

>> No.15683328

everyone's hated you since the dawn of time and no one's ever put you in death camps. hope that settles your confusion

>> No.15683332

They actively make it difficult to like them and are overseeing the attempted genocide of ethnic europeans

>> No.15683334

There is no contradiction here

>> No.15683335

I don't think he intends to. He genuinely can't help it. He can't tell the difference between how he acts and how people act.

>> No.15683342
File: 88 KB, 960x722, 387141_487567611253249_345644602_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis frequently quote a convicted pedophile as an authority on why Jews are bad so, as a Jew once said, let he who is without sin cast the first stone

>> No.15683347

You're right, my ancestors were the ones putting people in camps and we're not too popular globally

>> No.15683348

>here's what these other imaginary characters in my head do
cool. do you usually quote pedo apologists as authorities on why jews aren't bad? :^)

>> No.15683356

If I may once again call attention to the glaring flaw in your theory: I'm not Jewish. It's hilarious and slightly unnerving to see you confidently mark me for death based on pure delusion.

>> No.15683358

your ancestors were the ones making money off of the spilling of european blood, and your contemporary relatives are probably among the fascist cretins trying to outlaw AfD now that too many people have gotten getting sick of your poison

>> No.15683363

Kinda funny how everyone who interacts with you immediately marks you, jewboy.

>> No.15683368

>your ancestors were the ones making money off of the spilling of european blood
Yes, growing the Dutch empire sure required the spilling of Dutch blood and also made the Dutch rich.
>your contemporary relatives are probably among the fascist cretins trying to outlaw AfD
AfD are the fascist cretins, you fascist cretin. This is like me calling you a dirty Jew.
Kinda funny how anti-Semites share a pathology, yes.

>> No.15683377

Your political system is failing and your handlers are in panic, little rat. I don't blame you. I bet you know what's coming. :^)

>> No.15683380

>AfD are the fascist cretins
AfD are the only party that called out the government and relevant gov. organs for not fulfilling their task of protecting the people during the COVID period.

>> No.15683381

no point arguing with semitofascist scum. "democracy" is

>> No.15683384

>Your political system is failing
Yes, capitalism has failed
Sure, let's bring more irrelevant conspiratard grievances in here, this is the /pol/ containment after all

>> No.15683387

no point arguing with semitofascist scum. "democracy" is when these people buy your government, not but when the population votes them out

>> No.15683390

You know what's comming. Better beg your judeofascist handlers to start putting everyone who disagrees with you in camps. :^)

>> No.15683400

It is I, the Jewish gentile communazi, the perfect enemy of the terminally confused

No wonder nazi Germany was such a clown show lmao

>> No.15683428
File: 74 KB, 543x634, 42132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: a seething judeofascist lashing out at everyone else. someone got too used to having an army of pic relateds as reinforcement. he must've forgotten 4chan wasn't reddit

>> No.15683449

You calling me a fascist packs all the punch of a four-year-old screaming at me to "g-grow up!". And, ironically, you're the only one here complaining about my "lashing out" after deliberately seeking a confrontation you were intellectually ill equipped to handle. You're the ones who required reinforcements against little ol' me and you're somehow the best you can muster? Your arguments are so feeble, if they were arms, I reckon you posted a selfie.