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15653782 No.15653782 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't China innovate?

>> No.15653788

They're currently working on the ramp up to LK99 mass production in secret, putting them years ahead of the rest of the world, so they'll be fine.

>> No.15653794

they innovated a bioweapon that infects every single cell in your body, has five ways to infect cells versus the 2 of a natural coronavirus, directly infects lymph nodes and t tells, has prion proteins that completely fuck up your cell walls and cause fibrosis even when infection cannot take hold, causing amyloidosis, and even manages to destroy the histones in your chromosome somehow, which is not something we have seen in any other disease

that's pretty innovative

>> No.15653800

They're innovating new ways to be slavish bug people

>> No.15653810
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asiabros... this was supposed to be us...

>> No.15653830

It's over and dead, ironically just another waste of resources from you racist rice dicks like everyone else warned you it would be.

>> No.15653843
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Obviously because they cannot tolerate freedom of thought. Let this certified chemist lay it out for you:

>> No.15653855

Several reasons:
>Heavy focus on standardised testing combined with rampant cheating
>An academic system that forces researchers to publish quantity of quality
>A rent-free head obsession with everything "Western"
>Capital allocations focussed in infrastructure or manufacturing stolen IP instead of R&D
>Low genetic potential, even with 1.4b very few individuals are capable of being highly productive workers or researchers

>> No.15653858

They didn't invent that, they stole it from American biolabs like they stole everything else they have.

>> No.15653870

>>Low genetic potential, even with 1.4b very few individuals are capable of being highly productive workers or researchers
this hasn't been confirmed, but it could be true i guess
i wish there were more research into extremely intelligent individuals of different ethnicities with supposedly similar average IQs
ashkenazi IQ isn't that much higher than east asian yet they have so many more geniuses
this paper is a good start i guess

>> No.15653909

It's been confirmed, China's population demogrpahics has already peaked and it has the best and most modern tech infrastructure on the planet so it's exhausting all the intellectual capital it was ever going to muster. You will not see a better China than you do right at this moment which is barely scraping above the top African countries in GDP per capita.

I, too, did not expect them to stay so far below Japan/South Korea and even 4 times worse than their Taiwanese cousins, but here we are. I suppose the decades I've been arguing against those countries "just being propped up by the West" was wrong all along. A sobering look at the data demonstrates that Asia's GDP per capita has not grown signficantly since the 60s, and the pure population driven total growth is ending except for the momentum in India and Indonesia.

The future is not very bright sadly.

>> No.15653917
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here's why i think it hasn't been confirmed
they still have so many uneducated (pic rel)
japan was the first east asian country to develop and only now are they raking in the nobel prizes
you could argue that korea has zero nobel prizes and they are more genetically similar to the han than japanese are, but korea also developed later
communism has been devastating for china, the urban-rural divide is still massive

>> No.15653934

Does china even know what intellectual property is even?
That might have something to do with it actually.

>> No.15653943

you're half right. they ARE propped up by the west. this is a cold hard fact. their NET income depends completely on exports because their domestic economy is not capable of producing "enough" for domestic consumption, efficiently enough, that others will buy from them.

rephrased, they are not creating enough scientific products that other countries are not capable of creating that people would like to buy them. so instead they must default to mass manufacture of cheaper products in greater numbers in order too maintain net positive income.

very fucked up countries export coconuts because they are incapable of producting refined products at all, or incapable of doing it cheaper than better countries. this applies to taiwan and korea and JAPAN, but a step further down the line. they are not capable of producing the NEW computer chips via research or production. they are not capable of creating the machines that create the chips. they are not capable of creating PHDs who can design them, and they are not capable of doing any of this CHEAPER than america, which has salaries 4 to ten times higher.

thus like poorer countries exporting coconuts, they export cheap chips, en masse, in order to try to raise income

that said you and the other poster are wrong. their contributions to math and physics trump that of jews. jews infiltrate western institutions and steal research. just look, any field that has a jew at the top is a dead field.
china is doomed to remain below japan and korea because they are racially admixed with southern filipino type people. they are lower iq, and more corrupt.

you should note that the koreans are not more closely related to the chinese in dna studies.

>> No.15653947

>china is doomed to remain below japan and korea because they are racially admixed with southern filipino type people. they are lower iq, and more corrupt.
>you should note that the koreans are not more closely related to the chinese in dna studies.
sounds like bullshit

>> No.15653951
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come on bro dont make me do this

>> No.15653968

The us is doomed
This isn't the 80s or the 90s anymore. It's too corrupt and corrupt countries are doomed.china is also corrupt like most countries but clearly nearly not as much given they've made stuff with the government money that everyone can verify with their eyes.
The green energy, infrastructure, war in the Ukraine, chip fab, etc... It'll all be talked about while everyone gets a nice fat cut. Not bad ideas necessarily just had people. And well Americans think carrying boxes for delivery I'd hard labor. How can anyone be optimistic about america not losing to china?

>> No.15653986


except that we are talking about two different types of corruption

until relatively recently some measure of open mindedness and meritocracy still functioned in america. despire americans realistically living in abject slavery conditions, the racial nature of europeans allowed fair play to push science forward (non corrupt) even whilst niggers murdered children in their cribs and got zero sentencing (corrupt.)

china is the opposite. they would not allow niggers to run around murdering chinese babies (not corrupt) but the notion of fair play or open inquiry will never fly (corrupt.) they will never be able to invent something new. it simply cannot happen. we really need a new word to describe the situation or different type of corruption.

the soviets managed to innovate quite a lot despite terrible material conditions and corruption. its a different type of society and neurology.

china will win, for sure. I agree. but they'll never fundamentally be able to undo the basic fact that their inherent civilization saps productivity until it declines to zero. even when they conquer the world they'll still be poor.

>> No.15654041

NIST is a US military institute and nothing learned there will be used to improve quality of life.
Ameritards tax dollars wasted yet again.

>> No.15654043
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>Ameritards tax dollars wasted yet agai-

>> No.15654049

the number of patents israel steals from america yearly outnumber the number of patents from every european country except germany, switzerland, and the uk.

lol. lmao even.

>> No.15654062

Why does the us innovate at all? A decade of studying to earn as much as shit eating grin redneck. Why is this a good idea to some people? It's demoralizing and researchers also get called nerds and shit and have to compete for the privilege of teaching in a classroom. What the fuck.Are people in the us masochists? Thank you for your service though.

>> No.15654065

sounds like exactly what the western universities are doing too with dumb bullshit social study papers that dont contribute shit

>> No.15654068

If they dont get a good job after school nigger will murder them and their children
And their neighbors will accelerate the process as well by giving niggers more money
This existential horror accelerates yearly

>> No.15654071
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The government doesn't subsidize social studies
It's purely a money maker for universities

>> No.15654072

The government does but not directly. What do you think the gi bill or letting niggers into uni did?

Or student loan relief. Thats direct

>> No.15654076

True I suppose, that's why I oppose student loan relief

>> No.15654080

Fart not on but with me

>> No.15654101

>It's another schizo namefag episode

>> No.15654103

Oh sweet, an academic shill

>> No.15654107

>Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region
Research from University of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas say US is racist

>> No.15654108

>Why can't China innovate?

This is more of a /hu/manities take, but I'm under the general impression that the authoritarian influence of Communism was so strict that it effectively made them retarded. Furthermore, the 'modern' Chinese continue to be just as strict with their children; deliberately dissuading them from most any creative activities and more liberal studies, so here they remain dumb and uncreative.

Like, people shit and scream and piss about the "liberal bias" of academia, but you do unironically require a liberal basket-weaving subsection of the population to have weird and obtrusive thoughts. Literally every oppressive society that's successful expunged all poofter influences has become retarded and fallen into irrelevancy. After a certain point you really do just succeed and produce a population that can't think creatively.

>> No.15654111

No, 4chan isn't useful for society, chud

>> No.15654114

You /his/fags can't even tell me anything about the so called communists regimes whatsoever you might as well be lapdogs

>> No.15654119

people only hate liberals because they're letting niggers kill children

literally no one complains about liberals who arent letting millions of niggers flood into the country, kill children, and take up socialized housing

>> No.15654131

I like your style, you're spot on. I disagree on jews - most nobel prices, highest iq, most powerful, total dominance of politics, media, economy.
Koreans are the last remaining true asians left indeed. Japs are a mutt race and the Chinese are too.

>> No.15654139

What is wrong in shartmartia that they shoot up a school like retards but they don't shoot up a nigger that kills children. You do realize that murder is ranked as an easy crime to get away with. You also realize that killing the murderer of your kid is a crime of passion and you would not spend life in prison. A nigger would know this but youre so smart supposedly but don't know anything.

>> No.15654141

jews seized power in america because they're bloodthirsty savages. they assassinate or debank you if you even mention that maybe, maybe, they are bribing and assassinating people. or that they bombed the u.s.s liberty. their iq scores in israel are absolutely dismal.l do you imagine it's the smartest chinese that have power, or the bloodthirstiest? its the same with kikes

note, oppenheimer didn't even create the theory or idea for the bomb. he literally just figured out that uranium would be the best element for a weapon due to weight. that's IT. but who does everyone talk about? the kike of course.

>> No.15654145

you would definitely spend life in prison for the crime of killing a nigger under any circumstances. you get life in prison for the crime of killing a nigger in the process of a home invasion.

americans are completely dominated by jews and niggers. they are enslaved. if you cannot recognize how completely enslaved they are, just look again into the details of the next nigger slaughterer that comes up.

>> No.15654160

Well in order for it to be a crime of passion you'd have to kill them soon after they kill your child though true. If you premeditate it yeah you might end up for life. But I think the us still has laws even if it's a devil spinning the wheel sometimes. Like that Mexican that killed that treyvon martin.

>> No.15654165

they tried to spin him as a white supremacist

the capital crime in america is not worshiping niggers. there is literally no escape and no exception. you need to be more circumspect.

>> No.15654191

>Asia's GDP per capita has not grown signficantly since the 60s

What a you talking about? South Korea gdp per capita was lower than Brazil i the 80s and is higher than Spain.

>> No.15654200

he was combining korea and china and indonesia. I was trying to tell him that koreans and chinese are not the same.

that said, a certain core of his argument is correct. the transitory increase in gdp has come almost exclusively from exports. their share of GDP in terms of productivity growth in terms of doing things efficiently or well is stagnant.

their gdp has only grown as a result of pressing large swaths of the population into slavery. which, sure, can increase gdp. but generally people talk about this as slavery, rather than productivity improvements.

dunno man, he still thinks koreans and chinese are the same. we'll see if he is open to reason

>> No.15654212

I think it’s a government thing more then genetic. It’s basically built to be stagnant

>> No.15654214

>the soviets managed to innovate quite a lot despite terrible material conditions and corruption. i
Stop chugging on Soviet propaganda, chug. Look around you (like literally around your room) and try to find anything that Soviet science and innovation participated in. Pro tip: you can't.

>> No.15654228

if they have no ability, as a society, to foster enough independence or tolerate independence, to create scientific output, then yes, at some point it does become a genetic problem

well for one, they developed the bomb independently. they have the best analog computers on earth even today.

I am not sure what your axe to grind is. I never praised the soviets

>> No.15654233

Because communism is Anti Life.

>> No.15654237

Copying is far from being the same as innovating. But it's also far from being dumb. If they can get as far as copying and mass producing something there must a reason why they're not able to take the next step and innovate and I think there are a few reasons.
1.no respect for intellectual property. All product research belongs to the state and the Chinese researchers don't necessarily profit maybe.
2.Capital controls make it less likely for them to make start ups with the research either way which leads back to them relying on the government.
3.the society just does not promote freedom of thought
I don't know. Clearly something is mentally blocking them somewhat.

>> No.15654259
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>well for one, they developed the bomb independently. they have the best analog computers on earth even today.
Do you use them? You was just programmed by commies to parrot their propaganda pattern, talk about some pointless bondoogles. . Really look around your room and they to find Soviet mind behind that. I am sure your room is filled by fruits of scine to the brim, its just not Soviet science.

>> No.15654268

my opinion is that the largest factor is inability to properly select for talent

in the west, people just do what they want, meaning that the people who are most skilled at science dont face many obstacles to doing it

in asia science is absolutely one of the hardest things to get started on because of the prestige it entails. so filtering mechanisms are needed. as competition increases, filtering mechanisms become more complex, and do a worse job at selecting for talent.

how are you going to convince avaricious people to NOT want to have more prestige? impossible. their civilization is fucked to its very core. the level of greed for status is overwhelming and uncontrollable. I dont think you can seriously suggest a way to fix something like that either.

its a similar argument to why communism is terrible in almost every facet. there is a core human desire that needs to be controlled, and if there is too much of it, and no amount of bureaucratic bylaws can rectify the situation.

the italians managed to make contributions to the bomb whilst having ZERO capital whatsoever, under a fascist regime that restricted speech. I am not convinced intellectual property, capital controls, or restrictions on speech play any role at all and I think any serious commentator on the issue that suggests such is fucking stupid at best, but more likely completely dishonest.

note I am not calling you stupid, you have no clue about china. but I just dont see how someone could honestly learn anything about china or korea whatsoever and insist something like capital controls played a part.

>> No.15654271

look dude. let it go. look at my other posts. I never once suggested that I like communism in any respect. this isnteven relevant to the thread

>> No.15654280
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Let me quote your psot
>the soviets managed to innovate quite a lot despite terrible material conditions and corruption. its a different type of society and neurology.
This thread is about innovation.

>> No.15654292

look dude. the fact is that the soviets contributed more to science than postwar italy or france. that's just a fact

I am not sure why this is some sort of ideological battle for you

if you wanted to measure raw contributions, then 90 percent of it is america and england, 8% of it is germany, 1% is russia, and the remaining 1 percent is the rest of the entire world combined.

are you making the argument that only anglos and germans can innovate? if you are, I would, on net, say this is fair.

>> No.15654295

They spent thousands of years executing people for minor bullshit and this gradually turned them into the bug-man from 1984. This is why Klaus Schwab likes them.

>> No.15654305
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>look dude. the fact is that the soviets contributed more to science than postwar italy or france. that's just a fact
That's just Soviet propaganda, chug.
Yes Soviets were very successful with propaganda. See: yourself.

>> No.15654315

Government becomes genetics, and vice versa.
Governments want slaves and slaves want government.

>> No.15654319

Turns out you can't memorize answers to questions that haven't been answered yet. There's also no multiple choice with test taking choice limiting procedures to eliminate all the wrong answers.

>> No.15654362

Without the courage of white people the Earth will die.

>> No.15654449

Silence idiot! I will stand your racism! Without the Austronesians who served as the merchants and sailros of the Ocean supplying you with fresh goods and fresh blood in the circulation of ideas, Korea and Japan had long ago DIED OUT OF INBREEDING.

Behod the Hayato and Kumaso Austronesians of Japan who are personal body guards and servants of the Emperor.


Go away I shall have none of your racism here, yes blood purity is good however your damn kings are notorious practittioners of international marriage. condemning intet-ethnic marriage outright is a death blow to royal families, it should only be controlled though but not abolished.

>> No.15654464

flips are not that bad

>t. flip

>> No.15654468

I like flips. but that said, your collective iq and inherent corruption is not stellar. it is clearly keeping you guys from being able to properly study math or institute basic governments

you guys are friendly, dont get me wrong. but I dont want you guys anywhere near anything related to government or which would lead to huge problems if corrupted, such as academia. sorry bro

>> No.15654784

Maybe you are right, but the number of educated (university STEM) people they are already far bigger than all Western nations combined. I'm not sure adding another 500 million to the youth unemployment churn will have much affect.

I genuinely don't know though.

>> No.15654797

>freedom of thought
>something tolerated in westroon society

>> No.15654804

I agree with literally everything you wrote, I'm not sure why you consider my post to be "half right", I did already change my tune on East Asian countries years ago.

But anyway, yes, we will probably see Taiwan collapse as friendshoring increases. TSMC itself all but admitted as much. Japan and Korea will keep getting propped up for at least another 30 years due to geopolitical interests.

>> No.15654811

>equates "liberal bias" in academia with weird and obstructive thoughts that foster creativity
I like how you are making a great point but can't help to insert your false equivalence in the most insidious manner Moshe

>> No.15655010

The Chinese and Vietnamese lie about your IQ all the time.



>> No.15656184

you're the kikelover right? that's the part I don't agree with

I also dont agree that china and korea are the same, though obviously there are some overarching similarities.

korea and japan may, keyword may, continue to be viable in the future simply by the fact that there is no viable alternative for white refugee resettlement. we might keep their lights on a bit longer forthat virtue alone

our IQ? you are accusing me of being chinese even though I am shitting on them throughout the entire thread?

the chinese are definitely lyingabout their iq results. but the iq results for the philippines is settled. it is not all that great. roughly the level of a bit below turkey. except you aren't violent animals like them.

>> No.15656191

scientists should be forced to expose themselves to the viruses they create. Full stop.

>> No.15656198

Chinese are essentially insects.
Nothing they do is organic
It's all forced, result of panic.

>> No.15656210

>net energy gain

Lmao, are there still idiots out there who believe that?

>> No.15656212

Back to /pol/, poltard.

>> No.15656216

>insects are not organic
Amelican education.

>> No.15656321

The US wastes billions lmao

>> No.15656988

>you're the kikelover right?
No. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I don't really consider noses to be anything more than an Italo-Slavic LARPer club. Every prominent Jew turned out to have Steppe paternal DNA, that's why the identity is so weak in modern times and it's the fastest declining group in the West.

>korea and japan may, keyword may, continue to be viable in the future simply by the fact that there is no viable alternative for white refugee resettlement
Whites aren't going anywhere. This is a thirdie mutt and far right/left fantasy.

>> No.15657004

Obviously yhe only reason any smart kikes exist in the first place is because they are more than 80 percent white

This seems to be lost on some people. That said its not a larp because just lookn at them. They rape children, lie, bomb kindergartens, are utterly evil in every aspect just like semites. Their blood obviously has an effect on their behaviir

As far as Asia. Yeah it might be a larp, but what ither option exists? Our countries are genociding us, not so subtly. People wont even acknowledge thebneed to fight over niggers going around eating children.

I am not sure what other hooe there is

>> No.15657519

Communism destroys creativity.

>> No.15658070

total chink death
everyone was edging for lk99 since that video dropped
I will never take chink data seriously ever again

>> No.15659377

As a student of Chinese history, they were like this before communism. It's not necessarily about genetics either, considering the number of highly intelligent Chinese-Americans.
China invented many things before Europeans did. China had superior ships and was positioned to discover the New World before Europeans.

The problem with China has everything to do with mindset. Simply put, they suffer from excessive pride and do not believe in the inherent dignity of the individual human life, as evidenced by the high death count in their various civil wars.
Only the individual innovates, but the Chinese with their crabs-in-a-bucket mentality quickly rebuke anyone who does anything out of the ordinary.

>> No.15659379

they didnt have superior ships. they had BIGGER ships. their ships didn't even have rudders

>> No.15659399

In this case it's literal systemic fraud and corruption but that's just synonymous with 'being Chinese'.

*Why* this is true of China moreso than the rest of the world is also a sociological question.

>> No.15659430

>well for one, they developed the bomb independently.

I'd never really thought about this before, but I'd just assumed they'd discovered how through espionage. People really don't discuss stuff like this often.

>> No.15659670

it was partially through espionage. but dont discount the fact that america basically only developed the bomb because we kidnapped and threatened the families of the germans and italians that were working on it. there was one englishman and zero americans on the manhattan project

>> No.15659673

The system is built on graft. The culture is way more focused on perception of role rather than what the role does so sought out positions are filled by nepotism. Stupid fucking people haven't learn shit in 5000 years.

>> No.15659679

>there was one englishman and zero americans on the manhattan project
lmao you're a retard. Don't parrot what you hear online without confirming it at least, this is the most absurd unironic lie/mistake about history I've ever heard.

>> No.15659698

this is the core of it. It's "face" culture. These people are diseased dogs that need to be euthanized.

>> No.15659707

well if you go by what google says there was a nigger and a woman on the project too. but that's just false

>> No.15659792

Go back to /pol/

>> No.15660111

>China invented many things before Europeans did. China had superior ships and was positioned to discover the New World before Europeans.
That's not true and that's also why they never expanded much (they couldn't navigate far nor sustain rough waters like the Atlantic). Most of it is Sinocentric lies lapped up by naive Westerners who aren't critical enough or lack the scientific/engineering background to understand what constitutes invention vs. precursor technologies (which Europe and MENA had even in Ancient times). Here's a list of Chinese technologies you think they invented vs. what they actually did:
No such thing ever existed in China. What they did was rediscover lodestones (something the Greeks had already done 2500 ya) and primarily used it for geomancy and other religious purposes (while Greeks actually studied it in the context of natural philosophy). There is no real compass, no accompanying carthography etc. These are all European inventions. Lodestones are nothing special, even isolated stone age Mayans had it.
>Large ships
The largest proven JUNK (literally the etymology of the word is the shitty ships they made) ever found is only 34m or about 1/3rd the size of a European sloop. The massive treasure ship is a myth that started as a mistranslation of unit conversions, embarrassingly many historians still think it's true despite the fact that even the guy who made the translation error already corrected it and despite many sunken treasure Junks excavated already that never exceeded 34m.

Picrel is the largest Junk ship ever found. All the comics you see online is pure fantasy from a conversion error. Very cringe.

>> No.15660124
File: 896 KB, 600x800, 63332ba1f1a785129ef93c0b_62cc0dc595e303bebe421f6b_RWIg18WIBOvurrEnMnRn5d1uV9tDrzgtAc6rFJL8Cuz1GprPIzm7imZSdcItx9Y3J0NTHonRUKAPC0H8tneXAP8LsHwat3_6DB75054SEo7tSJrF_564eUm4KIXVCPID9qkaTuT3_AwfxQhuKw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Printing press
Neither a printer nor a press. It was a movable mold that they would use to bake clay which was then stamped on paper by hand. The Sumerians literally had this technology 5000 ya already. It's called a seal. Everyone had it.

The printing press is a unique European technology and the precursors were a wine press and local metallurgical advancements allowed for the letter matrix to be spaced without needing to design each mold by hand. The book pages could be PRINTED using a single PRESS of the machine. No intermediate steps. No mould stamp creation. European book production exploded exponentially, Chinese production was lower than that of 10th century European monks until the 19th century when they European tech to produce books.
>Binary math
Most rediculous one. What Leibniz was citing can more accurately be called modular math (and Leibniz was highlighting the universality of such systems across cultures in a philosopjical treatise). These calendars existed everywhere, literally stone henge is technically one, most early Bronze age civs had something similar 5kya. (esp. extensively used in Babylon). Leibniz developed the binary system and the Boolean logic we use in computers was developed by, well, Bool unsurprisingly.
This is the one thing that might have originally come from there (more likely Mongols picked it up somewhere else in the Steppe/SEA and the highly powerful European variant really was invented in Europe which had a history of grenades, pyrotechnics and also undisputedly developed smokeless gunpowder), but they never had good gunpowder. For example, their gunpowder wasn't good enough to power European musket and rifle designs. So they had to keep using the shitty firesticks which couldn't even penetrate plate armour.

>> No.15660128
File: 179 KB, 1024x757, Song_Dynasty_Ancient_Ship_of_Quanzhou_Bay_20061229 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picrel

>> No.15660144

I'm the last person who would defend Russia but I have to admit the Soviets produced people like Korolev, Sakharov and Tsiolkovski. Who were China's great science leaders and thinkers? The only one I can name is Tsien but he was educated in the US at Caltech and did a lot of pioneering aerospace work here until the US gov stupidly kicked him out of the country.

>> No.15660145
File: 365 KB, 1280x1464, Adler_von_Lübeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they had BIGGER ships.
Myth, see >>15660111 >>15660124.

The largest Junk treasure ship ever dug up is the Quanzhou ship shown in that picture which 34.6m. For reference a European Clipper ship is around 120-130m.

Contemporary European galleys were up to 78.30 m. Expedition Caravels were up to 30m.

>> No.15660170

Are you mad about trucker salaries? Blue collars have always had high salaries, underwarlter welders make 140-200k for 6 months of work. Researchers also make as much or more 100-400k (very good Profs make 450k), it's just SHIT researchers who don't belong in the field that make less just like there are shit welders who never make more than 40k.

Most of them are better and infinitely more worthwhile humans than the average lowwit metroid thirdie/femfag trying to abuse university as a visa loophole. If money is your main motivation in life then you are dumb as fuck to pick STEM as a career. Subhuman even.

>> No.15660191

I think you don't understand that graph. The "university" expenditure includes public research funding which are ultimately government agencies funded by taxpayers. Tuition money is almost never used for research, mostly it's for the administration, libaries, internet, infrastructure etc. Research funding is a separate account. The "government" part there is probably national labs which ironically get a lot of industry money in, often in exchange for R&D/training/analytics services etc.

While this graph makes it appears as though most R&D funding is in STEM, there is a massively disproportionate allocation of public funding into social/humanities research. I would complain if they were actually producing something useful, but their work is literally about destroying Western culture rather than strengthening it. They indeed deserve to be defunded.

>> No.15660221

Like most East Asian nations China's educational system is designed to produce workers and bureaucrats to work in a rigid hierarchy and follow directions and take orders. Memorization and regurgitation is emphasized rather than independent thinking and creativity. Even Japan is like this to some extent.

>> No.15660234

>Like, people shit and scream and piss about the "liberal bias" of academia, but you do unironically require a liberal basket-weaving subsection of the population to have weird and obtrusive thoughts
"Liberal" arts academics are Authoritarian leftists like Commies. Not liberals. That's the entire problem.

>> No.15660253
File: 23 KB, 400x212, main-qimg-4132f9db99abaf895316b5c7df159c31-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're very confuse on the subject
>lodestones and compasses
Both Ancient Greeks and Chinese discovered lodestone. By far the Chinese were the first to discover it would orient itself if hung freely, sometime around 200BC to 100AD, and they used it for geomancy. The use of compasses for navigation appeared in the Song dynasty around 900AD, about 150 years before the earliest known usage in Europe.

>printing press
>movable mold that they used to bake clay that was used to stamp by hand
What you're describing doesn't even make sense, why would you create a movable type, to make seals? You're probably getting very confused by the description of how the Chinese movable type used a heat softened paste at the back of the frame to even out the characters.

Chinese movable type was made by arranging character types onto a frame and stamping them onto paper, on the same principle (but different design) from the European printing press. They had in fact solved the letter spacing problem and used ceramic instead of metal (initially). There are many surviving example of Chinese press prints. Why it was less useful is because Chinese is logo graphic, hence the number of characters you need to have is very large.

>binary math
>modular math??
Those two are very different things. Leibniz explicitly describe a system of arthimetic with binary. Yes it is a stretch to claim the Chinese invented, but Leibniz was undoubtedly inspired in some way by the I Ching.

>might have come from there
Might have? All evidence points to the Chinese discovering gunpowder first, and almost certainly transmitted to the West. The same exact nature of the ingredients, down to the useless ingredients, strongly suggest so. They also invented the first guns. The first widespread use guns, the matchlock arquebus, probably came from Turkey.

>> No.15660264

China made many great discoveries early in its history but then the central government became too powerful and halted all scientific progress. Once China lost that heritage of innovation they never got it back. Communism made things even worse.

>> No.15660267

One of the funniest parts in Chinese history is when they built the world's largest fleet (at the time), sailed halfway across the world then burned it because of court intrigue.

>> No.15660314
File: 283 KB, 620x972, Prüfeninger_Weiheinschrift._Pic_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both Ancient Greeks and Chinese discovered lodestone.
The attestations are:
>Greeks: 600 BC
>China: 100-200 AD (almost a thousand years after Europeans)
Attributing it to China is some weird pure racial geopolitics.

>they used it for geomancy.
>The use of compasses for navigation appeared in the Song dynasty around 900AD
Wrong. They never had any compasses at any point in their pre-contact history. They did have the pointing statue on wagons, this is not the same thing at all, it is not even a true 3D gyro. You could not carry it in your pocket, flip it etc., then use it for navigation. if it is not a compass in full, then it is not an advancement on the Greeks. Even the Geomancy spoon you are posting is dubious. No such artifact has ever been found.

>why would you create a movable type, to make seals?
Idk, people did a lot of retarded things throughout history. Just think about how laborious purple dyes used to be.

> on the same principle
False. Stamps and printing existed everywhere, that's not what the printing press is. The Chinese design required an intermediate step with the movable characters pressing clay that pressed pampletes which already existed elsewhere since ancient times. Book production rate being lower than middle period Europe despite a much larger population is further proof. The myth of number of chars is not convincing. There are also many other issues with non-uniform pressure printing.

Btw Europe also had metalmovable-type printing technology ages before. Picrel is produced using the same movable type metal -> clay -> paper print, this is from Europe in 1119 before the Chinese one.

This is not what made the Gutenberg press a new invention. It is the mechanisation of many processes like adapting the wine press screw into a quick and efficient uniform print. Goldsmith techniques allowed for a much more sophisticated and fine matrix for the movable type letter setting which could be adjusted automatically.

>> No.15660318

As a filipino-american let me dissect this poster.

This is so meta, it is posters like
>>15660267 that exhibit the Chinese psyche. im guessing >>15660267 is the same poster as >>15660253
Grammatically correct sentence structures, but the lack of subtlety and intuition in understanding the audience, a lack of empathy.

A pathetic almost meta-comedic attempt at garnering companionship with the audience.

>largest fleet
This is the peak of the joke, like a sneaky little chinese midwit, he thinks he is being smart in his choice of words.

Their entire world view is about keeping "face" rather than being authentic. It feels like im talking to a rat than a human whenever they speak.

>> No.15660319

I think they did themselves a major disservice by killing off so many dissidents. They've eugenicised themselves into a bit of a corner.

>> No.15660328

The chinese regime destroyed their capacity for thinking

>> No.15660344
File: 354 KB, 1200x900, Alchymist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Might have? All evidence points to the Chinese discovering gunpowder first, and almost certainly transmitted to the West. The same exact nature of the ingredients, down to the useless ingredients, strongly suggest so.
Berthold Schwarz developed the gunpowder actually used in European weapons, especially in guns and cannons. The formula that Roger Bacon wrote down, which is originally from Chinese alchemysts, is pyrotechnic, not explosive, due to all the useless shit thrown in (I think even honey is in there?). Think more Greek fire type weapon than ballistics. They certainly had no scientific understanding of it (neither did Europe really until later advancements in Chemistry and it's only fully understood by the time smokeless gunpowder is invented).

Mongols definitely were the first to use pyrotechnics in their invasion of Europe and other places, this was mostly fire lances. Definitely the precursor to the gun in Europe I don't dispute this. Although this came only 300 years later and fire lances are precursors, but not guns in themselves.

>matchlock arquebus, probably came from Turkey.
Possibly. This is disputed as the oldest artifact is from Hungarian Black army soldiers. Either way it's in Europe, as is the first mortar. Hungarians were famous for their cannon designs and hired by Mehmet II to breach Constantinople. It is these conflicts where the technology was developed before Maximilian I industrialised it.

Most of the other narratives are massive stretches of the defition of these technologies.

>> No.15660350

Based Filipino analysis.

>> No.15660361

Part of my post got lost in cut pasting I suppose, cont.

>Those two are very different things. Leibniz explicitly describe a system of arthimetic with binary. Yes it is a stretch to claim the Chinese invented,
Yes, thank you, I'm glad you're intelligent enough to see this. You probably haven't seen the millions of racial pop history articles popping up saying "aksually the Han Chinese invented computers in Ancient China already!"
>but Leibniz was undoubtedly inspired in some way by the I Ching.
Of course, it's a cool as fuck calendar. I would never take away actual achievements of people. I'm just sick of lies from racial politics seeping into academia.

>> No.15660376
File: 64 KB, 500x400, korean_book-jikji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read what I said properly. I said the Chinese discovered that lodestone would orient itself around 200BC to 100AD. They would discover lodestone at around 400BC. I specifically mentioned it because you seem confused on the difference between discovering lodestone and the compass. I am not saying China discovered lodestone first.

>could not keep it in your pocket, flip it
I am extremely confused as to why you think flipping it makes it a compass. A compass is any device that orients with a magnet. You can specify further to say a navigational compass which is used to navigate. And you are picking an inexplicable bone, it's virtually agreed by historians that the first to invent the compass was the Chinese.

>By the time of the T'ang dynasty (7-8th century CE) , Chinese scholars had devised a way to magnetize iron needles, by rubbing them with magnetite, and then suspending them in water (early 11th century). They also had observed that needles cooled from red heat and held in the north-south orientation (the earth's axis) would become magnetic. These more refined needle compasses could then be floated in water (wet compass), placed upon a pointed shaft (dry compass) or suspended from a silk thread. Consequently, they were much more useful for navigation purposes since they were now much more portable (and smaller). During the Sung dynasty (1000 CE) many trading ships were then able to sail as far as Saudi Arabia without getting lost

>no such artifact has been found
Most ancient artifacts are not found. Things like Greek fire or the Ark of the Covenant do not survive, yet they almost certainly existed. The spoon compass described as been reconstructed and works.

>> No.15660394

>the Chinese type required pressing into clay
You are getting very confused with ancient clay seals, and even if there were not specific textual evidence of Chinese movable type, your idea is laughable for many reasons. First, clay block printing virtually does not exist. There have been examples of ancient clay seal stamps with a few characters yes, but it is ridiculous for printing. You would've used wood (woodblock printing) because it was far cheaper and easier to handle. Second, the type of printing you described, using stamps into clay then firing them, is extremely rare and was used to make clay inscriptions. Not clay blocks that were used for printing. And if you actually had a movable type that pressed into clay, it is essentially the same device. You are hallucinating an extra step that has, to my knowledge, never been seen in history. Here is the specific textual source describing Chinese movable type

>When he wished to print, he took an iron frame and set it on the iron plate. In this he placed the types, set close together. When the frame was full, the whole made one solid block of type. He then placed it near the fire to warm it. When the paste [at the back] was slightly melted, he took a smooth board and pressed it over the surface, so that the block of type became as even as a whetstone. For each character there were several types, and for certain common characters there were twenty or more types each, in order to be prepared for the repetition of characters on the same page. When the characters were not in use he had them arranged with paper labels, one label for each rhyme-group, and kept them in wooden cases.

Your picture is *not* made of movable type. It is made by using letter stamps onto clay then firing it. Movable type would not have such irregular spacing and alignment. The oldest surviving metal movable type book is from Korea, and it predates Gutenberg.

>> No.15660403
File: 81 KB, 640x480, Yuan_Bronze_Gun_(9870945906).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berthold Schwarz, if he existed, would've modified the existing Chinese recipe for gunpowder. It is virtually certain all gunpowder recipes developed from Chinese alchemy recipes, who went through a very long process of experimenting on it to move from pyrotechnics to weaponisation. The Chinese had a reasonably explosive version, as evidenced by artifacts of hand cannons and iron bombs. The fire lance was also first invented by China, but it is arguably a gun. The exact precursor to the European gun could be argued, but the earliest known thing which could qualify as a "real gun" is the bronze hand cannon.

>> No.15660578
File: 36 KB, 640x452, 4s53kjgb3gla1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The compass, by definition, has to paired with the cardinal directions.

No such device ever existed in China until modern times.
>Most ancient artifacts are not found.
Nope. Europeans have surviving artifacts for everything. Currious that rat face lying Chinks never have any artifacts. Not even Bronze age artifacts.

Despite always number in a huge portion of the population, nothing interesting in the region happened at all. Even meso American civs are more interesting.

The Chinese """gunpowder""" never worked as explosive, not even by the 1900s. That's why they lost to Japan who just adopted Western tech.

>Your picture is *not* made of movable type.
It is.

>It is made by using letter stamps onto clay then firing it.
This is what the Chinese """invention""" is, it is not disputed.

>> No.15660732

Covid and histone damage? How?

>> No.15660757

This is your brain on Jewish propaganda.

>> No.15660769

>Rants about GDP per capita
>I'm not sure having 1/3rd of their population being uneducated rice farmers matters

You're blinded by ideology.

Though obsession with GDP is the most sure sign of a midwit there ever was.