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15652407 No.15652407 [Reply] [Original]

Who is right about autism, factcheck.org or RFK Jr?


>> No.15652412

factcheckers are legally not facts but opinion pieces.

>> No.15652449

I don't normally trust fact checkers but if they disagree with RFK Jr. then the fact checkers are probably right for once.

>> No.15652475

Why does RFK Jr. upset you so much?

>> No.15652491

so did the fact checkers withdraw all their covid facts or just leave the bullshit out there now that its wrong?

>> No.15652530

Because nepotism is stupid.

>> No.15652776

Autism is more likely caused by excessive TV/computers/video game use more than vaccines

>> No.15652784

>elites are...LE EVIL!
>proceeds to support a literal aristocratic dynasty

>> No.15652887

So he upsets you because his family is wealthier than your family?

>> No.15652910

The mainstream establishment and /pol/ both want me to hate RFK Jr, so he's got my vote.

>> No.15652961

>Nepotism is stupid
>Has worked nearly every time for centuries

>> No.15652986
File: 36 KB, 700x372, 1687855782058444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it worked nearly every time for centuries, except the hundred times as many times it didn't
Regression to the mean, look it up. Incompetence may be hereditary, but merit isn't.

>> No.15653177

>the habsburg chin meme
habsburg ruled over the holy roman empire from the 1400s to early 1800s, during which time the fate of the people within it saw tremendous progress, by the early 1800s they were installing steam locomotives, inventing bicycle, all of the groundwork for the industrial revolution had been laid and the german speaking people were the center of intellectual life in europe.
>nooooooo, someone painted a funny looking picture of one of them, that means they're bad

>> No.15653184
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>> No.15653219

You were so preoccupied with sucking off your fellow inbred mongoloids that you forgot to present an actual argument for nepotism.
>Regression to the mean, look it up. Incompetence may be hereditary, but merit isn't.

>> No.15653772


>> No.15653776

The state of /sci/ in 2023

>> No.15653784

divide and conquer the ruling class heh.
t. 4d chess grandmaster

>> No.15653791
File: 671 KB, 760x839, IMG_8818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically simping for the Habsburgs

>> No.15655382

hereditary monarchy is the best form of government

>> No.15655396

But it is?

>> No.15655404

Controled op this guy just to warn you.

>> No.15656671

this, liberal lackwits will never admit that the theory of darwinist evolution that they claim to believe in also applies to humans, including above the neck

>> No.15656673

RFK gets wrong about literally everything

>> No.15657072

>nepotism is stupid
His dad and uncle were murdered in broad daylight by the government, and you think that nepotism is on his side?

>> No.15657073

>the aristocratic dynasty that has 50% of the members dying horrifically before the turn 50

>> No.15657079
File: 133 KB, 869x1200, NOT_NCMG_1904_109-001 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>royal X is the cousin of royal Y who was murdered by his cousin royal Z over their political feuds and you think nepotism is on royal X's side????

>> No.15658252
File: 627 KB, 3366x2245, rfk jr checks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem upset

>> No.15658381

I like how this thread has done nothing to address his claims, good going /sci/

>> No.15659769
File: 85 KB, 743x800, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't because Bobby Jr is completely correct

>> No.15659975

tbf a good chunk of your family getting murdered by the CIA gives you street cred as an outsider

>> No.15660070

I mean is there even a point when all he does is spout typical antivax talking points?

>> No.15660101

the OP has a link already doing so

>> No.15660107

Can you quit it with the newspeak for two second and use your brain to have a more thoughtful discussion?

>> No.15660656

Excessive use of tv, games, etc. cannot cause autism on their own, but they are something to be avoided by autistic kids as they would support unwanted behavior.

>> No.15661222 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1021x1160, debunked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15661484

Well are his "typical antivax talking points" correct? When he says that they have not been saftey tested against a saline placebo is he correct?

>> No.15661572

>When he says that they have not been saftey tested against a saline placebo is he correct?
Yes and no. He's correct that most vaccines aren't really compared to saline placebos but rather to 'vaccines' that simply lack the anti-viral strain that is used in them but still contain the same ingredients used to trigger an immunological reaction. However, he's wrong in claiming that the aforementioned vaccines, regardless of whether or not they actually contain any viral strains, were not compared against placebos.
>Who is right about autism, factcheck.org or RFK Jr?
I think, the whole vaccine-autism thing has clearly either degenerated into a manufactured controversy or already was one to begin with. I have never particularly cared much about the topic, mostly because devoted anti-vaxxers usually claim that everything is caused by vaccines. But I still find it weird just how much attention is paid to the whole autism-vaccine issue by the mass media. And the set-up is weird too. We had Wakefield's botched because faked research paper that actually found no meaningful association and was quickly refuted by another paper in 1998. That apparently only surfaced to the public when the British tabloid media suddenly started reporting on it back in 2002 following roughly a thousand autism-vaccine injury claims on the VAERS when not a single such case was filed in 2000. Then one or two celebrities, most of them already in dedline, came out endorsing that claim. I think Jenny McCarthy was the first public figure to really come forward claiming that her son had contracted 'autism' after the vaccines only to admit two or three years later than her son never was diagnosed with autism. RFK Jr. joined in too, worked together with scientology on some occassions, then started endorsing ever more stupid claims.

>> No.15661581


There's also the problem with RFK Jr. that he has a relatively poor record track and that the cases he filed in and defended have become ever more bizarre over the years. I heard that lawyers in Malibu where RFK Jr. worked already knew of that back in the '90s. Apparently, Bobby was also on Epstein's island a couple times so you really might better start asking how sincere he is in anything he does.

>> No.15661613
File: 257 KB, 1268x660, WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stats don't lie

>> No.15661616

RFK Jr is a nutcase overall, but even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then. He's right about the dangers of over-vaccination.

>> No.15661647

>but even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then. He's right about the dangers of over-vaccination.
I don't think that this is really such a controversial take. In a way, the idea that vaccines can be related to auto-immunological issues, especially asthma and allergies, doesn't seem that far-fetched for me. I'm fairly aware of the issues and side effects of psychotropic medication and chemotherapies that are often disabling.

It's not clear to me, however, why this had to turn into that kind of shitshow. On the other hand, if you think about it, it actually had to come to that. When everything is a controversy and the nanites in the vaccine are 5g-activated and the jews are behind it, are you really going to listen? More importantly, what better way to justify psychiatric and pharmaceutical overtreatment and overdiagnosis than by claiming that a poorly defined behavioral category is actually le hecking 100 % legit? The vaccine-autism link probably was a justified hypothesis in the case of 'autism' cases that just popped out of nowhere and where it very clearly was some form of brain damage. But I always ask, how does this relate to Assburgers where the genetic component is simply so obvious.

>> No.15661776
File: 65 KB, 717x717, Bug_Facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Autism is caused by old eggs.
More older women giving birth means more autism. Simple as.

The Elephant room in this entire discussion that nobody wants to address is that the "vaccines cause autism" lives and dies as a desperate, ugly, pathetic, cope made by women over the age of 32 who had children late, the child has autism, and then proceed to blame literally anything and everything before they take even any small amount of accountability for their own actions.
I have 0 fucking respect for this dialogue because that is 100% the abject situation. That is the absolute peach pit of this campaign and everybody who falls for the conjecture surrounding it is is even more fucking pathetic than those women.

>> No.15661804

Dumbass, more older women aren't giving birth. Before the Pill, women would go on giving birth until menopause. "Geriatric pregnancies" aren't new, what's new is so many first pregnancies being geriatric pregnancies. The increase in autism rates is a result of multiple generations of selectively breeding for the ability to suppress the procreative urge for economic purposes.

>> No.15661871

>He's correct that most vaccines aren't really compared to saline placebos
So they're not actually saftey tested against placebo, thanks for agreeing with him.

>> No.15662385

dude is ripped

>> No.15662486

>So they're not actually saftey tested against placebo
Doesn't matter when the vaccines in use are nearly all variations of the same saline solution.

>> No.15664247

It does if you want to safety test them? What you described in the previous post are tests for efficacy. Are there any long studies that actually compare vaccines to inert placebos that don’t contain adjuvants yes or no? If you could provide that then he would be wrong

>> No.15664337

>If you could provide that then he would be wrong
I don't have any such studies at hand and can't be bothered to search for them. If lil bobby claims something to be true, it most likely is only half-true because he keeps hiding those big caveats.

>> No.15664644

>If lil bobby claims something to be true, it most likely is only half-true because he keeps hiding those big caveats
so the big caveat is that he is looking for a study that would be done with any drug but not vaccine???

>> No.15664702

He looks Hohenzollern and the original Habsburg branch no longer exists (thank female heirs)

>> No.15665066

>Bobby was also on Epstein's island a couple times

>> No.15666729
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sup 4chan
>hay goys, factcheck.org is the greatest website of all time

>> No.15667329

>so did the fact checkers withdraw all their covid facts or just leave the bullshit out there now that its wrong?
like what

>> No.15667373
File: 68 KB, 474x610, 42b9ed7e7d270e767aabfc8ad6fd180c--dose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Injecting babies and kids with neurotoxic blood brain barrier crossing nano aluminum adjuvants and other neuro-endocrine toxicants in probably not a good idea.

>> No.15667581

Where are the studies showing that 20 vaccines before 1 years old is safe?

>> No.15668051

All those studies prove the exact opposite

>> No.15668968

but science said vaccines were safe???

>> No.15669083

Who funds (((factcheck.org)))

>> No.15669196

No one cares about whether a specific person is "elite" [singular]. They only care about whether that person is embraced or attacked by the prevailing social circle of "elites" [plural].

>> No.15669923
File: 2.72 MB, 1x1, The History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind (1st Edition).pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews who get all their money by inflating currencies using their central bank money printers to thieve from the savings of private citizens

>> No.15670266

Why would you trust a dog fucker?

>> No.15670273

I'm against RFK purely because he sounds like a someone whose hobby used to sucking diseased cocks

>> No.15670278

It's kinda crazy how this is one the only boards with pdf attachable and the only pdfs I have downloaded off here are this and protocols of elders of zion

>> No.15670752

he has a neurological condition with the nerves in his larynx. Nothing he can do about it

>> No.15670923

>Nothing he can do about it
He claims it's caused by an influenza vaccine that he got in the '90s.
The problem of course is that the disorder is congenital and that he's just a brain-damaged Kennedy. Many such cases.

>> No.15671154

No the disorder is the nerves in his larynx are not communicating with the muscles properly. It has nothing to do with his brain.

>> No.15671167

>He claims it's caused by an influenza vaccine that he got in the '90s.
Your mother claims that, too.

>> No.15672429

>he's just a brain-damaged Kennedy.
you're just jealous of him because he comes from a better family than you do

>> No.15672729

Both are incorrect. Autism is 'caused' by women having children in their 30's.

>> No.15672740
File: 1010 KB, 854x867, Rebbe Schneerson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you need to know about RFK jr. is in this pic.

>> No.15673668

>t. vaxxxie

>> No.15674920
File: 1.91 MB, 1x1, beng3.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a selection of wyatt mann cartoons

>> No.15676471

>oh no!!!
>theres people who have more money than me!!
>thats not fair!!!
its evolution, competition & survival of the fittest
how come darwinists always stop believing in evolution the instant they see themselves being out-competed?

>> No.15678026

>darwinists always stop believing in evolution the instant they see themselves being out-competed
its funny because its true

>> No.15678619

>No the disorder is the nerves in his larynx are not communicating with the muscles properly. It has nothing to do with his brain.
No, the impact is felt on the whole body, just to a different degree. The larynx is just one of the most sensible organs to that. Interestingly enough, it's something that only becomes apparent by the age of 30 despite the fact that it is assumed to be genetic/congenital. Somewhat akin to Parkison.

I have watched videos of RFK Jr. before and he's also shaking, has an abnormal gait etc. He has also difficulties with focusing his eyes correctly, e.g. one tends to drift away causing him to look kind of drunk on photos.
To what extend this is affecting his cognitive skills, I can't tell. But the fact he has publicly presented at least some of his 'findings' that everyone knew would simply backfire on him on a PR basis like "jews being protected against covid-19" tells me that he's not as sharp as he used to be. Most likely, we heresee the Biden scenario play out again. A mentally disabled person controlled by handlers.

>> No.15679661

its plain common sense to care for your own family more than for strangers

>> No.15680698

globohomo lie factory

>> No.15682216

>Biden scenario play out again. A mentally disabled person controlled by handlers.
dude plays stupid as a means of escaping responsibility for his own actions, bush jr did the same thing. women do it all the time. so do children, because it works. plays on narcissistic instincts of genuinely stupid people to presume that they're smarter than everyone else

>> No.15683697

Is he even running for reelection or is RFK Jr the only democrat candidate?

>> No.15683925

>He's correct that most vaccines aren't really compared to saline placebos but rather to 'vaccines' that simply lack the anti-viral strain that is used in them but still contain the same ingredients used to trigger an immunological reaction. However, he's wrong in claiming that the aforementioned vaccines, regardless of whether or not they actually contain any viral strains, were not compared against placebos.

This is a sloppily-worded, half-assed attempt to misconstrue the claim and the facts. Let's list all the childhood vaccines recommended or approved by the CDC:

Diptheria-Tetanus-Pertusis (with and without polio, hep b, and hib)
Pediarix, Kinrix, Infarix, DTP, Pentacel, Quadracel, Daptacel

Haemophilus Influenzae Type B:
Hiberix, ActHIB, PedvaxHIB


Pneumococcal disease:
Prevnar-13, Prevnar

Hep B:
Engerix, Twinrix, Recombivax HB

Hep A:
Havrix, Vaqta

ProQuad, MMR II, MMR, Varivax

RotaTeq, Rotarix

The only vaccines in this list that have a non-vax """placebo""" was Vaqta (still had thimerosal and aluminum) RotaTeq (placebo ingredients deleted from FDA licensing documents,) MMR (control group was 1/10th the size of the trial group) and Varivax (literally not needed by anyone)

>> No.15684302

he didn't even run for election the first time around. he stayed home and let the MSM do all his campaigning for him

>> No.15684553

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/438772813