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15656039 No.15656039 [Reply] [Original]

In 1971 Richard Nixon declared "the war on cancer" and in the ensuing half century trillions of dollars have been spent on research and so far no significant progress has been made.
Why has all that money and time spent on scientific research all been a total waste? Why are scientists so terrible at their jobs? Do they have extraordinarily low IQ or is something else to blame?

>> No.15656053
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>but also vote for Trump who lowered taxes and removed regulations for these corporations and billionaires and also actively advocate for no reform on healthcare
It’s so retarded these people larp as leftist but advocate for policies that directly oppose his points.

>> No.15656056

Research money is needed to find out what works and what doesn't.

If everything was already known, then cancer drug wouldnt need any funding. It would cost less than $1 to make the drug in material cost

>> No.15656082

Why are there so many threads on /sci/ explicitly stating that "scientists" have a below average IQ? It's like every fifth thread.

>> No.15656127
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the atheist soience religion can't cure cancer or do anything else useful, but it can manage to do all this

>> No.15656132

Can you cure cancer?

>> No.15656141

yeah, just overwrite the bad dna with good dna

>> No.15656160

Wiggers will go extinct within 2-3 generations.
All those gorillions were spent on this.

>> No.15656165

>Why has all that money and time spent on scientific research all been a total waste?
Maybe because that money is a miniscule byproduct of an anti-human economy that revolves around selling you products that give you cancer.

>> No.15656170

The Tumor of toxic leftism and communism among the wiggers have become cancerous, the faster it kills them the better for the rest of the world.

>> No.15656177

so you are basically saying the enough money hasn't been spent on "war on cancer"?
Fucking KYS low IQ disingenuous PIG, go hang yourself or jump off a building or something.
I hate shameless fucks like you

>> No.15656186

Because "Science!" has been making as ass of itself while also anointing itself an unquestionable secular religion.

>> No.15656193

"Science" isn't some living organism or institution nigger, it's just the humans, humans suck, they have always sucked.
Everything they make - heckin religion, heckin science etc - everything will eventually get corrupted and suck
Why don't you niggers understand such basic things?

>> No.15656200

>so you are basically saying the enough money hasn't been spent on "war on cancer"?
No, you inbred American retard. That's clearly not what I'm saying.

>> No.15656807
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>everything will eventually get corrupted and suck
and its always the same people who turn out to have been behind the corruption

>> No.15656815

Thanks for spreading awareness. Which party did Nixon belong to? I wanna make sure to never vote for such grifters again.

>> No.15656823


>> No.15656825

Your lot isn't wanted on any board on this site. Go back.

>> No.15656830

>no significant progress has been made
BS, the survival rates today are massively better than 20 years ago, even more so when compared to the '70s.

>> No.15656883
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>Richard Nixon declared "the war on cancer" and in the ensuing half century trillions of dollars have been spent on research and so far no significant progress has been made.

Wasn't Richard Nixon also the guy who declared "war on drugs" too? And in the half century since all we got was the crack epidemic on blacks and the opioid epidemic on whites?

Yeah, sounds like Americans got tricked. Next time research who you vote for.

>> No.15656975
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>implying votes are counted accurately rather than election results being faked to fit the ZOG agenda

>> No.15656981
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>i spend all my money on tin foil hats
get a life

>> No.15656982


>No significant progress

Don't like reading, eh?

>> No.15657041

good clean up the streets

>> No.15657045
File: 46 KB, 1848x974, CKfc7dr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't cure shit that hurts our bodies/reduce lifespans but can control robots on Mars and image atomic surfaces

We clearly made a wrong turn on the road of science somewhere.

>> No.15657047

>and so far no significant progress has been made.
Most forms of cancer have had enormous improvements in clinical outcomes.

>> No.15657056

You're a fucking sheep

>> No.15657069

>there isn't a 95% overlap between the parties anyway.
You get to "vote" about some crumbs, while policies that have extreme consequences get passed.
>But you voted for the person in office.
If you don't watch TV you can't even tell who is president.
What you can notice is your groceries getting 40% more expensive in 3 years time. Or the demographics of your city changing. Or housing being unobtainable.

>> No.15658254
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>> No.15659451

what a massive waste. will we ever even get so much as an apology from these losers for wasting trillions while accomplishing nothing?

>> No.15659578


In 1971 the 10 year survival rate of most cancers was 21%. That same number is now 71%. Every decade after the 70's survivability of cancer increased by like 10%.
Overall the success and survivability of cancer has increased dramatically; we're better at detecting it early, better at correctly identifying it, and better at something constructive about it, at least doubly so than we used to. To put this into perspective: the cancer that 100% killed Terry Fox (real important Canadian fella who lost his legs to cancer and jogged across the country on prosthetics) is curable now.

>The Picture

Neither the Republican nor the Democrat party have lowered the national debt in any meaningful way. The national debt has steadily risen under every administration since the 80's. Some presidents (statistically mostly Democrat) have contributed less to the debt than others, but it has always increased.

>Wasn't Richard Nixon also the guy who declared "war on drugs" too? And in the half century since all we got was the crack epidemic on blacks and the opioid epidemic on whites?

Can't remember the specifics, but back in 2016 they officially divulged/delcassified that under Nixon the CIA was genuinely flooding low-income areas, and black communities, with crack. Lots of it.

>> No.15661191 [DELETED] 

Crack wasn't in widespread use until over a decade after Nixon was out of office. You're confusing Nixon with Bush Sr, who was CIA boss under Gerald Ford and later defacto boss of all clandestine services under Ronald Reagan.

>> No.15662211

The book "Compromised: Bush, Clinton and the CIA" by Terry Reed fills in the full details of Bush Sr's and Bush Jr's involvement in cocaine trafficking during the 80s & 90s. Excellent book, fills in all the details on Barry Seal too.

>> No.15663336


>> No.15664405

Thats an excellent book, extraordinarily well documented

>> No.15665128

>50 years
>trillions of dollars wasted
>no progress
nice going science, you're totally a bunch of geniuses, just as portrayed in the movies and on tv

>> No.15665932

Depends on the cancer.
Pancreatic cancer still has an abysmall 5 years rate of survival ~10% compared to 2%.
Contrary to popular belief cancer can still be regarded as a death sentence.
The way we measure OS with a 5 year mark is laughable.
Should be 10 or more but then the rates go too low which will demoralize patients.

>> No.15665944

Yes, we made them live longer a couple of months untill a good chunk of treated patients’s cancer recur and kills them.

>> No.15666731

>Develop cancer inducing covid-19 "vaccine"
>Normies waking to turbo cancers and cardiovascular diseases it creates
>Pfizer and Moderna now developing cancer-mrna "vaccine"
Holy shit they really can get away with anything, don't they?
They develop a "treatment" for the side effect they created.

>> No.15666751

Cancer is big business. They want treatments, but they don't want cures.

We know how to cure cancer. But no doctor will tell you.

>> No.15666761

>This is your brain on leftism
You have Swiss cheese head

>> No.15666777

This is false.
The one who unironically magically pulls a silver bullet out of his ass will make Elon Musk look like a street hobo.
>Immideately gain 100% market share
>Patented drug cucks all rivals and you can set the price.
>Millions of people willing to get into crippling debt just to get the science pill.
>Guaranteed with millions of customers for eternity, you will never go out of business.
>If the drug only keeps cancer in check the customer base will be cumulative to distant future. You will never lose customers and gain millions of new customers yearly.
Literally no logic to "hide" the cure. On the contrary you want a drug that will keep the disease stable for cenuries.
No point for patient to die in months.

>> No.15666795

your framing presumes too much.

>> No.15666811

Think what you wish but the core logic still stands.
A patient that dies in mere months will bring less profit compared to patient forced to live with treatment centuries.

>> No.15666813
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Not surprised at all. The US government spent a huge fortune in those days to develop flying machines, and all that money was wasted on retards with degrees. In the other side a couple of bike makers did what those morons never could.

>> No.15666822

He belonged to the anti-KKK party that freed the slaves.

>> No.15666843

Nah, is just money wasted. We need a King with the power to rule and the will to destroy everything that gets in the way of mankind.

>> No.15668007

Speaking of which, Rick Simpson developed functional and inexpensive anti cancer drugs in the 1990s in his kitchen at home and they've been in use ever since, but no doctor would ever prescribe them because doctor lose their precious medical loicense if they do that. Instead doctors prescribe expensive toxic drugs which usually end up killing the doctor's patient/victim

>> No.15669294

good, preventing the low iqs from having access to a cancer cure is preferable, so is mass murdering them with a poisonous fake vaccine for a nonexistent viral epidemic

>> No.15669443

Cancer is a metabolic disease, that's established. But there's not a lot of money (or clout) in telling someone to change their diet and giving them a few drugs to improve mitochondrial function.

>> No.15670199

So how come they've wasted trillions of dollars and come up with nothing?

>> No.15670459

They didn't come up with nothing though.

>> No.15670461

> The one who unironically magically pulls a silver bullet out of his ass will make Elon Musk look like a street hobo.
youll be found dead next to a street hobo instead

>> No.15670464
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Take a wild guess where all the money went!

>> No.15670490

They always mean the opposite they say, the war on drugs was just the go to order for introducing more illegal narcotics onto the market in order for the government to make more profit by former anti drug units in order to arrest more citizens, said citizens would then contribute to the prison industrial complex and raise the revenue that private prisons generate through labor and hospitality requirments.

The war on cancer I have no doubt in my mind was just the pharmaceutical companies go to order on procuring a patentable concoction of synthetical made drugs that are able to inhibit cancer on a monthly prescription. It completely dissuades the usage of non medicinals in order to prevent or inhibit cancer and disregards the fact that cancer is primarily caused by vaccines, and synthetic foods fused with seed oils, soft drinks, and even certain medications.

Look into taking 50mg of iodoral for cancer, you lipid cells fill up with iodine and regulate cell apoptosis once you start taking 15mg of iodine on a daily basis, peoples cancerous tumors have magically disappeared while on 50mg of iodoral daily. Intravaneous vitamin c in the dosage of 100 grams a day has been shown to induce apoptosis in cancerous cells, look at linus pauling and how the mayo institute purposely fucked up his research results.

>> No.15670793
File: 18 KB, 315x180, Wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>total waste
It hasn't been a total waste OP. All cancer is genetically correlated. Those are the kinds of answers that make literal sense in the form of truth. Sometimes it's just a bad coincidence of wrong place wrong time and no amount of money can predict the future like that.
And no amount of money can create enough skilled surgeons to fix every single person's problems before they happen. And so on.

They privatize their research and fund startups for other solutions in the way of prescriptions or technology, etc.. The investment train runs hard and long before cancer comes into question when a lot of people out there love to get cancer the good old fashioned way - by choice.

>> No.15670935

>It’s so retarded these people larp as leftist but advocate for policies that directly oppose his points.
The USA have a long history of social engineering and manipulating its constituency. It started with the tons of obvious election frauds committed thorughout the 19th century, the US-American government giving up on its monopoly on money and finances and the obvious weaponization of racial, ethnic and cultural issues that is going on since the '60s.
>BS, the survival rates today are massively better than 20 years ago, even more so when compared to the '70s.
Survival rates are usually limited to 5 or 10 years and the number of cancer patients that are discovered earlier as well as the total number of such patients manifesting with mild/non-invasive cancer has massively increased which is going to increase survival rates regardless of whether or not the treatments have become better. It's a factor you have to include and frankly, I don't think we have become that much better at treating metastasized skin cancer or lung cancer but I don't have the information and don't care enough about it.

>> No.15671098

A lot of that is based on earlier diagnosis. If you find the cancer at a late stage then you're still fucked, and certain types of cancer are always diagnosed at a late stage. Look at the five year survival rate for the top 7 cancers. Only one is slightly above 20%, and two don't even reach 10%. The cancers that are detected early are purportedly at 80% survival by 20 years, but that would likely be true even without treatment.


>> No.15671101

Metastasized cancer is still usually a death sentence. The fact that it's not "always" a death sentence is propped up as a positive.

>> No.15671186

>the survival rates today are massively better than 20 years ago
thats only because there are more misdiagnosis now than there used to be. lots of people who have no cancer at all are tricked into undergoing expensive cancer treatment unnecessarily because thats how doctors make money

>> No.15672443

>people who didn't have cancer to begin with have better cancer survival rates
wtg science

>> No.15673529

Reforming malpractice laws was a big mistake, doctors get away with murder these days

>> No.15674967

Medical error is currently the leading cause of death in America. At the start of this century it wasn't even in the top 10 causes of death

>> No.15674987

Most cancers are curable. Wtf are you on about?

>> No.15675269

>past gud, present bad
>Roads better?
objectively yes, both in quality and in number. people forget but there basically was no interstate highway system in 1960, it started construction in the late 50s and most of the original plan was finished by the 80s.

>street safer
Homicide rates are only slightly higher today than in 1960 and are way down for 1970-1990.

More expensive probably but significantly better, if you got cancer in 1960 you were pretty much screwed for most types. These days most cancers are highly treatable with excellent survivability rates through a mix of major advancements in diagnostics, characterization, surgery, radiation treatments, and chemotherapy. most surgeries have higher survivability rates in general too. Also basic eye procedures like LASIK are widely available and affordable, none of that existed 63 years ago.

>easier to raise family
In many ways yes, appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves, etc make common household tasks much easier. diapers and other childcare options materially are much better, toys too. We now have a massive amount of alternative entertainment options besides premarital sex, drug use, and rock and roll. The one big hurdle we have is starting families; forming real relationships with people has never been more difficult due to the Internet and social media among other changes like loss of religious institutions with no alternatives.

Honestly I don't know that much but the classroom has much more visual aids and tailored treatments for students today. It's probably a wash 1960 to today, colleges are probably worse but that's mostly because they're a mass market product now that accommodates the lowest common denominator.

this post just looks at the past with rose tinted glasses and pays no respect for actual advancements made. There are plenty of critiques for 2023, especially since I believe we have socially regressed into an atomized society.

>> No.15675283

it's cause cancer is caused by viruses

>> No.15676271

>enormous improvements in clinical outcomes.
Like what, living for 6 years after diagnosis instead of 3? In most cases cancer will still end a person's life prematurely

>> No.15676276

They surly gave some missiles to Israel :D

>> No.15677688

>trillions of dollars spent on research funds people who think they're super geniuses
>no results
what a waste, i guess scientists aren't very smart after all