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File: 39 KB, 395x118, covid bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15655605 No.15655605 [Reply] [Original]

Weren't the vaccines safe and effective?

>> No.15655621

Of course there are excess deaths. We are in a heckin war against Ruzzia. Thousands of people are dying each day in Ukraine.

>> No.15655626

Oi mate the Queen said to empty the knife bin, what's bloody taking so long

>> No.15655630

US and EU excess mortality persists in May 2023

>> No.15655633

Climate change and systemic racism. Case closed.

>> No.15655634


>> No.15655685

Our world in data




May 2023, excess deaths, +2.9% (8,100 excess deaths)

Above the baseline period in 2016-2019)

April it was +3.3%

May 2022, 8% (31,100 excess deaths)

May 2021, 10.7% (48,700 excess deaths)

May 2020, 3.1% (9,700 excess deaths)


Week ending 28 July 2023 (Week 30)

9,684 deaths registered in England and Wales

63 of these deaths mentioned novel coronavirus (COVID-19),

accounting for 0.7% of all deaths.

Of the 63 deaths involving COVID-19 in Week 30,

61.9% (39 deaths) had this recorded as the underlying cause of death

Deaths registered in the UK

Week 30 were 11,115

0.8% above the five-year average (91 excess deaths)


>> No.15655707

Worst part of him is that he's not a Medical Doctor, he's a nurse, second worst is that at this point this guy is just looking at ecological data instead of clinical studies (cohort, genetical, clinical trials etc)

>> No.15655792

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15655808

Post a fucking source you fucking retard, not just screenshots of a youtube clip. Antivaxxers are such fucking morons who believe everything posted under the sun fucking shit.

>> No.15655870


>> No.15655954

They aren't.

>> No.15655960

Now, explain why France, which is highly vaccinated, has a -10% excess death.

>> No.15656008

What's that? Your bot malfunctioning?

>> No.15656101

no, see the video description. it tells me it's spam if i put the full link
>Now, explain why France, which is highly vaccinated
I doubt it. Most people there are street smart enough to buy a pass online

>> No.15656107

>Antivaxxers are such fucking morons who believe everything posted under the sun fucking shit.
kek, tell me again vaxxcattle how long mRNA stays in your body?

was it a few minutes? hours? 2 weeks? what is the current BASEDENCE™ now?

>> No.15656145

This guy's a grifter who says the sky is falling every week. Look at his Youtube catalog it's literally just everyone is dying over and over again

>> No.15657520

probably because he himself and people he knows got vaccine reactions and the system you work for pretend they dont exist

>> No.15657529

of course they work, everything is back to normal, isn't it?


>> No.15657530

do you have an actual rebuttal?

>> No.15657540

Not to mention the silent killer of psychological stress that putin could nuke kiev at any moment. I wonder how many years of life I've lost laying awake at night. I've already lost most of my hair and developed an iron deficiency from chronic adrenal fatigue. I have PTSD and constant flashbacks of 2/24/22 when I was hyperventilating so badly I lost consciousness and my mom had to rush me to the emergency room. I could have died and I would have been another "excess death" statistic.

>> No.15657598

You think taking a contrarian position means intelligent

>> No.15657606

Eurostat says it's +4.3%

>> No.15657673

because the pandemic isn't over

>> No.15657678
File: 29 KB, 680x314, covid_vaxSwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same with sweden... weren't conspiratards saying we should all follow sweden's example? seems they were right after all

>> No.15657696

>accept millions of immigrants
>population is growing
>population growth exceeds mortality
>excess deaths become statistically negative despite more people dying than ever before

>> No.15657965

>his guy is just looking at ecological data instead of clinical studies
because they stopped fucking producing that shit for anything related to the vaccines. It is quite literally fucking propaganda. The fact that Pfizer was allowed to hand in their pages of trial data completely blacked, space one or two sentences, to the government is proof we are fucked. There is nothing we can do about it, they won

>> No.15657970

>take that conspiratards!

>> No.15658007

Yeah, he's about as accurate as Zerohedge.

>> No.15658016
File: 13 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He told whites to get the vaccine while raising a colony of unvaxxed blacks. He constantly has Israeli scientists on his show that he praises as geniuses. The only thing he's working for is white genocide while pretending he feels sorry about it.

>> No.15658022

considering i know several people who currently have covid, I'm going to assume it's covid

>> No.15658030

How long until the mass deaths? Let's bet some money.

>> No.15658054

Vaccines last 6 months. The UK stopped vaccinating everyone 18 months ago.

>> No.15658063


Climate change.

Literally the hottest summer in written history.

Oh wow, that was so hard to figure out, wasn't it?

>> No.15658579

Immigration (and births) have nothing to do with excess mortality.

You stupid or what?