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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 591x738, Ku76DHN7LqX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15652758 No.15652758 [Reply] [Original]


How much has the environment improved since plastic straws were banned? Have there been any scientific publications on the topic? Is there less plastic waste in the oceans now?

>> No.15652799

I have a short handle wooden scoop/spoon on my belt and a glass bottle. Not sure why people think they need a straw- you can't smell/sense your liquids when using a straw. I do have a metal straw but I don't carry it around with me. I eat mostly with my hands like I'm supposed to, but when it comes to liquids like soups and drinks, I use my own reusable containers. People just need to be more like me. That's why this "green woke movement" doesn't make any sense. Pragmaticism has been completely abandoned, people are conditioned consumers of product and believe that being served drinks in disposable containers with disposable straws is the norm.

>> No.15652984

Taking some plastic out of a system does make sense. The paper will break down in the landfill much easier than the plastic. If you put a plastic straw in a paper containment system, the paper would need adhesive to close - whereas with plastic you just heat it up and it bonds to itself.

On the whole though, this guy >>15652799 is right. Either you eliminate all waste like this or who cares. Landfills are filling up. Slowing it down only delays the inevitable.

>> No.15653945

Is just an humiliation ritual and nothing else.

>> No.15655372

excellent video

>> No.15655385

>How much has the environment improved since plastic straws were banned?
About seventy.

>> No.15655442

Straws are the fifth-most common type of waste in nearshore waters and number four at the shoreline. Banning them makes perfect sense. Sauce: Morales-Caselles et al. (2021). An inshore–offshore sorting system revealed from global classification of ocean litter.

I've also heard that due to their shape they're much harder to recycle than 2d items like foils or proper 3d objects like bottles, so they end up in landfills more than other items. I also used to think that it's stupid and pointless and pissing off people does more harm than good. However, if you look into the topic a little, it does make sense. Obviously, we should not throw anything in the oceans, but there are objective reasons why plastic straws are particularly bad.

>> No.15655505

>Landfills are filling up.
Okay so just burn it. Burning plastic properly produces CO2. Allowing paper to decay produces methane, which is much worse.

>> No.15655513

The places banning plastic are were not the ones who were throwing them into the ocean.

>> No.15655532
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>Morales-Caselles et al. (2021).
source: affirmative action for immigrant dogfuckers (replication crisis)

>> No.15655595

I live in NY and haven't seen plastic straws being banned. Not that I don't think paper straws can be just as good, but a bigger impact could be made by replacing polystyrene (which is toxic) with polypropylene (economically recyclable).

>> No.15655624

Ever notice how we aren't allowed to talk about who is most likely to just throw their plastic into a ditch rather than dispose of it properly?

It reminds me of how we aren't allowed to talk about which people are still breeding like roaches while everyone talks about "carbon footprint."

It's almost as if leftists don't actually give the slightest fuck about the problems they yammer about, and all they really want is power and money.

>> No.15655625

Slowing it down doesn't "merely delay the inevitable". There's a perfectly reasonable sustainable limits for many resources and the closer you get to those limits the better it gets. Landfills "filling up" is a non issue because space is not a concern but the cost is. So long as they fill up slowly enough you can overcome the cycle of dug out -> deposit -> reuse of the land in a cost effective manner. + you buy time for innovation and paradigm shift in the process. Basically halving the waste more than doubles the durability of your system.

That's not to say that paper straws have any meaningful impact on their own or even make sense over plastic ones. Just to dispel the notion that small thing can't lead to bigger change. Memes in general should be banned, both the paper straws which are shit but also using paper strwas as some sort of meme attack like OP which is just the same but opposite.

>> No.15655627

The places banning plastic sell their trash to the places throwing it in the oceans.

>> No.15655629
File: 425 KB, 1320x928, YourCountry ONLINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with less disposable plastic shit being put out there into the world.
Even if it's a small victory like straws, it's still a few tonnes of garbage less ending up in fields and oceans.

>> No.15655636

If that's the case (which it's not, the plastic is from China), maybe try actual landfills instead of scam companies that don't actually make landfills?

>> No.15655655

Landfills are the second-most retarded solution to waste. Literal boomer tier.
Reduce, reuse, recycle. And what has to go should be burned so you can at least heat some houses with the energy instead of polluting the groundwater.

>> No.15655662

Recycling plastic is fucking retarded, it literally takes more fuel to do than just making new plastic. It is and always was a scam.
>Landfills are the second-most retarded solution to waste. Literal boomer tier.
Dipshit city fag detected. You cannot comprehend how much room there is to make landfills. That said yeah, for a lot of stuff we are better off just burning it, but "muh CO2"

>> No.15655669

>yeah bro just bury the nuclear waste down bro trust me bro
>*nuclear resources in planet runs out instead of cycling back into usable nuclear resources naturally*
>woops i guess we just regress to stone age bro but it is what it is
-_- why is /sci/ short-sighted like this

>> No.15655672

Based and reasonable pilled

>> No.15655683

>Dipshit city fag
I live in a town of 5000 inhabitants and my house (and most in the town) gets its heat from a waste burning plant a few towns over.
I'm not saying there's not enough space for waste, it's just retarded.

>> No.15655723

>Landfills "filling up" is a non issue because space is not a concern but the cost is.
ok go live next to a full landfill

>> No.15655735

People do. You put dirt and grass on it and now it's just a hill.

>> No.15655868

The covid mask fucked up whatever the paper straw accomplished.

>> No.15655886

Landfills are a non-issue. I've driven past the one near me many times and have never smelled anything. Standard practice is to simply cover up the trash every day with a layer of thick plastic, then dirt, and do it again. They literally just become hills.

The much bigger issue is the economic drag of all these pointless environmental regulations. Each little nice sounding but ultimately futile reform makes everyone a bit poorer. The real things that matter are cheap energy, clean air, clean water. Nuclear is the most obvious solution but environmentalists are against that too. Astounding how retarded they are, but it's not surprising when you learn about the Baptists and Bootleggers dynamic. They're merely useful idiots for the oil and gas industry. Wind and solar are too expensive and unreliable to power an industrial society, so they're no real threat to fossil fuels. See Germany re-activating their coal plants after shutting down their nuclear reactors.

>> No.15655890

no it isn't, all of the plastic in the oceans comes from china. americans and europeans are civilized so our garbage is disposed of properly. the garbage that washes up on american west coast beaches and on hawaiian ones all originates from china, theres all sorts of junk covered in chinkrunes on the ocean beaches. i regularly to a beach on a river 40 miles inland from the west coast and its pristine, but the ocean beach has a big line of multicolored plastic junk at the rack line, all chinese.

>> No.15655909
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>americans and europeans are civilized so our garbage is disposed of properly.

Canada has been selling the stuff that goes into "recyclables" containers to the Philippines for example, who have been dumping it into the ocean.

The truth of the matter is, whether it be China or North America, the less plastic shit we put out, the less of it ends up in rivers, forests etc.
If we take leadership and show that we can reduce consumption of disposable plastic shit, I'm sure the rest of the polluters would notice and adopt it themselves at some point.

And it's kind of unfair to point the finger at China, when it is American consumption that is fuelling Chinese industry and pollution.
Hilarious. The bleeding hearts in America think they are saving the world by putting up solar panels that were processed and manufactured in China using coal fired electricity...

No. The problem is consumption.
Consumption must be reduced. Period.

>> No.15655921

>I'm sure the rest of the polluters would notice and adopt it themselves at some point.
China dumps fucking car batteries in the ocean, they give negative shit about what some hippy westoid things.
>And it's kind of unfair to point the finger at China, when it is American consumption that is fuelling Chinese industry and pollution.
No, it's perfectly fair, especially when on an individual basis they all claim that they're above board, and there's n realistic way to check. The person who does the bad thing is at fault. Nobody made them be fucking terrible. They must be compelled to change their behavior, and if that raises prices, so be it.

>> No.15655930

if you think China is so great why don't you move there?

>> No.15655933

>its america's fault that china dumps all the plastic in the oceans

>> No.15655943

I didn't say they were great, I said they are a bunch of lying fuckers and ruining the planet through brazen dishonesty and greed.

>> No.15656024

10 US states and many countries have banned Styrofoam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase-out_of_polystyrene_foam

Are you sure non-foam polystyrene would be gainfully replaced by polypropylene?

>> No.15656042

If they are ruining the planet, why are you complaining about banning straws? That alone won't save the planet, but it's certainly better than not banning them, right?

>> No.15656058

Because it's virtue signalling nonsense that inconveniences us and, more importantly, feeds into the narrative that somehow the west is always responsible for the evil and retardation of every other nation and people on earth.

>> No.15656767

>but it's certainly better than not banning them, right?

>> No.15656801

I like drinking with a straw because I can make bubbles

>> No.15658267
File: 36 KB, 395x395, gretchen thundersoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooooooo!!! you can't just enjoy things!!!
you have to suffer for global warming!!!

>> No.15658528

Polypropylene (#5) plastic causes less environmental problems when thrown away compared to polystyrene (#6). Polypropylene is more easily recyclable and releases fewer toxins during production and disposal. The only benefit to polystyrene is that you can make it very transparent.

>> No.15658632
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>> No.15659758

plastics are fine, they're completely burnable.

>> No.15659939

>Never Criticizes China for Pollution
I have no horse in this race, but I wanted to know if you were lying once again, so I DuckDuckWent "thunberg criticizes china"
>Greta Thunberg criticises China after climate striker Ou Hongyi held ...
From another piece written by her
>China, currently by far the world’s biggest emitter of CO2, is planning to build 43 new coal power plants on top of the 1,000 plants already in operation – while also claiming to be an ecological ‘trailblazer’ committed to leaving “a clean and beautiful world to future generations.
Weird, but to me this does sound like she criticises China, including specifically for pollution.
>Thunberg who never mentions China as the country which tops the world in almost all kinds of pollution
This is wrong almost by the word. Why are Gretahaters (again, I don't really care about her as a person) such compulsive liars? Is the lying essential for your hate? Can't you hate her for things she actually did say or do?

>> No.15660199

Most common by what measure? Items found or mass?

>> No.15660259

And I bet the straw is lined with PFAs so it doesn't dissovle the instant you stick it into your juice box.

>> No.15660266

Targetting straws was literally the most retarded thing that could be done. The choice of plastics for straws is 100% utilitarian, if you want to get rid of plastics, empose laws that forbid unneeded plastic packing in consumer products, put taxes on one time use grocery bags and encourage paper bags instead.
Encourage the use of shredded recycled cardstock and paper instead of plastic foam packaging for shipping.
There is about a thousand ways you could have had a huge victory without getting an actual compromise like soggy PFA laced 'green straws' that probably end up fucking up the environment even more than plastics did.

Enjoy your 'victory' you dumbass!

>> No.15660277

And PS. your pic is dumb. In reality, both sides would be owned by BlackRock and have the exact same amount of pollution. God leftists are so fucking full of themselves, you really think that you are the only one that cares about the environment? You are the fucking retards that go around waving globalist BlackRock flags and spend all your efforts trying to empose rediculous social norms. You are the globalists divide and conquer spear head you absolute pea brains. If you talked about anything other than "poor refugees" and "lgbtqp++ for toddlers" and what else you got going on, then maybe we could talk about solution to REAL FUCKING PROBLEMS instead. But no. Leftists only talk about brain melting subjects like trans rights or wank about black lives matters.

>> No.15660315

How the fuck would you get any meaningful data so soon after it happened, dipshit?

>> No.15660316

Disposable plastic garbage is a holdover from boomer laziness. That's the only reason we used it. My life has not been inconvenienced one iota without disposable plastic straws or plastic bags.

>> No.15660317

If you are able to jump find a reasonable way to solve our issues

>> No.15660569

If good paper straws can be manufactured, why the heck not? They could be put in tiny paper bags. Plasticizers and phthalates are toxic to the user and to the environment.

>> No.15661038

>that image
you couldn't paint a picture of a more deluded imaginary scene
its the extreme liberal left democrats that have willfully and intentionally set the world on fire with their agenda and narrative

>> No.15661061

They are not good. They taste of paper and barely last for one drink.

>> No.15661522
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Wow, sad to see anons posting on this when they know fuckall about the actual impact of plastic straws. They were banned because they're WILDLIFE HAZARDS retards. Compared to tiny plastic bags straws are rigid and get lodged in sea turtle orfices or pelican guts. Same thing with plastic bags, they float, collect flotsam, then get lodged in sea turtle stomachs because they look like jellyfish. The point isnt specifically to use less plastic, the point is to stop throwing out shit which kills marine life.

>> No.15661654

>barely last for one drink.
the waxes paper they use for paper cubs lasts considerably longer
>wax both sides
>roll it up
>you now have a non shit paper straw
why the fuck don't they do that

>> No.15661724
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I think we still have plastic straws near me but no more plastic bags. Normally I wouldn't care but they also stopped supplying paper bags, you have to pay for reusable bags now

>> No.15662416
File: 111 KB, 716x1024, burp'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banning plastic straws actually solved global warming completely, thats why the sea levels never rose as predicted. straw science found the hack and nipped the global warming problem in the bud. sorry greta

>> No.15662430

>I eat mostly with my hands like I'm supposed to

>> No.15662556

>what are tides?
>how big are 12 inches?
Are such posts written by oil shills targeting IQ 50 retards or the IQ 50 retards themselves?

>> No.15662560

>same filename and everything
This is what a completely organic anon looks like.

>> No.15664262

DuckDuckGo is a propganda outlet founded by In-Q-Tel, the CIA's Wall Street tech investment arm. Theres a formed In-Q-Tel/CIA guy on DuckDuckGo's board of directors who calls all the shots, he is the founder's uncle, also a convicted pedophile.

>> No.15664684

I'm super midwestern white.
We already eat a huge amount of food with our hands.

We'll pick up anything fried- chicken, potatoes, onion rings, etc. We'll eat with our hands cookies, pizza, tacos, all sandwiches, hotdogs, etc. Ice cream cones, crackers, chips and all manner of breads and pastries like muffins, donuts, bagels, etc. We'll eat cheese, fruits, raw vegetables all from our hands. And endlessly more.
You eat mostly with your hands too.

>> No.15665067
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>> No.15665086

>How much has the environment improved since plastic straws were banned?
They're not banned in my state.

>> No.15665089

Your image is the opposite of reality. Just look at Detroit, LA, San Francisco, NYC, Chicago, Portland...

>> No.15665635

>he genuinely believes there is a any recycling of plastics that is a net positive

>> No.15665680
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>No, it's perfectly fair, especially when on an individual basis they all claim that they're above board, and there's n realistic way to check. The person who does the bad thing is at fault.
Ban China

>> No.15665690
File: 39 KB, 640x480, literally-boiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much has the environment improved since plastic straws were banned?
Well, we've gone from global warming to global boiling since then, and the temperatures have gone up too abruptly to be explained by models based solely on GHG output, so I hypothesize Green Seethe is heating the planet at an accelerated pace. It's the only rapidly escalating factor in the environment.

>> No.15665694

Did you not see the honor I have 4 u

>> No.15666883

Who won the Nobel straw for that discovery?

>> No.15666936

Saying anything about China at all is a non statement. You know full well we can't just wipe a group off the planet.
>inb4 we should
This is how discussion around plastic/global warming is so fucked, because every /pol/ tier response is exactly the same as denialism, only the insanity around it shuts down conversation altogether. Please, lets focus on actual solutions.

>> No.15666950
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burning them to boil water is a net positive

>> No.15667620

>Not that I don't think paper straws can be just as good
they aren't btw

>> No.15668059

Can you believe that science is so weak and lame that it can't even develop a paper straw thats as good as a plastic one? These are the same people who are constantly bragging about their massive IQs

>> No.15668282

Almost ever place I've been to still uses plastic straws.

>> No.15668311

I live in Michigan and they never did that shit here. I've never seen a paper straw irl.

>> No.15668589

While we're at it lets ban restaurants from using plastic cups (especially polystyrene). Paper + wax just works; even though it isn't recyclable with wax, the paper can be post-consumer sourced.

>> No.15668792

more importantly, paper and wax is sustainably sourced and degrades quickly and with little risk to the environment

>> No.15669198

>Can you believe that science is so weak and lame
yes, science is a cope for nerdy losers who have nothing going for them in physical reality. losers get grandiose delusions of intellectual superiority as a means of coping with their failure in the physical realm.
too lazy to exercise? just imagine that its because you're smart rather than a slob

>> No.15669799
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>Straws are the fifth-most common type of waste in nearshore waters and number four at the shoreline.
Not according to Surfrider Foundation cleanup summaries.

>> No.15670246

Plastic straws were banned and the environmentalists are still constantly and incessantly screeching about how the planet is dying, so clearly there was no good reason to have banned plastic straws in the first place.

>> No.15670248

The problem is that the environmentalists are still soft retards.
Ban all single-use plastic.

>> No.15670458

Measures like this has nothing to do with the green movement, it is simply procrastination on part of those dedicated to the status quo.

>> No.15670570

> someone else found different numbers when looking in different places
> straws are still in the top 10
At least you see that plastic straws are actually a problem, even if they are less common than vague concepts like “small plastic fragments”

>> No.15670715

>Ban all ... plastic.
I agree.

>> No.15671033

Plastic hoses is a good example of valid plastic use
Get rid of the culture of garbage, starting with plastic

>> No.15671181

>typed on a plastic keyboard

>> No.15672441

>Have there been any scientific publications on the topic?
no, the environmentalists are intentionally ignoring the issue because they got what they were demanding and they don't want anyone to find out that what there were demanding was stupid

>> No.15673594

Al Gore won the Nobel peace prize for shilling global warming in 2007

>> No.15674013

Why do you have the mind of a slave?
>we aren't allowed to talk about...
What happens if you talk about it? Nobody's gonna stop you.
>It's almost as if leftists don't actually
What stops you from becoming a "leftist" and being the change you want to see in "leftists"? You're making up labels and rules in your mind and then you let those rule all of your worldview. You have the mind of a slave and you're your own victim. Grow up.

>> No.15674025

It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better

>> No.15674041

That's turns them into microplastics that escape the plant through steam that pollutes surrounding area with xenoestrogens and microplastics. There's no effective method of plastic recycling. There's also a limit on how many times can plastic be reused as a bottle. Only solution would be to stop plastic production, but that would make braindead goyim consumerist cattle and their corporate overlords angry.

>> No.15674844
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When does Greta get her Nobel prize? She is easily and equal or better shill than Gore is

>> No.15674846

>you hate society yet you live in one

>> No.15676424

>you with to be clever and witty and make cutting remarks yet all you can manage is regurgitating old memes

>> No.15678014

it was 60 years from when the jews took over the russian empire in 1917 before the russians regained the economic standard of living that they started with in 1917.

>> No.15679382

Russia was one of the wealthiest nations in the world when the Russian revolution of 1917 took place. Its has now fallen so far behind due to the amount that the jewish bolsheviks stole that its 3rd world tier.

>> No.15680012
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>> No.15680232

If you think that wasting energy is bad, stop reposting this: >>/sci/image/hQk91YKzkbvLmu6kTizCZA

>> No.15680343
File: 131 KB, 666x666, shekel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left side needs more burn, loot, murder, lots of hobos, trash, rape, children mutilated, and babies sucked dry of their blood by billionaires.

>> No.15680529
File: 11 KB, 221x117, Screenshot 2023-07-30 185613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your the same dude
this is a retarded comic considering bitcoin uses hundreds to thousands times more power than regular internet use

>> No.15680531


>> No.15680547

No it doesn't, that is just disinformation only morons like you would believe.

>> No.15680630

probably some crypto cocksucker who trades and collects e-coins

>> No.15680876

>When does Greta get her Nobel prize?

>> No.15682396


>> No.15683811

I'm sure your Christian library founded by Jesus Christ himself is a much more reputable source than a search engine which only links websites and doesn't actually modify the content.

>> No.15684076

Isn’t cellophane biodegradable? It’s just transparent wood.

>> No.15684121

>plastic one use cutlery was banned

Now the company I work in just buys multi use plastic cutlery that takes more plastic to produce.

>> No.15684145

Your company could use silver cutlery and throw it away after a single use. There's no way to fix stupid.

>> No.15684147


>> No.15684188

Conservitards will resist any change no matter how good. If it were up to them, we'd still be living in caves.

>> No.15684190


>> No.15685469

plastic straws are modern technology, fiber based straws that turn into mush the second they get wet are ancient technology which goes back at least to ancient egypt

>> No.15685483

>If it were up to them, we'd still be living in caves.
Low IQ take. Everything you value owes its existence to the cultural norms and values that conservatives are trying to preserve. What do you have to show for your "progressive" system of values? Bugchasing? Drag queen story hour? Mass abortions? The introduction of literal street-shitting into the West? lol.

>> No.15686777

>i hate jesus
sup shlomo

>> No.15686832

Ancient Egypt did use straws. They were made of clay and could be fired by the bundle by a 10 year old in an afternoon. They were "one night" use and the ritual was to break your beer straw when you were done drinking for the night.

>> No.15688694

She already has multiple PhDs

>> No.15689537
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>> No.15689914

Now imagine all the other polyfiber clothing in the ocean. It's much more. And it's mostly countries who don't believe in landfills.

>> No.15689943

>>How much has the environment improved since plastic straws were banned?
They haven't been, I have a box of them right nearby. Nor would there be any sort of improvement because plastic straws are a trivial source of waste.

>> No.15689944

>Consumption must be reduced. Period.
This is simply never going to happen. Period.