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15649711 No.15649711 [Reply] [Original]

Physics hasn’t seen a major breakthrough in fundamental theory in virtually a century. What's going on? Sinister answers only please.

>> No.15649717

climate change and racism of course

>> No.15649719

we reaches the limits of the human brain and cant comprehend the underlying structures left to discover

>> No.15649721
File: 65 KB, 1242x1181, FBE0BDD2-A761-4225-B634-A8525B906795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the modified gravity retard again

>> No.15649723

real talk? the nazis lost

>> No.15649743

The smaller you go, the harder it is to actually observe anything, so it gets harder and harder to work out what is fundamentally occurring. It becomes more and more likely for the resulting model of physics to become trapped in a "local minimum", to borrow terminology from AI trannies.

>> No.15649760

Surely it has nothing to do with all the tenured deadweights wanking over muh mathematical abstractions

>> No.15649793

>implying its wrong
Particle physicoid detected

>> No.15649809

>Sinister answers only please.
The aliens think we're getting too close to discovering them so they're telepathically limiting our capabilities

>> No.15649828

these all have a common denominator

>> No.15649845 [DELETED] 

>implying the map is the territory
So (You) can personally fold the fabric of spacetime?

>> No.15649846

>Sinister answers only please.
Government operatives are spamming public forums with misinformed posts trying to discredit theoretical physics in order to prevent funds from being diverted from the military industrial complex

>> No.15649863

since we arent at war anymore the west (capitalist retard central) has no incentive to innovate. why innovate when we can make billions making shitty SaaS chatbots and gambling games? China has caught up and will soon be leading the ultimate conquest of scientific breakthrough while we jerk off to their genshin impact and pay 3 billion dollars for a carton of eggs.

>> No.15649866

Can't be much worse than the 1300 years during which physics completely stagnated until Copernicus got the ball rolling again

>> No.15649868

modified gravity retards have never provided a single shred of proof to support their hypothesis

>> No.15649888

Prove your claim that galaxies aren't spinning too fast or GTFO.
inb4 galaxies are being held together by a magical dark aether that you can't see because it's shy

>> No.15649982

you are mostly right. there's definitely at least a few people who know what's going on just through the sheer power of theorizing and guess work, but some random corn farmer in 1743 knowing the basics of general relativity doesn't mean fucking squat. thus the problem comes from

1. they need to be a reputable person in a related academic field
2. they need to be able to express the hypothesis appropriately in an academic paper
3. other academics in the field need to be able to grasp it well enough to not reject it outright
4. it needs to make as few changes/redactions to pre-established theories as possible, so as to not get rejected outright

>> No.15650017

what about dexter answers

>> No.15650026

>reputable person
>academic field
no such thing, academics are all frauds

>> No.15650039

Based and checked. Believing in dark matter is the ultimate midwit test

>> No.15650058

I will continue to fap to AI generated women with huge tits and you can’t stop me. China can do whatever they want. Not my problem.

>> No.15650075

this picture offend me so much please never post it again

>> No.15650118

Uh, string theory?

>> No.15650160

> it needs to make as few changes/redactions to pre-established theories as possible, so as to not get rejected outright
Peer review, the H-index, and increased networking power of the internet ruined science by empowering narcissists in academia. Now It's all a game of who knows which journal editor, who can finagle the most chinese grad students, who can get past DEI requirements, etc etc

>> No.15650167

Two more weeks until China becomes a scientific superpower lmao

>> No.15650365

the truth isn't sinister.
Formal academia has been taken over by socially minded modernists.
they're unable to advance because it would require a different mindset, principles, and capabilities, all of which were last present in the late pre-modernist generations (i.e. people born around say 1900).
Everyone after that was dead weight, including muh feynmann despite his merits.

>> No.15650466
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This, but sort of. There are interesting questions in this line of thought. For example, why did the Office of Naval Research fund ALL of Wolfgang Ketterle's BEC work? It certainly isn't for better clocks.

>> No.15650508

Secret physics related to alien technology has required official physics to have key errors introduced into it that are preventing breakthroughs.

>> No.15650578

What’s the deal with fark.
Why are so many supposed leaks (or speculations) about secret tech there?

>> No.15650637

People are getting stupider. Nerds are being culled. Think of every great physicist you can name; none of them has a living descendant

>> No.15650684

Higgs boson they found was an ordinary spin 0 particle. Giving nobel price on false claims took all credibily of science. The universities are now legacy institutions.

>> No.15650691


>> No.15650742

Autistic retards went to pursue a career in string theory wasting years and years of brain and man power for absolutely nothing.

>> No.15650775

who cares really

>> No.15650928
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Not anymore

>> No.15650936


>> No.15650955

>Physics hasn’t seen a major breakthrough in fundamental theory in virtually a century. What's going on?
It's because the model we already have has predicted so much shit that we are still uncovering predictions today.
Physics went unchallenged after Maxwell's equations for many many years because they had so much predictive power that people sincerely thought they had solved the universe.

We need to find a new unexplainable phenomenon that is so different than anything we know today that it can give us enough hints to build a completely different frame of reasoning, just like the shift of gravity from being a force to being a distortion in spacetime

>> No.15651030

qm was a wrong turn. einstein was right.

>> No.15651200

It's the same problem as always since the dawn of humanity. Coming up with novel theories would mean ruining the livelihoods and reputations of established scientists, so anything revolutionary would get shut down quickly.

>> No.15651575


>We need to find a new unexplainable phenomenon that is so different than anything we know today that it can give us enough hints to build a completely different frame of reasoning

Yes. Unfortunately though, quantum mechanics and relativity perfectly predict all phenomena in the universe as long as you also believe that each and every galaxy is hidding unimaginable amounts of ghost matter somewhere somehow.
Oh, curse you, Einstein, for being so perfect. Will we ever find a chink in your magnificent theory?

>> No.15652080

>to borrow terminology from AI trannies

>> No.15652081

I hate your picture

>> No.15652086

interesting view

>> No.15652090

OP at the end of the day we try to guess about what lies beyond a fuck huge universe with our tiny tools, even the large haedron collider was the size of the planet the planet is smaller than a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. Maybe there's a llimit and we've just reached the limit.

>> No.15652124

musk and gates are wasting all the money fucking onlyfans egirls

>> No.15652129

I don't know how some women get to be such milk trucks. Doesn't look natural. Have implants gotten better or did they estrogen max?

>> No.15652243

The confirmation of the existence of gravitational waves wants a word doomer.

>> No.15652560


>> No.15652744

Nobel Prize these days means doing something of no significance, almost the same level as a Darwin Award.

>> No.15652753
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>> No.15652955

Just a reminder that every single paper claiming LK-99 to be real came from 'prestigious' Chinese Universities

>> No.15652963

physics has a major breakthrough in fundamental theory roughly once every millennia at best. it's status quo.

to be more accurate there was newton in 1400 with gravity and calculus then Einstein in 1900 with relativity and tensors, which he didn't even invent himself.

String theory is a thing but it doesn't lead to any predictions of anything not already experimentally found.

>> No.15652985
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None of you figured out the reason why science has stagnated over the last 70 years? Are you all fucking retarded?

>> No.15652987

Keep in mind of what physicists are trying to predict nowadays bros. What lies outside of the universe. How the fuck are you supposed to know what lies outside of the universe? You can't even look at it with telescope. Likewise you can't observe what lies inside an atom with a microscope. You have to come up with this gigantic convoluted shit to begin to speculate what lies inside an atom. At what point do you say well maybe we should stop, we did good, let's focus on something else.

>> No.15653000

The structures in academia are too rigid. You are not encouraged to think outside of the box.
I'm not a physicist, but imagine if a computer scientist said he wanted to replace the world wide web. He would be laughed out of every room. I imagine it's the same with Physics. You're not allowed to rattle the cage and have fresh ideas, so of course you're never going to have any breakthroughs.

>> No.15653010

niggers and jews gumming up the system are not helping in any way whatsoever

they're getting rid of the GRE for fucks sake. there isn't even anything on the gre that you don't learn in high school.

it is impossible to select from the pool of talent. we are in a new dark age

>> No.15653011
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They got pranked.

>> No.15653012

Modern theoretical physics is pseudoscience. Especially quantum physics and string theory.

>> No.15653015

>You're not allowed to rattle the cage and have fresh ideas, so of course you're never going to have any breakthroughs
On top of that, the only attempts at fresh ideas are dogmatic schizo theories like string theory that suck up the funding

>> No.15653024

why does there even need to be funding. in the end the breakthrough is going to come from someone's brain.

the bottleneck is not funding, the bottleneck is grad school seats and talent. the talent is getting gobbled up by quant funds, and the seats are being used to make money for the unis

>> No.15653032
File: 488 KB, 612x1897, Screenshot from 2023-08-10 18-43-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the poster child of nepotism

>> No.15653045

>science has always progressed but NOW, in MY generation, we have finally reached the end of what is knowable
never comprehended this arrogance

>> No.15653047

Really I'd like to go back to my point. What makes you think you can know what lies beyond the observable universe? I'd say its a little bit arrogance really. Imagine you were Lois and Clark and walked throughout the country and came up with a map of the us. Does that mean that now they can come up with a map of the moon?

>> No.15653051

sure if they can first get to the moon

>> No.15653057
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If physics goes any further we'd have to start breath the same air as those schzios from /x/.

>> No.15653059

okay so cal me when scientists can go beyond the observable universe then lol

>> No.15653068

isn't that a contradiction? how can you observe something unobservable?
even if i found a way to go to unobservable universe, it would then become observable.

>> No.15653071

I agree with you that we haven't reached the end. However, your argument for why we haven't is retarded.

>> No.15653072

academia makes it so that only the most same-minded losers get tenured and have their projects funded

>> No.15653082

I mean you would have to find a way to tear a hole through this universe and atleast peak into the outer universe. How would you even do that? Even the wormholes are holes within the universe. Every physicist so far has explained how THIS universe works. And that was possible because we live in this universe and we can observe it. How can you say oh no I can guess how that works with just math?

>> No.15653083

Think of it as a probabilistic argument if you are too psychologically retarded to understand hubris

>> No.15653137

you mean genetic decline due to dysgenic selection pressures brought by civilization?

>> No.15653139

Einstein's relativity was wrong a century ago but we still haven't overcome the following inertia and groupthink to overturn it.

>> No.15653154

I don't understand this cope. Nukes were dropped on japan, there are nuclear power plants generating electrical power today, einstein said look at the sun eclipse and see if the light gets bent to further prove his theory. It led to quantum physics which led to quantum omputers that work on quantum mechanics today. Im not a physicists I just keep up with the news somewhat. Explain how einstein was wrong.

>> No.15653170

Nukes have jack shit to do with relativity.
"Gravitational lensing" is not dependent on relativity. Although it's not actually caused by gravity, it's just regular optical lensing, or sometimes even irregularly shaped objects misinterpreted as lensed.
Quantum computers are vaporware.

>> No.15653230

gee, I wonder what could it be?

>> No.15653250

Please go into detail how your probabilistic model is capable of accurately assessing the extent of our literal understanding of the Universe based solely on one small metric that occurred previously. Your argument is that of a midwit: "It happened before, therefore, it must happen again"

>> No.15653330

My theory is that some breakthroughs are hidden from the public because of their significance when it comes to (mostly) military applications. I don’t think that it necessarily is the case, but if a new physics theory that can be used to get an advantage in terms of military technology was to be developed, it would most probably be hidden to keep that edge.
That’s my ‘sinister’ explanation.

>> No.15653343

>be US
>use new physics/science to create civilization ending weapon
>have sole monopoly on said weapon
>be able to rule over every country with said weapon
>new physics/science gets leaked
>main rival creates the same civilization ending weapon
>no longer be able to rule over every country
It isn't even a schizo theory, it should be what you hope your country would do, from a purely survival standpoint

>> No.15653360

not a physicist. my understanding is that relativity is related to the bending of light because only concentrated gravity is capable of exerting such a strong effect on light, which is not subject to other forces

uhhh. is this right physicsbros?

that said something is definitely wrong with relativity more generally. aside from all the kikes and niggers in academia, hitting such a hard dead end in physics whilst chemistry and genetics continues to advance signals to a field specific problem

>> No.15653368
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>only concentrated gravity is capable of exerting such a strong effect on light
Pretty much every material "bends" light. Light bends around your door way because it has wave like properties. Light shouldn't bend in a vacuum however, which is why you have to use Relativity to explain lensing effects in space. The curvature of space causes the perceived bending of light, when in actuality the light is taking the straight line path through space

>> No.15653398

Yeah, but
Others have to at least know about it even if you want to keep them from knowing how it works.

>> No.15653412
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>What's going on?

General relativity is wrong and has misdirected research for 70 years, trying to come up with incomprehensible math to glue together complete nonsense.

There's no such thing as space time. Gravity is still a complete mystery. Mass is a complete mystery. Inertia is a complete mystery.
Also quantum mechanics gives us a glimpse into nature, but is not the full picture.

>> No.15653419

Academic researchers have to waste most of their time fishing for funding. Or making doomsday predictions that will happen in a decade so they need more money to continue making such predictions.

It's not even countries doing it, it's more like individuals and companies that want a monopoly on a technology. Even then it's just incremental gains that don't seem significant until you can look at a few generations back.
But then you also get situations like modular reactors that get stymied by archaic regulations that prevent them from seeing any use outside of the lab/test environment.

>> No.15653421

>based reference
What do you think the UFO shit is about and has been about for 70 years? Why do you think Iran claims that mach 10 UFOs that frequent their nuclear sites belong to the US?

>> No.15653447

insitutionally there should be no need for research funding. this should be abolished.

a phd should consist of giving the dude a place to live in and read research papers, then a little bit of money to fund travel to conferences.

anyone who wants a phd to be more than this should be kicked out of academia

>> No.15653474

Umm, sauce?

>> No.15653488
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>newton in 1400

>> No.15653492

Just for you, fren
Same guy, different handles

>> No.15653497

And some more
Wait until you find out what he's talking about in thread with the guy in the State Department.
>Positronium particle beam tfw
LiJun Wang was the buy who broke the speed of light in 1999 at the NEC Laboratory Princeton in a BEC of cesium

>> No.15653498
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>Why do you think Iran claims that mach 10 UFOs that frequent their nuclear sites belong to the US?

About 70 years ago, the US had the same issue with UFOs above their nuclear plants, nuke tests sites and ICBM missile silos.
Operators of the former have testified that networks of silos did go offline in the presence of UFOs.

It's not US technology.
It's not possible to keep the lid on a WHOLE NEW BRANCH OF SCIENCE without any of the precursor research.

>> No.15653503
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Thank you Fren.
New physics based propulsion systems are one of the most interesting things in the world.
I'm appalled when braindead livestock cheer on SpaceX bullshit when that is literally just re-branded archaic technology.

>> No.15653508

the thing is though, ultimately in america the science "problem" is not a science problem

it is a nigger and bureaucratic problem

musk literally fixed the bureaucratic side of the majority of it

look at the deep space probe that was lost literally 3 weeks after a woman took over

>> No.15653515
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Still, any program that pursues archaic technology like chemical mass ejection systems, is a dud, and will doom us to go extinct on this rock.

>> No.15653529

objectively, if he gets enough power he can make a change

the current path is certain extinction

surely you are aware that there is no method to get into space that doesn't involve the elimination of the vast majority of humanity that is incapable of at least calculus, right? no one is even suggesting that right now. so, in the meantime, we can hope that there is at least one altruistic tycoon. I dont see anyone other than musk that is even trying to stop niggers from killing babies, which should be a cardinal sin, and obvious to any bystander. but it isn't obvious.

there is no ideal solution that will get you your technology by focusing on technology only

>> No.15653560
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>It's not possible to keep the lid on a WHOLE NEW BRANCH OF SCIENCE without any of the precursor research
It is though, I don't know why people think it is so hard for groups with unlimited resources to keep a secret. Epstein only got found out because he was fucking people's kids essentially in broad daylight. Even then, they kept the lid on his case for over 3 decades. The intelligence agencies had decades to perfect their techniques of silencing and keeping people from talking. The only reason we knew about MK Ultra was because Congress forced the CIA to disclose whatever projects they had operating within the United States. It was found out completely on accident due to the fact that other parts of the CIA were doing atrocious things in plain view. A program that ran for 2 decades and experimented on thousands of people, usually with extremely life altering outcomes, was kept completely hushed, and even though it was revealed to the public, isn't known by 99% of the population.
Keeping an entire branch of science secret is as easy as:
>controlling where funding goes to (government grants)
>controlling the discussion in academia (peer-review/internet)
>silencing anyone that starts even somewhat on the trail of the new science (see the anti-gravity researcher from a state university that vanished immediately after applying for a patent)
>potentially implanting misleading ideas/fake data into journals as a disinfo campaign against rival nations
>In the rare case of a leak, convincing the populace, especially academics, that any people talking about the secret are cooks
It wouldn't even be hard to do this. The NSA already does this exact thing with numerous cryptographic ideas and they aren't even a large organization. Wanna know something funny? You know who started the modern peer-review/publication system? >see picrel
Look up who his daughter is

>> No.15653562

>Your argument is that of a midwit: "It happened before, therefore, it must happen again"
that's not a bad argument though

>> No.15653618

>(see the anti-gravity researcher from a state university that vanished immediately after applying for a patent)

Tell me more.

>> No.15653633

>Prove your claim that galaxies aren't spinning too fast or GTFO.
>inb4 galaxies are being held together by a magical dark aether that you can't see because it's shy
What's the problem for galaxies staying together? Planet 9 is still going strong.

>> No.15653660

I absolutely love that I’m seeing this get posted more. FINALLY PEOPLE ARE NOTICING THE GOLD FROM THIS GUY. Erewhon/bedlam is the internet’s one single solitary case of actual exposure of physics black projects

>> No.15653661

This is the most comprehensive source I got atm, otherwise it would be some random article from a local paper.

>> No.15653697

Thank you for getting these posts out here. Every time I see them there are zero comments. People on fark always mentioned how erewhon’s posts were weirdly ignored all the time despite being mega interesting. I spent a long time last summer hunting down every post I could find by this guy. Everything he says certainly does “weirdly fit together.”

There should be recurring generals purely dedicated to these posts. Finding and translating all the “Russian Einstein” papers and studies he says are out there. Instead we have endless lk-99 threads.

>> No.15653744

None of the other propulsion tech is suitable for getting out of Earth's gravity well currently.
And I'm sure you know well enough that engines slated for operation in a microgravity/vacuum environment are designed completely differently right? There's even an ion engine available right now that's practically a black box reaction, but it's very efficient in a vacuum.

Not everyone needs to come to space, just like not everyone needs a phd for a functional society. Though it would be helpful if society could stop excusing the actions of troublemakers.
Otherwise, we don't even realize how much we take Earth's capabilities for granted, and everyone is chasing milestone destinations instead of permanence outside of Earth.

>> No.15653759

physics students are mostly morons who don't know much besides QFT. For those drones, if there is something incomplete from a theory, then it means there is a new particle somewhere. Those idiots have made up hundreds of particles so far and they are still looking for more. That's the entirety of their intellectual framework. LOL. And btw, the job is shit. hep is really just computing feynman diagrams to some retarded orders in terms of h_bar. It's just computer stuff and 0% physics.
Since the LHC is the biggest DUD in the history of physics, those morons fear they got exposed. So what did they do? they said they wanted 100 billions this time to build a bigger LHC, and to achieve what? discovering new particles LOL.
It is just putting ones head in the sand at this point

even on a global scope, theoretical physics is pretty much dead. Zero innovation since the discovery of the CMB.
All the atheists crave for a new scientific revival with biology, AI, and biohacking but it wil be an even bigger dud. And even worse, they are even less a science, because the side effects are even more complicated to predict in general, and with respect to the particularities of such and such genetic population.
And people will scream about ethical stuff since testing on living beings will be even more mandatory sooner or later...
Even on the level of the daily life, you can see the scientific decay with videogames. video games coming out today basically look like the games they were releasing on 360 and PS3 ca. 2005-2007 when I was in middle school. Compare a pixelated N64 game from the late 90s with a 1080p HD Xbox 360 game from the mid 2000s and the difference is astonishing. Compare a 360 game like CoD4 from the mid 2000s with the latest version of the same game 15 years later, and you will find very few differences. If 3D graphics were progressing at the same rate as in the late 90s and early 00s, then we would have photorealistic videogames by now.

>> No.15653766

Anyway, all of that is meaningless, because videogames graphics are largely irrelevant to science and only have relevance for mindless loq IQ normie conSOOOMers. All I need to do is look at actual math and science research. Math is doing better than physics or chemistry, for example, but the only new areas of math that are highly active are the Langlands Program, and Complex Systems/Chaos/Complex Networks, and even that is kind of loosing steam at this point. It was super trendy in the 70-90s and helped pave the way for stuff like data science, but even progress in those fields is slowing. The most active areas of science today really seem to be biotech, cognitive science, and systems biology. Physics, chemistry, math, etc. are largely stagnant, and are becoming increasingly insular and isolated from one another, and more so for institutional and bureaucratic reasons, and not because this is more scientifically productive or something like that.

>> No.15653771

it is completely unrelated to phds

criminals are going to be criminals. they are going to vote for criminal things, they are going to lie in school and take opportunities away from non criminals, they are going to have criminal kids.

there is no way to "tolerate" this. the very fact that they exist means that they will commit crimes and degrade society. the problem NEEDS to be solved. there is no checklist of procedural statutes that will stop them from lying and sabotaging good people.

>> No.15654438

He's talking about Yakov Zel'dovich and 'Principals of Phase Conjugation' specifically. They are already translated. There all kinds of time reversal symmetry breaking implications. UCSD did some work in the 2000's on wavefront/time reversal of photons that (((allegedly))) the DoD is using for correction of atmospheric aberrations in real time sans deformable mirrors.

>> No.15654439

Correction for lasers, that is.

>> No.15654447

Deedee destroyed them.

>> No.15654452

>he thinks civilization doesn't have its own selection pressures

>> No.15654465

It was 4chan before 4chan
Back in the early 2000s all the libertarian boomers posted links from their wacky radio morning shows and argued about the projects they were working on as defense contractors

Kinda like world of tanks now

>> No.15654470

I would challenge anyone on /sci/ to call bullshit on this. I'm glad it's finally getting traction. I have posted this stuff on 4chan for almost 7 years now, and I didn't start getting comments on ANY of it until a few years ago. Even then, it was limited. Now there are a lot more people interested, especially now that the grifter David Grusch is testifying in front of Congress with the Congressional hearing equivalent of buying weed when your 16.
>I know a guy that knows a guy...he says it's 20 and I need 10 for my trouble. There are usually threads up on /k/ that cover this stuff, as most of it has deep military implications, especially the phase conjugation stuff for muh lasers. There is a DoE guy that works at Sandia that occasionally posts in some of the threads and has confirmed that they do loads of weird shit with nonlinear PC media at Sandia/LANL/Philips Lab at Kirtland.

>> No.15654478

It's probably because it's cheap and relatively "safe" in comparison. Can you imagine how heinously expensive it might to build and operate the drive systems implied? It's like a your running a R1 university cold atom lab inside the ship. Plus, let's say it is true and this operates similarly to a Kerr Singularity and all the input photos are infinitely blue-shifted deep into the gamma regime. Any failure would result in you bleeding off a metric shitload of gamma radiation in the immediate vicinity. I remember reading about LiJun Wang's experiments at Princeton in '98-'99 and how it was huge news at the time, but was basically dropped soon after. Same thing with sonic black holes, microwave invisibility cloaks using metamaterials, and the SF Chronicle article about the USAF antimatter weapons program which started as a NIAC presentation by Kenneth Edwards in 2004. Coincidentally, his boss's name, Gerald Smith, comes up a lot on the (((UFO))) front. You can find very little about what ole' Gerald was doing at Penn State in the 90's and early 2000's.

>> No.15654495
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>> No.15654498
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>> No.15654513
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>Here's you a fiction...
>Good thing it's all just tales to entertain

>> No.15654514
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It is bcz they led down the wrong path with particle theory so long ago and kept piling on the heap rather than stripping it all down and beginning again when they could not explain duality.

Now muh physics that is clung to has been utterly poisoned by professors conditioning youths.

Now we get asinine predictors like entanglement and superposition which is our modern anything goes grant grabs

SM and QM are fundamentally wrong. Period. Human perception was never properly accounted for when experimental physicists were "proving" theorems. We interfere but that is willfully ignored for wanting of publication.

If we started over, the solution we would find is between the gaps we claim are tolerable nothing. Every thing is explained by resistance.

>> No.15654526

I’ve heard something about using quaternion form of original Maxwell’s equations. Supposedly some stuff was lost when using then-easier-to-use vector math; if one starts from there, a unified theory of physics can be achieved, with all fundamental forces as different aspects of the same expanded ‘field’.
Has anybody heard about this stuff too and maybe dug into it / did their own work?

>> No.15654545

(Same poster)
I myself tried to do some digging but could only find things I could describe as red herrings for most.
This quaternion stuff is especially curious to me because quaternions are used in aerospace flight dynamics and orbital mechanics (I’m an aerospace engineer) because they don’t experience gimbal lock (which in a way makes regular 3D/vector description incomplete here) and are much more convenient computationally.

>> No.15654645

>The smaller you go, the harder it is to actually observe anything, so it gets harder and harder to work out what is fundamentally occurring.
that's what she said

>> No.15654655

>You can't even look at it with telescope. Likewise you can't observe what lies inside an atom with a microscope. You have to come up with this gigantic convoluted shit to begin to speculate what lies inside an atom.
they have countless different microscopes for that, the problem is that the energy required to see anything so small blows the atom apart, but you can still see a lot of stuff in the resulting fragments

>> No.15654688

My theory?

Imagine if we found out certain things outside of mainstream physics allowed creation of pure fusion weapons or something of similar destructive capability.

If it turns out all someone needs for a nuke is depleted or natural uranium, some copper wire, and [insert common element/compound here] then the entire security structure of the modern world goes out the window.

Literally all modern geopolitics is based on the fact that fissile material is difficult to make.

>> No.15654830
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Didn't Grusch say he has seen the UFOs personally, and he knows the people/departments/private contractors who run the UFO program that he would disclose behind close doors?

I take it you think Bob Lazer was also a grifter or disinformation agent?

>> No.15654842
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Where the fuck is Zel'dovich guy now anyways?
Seems he vanished in the early 2000s.

Living in Russia, I sure hope he didn't get killed in some armed robbery, or get drafted and sent to the Ukraine war.

>> No.15655400


>> No.15655754

Lazar not so much. "Gravity A" and "Gravity B" such sounds a whole lot like A-B Magnetic Vector potential shielding. The "Sport Model" could be another clue, as it is speculated that this is a two part deal. One part reduces inertia, part 2 alters and relative permeability and permittivity of the vacuum in the immediate area to artificially raise the speed limit of light and allow "FTL" (even though you're not going faster than light in the region you create). Another thing is the tilt towards the destination. If this is indeed a functional analog of a Kerr Singularity, your regions of negative energy would be in the ergosphere and the Casimir Effect occuring at the center of the ring. But what the fuck do I know. He obviously saw or was told something. My bet is told.

>> No.15655768

Blue eyes are extremely attractive.

>> No.15655845
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Lazar also said that gravity was instantaneous and they had a device from the UFO, powered by element 115 that could generate a localized, directional gravity field.

Sure doesn't sound like any rotating Bose-Einstein condensates to me...

>> No.15655867

Guaranteed Element 115 is a code word like red Mercury was for LiD6

>> No.15655995

Ashkenazi superintelligence has been lost.
Without Jews we lose.

>> No.15656110

Too difficult to break into, too much to study for something that will fundamentally be useless. Believe it or not, a lot of the great physicists and Mathematicians studied a shit ton of highly applied, highly useful fields and grew them AS they grew physics. It's basically impossible to be this 'polyglot' like nowadays.

Those that are attracted to solving real problems end up falling into like AI/ML work or optimization research or hell stepping into more quantitative social sciences like management theory. This later world is very attractive to many (since there is just so much fundamentally not understood) but much messier to be in than the physical sciences. It's partially why a lot of physicists and Mathematicians STILL find their way into financial risk, stock markets, etc. (All social science flavored).

>> No.15656117

That's why scientists were always noblemen whose livelihood didn't depend on science

And why they often dissed each other heavily

>> No.15656142

I love this picture. He so cute

>> No.15656155

>Physics hasn’t seen a major breakthrough in fundamental theory in virtually a century. What's going on? Sinister answers only please.
>I build my own quantum computers that are optimised for efficiency to reduce the quantum state to ONLY be the sign of the number. We live in a synthetic universe where material only comes into existence when observed. The take away is that storage can be expensive. Our reality is not pre rendered. The question I have is that true for some individuals as well? Do they only come into existence when observed? Like some of the technically illiterate zoomers/milennials in this thread. Did they even exist before the post or did the post exist and then they were 'born' when they got this (you). It all adds up to nothing + your mass and the energy contained in it. You really are alone. The really bad news? Hell can be simulated too. Some of the anons in this thread could run on 8 bit machines easily.

>> No.15656172

>What makes you think you can know what lies beyond the observable universe?
You can because your brain is a quantum computer and it's capable of transferring data inter dimensionally

>> No.15656262

Pacific Islanders

>> No.15656756

physics dident have a major breakthrough between newton and the early late 19th century either

>> No.15657491

He died in 1987 you fucktard.

>> No.15657535

space isn't curved, light is just affected by gravity

>> No.15657554

Inertial dampening is a far more likely candidate. Like I said, someone told him probably told him something they heard as part of their USAP briefing on whatever project they were attached to. If he was NDA'd and was really working at LANL with a Q or Area 51 in any capacity, they would have 100% went after him. This smacks of Edgar Fouche type shit. Fouche obviously wasn't a part of shit, but SOMEONE definitely told him something. And not just the mercury BS. He mentions servicing satellites in orbit, which 100% is real and something the NRO and USAF have been up to for a long fucking time. I know a guy who did has an EE degree from Texas A & M, Masters in EE from the USAF Research Directorate at Wright Patterson, and did his 20 as a "flight test engineer" at AFFTC Edwards with a final rank of Major. Now he does unmentionable things for government contractors in behalf of organizations like the NRO. He attends MUFON meetings apparently, and when I asked him why he just smiled and said "to see what they come up with".

>> No.15657819

This still doesn't answer the abduction phenomenon.
Why seemingly normal (mostly) people describe the same sequence of events of experiencing lights and whooshing sounds in their bedrooms, then little figures phasing through walls and whisking them away through a closed window into a craft, where they have some reproductive-oriented procedures performed...

I suspect there is something more to it than just advanced government projects.

>> No.15657914
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You rule out the possibility of schizos, anon. Maybe the reason why people see "aliens" is because part of the drive mechanism that screws with the permittivity of space also screws with the electrical impulses in your nervous system. All of this is explainable through real phenomena.
>Why are they sighted by nuclear bases?
In the event your experimental aircraft shits the bed, guess who has CBRN trained teams to respond?
>Muh cattle mutilations
The organs that are often missing would be ones you would want to take if you were interested in radiological effects on biological subjects
>Muh Roswell
You know what's really close to Roswell Army Airfield...Kirtland AFB and LANL. What were they doing at Kirtland/LANL at the time? What are they doing NOW, especially at Phillips Lab inside Kirtland?
>Craft spotted in the ocean
What better place for crew exchanges? After all, the program is allegedly run primarily by the Navy, and the ONR funds all kinds of weird shit. Like the BEC work that won Ketterle and cooperators at NIST Boulder the Nobel Prize in 1994. There are a few weird, old stories floating around the net of mysterious crewman on submarines that no one was allowed to interact with that one day just vanished off the ship in the middle of the ocean.
If Congress really wants to know, they would ask a JCS level position some hard questions. Or someone like this guy in pic related. He knows. Or maybe the guy that ran program test operations at UTTR in 2004. Or maybe the guy who runs operations for the AFFTC. The point is, there literally dozens of people that have both the clearance necessary and are in those Masters of the Universe positions in the DoD and DoE that would 100% know and could be compelled by Congress to testify. Instead, we have this mentally ill faggot Grusch who is either a useful idiot or a direct disinformation agent. He had to know his mental health issues would come out. He had to get a lifestyle colonoscopy for the NRO

>> No.15657921

>he can't read