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File: 19 KB, 413x310, evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1565261 No.1565261 [Reply] [Original]

when do all pp believe evolution of life ? almost all of pp in my country think that its bullshit -.-

>> No.1565266
File: 14 KB, 250x250, that's nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1565293

Evolution is true but all that "random mutation" stuff is all bullshit. They need to find out what really fucking drives evolution.

>> No.1565296 [DELETED] 

I agree. (Not a samefag.)

>> No.1565297
File: 34 KB, 413x437, 1276381385410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not sure if trolling.

>> No.1565299


>> No.1565300

almost all people in my county think it's true.

my country > your country,

>> No.1565301

that nigga is trolling.

>> No.1565302


Lol, enjoying your shit tier country?

>> No.1565305

..21, 34, 55, 89...

>> No.1565313

...144, 233, 377, 610...

>> No.1565314

I believe evolution is true in principal, but I (not big on biology) still can't answer why the sudden jump from dinosaur to semi bird thing to bird.. On the theory it s'pose to gradually change in more subtle way doesn't it?

>> No.1565319

"suddenly" = "millions of years and a drastic change in their enviroment"

>> No.1565326

what's the function for that increase?

>> No.1565328

hmderp dinosaurs millions of years ago

>> No.1565331

Many dinosaurs were already feathered.

It doesn't work like you're thinking.

All the big ones died out. The smaller ones slowly evolved into regular modern birds.

Also take into account giant birds that existed previously.

Additionally, the PPM of oxygen in the atmosphere determines how big things can get.

Also: 987, 1597, 2584, 4181...

>> No.1565332



>> No.1565333
File: 8 KB, 185x115, Screen shot 2010-08-08 at 1.29.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1565334

If evolution was random, where the fuck are all the mammals with 3 eyes, eyes in the back of their head. Don't seem very random to me.. predators have have eyes facing forwards... A preys eye are more to the side... with infinite possibilities that doesn't seem very random to me. How the hell does a simple eye that can just sense light and dark randomly mutate into an advanced human eye? Thats like saying if you had the base of a house and you threw wood,aluminum,pvc pipe and glass at it until finally after 3850928082094820938402 tries you had a finished house. Where are all the fucked up other houses at?

>> No.1565337


Please be trolling. What a terrible analogy.

Failed mutations DIE. They provide no advantage and that shows over long time spans, because the ability to produce that trait DIES.

Read a book, nigger.

>> No.1565342


Time is rather irrelevant in explaining this. It can happen rapidly or slowly. It's still evolution. What I meant is the changes we found in fossils is not as gradual as it suppose to be. It looks like at some times small leaps happen. Not like God spoke then it happen, but suddenly feathers appears and stuff..

>> No.1565343

What you're saying would only make sense if reproduction wasn't required to propagate a species.

Predators have eyes in the front of their head because any other mutation wouldn't have allowed them to survive long enough to pass that mutation down to other generations.

>> No.1565350

We love getting trolled on /sci/

>> No.1565356


Yeah, like flightless birds can't survive without flying... I see your point.

>> No.1565359

Evolution isn't random. Its the nonrandom survival of randomly varying replicators. A random mutation occurs and if it is one that benefits that creatures survival it has a better chance of surviving and reproducing than its peers who are not so genetically advantaged. If it is detrimental the creature will more than likely die and not pass on this mutation.

>> No.1565360


Eugenic is a good idea isn't it? I blame America for the de-evolution of mankind

>> No.1565368

Obviously they can survive. And that is why they have survived to pass that random mutation down.

>> No.1565372

I'm just asking honest questions, no need to be pissy dude. If you think you know everything then by all means tell me.

>> No.1565380


So out of all the mutations that could of possibly happened more would of survived. I mean, if a bird can lose flight and be alright. Any thing is possible. where the hell are the others? That was my point, the mutations are not random.. So, when the whales climbed out of the water they would of been screwed especially with limited mobility.

>> No.1565400

>where are the others
Maybe you should take a look at this thing called the fossil record.

>> No.1565413


fossil records still shows us certain kind of pattern, I believe he/or she looking for 3 eyed beast, 5th leg or shit like that (based on his argument "Yes they are excess but still allow them to survive"). And I believe we have none of that..

Missing link is in the eye of the beholder. I still believe we haven't found all there is to it on evolution.

>> No.1565422

Well something like a fifth leg is a pretty drastic mutation. The mutations are generally much more subtle than that, and a something like a third wing on a bird or something would only be a hindrance making it more likely to be killed by predators or keep it from catching as much prey. Also even if it were not a hindrance or advantage its not likely to catch on. Things get passed on rapidly if it actually gives an animal an advantage of aquiring more mates and food and avoiding more things that kill it.

>> No.1565428

many pp in my country are shaved

>> No.1565432

Because we humans cause evolution.
Just look at all the super bacteria we made.

>> No.1565438


Well, maybe it's a bad example. But I was just thinking. Adaptation of natural conditions is not sharp enough knife to cut down small traits.

But if we calculate that animals and human hate humping living being with weird traits, it might explain it. So to have different species rather than small gradual visible small traits, I think the changes happens only in DNA level till 2 species with complimentary traits mate with each other then BOOM suddenly new species.

>> No.1565451

True, but don't forget the effects of geographic isolation as well. Species migrate, change migration patterns, get pushed out certain ranges where they once thrived, ect. All of this is a big factor when it comes to genetic drift.

>> No.1565456


Now this stuff I can get behind. It makes more sense .

>> No.1565461

This is not a legitimate debate it is a trollfest

>> No.1565493

Implying that this thread is not trolling from start

Beside many stupid thinking actually contribute a lot to science. Naked guy screaming "Eureka, Eureka!" or "WHY THE HELL THIS FUCKING APPLE BUMPIN ONTO MY HEAD!"

>> No.1565496

