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15653186 No.15653186 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks, Science! You heckin did it again!

>> No.15653303

Moshe Shekelburg knows his science!

>> No.15653307

>survivorship bias

>> No.15653311
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>> No.15653395

that's not science

>> No.15653434

That's because the one's that regret it detransition which means they aren't trans or kill themselves which is normal for them so they don't count that as regret

>> No.15653445

the ones that offed themselves didn't respond to the survey

>> No.15653532


>> No.15653541

I've tried explaining the armor situation to normies. they literally dont get it

people are retards anon. the trans bullshit is just making the extent of it undeniable

>> No.15653591

What’s with the polka dot plane?

>> No.15653601

we've butchered our children

>> No.15653630

It was the first plane ever made by a trans person. It famously flew around the world in one trip but you'll never hear about it on cis-media

>> No.15653682

speed holes

>> No.15653684

those are the weak spots

>> No.15653688

Germans like to aim for those spots with their flak cannons so it's important to reinforce them well.

>> No.15653704

He caught helicopter pox :(

>> No.15653857

real answer because it's the snarky anons fault if people stay retarded.
the image shows survivorship bias,that hypothetical pattern of damage of surviving aircraft shows locations where they can sustain damage and still return home. If the aircraft was reinforced in the most commonly hit areas, this would be a result of survivorship bias because crucial data from fatally damaged planes was being ignored; those hit in other places did not survive. majority of trannies are happier after transitioning because the rest 51% themselves.

>> No.15653864

I fucking hate so yence.

>> No.15653865
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>> No.15653895

>top surgery
Children don't have tits and you're not supposed to be attracted to children. Kys.

>> No.15653974
File: 131 KB, 448x603, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy, now take a knife and cut your penis. You will have no regrets!

>> No.15653979

No shit sherlock. Normies were created to be beasts of burden, to suffer all their miserable lives so their betters can enjoy everything that is good in this world.

>> No.15654163

Survivorship bias. Long story short was that it was during the war people realised planes were getting shot down, so they wanted to reinforce them to stop getting taken out. To do this they did a survey of the planes that returned to see where the damage was. The case is important because you would initially think the dots show where the areas should be reinforced, however it’s actually the opposite. The dots actually show the areas the planes can be shot and survive/return, the areas without dots result in the plane crashing (thus never returning to be part of the survey).

The trans part is that the outcome of the surgery are happier or sadder, and given the suicide rates, the sadder ones kill themselves. Now when you do a survey of those after the surgery, you only have access to the alive ones for feedback, so obviously the results are going to be biased towards those who didn’t kill themselves (aka the ones who found themselves happier).

>> No.15654169

you left out one thing. the case is an essential example of why DATA DRIVEN decisions can be full of shit.

induction precedes deduction in all cases. our scientific establishment has essentially reversed this process. anything you cannot see or measure is automatically invalid, and not only invalid, measured capacities MUST take priority over any other methodology. theories must be formed only from "data" and you must not ever attempt to try to measure or quantify NEW criteria. because that's ANTI science, obviously

the germans, italians, and english dragged us kicking and screaming into the nuclear age

>> No.15654229
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>I am clinically obsessed with trannies

>> No.15654386

A majority of detransitioners do it out of some kind of religious guilt or conviction. I remember seeing a documentary on detransitioning and all of them did it after becoming religious nuts.

>> No.15654437

This. So. Much. This.
Trans is normal and the only people against it are religious cultist freaks.

>> No.15654516

>don’t talk about anything that goes against my cnn narrative

>> No.15654538

>I can't stop thinking about tranny cock and anybody who points this out is a cnn smoothbrain


>> No.15654542

>this is the future that society has collectively agreed upon


>> No.15654790

>how dare other people want to do something to their bodies?
>this le heckin scares me!
Why are right wingers such anxious closet homos? Just because you want to be fucked in the gym shower doesn't mean western society is degenerate.

>> No.15654929

All those who participated in this "study" need to been banned or reprimanded. Poisoning the well that is humanity's collective knowledge is a great sin. Get them out.

>> No.15655837

You are visually hallucinating and generating paranoid hostile fantasies. This is an extremely worrying symptom.

>> No.15656012

What are the statistical numbers of post surgery suicide? You seem to be suggesting that all the displeased ones are killing themselves and that all the ones who are happy don't. This doesn't sound realistic in the slightest.

>> No.15656223

>small study
n = 3 of the journalist's friends.

>> No.15656586

It's not even remotely realistic to suggest that someone may consider suicide if they irreparably mutilate their body and discover that it doesn't resolve the psychosis they've lived with for decades?
Peopl kill themselves for losing a job, and you're telling me that a woman carving her breasts out of her chest and discovering that she did so for no reason isn't going to consider offering herself?

>> No.15657345

They didn't season their planes.

>> No.15657463

>top surgery
Wow you don't regret not cutting off your penis, news at 11

>> No.15657495

a small study says ns tongue my a

>> No.15657505

In other words, you would like a seismic shift of society's understanding of what a man and a woman is without any sort of public discussion or debate. Gotcha.

>> No.15657560

You're posting a strawman. It's not realistic to say every mutilated tranny kills themselves if they don't like it and only the ones who like it survivor.

>> No.15657589

Perhaps he just doesn't like daily threads about trannies, and disliking thousands of retards screaming about the same thing every second doesn't necessarily equal disagreeing with them

>> No.15657608

>wtf you can't be obsessed with people on a science board. discussing, observing, and studying? that's not science.

>> No.15657616

How many girls are born without breasts?
How many men are born with breast implants?

This entire trans-thing is literally a way for surgeons, hospitals, insurance companies, and pharma companies to make MONEY at the expense of patients, taxpayers, and insurance policy holders.

It’s a perfect scam.

>> No.15657620

I love it when surveys omit people who killed themselves.

>> No.15657935

Society screams at us at transwomen are women on a daily basis, and ruins the lives of those who disageee. Why is this any different or so much worse?

>> No.15657955

>ban gender critical discussion forums
>ban users amplifying cases of mutilation and trans regret
>ban anything other than the "gender affirmation" model
>convince detransitioners they "never were trans" and thus don't have a voice
>if not effective, witchhunt detransitioners by accusing their personal life story of being harmful to the community
>threaten or punish academics for researching this topic
>push fake statistics like this that later are cited in an endless cycle of positivity propaganda
captcha: WPNJ0Y

>> No.15658117

This board is retarded. Top surgery refers to mastectomy not penises. A lot of women get it done because they cant stand suddenly having breasts in their way of everything they do. It's doesn't even have to be trans related.

>> No.15658630

LMAO, just cut your penis and fuck off.

>> No.15658635

now read the tweet again

>> No.15658657

it's halfway there, if you feel like some trendy medical fad has ruined your life, you're not going to hang around and be a failed experiment when you can just ghost the researchers

that said, I don't think anyone here has akshully read the study, given our collective opinion of the subject

>> No.15658779
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"Why don't people listen to us anymore??" - state media

>> No.15658799
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>media and government talk about nothing but trannies, global warming, and blumpf-hate 24/7/365
>entire month of every year devoted to degenerates marching through the streets celebrating their love of dicks and child castration
>every major societal institution metaphorically fellates their no-longer-existing cocks at every opportunity for social media clout and ESG points

>> No.15658828

Trans surgery is essentially an irreversible initiation ceremony to become a high priest of the LGBT cult. The odds of somebody who goes through all of that to come out and say they regret it with all the community peer pressure is always going to be very, very low regardless of the truth.