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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15651896 No.15651896 [Reply] [Original]

>be angela merkel
>live in east germany
>get a phd in physics
>wall of berlin falls
>never mind science I want to be a politician now
Proof that science is done by people when they're depressed

>> No.15651899

Get merk'd
Merkel is an English figurehead

>> No.15651901

enjoy your coco snizen

>> No.15651914

It's more like that people did more science under communism instead of being worthless politic idiots.

>> No.15651915

>be Angela Merkel
>never seriously study history as STEMcels do
>be geopolitically gullible as a result
>genuinely fall for the claim that Russia has changed, are nothing like their past iterations and can now be trusted to sacrifice their well-being to help Europoors like good slaves to Brussels
>Does not expect the people to have self-determination
>German GDP nosedives, the public can't afford to heat their homes and people have to huddle in town halls for warmth during December nights
Slavery hurts both the servant and the master

>> No.15651956

Idk if this is related but I used to take a ton of depressant drugs and I could finish math textbook after math textbook like nothing. I could binge courses all over the math and science world.

Now that I'm sober, I like video games and porn. I'm basically useless.

>> No.15651967
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>German GDP nosedives, the public can't afford to heat their homes and people have to huddle in town halls for warmth during December nights
In your head it's real

>> No.15652003

Yeah, the experiment being the whole society.

>> No.15652071

you're just going to have a way to make yourself depressed on purpose or you're ngmi. Eat rice and beans, live in a trailer park, abstain from sex,go to catholic mass 3 times a week, quit 4chan, don't socialize, etc... I say catholic mass because its the most depressing kind I can think of.

>> No.15652074

>quit 4chan

Pretty sure this place makes me more depressed lol. Sometimes I wonder if using it is some kind of self-harm coping mechanism.

>> No.15652210

Turk from Germany here. Merkel was geopolitically a hundred times better than her successor.

>> No.15652213

>Turk from Germany here
You could have just said German anon here, we would all know.

>> No.15652287

>closes down all the nuclear power plants

>> No.15652305

Dumb as f**k and STASI (GDR Version of KGB) tool that changed side to the perfide Albion. Her mothers religion should be well known over here as here sexual orientation. Except NorthStream (which can be easily shut down by bombed as proofed) did she everything to kill Germany.
That's science?

>> No.15652393
File: 255 KB, 500x330, TIMESAND___Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15652404

>German GDP nosedives
What the fuck am I reading, they had a 0.5% 2-quarter recession that's already gone.

>> No.15654090

More importantly. When will germans regrow balls and regain national sovereignty?

>> No.15654392

what do you call flooding europe with millions of niggers a year if not a bullshit globohomo experiment?

>> No.15654397

why do they always leave out the role of jews?

>> No.15654399

I'd call it schizophrenia.

>> No.15654418

Somebody fax the san. It gon bang

>> No.15654419
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Fts now

>> No.15654427

Get you're asses ready cause I'm going to fix it and upgrade it to super sol that projects antimatter and inhibits dark matter or maybe energy, magic or chi. You niggas excited.