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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.15645594


>> No.15645595

It's over
Let it go

>> No.15645599

Pardon me if I'm wrong… but hasn't it been deboonked as of this morning?

I guess I'll still have to go to work in the mornings

>> No.15645601

but how did they make the vapor deposition sample? I don't get it. that's a completely different process, how did they manage to get the same crystalline arrangement?

>> No.15645607

have you guys seen this https://twitter.com/Alien_Scientist/status/1688589569590018051
they also made a longer video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zMO8yZcP5w

>> No.15645615

Is it really heckin over........we were so close ........now what do we talk about......heckin dark matter AGAIN..........dark matter isnt even REAL im so bored bros...........

>> No.15645635

So, iron contamination?

This is retarded, when is the white man science coming?

>> No.15645643
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>> No.15645646

White men are thoroughly investigating it instead of shitting out half-assed papers for attention a week in lmao

>> No.15645653
File: 51 KB, 1105x171, 1691490049938742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes the overfags writhe and seethe
Their only ammo isn't even real LK-99 produced in the proper way

>> No.15645658

Why didn't they just repeat the process that was described in the original paper? Is this the worst FUD campaign ever? Hobbyists everywhere are working right now to reproduce it, it doesn't matter how much they try to deboonk it, if it truly works, it will end up in the hands of people.

>> No.15645662

Graphene, diamonds, and graphite are all made of carbon so we can expect the same results right

>> No.15645665

>how did they manage to get the same crystalline arrangement?
they didn't

>> No.15645689

how did they make this sample? >>15645531

>> No.15645701
File: 461 KB, 1536x2172, dfe31205475fdeb7037f5bc8454d7d19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they used vapor deposition which wasn't leaked in the first paper
now they seem to have patented it

>> No.15645704
File: 92 KB, 709x607, 1691384181475380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, beats me. I've only seen people reproducing the ingots.

>> No.15645713

>went back to non-anime OP
Now it's boring again...

>> No.15645717

Absolute hero, I kneel

>> No.15645728

that's the golden goose

>> No.15645730

It's over for real?

>> No.15645738

Leaning back

>> No.15645750

I hope they keep more on replication instead of changing shit. Seem like a bunch of cool guys despite what the /x/ shit would have you think.

>> No.15645884

you have to eat all the eggs

>> No.15645888

Vapor deposition can feaseably be industrialised for wires and PCBs

>> No.15645898

>>15645889 BACK
>>15645889 BACK

>> No.15645899

Cool *guy*. The chemist knows enough to understand what's going on in the creation process and can talk fluently about it. He's clearly surrounded by Dale Gribbles.

>> No.15646030
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>> No.15646036
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>> No.15646102

Overchads won

>> No.15646109

shut the fuck up, retard

>> No.15646124

Another failure. Are there any more labs working on replication or is it really over?

>> No.15646126

>So far, he said, the samples do not levitate on magnets as a superconductor would.
That might imply partial levitation like other labs are getting? Which in turn might imply a one-dimensional superconductor?

>> No.15646131


At this point i'm just gonna turn off my brain on LK99, and wait a month. By September 9th, we'll have a mostly definitive answer, and not speculative or biased garbage on the subject like we do now. As of right now i'm not convinced by anyone, and it's really shaping up to be a lot of social media bullshit from both sides.

>> No.15646224

post source of argonne

>> No.15646226

>t. backsissy pretending to be neutral
keep at least your pride

>> No.15646227


>> No.15646228
File: 61 KB, 460x307, WUSHZpQzkyLb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oversissies won let it go

>> No.15646230

it's the opposite, retard

>> No.15646238

Retard, it's called ferromagnetic because it's associated with iron, but that doesn't mean that it's exclusive to it. Typically it means anything with iron, nickel and cobalt, but obviously there are many compound materials that have none of these materials that still exhibit magnetism. They just found yet another one. A regular magnet.

>> No.15646252

>They just found yet another one. A regular magnet.

>> No.15646295
File: 627 KB, 751x729, Screenshot from 2023-08-08 13-10-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /x/ shit is the new mainstream. These randos literally got to attend congress

>> No.15646301

It was comfy while it lasted, time for /sci/ to be a dead board again

>> No.15646315

Go on /sfg/ and get involved in their particular sub culture. Start by saying "space is hard", they love that gag

>> No.15646531

It's just one line in an article. They're working on it, but supposedly haven't got any levitation.

>> No.15646551

Yeah I know. Man the DoD really thinks their Russia Cold War shit of bankrupting their enemies by trying to make them build insane anti-grav shit will work?

>> No.15646554

it's benn out for more than 2 weeks
sorry it's over

>> No.15646578

>Every Chinese institute has wasted the past month replicating LK-99
>Not a single US University has even attempted replicating it
Yeah totally... Tricking your retarded enemy into researching impossible things is totally not working...

>> No.15646591

Argonne is working on it, though.
And RTAPS isn't that retarded. Not like anti-grav and the hologram/radar signature electronic warfare UFOs that the DoD wants them to believe exist.

>> No.15646596

>RTAPS isn't that retarded
It would be retarded to research LK-99 if you knew it wasn't a superconductor

>> No.15646617

Well, I wasn't implying that this supposed superconductor was a DoD psyop, just the ayy lmao shit lately and anti grav patents and such.

>> No.15646638
File: 237 KB, 470x1020, LK-99 magnet types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it.
I'm sick of Chinese bullshit, sick of having the same arguments over and over, and sick of so-called professionals not doing the simplest things.

Dropping OC meme. Hope this can cut through some of the bullshit and maybe lead to better experiments too.

Any autists care to add anything?

>> No.15646652


>> No.15646662

Nice summary anon. Saved

>> No.15646663

Good meme, but you'd probably want to make sure it's a free-form camera at the bottom, have an assistant run their hands around the magnet as you move it, and put sparkly glitter balls in the water. Everything can be faked, but that'd be a pain in the ass.

>> No.15646689 [DELETED] 

I swear /sci/ is a bunch of pseuds sperging out over retarded shit constantly while constantly claiming fake bullshit. That's what this general has shown me. Literally get better discourse on this shit from fucking /pol/ and that's genuinely one of the dumbest boards on this shitty website.

>> No.15646690

yeah, okay, that's great. so, contamination?
let me know which is more likely, they fucked up their process, or 5 or so other papers (which only showed diamagnetism), the original team, and the HUST team (which ruled out ferromagnetism), fucked up theirs and didn't notice that they created a fridge magnet?
do feel free to let me know, faggot.

>> No.15646694

have you tried going back to /pol/?

>> No.15646726

same reason retards in the middle ages couldn't follow a simple recipe for cherry jam(written by nostradamus), due to which they got trash results, which led them to declare that the recipe was shit, despite the obvious problem being their incapability of following a simple recipe, which nostradamus later called them out on

>> No.15646734

if its 1d couldn't they coat a side of a wafer with one direction and the other side with another direction parallel to the later to get 2d?

>> No.15646807
File: 261 KB, 470x1100, LK-99 magnet types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better one.

Done. Thank you for your contribution. Title should now be readable in thumbnail too.

Yes. Good solution although not 100% perfect.

>> No.15646814

really tempted to make a thread complaining about people low staring my recipe after saying they made substitutions.

>> No.15646819
File: 748 KB, 1079x1845, Screenshot_2023-08-08-15-17-04-365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New attempt with 02 from a Japanese guy.

>> No.15646831

So one chinese paper said that LK99's proposed structure wouldn't provide enough force to get the desired superconductive effect; however, replacing the copper atoms with something else could. They also said impurities, and "irregular" structures could get the super conductive effect but this would happen at a much lower rate than expected because the proposed ideal structure does not produce enough force. Is it possible there are contaminants making LK99 superconductive that should be replicated?

Another paper proposed swapping the copper out with gold.

>> No.15646841

whatever happened to the superconductive quantum wells stuff?

>> No.15646908

>Is it possible there are contaminants making LK99 superconductive that should be replicated?
I would be surprised if the superconductive material was exactly the same as the original description of LK-99's structure, put it that way - depending on how charitable you're feeling about the original Korean authors, you could see this as a mistake on their part in that they couldn't accurately determine the real composition of it, or you could see it as deliberate sandbagging on their part to slow replication results down before they get whatever they want out of this mess. The important part is to pin down the mechanism by which superconductivity arises, since all the simulation results are more suggestive than anything else without a clear idea of how the physics works out. Assuming this doesn't lead down a rabbithole of wasted time and patience because the original procedure was vague enough that we're waiting on a solid replication for months, if it works at all.

>> No.15646929

>Permanent ferromagnet in a tube
so what the russian troon showed

>> No.15646937
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>> No.15646938

That's talked about in the original three-author Kwon paper.

>> No.15646939

Professional scientist won't be doing some pop sci show explaining the equipment to the doubtful audience.

>> No.15646963

Please explain how this helps the quantum institute?

>> No.15647005

Computer models have been both a boon and a bane for science. Just go look! Make a thing and check! The model doesn't know physics you don't!

>> No.15647011

models only say what they're told to say. sometimes you don't understand what you're telling it to say, but that's hardly a point of rigor.

>> No.15647019

if anything its more proof that it's real and there is some insider trading going on because people already know which company is going to work on what

>> No.15647030



>> No.15647049
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>> No.15647055
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Backbros…it’s over

>> No.15647058
File: 186 KB, 828x1092, Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 19.45.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the paper referenced

>> No.15647060

>paper titled: Absence of superconductivity in LK-99 at ambient conditions

lol its over you retards, you got duped.

>> No.15647074
File: 145 KB, 1177x1163, cringe collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah this is going in my cringe compilation.

>> No.15647099

I fucking told you losers. 2 weeks crushing up cheerios and rubbing magnets in the crumbs. Absolute retards.

>> No.15647110

>listening to the coffeefag's rambling
Why the fuck would anybody listen to him?

>> No.15647112

I for one am looking forward to south korea being humiliated again.

>> No.15647114

The overchads are right, we'll see no breakthroughs in our lifetime....

>> No.15647115


>> No.15647120


Finally we got the nips doing something, at least these guys are trustworthy.
Imagine if they find out a superior method with this oxygenated environment and steal it away from Koreans.
It would be fucking hilarious to watch the resulting smugness and seethe between the nations. Japan would never ever let Korea live it down.

>> No.15647125

LK99 is not a super conductor but that guy is fucking wrong. Like a total midwit-brainlet who can't recognize basic diamagnetism.

>> No.15647128

It's not cope, he's been alternating between hyping it and dooming the entire time.
Supposedly the peer review of the Korean group's stuff is due to be done either end of this month or some time next month.

>> No.15647129

too bad it won't work. LK99 is not a super conductor and its theory is not grounded in fact in the slightest

>> No.15647134

>two weeks later.
yeah no lol every credible institution is putting an end to this nonsense.

>> No.15647142

There was this vid from QCentre themselves, purportedly of LK-99 deposited on thin copper.
Looks similar to your boat test

>> No.15647158


We don't know that yet. Only thing we know is that this thing hasn't been properly replicated yet.
Besides if it turns out to be only a super magnet that mogs the fuck out of anything we have out there by an order of magnitude or three, that's good enough for me because that's an incredible leap in widely used tech.

>> No.15647167

>We don't know that yet. Only thing we know is that this thing hasn't been properly replicated yet.

it doesn't work

>> No.15647199


>The freshly synthesized sample does not show any signature of superconductivity levitation on a magnet (diamagnetism)

Come on now, those guys didn't even get diamagnetism out of it and we know it has at least those properties because we have seen it multiple times.
Besides we have no fucking idea how the Koreans actually made this stuff, because the paper is extremely vague on that. Baking time between 5-24 hours is kinda vague to begin with and now it looks like oxygen might be needed for the reactions.
I'm not calling this a done deal until we get something more tangible about this, preferably from Koreans themselves who supposedly have a better sample in their possession.
It may be a magnet or a superconductor but it's something rather than nothing.

Also the names on that paper are Indian, that alone makes it practically worthless.

>> No.15647249

I don't see any rock here anon >>15645531
for superconductivity you need a sample made by vapor deposition. stop probing rocks for fucks sake

>> No.15647261
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yet another stake in the heart for lk99.

>> No.15647270

stop probing rocks for superconductivity you fucking imbeciles
>retards fell for sticking probes in rocks lmao, let's release a paper where we do it and it doesn't work kek

>> No.15647278
File: 276 KB, 470x1145, LK-99 magnet types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thin copper
That's a good conductor. It's going to have a reaction just by itself. I bet you could do the same thing with a silver coin.
Here's a slightly updated boat test BTW.

Yeah probably.
Unfortunate, because I liked that whole "lost Soviet theory of superconductivity passed down two generations" thing.

That's too bad, because we're not going to trust the science anymore. I guess the amateurs will have to run with this.

>> No.15647293
File: 1.90 MB, 1242x2208, 5B4C8203-0D6D-46FC-AF31-D47D991B4873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted to Reddit. Just cross posting to here because y’all don’t seem to have seen it


The dude


The post

I’m lazy so this is the best you get from me

>> No.15647306

>That's a good conductor. It's going to have a reaction just by itself.
You don't need a silver coin to test that. You're describing eddy currents in accordance with Lenz's Law. Aluminum is subject to eddy currents even more efficiently than cooper. If it really is Lenz's Law reaction, you could use a piece of suspended
aluminum foil to get the same result.

>> No.15647332

hes a nobody
too suspicious to believe

>> No.15647336

>women enjoyer
I believe him

>> No.15647347

I just tried it with a disc of aluminium foil suspended from fine thread. There was a similar reaction but much weaker than shown in the video.

>> No.15647380
File: 475 KB, 1242x2208, 878FE97B-6EDB-4E2D-8B28-0C8EE133FA02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this from the Reddit


Link to the post


Link to the paper

I won’t summarize it because I’m lazy and you should just read it.

Maybe Korea is hiding a “full” recipe? It’s not out of the question. Who knows

>> No.15647382
File: 120 KB, 1452x848, 335168336168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is it. It's finally over.

>> No.15647383

if the vapor deposition recipe is the real thing, at least for superconductivity, they played 4D chess. the rock is just a coarse magnetic demo of the material

>> No.15647384

With a thicker piece, it again behaves similarly but different. With a large neodymium magnet, I had to get quite close to have an effect, and the foil seemed to get pinned (ironically) for a short time.
I think there's more than Lenz's Law at work in the QCenter video, and notably they published it some months ago and it appears to be unlisted on their channel so doesn't appear to be part of a scam

>> No.15647387

But didn't the Korean Institute of Whatever already verify the crystalline structure? So it's not thermodynamically impossible after all

>> No.15647393

a theory mooted in nyrath's twitter is that high-temperature superconductors will have to be constructed in vacuum and microgravity

>> No.15647397
File: 282 KB, 1328x1023, club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out that the Cu2S impurities were the magic recipe to "superconductivity" all along.

>> No.15647448

the annealing procedure of their own version of the synthesized lk-99 product does not mention if it was in a vacuum or under air/oxygen (sus).
however they found thermal hysteresis in both the copper sulfide and lk-99 with copper sulfide dopant samples. problem is that their observed resistivity is still higher than that of copper BUT superconductor-like fuckery behavior occurs at the transition temperature. even more questions that as temperature approaches 0 K, it exhibits semiconductor behavior (what the fuck? resistivity drops below the critical temperature just like what a superconductor would do, but then it jumps as temperature goes to absolute zero?)
for fuck's sake someone do a complete crystal characterization of the original lk-99 sample from the koreans.
what's certain here is that the impurity has an effect. also the authors should have documented their methods more in detail down to each step (unless there's some link i didn't find)

>> No.15647453

How is it impossible if they've done it already?

>> No.15647497

Ask yourself this: If they aren't going to share the real recipe, then why announce and post the paper at all?
It doesn't make sense because it didn't happen like this. They have no real recipe, the whole thing was a fraud from the outset.

>> No.15647505

Fraud usually has some kind of premeditated goal in mind. There are easier ways to farm clout nigga.

>> No.15647507

The original posting of it was by a guy that was kicked off the team 4 months ago and he was worried he wouldn't get the Nobel prize with them so he shit out a garbage version of the paper with only his and 2 others names on it. I could see them posting a version that didn't work as a preprint until they're ready to publish for realsies. In fact, they're supposed to be currently going through peer review.

>> No.15647511

>then why announce and post the paper at all?
Wasn't it because one of the scientists got fired four months earlier so he spite posted the earlier draft so he wouldn't miss out on credit? They didn't have much of a choice after the leak

>> No.15647512

they gave a rough recipe for the rock for magnetic demo but they kept the vapor deposition recipe secret, which is what gives superconductivity, in a controlled way, which is what you want.
everybody is making the funny rock now, big PR move, while vapor deposition recipe is secured, along with the patent.
EVERYBODY knows about LK99 now. 4D chess.
we don't even know what kind of samples the korean team sent the labs all over the world. we all assume they sent the rocks, not some thin film format.
we actually don't know shit about shit, yet.

>> No.15647513

This could also explain why the big name guy on the team offered to help real labs replicate it. He could fill them in on what it's missing.

>> No.15647521

This. Not a schizo but no doubt there are deals happening behind the scenes to make fortunes from this.

>> No.15647569

More like they'd just do whatever needs to be done to pull that paper down. They didn't have to post their second but still shitty paper. Granted how it isn't actually giving anyone superconducting pieces, they wouldn't have needed to worry.

>> No.15647571
File: 55 KB, 478x475, b0d797eb166d29ef061f1c0afcb937b7pepe-cries-happily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you guys are becoming something like "moon landing never happened" chuds.
LK-99 is shit and the gooks are a bunch of scammers. Let's just face it.

>> No.15647577

Overxisters are flat earthers and CGI moon landers screeching to stop experiements with unscientific stances. We better do more research on LK-99 so we can settle the debate.

>> No.15647585
File: 700 KB, 2374x1891, 1690586762939532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I'm guessing this one is an extremely hurt chink or nip that can't handle the fact that Korea has figured out how to make a room temp superconductor.
Seething and dilate.

>> No.15647605
File: 62 KB, 899x563, 3535TT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its never been more over

>> No.15647619

too poor to gamble but damn, that's easy 10x lmao. now I get all the overshills, they're just dragging the price down

>> No.15647626

>gooks just had the best advertising campaign they could ask for
>thin film technology still secret
>ingots are basically a demo for it
>gooks make billions
>China will make a knock-off in five years
>US/UK/AUS will still be cutting their dicks off and researching racism
not like this, bros
at least the US government will be able to leapfrog their drone tech and kill sandniggers more efficiently

>> No.15647643

>thin film technology still secret
and cracking the vapor deposition recipe would put /sci/ back on the map.

>> No.15647644

I'll bet no on this: if it isn't real, then I make a profit, and if it is real, then my loss will be offset by living through a new golden age

>> No.15647653

>Maybe Korea is hiding a “full” recipe? It’s not out of the question. Who knows

Patriots are in control.
Trust the Plan.
2 more weeks.

>> No.15647658

I would soft bet on there being problems with LK-99, but there’s already too much real data to say it’s a nothing burger. If there was a question of if a RTAP superconductor will be found before 2025 I would vote yes 100% since I can’t imagine iterating on this material would be fruitless

>> No.15647662
File: 345 KB, 2024x1654, 1690586947815539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Q-shit, nigger, it's right there.

>> No.15647665

if they sent superconducting thin film samples to other labs we might get confirmation in days lol
notice the thin film. stop playing with rocks, stop thinking about replicating what's in the photo.

>> No.15647666

lk99 is not a small win or loss type of thing. its either useful or its worthless. a strong diamagnet is novel but its not actually very useful for any real purposes. its not often in the real world you can consider something in black or white but in this case you do.

>> No.15647669

>>15647665 me
>stop thinking about replicating what's in the photo.
I meant start thinking about replicating thin film procedure.

>> No.15647678

keep in mind that we are taking their word for it that the charts are real and not fabricated like ranga dias

>> No.15647710


>> No.15647713

Enjoy your 10% gain over the next year and a half. SPY will outperform that.

>> No.15647731

It was literally leaked by a guy who got kicked off the team

>> No.15647747

Any chance the Koreans knew it was just Cu2S but marketed it as RTSC anyway for some gainz?

>> No.15647755
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>> No.15647773

There needs to be some dead careers this shit, blatant fraud. Time and resources at universities across the world wasted because these retards rushed out a bullshit paper.

>> No.15647775

Sounds like a skill issue to me

>> No.15647781

Backbros are winning so fucking hard. It's basically free money.

>> No.15647786

The transition for that is way above the critical temp they talk about in the paper. What gainz would be had when all it would take to prove them retarded is for someone to look at your sample for the magnetization phase transition, they'd be doing it anyways for your first confirmation?

>> No.15647813
File: 200 KB, 1080x633, Screenshot_2023-08-09-01-15-33-120_com.twitter.android-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backcels never stood a chance

>> No.15647835

If the gooks had something they would take this as an epic moment to dunk on all the nonbelievers but they won't, because they ain't got shit.

>> No.15647837
File: 54 KB, 885x437, 22525HH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we keep reaching new levels of over

>> No.15647849

/sci/ is dumb as fuck now.

>> No.15647852

Prediction markets just track twitter sentiment.
Retard money is in it. Like, who's still betting on the three-author Kwon paper? It'll be retracted. And yet, twitter fags are. It's amazing.
But, looking at it more and more tonight, I'm thinking about grabbing a quarter of my savings for a 10-bagger for "is the room-temp superconductor real" specifically. As long as the fine print isn't retarded and doesn't rely on papers not having modifications.

>> No.15647857

First proper western study came out (from princeton and max Planck institute). No sc. Look it up, it's on the wiki.


>> No.15647864

Before I waste my time is it another theory paper or did they actually try to replicate?

>> No.15647867

Failed replication.

>> No.15647870

Fuck this. I'm taking my talents to team over.

>> No.15647872

Failed. As in it make a fucking weird crystal. Heck, they didn't even follow half of the imperfect old instructions. They somehow made omit worse than China.

>> No.15647874

prease understrand

>> No.15647886
File: 437 KB, 200x210, 83a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are finally free, let this be the last lk99 general

>> No.15647896

its not over until the fat lady sings

>> No.15647898
File: 448 KB, 998x1262, Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 1.58.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's transparent

>> No.15647904

shit man who knew cooking up lead and copper in a muffle furnace was so complicated n shit

>> No.15647906

its not, the gooks didnt give the full recipe because they are waiting on some patent or shit thinking it will promise them riches when the chinks and burgers can just tweak one small thing and get around it for free.

>> No.15647915

It's hilarious. People are making rocks and here they are making crystals.

>> No.15647917

nostradamus jam my guy, nostradamus jam

>> No.15647920

lead apatite has a crystal structure brah

>> No.15647946

they most likely made lead glass lol

>> No.15647950

ok tell you what. if you get it to 100x I might risk 10$ into this. I want a better video card

>> No.15647955

they made meth instead of rocks
what were they thinking

>> No.15647962


>> No.15647984

>Cu2S responsible for the fake superconductivity
How will gooks ever recover from this

>> No.15647996
File: 870 KB, 320x240, LK998aug2023.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not over

>> No.15647999

damn thats some bad animation bruh

>> No.15648000

Too clean

>> No.15648001


>> No.15648006
File: 180 KB, 1037x929, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are spaniards white? lmao

>> No.15648007

So it's over?

>> No.15648011

White men are busy cutting their circumcised dicks off

>> No.15648027

cope more, chang

>> No.15648028

I'm not a Canadian though

>> No.15648029

Just turn off until September, if you're legitimately interested in the technology. Too much shitty media clickbait/citation farming/faggotry right now.
Until their samples are in the hands of others, it's a toss-up, with a bunch of retardation, one weird positive replication, and then everything from ferromagnets to lack of diamagnetism to cooking crystal meth.
Assuming it's true, they must've hit the metastability jackpot and found this fucking thing with their original instructions. But they most likely have another process that's not public.

>> No.15648030

It's over isn't it?

>> No.15648046
File: 74 KB, 764x762, 1690953693913128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kyan confurm. its nyover

>> No.15648110

Yeah everything is so confusing. Zero positive replications, so, so confusing.

>> No.15648132

Considering no one has even confirmed their crystalline structure matches what has been (yesterday) confirmed in the original paper, it's not confusing at all. None of the papers are even replications, or rebuttals. Then you have faggots doing actual citation farming with dogshit papers. Really, ferromagnetism? And implying bulk Cu2S contamination?
Imagine being this big of a faggot. Soon you might be up to six dicks a day.

>> No.15648142

Lol seethe harder backsisi it's already fucking over

>> No.15648192

the only sample of lk99 matches the crystal structure in the paper
that means back

>> No.15648195

Discarded soviet theory of superconductivity".
I'm glad the russian tranny ridiculed himself.

>> No.15648202

>Considering no one has even confirmed their crystalline structure matches what has been (yesterday) confirmed in the original paper,

which state of grief is this? Do you even know why they keep saying "XRD" in those paper you only pretend to read?

>> No.15648220

XRD gives you bulk view of structure, you fucking monkey. In other words, to simplify it to your nigger brain: they may have the same BULK structure but could differ in so many other ways, such as chemical composition, impurities, defects, macroscopic properties, individual crystals within or specific orientations single crystal or polycrystalline

>> No.15648222
File: 137 KB, 1574x904, soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate reddit sœybois so fucking much

>> No.15648226

replying to

>> No.15648240
File: 131 KB, 640x480, 1691570984778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15648243

Petition: you let me do maintenance on the simulation and pimp the place out to the latest model

>> No.15648249

You're not checking me as I do it either. I want MORE SPACE NOW

>> No.15648252
File: 161 KB, 540x359, kim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is he thinking about current situation? Will he share his opinion with the public?

>> No.15648262
File: 139 KB, 678x1200, a5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.15648265

>Please wait warmly :^)

>> No.15648282

>tfw koreans were jews all along

>> No.15648319

for overtrannies

>> No.15648493

It is a sc and everyone else is wrong. Like Trump won the election.

>> No.15648574


>> No.15648624

If true, there are even more questions to answer here

>> No.15648635


>> No.15648643

>not waiying until 9/11
That's how I know you're not a real one.

>> No.15648826
File: 98 KB, 1085x828, 1666729210392026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> superconductivity at -10,000 degrees Celsius

>> No.15648837

Breaking the physic.

>> No.15648846
File: 134 KB, 1469x550, bad news are good news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post proof that you never fell for the gook scam.

>> No.15648863
File: 65 KB, 1242x1181, E10534F1-D197-4928-81A6-130E0A981D56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ treating peer review like a shitcoin pump and dump

>> No.15648888

/sci/ plans to replicate LK99
pls add to the sticky
anons, i request your brilliant minds in this endeavor.
we are currently planning how to acquire the raw ingredients needed for synthesis. an anon has his garage ready for this.
make /sci/ great again

>> No.15649395

Universities have endless money and grad labor. Who cares that they spent a whopping one thousand dollars and wasted a week attempting this experiment. If anything this whole ordeal inspired a bunch of people and scientists to take interest in the pursuit of a RTSC.

>> No.15649439

>that's an incredible leap in widely used tech.
I'm a bit of a retard so got to ask: what are the implications of discovering a superconductor?

>> No.15649442

>new Twitter hypothesis claiming LK-99 might be a super-semiconductor that can turn superconducting on and off

>> No.15649452

Site name?

>> No.15649458

Altight guys im on break gimme the update back or over

>> No.15649460

this shit is 2 more weeks territory now. pack it in

>> No.15649468

it's over, you fucking faggots. it was and is a load of bullshit. let it die

>> No.15649496

But it is now too late to bet

>> No.15649532


>> No.15649634

Wait, so the Koreans say that they can deposit this shit in thin films? Why don't they share the procedure for that???

>> No.15649647

Because then they would lose money and face tech competition from other countries. The only reason this blew up was because some assblasted excolleague leaked the shitty ceramic formula so he wouldn't miss out on credit in case the good formula got revealed.

>> No.15649655

That doesn't hold water, because they couldn't have known it would catch on as a meme rather than being dismissed as a hoax and fizzling out without impacting anything.
And if it is true, this it would cause stocks to surge anyways.

>> No.15649658

The HUST team has been visited by the CCP to "assist" them. The HUST team was the only one who was able to make floaty rock. They are not going to provide further social media updates as they have been advised.

>> No.15649676

What scam? It's a twenty year old paper than went viral.

It's not the Koreans fault people are greedy and stupid.

>> No.15649678


>> No.15649686

The gooks are the ones that took 20 years to make a barely passable sample (according to them) that they won't loan to anyone to confirm their data readings. They're the stupid and greedy ones, not anyone else.

>> No.15649687


>> No.15649690

guilt phase

>> No.15649702
File: 915 KB, 320x240, lk99.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the tips.

>> No.15650040

Okay, so I finally understand grandpa's argument. His argument is that it's superconductivity for all purposes we give a shit about (the electrical properties) in the high purity samples, and there's 6000x the diamagnetic force of graphite in the higher purity ingots, so basically there is superconductivity happening? But not a "superconductor" that retarded physicists will argue over until they go back to the drawing board and come up with yet another type when the theory doesn't match the data (this will be the fourth time this has happened.).

>> No.15650074

>Literally coping backsissy
lol, lmao even

>> No.15650086

Backsissies should post their AMSC bags

>> No.15650091

/biz/tards should leave and never return.
>le back, le over
all of you should move to canada and go through the legal procedure for self requested euthanasia.

>> No.15650122

what kind of fucking retard would pile into an AMERICAN superconductor company for a KOREAN discovery? that was entirely /biz/ fags, you should go back, that's how fucking retarded you Indian subhuman faggots are. not a big surprise considering your board is arguing over which shitcoin pooed out by rajeesh is better.

>> No.15650151

So apparently the original paper says that the Messner effect only manifests when you run current through the LK99 and everybody trying to replicate it just ignored that part?

>> No.15650207


>> No.15650218

How DOES a multimeter work? Not that anon btw

>> No.15650221

Multimeters measure resistance by injecting a small current into the circuit

>> No.15650469

new preprints out in arxiv

>> No.15650509

You might have just blown his mind (as he maybe possibly realizes why all his circuit boards seem super fucking broken when he checks all the resistances)

>> No.15650519

lk99 may not be scientifically possible, but what might be scientifically explainable is this: why do I wanna fuck a big titted wolf girl like liru in the ass?

answer and I will provide insight on lk99

>> No.15650529

Patriots just two more weeks till lk99 confirmation trust the plan

>> No.15650543
File: 849 KB, 828x1255, 1688435309373598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because youre into butt stuff and you felt conscious and ashamed but then one day as a little kiddo you saw some dog sniffing some other dog in the ass and you were like "waoow hes just like me!!!" but then realized its not a fellow human, so ever since then you felt a erotic kinship with these species that seems to appreciate ass like you do and in your mind you amalgamized your human likeness with that of a dog and therefore you became some degenerate furfag through your anal fixation.

Now tell me all the secrets about LK-99.

>> No.15650615
File: 195 KB, 1267x1080, 81528804-7746-431B-B083-8EAB87D299C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iron contamination

>> No.15650616

timeline collapsed: its fake and will never work.

your main sin was daring to call wolfgirls furry. ITS JUST COSPLAY TIER!!!!11111


>> No.15650617


>> No.15650620

It's so fucking over

>> No.15650627
File: 780 KB, 686x542, LK-99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15650654
File: 235 KB, 691x849, qqq2x27e64hb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did float, why don't they give these images to the media?

>> No.15650668
File: 2.40 MB, 250x188, tqzGqEg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15650673

you can literally see the pressure points showing that its being suspended by the wires

>> No.15650675

Why would they lie? It's a career ending move.

>> No.15650679

either they're retarded or they're scammers who have now made enough money to not care from the skyrocketing stocks.

how do you look at that picture and unironically see it as evidence? its using one alligator clip....so no circuit. Its blatantly being suspended by the wires in the picture where you can see the pressure points......and the entire prospect of it only being a superconductor when under current itself is retarded. There should be superconductivity every time because that is inherently how a multimeter works.

>> No.15650690

I want to cum all over her legs

>> No.15650703

The needing current to become a superconductor things doesn't really make sense. I thought that magnetic expulsion in superconductors is because the external magnetic fields induce a current in the super conductor which then creates it's own magnetism that perfectly cancels out the external field.

>> No.15650713
File: 169 KB, 1024x859, 1688248830942723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we didn't even get one single positive news from any of the labs doing tests... what the fuck bros.............

>> No.15650728

Don't you guys think this is weird? If it is fake, whatever. You won't get affected but somehow there are people that is adamant to make you think it is fake. Even to the people that are waiting for the test results from the koreans. If it is over, okay. Go back to your life now. Let people believe until the koreans themselves show their test results.

>> No.15650736

kentech and college of william & mary are the only reliable sources of hopium left since they possess the original lk99 samples
there is also the japanese guy who will try synthesizing with oxygen

>> No.15650739

Why would they? Well, you could also ask Haruko Obokata, Hwang Woo-suk, Andrew Wakefield, Pons & Fleischmann, and Jon Sudbo.

>> No.15650743

that's why OP is making this stuff up. it's a great way to poison the well

>> No.15650745

it does it say on the patent but it only condemns it as being a fake.

>> No.15650748

kentech and college of william & mary just said it doesn't work (Received original samples)

its now over. Now end this general.

>> No.15650749

>>Q: The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cyrogenics (KSSC) requested a sample for the verification.
>HTK: They indeed requested a sample, our research team agreed to help the research with Korean physicists. But verification thereafter? That’s another matter.
>>Q: There had been a criticism that the zero resistance was never demonstrated.
>HTK: In the metal, discontinuity towards a lower resistance is said to be a [significance] of superconductivity. We think it is clear without an additional measurement, because whether the resistance is zero or not—the zero resistance would look like a noise. The research team has published a Korean paper [Ed: DOI 10.6111/JKCGCT.2023.33.2.061], which was the first ever publication and shown a graph with that kind of noise. You are supposed to look at that paper. There was a controversy on whether the superconductivity indeed exhibits the zero resistance a century ago, which has been a continuing point of tension since the discovery of superconductivity. But [we’ve already shown] the jump and zero resistance via actual measurements in the first paper [Ed: in Korean], so we didn’t feel to include them in the second paper [Ed: the first one in arXiv]. There has been enormous requests for samples all around the world, and we have no time to spare, let alone showing what we already know again.
There are other places that are getting samples

>> No.15650754

now strip those gooks of their degrees and lock them in jail

>> No.15650757

it literally does not say anywhere on the patent that you have to apply an external current for the Meissner effect to occur

>> No.15650759

Shut the fuck up, nigger. There's like four posts whining about "duhversity" on the front page and like eight shitposts in the catalog. Just filter LK-99 if it the possibility of room temperature rejection of electromagnetic fields and zero resitivity gets you butthurt because your professor said the SOIENCE is settled.

>> No.15650760
File: 201 KB, 400x500, 1686639785377075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There has been enormous requests for samples all around the world, and we have no time to spare
No time to spare... why? Why don't you say what you're so busy for, huh? You gooknigger
>let alone showing what we already know again
Fuck you gooknigger. You didn't show shit, and you know it. Worst Korea was a mistake.

>> No.15650762

>receive original samples
>doesn't work
its over retard

>> No.15650766

>source: anonymous shitpost on 4chan
>trust me bro
gee golly better wrap it up
You're a dumb nigger

>> No.15650767

>paper: I tested the superconductivity, it just works ok, its a super conductor okay? Believe me.
>aka: trust me bro
you are an even dumber nigger, in fact I will call you this: a tripple nigger. So nigger I had to skip over double nigger. Bam~!

>> No.15650769

You deliberately missed the part where they're giving out samples to many institutions. That makes you a quadruple nigger. Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.15650773
File: 29 KB, 640x557, 1686540656370788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the koreans really believed in their discovery they would send their absolute best most pristine sample to argonne laboratory the day the paper was published, if not months before that.


>> No.15650778


>> No.15650785

He's telling lies. He's an ally of the devil.

>> No.15650808

The only allies of the devil here are the Koreans.

>> No.15650813

Remember when /sci/ got shat upon by the dumbest board on this board, /biz/?

>> No.15650847

has your board ever been published in a scientific journal?

>> No.15650849

goodbye /sci/, maybe i will see you one other boards from time to time. maybe i'll catch you in a bane thread on /tv/ but for now this is goodbye.

>> No.15650854

>the samples that don't work
sex(less)tuple nigger.

>> No.15650870
File: 345 KB, 2024x1654, 1691552520069898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15650891

>here's how trump/bernie can still win

>> No.15650894
File: 105 KB, 800x600, 1689990241894752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HUST just got their third attempt in. Diamagnetism: check, Xray diffraction analysis: check, resistivity: failure, superconductivity: failure.

LK99 confirmed trash.

>> No.15650901

nonono getting hit from the back bros its over

>> No.15650957

paper link? the CCP gave to them advising to not give anymore updates except in papers and they posted on their billibilli that there will be no more social media updates or videos

>> No.15650962


>> No.15650966

>Explain how what amounts to insider information helps anyone who owns stock in any of these companies.

>> No.15651039


it was already posted, this is the one. theyre still not giving up yet it seems. i think the fact that their 3 samples are completely different is telling them that even if theyre trying to deboonk they cant get a consistent deboonk, so they have no choice but to try and synthesize the shit better before making a call. the question is, are they going to do it 1k times like the gooks did? something tells me no

>> No.15651041

the last three days have me thinking that there really is scrambling behind the scenes going on
>lk99 news get out
>almost no coverage outside the fringe
>chinese faker uploads a very shady video
>fuckload of people start posting his vids, almost no questioning of validity
>peking study comes out, gets no results while making mistakes, not following the original paper
>gets shilled to hell and back, every puplication under the sun publishes an 'it's over article' after not giving a single fuck for over two weeks
>"nothing to see here, please disperse" reaches levels not thought possible

>> No.15651048
File: 40 KB, 488x230, 1669472316714272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you underestimate the capacity of chinks to mindlessly grind in MMOs and RPGs

>> No.15651052

I've had a similar idea /pol/bro. Is it time to breach the Capitol once again?

>> No.15651072

what's your explanation for putting every other replication attempt under a microscope and at the same time rubberstamping the peking university study, knowing full well the didn't even follow procedure?
doesn't seem congruent

>> No.15651076

they got better shit to do than some gook boomers. they will try 2 more times and call it quits

>> No.15651080

looks like the only way this will be settled is the samples that are being sent to other researchers.
a metastable lottery like described in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.16892.pdf
which would indicate also that they haven't given the recipe as described for the theoretical structure

>> No.15651082

Because the instructions the Koreans gave were dogshit, and everybody knew it. Even western attempts had to tweak it so it made more sense.

>> No.15651100

you didn't even try to answer my question
why trust a shoddily made replication from china? nobody gave a single fuck when the indians gave it a try and failed because they didn't follow the instructions
same action, wildly different reaction, how come?

>> No.15651117

the answer is that science journalists are frauds and being contrarian is also good for clicks
for example, that video that was supposedly fraud from china, wasn't fraud, and it wasn't lk-99, it was an experiment and it had resistivity, but that didn't stop SOIENCE journalists from publishing "Chinese floating rock video FRAUDULENT" using shitty machine translations
that's just the way that the information revolution has panned out, retarded clickbait makes money

>> No.15651120

Shoddy? Says who? You? Beijing has the best universities in the country, and the CCP made it that way. Tsinghua and Peking University are the two best universities there, and Tsinghua is #1 in all of Asia and Peking is top 10.

>> No.15651139

>that video that was supposedly fraud from china, wasn't fraud, and it wasn't lk-99
so posting a video saying "lk99" and then later saying "uhhh wasn't lk99, just wanted the views lmao" isn't faking? the fuck out of here
i know you're baiting but
>Beijing has the best universities in the country
doesn't fucking matter if they can't follow instructions

and i can't help but notice both of you failed to answer my question AGAIN

>> No.15651142

>post shitty paper with vague instructions
>hurr durr why no follow instructions

>> No.15651144

Post your AMSC bags

>> No.15651150

not the question i asked, try rereading my posts
i don't gamble

>> No.15651154

things have nuance
so again, the real frauds are science journalists
not some dumb kid in uni posting a phenomena on social media with a misleading title
his Chinese shitposting account is not an academic journal, and it's not a newspaper
therefore, he is not the fraud
journalists are

>> No.15651170

>the real frauds are science journalists
not some dumb kid in uni posting a phenomena on social media with a misleading title
i would disagree, both are frauds
although i would agree that the journalists fuck up outweighs the other

>> No.15651183
File: 200 KB, 843x1282, 366808892_3598263460454378_1708180609248465923_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay yall niggas hear
the poos are bringing it back

>> No.15651188

show bobs vagene and four point measurement

>> No.15651190

2 point multimeter. Good measurements sir.

>> No.15651199

Based for them I guess

>> No.15651201
File: 58 KB, 630x403, 1514905382099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently they talked to the original team a few days ago
good replication sirs

>> No.15651207
File: 195 KB, 1200x834, the-five-stages-of-grief-in-lament-for-a-son (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no confirmation of superconductivity

>> No.15651214


>> No.15651216

big gulf between depression and acceptance. will the people here be able to make that gap or fall into the pit of the rope?

>> No.15651217

i do love you. It will be ok.jpg. Im sure whatever happens it will be ok. Anyway, back to this.

>> No.15651256

Wait so its sticking while floating upside down? Isn't that a good thing? Diamagnetic graphite doesn't do that upside down, does it?

>> No.15651259

it's ferromagnetic

>> No.15651264

Then wouldn't it hug that bitch flat?

>> No.15651266

it's diamagnetic

>> No.15651267
File: 268 KB, 730x628, 1690571164533194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


poo video is out

>> No.15651280

>이 샘플은 초전도성 물질인 LK-99와 강자성 물질이 혼재되어 있는 원석이다. 이 원석에서 LK-99을 추출하여 박막 증착을 해야 초전도성을 확인할 수 있다. 논문에 부족한 내용이 한국어로 된 특허에 설명이 잘 되어 있다. - 라고 들었다.
This sample is a gemstone that contains a mixture of the superconducting material LK-99 and ferromagnetic materials. The superconductivity can only be confirmed by extracting LK-99 from the gemstone and depositing a thin film. What is lacking in the paper is well explained in the Korean patent. - I was told.

>> No.15651284
File: 1.81 MB, 960x1280, QQELZ6r.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the Indian video. The sample is microscopic. Seems like its just more iron impurities and is displaying classic ferromagnetism. Nothingburger yet again.

>> No.15651290


>> No.15651301


>> No.15651302


>> No.15651303

Not flux pinning, that's ferromagnetic.

>> No.15651304


>> No.15651305

>page 2

>> No.15651310

u whine like a bitch

>> No.15651395

>resistivity: failure
So you're saying it failed to show any resistance? How the fuck is that a failure?

>> No.15651663

It's Polymarket. You're seeing children spend their allowance on prediction markets and then spam nonsense to try to pump their position.
That's why 9/10 posts on LK-99, whether over or back, are trivially falsifiable ass-pulls, it's all about just spamming noise to make line go up/down.

>> No.15653094

Particularly funny since the guy running the book will eventually just declare whichever side he bet on true and close it and collect free money.