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15650815 No.15650815 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15650832

I ain't reading that.

If black people are equal, then why aren't they equal? If they were equal, shouldn't they show it?

>> No.15650986

BELIEVING we are equal is the key to ending racism.
It shouldn't matter what science shows. We must believe we are equal.
How strongly you can hold on to that belief shows how committed you are to the truth that only equality matters.

>> No.15651186

Hypothetically, how would people react if different races are scientifically proven to be unequal?

>> No.15651197
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They would deny it as they have been doing for decades.

>> No.15651210

You're outdated.
Nowadays to solve racism you need to acknowledge that blacks have special needs and must be given special privileges. Not seeing color and judging them by the content of their character is now racism.

>> No.15651215

I was actually pretty happy and surprised to see that at the end of this recent TED talk about being race-blind, a standing ovation was given.


>> No.15651218

That's now the bailey position, but you can be race blind in the motte.

>> No.15651225
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>actually taking a polygenetic score based off gwas sampling seriously

Are you trying to insult my intelligence? IQ testing at least has some foundational credibility compared to polygenetic tests.

>> No.15651242
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We'll know for sure in a couple of decades when researchers create large biobanks of other ethnicities and identify the other 40% of the heritability estimate.

I'm not convinced that we're going to find that Africans actually have more SNPs associated with intelligence.

>> No.15651253

Based Reddit debunking
Join the sibling thread to also debunk Hetronormativity

>> No.15651269

I'm of the opinion we'll at least find enough data to answer why Africans can produce more scientists and millioniares than Inuit and Northern/Southern Amerindian populations despite supposedly having lower IQ averages.

There's possible implications of at least better verbal and crystallized performance to account for the difference.

>> No.15651354

At a glance, I couldn't see anyone debunking anything. Maybe you could collect their best arguments into a single coherent post? I certainly have no interest in trawling through that cesspool of indoctrinated circlejerk to try to find nuggets of intelligence that might or might not be there.

>> No.15651355


>> No.15651377

how do you figure out who is white or not?

>> No.15651421

i have two more for you
1: Racial differences don't matter. If niggers are dumb and violent, a meritocratic system will dump them in the lower end of society.
2: it's the Jews

>> No.15651476

Outright para-religious social engineering.

>> No.15651490


>> No.15651497

>3 years ago

>[–]Frontfart -2 points 3 years ago
>Wow. So if people say white people are superior they are white supremacists.
>If they say that Asians are superior they are actually lying to trick us because they are still white supremacists but are using studies that show otherwise for "plausible deniability".
>If they show that Ashkenazi Jewish people contribute the most to intellectual creativeness they are actually still Nazis.
>My God. You sound like someone trying to convince others of the truthfulness of a cult. Your cult is the belief that everyone is a secret white supremacist.

I still have hope but he probably left.
>user has been suspended

Yeah I figured as much

>> No.15651576

Woah, did not know that Kissless Handholdless Virgins were so high on IQ scale.

>> No.15651631

>I'm of the opinion we'll at least find enough data to answer why Africans can produce more scientists and millioniares than Inuit and Northern/Southern Amerindian populations despite supposedly having lower IQ averages.
Because they're favored by the system?

>> No.15651637

It's funny because Ashkenazi Jews score the highest on IQ tests. So if accepting IQ leads to genocide, then we should exterminate everyone EXCEPT Ashkenazi Jews, which is the exact opposite of Hitler

>> No.15651640

I've interacted with people that claim to be geniuses on 4chan and it just doesn't feel like they're multiple times smarter than me.
But 4chan people are mostly liars. They all claim to be crypto millionaire web developers. Really why lie to an anonymous poster, he's not your friend, just cut the crap.

>> No.15651649

IQ is just one behavioural trait the problem with jews is the machiavelian psychopathy

>> No.15651661

>It's funny because Ashkenazi Jews score the highest on IQ tests.

>> No.15651666

Debunked by Ubersoy and WVivare

>> No.15651674
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Goyim cope

>> No.15651677

I see the kikes are already seething

>> No.15651680

Psychopaths are that way because they're missing a portion of their brain responsible for planning and thinking. A psychopath is by definition a retard. It rustles my jimmies that psychologist shill psychopaths as some kind of super power.

>> No.15651685

>Debunked by Ubersoy and WVivare
Those retards? how dare you post them here.

Bronski's analysis of leather apron club is better.


Also jewish IQ is hard skewed on a few component tests, and you should probably never employ an ashkenazi architecht

>> No.15651688


>> No.15651696

Nazi Germany banned IQ tests because Jews scored higher than Germans

>> No.15651703

Because of the over focus and other issues.
Why are you so obsessed with Hitler by the way?

>> No.15651744

>you should probably never employ an ashkenazi architecht
True but mostly because they hate beauty and want to demoralize you

>> No.15651831

This is not a religion board. Fuck out of here.

>> No.15651847

They're trying to destroy meritocracy so functional individuals will forever have to carry the useless eater caste on their backs tho.

>> No.15651853

Why does intelligence have to be equal among everyone? Intelligence does not determine wealth necessarily. A car salesman can be a dumbass, but he sells car and ends up owning a dealership and now he's rich, same with owning junkyard, making pools, owning a fleet of trucks, owning a crab fishing boat, owning a social media marketing platform and having thousands of instagram followers. All those things could turn you into a dumb millionare.

>> No.15651860

>Why does intelligence have to be equal among everyone?
It's part of the neoliberal religious dogma. If it weren't true, people would question the holiness of the neoliberal holy cow and the religion could unravel from there.

>> No.15651884

correct for wealth against age see what happens

>> No.15651885

A fool and his wealth are soon parted.

>> No.15651900

The examples I gave assume the people who got rich were doing it for a long time and got rich by the time they were old ofc. Nobody starts out with those.

>> No.15651972

literally all the niggas i hang out with are normal. american skill issue because none of you lot are normal

>> No.15653163

It is a super power because psychopaths/sociopaths aren't limited by morality and ethics that would make a regular person hesitate.

>> No.15653167

Anyone claiming to be smart or full of wisdom usually are neither. If they possess intelligence or wisdom, they would be able to show it through their words or actions without needing to puff their chests or rely on insults.

>> No.15653194
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This is an objectively evil ideology as it is suicidal/genocidal. Fuck you faggot, just admit you hate white people.

>> No.15653204

if you're a nazi and you claim to be oppressed, don't have children which leads back to the problem you're complaining about I assume you're just trying to do some gay protest and trying to extortion people into all of society catering to your wants. That's not how this works. You're acting like a spoiled brat.

>> No.15653212

>Third comment is the endlessly debunked "more variation within than between" argument

Why do you show us this junk?

>> No.15653224

You just proved you're evil and hate white people with that reply. Not that anon.

>> No.15653225

I am not settled on this. Are there studies done on similar socio-economic status on blacks in a mainly black developed society, then the same on whatever whites in a mainly white society, both at the same development level?
I want to see this study, and then I'll look at genetic differences. until then you'd have to correct and control for so many factors.
look, not saying there aren't any, I'm just saying that I want to see objective info, that's all.

>> No.15653237

no because i implied I'd be more willing to listen to what you had to say if you had children. I don't care if chris lagan was 1000 iq, he had no children, yet he feels entitled to speak about others people's reproduction for example.

>> No.15653243

you are fucking stupid and it makes you dangerous. people like you are why bridges collapse killing 1000's of people

>> No.15653246

I am the only genius, EX web developer actual millionaire on this board and I dont have anything to do with crypto. I am so far beyond what you can comprehend we barely even speak the same language. Of course the fuckwit cant see how dumb they are, the genius sees it very clearly however

>> No.15653255

>>15653225 (me)
and then you'd still have to correct in both cases for cultural differences.
we need to consider that what we mean by "intelligence" is actually "results".
you can have a highly intelligent (genetically?) african tribe, you'd see all kinds of novel ways to solve some of the issues they have, but with lack of access to information there's not much they can do.
then you have a low iq population, but they are rich as fuuuuck boi, they have everything, and a lot of it. that means they get access to all kinds of information. they are not very able, yet they have resources and information.
these two situations are wildly different. so you'd need to make this distinction as well, apart from cultural influences which can lean one way or the other.
this whole thing is discussed in a rather silly political style.
not him but he's kinda right. fundamentally we are all the same thing. any other one is you, with different genes born at a different time in a different place. you wouldn't have done anything differently because we already see what you'd do in that situation with those genes, you'd do exactly what he's doing, nothing else, can't be any other way actually.
appreciating someone for something they didn't work for in any way, is a staple signal of being pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.15653257

wtf are you even on about?

>> No.15653260

if you'd be too stupid to understand you'd ask exactly that

>> No.15653261

world salad jibberish, get your pacemaker checked schizo

>> No.15653263

>>15653255 me
>>15653260 me
I meant to reply to this >>15653243 not >>15653246

>> No.15653266

we are not fundamentally all the same you fucking lunatic. Next time you need to go to the doctor take your stupid ass to the psycho ward than instead of a doctors office then. you people are literally mentally ill and incapable of interpreting reality correctly

>> No.15653267

Lost your job to the chatbot eh lol
I mean assuming though, nobody ever posts any proof they don't want to get "doxxed" right

>> No.15653268

I quit wageing a decade before chat bots and proof of my trades and trade tips are everywhere in the archives going years back

>> No.15653273

appreciating or deprecating someone based on factors they had no control over is fucking retarded.
if we could test your DNA at halflife and it would show major improvement based on how much you worked for it, then yes, you could maybe have an argument for making fun of someone's DNA. or look down on it. because they had major control over that and they did nothing, and in this situation you may have a point.
if you don't have control over that, what the fuck are you appreciating? I mean ok, we can all apreciate a beautiful woman or whatever the fuck you like, sure. but saying that woman is more valuable as a human than any other human is basically retarded. it only makes sense if you look at your peers as fucking resources and nothing more. sure, it's useful or it's not.
yes we are, we are the same animal, the only differences between us are DNA and birtplace/time. nothing else. what you think you are is just a collection of experiences seen through your DNA's lenses, nothing else. you are an abstraction of your path as seen through your biology, nothing else, you are not more than that collection of experiences, I mean (You). the rest is physical support, your body is your lens for your experiences.
we all do the same, we have a lens that we had no say in, and a set of experiences that we also had no say in.

>> No.15653277

wolves and chihuas are the same animal too you fucking retard stfu

>> No.15653286

you post no pay stub, you have a phone with a camera, you probably have documents on your computer of the work you did, you must have a github. Showing proof would be rather easy, but conveniently channers never do ofc. But they have proofs on the archives. Oh no but on top of that not only that, they're millionares. They'll show proof of that though as long as blockfolio. But never their car. I wish I had such an impulse to lie compulsively.

>> No.15653288

most dna is the same to define general traits. differs a bit for the variations yeah. similar behavior, biology etc.
you don't get it do you? what you are I mean. at this point it's safe to presume some of you idiots think you have some more special soul or some shit like that.

>> No.15653302

>we are not fundamentally all the same you fucking lunatic
let me guess, you usually think "if I were him I would have done way better".
do explain how. because everything that you are, the "thing" that thinks "if I were him" is 100% the result of your DNA on you particular road. you can't think of doing better if you were that other, because you wouldn't have had that DNA and that road to allow you to judge you'd do better. you are really too retarded to understand, and you have a skewed idea of what you actually are.
we are the same in the sense that we are conscious beings bound by their DNA and birtplace/birth location, forced to live different lives. you cannot think of what you'd do if you were anyone else. the only thing you'd do if you were him (meaning having his POV) is exactly what he did, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.15653314

>we must believe
This is a free country, I ain't believin shit.

>> No.15653331

>this is your brain on reddit
>this is also the underlying principle that leads to mass famine, genocide, and concentration/forced labor camps in socialist countries
Do you see why we hate your kind, and why the red scare and cold war were necessary?

>> No.15653332

Race, race, race, race, race, race, race, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex. Why are you people here? You're idiots. Science isn't for you.

>> No.15653334

>>15653302 (me)
anons, another more important point I wanted to make considering the argument in previous post is the importance of correctly understanding what we are. this seems to massively affect the way we perceive eachother which translates into social interactions and a bunch of other bullshit. it's quite important to correctly understand, scientifically speaking, what and how much we are. going overboard isn't a good thing. you must be and idiot to think that it's ok to overinflate what we think we are because it clearly has no negative consequence on social interactions.

>> No.15653339

I do not identify with your political bullshit faggot. I come here for science. if you can't take the truth, go back to /pol/.

>> No.15653346

>hard determinism is science
kek, whatever you say buddy

>> No.15653354
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I have a homemade submarine this guy built who is going to be your pilot on a trip to the titanic. When are you arriving? We are all the same so he is a good a pick as any

>> No.15653357

even if you'd have true randomness if you were any other him you couldn't have done better by the sheer power of your special soul, retard. you'd just be him under different conditions, which is no different than him being under a different set of conditions. you cannot have something that is innate to somehow you (your soul?) that is more special than his, and if you would have been in his shoes, this more special soul of your would have allowed you to do better than he did.

>> No.15653367

anyone who isn't fucking retarded hates niggers

this is easily solvable by induction alone

1. in order for humans to evolve from apes, intelligence genes were selected
2. therefore, intelligence is GENETIC
3. therefore observable differences are GENETIC, because IF they were NOT, evolution is NOT POSSIBLE ON A MOLECULAR BASIS AT ALL
4. if evolution is possible at all on a molecular basis, niggers MUST be stupid. there is no alternative on a molecular basis

literally aristotle could have figured this out without even understanding what a molecule is

fucking redditors

>> No.15653371

the shit you are spouting is not science it is purely political, you are a delusional retard who cares more about your cults ideological dogma than you do making sure competent people are given positions they have earned. You can live in your shithole idiocracy society where you water plants with brando all you want but I am not going to

>> No.15653375

>I'm of the opinion we'll at least find enough data to answer why Africans can produce more scientists and millioniares than Inuit and Northern/Southern Amerindian populations despite supposedly having lower IQ averages
I mean, that should be easily answered by population size alone. Compute the expected number of members of each race with IQ>130.

>> No.15653379

I told you faggot I don't care about your political bullshit. stop associating me with that shit.
also if you dissagree do explain on /sci/ how you'd make better choices if you were someone you now hate. make a scientific argument on /sci/, without involving

>> No.15653382

Got sources on any of that? I simply have to bring up free will to conclude the exact opposite of your argument. Just like determinism and indeterminism, free will has no rigorous scientific basis. You didn't "come here for science" you came here to espouse midwit philosophical takes that one can learn in their first semester of metaphysics. GO BACK

>> No.15653383

a child has the observation skills required to see that the people in this world are not equal. you are obviously mentally ill which is why you were not able to do so. you cannot reason with people incapable of reason

>> No.15653386

people will tell you that nutritional effects on iq will also follow a pure bell curve...

all science without niggers would be immediately and permanently improved. if you cannot make this simple decision, you don't have the iq to be here

>> No.15653388

sources on what, that you don't have a soul? you need to provide some peer reviewed papers that you do have a soul, you imbecile
yeah faggot, I'm challenging you on the point that you cannot understand why they are different, because you are fucking retarded boi.

>> No.15653392

nigger nigger nigger

>> No.15653404

Ok great, we are in agreement, neither of us have any scientific basis for the arguments in this retarded debate. Just like what I said in >>15653382
Can you shut the fuck up now?

>> No.15653405

>if I say the no-no-f word, the evil 4channers will think I'm one of them!

>> No.15653407

>Can you shut the fuck up now?
well no, you see...you made no argument. you just played some mental gymnastics to protect something you think you have, you are quite ashamed to mention on /sci/ because you know how ridiculous it sounds, and in the end, it's clear you do this to protect your feefees. your status, in your own mind, about yourself. which tells us about the issues you are actually dealing with. you shouldn't project that shit on your peers. maybe sort it out with a shrink.

>> No.15653411

Type the word "nigger"

Type it now.

>> No.15653415

>I'm one of them!
political bullshit. I'm just an anon on /sci/ waiting for some arguments, and all I got was /pol/ and /x/ bullshit.

>> No.15653448

>I'm just an anon on /sci/ waiting for some arguments
We gave you them. I argued that what you are seething about isn't fucking science and is just vomited up first semester philosophy ideas. Which it objectively is. The thread is about race and IQ, not whether hard determinism implies no free will you fucking psued. Go to fucking /lit/ if you want to drone on about that. Instead, you responded to every argument by claiming it is "political bullshit", whatever that fucking means

>> No.15653458

you didn't present an argument for what I was saying.
I also didn't talk about hard determinism or free will, you brought them up. I explained to you that it's retarded to think you'd do differently in both cases. you are an idiot either way.
your argumentative style is very /pol/-ish. what are you trying to protect on /sci/?

>> No.15653470

>Reddit nigger

>> No.15653478

>because everything that you are, the "thing" that thinks "if I were him" is 100% the result of your DNA on you particular road. you can't think of doing better if you were that other, because you wouldn't have had that DNA and that road to allow you to judge you'd do better.
>we are the same in the sense that we are conscious beings bound by their DNA and birtplace/birth location, forced to live different lives. you cannot think of what you'd do if you were anyone else. the only thing you'd do if you were him (meaning having his POV) is exactly what he did, nothing more, nothing less.
You claimed hard determinism and then implied no free will. That was your fucking argument retard. I argued that all I have to do is invoke free will because none of what you are arguing about is scientific. I've had to explain this to you 3 fucking times now. You declared an arbitrary axiom, so I declared another arbitrary axiom, the logical system defining your argument isn't consistent so there is no point arguing about it

>> No.15653483

I also explained how you are an idiot even if you have free will. why aren't you addressing my argument? you keep avoiding it.
how is your free will more special than the free will of someone you now hate. explain in scientific terms how your free will is more special than other people's free will. and how would that transfer into someone you hate, how would your more special free will work for better results in his body. address this without invoking /x/ bullshit.

>> No.15653484

lets start again from base premises

it is probablistic that a nigger will murder you

but it is deterministic that he is subhuman

>> No.15653511

>how is your free will more special than the free will of someone you now hate. explain in scientific terms how your free will is more special than other people's free will. and how would that transfer into someone you hate, how would your more special free will work for better results in his body
I don't think you understand what freewill is. There is no 'special' freewill, everyone would have the same level of freewill if it exists. It literally is just the ability to dictate your own actions independent of any outside stimuli. Not that hard of a concept to grasp, maybe your philosophy 101 professor will cover it next semester. It is as simple as:
>be gangbanger
>be addicted to crack
>have 3 children but not be in any of there lives
>be on welfare
>sell drugs
>about to shoot up a group of ops in a drive by because they dissed me
>will inevitably hit several bystanders because I've never practiced with my gun
>be imprisoned for the rest of my life at the expense of the rest of society or get in a shootout with the police
>simply choose to not do the drive by, get off and stop selling drugs, get a job, re-enter my children's lives, maybe try and get educated if I have the means/mental capabilities
It is really that simple, but I guess your reddit addled mind can't comprehend that. I don't hate black people either. What you are claiming is that black people have no agency and are no different then automata. That all their experiences and accomplishments mean nothing because they had no choice in the matter.

>> No.15653516

Can I get that in logical notation?

>> No.15653528

this is the last (You) I'll give you since you completely avoided my argument. you never addressed how you'd do better in someone else's shoes. completely avoided this.
it's not about suddenly not hating people you now hate. it's about understanding why it happens. again, this is /sci/ not /pol/.
understanding who we are and what happens to us, allows us to find ways of changing that. scientifically speaking. if we understand that the people we hate are formed by the combination of their DNA + their experiences that puts pressure on at least trying to control for their experiences. which creates other pressures, including political ones. what happens when science clashes with politics?
of-course if you run into someone who has crazyeyes, you instantly bolt the opposite way as fast as possible, irrespective of how much you understand WHY they are how they are.
you are still allowed to hate bad behavior, that doesn't change. only the why.

>> No.15653574

>you completely avoided my argument. you never addressed how you'd do better in someone else's shoes. completely avoided this.
Are you blind? I stated the simple fact that if freewill exists, then I would simply not do what the retarded gang banger was doing. If you can't accept that as a direct response then there is no point in continuing as there is no response that would satisfy you

>> No.15653587

again I must point out the fact that you are a retard. because you can't seem to understand that there's no you with your free will without already having your DNA+experience which brings you to the point of being able to judge that you'd do better in that situation, thus exercising your free will for different choices, in his shoes.
whatever you think you are now, and would have "better free will" than his, is completely dependent on your DNA+experiences you had so far. without that, you can't be in his shoes, only he can. and no one else can be in your shoes to make better decisions than you. otherwise it's fucking cheating, don't you get it?
>but if I activate the aimbot I'm totally owning everyone
yeah no shit. how is it not cheating transfering (You) in his body, and making better decisions based on the DNA + experiences you already had.
how can you not understand this you dumb fucking chimp?

>> No.15653594

Bud skipped history class

>> No.15653619

Oh my god shut the fuck up you gay bitch

>> No.15653645

did I hurt your faggot feelings?

>> No.15653649
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I thought you were done responding to me? Once again, I don't know what your retarded concept of freewill is as I never, and explicitly stated the opposite, claimed I have "better free will". That isn't even a logical statement, the only way I can think of that you keep posting the same inconsistent statements is that you are an ESL and using some kind of translation service. No one has better freewill than anyone else, it isn't a trait that you can express more or less of, it is a concept that applies to all conscious actions. Read a fucking book about it ffs.
>whatever you think you are now, and would have "better free will" than his, is completely dependent on your DNA+experiences you had so far
>making better decisions based on the DNA + experiences you already had
Once again, you have no grasp of what freewill means. DNA + experiences can't effect free will you troglodyte, that is the entire point of it. His and my experiences/DNA don't effect our decision making with free will. This is the core principle that underpins all justice and punishment. There is even a stipulation in the scenario where you no longer have free will and commit an act that is punishable, it's called the insanity defense and typically results in no punishment.
I think I figured it out, you must be a chink: you have no concept of freewill and write like you are translating words you only know in kanji.

>> No.15653676

you need some peer reviewed papers on how you'd exert free will for different decisions if you were in someone else's shoes.
you are advocating for something, you have no idea what it is, you can't give it a name, it's just something (okay?) that would get transfered with you in someone else's body, and that thing you cannot name, would allow you to exert your free will for better decisions (clearly) than that someone else took, without having the perspective you already have on the experiences he's going through, and you somehow would make better decisions than him.
don't you see how fucking schizoid that sounds? how retarded and unscientific, paranormal at best.
you don't even know what it is, it's just something you FEEL the need to protect. you can't even name it. generally speaking. and if you try you know it sounds fucking retarded, scientifically speaking.
I think you are mentally deranged. religion politics and hollywood broke your fucking brain. fucking pseud on /sci/ can't even explain shit

>> No.15653695
File: 102 KB, 2000x1500, chink anon's backyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need some peer reviewed papers on how you'd exert free will for different decisions if you were in someone else's shoes.
>how retarded and unscientific, paranormal at best.
>you don't even know what it is, it's just something you FEEL the need to protect. you can't even name it. generally speaking. and if you try you know it sounds fucking retarded, scientifically speaking.
Are the lead fumes from the nearby factory hurting your working memory chang? Do you not remember how this retarded spiral started 2 hours?
>Got sources on any of that? I simply have to bring up free will to conclude the exact opposite of your argument. Just like determinism and indeterminism, free will has no rigorous scientific basis
We are back at square one of me calling the hard determinism you are proposing retarded and non-scientific. Good job, shall we repeat the entire argument?

>> No.15653718
File: 346 KB, 1595x900, chink retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*gong noise*
>*du du du du du du da da da*
>me chinese, me play joke, me spam retarded shit on your posts

>> No.15653720

I am not interested in any kind of political discussion. doesn't matter what race I am, what nationality, if ESL or not. what matters is the arguments I make, and the arguments you make. no countries, no political faggotry, none of that. I don't care about ideologies, dogma, or religions.
this is about science, nothing else, stop making it about something else.
also I am not making a case for determinism or free will, I asked you in both frameworks, you keep jumping from one to the other trying to bait me into a discussion about them, when it's not about them, it's about you making a case for how you would be able to make better decisions than someone you hate, without involving your soul, or your past experience that would give you a better perspective to make better decisions vs the person you hate.
you made no sane argument, you just oscillate between hard determinism and free will without actually addressing my arguments and ideas.
you keep avoiding it because you are a sore fucking loser with no fucking arguments

>> No.15653734

>you are clearly someone different than my race if you don't agree with me
why do you make it political? you can't guess my nationality moron. there's low chances you nail it. I also don't give a fuck about politics, religion, race, nationality, dogma and that kind of bullshit. stop trying to make it about that.

>> No.15653785
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Holy cope. You are the one that brought up determinism. You continue to bring it up because that is exactly what your argument is and has been since the beginning, at least you are consistent.
>fundamentally we are all the same thing. any other one is you, with different genes born at a different time in a different place. you wouldn't have done anything differently because we already see what you'd do in that situation with those genes, you'd do exactly what he's doing, nothing else, can't be any other way actually.
I don't know why you are trying to deny the obvious fact that you are claiming hard determinism, do you not know what that means either? Do I need to post a screenshot of the philosophical and scientific definition for hard determinism like I had to with freewill? Here you go chang.
>you made no sane argument, you just oscillate between hard determinism and free will without actually addressing my arguments and ideas.
I have not oscillated at all, I merely stated that your argument isn't scientific, even though you repeatedly claim it to be. I then showed that to disprove your argument under the logical framework you were using, all someone would need to do is claim freewill exists, like you claimed hard determinism exists in your first argument. You then made me explain to you the concept of freewill and hard determinism and why they are definitionally incompatible. I also never brought up a soul, you brought that up as some kind of retarded tangent, there are frameworks for freewill that don't require a soul. That is all that has happened, you have seethed and malded for almost 3 hours, repeating the same thing over and over again:
>I am not interested in any kind of political discussion
>what matters is the arguments I make, and the arguments you make
>this is about science, nothing else
>you made no sane argument
How much longer will this go on?

>> No.15653795

I keep asking you to stop discussing about free will and determinism and make a fucking argument for how you would be able to make better decisions. why? argue for this please, without any other bullshit. prove to everyone that you can reason this, explain your thinking, why are you sure you can make better decisions vs someone else, without having a previous perspective based on your experiences and DNA.
fucking argue this, without any other kind of tangent, purely address this, are you able to or not?

>> No.15653818

define for us exactly and precisely what would allow you personally to make a better decision without having the influence of your DNA and experiences. what is it exactly that you have different vs anyone you hate, that would make you make better decisions in their shoes?
outline this thing for us, you should be able to, without straying into other topics. be concise but thorough and clear, on this thing, scientifically speaking, that you have, what is it exactly that does not depend on your DNA or experiences that would make you make better decision in someone else's shoes. this is pretty clear bro, you should be able to understand.

>> No.15653854

>This is the core principle that underpins all justice and punishment. There is even a stipulation in the scenario where you no longer have free will and commit an act that is punishable, it's called the insanity defense and typically results in no punishment.
so because the science on your sense of justice was settled hundreds of years back, and the fact that new more modern outlooks were enabled by science, means we are not allowed to ask questions which have answers that go head to head with that?
should we avoid certain science just because it doesn't sit right with your personal primitive ways of seeing things? are we stuck in midwit land forever because of morons like you?

>> No.15653875

What do you mean by DNA?

>> No.15653887

your physical body, everything that you are materially, and whatever else is emergent from that.

>> No.15653948
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I don't know what to tell you chang. This will be the 6th time I've explained it. Maybe, if I simplify it and prove it in formal logic you will understand. I doubt it considering your inability to adhere to conversational logic:
I would choose different than someone who is at the lowest rung of society, and is capable of thinking and responding to their environment, because the formal logical system that describes your argument is inconsistent due to your assertion that DNA/Experiences solely determine your actions and that this can be reasoned from scientific observation, therefore, I can assert any proposition a priori.
Let @* be the logical system:
A = Is observed through scientific reasoning
B = DNA/Experiences solely determine your actions
C = you couldn't have done anything differently
Proposition: A->C
1. A | Premise
2. A->B | Premise
3. B->C | Premise
4. B->~A | Premise
5. B | Modus Ponens from 1. and 2.
6. C | Modus Ponens from 3. and 5.
7. A->C | Law of Syllogism from 2. and 3.
8. ~B | Modus Tollens from 1. and 4.
9. B ^ ~B | Constructing a conjunction from 5. and 8.
10. @* |- F | The logical system @* implies a contradiction
11. A->~C | Principle of Explosion from 10.
12. ~C | Modus Ponens from 1. and 11.
@* |- C
Therefore, I could have done anything differently.
I didn't state freewill or hard determinism, does that satisfy you?

>> No.15654118
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Here you go chang, I spent the time outlining my argument so you can set it as your background and hang it up in every room in your house. That way next time you think about posting retarded shit you'll remember why you should never return here

>> No.15654155

D = Santa is real
13. D | Principle of Explosion from 10.
φ |- D
Therefore Santa is real
>hurr what are the paradoxes of material implication

What you can actually reasonably conclude is that φ |- A -> C & ~A and from A premise you get φ |- C & a contradiction, so from φ |- contradiction you get ~φ, and since φ = A & B & C, that means that ~A or ~B or ~C, i.e. at least one of the premises must be wrong, and one of them is possibly C.

>> No.15654298

the only true marker of intelligence, is those that can correctly use "than" instead of "then."

>> No.15654299
File: 46 KB, 512x512, chang anon trying to use deductive reasoning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>D = Santa is real
>13. D | Principle of Explosion from 10.
>φ |- D
>Therefore Santa is real
No, the premise D itself isn't a contradiction, learn what basic logic terms are ffs. The premise D makes the system unsound as all of it's premises aren't true, but the system is consistent as there are no contradictions
>hurr what are the paradoxes of material implication
Yes, your argument implies paradoxes because of how retarded it is kek. There is no evidence in science that concludes DNA/Experiences solely determine your actions. Which means A->B is not true. I don't know why you think this, you can believe hard determinism to be true, but to repeatedly insist that it is implied from science when you are told it isn't proves you are an idiot
>so from φ |- contradiction you get ~φ
No, φ is not a proposition, it is a formal system of logic, a formal system of logic can't be true or false. It can be sound/consistent or complete, but the fact that contradictions exist in your argument implies that it isn't consistent, which is what I have been trying to tell you from the beginning. It also isn't sound as the premise A->B isn't true, which I have also been saying from the beginning
>φ = A & B & C
No, φ is the set of axiomatic premises (A, A->B, B->C, B->~A) and the rules of inference from standard logic that can be used to derive conclusions. It represents the system you used to deduce that A->C. The only premise that is wrong is A->B, and is what leads to the contradiction and inconsistency, the rest are all true. The lack of consistency in φ is what I have been arguing, and is why I stated you can claim freewill to be true and, subsequently, freewill->~C, because you can claim any proposition to be true due to the "principle of explosion". I haven't been engaging with your deluded model this entire time because it is inconsistent and doing so is pointless. I stated that many times and you continued to claim I was avoiding your argument, when I wasn't.

>> No.15654314

I'm joking of course. it's just something that grinds me gears.
But even if there is differences in intelligence between races, it's small enough to not matter much in the larger picture. it shouldnt be used to discriminate.

>> No.15654317

The name threw me off at first because why would a jew be named after a disciple of Jesus? But early life came to the rescue...

>> No.15654318

It's a doggy dog world after all.

>> No.15654326
File: 92 KB, 818x235, Screenshot from 2023-08-11 05-43-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it

>> No.15654330

A doje

>> No.15654344

You people are a diamond dozen.

>> No.15654355

4chan should make it possible to link reddit profiles to account. You guys love it so much

>> No.15654367

it's satire fa.m
this whole infograph is a troll and you all fell for it, fukken idiots.

>> No.15654371

>forgets to clear his name field after LARPing.

>> No.15654405

imo just glass the middle east and africa. Islam and niggers eliminated in one fell swoop

>> No.15654414

it wouldnt even be a problem if not for the jews letting them in and putting natives in prison for protesting it

>> No.15655082

This got harder and harder for me to read, why does he want disharmony? how are you even supposed to apply derrida and foucoult to architechture?

>> No.15655298

This is the question you need to ask yourself and why the fierce backlash against asking it is so telling. The answer is obvious, because they want to be able to blame white people for racism as the cause of non-whites not being in leading postions. They want to import more low IQs and place them in power to keep power over the natives. This is how communism works, you put incompetent people in positions of power because they are easy to control

>> No.15655709

>why does he want disharmony?
Because that's his life experience as a jew living in a Christian country and he wants us to feel the same so that we lose our moral and social superiority over him.
>how are you even supposed to apply derrida and foucoult to architechture?
It's just an intellectual facade to hide behind and impress midwits with. He's quite clear later with his intent, after Alexander refuses to play that game, and it's simple : to make people unconfortable and project his insecurities onto their living spaces.

>> No.15655862

>american skill issue

>> No.15655881

The natsoc party was full of jews anon

>> No.15655885

Always wondered about goebels.

>> No.15656182

Reading and ruminating on this whole retarded shitflinging match has caused me to drift to thinking about nominalism.

>> No.15656187
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>135 reddit comments
>48 redditors

>> No.15656286
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>Reddit debunks color realism
>There is only one color and if you agree you're colorist

>> No.15656324
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>> No.15656333
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>> No.15656340
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>> No.15656352

watch ed dutton to find out why europeans are getting dumber

>> No.15656361

>ed dutton
I subbed to him after you linked one of his videos here. He is indeed based and red pilled

>> No.15657390

...he's not exactly that, he's more a traditionalist I guess but he's fully vaxxed.

>> No.15657445

Americans are so fucking weird it's creepy

>> No.15657481
File: 75 KB, 468x451, 1687781476229238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already know why we are getting dumber.
Civilisation is dysgenic but thankfully eugenics can solve this.
Unfortunately to offset the below replacement fertility rate they are incentivising subhumans to breed instead of tax cuts for the upper echelon of society per child, but that will never happen.
I'm hoping that embryo selection can actually increase the intelligence of the lower class, even if embryo selection can increase the IQ by 2-7 points per generation that's still quite significant.
I don't see editing genes of human embryos being viable in our lifetime due to the ethics of unintended consequences.

>> No.15657501

This video is such a cope.
Like when averages iq scores and claims that average ashk j. scores aren't that high at 6:18.

Now you look at those scores and shit like "visual reasoning" are really low for them (91.3) but the actually most relevant scores for science and progress are much higher than average like math score being 109.7.

This is like saying African is as intelligent as European because he's intelligent in stuff that doesn't matter.

>> No.15657511

Wordcels fill books, cow rotators fly planes. Jews just turned mathematics into a wordcel activity, a jungle of definitions with little semantic content.

>> No.15657516

Didou see the video where he was interviewing the Finn's asking them if Africans can be Finns? it was pretty based

>> No.15657561

Interestingly, the twin studies often cited as proof of the heritability of g as evidence seem to not be credible. Something that's interesting is that a study conducted on monozygotic twins and schizophrenia found that if one twin had schizophrenia that likelihood of the other having schizophrenia was between 30-40%,

>> No.15657569

this you?

>> No.15657677

>So if accepting IQ leads to genocide, then we should exterminate everyone EXCEPT Ashkenazi Jews, which is the exact opposite of Hitler
Are you saying that Jews will try to genocide us because we have lower IQ than them?

I didn't read the thread, but I don't quite see the logic about how high IQ leads to genocide.

>> No.15657856
File: 1.08 MB, 828x1513, MarxistTactics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just jews and leftists being histrionic because they dont have any sounds arguments. it is all they ever do, histrionics, appeals to emotion/fear etc. They always appeal to retards who are the only people this kind of stuff works on

>> No.15657880

noticing differences between races isn't racism
giving a shit about those differences is

>> No.15657887

I all ready won


>> No.15658835

I hope the same. I don't think this civilisation has the time left to create eugenic policies or programs effective enough to thwart dysgenic selection pressures.

I like the idea of embryo selection and gene editing because they give a natural free market route to creating eugenic pressures. Most parents want their kids to succeed, so will use this technology to do so.

If it fails, I hope the winter of civilization will only be as long as the last one, instead of longer owing to our higher technology.

>> No.15658861

based Gattaca proponent

>> No.15658862

>BELIEVING we are equal is the key to ending racism.
The key to ending racism is developing a drug that increases IQ by 30% and impulse control by 100%.

>> No.15658874

He provided me with real clarity for why things are going the way things are.

>> No.15658908

>If I believe you are smart, your extra chromosome will disappear

>> No.15658940

About the dame they do today. They would continue to proclaim racism and other socioeconomic factors make black and brown schools dysfunctional. And it's all white poeples fault.

>> No.15658949
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>> No.15660366

Why not admit the problem exists and then attempt to find a solution instead?

>> No.15660373

oh no no you racist, blame yt and gibs me repemratioms

>> No.15660433

A society not making enough children should not immediately excuse filling it to the brim with niggers you kike.

>> No.15660466

This. Being race blind is considered a racist dog whistle now. It implies niggers becoming civilized is bad because that's white supremacist and instead they should act like stereotypical ghetto apes to affirm their true identity. Whites should feel ashamed for creating their own civilization (which isn't theirs anyway because we wuz) and expecting others to behave in their countries (which isn't theirs anyway because my colonialism). Any possibility of white people existing in a society of white people should be categorically denied. This is the unironic leftoid position.

>> No.15660479

so he basically explained to you everything I have been saying here for nearly a decade all the mouth breathers called me schizo for? nice

>> No.15661083

Why would we listen to a namefag?

>> No.15661101

e-celeb vs namefag...the eternal qiestion

>> No.15661112

>If black people are equal, then why aren't they equal
Redditfags btfo'd

>> No.15661242

Normals actually know this deep down. They just don't talk about it unlike autistic males. It is an unspoken thing. They will act nice and say nice things, but their actions show what they believe. They will move if their area, work, school, gets too non white. They will state other reasons for their moving or job change etc. Autists we have a hard time understanding a lot of social stuff, but normies know the social rules and how you have to act nice even though we all don't like a group.

>> No.15661284

how do people react when they realize not all people are tall. or short.

>> No.15661293

If the proletariat are equal, then why don't they have the same capital as the bourgeoisie?

>> No.15661624

Most inuits and native aboriginals don't live in society? Many live in extremely isolated and rural areas where they have less access to education and becoming doctors?

>> No.15661664

To be fair, it's true. Look at aocities jews create. Much better than anybody else. So in one sense, your right. Humanity would be better fof if only Ashkenazi jews were allowed to proliferate to everybodys expense.

>> No.15661729

They aren't missing something in their brain. Their amygdala didn't form right so they lack empathy and fear and anxiety. It's somewhat beneficial but somewhat bad too.

>> No.15661745

Human clades are biological, human races are social construct.
The fact that there are biological difference between a person from Senegal and person from South Sudan is a taxonomical difference therefore it indicated that these two humans are of different clades.
But the "black" race is social construct, this is like saying sheeps of Europe belong to a race named "owinos" because well... historically Europe is a continent so sheeps of Europe must belong to this imaginary superior clade. IGNORE THE GNEETIC DIFFERENCES, I SWEAR TO GOD! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
fite me.

>> No.15661766

you're as dumb as op

>> No.15661778

>>1. in order for humans to evolve from apes, intelligence genes were selected
>2. therefore, intelligence is GENETIC
>3. therefore observable differences are GENETIC, because IF they were NOT, evolution is NOT POSSIBLE ON A MOLECULAR BASIS AT ALL
It is trivial to prove that intelligence is also effected by upbringing. Take identical twins and separate them by birth. Malnourished one and feed the other well. The malnourished one will turn out stupider.

Intelligence is mostly genetic but it is not EXCLUSIVELY genetic.

>> No.15661792

hmm, how? Gene pools do exist anon, are you denying this?

>> No.15662457

>But the "black" race is social construct,
How so? I don't get the comparison with sheep. Of course sheep from Europe will have some genetic differences from other continents. Of course blacks too will be genetically different from the rest, whether you sample them from the social construct which is South Sudan or the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa

>> No.15662641

Jews are a minority.
>0.2% of the 8 billion worldwide population.
And they could integrate into European circles only from the beginning of the 19th century.
Considering all these things their achievements are very impressive.

>> No.15662651

>Le hitler was a Jewish plant

>> No.15662657

He was tavistock trained anon, and mein kampf was written with a jesuit priest

>> No.15662665

I see we are going into schizo territory now
The Jews don’t rule the world btw

>> No.15664473
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The problem is that black people have very easy lives, specially in the US. Is very unfortunate they were enslaved by merciful people who provided them everything they needed in exchange of very little work. They needed a strong master, like the Romans, who could even turn all kind of beasts like gauls, britons, and germans into something that behaves most of the time like humans.

>> No.15664536

Then who does?