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15648691 No.15648691 [Reply] [Original]

If people were buggering one another you’d think it’d have earlier documented history.

>> No.15648695

Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 are believed to have originated in non-human primates in West-central Africa, and are believed to have transferred to humans (a process known as zoonosis) in the early 20th century.[159][160]

HIV-1 appears to have originated in southern Cameroon through the evolution of SIVcpz, a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) that infects wild chimpanzees (HIV-1 descends from the SIVcpz endemic in the chimpanzee subspecies Pan troglodytes troglodytes).[161][162] The closest relative of HIV-2 is SIVsmm, a virus of the sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys atys), an Old World monkey living in littoral West Africa (from southern Senegal to western Côte d'Ivoire).[21] New World monkeys such as the owl monkey are resistant to HIV-1 infection, possibly because of a genomic fusion of two viral resistance genes.[163]

HIV-1 is thought to have jumped the species barrier on at least three separate occasions, giving rise to the three groups of the virus, M, N, and O.

>> No.15648702

If it originated in the 1920s how did it mutate to jump across species so fast? That takes hundreds of years of evolution. It took HIV only 60. Why should I believe that HIV is a natural exception to this rule? Seems human engineered.

>> No.15648707

Because replication is happening at such a large scale that mutations that allow this to happen are bound to happen quickly. Pretty basic microbiology.

>> No.15648716

So you’re telling me a virus with no contact with humans can instantly infect someone? Where have I heard this before…

>> No.15648725

>Seems human engineered.

>> No.15648731

Specific proposed high-risk transmission channels, allowing the virus to adapt to humans and spread throughout the society, depend on the proposed timing of the animal-to-human crossing. Genetic studies of the virus suggest that the most recent common ancestor of the HIV-1 M group dates back to c.1910.[167] Proponents of this dating link the HIV epidemic with the emergence of colonialism and growth of large colonial African cities, leading to social changes, including different patterns of sexual contact (especially multiple, concurrent partnerships), the spread of prostitution, and the concomitant high frequency of genital ulcer diseases (such as syphilis) in nascent colonial cities.[168] While transmission rates of HIV during vaginal intercourse are typically low, they are increased manyfold if one of the partners has a sexually transmitted infection resulting in genital ulcers. Early 1900s colonial cities were notable for their high prevalence of prostitution and genital ulcers to the degree that as of 1928 as many as 45% of female residents of eastern Leopoldville (currently Kinshasa) were thought to have been prostitutes and as of 1933 around 15% of all residents of the same city were infected by one of the forms of syphilis.[168]

The earliest, well-documented case of HIV in a human dates back to 1959 in the Belgian Congo.[169] The virus may have been present in the United States as early as the mid- to late 1960s, as a sixteen-year-old male named Robert Rayford presented with symptoms in 1966 and died in 1969.[170]

>> No.15648733

How much of the human genome is shared with the species that transmitted the virus?

>> No.15648809

Magic Johnson admitted that he got AIDS from a Vietnamese woman named Dai Kun Dai.

>> No.15648858

It came from the CDC having a potential hole in their future budget they needed to create a new disease to fill.

>> No.15648873

Now I know why Dr. Fauci spent all that time in bathhouses.

>> No.15648889

Deforestation and population explosion. You can contract SIV from chimps, but it's like a flu virus. It takes reinfection while you still have SIV for it to turn into HIV

Basically when it was restricted to isolated African tribes there was no way for them to pass it. Even if a Bushman got HIV (which would have been relatively rare) isolation would have meant they practically never passed it on.

>> No.15648918

>"colonial cities" suddenly became a problem after WW1 even though colonial powers already had at least some settlements in Africa for centuries
It's interesting to see how much bullshit they can come up with to avoid saying some african fucked a monkey, got the virus and then spread it to humans.

>> No.15648930
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>Dugas was a very, very promiscuous homosexual who was showing symptoms of what would be later labelled as HIV/AIDS before the virus was discovered and even before they knew it was a virus or even sexually transmitted. He was having sex in bathhouses and other venues in places like New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver, and Toronto. The CDC in Atlanta interviewed him and a cluster study was done in which he was found to be in the middle of a cluster of 40 of the first 260 diagnosed cases in the USA. (He told them that he first became active in 1972 and had 2,500 sexual partners by that point). These 40 gays were guys who either had sex with Dugas or were someone who had sex with someone else who had sex with Dugas. This cluster study helped prove at the CDC that the disease was sexually transmitted.
>Dugas developed Kaposi's sarcoma, a form of skin cancer common to AIDS victims, in June 1980, before the epidemic had been perceived by physicians. Told later he was endangering anyone he slept with, Dugas unrepentantly carried on -- by his estimate, with 250 partners a year -- until his death in March 1984, adding countless direct and indirect victims.
>After the examination, as Dugas was pulling on his stylish shirt, Conant mentioned that Dugas should stop having sex.
>Dugas looked wounded, but his voice betrayed a fierce edge of bitterness. "Of course, I'm going to have sex," he told Conant.
>"Nobody`s proven to me that you can spread cancer."
>"Somebody gave this thing to me," he said. "I'm not going to give up sex."

>> No.15648932
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>He had decided to settle in San Francisco. They had an interferon program at their GRID clinic, and besides, he had always wanted to live there.

It was at this time that rumors began on Castro Street in San Francisco about a strange guy at the Eighth and Howard bathhouse, a blond with a French accent. He would have sex with you, then turn up the lights in the cubicle, and point out his Kaposi's sarcoma legions.
>"I've got gay cancer," he'd say. "I'm going to die, and so are you."

>> No.15648934

>Dr. Selma Dritz who worked for City Public Health and who was key in the early days in helping to figure out what was going on in the gay community there:
>Hughes: How did you weigh the pluses and minuses of the health hazard versus the civil liberties issues?
>Dritz: We were always behind the eight ball. We were always chasing after a good answer, a good way to do it. But if we found that the actions of infected patients were hazardous to their [sexual] contacts, and we had told them what not to do and showed them why they shouldn't and they were still doing it, then I tried to creak down. You couldn't put them in jail, because you couldn't prove what they had transmitted. And you don't do that. But we got at them any way that we could. We could threaten then, "We'll tell your friends that you're infected." We didn't do it. But once in a while, we had to use a little body punch just to keep them from killing somebody else.

>> No.15648936

It was likely a hunting accident.

>> No.15648938
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>Hughes:Please finish with Dugas, because you had some more dealings with him before he died.
>Dritz: Bill Darrow and Dave Auerbach came back up to my office from southern California to talk to me, because I had a whole list of contacts listed on my blackboard there. You've seen pictures of that. Bill came in and he said, "Well, I've got a name now and a contact. Do you know any of these?" And he gave me Gaetan Dugas' name, and I had that name already. I showed him Gaetan Dugas had contact with Michael Maletta, a hairdresser from New York, and there was Dan Turk, who had a clothing store on Polk Street, and one or two other names. I would have to look back at the slides now to be sure. We're talking about almost ten years ago now. And they're dead now.
>I knew that Gaetan Dugas was still in town. I couldn't get to him, but I put word out, "If you see Gaetan Dugas, let him know I want to see him." He came up. I told him, "Look, we've got proof now." I didn't tell him how scientifically accurate the information was. It wasn't inaccurate, but it wasn't actually scientifically proven. I said, "We've got proof that you've been infecting these other people. You've got AIDS, you know. We know it's transmissible now, because you're transmitting it." He was the active partner in all this gay business, anal-genital sex. "You've just got to cut it out."
>"Don't be silly, I won't cut it out. It's my life. I'll do what I want." I said, "Yes, but you're infecting other people." "I got it. Let them get it." I said, "You've got to cut it out!" "Screw you." He walked out. I never saw him again. It was a pity, because he was apparently an intelligent man, except on this one point. And he was very, very sexually active. He was a presumptive proof that AIDS was something transmissible from an infected person directly to the uninfected person.

>> No.15648939

Well, number one was the baths, because we knew that was the main source of AIDS transmission. A gay man could pick up one or two partners in a bar, and they'd go off someplace to have their fun. There were back rooms in the bars, in the baths, too. They were called orgy rooms, where ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, forty men were dancing around with almost no light, and of course, anything happened there. That explained to us why a gay man would say, "I don't know who I got it from. I never saw his face." That sort of thing.

The bars were not the best places to be, but at least, they would limit the amount of contact a man could have. In a bookshop, in a small sex club, out in the park--these places limited the contact. But in the baths... At a four-story bathhouse, Club Baths south of Market I think it was, 350 men would gather on a Saturday night at $10 a crack, and they got their $10 worth. And more. Including drugs in addition to poppers.

Would you permit a child with measles to go to school with a classroom of thirty other children? No! It's a transmissible disease. You exclude him, and if the whole room has been exposed, then you close that classroom--you discontinue that class and send the kids home. There was quarantine for these diseases at one time. In Africa, if one or two patients came up with smallpox, you isolated the village, and you vaccinated everybody. So after the smallpox was finished with that patient or those two patients, it had no place else to go.

We didn't have a vaccine for AIDS. We had the disease spreading wildly. We knew that the numbers were going up geometrically in those first two years. The numbers of new cases were doubling every six months. It was terrible.

>> No.15648940

Notice how they demonize the degenerate homosexuals to justify creating the first man made virus.

>> No.15648941

>Now, there were gay men who were aggressively out, the S&M, sadomasochist, men, the leather boys we called them, who walked up and down Market Street dressed in leathers with leather caps like the old Nazi men, and chains, and leather boots. But they were the ones that died fastest, because generally speaking, they used the most traumatic anal-rectal techniques, and got infected. They had been infected with many other sexually transmitted diseases before then, so they were in no shape even to postpone the activation of the AIDS virus after it hit them.

>> No.15648959

>In '82, we were aware of Gaetan Dugas and the connections between him and so many people that he met here in San Francisco at the baths, and his open announcement that, "Well, I'm off to the baths tonight, and there's nothing you can do about it." He came to my office and said, "It's my right to go where I want to."
HIV in Haiti:
>Jay Levy: I went to Haiti at the end of '82 to look into the possibility that the virus that causes AIDS, as it was then called then, might have originated in Haiti. You may recall that fingers were pointing there. I also went to the Dominican Republic where I had been doing work with Ellen Koenig, who is my sister and is a virologist. We had been looking at AIDS in the Dominican Republic as a third-world country. Since the country has Haitians working in the sugar cane factories, I thought that we might see a difference in the disease among the two populations. We collected blood in 1982-'83 and then with the discovery of HIV could trace the onset of infections in the Dominican Republic. And that turned out to be a rather major observation, published in JAMA. We found a high rate in Haitians and a very, very low rate in the Dominican homosexual community.
>Hughes: How was HIV entering Haiti?
It was entering with tourists and Haitians. It was quite clear that the concentration of cases in Dominicans was in the port cities, and we showed that fact in our first paper.
>Hughes: Gay men were bringing in HIV?
>Levy: It was mostly gay men.
>Hughes: From the United States?

>> No.15648961

>Levy: Wherever, but most likely, yes. We didn't think the infection of Dominicans came from Haitians; they don't mix very much, although you have a few Haitian prostitutes. Ellen went on to prove that most of the prostitutes in the Dominican Republic are negative for HIV. It's the international prostitutes who are infected, being moved around the world. That was one of Ellen's comments: "Stay away from international prostitutes."
>In December 1982 I arranged to go meet Bob Elie in Haiti, who was my host. It was really an amazing trip. Because I was going to Haiti, I called Berkeley and asked if there was anyone there in Haitian studies and met a young Haitian teacher named Michel Laguerre who was a history of Haiti scholar. He had a lot of contacts in Haiti with a very intellectual group. One of his friends, Max Blanchard, became a friend, and I serve with him on a Haitian-American committee in San Francisco.
>So I went to Haiti armed with all these contacts, and I met many of them. One was a famous historian and lecturer, and I had an incredible time. In fact, I even met with the minister of health. My hotel was empty because AIDS had been just talked about and no tourists came. I think I spent four days, and there were meetings all the time. I met some of Michel's friends and the head voodoo priest. I photographed a voodoo ceremony and raised the question of whether the virus could come from chickens, because they drink chicken blood.

>> No.15648967

>At that time, Jane Teas had her African swine fever virus article published in Lancet , which captured the imagination of lots of readers and the gay community. And Jane was here in San Francisco, talking about it. I decided to examine further the idea though I thought it was a bit far-fetched. While in Haiti I checked on the pigs that were supposed to be infected by this virus, and although all the pigs had been ordered killed, there were plenty of pigs left in Haiti. No one bothered to kill them all. In the voodoo ceremony, they smear themselves with pig blood. So I looked around for swine fever virus as a possible cause of AIDS and learned some very interesting things while I was there. For certain the swine fever virus did not seem responsible.
>One reason was that most of the wild animals were gone; they had all been eaten. The second was that there had been in 1977 a conference of gays in Haiti, and a lot of gay people had come down from New York for this conference. After all, Haiti was a great spot for gay vacations. The poverty there had lots of young boys acting as prostitutes. There apparently were some there when I was there, but it wasn't as evident. There was a hotel that had a lot of famous homosexuals staying there. I saw the hotel; I can't remember the name of it. I also learned that one guy had given a party in which rhesus monkeys were featured, running around wild at the party. So that led me to think again about viruses spreading from an animal to humans, or--I always laugh--the other way, too.

>> No.15648982
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>It was at this time that rumors began on Castro Street in San Francisco about a strange guy at the Eighth and Howard bathhouse, a blond with a French accent. He would have sex with you, then turn up the lights in the cubicle, and point out his Kaposi's sarcoma legions.
>"I've got gay cancer," he said. "I'm going to die, and so are you."

>> No.15649134

science by press conference purely for money

>> No.15649756
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>dude fucks monkey in the bum
>catches aids
>gays have anal sex without condoms
>catch aids
I think that's about it

>> No.15651027

what the fuck

>> No.15651042

>they're just normal people, bigot

>> No.15651062

>Where the fuck did aids come from?
Africans raping monkeys.

>> No.15651074

literally just the effects of faggots using poppers (Which I think are amyl nitrates?) to dilate their arseholes nuking their immune system then getting put on a literally toxic drug that caused the so sereotypical aids symptoms
everything is a farce

>> No.15651088


>> No.15651830

Ever hear of bush meat? Local hunted the monkeys and cut their meat. One accidental knife cut later (or several among different hunters) and the virus is now in the human blood stream.

>> No.15651987

man made

>> No.15651992

that doesnt mean it can just gain the ability to infect humans, otherwise hiv would have infected every animal on this planet already

>> No.15653100
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>> No.15653104

AIDS was faker than 9/11

>> No.15653189

>That takes hundreds of years of evolution.

>> No.15653240

Quebec W!

>> No.15653280
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ask this little fucker


>> No.15653291

>colonial powers already had at least some settlements in Africa for centuries
There were a few pretty small coastal outposts, South Africa being an exceptional case. The continent was outright conquered between 1884 and 1914.

>> No.15653298
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Unironically, vaccines. Read Plague of Corruption by Judy Mikovits. 10 million Africans injected with a polio vaccine that was grown in monkey tissue.

If the monkey-to-human jump sounds too far-fetched to be true, that's because it is. AIDS is entirely a man-made disease.

>> No.15653802

>The second was that there had been in 1977 a conference of gays in Haiti, and a lot of gay people had come down from New York for this conference. After all, Haiti was a great spot for gay vacations. The poverty there had lots of young boys acting as prostitutes.
>>It was at this time that rumors began on Castro Street in San Francisco about a strange guy at the Eighth and Howard bathhouse, a blond with a French accent. He would have sex with you, then turn up the lights in the cubicle, and point out his Kaposi's sarcoma legions.
>>"I've got gay cancer," he said. "I'm going to die, and so are you."
this shit made me want to vomit
I think I'm officially homophobic now

>> No.15653841

hot as fuck

>> No.15654402

>then I went to the bookstore and let 5 dudes fuck me
gay guys are fucking in bookstores?

>> No.15654428

>literally just the effects of faggots using poppers (Which I think are amyl nitrates?) to dilate their arseholes nuking their immune system then getting put on a literally toxic drug that caused the so sereotypical aids symptoms

Basically this. There was a reason it was called grids before the rebranding. All affected were using drugs (including poppers that suppress your immune system).
Combine that with a party lifestyle with little sleep, and a high toxin load.
Add the medical industry doing what they do best.

But yeah, it's totally this magical virus with more magical properties than the bullet that killed JFK.

>> No.15654456

It was a bioweapon to kill black people and gays.
Interesting coincidence: around the same time as AIDS first appeared, poppers were introduced to the gay community. Poppers weaken your immune system. They had previously been tested as a chemical weapon by the US govt.

>> No.15654462
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Source is Robert Lederer, "Origin and Spread of AIDS: Is the West Responsible? (Conclusion)," Covert Action Information Bulletin #29

>> No.15654611

Read the multiple reports put out by the Perth group and you will have your answer

>> No.15655942
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Same place the all the stuff comes from.

>> No.15655946

>Where the fuck did aids come from?
Bill Gates type of force "vaccine" experiments conducted in Africa, decades ago. theres a book about it called "The River"

>> No.15655979

Y'know, I was talking to my regular GP a year or two ago, and he's an older guy. He was describing how in the 80's, the medical establishment was proudly recognising that it had effective cures or treatments for all major diseases in existence. There was literally no disease left which seriously threatened humanity. And then, mysteriously, this new disease 'AIDS/HIV' just popped up out of nowhere, and everyone's talking about it. Strange co-incidence.

>> No.15655989

Supposedly the disease got transferred through butchering but AIDS will instantly die if exposed to air and uur have to put liters of infected blood on your wound to get a statistical probability of transfer
The uncomfortable truth is just that someone had sex with a money
Now this isn’t even unheard of, they have monkey prostitution down there in Africa

>> No.15656009

how exactly did this disease transfer from monkeys to humans?

>> No.15656026

Sexooooooooooooooooooooo sex sex sex

>> No.15657419

Iran was right about faggots

>> No.15657427


>> No.15657449

Why does it have to be sexual in nature? Some africano was probably hacking up some monkey meat to eat as a light snack later and got the disease. Get your mind outta the gutter sonny!

>> No.15657809

>The uncomfortable truth is just that someone had sex with a money

>> No.15657821

>how exactly did this disease transfer from monkeys to humans?

They poach and consume wild chimp meat over there.

>> No.15659090

>The oral polio vaccine (OPV) AIDS hypothesis is a now-discredited hypothesis that the AIDS pandemic originated from live polio vaccines prepared in chimpanzee tissue cultures, accidentally contaminated with simian immunodeficiency virus and then administered to up to one million Africans between 1957 and 1960 in experimental mass vaccination campaigns.

>> No.15660080

You guys are only saying this because you've never really lived in a shithole.
Let me tell you in Colombia there were areas where some apartment buildings were known for being brothels but in some of the really shady parts they actually had animals in those brothels. Some places you can pay to fuck a chimp. The brothel owners sometimes pay for captured wild animals and they have some guys who "train" them, basically they just beat the animal so they are too scared to do anything to fight, and then you can fuck them

>> No.15660086


>> No.15660087


>> No.15660532
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>> No.15660551

>but in some of the really shady parts they actually had animals in those brothels
I'm from a SEA shithole but we didn't have this. Maybe underage prostitution (but who doesn't have that?).

>> No.15660586
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>> No.15660781
