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15645789 No.15645789 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly draws people to flat earth

>> No.15645796

its a small lazy way to rebel and boredom

>> No.15645803

I assume to they subconsciously know something is wrong and they are being lied to, but they are too stupid or cowardly to think about it clearly.

>> No.15645806

What happens when you reach the edge?

>> No.15645807
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What I love is the bureaucratic midwits that think they are helping.

>conspiracy says that the government and corporations are working as one to keep a secret.
>what shall we do? I know! Lets barrage people with endless posters showing the 'truth'! That'll convince them!
It does the total fucking opposite, you just reinforce the narrative that the entire world is trying to keep it secret!

Speaking of youtube censorship, if you list comments by "newest first" most shadow-deleted comments become viewable again. Dishonest cocksuckers.

>> No.15645808

The UN stops you. You get sent to a FEMA camp. They put you in the device.

>> No.15645809

Feds trying to make 4chan less appealing to autists and more appealing to facebook boomers that are 7% lead by volume.

>> No.15645810


>> No.15645813

It's a psyop. No one takes it seriously, bot even flatards, they just popularize it so they can destroy other conspiracies by association and destroy online forums dedicated to conspiracies by spamming this.

>> No.15645816
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>> No.15645822
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The serious answer is that the majority of flat Earthers are deeply Christian people who want to believe that the biblical descriptions of Earth are valid, because it's evidence of biblical literalism and God.

>> No.15645823
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Our psyche.
We are scared of infinity. Our walls (ice wall in this case) make us feel protected and at home. Look at Uruk - legendary city from Gilgamesh. The walls of Uruk were needlessly thick. Towns are always build with a campfire (in a sense) in the center.
Do you know which structure was at the center of anciet Rome? Temple of Hestia, goddess of homefire.
What is there is space? Nothing. Nothing that matters, at least.
My based take - you are trully free only if you are taking constant action in reconstructing your walls.

>> No.15645827

It's not really a science thing. It's a conspiracy theory thing. If you go down that rabbit hole long enough you might give yourself flat earth brain damage. It's a combination of intellectual arrogance plus complacency. i.e. " I'm smarter than all these plebs because I actually question things, I'm not going to bother learning any math or physics and actually investigate this."
I've had a few irl friends go flat earth after periods of drug use and their primary motivation was maintaining their image of not being a sheep. All but one is a Qanon guy now. The other one got really into BJJ and stopped giving a shit.

>> No.15645830


>> No.15645832

But not all conspiracy theories are retarded screeching. Many have actually merit to them

>> No.15645850

its educated stupidity made to protect jews from more righteous theories that muh science doesnt accept. The jews are beating the retard they made to circumvent having to reply to theories like Timecube, so that it seems as stupid or in the same bracket as flat earth(then how does earth fold back on itself?)


>> No.15645854

I love how anything involving Jews is categorized as a more detached from reality conspiracy theory than Joe Biden being a robot. Literally any problem someone might have with George Soros is a detachment from reality lol.

>> No.15645858

which ones?

>> No.15645865

FBI killed MLK
CIA killed JFK
US gov knew Pearl Harbor and 9/11 would happen

>> No.15645866


>> No.15645867


>> No.15645872

I think cuban snipers kiled jfk because of the bay of pigs. Why would the CIA kill the president.

>> No.15645878

After the cat of pigs, JFK was extremely angry at the CIA. And was going to cut out a lot of top level people. When a government court was going to re-examine the evidence, the CIA magically “lost” it

>> No.15645880

JFK was going off reservation. He was talking about decentralizing banking, making peace with the USSR, and shrinking the influence and reach of intelligence agencies.

>> No.15645914

Biblical literalism has been absolutely devastating to modern man's spirituality.

>nukes fake
I've never heard this one.

>> No.15645922

>Nukes fake
It's popular on /pol/. Good on you for never having heard it.

>> No.15645926

The nukes fake crowd overlaps a lot with flat earth

>> No.15645928

What exactly is the argument? Something about splitting atoms being impossible? Atoms not being real?
How do they explain the lack of open warfare during the Cold War? Is it all theater orchestrated by The Jews to trick people into thinking war is bad?
Man, /pol/ is retarded.

>> No.15645933

NTA but the only thing I remember is an Aussie saying “you can’t disable an atom”

>> No.15645941

The argument is that atomic science is largely fake, and that the open warfare hiatus is because The Jews won WW2 and have been unopposed since. It obviously doesn't make since for the United States and the USSR to be "on the same team" so the cold war was fabricated.

>> No.15645954

This somehow seems dumber than Flat Earth.

>> No.15646011

TIL that if spaced by 100 meters, there are 720000 ships stationed 24/7/364 around flat earth antarctica to stop flat earthers from seeing the big ol' ice wall

>> No.15646015

For small brained people it's the same shit for 9/11 and JFK. Gives them something they can pretend to be knowledgeable about and makes then think they're smarter than the average Joe cause he figured it out but globetards couldn't.

It's dumb shit and despite watching dozens of flat earth videos and debates I haven't seen any of them put forth an argument of their own, all they can do is poke "holes" in the globe but never have an alternative that makes the slightest bit of sense

>> No.15646025

>FBI killed MLK
Maybe but very unlikely given how many people wanted him dead. Stronger evidence that FBI killed Malcolm X than MLK
>CIA killed JFK
Nope, zero credible evidence of anyone besides Oswald being involved
>US gov knew Pearl Harbor and 9/11 would happen
Doubt. If they knew about Pearl Harbor they would have had planes scrambled before the Japanese got there and not let there expensive ships get sunk. 9/11 was just bad inter-service communication

>> No.15646053

Bay of Pigs was the best propaganda the Cubans could have ever asked for, why would they hate JFK for it?

>> No.15646061

>Nope, zero credible evidence of anyone besides Oswald being involved
The rate of fire was too high for the bolt-action rifle Oswald used.

>> No.15646062

My theory is many of them were molested.

>> No.15646071


>> No.15646078

It's a conspiracy theory but for retards. No understanding of international politics or any other specialized knowledge required, all you need to know is NASA bad and you're on the team.

>> No.15646090

JFK was killed by a conspiracy of a few groups with a lot to gain from Kennedy going away
>LBJ and his Texas political machine (Was going to be removed from the ticket)
>CIA (Had their head on the chopping block due to setting the president up with the Bay of Pigs fiasco)
>Israel/Mossad (Kennedy was going to put a halt to their nuclear weapons program)
>Jewish mafia (used as the tool to get the job done, Jewish connections with both Israel and CIA)

>> No.15646094


>> No.15646098

Anon, research the pamir plateau garden of eden theory and noah's flood being a flood of the tarim basin.
their description of the shape of the land fits the mountains around them.

>> No.15646112
File: 280 KB, 419x630, 1684346982792845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this book. It brings up some interesting points and isn't /pol/-tier at all. It hardly brings up the cold war so it's not that convincing.
t. nuke believer

>> No.15646117

A jap who doesn't believe in nukes, huh.

>> No.15646119

nta but the evidence points to Nagasaki and Hiroshima not being destryoyed by a niclear bomb, the radiation signal points to a dirty bomb contamination

>> No.15646170

nope, it was totally possible for a trained person to get off three shots in that amount of time or less

>> No.15646184

But the Bible also says the four corners of the earth and flat earthers dont depict earth as a square.

>> No.15646189

>The serious answer is that the majority of flat Earthers are deeply Christian people
They aren't, the bible is not a flat earther book, the quran and talmud are.

>> No.15646197

A lot of them are but they're retarded and just don't understand the Bible. Biblical flat earthism is a relatively new phenomena.

>> No.15646208

even mainstream young earth creationists dont believe the bible says the earth is flat

>> No.15646211

four corners doesn't literally mean corners like a room, it means quadrants, like circle divided by a cross

all abrahamic religions use roughly the same cosmology.

>> No.15646215

same as religion , cult , conspiracy, lgbt they want be part of something big and want attention

>> No.15646216

Flat earthers do appeal the Bible though when interrogated. Conspiracy theorists sometimes wrap around to being a protestant Christian again. Although usually with some wacky heresy like non-trinitarianism or something.

>> No.15646237

well to be fair, the Trinity is retarded and a huge misstep in Early Christianity

>> No.15646239

They refer to the bible but haven't actually read it.

>> No.15646245
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>> No.15646266
File: 461 KB, 1200x630, soi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have bachelor's degree in psychology therefore I know the truth about everything and you suffer from mental illness if you dont agree with me
this soi infused cuck has no idea what irony is does he?

>> No.15646272


>> No.15646275

Hey Bodhi, I was randomly trawling /pol/ archives on 4plebs when I found this little link, I think you'll find it interesting

>> No.15646279

I know about these guys, tx will check it out

>> No.15646284

btw check out sawny bean, same kind of deal. I actually thought about writing a screenplay about it 20 years ago and seeing if Tim Burton would direct it kek

>> No.15646287

Good question. Flat Earth nuts don't believe in gravity so what does attract them...

>> No.15646294
File: 559 KB, 2160x3840, FE1y49eWUAEgDM6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy the scale ostensibly being detachment from reality, but then the annotations to the side are about how much the beliefs upset the author. The choice of where to put scare quotes is also telling

>> No.15646298

Is that the weird inbred scots that lived in some mine and may or may not be fictional depending on the source?

>> No.15646304

flat earth is gate keeping, the current model is wrong but people get trapped at the flat earthers when they get curious

>> No.15646306

lol yes, that is a rare piece of knowledge my dude, cheers for knowing about it

>> No.15646326

Doesnt inspire much confidence when you can debunk it in 10 seconds with a google search

The U.S. Constitution is best understood not as a “social contract,” but as a popularly issued corporate charter. The earliest American colonies were literal corporations of the Crown and, like all corporations, were ruled by limited governments established by their charters. From this, Americans derived their understanding of what a constitution is—the written charter of a sovereign that ordains and limits a government. The key Federalist innovation was to substitute the People for the King as the chartering sovereign. This effectively transferred the “governance technology” of the corporation to the civil government—including the practice of delegating authority via a written charter, charter amendment, and judicial review. Federalists used these corporate practices to frame a government that united seeming irreconcilables—a government energetic yet limited, republican yet mixed, popular yet antipopulist—yielding a corporate solution to the problem of arbitrary rule. Leading founders considered this new government a literal chartered corporation of the People.


>> No.15646344

I got into reading about incest cases, some site had a list of famous inbred families from history, like the australian cult one and another from Maine, amongst a few others.
It's an odd topic all on its own, sacred or royal incest and other forms, human mating customs have curious effects on societal structures.

I had this weird idea that if they keep destroying the idea of virginity, marriage and peoples' subsequent ability to pairbond then the only ones they'll be able to properly bond with will be blood relations using the gsa mechanism.
I'm still trying to figure out where this could lead.

>> No.15646351

buy this book, you will love it

>> No.15646379

I'll consider it.
I'm still reading a few others, that anti germ theorist book the dawn lester and david parker one "why we get sick" It's an interesting if odd book, the wuthors make a claim about something which as far as I could see is only half true then they use it to back up the rest of their book calling it proof.
But the chapters on pollution, toxins and regulatory capture are pretty good.
An odd thing I did notice was that they put "the real cause of disease" chapter on page 666...

>> No.15646380

The fact that you look out and it's flat

>> No.15646619


>> No.15646626

Every flat earther has bad physiognomy.
This isn't like saying "gymbros are more conservative"
Every flat Earther looks demonic, I wouldn't trust any of them to babysit for me.

>> No.15646656

not gravity

>> No.15646664

They have an intuitive understanding of spacetime "curvature" and relativity but lack the conceptual tools to understand it completely and correctly

>> No.15646699

Abbie Richards is a jew

>> No.15646809

Nazis on the Moon vs Jewish Space Lasers. Who would win?

>> No.15647069

Basically this. A lot of people, when they are finally shaken free from system propaganda, start to assume that everything they were ever told was a lie.

>> No.15647097

kek sounds interesting. make a thread about it when you finsh it if you dont mind. I have also been interested in this topic but the viruses arent real schizos are actual schizos I think and cant seem to make a coherent post stating the thesis and proofs. There is always a grain of truth to even the most bizarre claims you come across so I was interested in at least that grain to see where it leads

>> No.15647377

>"why we get sick
What really makes you ill

From my reading around the topic before some so called viruses don't actually exist and were made up to cover for pollution
Influenza, Polio and HIV all seem suspcious to me. But I can't say anything beyond that.
I don't like how they've tried to make their argument with this book it's shoddy and over reaches itself, but the stuff on toxins is pretty interesting hey also cover a fair bit of history like they refer to some old papers from when people were claiming to eradicate smallpox in the late 1800s but the vax did nothing while hygiene campaigns ended it. Another time they quote a report that dog wardens didn't seem to suffer from rabies which is weird seeing how often they must have gotten bitten.

Their primary claim that I've seen so far is that most claims around illness are just wrong and not a product of the actual evidence because they're built on faulty logic of how the body works.
I'm open to this view because it seems reasonable hence why I eventually kept reading and their proposal that there is another cause of disease.

>> No.15647534

>not let there expensive ships get sunk
Uh, they didn't. Pearl Harbor notably failed to harm any aircraft carrier, which were all out of port.

>> No.15647600

It's basically a form of protest against an academic and intellectual establishment that consistently belittles and lies them "for their own good". Yes, it's crazy and stupid, but so is cutting people's heads off with a guillotine.
The solution is an end to elitism and making knowledge more widely available. Making scientific journals available to poor schools would do wonders.

>> No.15647607


>> No.15647611

So then what's the truth then, faggot?

>> No.15647612
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Angular acceleration

>> No.15647646
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Common sense.

>> No.15647730

Why do flat earthers get extremely defensive so quickly

>> No.15647733
File: 23 KB, 896x384, on our world does blue arrow happen or magenta¿.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not knowing geometry

>> No.15647756

There's a category of people that have a suspicious/paranoid personality type and they are the dumbest of the dumb. You need both. They instantly absorb counter narratives and conspiracy theories, and you can't change their mind no matter how much better your evidence is compared to who originally gave them the idea. Once that guy on youtube who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about uploads his program into them it's over. That's just how it is. Good thing it doesn't matter. That's why it's allowed to be a thing in the first place. Dumb unimportant people can't do any damage by believing in flat earth. And if they get smarter or acquire importance their luxury of being able to believe in this shit breaks down.

>> No.15647760
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Poor spatial awareness and a lack of visualization skills. You will never meet a flattard who understands how 3D works. Ever.

>> No.15647963

>facebook filename
Why would you think anything you have to say is valid when you're filled with enough lead to block gamma rays?

>> No.15648045

I watched one video where flat earthers used GPS to carefully position 3 posts with holes through the tops at precise elevations, then declared since the earth was flat, their laser pointer would shine clean through all 3 holes. surprise it hit high on the 3rd post and they decided they must've messed up their post placement.

>> No.15648255

Pearl Harbour was a set up

>> No.15648267

yep, and none of all personnel ever to have worked there ever squealed.

>> No.15648275


>> No.15648284

GPS is only accurate to about 16 feet, just ask the true the vote deboonkers.

>> No.15648309

they aren't christians they're specifically protestants aka mentally retarded people

>> No.15648312

the exact same mechanism that draws midwits to communism, 'I don't know anything about the subject but it sounds good to me when framed in a specific way'

>> No.15648321

protesants are a wide swathe to generalise

>> No.15648326

So it's the same mental retardation that makes people believe in the Bible?

>> No.15648341

the brain is powerful, it's a biological machine built to detect patterns
most people have the built in ability to tell simple truths from simple lies, so most error comes from ego, not from lack of intelligence, most people are wrong just because they don't want to admit that they are wrong in spite of deep inside knowing that they are, because that'd be a blow to their egos and they don't want that to happen

>> No.15648357

I’m stationed in the Ice ring, I can’t post any pics because they will find me

>> No.15648362
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Retards thought they were in good company when people were just having a giggle.

>> No.15648366
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>Man, /pol/ is retarded.
You haven't seen shit

>> No.15648368
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>> No.15648381
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>flat earthers used GPS to carefully position 3 posts with holes through the tops at precise elevations
>at precise elevations
>flattards don't understand what "elevation" means
Quelle surprise.

>> No.15648440

>I can’t post any pics because they will find me
what does your gps say?

>> No.15648441

It is promised just give up

No harm done

>> No.15648443

Give up, now kys

>> No.15648458

Sorry I can’t tell you, the Templars would find my location

>> No.15648462

The bible is more true than you would ever realise.

>> No.15648470

>if you were against the iraq invasion you were a "conspiracy theorist"

>> No.15648502


>> No.15648550
File: 83 KB, 571x776, flat earth israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat earthers dont depict earth as a square
because then people would ask where the corners are and the absurdity of the thing would come crashing down
>four corners doesn't literally mean corners like a room, it means quadrants
sorry anon, once we stop reading the Bible literally the next step is Moloch worship

>> No.15648563

Timecube>Flat Earth