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File: 43 KB, 414x343, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1564679 No.1564679 [Reply] [Original]

hitchens has cancer :(

fucking sucks, his odds aren't good. it has spread to his lymph nodes and lungs


>> No.1564691

LOL isn't it ironic that God Himself is shutting him up by closing his throat? I sure wouldn't want to be an atheist.

>> No.1564702

Don't take Peter Hitchens yet God! HE NEEDS MORE TIME.

>> No.1564703
File: 48 KB, 470x600, Trolling back in the days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, I just saw him speak this winter.

That's terrible.


Pic related.

>> No.1564720

FUCK. YOU. Unimaginable bastard. I hate you so much. Just fuck you.

I'm tearing up, this man helped get me through my late teens.

in fact im on the verge of many tears

>> No.1564739

What's Hitchens email? I need to send him a email bombarded with possible cancer cures. hemp oil, dichloroacetate, etc

>> No.1564744

Subtle troll.
Obvious troll
Smack Phobos into his e-mail
Quit being a pussy, he's only a man. I didn't give one fuck when Sagan died.

>> No.1564748

I require his email to smack Phobos into it.

>> No.1564753

Yeah, or maybe it's the fact that he's been smoking and drinking heavily his entire life? I bet if he had gotten a mental illness you would attribute it to demonic possession and rejoice when he converted to Xianity while babbling on his deathbed.

>> No.1564756

Damn, I lose a bet. It wasn't liver sclerosis.

>> No.1564759

The email to his column on Vanity Fair is hitchbitch@vf.com

>> No.1564762

There we go. Now, Inuradeas, SMACK PHOBOS INTO IT

>> No.1564764

>Christopher Hitchens is a Vanity Fair contributing editor. Send comments on all Hitchens-related matters to hitchbitch@vf.com.


>> No.1564814


>> No.1565069

Do you think he'll reconcile with Peter?

>> No.1565082

My big brother died of esophageal cancer. He first told me about it on a Monday. He said he wasn't going to do chemo but he had 8 months to live. He asked me if I could get him some pot and come visit him on Friday. It had spread to his lungs and heart and he died on Wednesday.

>> No.1565088 [DELETED] 

This is the guy who ripped on Mother Teresa, right?

>> No.1565102

I got this impression that his best option is hospice treatment

>> No.1565117

funny thing is that this is what some Christians would actually believe.

>> No.1565127

I'm going to miss that son of a bitch.

>> No.1565145

I feel bad. When Hitch-22 came out, I thought that he was just being a vain fuck who felt like the world needed a memoir from him at the halfway point of his life. I did not know he was fighting a life-threatening disease.

>> No.1565157


Mother Theresa was a thieving cunt.

>> No.1565169

Sometimes it feels like he's just arguing for the sake of argument, but I'm cool with that.
What's his position? I've never read it, but I'm curious.

>> No.1565173

I always had a deep dislike of this guy. He was an asshole to people, viciously so, unfair, and seemed to clearly enjoy it.

But at the end of the day, I have to pray for him. For his recovery, for his soul, for him period. Also for him to stop being an asshole.

>> No.1565174

Cool story, bro.

>> No.1565186

Even in this condition all the comments on the internet rarely care about him, but rather busy arguing about atheism, whether it's appropriate to pray for him, etc..

Ironically, 4 chan is the only place where they addressed Hitchen as person rather than about his believe or his works

>> No.1565185




>> No.1565195


Unreasonable hatred towards old hag who never even claims to be intellect..

>> No.1565236

Another dead atheist.

Not Science related.

>> No.1565244

Quit troll'n nigga. It's too late for that.

>> No.1565265

God's given you cancer next buddy.

>> No.1565482

well i always disliked him anyway hes an ass and full of shit on some topics other than religion

still an awful way to go

>> No.1565490

Hell's Angel: Mother Teresa by Christopher Hitchens (1 of 3)

>> No.1565494

Hitchens voluntarily asked for a waterboarding session.
Now that's a big motherfucker.

There is a link to his article about it in the info bar.

>> No.1565502
File: 8 KB, 179x190, Carl sagan cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just another bro' joins the club

>> No.1565515


I thought I read watersport.. I disappoint..

>> No.1565530

waterboarding -> disappoint?

>> No.1565534

Damn, that went pretty fast. I've always wondered how waterboarding is torture... he panicked in like no time!

>> No.1565535



>> No.1565541


the brilliant thing is that our brains are wired to panic instantly when water is pouring into the nose and mouth like that

>> No.1565542

lol all that smoking and drinking finally got to him.

>> No.1565545


his father died of the same fucking thing, it's more of a genetic predisposition
that said, knowing this family history, he probably shouldn't have drunk and smoked so much

>> No.1565553
File: 4 KB, 194x259, sdfas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have fear, dawkins is here.

Christiphor was only a level 56 atheist, Dakwins is level 120!

>> No.1565554


>> No.1565559

oh yes i forgot, ty, but all that smoking and drinking isn't making it any better either.

>> No.1565582

I love how lucid and focused he still seems. He's holding up well.

I don't really care but I enjoyed his writings, looks like we won't be given to enjoy much more of it.

>> No.1566594

hearing him talk about how suicidal family and all his parents died etc... now I can understand why he is an atheist - I feel so sorry for him and all other atheists