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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 663 KB, 1378x1911, vaxxed vs unvaxxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15607937 No.15607937 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any evidence to support the claim that the Covid shot causes blood clots?

>> No.15607949

There's been over 12 billion doses given, so you should just look for articles about tens of millions of people dropping dead from unexplained blood clots.

>> No.15607956
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Out of the 1/6 dozen people I've personally known, or known through friends that died since 2019 all have died suddenly from heart- attack or from blood-clots, & I'm pretty sure that the Heart attack was due to blood-clot.

>> No.15607971
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>implying 12 year olds are getting infected with autism from a vaccine

>> No.15607973
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it's an honest scientific question, no need for a religious answer.
assuming it's the spike protein in the covid virus that causes the blood clots, and the mRNA shot creates lots of spike proteins in our bodies, the idea that the shot can lead to blood clots is perfectly rational and worth exploring.
we wouldn't need to see a bajillion clots, but a statistically significant amount could occur to make us pause when recommending the shots or boosters to certain demographics. moreover, the more boosters and individual gets (and the closer they're spaced), the higher the chance of blood clot, assuming the shot is thrombogenic.
make sense? i'm looking for actual peer-reviewed evidence for the shot causing clots, wondering if there is any out there. not looking for cute, knee jerk responses of the superstitious who detest anyone looking at data or questioning their dogma.

>> No.15607982
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i don't think the claim is that simple. from what i've read, we know
A)some vaccines affect gut permeability
B)autism and autoimmune diseases are caused by/influenced by altered gut permeability
C)petrochemicals in our food and water supply interact with our guts in a myriad of ways we don't quite understand yet
therefore, the idea that vaccines are part of a combination of factors that can lead to autism/autoimmune disease seems pretty reasonable to me. i dont really understand why so many people get so zealous and fervent when asking about these scientific issues. it precludes rational discussion.

>> No.15607986


>> No.15607996
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It's perfectly rational.
However, I hope you've never said covid was a non-issue because it killed relatively few people compared to how many people it infected.

>> No.15608006
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that image is for the virus. we all know the virus causes clots, i don't think anyone except the 'viruses don't exist' retards would argue against that.
im asking if there is research showing that the vaccine also causes clots.

>> No.15608009

You keep saying the word "reasonable" without demonstrating any actual link. It's "reasonable" to do studies to try to find causal links if there are any, it's not "reasonable" to live in fear that that everything could cause you to contract autism with no basis.

>> No.15608017

>im asking if there is research
No, you're here to post meme images from your /pol/ folder.

>The two vaccines have eliminated polio from most of the world, and reduced the number of cases reported each year from an estimated 350,000 in 1988 to 33 in 2018.
God I love science.

>> No.15608033

Oh look, the /pol/ screeher is here. Who could have guessed?

>> No.15608035
File: 191 KB, 768x1084, before and after vax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You keep saying the word "reasonable" without demonstrating any actual link.
im not claiming to have a link. i don't know if there is good data proving that or not. im saying it's well within the realm of possibility and should probably be investigated. unfortunately, the pharma companies fund most research into pharmaceuticals, and they are probably not going to fund research that undercuts their profits. i'd be very interested in looking at data that shows some sort of strong link between vaccines and autism/autoimmune disorders.
> it's not "reasonable" to live in fear that that everything could cause you to contract autism with no basis.
im not arguing that either. autism is caused by something or somethings. what is it? the skyrocketing prevalence of severe autism cannot be accounted for by mere increases in diagnoses.

>No, you're here to post meme images from your /pol/ folder.
no, im asking for research.

>polio vax
the amazing success of the polio vaccine does not mean that every single vaccine that has come out since needs to be treated with a religious fervor. vaccination is a science, not a religion. why treat it as such? do you really think, for example, that we should be giving hep b vaccines to neonates within 24hrs of birth? that's fucking insane. the only way people could possibly approve of that is if they conceptualize vaccines as some sort of miracle drugs which should never be examined dispassionately and should be injected into kids as early and often as possible. religious, not rational.

>> No.15608037

>i don't know
That's right.

>> No.15609393

There is actually evidence for Covid vax anti-cancer and tumor regression properties.
Currently big pharma companies are looking into these mrna vaccines that are tailored specifically to tumors so we will see how that turn out in a few years or so.

>> No.15610229

vax make child grow 30x and brown? very nice, thanks mr science man

>> No.15610237

>t. government lover
some of the worst people in existence

>> No.15610345

>the 1/6 dozen people
You mean two people?

>> No.15610808
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Good boy, now get another covid booster in each arm.

>> No.15611836 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 454x562, DDees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust the soience!!
>trust the mainstream media!!

>> No.15611960

Lmao, the vaccine has MSG? MSG is a "toxic chemical banned in Europe"?

>> No.15611980
File: 93 KB, 1071x972, uh oh vaxxisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15611981

Interestingly enough msg is apparently in 2 vaccines. A flu shot and an adenovirus vaccine. It's used as a stabilizer. Never would have guessed.

The "toxic chemical banned in Europe" part is just complete retardation though. I wonder if the author of that image was vaccinated as a kid...

>> No.15611988
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Nobody in my company of 20,000 people has died of either COVID itself or COVID vaccines.

>> No.15612693

so you think that the whole affair was a total hoax?

>> No.15612714

So, not actually published in a scientific journal?

>> No.15612737

>VACCINATED children had higher odds of developing the following conditions.
That's a lie though.
>Vaccinated children were significantly more likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with the following: allergic rhinitis (10.4% vs. 0.4%, p <0.001; OR 30.1, 95% CI: 4.1, 219.3), other allergies (22.2% vs. 6.9%, p <0.001; OR 3.9, 95% CI: 2.3, 6.6), eczema/atopic dermatitis (9.5% vs. 3.6%, p = 0.035; OR 2.9, 95% CI: 1.4, 6.1), a learning disability (5.7% vs. 1.2%, p = 0.003; OR 5.2, 95% CI: 1.6, 17.4), ADHD (4.7% vs. 1.0%, p = 0.013; OR 4.2, 95% CI: 1.2, 14.5), ASD (4.7% vs. 1.0%, p = 0.013; OR 4.2, 95% CI: 1.2, 14.5), any neurodevelopmental disorder (i.e., learning disability, ADHD or ASD) (10.5% vs. 3.1%, p <0.001; OR 3.7, 95% CI: 1.7, 7.9) and any chronic illness (44.0% vs. 25.0%, p <0.001; OR 2.4, 95% CI: 1.7, 3.3).
They haven't developed the disease after the vaccine, they have a diagnosis. I see two obvious possible explanations that the article doesn't exclude:
1. Parents who don't vaccinate their kids also don't bring their kids to the doctor with symptoms of allergies or developmental disorders.
2. If a kid has a lot going on (think some chromosomal abnormality with accompanying autism and other shit), the parents are more likely to vaccinate their kids.
My gut feeling is that 2 doesn't have such a huge statistical impact. But 1 I totally expect. Do you think that parents who don't care for vaccines care to bring their kid to a doctor because it gets the sniffles every spring or because it's a little sperg?

>> No.15612753

You forgot a few there, chud
>Vaccinated children (N=405), combining the partially and fully vaccinated, were significantly less likely than the unvaccinated to have had chickenpox (7.9% vs. 25.3%, p <0.001; Odds Ratio = 0.26, 95% Confidence Interval: 0.2, 0.4) and whooping cough (pertussis) (2.5% vs. 8.4%, p <0.001; OR 0.3, 95% CI: 0.1, 0.6), and less likely, but not significantly so, to have had rubella (0.3% vs. 1.9%, p = 0.04; OR 0.1, 95% CI: 0.01, 1.1).

>> No.15612921

>My kid has autism and eczema but I won't take him to the doctor because I'm an anti-vaxxer

>> No.15612960

Let me guess - your friends were fat, retarded NEETs like you?

>> No.15613157

A combination of grift and russniggershines.
Grift because governments spend billions and billions of taxpayers' dollars to buy pointless vaccines (pointless because COVID is a rapidly mutating virus so even if it works perfectly the vaccine will be useless against most strains, which is exactly what happens) and then get some personal kickbacks from the pharma companies.
And russniggershines because of russia spreading all the FUD about the pointless vaccines actually being some kind of global kill-off scheme in order to foster division and infighting in western countries (as is the case with just about all russnigger propaganda).

COVID was real but not a threat to anyone not morbidly obese, vaccines were actual vaccines but pointless due to COVID's rate of mutation, western governments drastically overreached against personal liberty to keep their grift going, and russia took the opportunity to inject retarded propaganda into the west.

Also the lockdowns were basically a war against small businesses (who were forced to close and go bankrupt) to the benefit of big chains (who were allowed to stay open).

>> No.15613265

>I don't believe in vaccines
>I believe that eczema can be cured by rubbing an onion on my kid
Doesn't sound too inconsistent, does it? How about
>I don't care if my kid dies of measles
>I don't care that my kid has eczema

>> No.15613295

It's amazing this stupidity exists even in the confines of this thread. Covid killed millions of people in the united states and millions more globally. It's because of childish retards like you that who know show many people died from hospitals being over crowded and flooded with patients. COVID was an obvious and apparent danger to any one with a brain and your mind numbly stupid assessment of the situation wont change reality. the people who suffered the most were just obese, but, people who were elderly, people who were immune compromised, the very young, and just innocent normie NPCs who didn't know any better. I had a good friend die from covid just from putting off getting his shots to long and he got it and it just straight up killed him; Didn't smoke didn't drink left behind 2 kids and a wife.

You people are the biggest retards that have ever existed and deserve the highest levels of contempt and scorn possible.

>> No.15613307

The only hard scientifically proven link to increased rates of autism has to do with being near fields in which pesticides were sprayed while pregnant as it affects the fetus. Given how huge and important pesticides are to world commerce and our ability to feed everyone and their widespread use it's more than likely they're the culprit for the explosion in autism cases. It's also more than likely that nothing will ever be done about this because the alternative would be no more pesticides which means way less food which means billions die.

Given some of the scumfuck shit pesticide companies have pulled over the years I would be zero percent surprised if they actively push misinformation campaigns or at least are just really fucking happy they exist.

>> No.15613313

Vaccines don't cause autism this isn't consensus and you are a massive retard.

>> No.15613357

>assuming it's the spike protein in the covid virus that causes the blood clots
What's this assumption based on?
>moreover, the more boosters and individual gets (and the closer they're spaced), the higher the chance of blood clot, assuming the shot is thrombogenic.
make sense?
It honestly doesn't. Why should the spacing matter?
>i'm looking for actual peer-reviewed evidence for the shot causing clots
That's your problem. You're not looking for studies whether the vaccine can cause blood clots, you're looking for evidence that it does. That's the textbook definition of confirmation bias waiting to happen.

>> No.15613385

This is the kind of paper you're looking for, I don't think you will get any decent response in current /sci/

>> No.15613471

>my kid dies of measles
Who the fuck dies from the fucking measles? Cancer patients? 1840s pioneers? Africans without clean water?

>> No.15613513

Measles is some serious shit if you get it young and amongst other things it can leave you sterile. It's not an illness you can just catch and fight off without a care in the world, shit's like polio. I skipped the coof juice because I don't trust the first generation of anything and lived somewhere you could do that without losing your job and potentially life while a bunch of rich assholes paid their doctors to spray their dose in a trashcan and went about their day - but I ain't skipping the rest of the shots because I'm not retarded, just wary of modern-day medicine being profit driven because it always causes problems.

Frankly anyone still going on about the vax at this point has a brainworm. The best evidence I saw for it fucking people up put the likelihood of it doing so at about the same rarity as the coof actually merking someone which yes, despite the millions of deaths was a drop in the bucket compared to global population.

>> No.15613520

Like the seven million people that died with Covid over a three year period world wide? Meanwhile there was no annual flu. Strange.

>> No.15613546

>shit's like polio
They don't breath in pesticides, what the fuck m8

>> No.15613552
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Strange how you're lying.

>> No.15613555

peak midwit

>> No.15613561

Trips aside having nothing to say but "peak midwit" is actually peak midwit.

>> No.15613567

Sorry but I don't waste my energy debating midwits and i have a feeling you wouldn't change your mind anyway

>> No.15613627

I can entertain a thought without necessarily accepting it, go right ahead.

>> No.15613813

Okay, fine. I hadn't heard the word flu used until last winter since covid started.

Anyway, seven million people dead in three years. Or more like three and a half years. On the planet. That's two million a year. And the average age is the same as the average age as people normally die.

I was terrified of covid at first. But when it hit, it was obviously the flu. Slightly more potent than usual, but still the seasonal flu. I don't think the vaccines are dangerous as such, but almost entirely ineffective. Snake oil. And the taxpayers were scammed out of hundreds of billions of euros by them with the help of their useful idiots politicians. And of course the owners of big pharma also own most of the media so there was no discussion of anything.

If this Covid thing taught me anything is that leftists desire jackbooted authoritarian government, they love the idea of Big Brother as long as it's called something more benign like Fact checking and Science, in fact their dream scenario is 1984 with Netflix and every sexual depravity being glorified. Oh, and I'm vaxxed and double boosted, yet according to leftist fundamentalists like yourself, I'm anti-vaxx, because I don't worship it like manna from God.

>> No.15614506

No idea if that image is correct but it is worth pointing out that ingesting a substance and having it injected into you can lead to very different outcomes.

>> No.15614522

How could you possibly know that? Have there been zero deaths of any cause in your company during the pandemic period? If so, how do you know that? Have you also tracked everyone who has left the company during that time period? If so, how did you accomplish that feat? Keeping track of the health of 20,000 coworkers seems very resource intensive and in much of the western world, illegal.

>> No.15615442
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>If this Covid thing taught me anything is that leftists desire jackbooted authoritarian government, they love the idea of Big Brother as long as it's called something more benign like Fact checking and Science

>> No.15615960
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thanks lad

>What's this assumption based on?
the spike protein, from my understanding, is the leading culprit for why COVID causes clots. which, if true, makes it obvious that the vax could also cause clots, since it encourages our bodies to make spike proteins.
>It honestly doesn't. Why should the spacing matter?
because if the shot causes increase in spike proteins then more frequent shots equals more spike proteins floating around our vasculature before our bodies can metabolize them.
> you're looking for evidence that it does.
well no shit, son. people are claiming that the vax causes clots. i'm trying to see if there is any proof to this. that's how this process works. if i cant find any proof that makes the argument significantly less likely. shouldn't be too difficult to understand.

>> No.15616074
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>Measles is some serious shit
meh, not that serious. more serious than chicken pox, yes, but not particularly scary. this says 1 in 1,000 mortality rate:
and i think it's pretty safe to assume these 1 in 1,000 kids are kids with cancer, down syndrome, etc. not healthy young kids. people use statistics to scare the population all the time. covid had a 99+% survival rate, and those that died were almost all old and/or obese. at one point i read on the CDC website that the average covid death had 4 comorbidities as contributing causes of death. these aren't young healthy people that are dying from these relatively mild viruses, but this fact is never included in the discussion, and people get overworked about it.
if we knew that the vaccines are 1000% safe, then it would be a no brainer. but they're not, and the government has been proven to cover up this fact. why people with advanced degrees slavishly worship what a government agency claims is beyond me.

>> No.15616260

I worked as a body removal technician for 2 years starting a couple months before covid, the deaths from covid were heavily falsely inflated, 17 year old gangbanger from stockton got shot 9 times and his cause of death was labeled covid, male in his 40s got stabbed in the neck and was cause of death was labeled covid, tweaker got his by a train and body was severely fucked up but his cause of death was covid. Not to mention that doctors got 15k for each person that died from covid.

>> No.15616285

>the average age is the same as the average age as people normally die.
That's a lie that has been repeated since the very beginning and it has never been true.

>> No.15616289

Scientific fact: since I did not take it. I have a 0% chance of getting blod clots from it.

>Ok chud, but you also have a 0% chance to get them if you take it.
Perhaps. Not my problem tho

>> No.15616341

What is the average age of COVID death?
This information is surprisingly difficult to find.

>> No.15616549
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>> No.15616622

No you didn't no it wasn't and you are a lying fag.

>> No.15616671

Regardless of if that anon is lying or not, it is not a secret that public health authorities compare all death mortality figures to come up with death counts for a pandemic, under the erroneous assumption that all other causes of death will remain constant, so any changes must be due to the virus. Obviously you could say those against the injections do the same thing, though they do tend to subtract out those who died from covid explicitly so they do have a bit of a better case than public health officials that don't just count deaths with covid on the death certificate as being covid deaths.

>> No.15616847

I don't see why it is so erroneous to follow a trend of death and then see those deaths spike dramatically and conclude it was due to covid. we saw hospitals flooding all over the country it wasn't really a secret or isolated. Covid denial comes from a type of psycological child hood pathology; A child stomping their feet around saying "no no no no I wont do this!" it's a belief system already concluded and people work to justify that pre existing conclusion cause they don't want to be told what to do by their parents (the government)

>> No.15616916

>A child stomping their feet
not many people claim that the pandemic was completely made up by the media, so you're setting up a pretty silly strawman.
i'll spell it out for you, nice and simple like:
covid had a very low mortality rate (under 1%) and was generally not a threat to anyone that wasn't 80 or living with some serious chronic conditions
the vaccine was relatively ineffective (as compared to other vaccines, due in part to the poor technology that was shelved in the 80s for being ineffective and due in part to the rapid mutation of the virus)
the news corporations (own by blackrock, vanguard, state street, and other huge wall street institutions) overblew the threat of the virus by using typical scare tactics that were short on numbers and long on stories
the pharmaceutical companies (also publicly traded and owned by those very same wall street institutions that own the news companies) made billions of dollars from the vaccine
that's about it. hospitals always run near capacity. that's how they make money. it doesn't take too many extra patients for the hospital to be 'full.' the hospital i work at is almost always full, and there's no pandemic now. i worked at different hospitals during the pandemic, and there were definitely more patients, and more sick patients, than before or after. but, again, a cursory look at the numbers shows the media response was drastically overblown. if, out of every 1000 fat americans that got covid, 999 lived to tell the tale, it's not that serious.

>> No.15617105

>not many people claim that the pandemic was completely made up by the media, so you're setting up a pretty silly strawman.

Yeah ok sure whatever helps you sleep at night

>covid had a very low mortality rate (under 1%) and was generally not a threat to anyone that wasn't 80 or living with some serious chronic conditions

Covid had a low mortality rate in comparison to the rest of the population but it still caused a massive spike in the actual rate that people were dying; They're two different things. People, fasely, use the (false) 1% numbers they pulled out of their own asses to claim that COVID, like, is totally chill breh, when it was and never has been the case. As I already said and you cont to ignore; Covid was responsible for millions and millions of deaths globally and millions more undocumented deaths related to hostpitals and service industries in the medical field being literally filled to capacity so who knows how many people actually died because of it.

>Big spooky corpos played a roll in the development of the vaccine so vaccine bad!!!!

Literally sub iq

>using typical scare tactics that were short on numbers and long on stories

Yeah unlike the scare tactics you retards use to say vaccines cause autism or whatever. It wasn't scare tactics you moron. You absolute disengauged rube, you charleton, I know people in their 30s who died from covid who didn't smoke or drink as I already stated but of course you only read things that already confirm your bias.

Covid was an actual big deal you are just so dumb and spoiled that you have the privilege of thinking it wasn't but it was and millions of people died thanks to retards like you. the next time it happens you will say the exact same retarded shit because deep down inside you are a petulant child. Hostpitals do not always have people sleeping outside dying on the sidewalks which happened in my mid west town people like you make me so frustrated you should literally be brought out back...

>> No.15617965
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>the news corporations (own by blackrock, vanguard, state street, and other huge wall street institutions) overblew the threat of the virus by using typical scare tactics that were short on numbers and long on stories
the pharmaceutical companies (also publicly traded and owned by those very same wall street institutions that own the news companies) made billions of dollars from the vaccine
pure coincidence

>> No.15618257

>a very low mortality rate (under 1%)
The first waves had a mortality of about 1% and that's pretty fucking high. For everyone who dies, you have a handful that survives, but barely. Those people take up resources in hospitals, lead to others not getting adequate care and potentially dying. I will also never get how people unironically use mortality as a sign for "it's not so bad". Do you think that "not dying" means everything is fine? This is a binary disease? Either you're dead or you're completely healthy? Have you ever met someone who got intubated? That's not the same as having the sniffles for 2 days.

>> No.15618353

the J&J vaccine is associated with blood clots, the mRNA vaccines aren't

>> No.15618386

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.15618447

>covid was an actual big deal
good. we were so lucky the flu was nowhere to be seen. could u imagine if we had to deal with flu deaths also. anyways, dont forget your booster, u beatiful normal narrative following science educated person.

>> No.15618513

hello fellow kids, I have come to 4chan to regurgitate the mainsteam media's science narratives because thats how I enjoy myself in my free time

>> No.15618546

The schizos don't care about J&J because the authorities immediately reacted when the first suspected cases started popping up. They get off to the idea of being the victims of the CIA or similar.

>> No.15618816

he said feet

>> No.15618850

The answer is obvious: he made that up.

>> No.15618860

return to monke and repent you sick fucks

>> No.15618873

I've unironically written a book on how to fix vaxx damage

clots are caused by cationic lipid nanoparticles causing epithelial rupture leading to fibriolytic clotting.

lots of cod liver oil and anti-oxidants is the best remedy

>> No.15618880

no replies to this one kek

I wonder what the pharma students here think of synthetic cationic nanolipids being injected into them? It's effectively alpha radiation.

>> No.15618886

the mRNA is too degraded to produce spike protein, and isn't even real mRNA it uses 1-methyl pseudo uridine.

"spike protein" is a term which best describes fragments of ripped apart cells and epithelial lining

>> No.15618891

>It's effectively alpha radiation.
Not a pharmacist, but a particle physicist here. If you think that some lipids have anything to do with alpha radiation, you belong in a psychiatric ward.

>> No.15618895

CATIONIC lipids do the same thing in contact with cells as alpha radiation, but i'm not going to fall into pseudointellectual semantics with vaccine enthusiasts.

>> No.15618900

Only for middle-aged women who got J&J or Astrazeneca.

>> No.15618927

>do the same thing
In what regard? They're completely different things. That's like saying "apples do the same thing to the human body as cars". Maybe there's a perspective from which this might be true, but such a general statement is just weird. What do you want to tell us? What do cationic lipids do to cells that is "the same" as alpha radiation? Like, you could argue that an Apple to the head at 1000km/h has similar effects as a car to the head at the same speed. But biting into an apple is obviously very different from biting into a car.

>> No.15618992

I understand dying suddenly, but why "unexpectedly" ?
Dying from the vaxx is the definition of expected.

>> No.15619088

>i'm not going to fall into pseudointellectual semantics with vaccine enthusiasts.

this is always what you mongs do

>> No.15619519

Parents who don't get their kids vaccinated don't take their kids to the doctor very often so they don't get diagnosed with things as often.

>> No.15619594

This, vaccines are safe and VERY effective.

>> No.15619698

>i have nothing productive to say at all

>> No.15619766
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>it still caused a massive spike in the actual rate that people were dying
excess mortality was in the hundreds of thousands, not millions. again, most of the people that died from covid were knocking on death's door anyway. not all, but most.
>false, false 1%
but that's the fatality rate. or have you never even bothered to look it up? go to the cdc's website and look it up. even among confirmed cases, in the middle of the pandemic, the survival rate was over 99%. how unscientific are you that you never even bothered to check the mortality rate of the fucking virus during the pandemic?
jesus, son. write like an adult.
>millions of people died thanks to retards like you
again, little one, millions died that were about to die anyway. look up what 'excess mortality' means. and how is it my fault? because i didn't get two boosters? are you joking? as discussed previously, the shot was pretty ineffective due to poor technology and a rapidly evolving virus. but i'm the one responsible for the global pandemic? fucking lol, you're lashing out.

thanks for that. i didn't even bother bringing advertising into the discussion. im sure this midwit with whom i'm conversing has never read chomsky and couldn't begin to understand how advertisers also control content in the media corporations. it's terribly ironic how the current left are such corporate lick-spittles.

>mortality isn't the only important statistic
agreed. but morbidity stats are harder to come by and present much more gray area when discussing this. and if i'm arguing with someone who thinks they just barely survived a horrific epidemic by the skin of their teeth, the easiest way to show them they've been suckered by the news corporations is to show them the high survival rate. and, yes, 1% is pretty low. far more than 1% of americans, at least, are riddle with chronic diseases like COPD, heart failure, cancer, etc. if they can survive COVID, it's not that serious.

>> No.15619783

I got it because I wanted to die and it still hasn’t taken me, this is upsetting. Maybe I should start getting flu shots.

>> No.15619810
File: 277 KB, 1518x616, child vax schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VERY effective
vaccination is a science, not a religion. statements like that belong on the lips of gullible idiots.
different vaccines have different rates of efficacy. the 2nd shot of MMR has, iirc, a 97% efficacy rates against the measles. meanwhile, the flu shot (probably 2nd lowest in efficacy next only to the covid shot) comes in at around 50% efficacy. that's a large difference. moreover, many vaccines wane in efficacy over time, causing the need for 2nd and 3rd rounds. look at the vax schedule in picrel. you'll notice that some vaccines go through 2 separate series, one at around 1 year of age, one later as kids enter school. this is due to waning efficacy.
makes sense? you are an adult. you should think like an adult. you should approach any issue with a skeptical mindset. blanket statements like 'all vaccines are VERY effective' should jump out to you as dogma and not rational and scientific claims.
again, vaccination is a science, not a religion.

>> No.15619819

>parents of kids with neurodevelopmental disorders, severe autism, bizarre behavior, and strange rashes never take them to the doctor to get checked out because they're anti-vax loonies
lol, a swing and a miss

>> No.15619843

If you expect your child has autism you shouldn’t get him or her diagnosed. They put the autistic on a little list and punch it into a system. Your child will face endless discrimination because of the diagnosis, and become unemployable because it’s information most, if not all companies have access to. Knowing that you’re autistic can also ruin your life. Better that they be ignorant of their condition and not put into the blacklist.

>> No.15620118

I was skeptical of the vaccine at first but the extreme annoyance from schizos in this site swung me in the complete opposite direction.

>> No.15620159

The core cause of polio was DDT style pesticides thoughbeit.

>> No.15620238

Awesome, one less filth on this flat plane.

>> No.15620245

two more weeks vaxtards

>> No.15623268

Its not supposed to wipe out a bunch of people quickly, the vax is a "soft kill" drug, it supposed to reduce population slowly over time so that the culprit won't be noticed

>> No.15623305

>take a nap
>wake up
>no new news
wtf???? Isnt china awake right now where are the new attempts. Entertain me NOW

>> No.15623413



Start reading. And if your conclusion is that risk-benefit wise vaccination should be discouraged, read it again.

Also, why do people with no academic experience in the medical field feel like they have the authority or capability to have a say in the matter? Is it all political interests as in climate science?

>> No.15624780

>Also, why do people with no academic experience in the medical field feel like they have the authority or capability to have a say in the matter
u living under a rock or just playing dumb dumb?
1. censorship applied at science not fitting the narrative
2. counternarattive ridicule ie psy ops
3.bill gates highest authority on vax- no credentials needed

>> No.15624791

There are active lawsuits against Tylenol for causing autism in the womb, the idea that it is impossible for autism to be caused by the hundreds of things in vaccines is stupid is stupid and requires more research

>> No.15624806
File: 36 KB, 773x119, Screenshot from 2023-08-03 09-43-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MSG is neurotoxic if it gets into the bloodstream. MSG = Monosodium Glutamate, it is widely accepted that excess levels of glutamate is extremely toxic to nerve cells. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10942912.2017.1295260
It has to get into the bloodstream however, which is fine if it is used how it is normally, like in foods

>> No.15624809


>> No.15624820

Stop attributing to retardation what can be attributed to Evil.

>> No.15624831

>Start reading. And if your conclusion is that risk-benefit wise vaccination should be discouraged, read it again
literal brain damage

>> No.15624835

Honestly this, unless it is extreme autism or they are to the point where they can collect substantial disability checks, don't do it.

>> No.15624872

You're retarded and a liar. You're aware countries track deaths right? Total deaths were significantly above expected deaths in the COVID years. The difference actually exceeded the count of deaths due to covid so it is quite likely the COVID counts were low. They probably didn't pick up a number of people dying from clots or heart problems months after getting COVID.

>> No.15625364

why nobody is talking about the pfizer and moderna jabs are pozzed with sv40?
that shit is more serious than le blood clots

>> No.15625578

caus there is no real discussion
its still a shit storm of too much on the table for us mortals to comprehand
we got: clots, tumor weeks, died of suddenly, psalsy smiles, turbo cancer, spike prions, ade, antibodies vs cytotoxic T-cells, sv40 inserts.
add to it: magnetic shoulder, graphene, "no virus", chip psyops
then sprinkle with shekels, lies and illuminaty style control structure.
lab leak theater on front stage.

so u tell me, why so serious?

>> No.15625583

There is none and every antivaxxer who keeps repeating this dumb lie will have memoryholed it by 2030 when it becomes clear that the vaccine didn't cause anything.

>> No.15625644

do tell us, how successful were the 20 years of experiments with mrna prior to it being used this last "pandemic"? and do tell us at wat stage of infection does the spike start circulating in the blood?
but actually u know wat, i prefer u go kys u traitor shill

>> No.15625653

If you complain about nothing you have no real problems.

>> No.15625670


Yes, coming to the exact opposite conclusion that the paper authors’ are getting to is literal brain damage. Heparin has also been described as a cause of TTS and is still used worldwide, even if you could add a bunch of case reports on it and then claim it’s a jewish conspiracy to genocide the population.

As I already mentioned in the prior post, you have no authority to make an uninformed and su jective statement regarding a field you are not experienced in. It’s childish, stupid and you should feel bad about it.

>> No.15625992

No point in arguing with retards that defend vaccines. Vaccines are a pseudoscience. They are completely worthless and have always been. The polio vaccines is fake news as well. Boomer niggers have spent the vast majority of their lives unvaxxed (as I hope we all know that vaccines lose their efficacy after 10 or so years) so herd immunity is utter bullshit. These vaccines shills are so fucking retarded and anti science. What does it even mean to be fully vaxxed? All countries require different amounts. They don’t give the hepB vax to newborns in many European countries l, but if you say no to it in the US some nigger Karen nurse is gonna chew your ass about it. It’s all man made bullshit. Autism is caused by vaccines. It’s that simple my little simple nigger.

>> No.15626008

My nigger doesn’t even understand what the polio epidemic was lmao. Stfu dumb cunt

>> No.15626024

I believe you

>> No.15626030

Wait, let me guess. Was it lead paint? Asbestos? I saw something extremely retarded on /sci/ the other day.

>> No.15627136
File: 2.35 MB, 3250x4333, Albert_Einstein_Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like the seven million people that died with Covid over a three year period world wide? Meanwhile there was no annual flu. Strange.


--> How about NO FLU, but then 1,000s of healthy, young ATHLETES dying of BLOOD CLOTS

>> No.15627155

>it's an honest scientific question, no need for a religious answer
That's not a religious answer, that's how fucking statistics work

>> No.15627181

>these aren't young healthy people
Outwardly they are because they're not obviously unhealthy

>> No.15627188

Is the the ebil vaccine causes autism/ADHD etc. still a thing? I figured that shit would have died out by now or at least parents would have started looking at more viable solutions such as not feeding shit to their children or maybe not getting their children diagnosed with it in the first place for government/disability gibs.
>autism is caused by something or somethings. what is it?
Autism diagnosis.
>the skyrocketing prevalence of severe autism cannot be accounted for by mere increases in diagnoses.
Proof? I know plenty of severe autism cases that are cerebral palsy.

>> No.15627199

> the idea that it is impossible for autism to be caused by the hundreds of things in vaccines is stupid is stupid and requires more research
Just two more weeks research

>> No.15627254

Reading the abstract
>Mothers were asked to complete an anonymous online questionnaire
>...vaccinated were... more likely to have been
DIAGNOSED with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and NDD
emphasis mine
So there was no actual confirmation that the non-vaxxed children didn't have any of these issues? I'm going to guess that the anti-vaxx parents were less likely to take their child to the doctor and so are largely under-diagnosed as compared to the vaxxed children. I don't see any mention of controlling for this and I don't want to read this whole fucking thing. So my take away is that children who don't go a doctor don't get diagnosed which says literally nothing about vaccines.

>> No.15627302

>credentialism on an anonymous imageboard
the absolute state of (You)

>> No.15628170
File: 324 KB, 1080x905, 1685217537178701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that the vax is deadly has already been proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, its a "soft kill" that reduces population over time in order to avoid startling those targeted for elimination.
heres excess death stats for germany, note that during the first year of the so-called epidemic there were no excess deaths and that excess deaths only commenced after the vax was rolled around at the start of 2021.
you will not be around to see 2030

>> No.15628358

>the fact that the vax is deadly has already been proved beyond the shadow of a doubt,
Great, so I can sue the government and big pharma for cash money?

>> No.15628374

Mothers were asked to complete an anonymousonline questionnaire on their 6- to 12-year-old biological children with respect to pregnancy-related factors, birth history, vaccinations, physician-diagnosed illnesses,medications used, and health services. NDD, a derived diagnostic measure, was defined as having one or more of the following three closely-related diagnoses: alearning disability, Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. A convenience sample of 666 children was obtained, of which 261(39%) were unvaccinated. The vaccinated were less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis, but more likely to have beendiagnosed with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and NDD. After adjustment, vaccination, male gender, and preterm birth remained significantly associated withNDD. However, in a final adjusted model with interaction, vaccination but not preterm birth remained associated with NDD, while the interaction of pretermbirth and vaccination was associated with a 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD (95% CI: 2.8, 15.5). In conclusion, vaccinated homeschool children were found to havea higher rate of allergies and NDD than unvaccinated homeschool children. While vaccination remained significantly associated with NDD after controlling forother factors, preterm birth coupled with vaccination was associated with an apparent synergistic increase in the odds of NDD.

>> No.15628422

>Great, so I can sue the government and big pharma for cash money?
In most countries the vacsneed contracts had complete immunity clauses (if you can even find them, in most they got sealed for at least 5 years)
You could theoretically sue the government and in some countries they do have refunds programs (iirc the argie one gave 5M argie pesos for permanent disability, about 10k us dollars currently)

>> No.15628439

But I don't have permanent disability. I'm completely fine. /pol/ told be I won't be around in 2030 and there was undeniable proof for it. If I'm really a dead man walking, I should be able to sue for compensation.

>> No.15628444

>I'm completely fine
who knows anon, lot's of young people suddenly die nowadays, just remember it can't be the vax

>> No.15628486

Yes. So please give me the documents that I can take to court to live my final moments doing coke and hookers.

>> No.15628531

>1,000s of healthy, young ATHLETES dying of BLOOD CLOTS
didn't happen

>> No.15628663
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x720, vaxd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it did

>> No.15628693

Happened before covid. Started to increase before the vaccine, indicating that Covid increases the risk.

>> No.15630384

>the way he briefly clutched his heart

>> No.15630472
File: 1.87 MB, 500x500, 1690920849324951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the Covid vaccine
>not the steroids.

Sure thing, buddy retard.

>> No.15630692

>steroid suddenlies are cohencidentaly exploding during the vaxx deployment
DAMN that's so wyrd.

>> No.15630938

ever heard of predictive programming? Probably not.
Damn, it sure is easy as hell to manipulate people.

>> No.15631021

>antivaxers are manlets
Doesn't surprise me

>> No.15631107

Don't you forget your booster, aight m8

>> No.15631125

>Don't you forget your booster, aight m8
Not an argument, is it?

You're not special for having refused the vaccine. You don't have special knowledge or some intuitive understanding of how the world works. You're a borderline narcissistic loser who's likely unemployed or was so during the lockdown and now has to compensate.

>> No.15631191
File: 57 KB, 331x564, 415354358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligence is the capacity to reach a correct conclusion on the basis of the information provided. The less information required to reach a correct conclusion, the higher the level of intelligence. This is why we describe minds like Newton or Galileo as high intelligences, because they proved their ability to reach correct conclusions on the basis of the same limited information provided to their intellectual inferiors. Whereas low intelligences are observably unable to reach correct conclusions even when all of the information required to do so is comprehensively provided to them.

>> No.15631274

>You don't have some intuitive understanding of how the world works.
pretty sure i do, nothing happening in the last few years suprised me while everyone i know is scratching their head pretty much constantly now
sucks to suck, i guess
>special knowledge
if you read something besides the news you pretty much qualify for it in the eyes of the general population sadly

>> No.15631512

You didn't engage with me and simply reinforced that you are indeed narcissistic.

>> No.15631590

Make sure to inject yourself with whatever the next [CURRENT THING] is, goylem filth.

>> No.15631736

i was replying to the statements made in the post but
>ever heard of predictive programming?
what's there to engage with? if anything it would be confirmation bias, which is always an option
there is already a proven causality between covid vaccination and myocarditis/pericarditis and those studies have pitiful time constraints while a boatload of studies going with covid infection as the culprit look at diagnoses which occurs at any point after infection, no constraints
and those that have the same observation time (a month or two, mostly) come out with comparable numbers to the studies looking at vaccination, or even lower ones

i think the real problem is the fact there really is no way to study the hypothesis either way
pharma vaccinated their control groups (lmao) and doing retrospective studies is pointless unless you have an adequate cohort of unvaccinated/no infection, vaccinated/no infection and how are you even going to test that?

>> No.15631805

>i was replying to the statements made in the post but
Then I must have mistaken you for the other.

You know. I don't care about correlation. I would like to see hard data. And if all your argumentation or someone else's rests on correlatory analyses, you inevitably will have a hard time really proving anything. If the mRNA vaccine causes myocarditis, it should not be too hard to find the corresponding biological markers including the process by which these muscles become inflammed or what not.
>pharma vaccinated their control groups (lmao) and doing retrospective studies is pointless unless you have an adequate cohort of unvaccinated/no infection, vaccinated/no infection and how are you even going to test that?
Partially. The other reason is that even if such studies are done, people either twist the results or deliberately ignore it.

All I can say is. I'm still waiting for the millions to die.

>> No.15631931

>All I can say is. I'm still waiting for the millions to die.
no, you're waiting for some kind of apocalypse which is never coming and wasn't even widely discussed on this site until those shitty pastas got spammed to no end
illness up
deaths up
and absolutely zilch from the people who could find no end talking about the pandemic to make a buck

>> No.15632064

The decade before the vaccine there were around 4,000,000 cases of measles every year and only around 200 deaths. Do the math yourself. The bad thing about measles is how contagious it is.

>> No.15632835

source please sir

>> No.15633647
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>> No.15635145

Just because there's a lawsuit for it, doesn't make it true. I could sue Microsoft because Windows gave me cancer, but doesn't mean Windows actually gives people cancer.

>> No.15635182
File: 1.62 MB, 1400x5444, ICENI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID was the self replicating AI and the vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the [Q]uantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable. Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.

>> No.15635419

2 characteristics that they always refrain from mentioning, age demographics and background illnesses.
last time i checked in my country the average was 80, i couldn't pull enough information about background illnesses

>> No.15635469

>Covid killed millions
>the very young
I bet you're a woman and disgustingly fat.

>> No.15635501

>spooky corpos played a roll in the development of the vaccine so vaccine bad!!!!
>Literally sub iq
Hey you got trump out, it worked, you don't have to try so hard not. Congrats, you won, in going to eat you for Thanksgiving in a few years, try to stay lean.

>> No.15635523

>Also, why do people with no academic experience in the medical field feel like they have the authority or capability to have a say in the matter
You sound like you need your lungs aerated

>> No.15635543

Not him, but they have openly admitted that they prioritize covid over any other cause of death

>> No.15635808

to flatten the curve?

>> No.15636005
File: 904 KB, 1732x7920, Excess mortality Europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>note that during the first year of the so-called epidemic there were no excess deaths and that excess deaths only commenced after the vax was rolled around at the start of 2021.
The two largest increases in excess mortality occurred *before* the start of mass vaccination. Also note that excess mortality shows a clear seasonal pattern that doesn't make sense if we assume that people die from vaccine-induced complications.

>> No.15636446

It's almost like anti-vaxxers are extremely dishonest with their 'evidence'

>> No.15637318
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>> No.15638463

aahhhh, surface level retards be at it
now, the red bars pic is from german study, it relates only to a certain age group, ill let u figure it out

now take your faggot ass back to euromomo and bring us the graphs for the relative age group
on the way there suck my cock, go boost and kys, u coprate protecting retard npc, i hope u choke

>> No.15639293
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>> No.15640021
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>> No.15640123

The shots were useless and you are a retard

>> No.15640733
File: 118 KB, 900x2316, 1674834220980546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there any evidence to support the claim that the Covid shot causes blood clots?

Wrong question.
Is there any evidence that vaccination has an positive impact on longeivity and all over health?

Vaccination has only benefit:
>Vaccination records are used to exclude a certain diagnosis label when a disease pattern occurs

If person is vaxxed the self fulfilling prophecy and Bias is used to exclude "covid", when a person has the same exact disease pattern as covid.
They simply then will skip covid in differntial diagnosis and say:
>its RSV or Flu or Mycoplasmosis or the Cold

As soon as the vaccine was deployed to 70% of the population they remembered everyone to suspect a different disease.
Before everything was covid.

All over morbidity and disease patterns are ignored.

Looking at adverse events does not matter.
All that matters is:
>does the vaccine have any benefit?
If the same amount of people get sick or die or even more, there is no benefit.

If the vaccine gets a damage control PR with "it protects from the coof but males suceptible to Flu, RSV etc." You are getting played

>> No.15640758
File: 160 KB, 915x2018, 1673854921247873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source fo this graphic?

Don't you find it really odd that the mass death all happened in week 17 everywhere?
If you look at the deathrates of april 2020...
>April 2020 death rate up then a sudden stop.... . - No Vaccine

but a shitton of midaolam...
In carehomes.
In 2020 they turned care homes into euthanasia camps with a new protocoll for the elderly...
> administering sedatives and opiates at the same time
Read the contraindications:

> leading to respiratory arrest
> and death
> counting it as "covid death" because it was respiratory

> introduce midazolam and morphine in care homes
> if person got sick
> immideatly put them onto death care



UK NHS caught using
to "mercy kill" vent patients and call them COVID19 deaths




They euthanized people in april in care homes with midazolam, fentany, doxamthazone and other opiates.
Labeled them as Covid deaths.
Used their deaths to scare the rest of the europe.

And wierdly it all happened in carehomes...

>> No.15640767

>Wrong question.
>Is there any evidence that vaccination has an positive impact on longeivity and all over health?
Classic /pol/tard.
>Claims x
>Gets questioned
>The question isn't whether x, but whether y!!!!
Kys, chuddie.

>> No.15640771

You have shown that you are an absolute retard and that it's a waste of time to read anything you wrote.

>> No.15640805

>vaccination is a science
It's no more a science than drugs manufacture. Chemistry and immunology are sciences. And whether everyone should get a vaccine/genetic material injection against every possible infectious disease is a policy question of cost/benefit where the rights to bodily integrity and to seek remedy in court for torts against specific product manufacturers should be taken into account.

>> No.15640973

>You keep saying the word "reasonable" without demonstrating any actual link. It's "reasonable" to do studies to try to find causal links if there are any, it's not "reasonable" to live in fear that that everything could cause you to contract autism with no basis.

Vaccines contain a lot of neurotoxins.
Vaccines can cause brain inflamations of various degrees.
Vaccines can cause epilepsie and HHEs.

Impairment and damage to the brain during infancy, will destroy the brain permanently.
All vaccines cause various agents that can enter the brain, such as Aluminium, neomycin, streptomycin, formaldehyde.
And all those agents are also enhanced with Polysorbate 80/20 which both increase cell permiability.

"Autism" is not a thing that is "contracted" it is simple brain damage.
Similar to how people become redarded after a stroke.
If a child gets brain inflamation the brain is damaged.
Aluminium works as a demyelination agent.



Aluminium neurotoxicity is not "autism causing" its causing neurological degeneration in all nerves.
Autism is only ONE effect.
It depends on where it goes and which nerves get damaged.
It can cause motoric problem, enteric nervoussystem, autonomous nervoussystem problems and cognitive problems.

It is diffuse because it is not like a "homing missle" it just damages nerves.
It can cause optical neuropathy aswell, it makes children fragile

>> No.15641019

>Autism is only ONE effect.
She still thinks that vaccines cause autism.

The charlatan who made up this claim retracted his paper and lost his medical license for fraud. Stop repeating his lies decades later.

>> No.15641054

>it's not "reasonable" to live in fear that that everything could cause you to contract autism with no basis
Nor is it reasonable to fear contracting a catastrophic case of an infectious disease so much that you throw out the window any analysis of probabilities of contracting infectious diseases and effectiveness/adverse reaction probabilities and of cost/benefit of measures against them. They're injecting infants against Hepatitis B, a vaccine never trialed against a control group, at this very moment. Inoculationist propaganda (read: cult induction) tacitly assumes that anyone not vaccinated, no matter the state of their immune system or behavioural profile will 100% certain contract a severe case of the disease vaccinated against (among other things).

>> No.15641148

>vaccines cause autism.
You are 100% right.
Vaccines DO NOT cause autism, 100% true.
Braindamage causes autism amongst other expressions of neurological and systemic damage.
And vaccines cause high fever, braindamage, encephalopathy, epilepsy and HHE

>> No.15641172

Journal of Translational Science is a predatory journal

>> No.15641177


>> No.15641179

You claim that vaccine causes brain damage. You also claim that brain damage causes (among other things) autism. If your claims were true, we'd find that vaccines cause (among other things) autism. But we don't find that. Why not?

>> No.15641190
File: 191 KB, 1280x973, 1609173614094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you weren't wrong, as much as i hate the word he's gaslighting you.

here's a chart from 2020 and i checked the data source myself when it was fresh - no idea if they've gone back and "corrected" it. if you go into news archives you'll also find the occasional article mystifying about the disappearance of the flu - something no one with a medical career was dumb enough to investigate too closely

>> No.15641192
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another example

>> No.15641197
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>> No.15641231
File: 1.35 MB, 744x2912, brain_damage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But we don't find that.
Oh yes we find that. We simply do not associete it with the vaccination schedule.
it got normalized.
Vaccination is a sacret cow. Even though they write these exact neurolocial reactions specifically in their product inserts.

>increase in mental illness

>increase in developmental "diseases" in children

>epilepsie is increasing

>epilepsie happens mostly in children
And it is increasing

Product insert as example for DTaP vaccine:

Adverse events:
Nervous system disorders
Convulsions: febrile convulsion, grand mal convulsion, partial seizures, HHE, hypotonia, somnolence, syncope

Product insert MMR vaccine

Adverse events Nervous system:
Nervous System
Encephalitis; encephalopathy; measles inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE) subacute sclerosing
panencephalitis (SSPE); Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS); acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM);
transverse myelitis; febrile convulsions; febrile convulsions or seizures; ataxia; polyneuritis;
polyneuropathy; ocular palsies; paresthesia; syncope.

Also remember seizures will only be declared as "epilepsie" if it is happening more then 2 times within a certain timeframe.


Around 2% to 20% of children with febrile seizures go on to develop epilepsy. And guess what "mild" adverse event is common in pediatric vaccinations:
> febrile convulsions or seizures

>> No.15641236

Anyone know if the 'ax have more clotting potential for cold-blooded creatures than warm-blooded ones?

>> No.15641287

>We simply do not associete it with the vaccination schedule.
So you are unable to provide a study that shows that autism is associated with the vaccine? Only general "today we have more spergs and more vaxx" correlation bullshit?

>> No.15641290
File: 110 KB, 450x608, 1689311294592623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it scientific to start believing in God after that woman comedian said "Jesus loved her the most" and collapsed on stage like immediately? Right after shilling for the 'rona 'vaxes'?

>> No.15641375
File: 283 KB, 1004x2158, measels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you are unable to provide a study that shows that autism is associated with the vaccine

Associated yes.
Caused by it: no:

the same goes for:
The premise of "vaccination".

We do not have causation between the finding of Pertussis bacteria and the disease pattern of "pertussis".

Mostly mild symptomatic or asymptomatic:

If the specific disease pattern occurs in less then 40% then there is no causality but only correlation.

They symptoms of "pertussis" are equal to bronchiolitis, mycoplasmosis, brochiospams and a simple cold.

So the alleged "agent of cause" cannot be even shown to be causal, but only "correlate".
But this is what is called "evidence based medicine", it can be bent into whatever you like.
If you have low correlation, you can still claim "causation".

And if you have high correlation, you can still claim "causation != correlation".
Medical science bends to the highest bidder.
And chronically diseased, and mentally downgraded children are customers for life for the medical system.
It appears to me you never even tried to see where THEY obtained their certainty, that for example:
>polio is caused by an virus
>pertusis by an bacteria
>Measles is caused by an virus

It's all the same correlation != causation you claim against the position of "vaccines cause harm".
Vaccines were never proven to be effective nor safe.
Best case scenario is "they do nothing" worst case is "they cripple infant" and average scenario is:
>they cause fevers, diahrrea, "mild seizures", rashes and pain in the child
>for the benefit of not getting a rash, fever and pain

Since the children are vaccinated with 2 months unable to verbalize, you can declare their crying as "psychiatric problem" and simply assume that it does not cry out of pain form fever.

>> No.15641595

They literally publish anything if you give them the money

>> No.15642131
File: 55 KB, 2048x1546, kIVPyW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MMR vaccine literally causes the same symptoms as getting the measles, only with the extra spicyness of getting a rare anaphylaxis or seizures.


>> No.15642149

>literally causes the same symptoms
You literally can't read.

>> No.15642197

Oh yeah the vaccine might only cause:
>cough, bronchitis
>high fever

Measels aditionally may cause
>runny nose

This very important sympotom apperently is not caused by the vaccine.
I changed my mind.
Thank you for noticing.

>> No.15642442


>> No.15642448

>probabilities are for nerds

>> No.15642480

How probable is it that a unvaccinated child contracts measles?
And if it contracts measels how probable is it that said symptoms may occur?

>> No.15642487

>herd immunity is for fags

>> No.15642533
File: 111 KB, 720x887, 1679525112846202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, yes.

>> No.15642643

Sure, but how would any of this relate to high-functioning autism instead of boogeyman autism which arguably might be brain damage?

You are, in essence, telling me that allof autism is caused by vaccines due to neuroinflammation while providing me with no study whatsoever that would show such inflammation.
>And if you have high correlation, you can still claim "causation != correlation".
>Medical science bends to the highest bidder.
No, not really. You're essentially trying to weasle out your way by saying that medicine doesn't involve hard biological data which it does. In other words, you're professing here right now a complete utter lack of medical knowledge.
>Since the children are vaccinated with 2 months unable to verbalize, you can declare their crying as "psychiatric problem" and simply assume that it does not cry out of pain form fever.
Fevers can be measured so where is that fever-autism link?

Ultimately, I'm also surprised at how much modern-day antivaxism rests on eugenicist rhetorics. 'Mentally down-graded', 'chronically diseased'.

>> No.15642659

It's only bad if they publish something other than the point he's trying to make. Anti-vaxxers also love shwoing you CDC-funded as long as it conveys their point while endorsing the claim that all other CDC-funded studies are fraudulent and broken. There is no point in genuinely arguing with them and I've come to the realization that a few of them are trolls, most of them actual idiots who've been recruited into a cult.

>> No.15644277

yes, fortunately there more and more dead vaxxxxies every day

>> No.15644684
File: 3.20 MB, 1636x1420, jonas_salk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fevers can be measured so where is that fever-autism link?
There is none.
I also never said fever causes autism.
I said seizures cause brain damage.
HHE and febrile seizures.

What you quoted means:
>You can hardly detect a febrile seizure in a child
If it starts cramping up an crying you simply declare it as "psychiatric symptom".

Because you can not ask a 2 month old infant:
>do you cry because of pain?

So you will not know if you child is feverish and has seizures and brain contractions which causes cluster headache.

They just tell you:
It just persistant incosolably crying for more than 3 hours.

So they assume and make you believe that your child has no pain, it just cries for no reason for multiple hours straight, until it is exhausted.


Seizures cause brain damage, with the literally known and by mainstream media accepted results:
>Uncontrolled seizures can also lead to memory, attention, and perception loss.

It fucks your brain up.
>Ultimately, I'm also surprised at how much modern-day antivaxism rests on eugenicist rhetorics. 'Mentally down-graded', 'chronically diseased'.

You know that the vaccination advocates were all Euginicists?
They hate the common men, they want to cripple them and feared overpoulation.
Jonas salk hated humans.
I have no problem with challanged people.
I feel nothing but compassion for them and I have pity for them because they simply got poisoned into never having a normal life, they will always have a disatvantage and a hard time navigating the world.
The euginicists failed. So they switchted to Dysgenics, they cripple the child before it can have normal childhood, so they removed all competition and create social burden to keep the common men and middle class busy with taking care of their loved ones.

>> No.15644689

>So you will not know if you child is feverish and has seizures and brain contractions which causes cluster headache.
Fever and seizures can be measured. If you were telling the truth, we could objectively verify it. No such studies exist, which tells me you're a lying piece of shit.

>> No.15644813
File: 162 KB, 1036x1688, sids_epilepsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fever and seizures can be measured. If you were telling the truth, we could objectively verify it. No such studies exist, which tells me you're a lying piece of shit.
Are you trying to tell me, that seizures do not cause braindamage?
I wonder why the neurological specialist talk about it so much?
I wonder why all the clinics and are talking about it.










Clinical infant seizures are associated with worse neurodevelopmental outcome, independent of the severity of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury.

Mostly happens between 1 months and 6 months.
Exactly when an infant receives 16 shots within a 4 months timespan, and sometimes multiple shots at the same time.
Autistic kids have a high prevalence of chronic reocuring epilepsy.
Also my claim is not only about "so called autism" its about all developmental and personality and sensory issues that children have if the brain is damages, children will have a hard time. Unable to focus or think clear.
The "le autism" umbrella term is used as a retarded branding to make people believe they are "sheldon" from "Big bang theory".
Autism is a PC term for learning disabled the "aspergers autism genious" is literally a meme to make you think in black and white terms: "either retard genious or normal, nothing in between".

>> No.15646526


>> No.15646567

somethings causing the autism, if its not vaccines then what is it?

>> No.15647291


>> No.15647297

not an argument, faggot

>> No.15647428

This is great information, thanks.

>> No.15647821
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>> No.15647826

>diagnosed with
And how many people died of cancer or Covid?

>> No.15647923
File: 148 KB, 516x1280, vax cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15647932

Are you obsessed or a bot?

>> No.15647938

I genuinely can't tell if this article is satire, this is on the same level as "study shows the deaf much less likely to suffer hearing loss"

>> No.15647983
File: 813 KB, 840x3344, spray_Medicinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was polio and when did it happen?
I started in the 1900s and ended suddenly in 1955.

Up until 1955 polio could be diagnosed anytime when a child had fever in the summer or pain or stiffness or cramping in a limb for 24h.
After 1955 the diagnosis criteria for polio changed to: 60 days of persistent paralysis.
This change of criteria alone is responsible for the sudden decrease of polio.

But some amount of sickness phenomenon related to the nerves still happened.
for that question, we have to take a look into what coincided with the atypical increase of summer diseases in general during this time period.

In an attempt to reduce the amount of insects in the world and annoying the people, the biochemists and petrochemical investors worked together on a health plan: Spray them down with all we have.
So they started with: Lead Arsenate pesticides (PbHAsO4)
Later on they added: Paris green (copper(II) acetoarsenite Cu(C2H3O2)2·3Cu(AsO2)2)
Paris Green, or copper acetoarsenite, is a highly toxic powder that was commonly used in the 19th century as a pesticide and a pigment for paint, fabric dye, and fireworks.
Arsenics are Neurotoxins and very harmfull (thats why they are banned now)

After the people connected some dots of disease patterns after late summer sprayings, they switched their strategy to DDT, BHC & Kerosine sprayings.
And DDT and BHC are also neurotoxins.

Children got sprayed specifically.
All this shit.
All neurotoxins

>> No.15648153
File: 30 KB, 420x294, 1401235551520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somethings causing the autism, if its not vaccines then what is it?
Vaccines do not cause autism.
Nervous system and brain damage causes autism.
What causes brain damage?
Seizures such as epilepsy and febrile seizures.
What causes Seizures, and febrile seizures?

Vaccines do not cause autism.
Vaccines cause neurological reactions, which can cause longterm effects like developmental and behavioral problems which are collected under the umbrella term "Autism".

>> No.15648159

>Vaccines do not cause autism.
>Nervous system and brain damage causes autism.
>What causes brain damage?
>Seizures such as epilepsy and febrile seizures.
>What causes Seizures, and febrile seizures?

Stab wounds don't cause death.
What causes severe death?
Severe blood loss among other things.
What causes severe blood loss?
Holes in your body.
What causes holes in your body?

Just at least be so honest and summarise your beliefs as "vaccines cause autism via brain damage and seizures". It's still wrong, but no need to be such a retard about it.

>> No.15648179

Why wasting time on a glownigger owned site with prayer milling? Combine it with Big Bang and Quantum theories to the unified formula of absolute and total bullshit science nowadays is and you have at least a little fun.

>> No.15648247

>Stab wounds don't cause death.
Is right, because you can survice stab wounds.

The argumentation pattern is wrong.
Stab wounds may cause death.
But do not always cause death.
You can even survive a stabwound without permanent damage.

Does it make stabbing safe and effective?

Same goes for vaccines.
Vaccines have scientifically provable benefit.
In the worst best case child gets a little fever and some "immune reaction" inflamation.
In the worst case it dies due to accumulation of adverse events.
But most of the time: it just gets damages for no beneficial reason at all.

Wait. It is beneficial if the child gets sick a lot or even gets a chronic disease.
It creates social burden and a lot of medical visitis which makes money, and ensures that the common men will never become a competition for the ruling elite.
It's giving them a handicap while they even have to pay for beeing handicapped.
They have to pay with money, time and life quality.
A sick child is the most beneficial thing that can happen for the Ruling class and the pharmaceutical industry, because parents would do everything to help their child.
They use the love and compassion of the parents.
But dead child does not have a benefit, but a crippled or chronically ill child...
man there is so much money to drain.
I admire them to be honest.
It's such a amazingly evil scheme it is disgusting and astonishing at the same time.
Like a train accident.

>> No.15648567

>Autistic kids have a high prevalence of chronic reocuring epilepsy.
Rate of epilepsy directly correlates with severity of intellectual dysfunction. Normally intelligent 'autistics' have a rate of epilepsy equal to the one found in the population at large.
>Also my claim is not only about "so called autism" its about all developmental and personality and sensory issues that children have if the brain is damages, children will have a hard time. Unable to focus or think clear.
I would probably go along with it, for the sake of academic integrity, if you would have said that vaccine side effects could cause some of the behavioral issues subsumed under 'autism' or any other label. Autism is a bullshit diagnosis/label, I'll give you that.
>Autism is a PC term for learning disabled the "aspergers autism genious" is literally a meme to make you think in black and white terms: "either retard genious or normal, nothing in between".
Yes, but then weirdly enough, it's the anti-vaxxers who convinced us that autism was all around us. I don't see the epidemic of mentally retarded epileptic kids who are flooding our schools. What I see is an epidemic of normally intelligent people who're told they're autistic or have ADHD. And weirdly enough, starting with Selz over Bob Wright to Trump, what have all these anti-vaxxers in common? They invested money in autism services and real estate hedge funds who lease rooms to autism service providers.

>> No.15648577

>It creates social burden and a lot of medical visitis which makes money, and ensures that the common men will never become a competition for the ruling elite.
As opposed to wage theft, nepotism or the many other ways how the common men is excluded from competition?
>But dead child does not have a benefit, but a crippled or chronically ill child...
>man there is so much money to drain.
If everyone is crippled and chronically ill, where would they get the money from? It's not really working out. In essence, you are telling me that a secret group, an elite, is interested in reducing overall productivity and thus the supply of surplus money which they can feed on because that's how they get more money? Ever heard of overdiagnosis? Why bother inducing more disorders in people when you can just convince them that there's something wrong with them? You are effectively excusing the medical profession from promoting disease-mongering by making it look like that the medical profession got it right about all their diagnoses and that some evil corporation that so happens to be immune to any legal repercussions is responsible for all that? Looks to me like a conspiracy theory specifically set up to convince everyone that 1. people are getting sick and need more medical services and 2. that there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.15648618
File: 285 KB, 1080x1415, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can climate change really?

>> No.15648650
File: 694 KB, 736x794, RF_Glow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, but then weirdly enough, it's the anti-vaxxers who convinced us that autism was all around us. I don't see the epidemic of mentally retarded epileptic kids who are flooding our schools. What I see is an epidemic of normally intelligent people who're told they're autistic or have ADHD. And weirdly enough, starting with Selz over Bob Wright to Trump, what have all these anti-vaxxers in common?

Let me tell you exactly what they have in common:
They want to have a "letter of indulgence".
These fucking retarded antivaxx-moms did one thing right, they understood that their child bacame harmed by the vaccines, but then they fall into the next retarded trap, sucking RFKs dick because they want to absolve them for their naivity and guilt of harming their own child.
And subsequently by this dumb idolworship of a fucking kennedy who looks like a dildo and sounds like a vibrator, they spew impulsive emotional fear based bullshit which opens the floodgates for ridicule.
>Muh autism
>muh RFK hero
>take my money
He does not do anything he talks about "making vaccines safe" but effectively does nothing.
They pay him so they they do not proactively look into the "science" they pay their guilt away and spew dumb shit on Facebook.

The Antivaxxer movement is the PR-wise most harmfull thing that happened to the Critique movement against the medical establishment.
Yes I am against coercing people into ANY medical intervention, without question.
And therefore I am against vaccination, but the "Antivax movement" is beyond rescue and they mostly fall for every misdirection and psyop like the did fall for "safe and effective" in the first place.

>> No.15648662

>These fucking retarded antivaxx-moms did one thing right, they understood that their child bacame harmed by the vaccines
Maybe. Well. Retarded moms which there are many, probably the majority, eat up any shit so there's that. You can find vaccine damages in every child if you just look hard enough. That 99° fever my baby got? Vaccine damage. There are genuine vaccine damage cases though and the movement effectively did prevent latter from being discussed in a genuine way. More importantly, the controversy spilt into other parts of medicine.
>The Antivaxxer movement is the PR-wise most harmfull thing that happened to the Critique movement against the medical establishment.

Yes, I know that RFK Jr. is controlled opposition and that the whole modern-day antivax movement is probably little more than an elaborately devised PR stunt. Would explain why it started with the mass media and then only later on switched to some of the more prestigious conspiracy media formats including Alex Jones. There's that... What are you going to do about it?

>> No.15648668
File: 70 KB, 600x486, 1680700547636992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If everyone is crippled and chronically ill, where would they get the money from? It's not really working out.

Let me define chronically "ill" for you.
Ill enough to be dependent on the system (asthma, epilepsy, MS, allergies, Autoimmune disorders, GI-Disorders etc.)
But not dead.
Some middle class families are undesirable so you make sure to cripple their children so much, that they will never have the capacity to procreate again, they die, you retrieve their property and euthanize the retarded child later in a care home.

But the rest, oversentive and allergic to everything golems, they will find no friends, have hard times to have fun, cannot travel hence their lifes will be shitty, and they will either become online meme Warriors by finding the only community who accepts them the Globohomos.
And the other social outcasts, are the perfect working slaves.

It's not only "AUTISM" shit like ADHD and depression and anxiety disorders...
You just make them addicts with behaviour forming meds and you will enter Aldus huxles Brave new world.

> Looks to me like a conspiracy theory specifically set up to convince everyone that 1. people are getting sick and need more medical services and 2. that there's nothing you can do about it.
And yes thats exactly right!
You get it, because the thing is, if someone is sick: The seek the doc even though they harmed them.
It is a retardese psyop.
Do a little harm then convince helicopter parents their child is sicker that it seems and meds it is.
Also the "nutraceuticals".
"Detox form the vax by consooming more product"
They have everyone by the balls.
And all they want is a scheme in which everyone gets and agrees to a yearly shot.
But they desire "personalized medicine" meaning: Good needle (saline) for the good noodle and bad neelde for the bad noodle.
Get a little harmed when you are young, then work then get harmed more when you are out of use when approx 35.
All controlled by a yearly shot.

>> No.15648672

>What are you going to do about it?
Just say no.
All that has to be done.
Just simply say no.

>> No.15649853

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein causes blood coagulation and thrombosis by competitive binding to heparan sulfate
If we look at Jackson’s Burn Model closely, we can see that

>> No.15650134


>> No.15650233
File: 111 KB, 680x411, DU_-FRaWsAAc2Wx (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months Sept Nov 2023 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.

>> No.15650237
File: 154 KB, 965x1024, glowflats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15650623


>> No.15651420
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>> No.15651422
File: 1.75 MB, 3990x1801, poliofrompoliovaccinehonkhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15651423
File: 1.70 MB, 3057x2730, poliovaccinespreadspolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15651425
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>> No.15652436

yes, lots

>> No.15652501

just another variable, very one more probable cause of the alarming rise in autism these past couple decade... it's getting bad

>> No.15652545

if you only knew how dark...
>Sedation and opioid use should not be withheld because of fear of causing respiratory depression

>> No.15653564
File: 728 KB, 1x1, SSRN-id4496137.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15654027

The only good glowie is the glowie roasted alive.

>> No.15654046
File: 79 KB, 960x930, genderclimate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem are soientists farts causing climate change, therefore the solution is to sacrifice as many soientist as possible.

>> No.15654445

This is a shill bot. It posts on other boards. Earth is scientifically proven to not be a globe so it mixes it up with qanon and everything else.

>> No.15654448
File: 614 KB, 1366x768, itsalifesavingvaccinenevergoingtotakeitbtw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15655411

vaxxxies are low iq, thats why they're being poisoned to death

>> No.15655416

Why are we still alive then? Two more weeks?

>> No.15656482

You sound fucking autistic

>> No.15656486
File: 55 KB, 640x880, 3252343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just look for articles about tens of millions of people dropping dead from unexplained blood clots.
I literally can't now that they've all been explained by climate change, supplements, exercise, smoking marijuana and shaking your duvet too hard.

>> No.15656493

dont forget the cancers

are vaxxoids even human?

>> No.15656782

also eating eggs, not eating eggs and cooking eggs on gas stoves (followed by either eating or not eating them)

>> No.15657192

So what's the actual verdict? How much time do I have left? I got shilled into taking the vax so I can go to parties and have gay intercourses.

>> No.15657496
File: 102 KB, 750x507, eggs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15657510

The amount of retards seething over this post is good shit anon. Thank you.

>> No.15657518

You've only got about 69 days to live anon. Sorry anon.

>> No.15657647
File: 109 KB, 1035x436, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't Google

>> No.15658302
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>> No.15659498
File: 228 KB, 1067x1170, SV40 causes cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15661163 [DELETED] 

yes, lots.

>> No.15661205

I only have one example. But my mom got all the required shot and every suggested booster, following all the popular suggestions. A year later and she developed blood clots for the first time in her life.
I never got any shots and no blood clots, but also I am much younger.

>> No.15661509

You obviously gave her second-hand COVID 19 you monster.
If you had vaccinated, she would be a O.K.
This is your fau damn i can't continue, just the thought that there's braindead cattle out there that genuinely would believe that make me sad.

>> No.15662225
File: 32 KB, 477x301, vaxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15662532
File: 255 KB, 984x1584, changes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me elaborate the following problem to you.
All goes with the following assumptions:
>all vaccine doses are uniform and the same
This is not true.
All vaccines have a huge "tolerance" of PH.
To be exact, there is a tolerance of 1 PH on the scale.
Which is a tenfold difference of the hydronium ion concentration in the "solution" of the shot.
Which means: sometimes it's more chemically reactive sometimes less.
Sometimes its more acidic sometimes less.
There is more of one stuff in it and less of the other ones.
Everyone gets a different amount of shit in the shot. Do you understand?
Also there were 4 brands of injections, which also allowed for variability of the shit people got.
So moderna, biontech, astrazeneca, J&J.
All have different compositions.
Not only that but during the "Marked usage" they did post market changes during the pandemic.
They changed the formulation of the biontech vaccine multiple times.

The endgoal is described here:

>> No.15662545

The schizos really came out of the woodworks for this one huh

>> No.15662552

The vaccines were rushed out by big corporations to make money. Obviously we are getting the results of their negligence. It’s not some Jewish population control plan

>> No.15662566
File: 224 KB, 897x531, 1662493510556359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously we are getting the results of their negligence
Why are people so obsessed with jewish people?

It has nothing to do with religion.
Its all about removal of the middle class

>> No.15662570

Jews are tightly knit and use a lot of Nepotism to get into power. People see this and think they rule the world. Oversimplifying it but you get the idea.

>> No.15663131

You're emotionally overinvested in this. It's not healthy. Stop it.

>> No.15663663

>Which means: sometimes it's more chemically reactive sometimes less
Retard over here hasn't understood what pH means (also noticeable by him writing it as PH and saying that something has a tolerance of 1 PH).
>schizo doesn't understand middle school chemistry
Quelle surprise

>> No.15663680

IF you THINK you can THINK about the VACCINE being potentially HARMFUL then YOU are a DISASTER and THERE must be LAWS to LOCK YOU UP because you DESERVE IT

>> No.15664527

>oy vey stop noticing

>> No.15664626

PH is the hydrogen ion conentration in the liquid of the vaccines.
Hydrogen Ions make the reactions, ionized material is the reason why acids and based react in the first place.
1 PH on the scal is a tenfold.

a solution with a pH of 6 contains 10^-6mol/l of hydrogen ions, while the solution with a pH of 7 contains 10^-7mol/l of hydrogen ions.
That is a tenfold difference.
Are you dumb or pretend to not know what PH means?

>> No.15665082

Jews are an organized crime gang and the Rothschilds are the kingpins

>> No.15665657
File: 68 KB, 676x756, PHVariance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also noticeable by him writing it as PH and saying that something has a tolerance of 1 PH



>> No.15666878

good video

>> No.15667979

>It’s not some Jewish population control plan
sure, it was just an accident, completely forgivable, pure coincidence

>> No.15668280

Yes, a pure cohencidence.

>> No.15668321
File: 69 KB, 1008x756, 1692177800326854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15669247

There is also a lot of media that is just privately owned by various billionaires. Bezos owns the Washington Post, there aren't any shareholders, but Bezos is beholden to his wealthier Rothschild banking masters, so Blackrock, etc. may as well own WaPo, but they can control it through Bezos so it doesn't make a difference. Doing it that way creates the false appearance of an independent media that in reality does not exist.

>> No.15669677

>Doing it that way creates the false appearance of an independent media that in reality does not exist.
Which begs the question whether or not all these free social media sites that are popping up everywhere are little more than decoys. Gab, TruthSocial, BitChute? Maintaining any form of meaningful social media platform essentially forces you into accepting the conditions set up by a small number of syndicates.

I've originally also believed that all the talk about the questionable lockdown and the covid vaccine side effects were the result of people openly questioning the 'science' and the motives of our government. But I've increasingly come to regard both matters as instances of very overt brainwashing. In other words, we're meant to think that way, that the vaccine is hurting us and that the science is corrupt. The fact that this all plays out so surprisingly similar to what we've seen in the case of Trump back in 2016 is telling.

Again and I've mentioend that twice in this thread already. Do you genuinely believe that RFK Jr. is in any way going to reform the American system? That glowie who's been on Epstein's island a dozen times and who's in bed with tons of businessmen, among which include weird figures such as representatives of scientology and billionaire philanthropist Selz?

>> No.15669726
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Why would we totally shut down food production and cause global famine? Is autism more commonly found in agricultural areas or urban ones? Do other countries see similar rates?

Use your brain before you ask the internet what you should tell the other people on the internet.

>> No.15669734

>Use your brain before you ask the internet what you should tell the other people on the internet.
Why do people subscribe to these totally biological and deterministic accounts of autism when they usually don't do that for other diagnoses?

Even if accounting for environmental risk factors, it's not that hard to see that psychosocial issues can and probably have an impact too. That really is the main question that pops up when reading such discussions. It's assumed, with no further proof provided, that all of autism is purely biological despite there being no biomarkers for autism. This professes a surprising naivety in psychiatrists getting things right which is counter to the idea of the medical industry being all corrupt and broken. Looks to me like a lot of it is just about eugenics.

>> No.15669748
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It isn’t and you’re a retard for thinking it is

>> No.15669878

>Blind obedience is better than blind disobedience

>> No.15670264

presuming that people who have announced that they want to reduce the human population are trying to murder you is entirely rational, shlomo

>> No.15670722

aren't guys like you the first one to announce how we have to get africa's and asia's overpopulation problem under control? What's up with conspiracytards and all that projection? It's weird enough that all the alt-rightists are now anti-vaxxers.

>> No.15670769
File: 119 KB, 1160x770, 5d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alt righters
>africa haters
>only left and right
>nothing in between
>there is only left and right
>left or right
>if you like a thing a that is right, everything about the right applies to you
>same for left
>all or nothing
>no grey
>you have to participate in the left-right meme
>because of reasons

Fucking false binary-tards...

>> No.15670810

have you ever observed a baby before and after getting a bunch of vaccines? you can literally see their eyes become autistic lol

>> No.15670914

>Fucking false binary-tards...
Isn't it hypocritical to say "Muh white genocide" but then advocate for genocide of blacks?
Of course, talking to an obvious troll who keeps spamming the board with low-quality /pol/ shit is just wasted time but still.
>have you ever observed a baby before and after getting a bunch of vaccines?
> you can literally see their eyes become autistic lol
Retard moment. Why aren't we all autistic then you dumbfuck when 95 % of all people are vaccinated?

>> No.15671056

how does that even work?

>> No.15671059

its when the soul leaves the body. that's when the eyes become lifeless.

It's a joke but there are mothers and not to spare who genuinely believe that crap.

>> No.15671179
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>> No.15671256

B-b-but here's an article from 2017 about a teenage athlete dropping dead!!!11

>> No.15672438

>t. emotionally triggered vaxxxxxie

>> No.15672659

So why did teenagers drop dead before the vaccine? Why didn’t billions drop dead after the vaccine?

>> No.15672668
File: 142 KB, 910x1672, old_vaxxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the same retarded reasons.
All vaccines are similarly toxic.
>But why did I never noticed?
Because of a simple reason, nobody ever associated wierd illnesses with vaccines.
Now all eyes were on the coof vaccines.

And who gets vaccinated the most?
So betwee the age of 0-15 months the modern human gets to most vaccines.
And guess what is normalized in children now?
>Brain inflamation

And it is all normalized.
Go read the product inserts.
When your infant is 2 months old it recieves multiple vaccines.
And guess at which age the highest incidence of SIDS is?
>2-4 months
Wierd right?

So what happened it got normalized, and if a child has all of a sudden wierd paralysis, speech and developmental delays doctors say:
"It was broken from the beginning".
They vaccinate the children before they can even give an real assesment of their health and development.
Now how did covid vax spark this attention?
>formaly adult humans get suddenly realy wierdly sick
If it is normalized it is not a anomaly.
Even teens having "mycarditis" and shit was already normalized.
Do you get it ?
The other vaccines get so rarely vaxxed into adults that they have a easy deniablity when it happens because the only frequently vaxxed adults are: Doctors, teaches and people who travel
>what can you say here?
>they got infected on their job sight with a [insert meme] or drunk water in [distant country]
So plausible denyability. Do you get the gravity of this?
ALL vaccine damages before the covid vax are easily denyable.

The only other time (as you also can see by frequency of lawsuits) is the Gardasil vaccine, because teen girls got the shot and then were hurt very bad up until to death or full paralysis.
It is only visible if you have a defintive before and after and nor option of plausible denyability.
> Picrel to also demonstrate the example with myocarditis before coof

>> No.15672674

Why is life expectancy rising despite all the vaccines?

>> No.15672682

all I'm seeing here is that americans are mentally ill and eat like shit, which is nothing new. bring some actual news next time.

>> No.15672701

It's like that other thread
>less than xy% of Americans trust in science
That's the one place on Earth where all aliens land. American exceptionalism is just that Americans are exceptionally dumb.

>> No.15672712
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>Why is life expectancy rising despite all the vaccines?

Why is the amount of autoimmune diseases, chronic medications, chronic inflamatory diseases, degenerative neurological diseases, juvenile type 1 autoimmine diabetis, and allergies which require an epi pen rising?

They do not want to kill you.
I they want to make you sick.
Also life expectancy is rising since WWII because of the absence of a war and increase of prosperity.
They mass vaxxing of children gained massive momentum only in the 1990s.
The generations before have good life expectancy, because they do not recived 72 doses of vaccines before they turned 18.

Millenials and gen Z are the most vaxxed generations and also the most fragile, most allergic, most food intollerant and psychologically challnged generations.

Most people I know that are younger than 35 have all sorts of allergies and wierd ailments that typically only 70 years get.
Like heart problems. Clotting blood pressure issues, histamine intollerance, crohns disease, ceiliac disease, MS, chronic fatigue, unexplainable panic attacks.
Nobody is healthy now.
At least one type of allergy.

And all of this shit can be caused by adjuvants of vaccines.

>> No.15672898
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>trust in science
You don't need to trust in something that is acutally scientific.
If it is only meme number crunching with unexplained and retarded exclusion and "standartisation" criteria, that it is deception.
Also we have a reproduction crisis and a retarded bias with the Peer review method, which ironically never was scientifically proven to be beneficial.
The funding dependent research is corrupt to the core.
Even when data does not show any benefit or even fulfills the initial hypothesis, they literally ignore it and write in the conclusions shit like:
>even though data shows nothing
>there may still be the hypothesis fulfilled and further research needs to be done

Meds that provable cause problems still get approved without any benefit shown.
The clinical endpoint is irrelevant.
With meds it is all about "we gave meds, patient still as sick as before, but quasi correlating lab parameter is better, and it only causes sometimes brain bleeds or deaths"

>> No.15672912
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if you only knew how bad things really are

>> No.15672917

we should have been able to project this when p hacking studies became approved practice

or maybe when we let niggers into university

this is the obvious conclusion to either

>> No.15672922

if the vaccine is not a killshot, the government can begin openly talking about the death rate from the vaccine, the prion membranes in damaged cells, the protein misfolding, the DNA transfection, the TRIPLE stop codons written into the vaccine, the misreading from pseudouridine, the rise in heart attacks, the rise in cancers, the rise in neurodegeneration

its a fucking kill shot you nigger

>> No.15672961

Jews, women, indians, asians.
Niggers are too retarded to make credible-at-first-glance studies.

>> No.15673694

>with the Peer review method, which ironically never was scientifically proven to be beneficial.
peer review has been demonstrated to be nonfunctional and unscientific many, many times

>> No.15673953
File: 56 KB, 1024x973, The_Scientific_Method.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My man, peer review is having a initial paper or study be verified and even reproduced by at least N other scientists. Usually more than 3 I think?

May I ask, where's your proof for that?

Sure, one could say acamedia is full of shit. That one is right, because everyone there is running for funding, and that universities push their PhD and MhD students to make as many publications as possible to higher up their university ranking.

What does "TRUST THE SCIENCE:tm:".

Does it mean to believe everything that is published by media, that's oversimplified and even wrong because journalists and writers are utter fucking retards, or to apply the scientific method?

First of all, do you even know how the scientific method works?

CAN YOU observe the difference between "SCIENCE" and the *scientific method*? (picture is related)

Even worse, it is impossible for plebs like us to apply the scientific method because we're not in the medical field, nor do any of us have any equipment.

I personally don't believe the vaccine is a killshot, nor it was intended to be a killshot.

Sure, a schizo /pol/ poster might think that covid + coovid vaccines taking out people that were either diabetic, obese, already had heart issues, cancer, (you name it) could increase the economy because they don't provide labour force.

Do you think all of this pandemic was created to eliminate useless and/or disabled people?

Consider also the fact that the overlords TM of this earth would want as many people as possible to keep consooming.

While trying to research this, I have found that Covid vaccines can cause blood clots, BUT THESE ARE RARE SIDE EFFECTS. Also Covid itself will provoke ton more issues like the blood clots that were being discussed here.



>> No.15674010


(Continuing from the latest post)
> What does "TRUST THE SCIENCE:tm:".
I meant
> What does "TRUST THE SCIENCE" actually mean?

I also, as a newfag, I linked the wrong post.I might be a retard. OOF

>> No.15674850
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>peer review is having a initial paper or study be verified and even reproduced by at least N other scientists. Usually more than 3 I think?

>> No.15675527
File: 301 KB, 600x536, 1629347904907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My man, peer review is having a initial paper or study be verified and even reproduced by at least N other scientists. Usually more than 3 I think?

Do you really believe this?

Peer review process, was never scientifically verified to be of benefit.
Which is a kekistrophic paradox.


"we have little evidence on the effectiveness of peer review, but we have considerable evidence on its defects. In addition to being poor at detecting gross defects and almost useless for detecting fraud it is slow, expensive, profligate of academic time, highly subjective, something of a lottery, prone to bias, and easily abused."

"There are several ways to abuse the process of peer review. You can steal ideas and present them as your own, or produce an unjustly harsh review to block or at least slow down the publication of the ideas of a competitor. These have all happened. Drummond Rennie tells the story of a paper he sent, when deputy editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, for review to Vijay Soman.9 Having produced a critical review of the paper, Soman copied some of the paragraphs and submitted it to another journal, the American Journal of Medicine."

Here is an example of two reviewers commenting on the same papers.
-Reviewer A: `I found this paper an extremely muddled paper with a large number of deficits'
-Reviewer B: `It is written in a clear style and would be understood by any reader'.

"peer review" and "conspiracy" are synonymous terms, since it's establishment.
Not only is it a tool for enabaling conspiracy, but also it allows shitty researchers, to shut down any research contrary to their opinion, just because of ego problems.
It's a "big boys club".

>> No.15676095

None of you have ever published a paper.

>> No.15676222


You're right, I never did.

>> No.15676625


>> No.15676776
File: 21 KB, 112x112, sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I started in the 1900s
p-polio... is that you?

>> No.15676777

Don't be antisemitic.

>> No.15676783
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>> No.15676789
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>> No.15676791

>University in Mississippi disapproves of vaccines
Really surprising. Wonder who they took funding from?
> generation rescue and childrens medical safety research institute
Oh wow they took funding from two antivax organizations.
Take this paper with a pound of salt, folks.

>> No.15676796
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>> No.15676803
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what are your thoughts on these data? I know you are a shill but this is just so others can learn. What is your explanation or will you ignore?


>> No.15676913

Forced injections on a global scale that cause significant harm to childre isnt worth getting invested in?

>> No.15676919

This is a thread about covid vax and the jews who harmed all people. Youre trying to muddy the waters now that you cant argue the central point.

>ha theyre just racist hypocrites so what they say doesnt matter

>> No.15676923

>cant debate the main topic, resorts to personal attacks

>> No.15676935

>Even worse, it is impossible for plebs like us to apply the scientific method because we're not in the medical field, nor do any of us have any equipment.

You cant do experiments, youre not a ScienceMan!

>> No.15677036

Oh well.

I do. It's supposed to work though, too bad apparently academia is this full of shit.

How unfortunate :(

>> No.15677817


It's from the roids, moran


>> No.15678196

Roids make your muscles stronger, that includes the heart muscle.